THURSDAY. MORNING, JULY 2.1,4025 aiem s Great Market Place ft., TIIE OREGON STATESMAN. SALEM, OREGON Class! ft A I I 63 Zvs I-OTR FACING EAST. ( OF block Koailt kiamr street, eor- Br Kuril AeB, only $600. $160 down. baUnc easy. W. C. : Conner. Dltttilitl cdiei, 453jl5tt JfTDlNO RESTRICTION LOTS THAI prut't, for medium priori homes. Both Hurt end south. $S00 to $800. R ,Bbln ifflw. Look before yon leaita A Hendricks, L 8. Ilk. Bide. 7 f.njZ2tt SNAP" . - 1 $3000 buys a four-woom stucco horn on Fairmenut Hill, rood ugt with cement lioor. $1100 down taisnce $50 per month. W. It. tJBABENHOKST ft CO. Stale St. . Phone 515 ' C3i24 r.m SALE BY, NON-RESIDENT OWN- ,T, hou, 1 room. $ block! from city kali $iioOO. Corner tract ISOxUO $3000 also bonne and a corner )ol $3000. both oa renter Bear 2oth. Three letr a Market near rarrish IHjh school. f 1200. Lot on Center tear 19th $785. li.jn'417 M. Bargains for each. . , 63j28 r,,R SALE NEW BUJfU ALOW. WITH basement, f ursaco, fireplace, braakfaat nook, all built ina, corner lot, paved street, on car lino; $3300. New bungalow with basement, $2650. Good it room house corner luty large garage, food location, wen an offer, wil) take a car and five- term. F. L, WOOU, 841 State St. I - . 63jf9tf Nothings Succeeds Like 1 Success i Dandy new four-room and breakfast nook bungalow, basement, furnace, I navea Hia, f jouo.uo. ,.- Term. Five acre, all in fruit and berries. REAL ESTATE - CIoe to ear line, electrio, lights taap. $3500.00. cash. . 30 acre, paved rosd, living stream, fine fih, good ' soil,1 "12 mile from Pslem. Ore.,- $4500.00, K cash. Rich L. Reimann Realtor 147 N. CWn'I St. Phone 726-Rr 63j32tf I r'R HAVE A VERY PRETTY 5 ROOM r bungalow atrirtly modern en paved street and the back-or the lot extend to the creek. The price i $4200 and it's ft bararain. We nave a mighty coxy home with 5 large let fine ahade and 1 pleadid location that vre can offer for $3500; 6-room novae in very good hape en paved street for $1600; a nice 4-reom hon clot and farniahed for $3500; we ''have 2 house to rent M GILCHRIST PEXXIXGTON 209 IJ. 8. Bank Bldg. Phone 140 " 63j21tf I WILL ACCEPT AUTO AND $250.00 rash a first payment en faltoJaToo el raMO 00 'or ., rottsge la eaat Salem. Balance ! a month Wie ' rent. Price A. C. BOHRNSTEDT Realtor; Loan sad Insurance 147 No. Com' I. St. Salem. Oregon I I j ' ."I :.. J63Jl9tf .. SPF.CIAt. Good 5-room house and large lot with I frait for $1700. Wilt Uke light car for first joarmont, balance $25.00 per I : month. Thomas on. State Street. T- 63j23. NEW HOUSE. rOlTR ROOMS, JUST beihe computed, fttll basement, paved I street. most convenient, ' excellent , plumbing, well built, bnyer may select I elrctrie fixtures and color of outside ' paint. Price 1 2 300. Terms, so you ran easily pay for It if yon have a little money and a steady Job. Phone awner 1748 R. 63j2 rirt nnvs Avn exchanges Gaa filling station, in Salem, good lo- cauon. $1050. Gas filling station- and , $-roTy store ' IM ttock- ' 6 room modern house, fine corner for fillinr station. $2750.: 1S24 Si udebaker fine condition, for vacant . lot... 40 acretv-best of soil. 11 acres lake land, 17 cleared, running water, f sir, 6-room house, barn, coops fenced, 3A miles Irnn nnl town north nf Klm 14200 .'i- term. Kocolofskr. 