The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, July 30, 1925, Page 3, Image 3

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    i V. f :?r !: ad
J i i i
vuiucit. irura ws reteieu yta-i was. reporiea. u jegia laciadea
tooit ct Uicia fcioili Lre fcLeep.
uii btitcuons Ly ilrs. Hubert games and swisimJnz. A line tine I clu
.J v.
) r
iJ"fL... ......... w- .--.,-,- ;.
: c T !...-.. . . , . TJ j v- iii
But PRICE ix aha to be
" At Johnsons .you getperfect
fcaxnnx. of. style; iabris ' and
.workmanship: in. suits which a,r&.
particularly -desirable owing to
Our neckwear is of the
; latest palfemiTand un to
7 . V
' ( Ml !
IIS f'-
f J.l..'i . ' - ' I
H ku 192S Oford Cdi
&ippd vl'Jt lS-ilT head. U
ubbm ef acorle. i Tkn conp
la capa,bi ( Mmfclna; mtacoct y
y ua viikM t trmrel. Cm
ks Jmat
Cost wlth"prDt aqtiipaMBt MU-'
ly 1800.00.. Our pric $575.
' mr -t t4i 't -
f?TlJg . clu to t-.iyl.. Mfs Harrr, Simpson, . Elrjcr
;aaiaeir cnantr aigai exercises i aiyerBi' Wilford VLandrraft:' An.
bj-eyf-CrawIord and the 3IIsse
Henry and' llale In addition to the
hoats, Mx. and. Mrs. 'Ketchnjn. r
on Ansast 15.'
Veterans BLretinic Postponed' '
i 'Because of "the 'deatfbt " Mrs.
Staiger w"ho'nas 'relatives in the
order, 'the picnic ot. the Sons of
Veterana auxiliary has been post
poned from Thursday until the af
ternoon' of Tuesday, August i'. It
was annpunced . yesterdar.
liocal 3Ien Win Honors I
W.' C Wade "and Ifenry W.
Thlelson ot Salem, are among, the
i a( the citizens . training
camp -who hare Qntlllied as
C1ITC pistol shota first class and
who are entitled to wear, the offi
cial badge, according to word , re-
Money Is Recover- '- i :
RusseJi; C.r Klngw'aa awarded
$140.32 and $25 attorney fees yes
terday in the circuit, court when
'heY filed; suit' apllnst' S' and "II
Sandschy fQr recotery. " T" ' "
Danee Saturday jflt.e ,
S Stayton 'Comm unity' clnb open
air pavilion. UA;' wonderful place!
madge's Uli-SaH playing' , j30
Funeral Place Changed " .,
i)ue"to he fact thatei)air are
being; made on. the Congregational
chuTch.Htiie' funeral services Vfbr
thi' late Clara Hitchens ;. Staiger J
wii ve UFlf Hum mo i.trinimsci
funeral' home 'and not from' the
church; as 'was 'pretlously an
nounced. The" funeral T will be
heWaV2 o'clocfc: "V 1 " '
P.'Hysler lit
' P.ilysler; Janitor at the McKln-1 eelved recently I '
ley. junior nirh acaool. is setio'as-
IT. HI with pneumonia. Mr. Hys- Wltncsa DAll.,Qainc
ler was absent from his work lastl. In order, to take in the Port
week because of an' attack 'of I land-Seattlo coast league game In
mumps , but returned only to be I Portland,' Leslie Springer, f. L.
forced to give up again Thursday. Lainsen, Vick Barquist and 'Fris
The penumonia has gained, a firm I Edwards spent Wednesday la
foothold In one ltin 7 &Ai tr it n. I Portland.' . - ...
term the other It mizht eaailr nmvnl
fatal, physijcljins declare. ;
Maytag People Picnic
t 3I.G:- Ketchuni, "of the Maytag
etore -washosVtOj his salesmen
and, their wives . at Woodlawn
park. ; The picnic' was In the iia'.
