tit sxuzu&izGciuh iid W' - 11,0:111 -r. 1 1 i i liii i ( - v ,- TXn 0IHGC1IST. THURSDAY MORNING, 'JUZa , alem s Great A " " - - . ' Hm 4 . . , T" - .'. : A .i -la:-' smeemm est M ilii r i m I. -Fillin ' Vfl 4 r:l ; VTf Part t ' inn. VI X i r hi FOR SALE-ijTrtoci: 39 VHP.Sll tr,WH FOR .SALE TEL. J9r M. I. AU, field. 89,4 i KT CHINA RUN DR. PATTEMON.f ' SU-eOf w. Kl, a. Box 29. S9j2tf fVBCO W. LANGE. VETERINARIAN I Office 420 8. CommerciaL Phono wee, phone -1B66. m28t I WOOD FOR BALK 43 judi saws wood, phone 29. i B28T GRADE Or WOOD 4 ft.; end i lack. Dry mill wood. Ween toitl weed. Dry iteeead rrowth fir. . J . IT7 land old fie. Dry 4-ft. ash, maple and nL - I KED B. WELLS. Prompt delivery and reasonable prl. 30 South Church. Phoae 1543. 43m6 1H IXCH OLD FIR SECOND OUOWTB nuj iii. thou. 1BF3. At. D. May , fieid. - , . . j . 43flM GOOD COAL DRT WOOD , PROMPT DELIVERIES. HILLMAJT FUEL CO. TELEPHONE 1"5.. - 4SJ2M MISCELLANEOUS 01 tVlf. TRADE LIGHT HORSE FOB . wood. Llod A. Lee, pbooe 32F21. i 51S1 SALEM FUEL ft TRANSFER CO 751 Trad St Salem. -VLwi aa aaoto ma n wood, coal and transfer, asavinf and drayaca. Day pheaea 753 , aa4 la Sieht phnae 10. nljTtf LOST AND POUND ' 63 i . I UKAT VANITY CASE ... C0XTAIN1XG money, , hey.i other .- srtielea. . Phone 2068. I 53al L08T GOLD. WAXTHAM WATCH large tvtuamette I Uaiversity J W". . Watch was lost Humisy afternoon, July 28 en west bank of Xhm river Just below railroad bridga- $5 reward. Finder please call jonn tiensei at 1H07-M. SHax'i Personal ' ' HI5IZ TREATMENT ' ' ' '."'OB APPENDICITIS " " "TtTi -WonaarfuL" Free information Address Hits Co.. Portland. Orema ' o5at-193f MONEY TO LOAN 87 TO LOAN $300, ADDRESS XYZ CARE Statesman, j .... 57jJl MONET TO ; LOAN ON CITY PROP erty. leithe building and loan plan ot private money. Farm losas with la sursncs company money St 6Vi with . enmuiistios added. Ralph H. MeCurdy, aos. ;a and; o, Staavaa-Moora Bidg 8a lem. i . 67fl4U FEDERAL FARM LOANS. tn. F. L Wood, 341 i St its SU 7al FARM LOANS Long time, ;eay payments, low lntsrsst no ies or commas ions. I PERR1KE MARSTER8 tt Orsy tldg., 8Um. Ore. 5712t1 WANTED LOANS pppprrpppitppppppppprppppppppF PPPFPPPPPFPPPP PPPPPPPPPPPPPPI pp pi pp n rr pp pp pp jp WANTED Privsts money for well secured . first . mortgsge loan. Any amount. p pp pp pp PARKER REALTY COMPANY i 40JU. 8. Bank Bldg. "Telepbona 8243 i 6i2ltf PP PP pp PP ppppppppprtppppppppppppppppppp prpppppi p-pppprpppppppppppppp BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES 61 A GOOD BUSINESS REQUIRING sbout $230l (possibly part time.) 6a- . lem. - A good opening. See W m. Flem- '-inc. 341 btate St. for particulars. -'.I;- - i !.":. , 61j2tf ; BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES .t Store building, warehouse, residence, .would bo good- location to add filling station. I j'-"0 rssh. terms an bsl- ; anre, wilj jtake small business, filling ' statioa or Residence in exchange, price lO.aOO. - - . -., i att statioa and storage and ro bustness. $10o0 rash. of large rooming honss furnish- irs. close km, Sl.OOO. terms. Terminal .rextauranl and confection ary, in good town, term en part. SOCOLOKKKY. Brine are your trades ' - ' ctjaotf - -HEAL ESTATE 3 Own .ft' .r. Your' Home HOME SPECIALS- Servk Station, good location, $100. Must sell at once. Invrmtmeiit btore building now rent ed lor $450 per year. Price $2000; ' terms. Discount for all cash. ' Hee ns fv homes, HOME. REALTY CO, 169 S. High St. LOTS.! BARGAINS 80x100 FEET; - psved street, cement walks, eorner lot $1000;. snotner 6"xl60 Fairmount hill UliO twrns. -- Sagiasw . street lot 60x1501 $1500 pins pavement.' Beckt A Hendricks. U. S. Bank Bldg. 3i26tf NEW j MODKRN COTTAGE FOR SALE by owne. Cheap. Box 8d; care SatesmanV 63i30 ... i . w . 1 1. THAT $230 5 ROOM HOUSE.-PT.A8-tered with bath, toilet, electric lights, i and built-in kitchen for . $300 down and $25 per mo. ia na exceptional "good value. Lot 75x130, bearing fruit , and alee hruery on a paved street. J , 3 blocks o school, 2 H block to csr. 1 SEE J. A. MILLS. , 33tH Stste 8U,- . 68sl A NEW 5 ROOM BUNGALOW SOUTH. a-r school, car end church, paved St. underprtced at $3250 plus paving. Set melon this. . Terms. Wn,' Fleming, 3 Hi State SL . 63j26U - i-.