The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, July 30, 1925, Page 2, Image 2

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World Record for 3a Yards Free
j Is Disputed; Seattle" la
Swf Ahead .
- - Faciric
Seattle 7; Portland 5.
Salt" Lake S3; Sacramento 11.
Sao Francisco 10; Vernon 1. .
Oakland 6; Los Angeles 5 (10
Innings). ' ' -
CANAL,; Seattle, 4 July .29. (By
Associated PressX-7-One American
and one Pacific northwest record
were broken ; here today in the
''opening session of national and
.northwest swimming meets of the
Amateur Athletic union, and one
world mark was put into dispute.
; In the' national meet, the first
n n A v ia1HI dv tYi4 A ATT n In
tclude all standard events, the most
. points of the day . were garnered
'."by the Illinois Athletic club, 10,
and Vln the ! northwest program
Crystal Pool,, Seattle, was ahead
6 -Vith 17. The meet closes Satur-
t day. .-rtJ ' li s ! !: i
Robert D. Skelton, Illinois Ath
letic club. Chicago, winning the
440 yard breast stroke in 6:30.
obtained a ! new- American record.
?6k'el ton mad the previous mark,
. G:50, in Chicago last year.
' Neva BrownTleld, Crystal Pool.
Seattle, in a tight contest, wrested
1 . fron Madelene Pless, who finished
second, the Pacific northwest rec-
i ord in the women's 100 yard free
style. Miss j Brownf ield won In
1 ;31.4, the event In which Miss
Pleas made .1:31.8 at Tacoma,
Wasli.; two years ago.
Johnny! Weismuller, Illinois
Athletic club, retained his cham
pionshlp in the 440 yards tree
i, style, but did not. disturb the
3 world record 4:57," which ' he set
, at New Haven. Conn., In 1923
1 Tft. Hint too .-'.,:,.
a an tuiv v v m v
& aAjI'orld fecord Was announced
for Lois Mur fin. Multnomah Ath-t-
ltlc club, Portland, Ore., when
i. she-won the northwest SOyards
j tree style i6t women In 28.i. But
volunteers 1 soon came forward
wlt.h I declarations that Marie Wes
lau of Honolulu ha done 28 flat
In her home town three vears aeo.
.Second .point winner was the
Roman ; Pool, Miami,. Fla.. five,
with Chtcfego AC. Olympic AC,
San Francisco and Stanford uni
versity tied; for third at three each
and followed by . Griffin Natator
ium, Chicago,-YMCA and Crystal
Pool, Seattle, one; apiece.
In the northwest invitational,
Multnomah was second, with nine
points, the Spokane Athletic club
third with eix, and Spokane Y.MCA
last, with four.
American m
, Philadelphia 10; Detroit 2.
" Cleveland 1 0 J Boston 6. ;
; Washington 8; Chicago 6.
'New York 8;. St. Louis 7
Innings). ;
, 1 'National
St. Louis 10; Brooklyn 3.
Chicago 4; New York 2. .
Pittsburgh .8; Boston 6.
Cincinnati 9 Philadelphia
Body Is Declared, to Contain
, Small Fortune in Aluminum
Gold Plates.
Trial of Alleged Kidnapers is Red
Letter Day in Court 'V
"May Join Bi.Lague Pilots , , ;
park.; . Wo use the head-in
and .have had good luck so far
We hats had. very few accidents,
but I think there 'would be less
5 ganger 4a.ckinf Jb, -IL-.I, lloi
Itiibeck, chief of police.
, Pendleton -"Will say that here
I . Ja the business district we use the
,'l .Center parking system, heading in
and bcklB Aut.;whch; works very
i .satisfactorily, more especially on
j ,kho wf(er treets,'.' W. JR.. Taylor,
chief of police.
tU'J.ewisToo. laano. "We never
hare used the back-in system here
4j, Pur streets are very narrow, with
-ar tracks in 1 he center, so we
jark parallel with the curb" at d
i'.jind It a tvery. good system. .On
, some of our side streets we park
j 'ead-in and .have very. ew acci
dents: from thii cause." Eugene
. IJSBser. chief of police.
. Medford "We have tried the
jbick-in plan, the head-In plan and
"also the.; parallel parking plan.