Ura ot a ""pep", gathering, "wlA
T7 m TT7
,F I-
U i i r . I , 1 j '
--r ! t
r Fair
Warm in the Interior? gentle mod
erate northerly wlndsr ''-r'r
Max. 83: Mln. 5;-JtlTer
atattonarv: Rainfall none; Atmos-
C phere'. dear; windiest: ' ! fc
ii ufi ii in 1
Patsy 5 ' Ruth Miller :: In.
"Head Wlnd.?
Grand Louise Fazenda, :
Harfir Myera'" Florence
-".Vldor;; Matt -Moorg.ThT:
"Grounds for Divorce."
' Bll "Surging, Seas, i
, a'nA.vlTeadtaia'NortB'r.j
six leeti. taCL who ofJeredlfieTnew
Bongs adopted by 'the recently- -or-j
ganlzed club for : tall men. The
club' was organized by1 a Rotarian
shortly before thp conyentlpn for
the, purpose of proniotinj'the1 in
terests :oi tan men." i.neir Bongs
were a plea' for 'conveniences1 to
accommodate tall men," Hrtth the
threat that tall men1 were at last
but to dernind -theif rights."-
t.i. i. . .- f - ' ' 'tv X ; '
' -- i . ;- . . , i . :.
Yon Telephone Ua, 119
iWall "fleilver lCo matter how
-unall the Item'; CapltarDrig.
Polled Hold TwoZ ; - j
i Jack, Fly nn' and ' William Kelly
who gave CPpco JCat as 'their
hp me jre being held by local fcd-
llce for Investigation. .
Univ. Electric Range
V Demonstration all ' this
Halik & Eotf Electric. -
pear ta ; Icodrt at"9 ocloto1!hlg
mornlng. while the cases of the
two California men' . was p'ostpooed
to AugUstTlS at '2 p. m. "
Hug on Vacatio
, Superintendent "of Schools
George : W.VHtig, accompanled'Vfy
hls famuyr left' 'yesterday tori 'a
iu-aav vacation at tneir summer
home at Ocean Park. Svashlngtjxn'!'
lioscs Watch " . ' X ""' '
Clhn"'Shaw of .555 Center, W
ported 'io police yesterday "the loss
of a Swiss watch which he dropped
near the corner ot .Ferry and Lib
erty.' The initials. "jQ-S,? are en
graved on the, backi and, the works
number la engxaTed on the
inside, he reported.
Univ. Electric Range 1
! Demonstration- all - this
Halik &;E0ff Electric- '
Glover Fined
G. R. TJlover was assessed a fine
o $5 ' when he " appeared. Defoi-
Police Judge Pouleen yesterday to
Two Slltly Injured
7 iTwo persons received minor to
juries, early Tuesday morning
ayem and j'tumn answer a charge of spewing,
ot jjanas couiaea ai ioe miersec
tlon. of " 'Fourteentn , and 7-SUte.
Marie BJundell, whose home Is on
Route 5; receired ' at lip - cut v and
bruise's and Mr MV -K-lti-adell
was badly bruised. s?- -
j1IM -i f .
Mine Bobbins to Teacl t ' ' , '
' Miss Danta Robbine, director of
the ' municipal playgrohnds for
children! at the Lincoln school, has
accepted a teaching' position In the
department of . physical education
at Tillamook for the coming. year
Miss Rabbins was a week-end yls
ltor" al j TUUmbos; last Saturday
ana suoaay. 1
AH the "KewesC'deas-
v In talcums; and the old favorites
If you' want;them. Talcum1 lime
now, so : select ' at Capital Drug.
1 r
1 -i
Woodry Bays Fnrnitnre
Sthterat Summer. aadL Norway.
atreetl.1 Phona 511: ' - f J15tf
AccMent Reported ' '
The" first acclSentitp occur; at
thev boys; summer- camp of "the
YMCA. at 'Nesltowln Vis reported,
here yesterday. Enthusiastic spe
tators' crowded. tpQ vnear ..t.-haV
teis box at one of the baseball
games'Vnd "one "of theboysre:
celved ; minor injury when he
was,a,bat thrown. by a
player dashing for first base
l)r. MarshalL' Osteopathic
Physician andj surgeon.