- " '.I-- ' - LOOK --- : 3 good buys. 4 acres with new plastered nouse, garsge and barn, close in en -pa road, f 3500, term. H acres with 6 room house, bare, r a race, chic f housed some fruit aad berries if tskea en. furniture will go with place for f jaoo. h e have several houses to eti-hsng.. . for land. - 'Good 4-room pU4ered Wense. bargain for $1600. TriOMASOX 331 Mi Stste Street. .' -:- " ." ' 63j30tr NEW MODERN 1 . 4 ROOM . HOUSE. breSkfat nook, basement, furnace. ; firepUeoj. 2395 Brooke Ave.. $3750, h terms. . f Becke Hendricks. U. 8. Bank Bldg. , 63j26tf 5 I i - ' . : -'-.- - ' South Hlsh St. residence In fine to cation. Extra larg lot. Fruit trees Garage.-.: Pavement paid.' With reason' - mom rata payment terms can he ar ranged on balance $3,500.00. A. C. BOHRX8TEDT Realtor. Lnana and Inaitranee 147 Na. Com'I. St. -Salem. Oreron 1 ' ' 63j26tf TOVS RENT 1WII.L RtTV n.ROOM house,, well finished, citr water,, lights. rrke $850, $50 cash balaace month T Becke Hendricks, U. 8. Bank Bldg.- t 63j26tl BTUP YOUR SENT 4-ROOM MOTV era honso. Urge lot, fruit, paved street, $2700, -terms, rloaa nr lian, Itaeka C3 GOING EAST i.'-.i' L.i; ...j Beautiful hill. sites are .fast roiaz. One ( the best at $"(K. 1 Cheap st that. Kee this and others. Win. Fleming, 841 Mate tsu ! i i 63126tf 8734 TWO NEW HOUSES . NEAR ctiool. Very reasonable and iea tenia. -I 409 13 acre 12 mlla 1 from Salem, rear araall town, S3SO0 1 easy , tcrota. 400 6 -room honse . and ; 9 lui : for Fruit on lota. 378 A nice ti-rooin hoae in a fiae I loratton . near- acliool. 1 lilork to rsr. double carace. South 1 Sjilmnj : OuIt I'LRICH AND KOBERTaT 123 X. Cora'l St. Phone 1354. r - :-.i:',.'ij.;r!Lt!,-il.::rfe-i--tt: I .1al r il n ill I iii i roR salb; modern 8 room house. broaklast room. , aannereb. hardwood floors, firs place, furnace, fall cement basement. Ixt 100x114. - Corner Slate I and 12th street. Giant walant trees. Beaotifnl home with iayeUnent domi- bilitiesi Inspection at requests. Phone 1489-J. .. -. ! ;M r J , - ! i ! 8j30' TEN LOTS PACING iEJJT.1 (H 01 block foar) South 8nmnr street, cor ner - Rural Arenae. only $600. $100 down, balance easy.' W. C. Conner Slatesmsn office. 1 . 3il5tf BUILDIXO RESTRICTION LOTS THAT protect, for mediom priced homes.' Both north and sooth. $300 to $80O.! Rea sonable terms. Look 1 before yon leap. Becks Ms Hendricks, U. S. Bk. Bld. . . " - .' 63j22tf TOR SALE NEW BUXGALOW. WITH basement, furnace, fireplace, breakfast nook, all built ins, corner lot, pa Ted street, oa ear line. - $3300. " New bungalow with basement. $2650. Good I Ml V-MWrnlTB It Art a. a MtrSAV Ink lot Was v.twifa I six-room hoosa corner lot. larxe xsrsze. coed location, went an offer, will take a car ana five terms. Mr " l F. L. WOOD. 341 Ststs St. I ": ' 6Sjltf --ww w Success Psndy new four-room , and ; breakfsst nook buugslow, bssement. furnace. " pavea Hlii 13OO0.0O. Terms.- i I rive acres, an in . Iruit and f berries. Close to esr line, electric light. , A snap, ssaoo.oo. esshi . t il BO ace. , paved rosd, living stresm, fine fish, good ' soil, 12 miles i from Salem, Ore, - $4500.00, 4 Rich L. Reimann Realtor 147 K. Com'I St. Phone 72 ft - h 68j22tf LOTS . 'LOTS . LOTS ! Ill See Child Si Be-ehtel fer choice vacant lots ia all parts of the city. I ; Price $250 to $2000. ', --. i , 63j29tf FOR 8 ALE 4-ROOM HOME WITH LOT ao oy iso feet. .Price tsooo, s 300 down. $25 a month. Located a Fair- mount hill. Owner will accept as first psyment, S passenger . automobile 4 in exchange. .'-' . ( W. II. GRABENHORST CO, J 273 State St. Telephone 515 ' :.!' P M"-. !"'.-! 63j30 6--ROOM NEW BUXGALOW COMPLETE- Iv furnished with new furniture.1 At I alOOO reduction from rem la r nrice. Vt block af. land" sitrsctively Iocs ted. Has sll kinds, ol trees. ! ; Could i hsve sunken gsrden. Truly a splendid in vestment for one who likes an attrac tive home. -.'-:; : i.-.-i ' ;("! 4-room famished, house, $2650; ! $150 I down, x:iO a month. -, :.H-.. Large lot and housei close in-, $2-750, ?OtUU.4W. ' '-" - .! .. : lift i GERTRUDE J. M. PAGE 1 494 North Cottage. cn28tf FOR RENT OR HALE ON EASY TERMS. 