341 State. 63i22tf SEW 8 ROOM STtTCCO HOUSE. OAR- ago. $5000, 1815 N. Capitol. Owner 566 N. Com'l. Phone 1997-W. 63J26 ; -7 i . NOTICE The beat value for Hi: e money In a new 6-rooia bungalow well located, paved , street, basement. . furnace, fireplace. hardwood floors, double garage, and I terms. $4500.. This is a bargain cer-I tainlr. Wm. Flew inc. 311 State St. Another 6-room bungalow very good value also at 4-1250, no basement, how ever. Make an appointment I 63j22tf I . FOR SALE furnished j bouse, 4 room , rleae in 6 room east front. $2630 sew home, modem in every I : .$10,500 j detail . Beautiful home on creek. Large rrounoa -."',' : lUlf lot with elder, alder; willow, ash,. ; alr - fi trees. All kinds of shrubbery. I Attractive location. Would bo a food itYVwvtment at S8000. 6 room modern bungalow, new. T$52 50 . 4 room modern bungalow,- new .$2900 nrKTRHDE J. M. PAGE : 492 N. Cottag 63j22tf MDU7 BE8T i CONSTRUCTION, i .C ."" rooms, sleeping porch; cement ' basement: Psrriah Grove Addition! paved street: halt block from Parring school; $3800.00. -, - ' NEW al0DER One loclt frott Parrish school: 100 feet from Capitol built by owner for his own use but bow going to live with daughter; 5 rooms down, room for 8 p and stairway-In; cement basement, furnace, fireplace; very best construe tlon; finest material; inspect it with micreseope, you - can't find a flaw; Jot 95x156; price $5750. k BIG ' LOT 60x1. "6, one block from Parrish school near Pacific Highway. $600. CENTRAL ?. LOT 66sX65 Center; room house; fiao big bear l.e walauta. Enalish and native : sev oral varieties grape and other trait. big barn; aU for .the price oi tne toi Easy terms. 1 HARRTS t-..t- Tinl Phone 7S5. 1S42-J. ; " r 63i23 n.. tii-vo tv SUtt L TRACTS I r. o . . w - -- -- - . - . iii. . a miles out. close to paved rwd. no building. $3000., easy terms' or will pay difference iot , in town. . .. . . ,, , 20 seres 1 mil out, nil cler. no build ing. A np for $3200. 'th U, cask. 5 acres, 2 mile out fair buildings, in fruit for $2700, terms. 5 acres 2 mile-out. new 4 room bouse. Urn. chicken coop, tome fruit, with furniture for $3000. 3 cr tract H mile out. 4 room bunga low, paved road, -for $2000.00. t 1 acre tract with buildings or without , building, easy term. - 4 cr tract, 2 miles out, good ro. on electric light line, n In filberts, for $1100 with $200 cash. To boy your home C1I1LDS ft BECHTEL 540 Stste St. 6-j-3tf FOlt SALE 10 ACRES WELL IM pioved, good bouse, new wash and unod house, also bsrn. IH acres prunes , - Black soil, worth $CooO Take it at $465t, terms. x , . 'r Kale 5 acres, well improved; food .bouse sod barn. All set to fruit and For M.Utl J7.. farm. 6 BJlleS Of !em, $1000 worth of crop thrown, in Price onl 075 iue acre, terms. . or Sale Grocery stores and rMu nl4, machine shops, garage, fill;" suiions. We have get-most aay thing fo wsnt. We write auto and, lire i"nrsnce. Building loans also private REAL ESTATE 63 ATTRACTIVE HOMES WITH VIEW OP the mountains, & room .and attic, hard wood floor,, breakfast nook, fireplace, new and modern. $6800. 