, .or conditious In 'this city we find
. -the parallel parking plan the best
;i ne streets 'are much narrower
i jjire than they are in alenl,,and
; .Vfor that, reason snch a plan may
' yot be aa satisfactory to you a3l
E. L. Lea man, cn route on foot
from Portland, Maine, to Port
land, Oregon, was a Salem -visitor
yesterday. Mr. Leaman is an ex
service man who has made the
trip for the sake of his health and
among many points of distinction
claims that v his body ; contains
$27S0 of aluminum and gold plate
inserted in fouroperations to re
place bones.' '
Leaman left Portland. .Maine.
os August 3, 1924. and expects
to arrive at his destination wtth.h
the next few days. After a visit
In Portland he wilhsaib by steam
ship for h!a Maine home via the
Panama Canal. His trip on foot
from the east has been on a route
covering the eastern coast states.
Atlanta, MIssiss!ppl,!:throush -Ari
zona, thence to California, and up
tne coast .to Oregon. :,
Five weeks and three days of
bis trip were spent In crossing
the difficult Mujav desert, a task
which few men have accomplished:
. Asked concerning the hospital'
ity which had been accorded him
along his route, Leaman delared
that he had never been forced to
pay for a night's lodging in any
auto camp except fn California
where he was consistently . forced
to payahe usual fee.- Prior to hi
trip he was connected with the U.
S. Forestry Air Service In Maine
and the expenses of his home trip
is being paid by the federal de-
partmcnt-for Balary.
Mr Leaman will remain in Pa-
lcm for a day or so before finish
ing the final 52 miles of his Jour
ney. -'., - -
LOS ANGELES, July 29. (By
Associated Press.) The trial here
at which three men are charged
with having plotted to kiduap the
film star, Mary PickTord. develop
ed today into a rod letter Ujy fof
court room Tans and thosn wpo
follow the courts on special occa
sions.i , ,
.Outstanding in a session replete
with drama and thri'ls was the
appearance in court of the ac'.rew
henelf to testify against tbe three
defendant, . Cahrle . stepner.
Claude Holcomb and Arian I
The appearance of the star at:
tracted hundreds of persons ho
jammed four floors of the ha'l of
records in what to. most of 'them
nroved to be a vain effort to catch
a glimpse of the screen celebrity.
Other features of the day were
the reappearance of Louis deck,
the state's missing star witness;
hia identification by Douglas Fai;-
banki, the actor husband of Mary
Pickford, and the introduction of
testimony by the defense to the
effect that the defendants made
their "confessions" under the co
ercion of physical violence.
Perhaps the largest crowd that
has ever gathered for a trial in
Los Angeles county greeted Misa
Pickford pon her arrival at the
hall of records. As he entered, a
wave of excitement swept through
the throng!and though hundreds
of them never even so much as
caught a 'glimpse of her they all
knew of ;Bef arrival. ! Her entry
marked the desertion of the coun
ty offices, from the court house
adjftlning the sheriff's office, a
block away.
The star's entrance was greeted
with exclamations of "isn't
h. :
'I-.-..: rm---
: . V '. v. " .-: ': :; .:
1 1
' v
Japanese Declared Unable to
-zm on Account ot .
Dearth of Steel -
i Joe.
i Joe McCarthy, whose brUlian handling of the Loulsvttle
American association club has made that team the sensation of the
minor leagues, may enter the big leagues as a pilot before another
season rolls around. There are at least three major club owner
considering possible candidates and McCarthy's namehaabcen
mentioned in connection with these possible changes,.
VANCOUVER, Wash.. July 23.
shel Vengeance, taking the form of
beautiful?". "Isn't she darting?"
Her ideparture was marked by a
constant "good bye, Mary.
After a brief s delay in the
judge's chamber during wnicn
lime she po.-ed for photographers
and ! described to newspapermen
her !attire, which consisted of
modish black dress with a white
collar, a black hat and brown
jhoes, and hose, the actress took
the iwitnci33 stand
Her testimony was brief, lasting j destruction.
only 10 minutes. Though she re-1 Fir hroWe
i (B Associated . ! Press. )--
Statesments that Japan was uii
able to. make war for lack of
steel and that ToUnd was unwilt-
ine to reduce her army until bet
ter assured of her safety froin
aggression were made by members
ot the Institute of Politics today
Korelgn Minister -Alexander Skr
tynski was Poland's spokesman.
The assertion regarding Japan wis
made by Professor Charles K.
Leith of the Uttjrverslty of Wiscon
sin, at his round table discussion
on mineral resources as a world
ractor." . . 'j
"We are eager to see disarma
ment brought about," Count
Skrzynskl said, "and tbere Is no
J qdestion that another j European
Va'r will mean the end of civiliza
tion. r .: i
But there are two theories as
to disarmament, one that It comes
first and "will bring peace, and
the other that security from war
must be assured before disarma
ment can come. . , .