4 -room ; modern s bnnsalow, 1 150.) Mis sion Street. B.. M. Price, 60S Marion St.. Portland. " BSjSO ATTRACTIVE HOMES WITH VIEW OF the; monntains, 5 rooms, and attic hard . wood floors, breakfast nook, fireplace. , new and modern, $6800, 5 rooms, atlio. new ana modern. x$45O0; a rooms; new , and modern, hot water hsat, large lot. ' f S4UU. - !.': I. , i WINNIE PETTYJOHN. Realtor. 2 1 Oregon Bldg. : , ; i , h 3j23tf 7 ACRE TRACT 0 MILES FROM 8A- lem; BIdgs, froit, $1800, easy terms. iue lot on Union St., gI300 terms. 10 acres suburban, close in. $3200. '20 aeries suburban Jor.Ssleqi I resi- 100 acre farm nesr Salem, food baild- injfs, frai paved road $17,000, ,terms. 2d acre farm, good buildings, fruit, near MaJem. .x5ouou, terras, i ; n , 5 acre tract, close in, fruit, 1500. 18 aero suburban, $4500, take resi- 25 ' acre farm near" Stay ton,! good , onnaiugs. ,..-.! i .. t,. ;).... acres prunes, snap, $.".500 terms. . PERRINE Js MAR8TER8 -M- 212 Com. Club Bldg. i 63J29U BARGAIN SACRAKICE i! : New five-room bungalow, sctic, I base ' raent, garage, furnace, built-ina. Owner leaving-town. $500.00 below cost. Terms. Floyd Moore. 655 Hood St. , C3a2 - - Salem Homsi and building lota, j: OREGON ' t -Terras any site and prion, ji. ' Service to, the Homeseeksr , . ,or settler never- eaas. ;'.'"'-.' . i i "I ! (Hi ' Try our building department, l ii ' figuring oa n new noma. . . j ' ' "LIST WITH US Oregon Incorporated Realtors Victor Schneider. Sec'y. h! Phona 1013. Booms 4 5-8 D'Arcy Bldg. I ;.'.:!': esi3tf ! - -- GOOD VALUES - " $100 essa ret possesitioa of a 4 -room bouse in North Salem. . Lot -aoxt-o. Price 1 1000.. Act quick., M , $100- down buys 8-room house. . 4 lots near Fairs-rounds. ' Price 94500. $20O beys new 4-room ' bouse jnst off orth 5thr St. Price S3300. 50 good lots in North Salem. Your choice for $300. $50 cask balance to suit. - -- - -:- ':) KRT'EGER. Realtor. J r 147 X. Com'L ; " Phono 217 . 63J30 MINUTEMOVIES ED MmEEL&H'S - SEA 5ECRET5 fcpi305- EIGHT , "to "WE rescue SCAMP SUDDENLY LOSES ; BALANCE REAL ESTATE iVELPfS 63 STRICTLY MODERN BARGAIN FULL cement basement, furnace, fireplace, double . rsrare. Lincoln street, only f50OO. BmIu k. , Ueadricka, U. . Bank BNg. 63j26ti 300 DOWN BCY8 HOME BALANCE exactly liko rent. 6 room cloke in; , pavement 1 and car.' Bath and hot water. Total price S3300 and vacant now. Becke & Hendricks, U. 8. Bk. Bid. B3j2Stf UKNISHED APARTMENT BOUSE. ! A snap If taken soon. Terms. - 1 Mew 6 room bungalow, two lota, a bsr- cain; terms. i New 4 room bnnfalaw, Just sompleted, terms to suit. , ,-- , . 10 acres close In, to zehangt for city j property. i ' a-room noasa, modem except best, to axehsnre for smsll tract riots in. Ex : Cfaanfes and ha res ins, see " BARBER, ZOO Gray Bids. ' ---- : . -.1 , . 63j4U WE HAVE 6 SPLENDID ACRES MOST- j ly strawberries and cherriea right in m rag oi baiem with Rood 4 room nouse and ether bnildinss for oiilv eovuu , ana you can nse a reside ace part way on the payment: we have new 4 room . modern hmu worth f3000 to trade for a coat ranch clone to Salem; a fiae little 4-aero improved place with furniture and all for S3I.0 ana mayoe a little lesa; a splendid mod ern j-room Dunsalow for S4-200 and ill consider a farm ia exchanre? 2A Howell Prairie well improved arrea ea ine Biivertoa hijOway for $10,000 and will take a Salem home nn to 15000. .mcuim:hkist a pexmnotov , 209 U. S. Bank Bide. Puone 140. 63j30tf NRW BEST CONSTRUCTION, i o- ' AAaa at 1 n an . u...4 rooms, sleenine uorrh : nm,Bl casement; rsrri&b. Grove AdditioB' psved street: hslf block from Parriaf school; $3800.00. rJ P7 MODERN One block frow W V.Uh a.linnl t AO if Capitol street; bnilt ky owner for his owa use nut now going to live with daughter:' 5 rooms down, room for 3 up and 'sisirwsy in; cement basement, I iiinaceairepiaee: very, fcest construc tion. Anes material: inspect it , with BurroiTOpe, 70a can 1 tina a lias lot 5xlt62 price $5730. ..: t RIfi LOT 60x156, one block from -er ,WTVtetfc ..kjutt tuns r..;r; S.HighwsjvffiOO. CsNTDAl BIO ! LOT 66x165 'r'r'T North Summer near Center; 8-roomN bouse; fine big bear ing-walnuts. Enrlish and native: Sev eral varieties grapes and other fruit: big barn; all lor the price Of the lot. a.asy terms. j nARRIS '' Masonie Temple 'Phona 795, 1942 J. - 63j.10 IX)0K LOOK For Sale Furnished houses. SPECIAL LOW PRICE. $4500 Modern six-room bungalow; good furniture. Close in. 1 $3500 Good house. looms, paved St., with fine over stuffed furniture. A real snap. $3500 Dandy bungalow, paved street, :j good furniture. . . . f 4500 Large house, furnished, now rent for $50 per month. . $3200 Cosy cottage, 5 : rooms, fire plsce, furnace, all furniture, snap. If it's a home- 1 SEE CIIILD8 A BECHTEL 540 State St., for bargains. 