5 room, attic, ew and modern, $4500 f 6 room, new $8400 Tft" hM Wlr Ur- lot 20 iitM, 10 minnle drive from 87 - less, house new and strictly modern. equipped f..r chicken raising, dej.h in mk" " wy to sell, l.0OO, good term. WINNIE PETTYJOHN. Realtor. 216 Oregon Bldg. t3j23tf $30j $200 DOWN ' - -Balance $25 per month 1v a cd five-acre rac located J11H went of the Salem Height school. Frice $20u0 00 ,WU- KABESHOR8T CO. ' 273 State St. r ,. pBOn 513 ' ' t:- "' -'i1- i' i. ;Wi;t 111 frj:j : 63j24 FOR SALE 5ROOM PLASTERED home, thorooghly i modern, fnll ba&e . meat. Furnace, paved streets, . beau tiful borne on 23rd I St. Only $3450, term, will consider small er. ... tor sale d room 1 remodeled noase- new -gsraga,: big lot 54x230. Ideal home place, big bargain, only $2485. terms, see it, 2173 State street, then make offer. ' For , sale 2-room nnfiniRhed rottaee with big corner lot. North Salem, worth $750. Take it at. $550, only $150 down. See u for all; kind of city and su burban liome. HOME REALTY CO. 1G9 8. High, 63J2G SALES. TRADES. REXTS N A meat market to- trade for acreage. tuj-iiH-iwo nice; tract near Kalem to trade for houses' in Salem or Ctr; vallia. 3934 acre with new .house for sale Cheap, $2500. ' 1 ' 405 A 6-room house in . Silverton. ry reasonable,: $3000.- u - " 401 3 rooms on 4 lots, $1300. 402160 acre with 3 millions - of saw timber. 10 trade for acreage or town property. . . 40110 acres at I a bargain; . 5-room bonne. At edge of small town. Only .auu. rLRICII k ROBERTS 1?2 X. Oom'l St. Phone 1354 ' 63j36 LOTS LOTS '. located on Rural Avenue just west of South Commercial St. Sue .50x200 Pnce $500. $25 i down, balance $10 per montn, int. vt. W. It. GRABEXllORST k CO. 275 State St, Phone 515, 1 , . 63J24 FOR PALE. FILLING STATION ALL complete, dandy location. Worth $850 take it at- 4V. Be quick if you want it. i - Gsrsge and repair shop, good location Worth $1500, .take it at $1100. This i good. Home Realty Co., 169 S. High bt. . , , 63jS - "L'RSlSHED APARTMENT HOUSE, AIPP " Uke 8on' .Term. - PP New 6-room bungalow, two lot, a bar-j p p gam; terma. ?KeW 4 room bungalow, just completed. term to suit. j 10 acre close in,i to exchange for city property. 6-room house, modern -except beat, to exchange for small tract close in. Ex changes and bargains, see , , BARBER, 200 Gray Bldg. im Hfrji-qKUiniiliK j .:..--y. i V 63j4tf A REAL SACRTITCE 29!4 acre, all cleared, feuced, barn, on rock road, mile from pavement and town, must be sold at once. $2DOO. If . Interested reply at once through Statesman office, i Owner I I). C. ft 11iliii'Lii:-r4::i!b r:i,ni--ii: 3j23 4 ROOM Vt'RXISTTED HOUSE; ' CLOSE in $2650. $300 down, $30 per month. 