The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, July 31, 1925, Page 1, Image 1

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i i '
One Escapes Jail Term; An
other Gets 10 Days; Third'
CasiB Transferred
Three Others Active In Field;
Rumors of "Trace Be
ing Circulated.
bench Warrant needed
MADISON, Wis.. 'July 30. (By
Associated Press.) Formal an
nouncement of his candidacy to
succeed his father in the United
States senate was made today by
Robert M. La Follette. Jr.. 30
State Prohibition- Commis
sioner to Answer Secret
Indictment Return
Open Bidding Benefits the State,
Pierce Explains; Agreement
Is Held Unwise
Large Revenue Lost by Smuggling
of Merchandise; Aliens
Also Seat In
Southern Pacific Planning
Development ot bouthern
Oregon Fields -
Because the present status of
I the textbook contracts demands
Altai 1 a nf-ai a. r0mr I ImmaHtala nnlriprn t ion. Cover-
10 o'clock Monday morning. The snsc smugglers aiong tne nor
WASHINGTON, July 30. (By
Associated Press.) Assistant Sec-
etary Andrews of the treasury THREE LINES COMBINE
today began repairing the fences
John Gnyi May Avoid Trial;, Three years old, ; the elder son of the late ReTolTer Takett Uqnor Raid meeting, will be held at the sUte them border of the United States.
As a first step he authorized the
Charges Placed Against
Bilverton Resident In
Justice Court
Further, results of the deficit in
funds for the maintenance of the
progressive leader.
There are three other candi
dates 'actively in the field and a
convention of the republicans op
posed to the late senator Is to be
! held at Oshkosh shortly to name
a ; candidate to run against La
Follette's son.
Governor John J. Blaine' has
on Mexican Is Basis of
Action Which Comes
as Big Surprise
Southern Pacific Takes Interest in
Strahorn and Nevada-Call-
fomla -Oregon .Trans
portatlon Systems
William S. Levens, state " pro
hibition commissioner, left j for
Klamath j Falls last night tolob-
...... i i. . i j i uorvruur jui
c!tfl w" annoracei that a special election tal a attorney and to post bail
one case; ol a: man, cnargeo witn to tin tne Tacancy wm De held" followlng the return of a . secret
driving his,, car 1 while Intoxicated thj f n - indictment ;. jalnst him and L. L.
was transi,erreu o yuv juu;o Thn other threa fhuhmm MCBrioe.! mate agent, wno are
court and a second man charged Former Governor Francis E. Mc-1 cnarg:e1 ilh the larceny of a re
wtth the same offense was per- p.nv t MtiwnnVoo- t t wu Tolver from a Mexican following
cox of Ean Claire and Arthur Honor r?iid about two weeks ago
Barrr of Milwaukee. Two rther ' When Mr. Levens was informed
have announced that thev would I of tne indictment he was very
be candidates for the nomination much surprised and was in Ignor-
before' the- Oshkosh convention. I ance OI ,l purport until he com
McGovern formerly was a Iia Fol- wunIcated with Acting District At
lette follower, but a convention 1 torney Jones, who supplied ! the
dispute resulted in a break be-information that it was for lar-
tween them Vmrnir T.a TPnrtat'. eeny irom a dwelling, giving no
driving, whfle intoxicated, and pos- brIef announcementi of hla cand. other details. ;
session of liquor. He was not awe i daev ' in ddifinn tA .m in. Ma I t Checkirig back upon various
to pos ball following Tils arrest candidacy, said "only that he would events of his recent visit to Klam
Saturday night and has since been iS8ae; a- statement "in a -short atn Falls' Mr Levens recollected
mltted to i forfeit bail of ' $100
without appearance! in i court.
' Ray Able pt Silverton is the
man who' must face trial before
Judge I Brazier j Small, in Justice
j court as the result of the transfer
j of his case from police court juris
diction. Three charges are pend-
' log against him t reckless driving.