63j29tf RE.VL ESTATE TRADES 05 4 LOTS. 21x80 BRICK BUILDING, and 6-rooin dwelling, located in Washing ton to exchange for property in or near Salem. Address 1430 rare Statesmsn. - 65J31' pppppppppppppp r p p p p ppppppppppppppppppp P P PP P P 1700 EXCHANGES "1700 EXCHANGES P P P P PP PP P P PP PP PP PP GO JIRECT TO EXCHANGE !:- - HEADQUARTERS Office Salem and Portland 1 Tba demand - for ! exebangse baa made '- necessary onr GREAT MARKET PLACE where the requirements of all can be matched. ; We have just whst yon have in mind; just where you went it ; just theHghr-prtee. Our list of exchanges (the largest list ing on . the Paeitie Coast) gusrsntees your complete sat isfaction regsrdlese of your re quirements. If yon wonld like to exehange yonr property TODAY, come in TODAY. See PARKER FOR PROPERTY 409 U. &. Bank Bldg. Com'I at 8tate. Phono 3243 T 65j26tf j P P PP PP P P P P P P PP PP PP P P PP PP PP P P P P PP P P P P PP PP P P P P PP P P P P P P P P PP PP PP P P PP PP PP PP PP PP PP P P PP PP PP PP PP PP PP PP 1 PP PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP REAL ESTATE Farms 67 THIS 11.65 ACRE PROPERTY 8ITCAT- ed 8 miles aonth of Salem is just the cnecser for some young couple wsnt lC t -g-?t a stsrt js-ith. small amount of raiser. Fine 'for poultry, fruit. liemetrer nuts. .Aesy terms of 1 pay ment, f AVUI-accept, $500.00 ia lots at part riiiontprOi' -Price $2500.00. V H. C. BOHRXSTEDT. 1 ReftlW. Loans -nnof Insurance 147 K. limine ix is! St., Salem, Ore. I Tr " H J 1 V - ' .' ' 1 ' ' ' 67j28tf FOR SALE NEAR .JEFFERSON 14 acres tof Iogaa berries, 00 acres of : bottoni and shares in crop and farm ing jMqpiebent ; with pump i and engineT'and water right, all for $125 per acre. Half rash and balance terms. 6 interest. Inquire of Hi Pohle A Son. 2t0 S. Liberty St. .--' 67j31 A Producing Little 5 - Farrji i ' 20 acres, good smsll buildings.- Iota of fruit and berries, chickens, cows, tita- ' her, pasture, running and well water, j Cloee to fceheol oa good road, nesr pro-1 posed paving. imui collate possession. rrtce ytgat witn terms.-- j, Oregon Incorporated. Realtors Victor Schneider, See'y. ; J?B 1013- A ft D"MS.f . ANr SO A&0At t SAH -TOR A CRABC0P . ONE To ..: .'I UlTNESS. 1he"accdemT; REAL ESTATE WAXtED REAL ESTATE 71 PPPPPPP-PPPPrP'rP PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP PP PP P P PP PP CAU. PARKER AXD START PACED" Q PP PP PP PP PT PP PP PP naaL P P 8-ien- P P clean. P P means 1' P PP PP PP P P PP P P Bellinc serviea without P P Our system sever fails. PP tifie selling, backed by P P Intelligent sslesmsnship PP RESULTS for VOU. Wa turn PP PP Prospects" int Buyers." PP P P We torn "FOR SALE siens in- P P PP to "0LD.' AJ1 city property PP P P inspected, photographed and sold P P P P withoot SEKTsvstinc delsys.- Sea P P P P PARKER FOR PROPERTY P P PP 409 U. 8. Nat'l Bank Bids- FY P P Commercial at SUU - P P PP . Telephone 2242 PP P P Offiees in Salem and Portlsnd P P PP . 71ml7-tf PP P P P P P PiP.P PPPPPPPFP aw r , , , a . a- j. j -aew-aeamaegjnjmnr - - AUTOMOBILES WANTED 71 Eiker Auto Co. Wa a eaiih for Fords. 77mltf USED CARS FOR SALE 70 WHY WALK When yon can get one of the follow ing used cars at a reasonable pric sad oa easy terms. 1924 Jewett Touring. 1924 Csrdner Touring. 1923 Gardner Touring. Osklsnd Tonrinr. BURDETTE-ALBEE MOTOR COMPANY 217 State Street Stale Distributors af Gardner Cars. 7j25tf Certified Market Guaranteed Used Cars 1924 Oakland Conpe ..$1113 1J2 Durant e Sedan 111 1921 Studebaker Lt. 6 Touring... $ 525 1923 Maxwell Coupe with new motor loo 1919 Oakland Tonriug $ 175 192S Eases Touring 500 1922 Ford Panel Delivery f 275 1924 Star Sedan $ 700 1923 Chevrolet Touring ..$ 335 1923 Ford Touring $ 5 1918 Velle Tonrfng . 9 22S 1920 Maxwell Touring , $ 150 1923 Overlaud Tonring $ 1917 Stearns Knight '. 9 870 223 1923 Maxwell Tonring . $ 475 1919 Dodze Coupe $ 290 $50 Fords 45 CERTIFIED PUBLIC MOTOR CAR MARKET U Block N. of Post Office. 