Gun Club Meet .j 4 :v-
Conslderatj6n""6T the new cluh
groundf , wilt be.,- the , Important
Item of basiness for the :- Salem
Gun:.cluh which.'! tP;meet at;the;
Chamber of Commerce, rooms Frl
day.nlght at 8 : 50" oMockr, accord
ing to Dr, G. E. Prlme,-president.?
Th$, cluti'bullding haa heenjmoVedi.
to the new." state penitentiary site
and-tbertapoTtance "or consideT-
. Ins future -plana' "requires the at
tendance of eTery, member; Dr:
Pritne 'declared yesteraay, In urg-
ingalgytiajace 7.
Kids Free-Matinee 2 . m
Todaf, Blfgff fheater WllHam
. Duncan. In VWolves of the Nortn,'
. ft. 1 ,.-v ;.. .. i i Ai
' ' ' r
. PhUllps Vacationins 1 :
i. ; Sim,; ; Phliyns, manager of k the
; federal employment bureau: at the
YMCA,' l spending- twcTweeks ot
vaeaUen at"tf atdport'In" company
with a partyof Portland friends
He win . retum.ttp hla. post: here
! Augusts 10. , During his"1 absence
wotk at the bureau Is' being. dl
.. Tided-among other YMCA work
era"" - -
Tlirce Births' Reported
. Birth reports to the city health
officer yesterday, announced ,Tpm
JYoshikaC 'born to- Mr." and Mrs.
V.,toshikai;;of36ute: ft, Box Its,
on July 13; Peggy .Luelle to Mr,
and Mrs.' Walter" Trygstad' of 3 9 0
Iloyt on July 19; and Anna-Belle
to Jrfr. ;and" Mrs. Bryan, jr.. Conley
ot 2313 Laurel Avenue on July 23
. ' ' :' . ; . . t
All Gowns GreaUv Reduced ' :
ute gpwns
e gowns J 'The French Shpp4 Ma
no'pmple, its: ! Hih.; JJ
Salvation Army Leaders ArriT--
; : 'tfa'pi. ad;.Mrs,VX)ien PtC fSal:
vation Army workers, arrived m
Saleni1 Tuesday tb " take ove the
leadership : 1 pf Ihe work, 'of, the
army in Salem and' Marron county.
Capl."; tMtt" comes1' from 'Mdfcird
Vhere he was located Jn h's' work
for 'six months. He is. enthusiastic
oVer the opportunities for service
fn this district and is extremely
well' pleased with' Salem as": a
whole, A meeting, to welcome him
and'which.'wlU, mark, "the begin
ning of1 fils work, here will be, held
Case Set fdr Hearihg '
The case in police court aealnst
Ray Able, charged , with.' posses-
siph of Jiqupr; has been, setfor
hearing for Friday at 3 "p. m. Able
has been held in the cltv iail since
his arrest last Saturday night in
lleii of baiL.":' r--oh --?. C
i'niv; Electric Range--
IDemonstfatlofa all this
Halik &. EofC Electric.
i ' : : ii .. . ...... -
Donations Lag ;
h only $30 or, the $100 needed by
J.he Associated Charities to meet
imperative calls for help has thus
far, "been 'secured, from' the appeal
that was made'some ten days ago.
Mrs. John A. Carson announced
yesterday,' The money 1 is''badiy
needed and actual"suttering Is to
be 'the Inevitable 'result, is .' an al
most , immediate response is not
madel 1 she ".declared. "Giving of
benefit entertainment or other, at
fairi'wijich, yfll Ine fund's 'to meet
the call', are "being requested . as
well .as" . needed 'cash, donations at
ouce.4 ....
I XUta ron Breakfast j I
1 'i
Oregon Is on the way ' -
k -W !
On the way to becoming the
greatest sheep state 1 In the
union 1 ' ' !'
' tj.
But, this can be accomplished
only by Willamette valley farm
ers keeping all the sheep' for
large inctease,;esTeciairy with, th
Cotswolds. .In afl lhe ways pos- thisa cluhsj
ought to - be' encouraged in this
section, ;;., j,;'" 1 I : i'- .. -
. - - w w ,a- :
la. not Marlon county passing
up many opportunities for greater
development, by not ' having a
county agent? ' Such an official
could speed up club work here,
and In this and other ways give
Marion county longer leads in ad
vantages - to our people - on the
land. la many ways, in this field,
Marlon county haa done very well;
but. she should not stop short of
the best In all ways.