Contracts for two-thirds of the 1 appointment of more than 100 adr
textbooks. In use for the past six J ditlonal customs inspectors to be
years have expired, according to assigned between : the - Atlantic
J. A. Churchill, state school super- seaboard and the western line of
intendent, and the publishers re- North Dakota,
fuse to renew the contracts at the : Convinced that the federal gov
old prices as was contemplated in ernment is losing from ten to fif
the passage-of the. textbook law teen million dollars annually in
two years ago. In correspondence revenue as a result of customs
with the publishers. Superintend-1 evasion, the assistant secretary has
ent enurenm nas aavisea me govriset about developing oi a program and northern California were de
ernor that the publishers promise,! with whlch-he hopes to - combat J tailed by Paul Shou p. executive
it tneir doors are coniinuea in ns me smugglers, or mercnanaise, live trice president, in a statement ad
Tor the next two years, tney win i stock, dairy ana otner rann prod-1 dressed to the chamber of com
not sell them at any higher prices j nets, as well as liquor, narcotics J merce, made public here tonight
than they are charging any other! and aliens. Orders authorising I Mr. Shoup said-that there had
siaie wnere mey nave regular cuu-1 uo increases u ; prounei oui io-1 been a number of requests to
30. (By Associated Press.)-
Plans - for the development of
transportation facilities by the
I Southern Pacific company in
Klamath Falls, southern Oregon
Business of SUte Win Rmt Be-1
tween 3 end 4 o'clock
; This Afternooa
Features of William Jennings
Bryar Are Wrapped In
Calm Dignity-
Citizens of Oregon . are called
nVtnn W flnvernar Pierre tn lav
aside business affairs. during the LEADER. IS EULOGIZED
runerai hour or wunam Jennings
Bryan. ' between 3 - and. 4 o'clock
this! afternoon and to Join In ap
propriate commemoration of. hla
"Bryan Is dead." the proclama
tion reads. "The great commoner
is gone. Our nation has lost a
great. statesman. The. common
people have lost their great lead
er. I No . more will his silver-
tongued oratory delight and in
struct the countless thousands
who listened to his stirring addresses.
His life among us for over 30
Crowds From all ' Walks ot, Uto
Throng the Church to View
Great Comxnomerf Fun
eral to be Today
(By TU aJtortsfd' Ttn
Close to the pulpit before which
be worshipped In the brief- year
of his official life in Washington,
William Jennings Bryan lay to
night wrapped In the calm dignity
of the long sleep Into which he
years was one of inspiration and iUp go ,eU the cl089 of .
leadership. His record is without hu ,a.t crusade ,n faMway Day.
a biemisn. and nis achievements
for jthe betterment of his fellow
mat ; have been surpassed by no
statesman In all time. His pass
ing came at the crowning point
ton; .
There was a great peace In the
face upon which thousands looked
down In reverent silence as the
night indicate many of the men clarify the situation with respect Lf hla life's efforts, in a victorious Btrem f reat and little folk
to development clans of the I dfensA nf the faith nf M fath-
Southern Pacific and that certain I ersj
came to do
slowly by
him honor, moved
through the .quiet
m .. m. m.t-: a. a .
neid in me city jau penamg near-1 jjme
- " I ; Himniranonnniv wirti ha an.
law operative In the Justice court I nani..mAnt . vrtiii- I Mexican and two women, he and
It will be mandatory for the court fltdacy, rumors of a "secret treaty the other officers found the Mexl
to impose , a Jail sentence in d-were heard in political circles to- 6811 In Possession of a Luger revol-
uiiion W lino U awo la ioudu jjy , : - . . . iier. . t . !
guilty' on the charge of operating jjj ls rePorted that ronne Lai Upon learning that the Mexl
his car while drunk, i It will alsol u.0iwfl: , a, can was not yet. a. citiaen. i Mr
be mandatbry on the court to re- torney General Herman Ekern LeveM informed him that he had
yoke, bis license- for one year. have entered into a "truce " ' no legal r5ht to the revolver, i The
Unless Police Judge Poulsen to- Aeeordins' n n niwtfM; Mexican said the gun was not his
day sees fU to Issue a bench war. BOurce this agreement calls -for and ln8,sted OPon Mr. Levens tak-
rani ur nw reiuro, jonn uuy, aiso i Governor Blaine and Attorney I s " 3cause " wasioroaen and
charged with operating his car I General Ekern to throw their nn-l wou,a not be serviceable.
while - drunk, will . escape court r, tn Ta YnMta i th- The gnn In question," he' said
fiat Ball of $100 which he gare election and that in tnm the trrw yesterday, is in a grip in his apart-
lollowlng hJs arrest was yesterday I gressive strength united ment l -
uecarea lorieuea, wmcn . closes npon Bialne anor Ekern In 1926 In
ine case uniess a conirary oroer tte gtate campaign.