79j2GtT EIKEU'S USED CARS 1928 Roadster $250 1923 Touring $245 1924 Coupe $435 1920 Hudson Sport, will Undo for Ford. Eiker Auto Co. Onr nsusl guarantee behind all ears. Liberty Street at Ferry. Phone 121 x -. . 79jl8tf Dependable Used Cars 1924 Overland fully equipped ..$45 OO1 1923 Chevrolet Cooch $550.00 1920 Bnick Roadster .$400.00 1925 Olds Rosdster t773.00 We also bsve Fords and Chevrolet at $50.00 and up. k "After we sell we serve." F.W. Pettyjohn Co. ,t $65 X. Commercial St. . Phone 120 79jl4tf Eiker'sv ;. We - have a complete stock of ' on' atarter Fords in running order. Kan g ; t. .MMt aio a - tui . . Eiker Auto Co. ' Our usual guarantee behind all ears. Liberty Street at Ferry. Phone 121. - - 79jl8tf Notice Our nsed car department la bow locat ed upstairs over our shop. We have 25 used cars oa hand at the present time and we are crowded for room. " We are offering these gusraateed Ford care at real bargain prices. Coma la and look, them aver. Valley Motor Company 260 N. Hirh-- Phoaa 199S 79jltf GOOD USED PARTS FOR HALF OR less. Why osy mors f Money Back guarantee. Schooler Auto Wrecking Co. Look for the orange front. Day phone 819. Night phone 503. 1085 N. Commercial St. "Built to ssve money." 79 13tf PACKARD HUDSON ESSEX Let's Go! - Only a few days more to get in on this Big slne Kemovsl fcele. Alter Aug nst first we will be at enr new loca tion, one of the finest and best equipped Sales and Service garagea ia the en tire state. Just think, we have eight re-ronditioned cars left. Yes it a th truth, so we are In a position to offer yon believable value in a rebuilt ar- that carries our ninety ds'y warranty... the' same aa a new ear. So let' a co. Remember, only two irera left. Pick voura today. Here is a ssmole: 1921 Biz Six Stude baker, new two tone finish, good cord llres sootlirht license, and a com pleto motor4 overhaul. - Just think, all.; will for. only $650.00. . Bnick six touring, new point, special color, good tires, license, and the prke makes H a gift. $200,00. ' - ,. Ford bug. lots of pep. good rubber, license: a find only $5O.0O. 19i3 Ford touring. Here's your rar. looks good, runs good, and is good. Plenty of extrss. pri-ed at $265.00. ; Yes we have four others, to pick from. Uemepiher, only two dsys left. Fred M.Powell 1 Motor Cars Cottsge St. at Fcrrr PACKARD HUDSON ESSEX 79jWtf Classified Ads In The V Statesman bring Results (AR rights protected, by The George Hathews Adams : rv I J : (ccrf-i ) AUoy." citron - ) (k VLL SeVVftuW yj ' f HELP- HELP !- ). v., CLASSIFIED Of Reliable Business ' - - . ... AMBULANCE GOLDEN AMBULANCE PHONES 609 and 83 R. Hay or nirht service, flttf ATJCTIONXERS 1 F. X. WOODRY Expert Livestock, furniture real estate j AUCTIONEER ' Res. 1610 X Summer Phone 611 for sale dates. WOODRY A WOODRY - Expert Livestock. Pwraitare, Real Fa tal, and Merchandise AartUnetra. 18 years experience Satisfaction Guar anteed. Res. 996 S. Commercial: Phone 75 for sale dates. ' A-CCOTXTTAXT G. ED. ROSS, AOCOUNTAXT AND And iter. 331 8Ute. Phone 2098-R. - - a!7-'26 BATTERY AND ELECTRICIANS R. D. BARTON EX1DE BATTERIES starter and generator work; 171 South CommerciaL c vmm P Phone 198 COURT ST JOE WILLIAMS BICYCLES AND XXFAIRINO LLOYD E. RAMRDEN DAYTON BICY eles and repairing. 887 Co'.irt. BRAKE RELIXntO RAYBESTOS BRAKE STATION 175 Sonth Commercial St. Phcne 103. jtf CHINESE REMEDY L. L. DICK L. M. HUM Chinese Medicine Company Help any known disease. 420-426 ' Stste. s-80tf CHIROPRACTOR Dr. O. L. SCOTT. USC. CHIROPRACTOR. Temporery address, 1360 So. Liberty. Phone 828 R, H. B. 6COFIELD PALMER CHIROPRAC tor. 328 Oregon Bldg. Phone X194. m5tf DRESSMAKING PRINTED CARDS SIZE 14" BY 7" wording, "Dressmsking;" price 10 cents each. Statesman Business Office, Ground floor. MRS. C. E. MILLER. HEMSTITCHING, stamping, buttons. Room 10, over Mil- l-r's Store. Phone 11T. DRUG STORES DRUGS. CHEMICALS. TOILET ARTI cles. perfumes, expert prescriptionists. Capital Drug . Store, corner Btate aad Liberty. ELECTRICIANS SALEM ELECTRIC CO, MASONIC building. Phone 1200. ELECTRIC FIXTURES AND SUPPLY Co- Phone 1934. 