: "Poland once subscribed to the
former theory, in the eighteenth
century, and It-cost her 'her Inde
pendence. The Polish '--army was
reduced In the hope that a pacific
policy would bring peafee.. Instead.
Prussia, Russia and lAnstrla saw
an opportunity and .""lumped on
Poland and helped themselves ; to
her territory." ;,"
Russian communists, " Coint
Skrzynskl said, had caused .an,
abyss between her and Poland and
Liither said, (he dtarth of minernl
resources in the east removes
Japan aa a war threat, for a' na
tion cannot have great war power
without great industrial power, i-
.ly.-! -,.v ' i
(Coatwae4 from s 1)
the. tongues of men and angels";
tell of the healing of the ten lep
ers; tell of Christ's triumphal en
try into Jerusalem; give the mem
ory passage beginning "Now faith
is the substance of things hoped
for?: tell who the following were.
Bartimaeus.. Pilate, Kicodemus,
Rarabbas. Stephen; tell the par
ible of the sower; tell the parable
Of the Good Samaritan; who wrote
the epistle to the Romans, and of
what does it treat?: give the
memory passage beginning "Then
Paul Btood in the midst of Mars
hill and said, Ye men Of -Athens.
' '
: tay iNCRKAsr? Masked
tePQKXS'E.i Ju3i 24. An In
crease ot l i pit fetit in pay is
requested, by outpide employes !of
four city departmentfj in.a petition
tiled touay wun tne cuy cierK.
The raise is asked by employes ,of
the street, water, crematory and
sewer departments. The present
salaries of these employes . range
from $1.56 to 15.00 a Uy.
A friend is an acquaintance whj
never borrowed money from you
rta never loaned you any.
, - ; . -
wanton destruction, is held re
sponsible for the burning of prac
tically all the buildings and pos
sessions of Roy Bolen, a farmer
residing six miles east of Vancou?
ver, at an early morning hour to
day. Bolen. a cripple, was rescued
from his burning house by neigh
bor'. :'; .',
As a result of the fire, a former
employe, who had heen d'Keharired
the day previous, is sought, being"
held re-onsible by Bolen for the
out simnlanernsly
riected to a degree the excitement j in 8ix buildings of the. farm.
f th threig, her voice was calm Furnishings,, farm machinery, au
automooue ana about iu emeu
en were consumed in Ihe blaze.
YAKIMA. . Wash.. July 29.
Service of civil summons on Ern
est Beeks, forest ranger stationed
on the summit of Mount Aix. 45
miles northwest of here, juzzled
Yakima county deputy sheriffs
who disclaim mountain climbing
prowess today until a former for
est ranger dropped into the office
and suggested use of the tele
phone. -Within a few minutes.
Beeks perched 8,000 feet in the
air in his station accepted service.
The summons was issued tn a
Montant suit Involving a land 'deal.
It "will often clear tiem away la
hMir : treatise it is the most
SCONCE: ITRATED of skm rtmtA
dies. Yet its medication is so en-
tie that it. cannot irritate.. $he . ten-
aerest smn. ii you wmi
unblemished complexion get Pos
lam (50c) at ycur druggisfa TO
To Rta. Yeor Youthful Boauty
Ve rocommond tho dally uo
Speaking of jazz bands, the man
who put the din In dinner took
the rest out of restaurant. v
The loss sustained by Bolen is
estimated at $1.000, with littld
insurance to cover. ; 44
(Cuiilinued frw pg 1)
many villages observers estimated
that the crowds exceeded the nor
mal populations. At Knoxville.
where- Mrs. Bryan permitted a
waiting crowd to view the body,
many evidences of love and devo
tion were shown to both ' herself
ind Mr.- Bryan.
; The Kr.oxville chamber of com
merce presented her with a Bible.
attached to -which was a ribbon
bearing an inscription of one of
the commoner's- favorite quota
tions : "I have enough religion to
live by and to die by." ,'
From the citizens, .ot Lenoir
City, a colorful bouquet of simple
garden grown " blossoms told of
the deep feelings of the governors,
a penned message announcing:
"A-token of our appreciation of
bin upright life and fearless de
fense of truth."
tome othjer plan. As to the rela- ' 1 ,,e AS50CiaiCQ classes or
live merit of the hac!t-ln and ' knosvlUe presented a large wreath
fir rrtHPH nun s rtfoAintiAn a, Afo.a.
Ing sorrow over the death of their
Bible leader. It was signed by a
committee of members and said in
part: : '
'In the death of the commoner
the world has lost a great cham
pion of theright; the Christian re
ligion an untiring, defender; the
nation an eloquent -platform ora
tor, and all Bible study classes a
true and noble friend."