It is the patriotic duty of the
people of. the Salem district to
do their part in making the' Unit
ed States self sufficient in wool;
as also in. Jluens. ' In" sugar. In
starches and deitrines, and In
many-other, ways that are possible
l and will be profitable.
which . they have room.
make; a
And this
Mrs. Susan Edwards died July I wjll help to
28at the age. of 56years. She! prosperity.
was tne wire of N. B. Edwards and! . "V S
tne motner 01 ueorge W. Edwards 1 ' A bunch from the I Portland
and Mrs. yinnle L Larsen, both of Chamber of Commerce made F a
baiem, and Mrs. Mattie I. Norghreltour ot Washington county farms
of Forest Grove. Funeral services! on Tnesd a v in ihnu h.
nrl 1 1 V ITI Jt . , . 1 "
m uciu luursuay muruing. ai i cess ol Grimm alfalfa in that
TACOMA. July 29, The heroic
efforts of Claude A. Twiss," resort
proprietor at Five Mile lake, tp
save a little girl, from drowning
cost Twiss his life this afternoon
at hla own" resort" . . ' . "
! The girl, Alice Debolt, 14, was
rescued by Edgar !'Neal, 17, Se
attle 'high school student, after
Twiss sank tp his death before the
eyes ot his nine-year-old son, Ray
mond. Twiss' could not swim.
;T 0 1 j CI C jl o
Fiiif ill -1 Ii c rcqilr or
discrimiaatixi '
Cold Cream Face Powder. OOc
Tanlhlng Cream 50e
Face Powder CorriPact .;.a.C?.
- (ali the'popalar tinU) -
Cnticle Solvent 35c
Eyebrow Pencils
Manicure Set ..
Odor Jonteel
.Talcum . .
Twin Vanity Compact.
PerryDxujj Store
- ; 2&ffir"w Star
115 South. Comnierclal.
Salem, Oregon
..,, ... .
ip o'clock from the Rigdon mor
tuary. Rev. Putnam . officiating:
Interment in Cltr View cemetery.
county. Five farmers; of that
county started with Grimm alfalfa
in 1921,' The number had grown
to 36 in 1922, and tp. l20, ln 1924.
wniie tnere are ,282, with
fA r..t A ir an W f - w vuvui, ,evv vi ca Ul VVM9 Baa I .Lit, .
frtiS f SMI ?lf Prhap. as good a sowing could
be. made tor , Marion . and Polk
At the
1500 Ferry
a resident Of Jefferson, aee G7
years. ' She is the'siiter of Phillip
Wagner, of Estacada; v A. P. and
J.' A Wagner bf Tidewater: I. "?.
Wagner, of Laurel; Ore.; Mrs; Es
ther Neal. of Monmouth; Mrs. 1.
E. Ward, of Waldport; rs. C. E.
Bruce, of PortUnd, and Mrs. D. F.
German, of Oregon City. An
nouncement ot, funeral, will be
made later by the 'Rigdon & Son 1
mortuary. " " ' t-" '
counties. It not tola true
soon, j Tpis is obboI thr great
crops for sheep breeders here, i i
V . -'
Wanted, more boys' and girls'
Funerals !
' Hunt
r The funeral of Harry Hunt will
be held at the Webb" Funeral par
lors Thursday, 80t,h' at .2:30 p.m.
Rev. R.' L." Putnam will' have
charge of services. ' Interment will
be in the City View cemetery.
Closing Out Mid-Season Hats
J Including all , the latest and
smart models, $3.50; $"5 and 7.85.