22. N. Liberty. FEEEXEH "ELECTRIC CO. HOUSE wiring by honr or contract, c-stimates TumiMhed. Phone 90 471 Court St. FARM PAPER IF VOU WANT TO GET THE BE8T fsrm psper send l-c to the Paeifie Homestead. Salem, Oregon, for a three months' trial subscrip.ion. Mention this sd. POULTRYMEX SEND EIGHT TWO esnt stsmpa for special three months trial for the best and oldest journal ia the west.. The articles and advertise ments -are of specisl interest to the poultry breeders .of the Northwest. Northwest Poultry Journal. 211 Com- mercial street, Salem. Oregon. FINANCIAL FOR SALE FIRST AND SECOND Mort- gsges. Trust Deeds, Contracts on houses Will net 6". to 80. O BECKE HENDRICKS C 8. Nat l Bank - H tf FARM LOANS PLENTY OF MONEY TO loan oa good farm security. CITY LOANS We are loaning Pru dential Inauranes Company money on ciiv residences and bnsinesa property, at 5 plus a commission. Hawkins A Roberta. Inc.. 205 Oregon Building . d-l4tf Farm Loans ANDERSON tc RUPERT 406 Oregon Bnilding FLORISTS CUT FLOWERS. WEDDING BOUQUETS. funeral wreathe, decoratioaa. c. , Breithannt,- Sorist, 123 N. Liberty. Phone 3K rrfVERAI. DIRECTORS SALEM MORTUARY. FUNERAL DIREC tors, 210 Center. Phone 1S5Q. HAT BLOCKING ALL WORK GUARANTEED. ELLS worth list Shop. 847 H Court, nrntsirn HEMSTITCHING SALEM ELITE HEM STITCHIXO, Pleat- , -inz, battens, stamping and needle work, - X-2 t)recn Bide. Phone jit tBrSURANCB : Insure Your homo or ear now - v rhone 161 BECEE A HENDRICKS : i . II. 8. Bank Bid?- KNITTING WOOL GOLF. HOSE CHILDREN'S sport hoee. knit to order. Hand knit ting. Phone 1778-J. j2l-' KODAKS EXPF.BT AND INDIVIDUAL ATTEN tion riven to your developing aad printing. Capital Drag Store. Bertice Trade Mark Registered cro? a Fife u-e : REMINDS wis ,' - "To S"Ibf 'V ( UJORD - J TV, BUSINESS DIRECTORY and Professional Finns Arranged in Alphabetical flrrir fnr Oniric l7pfrnrB LAUNDRIES 8ALEM LAUNDRY COMPANY 316 S. Liberty street. Phone 2-, oldest, larg est and best. Establiohed 1889. TRY THE HOME WET WASH LAUN dry. Phone 171. 1356 B Street. jlTtf CAPITAL CITY LAUNDRY Phone 163. Servico with a smile. ; Quality work. 1 tcU rosdwsy. ' 14tf LADIES TAILORING - LADIES' TAILORING. 1 COATS EN aeable saits. party and hoase dresses. Aaaette Smith, 594 North Liberty. auglR D. H. MOSHER TAILOR FOR MEN and wemea. 474 Court St. MATTRESSES MATTRESSES RENOVATED BY THE Capitol City Bedding Co, 1190 Korth Capitol. Called for and delivered. All work rusran'.eed. Phone 19. flftf MEDICAL MOUNTAIN BALM COUGH REMEDY I Phone 517-W. i MILLINERY BARGAINS THE YEAR AROUND. I elu aad leather hata $2.00 and upv Ellsworth Hat Shop, $47 14 Court, up- tairs. MUSIC STORES SHERMAN CLAY ft CO.. PIANOS-r Steinwsrs, Duo-A rt and others. Moore'a Music House, 415 Court street. GEO. C. WILL PIANOS. PHOXO- rrsphs sewing machines, sheet music. and piano studies. Krrpsiriag phoae grspbs and Hewing machines. 432 State street, Sslem. ' TRADE YOUR OLD PIANO FOR A NEW Victor or Brunswick. 11, W Stiff For nitnre Co Music Dept NEWSPAPERS THE PORTLAND TELEGRAM. SALEM Agency The Ace. Tel. 939. THE OREGON STATESMAN. 50 CENTS per month delivered to your home early esen troming. Tel. 23 or sJ. NURSERY STOCK FRUIT. NUT I'esrcy Bros. AND 8HADE , 27 Stste. TREES- PACKINO AMD SHIPPING I FOR EXPERT FURNRITURE PACKING and shipping, call Stiff a Furniture Store. Phone 941. PAPERHAHGnfG AND PAIKTTH O PHONE GLENN ADAMS FOR HOUSE decorating, paper hanging, tinting, etc. Reliable workman. I PIANO TUNERS EDWARD WELP EXPERIENCED Tiatio tuner. Leave orders Will's Music Store. PRINTINO FOR STATIONARY, CARDS. PAMPH- lets, programs, books or any kind af Drmtinr. lul st the Statesman friSt ing Depsrtmrnt, 215 S. CommerciaL Tel. 583. PLUMBING pi ri.n-: tii okxerai. repair work. Graber Bros- 141 Liberty Phm.e 550. fltf RADIO SPUIDORF RADIO. SALES AND SERVICE No better radio made at any price. QTJALITT CARS High aad Trade fistf RADIO DOCTORS SALEM ELECTRIC CO. F. 8. BARTON, Proprietor Masonic Temple Phone 1200 Radiolas Tor Every Purpose Every Purse All Staadsrd Sites ' . of Radio Tabes I1ALIK A EOFF ELECTRIC SHOP 337 Court St. Phoae 468 I RESTAURANTS If yea don't eat at the Lunch Box! we both tooe. 181 S. Liberty. a14 REAL ESTATE if you have rRonrrrY TO 8EU or if you are tooling fwf a home, farm i or buane property, see ns- DECK E a HENDRICKS U. S Nstinnsl llsnV lUintior. I ) I 3tf REPAIRING ALVIN B. STEWART, ' J $47 Court fsSjti? ' Umbrellas. Cutlery awLKtts Lawn mowers, raser blades, scisaora. kaives and tools sharpened SCAVENGERS soos scAVEJCGER wayicMjAje. cny. W. H.. driving w - month. Reaowaable rates. Cess pools I - wu rlesaed aad dead aal-aals removed. I KODOW, C. A., Vhonev Offeo 65 or !7u. Res. 2l58. I rnek SECOND HAND GOODS WANTED EVERYTHING IN CLOTH ice and shoes. Best prices paid. Cap ital Exchaage. 