At Jefferson.' C i t y' f roadside
watchers expressed their - tribute
in song. . A male quartet from
Carson-Newman college stood at
the door where the Christian lead
er's body lay and sang one of Mr
Bryan's .favorite songs. As the
train slowly drew away the -crowd
joined in with the singing. From
the ' train . a large sign . could be
seen. ; It read: "We honor , the
m e m o r y of William Jennings
;nd clear ond tarried to all parts
j fthe court room.
Most ot ner knowledge of t?e
Uleftcd plot to kidnap . her and
hold her for a ransom -of $200,
too was rained from her husband;
who advised her of the purported SKtUIAL tLtU IIUN lb 1
conspiracy about .the " " ; 1 m LOOMING FOR OCTOBER
.uay, me x.. (Continued from g 1.)
snc sam tnai sne nau umi i
ftfiw the defendants, as. according I $661.40
to nrevlous testimony; they loiter- Leaving the net income'of the
ad 5 about the Falrbanks-Pickrord company for 1924 the sum ot
,Ai I I33.410.C8. an increase of
SEATTLE, July 29. (By As
sociated Press. ( The navy's ney
flying boat TB-l, built by a Ux-al
airplane company for flights be
tween California and Hawaii went
through a first test here today.
Lieutenant Commander Jamas II.
Strong, test pilot, announced that
the vessel would soon be ready for
The plane Is larger than those
used in the around the "world
flight and is said to have a great
er cruising radius than any hvav-
ier-than-air machine heretofore
built; ' - : ... ...
The vessel1 is approximately 60
feet long, has a wing sprend of
about 90 feet, carries two 800
horsepower engines tandem and
weighs about 12,000 tons. It has
Moscow's reluctance to enter the l;
league of nations was another bar
to harmony. Germany, too, was
estranged form Poland because of
biterness over the loss of Upper
Silesia by the. peace treaty; but
the count still hoped for security
and peace. . .His country was ready
to Join with the great powers' in
such efforts and would watch ne
gotiations over the Franco-Ger
man security pact with the great
est Interest. j . ' . ; . '
As regarding the pact, Poland
was represented as j adherelng
closely to the position taken Joint
ly by England and France in in
sisting that the agreement provide
for the integrity of the German
Polish frontier. Count Skrynski
held that Germany's membership
Kr" .1 fl n mm ""Fjfsl
I - 1mm
Hst Tecpchry Relief But CURE
PILES or other Redtal or Colon
aiirnents tnouid not oe experv
nentedwlth. Thev shotud and can be
a tank capacity of 1800 'gallons. In the league fo nations wasjes-
qf4Wga.soline and Is desifined to
.carry two passengers beside. tV'c
crew of five.
had-in mlana. pin saw tTint wa
i'.Jisve found the back-in plan , to
'Jte the better of the two, and this
l( because more accident occur
' "Vhen a" car backs away from the
; rurb than when it backs to it."
UC; A. Adams, chief of police. .
'.Chehalis. Wash.4 "I favor your
J parking syststn. We. are uing
' the head-in sj-stem here and are
i havlng mite i iof" of trouble In
backing j out. I Just came from
1 the sheriffs' and'police convention
J at Victoria. B. CT had that sub-
iect brought up. and the sentiment
eems to be in favor of backing
la at 35 degrees, head with traffic.
: This U a problem that is hard to
aolve and would like to see it fig
i Sued out to the beet Interest of
the traveling public and made uni
IJ. W. Parr, chief of po-
! torm.'
"J Joe. i
P Grants Pass. "We have tried
backing in. and heading in. and
i Ind parallel Parking the best of
all." d E. McLane, chief of po-
i - Moscow. Idaho.
jouna &y come experience the
feoad-lnjplan is the best. We have
ugea tms system seven or eight
l years and have had Very few ace!
dents.". ST F, Sllvey. chief of po-
, uiuuer, wasa. - "we use
i te back-in system. We think the
driver ihas a clearer view when
. leaving the curb. Very' few. if
' eny, accidents result from this
, practice." R. E. McLute, chief of
fCoiice. I ' ' ; , . : : v"
u Other replies are: expected to
1 1 Tiv within the next few days
p:;d wi;i be made public, .
I ' . f , . ..
ITiveycu snrthins you want
ta sell or trasa! ..TheJSUtesaan
Classified advertisements will do
She testlfifd. however, that an
automobile had been pointed put
to her as the car in wttich the al
leged ' conspirators followed her
and Dong on their way home from
the studio.