IS issued py me court. - ilt f. understood it law
Jft neCe88"ir 1?I P1011?- agreed upon in the treaty 13 that
Acting upon the assumption! will be put to work before Mon
that the contracts would be re-J day.
newed. Superintendent Churchill! Further than to disclose the I plans had matured to the extent r i.: run tht nt rnn church; Among them were many
has based the course of study for number of men to be added at that he was able to comprehensive- .Wt,M n Mn.i4 ih won- who nad known him In life, who
the coming year and this is nowlthls time to the border patrol. Mr. hy outline the work the company derful life of this great man and
being puDiisneo. snoum me auu.bwh uecuuea io u aoom i proposed to undertake. M unite in honoring his memory.
oooss oe cnangea oy e I "' "4 ."'Z , I Mr. Shoup's statement follows
sion at mis nine us uuuui n mvi .u iu "Plrnt CnnVom I bvittt p ini. in xr.,
that in the course of a liquor raid wtttld 9T "Li bartU to aBProTal of 1 win J. Brown today Issued
upon a dwelling owupied-by a thernl ll l!l !nterstate commerce commit proclamation in which he urged
year in September. .
"In whatever light we might! commendations of customs collect
view such a 'gentlemen's agree- ors as well as npon his own knowl
ment' it is surely the part of good edge of conditions,
business for Oregon to make its "Do not get the Idea." he said,
own contracts for textbooks rather "that this Job of guarding against
than to accept arbitrary higher smuggling is concerned only witn
terms bargained for In some other liquor. That would be a wrong
state," Governor Pierce says in his Impression, for while the patrols
letter to the commission. "With will immeasurably strengthen our
these contracts expired. It leaves efforts to curb liquor running.
IJ.m u T 8,on' lBtereBt In the Strahorn that Seattle pay homage to Wll-
(Con tinned a ptg 2)
railroad (the Oregon, California ic Ham Jennings Bryan.
Eastern) and application has been! Street cars will be stopped for
made to extend this road to a one' mfnute at noon tomorrow and
point on the Williamson river, and all street lights will be turned on
also to Silver Lake; and eastward in honor of the great commoner.
to Lakeview, Or. The Southern Charles G. Heifner. who lntro-
Paciric has made application to duced Bryan on his appearance
the interstate 4 commerce commls-i here 35 years ago, will give a
sion for authority to extend Its memorial address at a meeting of
IfmL ovlrfot and Merrill territory. 40 mUesitd here Saturday,
times over in forcing payment of Cornell. Cal. The Southern Pai j
had .seen him in his great mo
ments, pleading the cause . he
championed with "a fire . and elo
quence that la given few men to
invoke. -To these It seemed that
death had touched with softened
hands the familiar, rugged feat
ures; had smoothed away lines on
the wide forehead etched by the
crowding years, and .the more
than three decades ot ceaseless
warfare for the ideals he preached
in religion and politics.
Well into the night the church
doors stood open that all who
would, might come to standi
moment beside the bier.' Again
tomorrow the grieving family will
share their sorrow with the public
until the hour strikes for the last
uu m.u7 BU1yuicu cm .W h h acouired all tha IfiiiP CTDllr TUDCATCIJO nour
across the border that now pay Ummon stock of the Nevada-Calii m,r,t oinmfc 1 nnM Journey to the grave that awaits
the commoner on a little hillside
SEATTLE; July 30 (By The
j,lng thei ; Jail I account further Into Governor Blaine become a andi- Associated Press) Federal prohi-
aeDi. 4uag9 rouisen yesieraay im- dat !tt i2 f - ty.s TTnfiefl 5?tAt
posed sentence oMO -daye lmpris- Uenate and that Ekern become the
onment and $100 - fine uoon Leo
RfTI I n ! f wh a nnAa A VnAa V fwv I - - "
while intoxicated. - Klllian is an
old offender and' has been twice
fined by jthe court this year
once for, drunkenness and at an
other tlmei for speeding. He was
arrested oh a charge of drunk en-
-j CHICAGO. July 30-(By Asso
ciated Press). The three surviv-
Virnesn Wednesdav niht bv Officer I ing members of the drunken auin-
"Tf 'Thompson j while out on ball for tet that yesterday afternoon in-
: f charge of driving while lntoxl- vaded tne Drake hotel and masked
i . A coted and was scheduled for hear-and armed, turned the exclusive
' w , tng next Tuesday. hostelry and "gold coast" boule-
The problem confronting city wards into background for a wild
officials consists of the fact that west movie thriller, tonight were
the city council appropriated only J under indictment for murder.