643 North CommerciaL Phone 13M-W. STORAGE I WE STORE YOUR HOUSEHOLD Goods or anvthiac yea have, by the week. month or year. P. A. Eiker, corner Liberty sad Ferry. Phoae 121. d - TJ. 8. Office) j JL' lw Pass TPe O tD -. ft ME 1 j STOVES AND STOVE REPAISMMG STOVES REBUILT AND REPAIRED 40 years' experWsee. Depot National fence, sise 26 to 56 in. high. PaiaU. oils sad varnishes, etc, logsnberry end hop ! hooks. Salem Peace and Stove M'erks. ISO Court street. Phone lit: j TRAMgJER AND HAULTNG CAPITAL CITY TRANSFER CO. 226 State St, Phone 93S. DistrthaUng. for warding aad storage ear specialty. Get oar rates. WE MOVE, STORE AND SUIP HOUSE bold goods. Our specialty ia pis 00 and farnitsre -moving. We also make coan try trips. We hsadle the best coal and wood. Cstl on as for prices. We give good measare.' rood quality aad good service. Larmer Transfer Co. Phone 930. TRANSFER AND HAULING. OF ALL kinds. Phone I9FS. TRANSPORTATION VACATION DAYS ARE UCREI That means trips to the beaches. II The Parker Stage Lines offer throe round trips daily to Tillamook aad. nearby beaebea. Daily service from Tillamook to Bay City, Garibaldi. Salt air, Rockeway. Lake Lyt'.e, Msa hsttsn. Kehalera, aaj Sessida. Stages leave Salem at 7:55 a, St., "1:10 p, aad 5:10 p. m. OTHER PARKER STAOE SERVICE Biivertoa: 7 n. m, 11 s. m.. 5 p. as. htt. Angel: 11 a. re 5 p. m. Independence: 7 a. m-, s. m 11-15 a. 1:10 p. m 5:15 p. av, Sua dsys only 6:30 p. m. Monmouth: 7 s. as., 11 :15 a. nu. 3:10 pj ra, 5:15 p. am. Suadsys only 8:30 p. as. Dallas: 7 a. m., 7:55 s. m.. 9 a. m. 11:25 a. m, 1:10 p. as, 3:10 p. ns. aSd 5:15 p. at. Falls City ty: 7 a. 1 m. 2:10 p. nu. 5:15 J m 120tt WATER SALEM WATER. UGHT A POWER CO. Office 304 South Commercial St. Tea per) rent discount aa domestic fist rstes paid In advance. No dedactioa for absence or say csuse unless water is shot off your fre-wines. COMMISSIONERS COURT ine IOUOWlHg is IDe OlliCiai I nnhlicatirm rf llis rcci.rrl of 1 - r-- - tlaims before ' the county . commissioners Aianon court it T..i.. s sno- .. iur mil- siuijr term, ij, wiu iLe, autouiit allowed, bills con tinued, etc., according to the records in the office of the ounty clerk. ROADS AND HIGHWAYS July Trrm " j Road District So. 1 Ehlen, G. A., nails, grease etc S 7.60 13.00 At wood, G. W., grading. . Ritcdon, Ed, gravel del.... 313.80 Smith. J. T., ahorellng gravel, etc 9. CO Snyder, Henry, hauling pi inks. etc. . 8.00 C4.00 St. I snyaer. A C. ' patrolman f Rtwil lHstrirt No. 2 Diniick. Geo., team work on' road ". 18.20 Erttish. Joe M., work on fill 18.60 Fishj Ivan, graveling.... 25.20 13.00 12.00 18.05 Fobart. A., work on flu . . Garland. Geo., team work on fill Hubbard Lumber Yard. drain tile I Mallory, Frank, graveling road 3.C0 McLaughlin, Max, work on. fill, etc. 42.37 Murphy. O. T team ork on fill 18.00 Murphy. Raymond, team oa rill , 23.25 Xewingham. T. H., cutting brush, etc. Xewton. Chas., graveling road. etc. 36.00 10.80 Palmer, Earl, work on fill Rigdon. Cd, gravel for re- pair, etc. 1. 632.00 6choll. J. & Son, liusccd oil,- etc.- . Schultz, C F., sharpening tools, etc 9.75 Stauf:er, Julius, team work on fill ........... : 2 7.00 Strubhar. A. J. do Vuinter, R. C, patrolman Road District No. 8 Hagpn, A. J., team on grader. M'orfia, W. L., t Leveling road, team .......... 9.00 40 12.00 Whitney, A. C team on grader, etc Miller, J. H., patrolman . . f "' Roitd IHHtrLrt No. S 25.00 1 , rttt elf and 5.00 ! Larkin-Prlnce HdW. CO., -powder, fuse. etc. . . . . Lehman, Harold, placing tile Coyle. - Herman, scraptng fill, team Davidson, Earl, work on road Davidon, Harold, team work on scrapers ..... mmmmmmmmm mammm - 1 24.00 14tf By ED WHEELAN ''7 HERE'SH LAS OfL tat (Till vu 'meeT again , I 9 r . -v ) . EPISODE Vtu r. U'evroA re r 7 -VI mm Darfd ion. John, hauyng ' and' plowing-r.V David ton. Ralph, drlvins witch team ele. Ernest, a H-, bUdcs. wathers. ' eta. 4-. Goodlij. Russell, ditching . plovinf. etc. . . ..... Grant, Joseph, ditching on road. etc. -I. Laboacty, Divid. holding Bcntpera, etc. ...... La bounty, Lonls, slashing brash, etc. Lehran Trnnk Co haul v Ing tile 42.00 15.01-- 17.CJ 23,M. SS.iO 13.?3 10.00 28.00 JLSO U.tO 11.49 , 3.00 72.00 Mertea. Maurice, scraping witi team Raymond. Henry, acraplng etc. 1 Stalfel, B.. same Snider. John, lumber .... Vandike. Walter, scraping DHTid-son, W. F.. patrol- . man ...... , , Itoad District 2o. 8 Mallow. 