Th French Ship, Masonic ".Tem-
piea 115 High. , J30J
Automobile Recovered
, PoUca i authorities' Tat Cottage
Grove early yesterday reported to
local police .. the . recovery r of .,a
Chevrolet" 'coupe stolen ; 'in Salem
from' 6. "M. Hand." " r '
GUe Finishes Report
,:H. Gile was again the princi
pal speaker, at yesterday's Tipou
lunch et)'ri -of the--SaleM-" RoVajy
club 'when he completed the re
port .begun the- prertousweelt "on
the interttaticrnat .tonvantlda of
therctaT .held. in- ClereTatodlast
mohth - Music was rpVnirfVifa "hy
Barthyte Injured. -
Mfx Barhyt of Routes T,: Box
43rrec-eived a bruised" leg -when
a: car that fiewis driving struck
a telephone kpole bn SkiuthCom
taerciat'aC' "4z Z$ Wednesday inbrn--Ins;
according toan; accldentf, re
port, fUe.d' 'yfitti. , police yesterday',
The.' cause ' of lhe"clash v was' hot
KleiU-.,. . x i
Time to C' Saimpn-
Fine'fat.deepL eea troll , fish, at
FlU'a Maxket, r 7.; j 2tf
Six Permits Issued:
i Six. permits ' totalling $ 49 00
were issued yesterday from: the of
fice of Mark Poaisen; city re
corder.. Those who received' them
were J. H. Lauterman for 'the rei
pair ' ot a" atore bunding at1 2 2 i
Stateat a cost of 1 700; W. t
Fftzpatrfck; repair Tot ' a home ai
1483" North Summer.' $"300: V:
Bbat wright, - erectlPh of a one;
tory dwelling .at. 1190 ' Rural
Aye.. $500 f William Bone. retalf
of a residence ht 1485 "North 'Six-
teentn, $1000; WalterStaUer, re
nilr of a residenca a.t 220 -North
Speeders CdeV.-s--Ti
J Three allegedapeeders were asr
Vested yesterday and cited for, an?
pearance before Police Judge
Poulseitr They were XZ'l Lead
better ahd J Thatcher:' bothbt
LPs' Angeles ahd Carrol ' Riser of
Route St 'TrafTicbfficef Edw'ards
made the afrestst Klser. ia to atH
Bicycle Found " - . - '
- a neavy service Dtcycle was
br ought to police headquarters
Tuesday night where "It ""now
awaits the IdentlticaUon of its
tird 0611819: and M11L
We've Ciot Em, Agal : ; U
; Don't . Bring Lnlu; !Moon
ixnt ana noses." "somt mn
'Just 4 Uttle'Drint't Brunswick
record at, stiff 'g.r v- f jz
- .--
Divorce I. KoUffhYb. .
4 r f . " . j
'Irvii B.rWilHamson has filed
suit for divorce from Nellie Mande
Y 11 nam son, declaring that she has
deserted him. TbeyV were, mar
ried in " Nebraska" in' November
1509. f Williamson states that) his
wifel abandoned ! him : In Anril.
122. 7-: c-:7
license Issned
i Only one marriage license -was
Issued by,."TJ G .Boyer. Marion
county1 clerk, yesterdayl It was
applied fbr""hy "Kussell E. Ells
worth, of Sllverton, and Eilleen
McDonald, of Marshf leld.
n ;
Harrisons Have Baby
'lA' ' .pouhd b'abywas born, to
Mr and. Mrsl' J. , Er Harrison' of
14 70 l;North.u Seventeenth, at; the
Salem hisjftaluVsday afternoon.
One Case Rcmainsv ' " , f
.Only ine. more case remains on
the circuit court calendar for the
July tetm of .court.. Xhls is i the
sUte" t vs:1 James - C. O'Rlelly.
charged 1 vr)tti, embezzlement of oil company for whjch
h6 was working. The case will
be" heard before Judge" L. H. Mc-
Majsan, Judge Percy R, KeUf.has
returned to Albany, after holding
court here" during' th6 July' term.
I y t'.'-jy ' ' " ' " '---
Appraisers .Named- .
, W T. R.igdontT, G. Bpyer and
A.uX Sj?arks: havpjbe.ea appointed
appraisers of the estate of George
P. Litchfield. Alma R. Schlndler
has been named administratrix of I
rTi'air5ra-r "if l"
. . i ' Staiger :
Funeral , services tor the late
Clara Hitchens Stalaer will be
from "the'TerwiUIger Home today
at 2 p. m. Rey. Cl C Poling and
Rev. C. E. Ward officiating. . Con
cluding services' at IOOF" ceme
' " Will Be t !