6 room : bungslow, $4200, $500 down, $30 per month.1 7-room nous, attrac tive corner, $4200, $500 down, $30 per month; Htudeoaker special 1V24 model, trade for lot. Lot on Fairmount Heights; $950.: Lot on D street, clot-e in $1050: lot on Chemeketa street, close in $5000; 21 -acre farm with.spteu did buildings, trad for Salem proper ty; fi-acre tract close- to Salem, trade for Salem property. .. GERTRUDE J. M. PAGE 492 X. Cottage Street. , &3J22tf 1 SPECIAL BARGAIN $r.300; $500 down balance I $30- per month, : 5-room bungalow with full ec meot basemeet with furnace, fireplace, plenty of built-in, located at 280 Ricn mood Ate., iromediste possession. . W. IL GRABENHORST s CO. 275' State St. , 63J24 FOR SALE OR RENT TOWER CIDER work. Good building in good locality. blotter maker for the risht party. Cap ital Mfg. Co., Salem. Oregon. - 63j24 t 'j "A h'"V ' 1 $10 twjwn $10 : per i: month, buys two lots, one I which' front on paved street and car line. 1 lftee aoo. W. II. GRABENHORST CO. 272 State St. Phone A1S -Ymmim - 63124 !,) -JC r Salem. v: Home and building lota. ' - OREGON . , .Fame any ! and price. ' Service te the Homeseeker or ' tettler never ends. ' ' Try Our building depart meat, if figuring oft a aew home. - . LIST WITH US Oregon Incorporated Realtors il'-trtefn: siehiiaider Rec'v. Pbnna 1013. Rooma 4-5-6 D'Arey Bldg. t . , 63j3tf 1ST ri.lRS 1VVESTVEXTS 8 2 -room hotel; well furnished, close ia; 8-year lease. $2500, terms. Extra nice grocery and confectionery i business.1 Good lease; sacrifice on ae . .count of sickness. - : . . 28 acre farm, bungalow, bara. -all out buildings: rood well, fruit. 8 mil from -Salem, juat oft highway. 8 nap, $5000 . term. . j . 4-ecre suburban hev bungalow, garage, timber, paved read,-only $2500, terms. - See our list of bungalows, farms, acre age, i business -propositions and x chance. v - PERK1NE A MARSTERS. 312 Oray Bldg ... - 63jl4lf MINUTE MOVIES fet VWEtlAHS WlltiCST SOUTH SEr SECRETS . EPISODE TvvO ' WAD rNlC'' Das ;UcPf1r OH RrDER , rLCD VTH HER bsMSy. coMrysicrv. 1. 63 IHiXfS BCY8 HOME BALANCE exactly like rent. 6 rooms eloe la; avement and ear. Bain and net water. Total price $3300 and vacant now. , seek a Hendricks, U. H. Bk. Bldg. . 63j22lf TUfBF.R . ICO acres of saw and piling -timber for sale. Anlo road riinninf throoeh it. 1 8 miles from railroad. An atttactine price offered if taken this week. Will trade .for aeroare or property in Michi gan. Ohio, or Indiana. . See owner ai Salem anto camp. I,. O. Smith. 3j24 REAL ESTATE TRADES 65 40 ACRES XEAR FRESXO CAIJFOR- nia to exchange for property in or neat Salem. Owner. C. Hiiddlexten, Gen. iU, Salem. . 65j34 10.8 ACRES, COMMERCIAL VARIETIES ol 'apples about IV year old. Orchard ha been neglected and part should be taken, ont. Alt good soil and laye well to a good read. About 2 miles from ttutnerland. ctregon. on Dtaia tine S. P K. H. and Pacific Highway. No build ings. Ideal surroundings for n home. hxeelleat for Jionltry. Priced special at $1500. Terms to suit. Entire firM payment can go toward erecting build ing or would trade.. - What have youf uwner, r.. a. Khoten. Salem. Oreg. - 65J28 " LOOK 40 acre -river bottom land, 5-room , bouse, barn, family orchard, a snap for $3000. Wil trade for house, in Salem. f4 acres with new . building, oiily 8 miles out; most all paved road, good ouy tor 4vu. Koine trade. -100 acres with fair buildiar. familv orchard. A bargain for $3000. no trad. 2 Vx acre elote -in with 6-room house, bargain for $2600. We have 4 acres with new bouse close in on paved ran. a snap ror saoo. SEE THOMASON. 