1L team on grader ....... ..... 12.00 4.00 Dart, J. W., patrolman, i . Ktmd DUtrlct No. H Silver Falls Timber, Col umber . Crosby. C. J.. cutting brush ... ' McCormlck. James, patrol man Road Irtstrirt No. IO McHollck, Jno- grsrel... Nag, Jno.. hauling Room! Difttrirt So. 11 VvTiitlock, Hugh., hauling. oTOCeC, tCo ata Hartman, C. D.. patrolman Rnnd Iistrict So. 12 Hogg, W. T bridge lum ber - Schwalts, N. & Son. nails, shingles, etc. White. Mrs. Anna. Jack-. 1.80 13.C0 45.S9 34?; l.OOi 32.90 48.09 48.00 Sf.10 4I.C0 41.00 30.40 3i.ro 38.40 38.40 b'.i'J 23.60 crews on bridge ,..,,.. Shepherd, Carl, grubbing Pias, Gerhard, do Plaa, Vernon, do , Waibel. Herbert, driving team Gersch, John, do c grub bing .... Shepherd. Newton, do ... Lawrence, LI. R.. work on hrlrle- t Latrrence, W. A., buck I togs out of road Shnhrrl VlnvH tinln r.n 1 brldre. etc. Biersack, Jake, do "aynes. ueorge. ao Rrougher, O. H.. run grad- er Magee, Hugh tractor ' grading ............. Yost. Carl, grubbing.,..,.. Hartiler, O. B . do Kinser, J. R., hauling rot-k Ma gee, Glenn, help load ing rock Shepherd. Otis, grubbing Lawrence, R. A., help shingle bridge ....... Rich. Arthur, do 34;oow' .28.811 . 3.8 15. UU 9.60 ' 9.S0 27.6f C.4I 3.24 . 1534 Smith, Louie, do . , Adklns. Harry, do Hogs. W. T.. patrolman.. Road Diatrirt So. 13 Golden G!ow Dairy. iue Womsick, 1'red, patrolaian - - itoatl IHMtrkt So. 14 Ames Hardware, hardware Moser, Lloyd' & G. R., re pair parts, crusher .... Pearce.. Lot L.. screen sections v.. Ames Hardware hardware Kirby. W. L. lumber Neal. E. G.. & Co.. lumber Brown. C. F.. pick sho vel work, etc Gal bra 1th. Wm., do I Elliott. Habert, putting in road plank Leikem, A., pick shovc.1 woric Griffea. . D. I., hauling road plank .......... Maulding. J. H.. da etc.. Verrler, Lou. slip scraping., 30.00. .. U.CO Oeder, A., patrolman C3.00 Road Dbttrict So. 13 Hroffman Welding Shop. ' preparing grader Rice. C. S., two hand made bolts . .'. , Mnller. Fred, grading... i. Kuensi. H. M., patrolman. Road Diatrirt So. 13 U Ames, S., misc. hardware Hoffman Weldinr . Shop. do 18.00 iBrewen. J. II., digging 95.00 1 ditch, etc. Charpllioz. ' FTaacis.' do. . Heaterj "Walter ecraptavg with team- . . Loske, Fred, digging ditch etc. ...i. ,,,, City of Silrerton. use of roller 155.00 Hess. Karl,-4- cords'- wood - 2.0 Meyer, Chas., 3 do ..... . 21.00 Skalfe Bros.. - use of tans.-.i 'T.75 9.60 Warnock, Kenneth, haul ing cr. rock 730.00 , 75.20 58.40 Gibson, Thomas, driving team 17.S0 Qualey. S. J.. checking- rock ............... 9.0Qualey, Arthur, shoveling. rock Gibson.' Daniel, shoveling work Elmer, Lorance.. hauling water ,. 12.00 ICharpUoz, Bill, spreading rock ..v......:...-.. Cu mutt. Cecil, do dc help ing at roller 43.20 Curnutt. J. C. roller man 77.30 Lorence. Andrews, patrol- man 55.20 Roavt District XoT 17 " ' Xaftzger, Ji: C- - self & team ...'-.w.' 3.00 Gou ley. -Romeo, patrolman-' -f 0.00 IUiawl District Xo. IS Collard. W. P.. gravel. .. . 18.00 Felton. Frank, . hauling gravel Hall, C. M.fc do . . . Jerman. A. F gravel.... Cole. Robt., patrolman... PAGE 4 RojmI Diatrirt So. CO Aufterhlde. Robert, shov eling dirt . ........ . Bond, John, hauling grad er - Cade. Tom, shoveling dirt Hlklsch. Jot, do Lattla. Wm, use Df waf Newbill, Con., hauling dirt Newbill, Caaper, sioTc'.lnr dirt Tails. Ei., do Kspllng-r, Ti'n. F ri'rcl taan (To be eontlauU) 12.10, 3.20 J5.00 I4.0' 60.88- , .1 ? ' ' i '.. . -.50 10.00 i . . 23 90.75 - 2.69 .57.92 24.10 32.00 34.50 ' . t. .(t't 57.00 3S.40 'ho'' 4 8.00 .2.00 .50 10.30 14.13 19.75 P 5.00 0.40 - 3.20 12.0 4. SO . a . co.oo '. J 40.00 93.00 1.C0 93.00 87.00 .00 123.00 6.40. - 3.00 I.-40 1.40 " l.EO 3.0 27.1D - i.43 21.C3 Hsndricks, U, S. Bask fildg. 63j26t( i ur. V. T-f