: Here '
Soon' : '!,
" h
1 i
Burn with a clear even flame and hold the heat for
10 hours, mako no ashes, are very convenient to
use being delivered right in your basement, there
fore the cheapest fuel Special Summer Price This
Month. ' ? - . . - - 1 ' '-"
,t T r . 1 1
mb. '. , . . . M . . . a ...
, 10a 1 ourns wiin a snap, noias me neai xor a long
' time,' and has a minimum of ash. ' We . have the
right kind tor your furnace, beater, or cookatove.'
. Save by Ordering Xow. . - . , .
First grade old fir, second growth and ash. "We
are making dcliveriea from the cars, therefore nave
your money, ' .;- -,-,, r
Phone 1855
.1 ii
1. ijii .
... Jk.lJiit&J
' ' ; Repaired at
273. South Commercial .
Governor at Fair !
: Governor Pierce spent .Wednas-
day lf'Gresham, attending the
Multnomah county falr.' . . '-' i
'"--v--'.r- TT
Pierce, to Speak . ' M " " .
Governor i Pierce is, to be the
sneaker at the Friday noon" lunch
eon of the Salem Lions club when!
he wllrgTve tnTLddfess; on "Bryan.
tils, riace in American J-are. ad
Appreciation." Musical numbera
bnihe' program, will Consist oT vo-
1 ,
Phone 727
; ; to cAiinroRxiA. 1
East rra-ocisco, oeq way, f ic j
t I U0-U14' 5ertn,-:C3yCO-:... I ')
Loa Atiyies,. oe9 vv t:7X3
Round -Tjp, fa.C3
, Ceclal Rates to Part-ia lV-
f . . Eight 'or.Hcr- 1 1
tor laforiaatlon ad Rtt
. tiozu phone CI I, or t jXZ
. Sunday, August 2r
2:?0 ,an aiOq lm.
Charles M. Whaley
jof Detroit, Michigan, the
world s y- g-reatest Psychic
and Medium will answer
sealed 'questions?
Rev, Ira, Taylor,
; L. L, B.
yi Portkrid", willTpeak on
"'Sn'ntiiaKsm anil TVwo tf
1 the Wind" .
r uooo. music -
! . Admiaslon 25c -Come
and bring a friend
V 1
I I Ii
Woodry z W obdrv
Pays Cash for FursU'..
a 1 um r w w.
'Phone 75
i'i .GABRIEL".;;.
Powder and. Supnly Co. N
- ralats as TsraUlwe
175 IvatH CoKJaarcUl neae Til
i 1
LAPP & BySKB-mkers:
. jr-"-- - " f
General EnMns Sur!t
- OfSeria-Kri froa 19 ta, am. CLtv aa.
a4l -':-
, f I-
.... - . , j .
LtU B lLHlI LI .
-r - . ---: i
1- i 1 I .
. ... . : . . ' ,"v-' ' '.'1..'
id Jili.
J 1
Opens This Morning.; arid
fph, ihre iayc
r i.- rv
-3 rznr
1 j J .
Aiv oj)jrtunity j tp buy high grade . shoes ' at half their
actual; worth. Do not miss it if you "will.
need shoes, within a mpnt)i .
25 c
I Rubber HqcIs Half
I Price Every Wednesday
! !
Our shop is equipped wit.h
all new machinery. We use
nothing but .the, 'very - best ;
, grade, of leather that money
will buy.,5 J ' f ' Iii
Mr. Jacobsonln charge of f!
this department,' is an ei- faitJW
pert In his line has spent 1
years In factories and repair c Tf r
4 -
: 1
Corns and calloases re
moved without pain or sore
ness. Ingrown nails removed
and treated, - Pains in feet,
weak-foot; flat' feet, foot
strains and fallen arches ad-
Justed. - Do not; suffer.
k--uilois 1lVaive yo the best" that
w -r science can produce ia eeicn-
62 'lM Lcj " tlic calropody Consult
about your fectv
but high srade work. . x l'A ZZtZCe&YolZUz.: X . r Hours to S::o PhcneCl
i a group p picked men, all over
1 .
J 1