331ft State Street . ' 63j22tf I PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP PP PP PP 1700 - EXCHANGES ' . 1700 EXCHANGES P P PP PP P P PP PP PP P P P P" PP P P P P P P PP PP PP PP PP. PP. PP PP P P PP P P PP PP GO DIRECT TO KXCHANGB HEADQUARTERS. Offices Salens and Portland The demand for exchange has made necessary our GREAT .MARKET PLACE where tlie requirement of all can be ' matched. ' We have jest what yon have in mind; just where yon want it; just the right price. Our list of PP PP P P PP PP P P PP P P P P PP P P iae rigai price, uur list 01 r r 1 eachaagea (the urgest list- p p PP guarantees your complete sat-- Y P B w - " I on the jsfaction regardless of your re PP quire men ts. If you would like . P P to exchange your properfy PP TODAY, come in TODAY. P P PP See PP PARKER P0R PROPERTY P P 4H V. & Bank Bldg. - PP Com ! at State. Phone 2242 P H PP : 65j26tf . P Pi P P PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP p p p p p p p Prrp pppppppp REAL ESTATE- Farm) 67 RAISE FIBER FLAX . AND MAKE money. I bar 60 acres right ia tb heart of the fiber flax district. Irriga tion at tit doer. Ample buildings. Ex cellent tor dairy. 2 silos to be filled with corn ensilage and included in the price of $7,500.00. A. C. BOHRNSTEDT " Realtor, Loans and Insurance .147 No. t'om'I. t, Salem, Oregon. - f..,- ,, ,-. .... . e?jl9tf FOR SALE NEAR JEFFERSON 14 acre, of logan berries, '60 acres' of bottom land, share in crop and -farm-, ing -. implemeata with . pump v and engine and water right. -all for $135 per acre. - Half rash and balance terms. 6 interest. Inquire of H. Pohlo Son, 240 S. Lilerty St. ' 67j31 MUST"' DISPOSE OF 10 ACRES IRRT- gated fruit ' ranch at Hermiaton, Ore : gon. 4 acres peach, apple. and-small fruit: 4 acres alfalfa.. Bars, garage. chicken house. - Wilt sell on terms like rent or trade for something . in or near Salem. See Kletting at the States men office, U7J24 A Producing Little . , . Farm', . . 20 acres, good jdmsll buildiaga, lots of , fruit and berriea; chickens, cows. ' ber, pasture, running and well water. ; t;loso to nchool en good road, near pro posed, paving. Immediate possession. Price' right with terms.' : Oregon incorporated Realtors Victor Schneider, Sec'y. Phone 1013. Rooma 4-5-6 D'Arey Bldg. 67jl5tf WANTED REAL ESTATE .71 P PPPPPPPP PPPPPPPP P P PPPPPPPPPPPPPPP PP PP PP PP CALL FARKEB 7 AND START PACKING PP PP PP " PP PP PP PP PP PP - iPP PP PP P P . PP P P" Selling service .without equaL PP Sciea- PP clean, PP : P P Our system never foils. P P tifie selling, bseked hy f r intelligent salesmaaahip l mease P P IP P. RESULTS for YOU. We turn P P P P 'Prosoect' into "Buyer!. P P P P W tors FOR SALE sign in- P P PP to SOLD. All city property. Pf P P inspected, oho to era oh ed and sold P P P P witkont aggravating delays. See P P PP PARKER FOR t-PROPERTY P P P P 409 U. 8. Nat'l Bank Bldg, P P PP ; Commercial at mate Y r P P - , Telephone 2243 P P P P Office a Salem and Portland P P PP 71mlt-tf P P PPP. PPPPPPPPPr.P' PPP PPPPPPPrF'rrPr,Pr REAL ESTATE Suburban 60 $2200 BUY 8 -: One acre borne one Mock from car line on Main Paciiie Highway South, 4 rooms plastered, with electric lights. $500 down, balance $23 per toontaT, W. II. GRABEXHORST ft CO. ..3.275 State St. Phone 515 - . 