The cross examination was
brief and the defense- made i no
outward effort to embarrass the
The court room was Jammed
with a crowd composed mostly of
' As Miss Pickford, accompanied
byi her mother, husband and his
brother, departed through the
surging and craning throng. Fair-
4 f
S4364.36 over the previous year.
If the special election is called
by the city council several other
important measures will probably
be on the ballot. It was said".
Among these would likely be ' a
measure calling for the issuance
of $30,000 bonds for the purchase
of additional fire- equipment a
measure to levy an annual tax; of
2 mills for bridge building and
maintenance purposes and cal
culated to raise about $27,000 a
year, and a measure to levy an
annual tax of one mill for a street
repair fund estimated to produce
about $13,500 a year. These
EUGENE, Ore., July 20. Har
vey, x 10 year old son or. jacon
Jones, slipped from the back of a
horse as it was wading -in Mosly
creek . this afternoon and was
drowned. The scene of the acci
dent is about eight miles from
Cottage Grove.
- .m
sentia to the success of the agree
ment. K
With tho great steel producing
nreas of the world controlled by
ihe United States. England and
ranee through the tatter's con
ro of the Rhur district, this par
licular "slneu of war" was lacking
o Janan, Professor Lelther main
tained, nor wsa she in a position
to develop a steel producing center
imm the latent ore in ChlnA or
tl.e Philippines
Japan could find coal enough
to . China, which has i the second
largest coal reserve in the world,
tut it is in iron ore that Japan
is most lacking and this is fatal.
Steel plays such a vital part fh
the modern civilization. Professor
permanently CURED by my non-urgl
cal method.
Send today for my FREE BOOK con
taining scores of voluntary testimonials
from patients, some of whom had u flo
ored iO vears and had tried evcrv kind
of drug and treatment. Read it and you
wtu better understand whv
I can give a Written Qiuxr
anue to CURE your Piles
or refund your tee.
mrtumd Ofi'tzs: stATTuE omcti
Or Dn Butldin SOS-sa tmmm Bumm
Which contains tU ef Poslam
tWatt Lamps
6 for 1.62
Hardware Painls 4
, T Sporting Goods
Parts - Parts - Parts
Uu-to-date and Guaranteed
- ' "Bill"
Smith & Watkins
Snappy Service , Phone 44
banks was called back by the conrt estlmatea are ba8ed on tne cIty'8
to identify the heretofore missing I
Geek, who, associating with the
defendants, gathered most of the!
evidence ipcm which the prosecu
tion h case is oaseu.
v; The prosecution scored heavily
when the court allowed introduc
tion into evidence of the three
purported confessions of the ne-
f endents, overruling defense ; ob
jections that "third degree" meth-
ods had been used in obtaining
them. ; . 1
present assessed valuation ot ap
proximately 113,500,000.
The water measure and all oth
ers so far proposed would require
a majority of two-thirds of the
vote cast for the reason that all
are revenue measures. '-
Some husbands talk in their
sleep because that Is their only
, Viiim, .na"
Will Be
Here ,
Soon ,
WILMINGTON, Cal.. July 29.
(By The Associated Press). Jack
Sparr, Wilmington lightweight,
was awarded the decision over
Johnny Trambltas of Portland in
an uneventful eight round bout
here tonight. . - .
ma" pnuosopner doesn t carei
whether a thing is really so or not
as long as he can prove it.
has its own particular
form of eye requirements
Let ua advise how you
may bept meet YOUR
4 eye problem "
We study each case individually and fit classes
,: , ' , .I' only when needed ,
Staplfes Optical Gompany
'y; TT sTr
rjth vzuxz
fjvw m eruuantimmx
Portland Ealem
Corner State and Hih Streets
Solcn, Orecn
Oregon' Eulp Paper Go.
Salexn, Oregon v -
Sulphite and JIanila W'rappiitss, also Butchers Wrap
: pings, Addin Jlhins-Pcrpcr, Greaseproof 'Glassiac,
Drug Bond, Tissue, Screenings and Specialties.
Bed Room Suite
ill ' ftirS
A. Beautiful Walnut Bed Room Suite
. $ii8-50 -4
"!"-;;, j " ' '.l ' ' - ' ; "-MM"'.-,'. - ':--,' - "
Heres the Attractive Bedroom Suite of Six Pieces Full
Size Bow Erid .Bed, Beautiful Dresser, Chiffonier, Night
Stand, Chair and Rocker all included in this sensation
ally priced suite. - ,
-" , i '! j' i . ' -
Sec Our Windows
vV ! -j ecu ii uii a a vjul
I . w - - mm : - ......
old Furniture
Use Our
ft for you.