$275 for the upkeep of the city! Two; of them, now In. custody,
Jail during 1925 and that $281 I aftermaking confessions of their
has already been expended, with I paTt in the holdup in which two
no funds left for the remainder of 1 of; theircompanions and an assist
tne year, n Work of the police l ant ctenier of ; tne hotel were
court is therefore hampered with killed, had been arraigned on the
the attitude of. Police Judge. Poul-I murder charge . and pleaded, not
sen that he Is unwilling to impose guilty. Counsel had been appoint
Jail sentences when funds are not ed- to defend them and prepara
ar a liable for the care of. municipal I tions were hAng made for an im
mediate trial with the state an
nouncing, that it will demand the
death penalty for both. ;
Meanwhile, hundreds of police
men Were combing the city for the
fifth member of the band, also in
dieted. He has the loot, at first
estimated at $10,600, but reduced
NEW YORK, July 30. The! after a checkup today to - about
greatest effort in the history of 1 $4,000
OMAHA. Neb..' July 30 (By
The Associated Press) Six army
scout planes, led by Major T. J.
Lanphier, making a night flight
from Cheyenne, Wyo., to Chicago
over tfae air mail route, landed
safely and without Incident at the
Omaha-air mail field Just before
midnight tonight.' -All pilots com
plained bitterly of the cold. - They
left Cheyenne at 6:55 p. m.
(Mountain time.)
-Higher ups? sought
the local prohibition" department
to padlock; resorts alleged to be
Violators of the dry laws and to
bring to trial "men higher up"
will be launched Monday, United
States Attorney Buckner an
nounced today. Plans for the ar
(The --.three indicted today- were
Joseph Holmes, captured in the
hotel yesterday after a terrific
battle with policemen ; Jack Wil
son,' alias Woods,? arrested early
today when .he applied at a hospi
tal tor- treatment for a : gunshot
nirn..!nr i iioo allorV cases I wound, and William U ; Mullen
before Federal Judge Hand next alias William Nugent, the
,.. nrfoM iuBil IB wuu uaB io
t.1tab 4oflnov tnA
"bigger men" as those caught in 1 Ml.! ILL AN WILL RADIO
possession! of $500 or more cases
fornla-Oreron ! railwav. snhiert! to
the approval of the Interstate NO AGREEMENT IS REACHED I across the Potomac in Arlington
commerce commission, has arreed I AT TiOXO CONKERENCE I national cemetery.
DOG SAVES MAN'S LIFEbroadaseth6entfreltoelntoT H There wa nothing br pomp of
. Lakeview. j .. ill irxwt aft fn Ae- otfidal ceremony about the scene
agents hcr today reported cIated press.) The tiaUy ! Tele- FARMER CHARGED bV BULL, '!fcBith Strahorn line (the tUlle& , Press.) The conference n tnmu brick church that
rest of seven persons; In An- grapk Baya the preliminary nego- RESCUED BV COLLIE - if the uking over of between Premier - Baldwin and "Tf e2S5f
" w- ww u. iruouo , ui m s.;uw 11x4
the arrest
acortes charged; with
the rohlbition laws. .
Some of the defendants were
routed out of bed to sell liquor
to. the prohibition of fleers and
then arrested. ;!
i LONDON, jmy 3. tlBy-AssO'
graph says the preliminary
tiations for a settlement of the
French war debt to Great Britain
broke down Friday. j
The new French" olfer, j al
though better than that made last
spring, was deemed so inadequate
by the British treasury as not to
warrant serious : " consideration
from the standpoint of the Brit
ish taxpayer. ; .'- . i
Accordingly, says the Daily Tel
egraph, the French delegation is
returning to Paris today to report
to Finance Minister Caillaux and
unless he is able to make a much
more substantial offer,' it Is prob-
an Interest in this system la an-
V" I -S 4- . a 1
MARSHFIELD, Or.. July 30. pV7fa , ine. commission. W1"f
Charged by a bull on his ranch w"nin 81X nions arter tneir ap;-
In Curry county, trampled md p "t1- maa Tt and Parcel
rendered unconscious, the life of ' tne Southern Pacific system.
anj representative. of the miner. C lTr c ZZtZl
and m ne owners ended at mid- raIjjed step of chaned. tte
night tonight without a settle- mot,oniM. flrn. ftf mn mm9 -om.
R M Kyle was saved hr a faith- Bo far 88 rate making Is concerned f1"1 01 ine mine coniroversy navr rade of the BpanUn war kept ft
ful come d Whin he recoT- Mr- sln hng concurred ln ee,n arranged, but also with- ceaseless, vigil, a vigil that eon
:ul'." .T5: :VVne" ?e.reOT in thin nlsn. , 1 I out a final rupture In the nego- thllMK .rt-r the dnor. h.rf rnA
able Great Britain will prefer to picking up a chain with which he
await the outcome of the Franco- had intended to lead the bull. He
In this plan. 1 1 out a imai rupture in tne nego-1 tinned after the doors had closed
"Third, through the annllcatloh I tiations. It is understood the con-1 out the noise from the busy streets..
made and such other applications ersations will be' renewed tomor- to await the coming of another,
as are necessary, the Interstate row. day. Beside the casket stood the,
commerce commission will be An official statement was im- first of the three floral pieces -
asked for authority to create a lne mediately issued by the ministry that had been set In place. It .
through from Klamath Falls to of I labor saying the government was a great wreath of yellow
gave way. The dog finally routed I connect w,tn tne Central Pacific.! was prepared to render assistance I roses, orchids and lilies, and bora
the bull. Kyle was charged as he R"'u a ruuie via ugaen mac win 1 co ;me coal mousiry unui spring, 1 wo 01 m secreiary 01 iuu.
was mounting his horse, after rcuaoy oireci ana avoid me 1 by j wnicn time an exnausuve m-i uw wn lweu, resung on
present longer nam tnrougn i quiry Into the economic dlificul-1 wionnc 01 me arapmg
Weed; and upon approval of com-1 ties of industry, as proposed bynas Iay a little cluster of pink
ered consciousness. Kyle's - face
was being licked by the faithful
collie: Investigation showed there
had been a fierce battle between
the bull and the dog, as the collie
had grabbed the bull by the nose
and hung on until the cartilage
American funding conversations remembered no more until he re- mission we will promptly under- premier Baldwin, will have been
before resuming the parleys.
gained his senses.
completed. 4.
The government's
decision , to
rosebuds, set there in the nafcie
of the dead man's only, great
grandchild. Ruth Meeker of Phila-
of liquor. I '
; The campaign will be launched
with the closing of the present
a'harran ooealnn" nf lha riAYtlnrk
court.- Cooperating with Mr.
Buckner In the move will be twen
ty new prohibition officers as
signed to local divisional head-
: quarters by General Lincoln : C.
Andrews.! assistant'; secretary of
the treasury. ;V'VV ' " v :f
"Bargain week" continued Its
" accelerating program today before
Judge Hand. More than, 2 00 ad
ditional defendants appeared and
CHICAGO. July 30. (By Asso
ciated Press) The flagship Peary
of the MacMillan Arctic expedition
will - attempt short wave broad
easting of, the human voice from.
beyond the Arctic circle for the
first time Saturday morning.
.The following message. was re
ceived today from Commander E.
S.; McDonald, second In command
of the expedition, and released by
the Zenith, Radio corporation:
We will make first official
accepted the special consideration I test Qf broadcasting the voice and
unered tnose wno Pleaded guilty. I nn .4ft meter from inside
Fines collected since Monday ag-the Arctic circle Saturday morn-
10&.UWU. Inff. AugUSt 1.
"At 1 n. m. central standard
REALTORS HOLD MEET - I time. Commander5 MacMillan will
give a talk ' Our orchestra, trio
BELLINGHAM, Wash., July 3d land ensemble chorus will render
tuy Tne Associated Press) various-selections, - lie win. aiso
Group dinners concluded the first have Eskimos sing.'-' - -
day pf a three day annual conven-1 "Will you kindly publish per-
tlon opened here this morning by mission to all amateurs to publish
me r'actric northwest real estate what they hear on this broad
Association. cast." y-.
take the construction. of this line
and build it within the time! set
by the commission. i inin- i. .- ldelphia
"Our study of the territory to in,, ... ... ...,., ! To the right of the casket on
be served, construction costs. : and ,0 . . . .
mt,i.f. .m wit, jw,.nil. 1 1n?rJ committee Is generally
these investigations within a reas
onable time and npon their com
pletion will announce the route to
garded as ending the crisis.
the raised floor of the chancel
stood a huge-floral oedestal aur-
I mounted with an open Bible work-
Neither the mineowners nor the
led In pink and white asters. It,
(Coatin4 pr t)
VM a frihnte In fatlan 1Amr
miners have made a definite sUte- fr0m th jkson Democratic dub
menc since me ocuciai announce- ef Washington, and it . bore the
ment was issued hut. there seem inscription In white blooms "The
tojbe good reasons for believing Prince of Peace." 1
that the mine owners will agree to That was all except tor the '
stipend their notices regarding steady stream of voun and old.'
MODEIUTE EARTH SHOCKS dff"" ,n wages and lengthening rich and. poor, white anL black
30. (By Associated Press,)
Two earth, shocks were felt at; Ra
ton. N. M., at 4: SO o'clock ! this
morning,, reports- received .here
late today stated. Both were
slight. . ' . !
.At Dillon, two miles south of
Raton, a large cistern under con
struction by the Santa Fe j rail
road was badly damaged.
Three other New Mexico towns,
CIovlc, Roswell and TuChmcari.
of .hours and that the miners will
accept the situation.
This viewpoint Is endorsed by
most ot the morning newspapers
Americans who seized a moment
In their busy lives to look once -more
on the face that bad been
known from ocean to ocean for
more years than many of them'
have lived.- .
. Tomorrow - there - will ome a
BOY CONFESSES MURDER fh"?e l.tB '? la8t
inuiies. a group oi oia irienas.
BASLE, Switserland, July 30.
picture he had seen the day before ? ' Ainjonf-theM
colleagues of the dead leader In
many, a- bitterly fought political
battle, were busy through the day
with plans for the last service
they could ; do for their fallen
in Basle led Johannes Hammer-
also reported shocks early today, jschlegel, 16 years, to shoot and
No damage,- however, was report-1 kill Mrs. Mary Levitt Bowen of
O. Davis, chief clerk of. the state
department when Mr. Bryan ruled
there as secretary, and Josephus
ed, the effect being confined 'to Berkeley Cal., In a suburb of this Dan,eI' secretary of the navy la
the rattling of windows and doors.
city yesterday.
The police say the boy. an Aus-
crian larra nand, made this con-
tCesti4 ptf a)
(By AssocUted Press.) Earth teasion today after his arresti He STILLS ARE ABANDONED
tremors of low intensity were felt had no time to rob the woman of I . -
early today In Kansas, Oklahoma, aefj handbag after he had fired AGENTS REPORT MAKERS GO-
Texas and New Mexico.' They did me snpc wnicn, caused-ber death. I IaG OUT OF. BUSINESS-,
nn damar. ; . I 10 sioie an army revolver
Wichita. Leavenworth. Ashland Irqm nim empoyer and rired atn etaie agenu are reporting many
and Medicine Lodge.1 Kansas, re-Mr- Bwn from tree-top 15 j abandoned atWs In various coun-
feet away.
, The bullet entered her neck and I
then penetrated her brea&L Mor
tally wounded. Mrs. Bowen drag
ged herself 150 feet Into the ruins 1
of! the old castle Dornach. where
she bled to ' death. Physicians
ported slightj vibrations lasting
from. 15 seconds to three minutes
that rattled wlnddws and dishes.
Leavenworth reported two trem
ors, the first slight and the sec
ond more Intense. Oklahoma City
felt a barely ' perceptible shock.
At Guymon. Okla., plaster ! was
shaken from ceilings. Amarfllo,
Tex., and - the surrounding ; Pan
handle country - were shaken
slightly. - The seismograph at the erlaod to study antbroposophy
uatverBuy ov jvauas afc uwicocb,
recorded east-west tremors of low
Intensity af. j;0 a, ej, j ?
tie. William 8. Levens, state pro-
h lb It Ion commissioner, remarked
yesterday.--. , .
I These are -not found 'in any
cine county-but appear to .be gen
eral," he said. "In some Instanc
es It is evident that the. stills have
who examined the body say that been abandoned for feme months',
her life might have been saved If while, others are apparently of
she had received prompt atten- more recent dste.V
Hon- "Small still owners". In vle-w t
Inz convinced lha.1 lber U nni-'
the 'knowledge of the nature of in the fcaEir.csii sr. pre I. at!-"
man in the flrsf temple erected their stnia, cot bothering to dU-
itfcat'PsdWTx.RrJ,. ' cast's t-:ri- . .
!' ' . A"