69j24 GREAT GUNS THESE VflLD CfiftBYlNCr ATTJAMCLlNG ORCVS TD AUSTRALIA W 1903 CAU6HT FlBE TrC SCATM SEAS ! ; HELP VJWEUE Afid REAL ESTATT3 ( GET-LOOSE .y- ErAbtENH ev HCR. PROTRACTED ILLNESS.- DAisy WAS CWERCC.y IV TFiC - LIFE BOATS - MElPir 0 v. fiPtWhsan "pstCK. RK.llRSTATK KabartMiii 6 SUBCRBAX HOME One half acre with : new three-room bangalow located near V.ngIewod hcbeel. Price f21'i; WS'to sown handle or will take Ford aedaa as part payment. W. If. ORABEXHORST CO. 275 Stste St. Phone 515 A CTOMOB1 LK8 tVAXTKO h 77 Eiker Auto Co. We pay ah tor Ford. 77ml2tf USKp CARS FUR SAIJ3 79 IJsTE 1923 STAR CAR. GOOD' CONDI- tioa. Some of original tire. Bumpers, b.otometer, spotlight. Paul Kennedy Woolworth Store. - - 7j2a DOKT 18 TOrKIXG CAR; 60 N CAP ;9j26 iul. Tel. 5C8. FORI' COCPE FOR SALE. NEW IS 1923. Good condition. Call 1615. 7i FOR SALE .1022 Chevrolet touring 1920 Cheviolet roadster .... 19.'0 Oakland Six 1924 itodga touring Ford tourings $40 and up. 1920 Dodge lonring TERMS BOXESTEELE MOTOR CO. Viwit our used car lot. ...$18 .$150 ...$300 ...$lH0 -$325 70j25 1924 JEWETT SPORT TOCRIXO, $50. Dure finish: good tires all around; guaranteed mechanical condition. Eay terms or light car taken in trade. Bordette-Alboo Motor Company. 217 State, Tel. 1415. , 79j23 SPECIAL BCY ON A LATE DODGE Roadster. A-l shape. $350. 1923 Gardner touring car in fine shspe, A real buy. BCKDETT A ALBEE MOTOR CO. 217 State. Phone 1415 -I-'.- 79j23 .WILL TRADE GOOD LIGHT SIX FOR bsbr Overland or Chevrolet. 2325 East Kaobhill. - 79j28 EIKER'S USE1 CARS 1923 Roadster $250 1923 Touring $243 1924 Coupe $433 1920 UudMn Sport, will trade lor Ford. .. Eiker Auto Co. Our nsual guarantee behind nil ears. Libert Street at Ferry. Phone 121 "T9jl8tf - aa Dependable Used Cars . . . a.raonl int uveriaua iuiit equippeo 1923 Chevrolet Coach ' $550.00 1920.Buick RoadbTer - $400.o0 1925 Old Roadster $775.00 We also have Fords and Chevrolet at $50.00 and up. , VAfte we sell w serve." i F. W. Pettyjohn Co. 365 N. Commercfal St. Phone 1260 79jl4tf Eiker's We have a complete stock of non- starter Forda in . running order. Rang ing in price from $30 to 960. Eiker Auto Co. Our usual guarantee behind all car. Liberty Street at Ferry.. Phone 121. . 79jtetf Notice ; Our sed car department ii jiow locaV ed upstairs over our shoo. We have 25 used ears on haad at the present time and we, are crowded for room. " ' 1 We r offering these guaranteed Xord cars at real bargain price. Com in end look tbem over. Valley Motor Company 200 N. High. .- - - Phone 1995 . .' :- : V iVi ' 1 79jltf GOOD USED PARTS FOR HA LP OR leas-.. Why psy morel Money back guarantee. Schoelar Auto " Wrecking Co. Look for the orange- front. Day hone 819. Night phoa 603. 1083 Commercial I St. "Built to save : money. 79 JlStf Certified Used Cars - ' 90- Dav Guarantee ' 1923 Ford touring, new paint ...$285 1924 Essex . touring .6S0 ! 1922 Essex 4 touring ...$590 192$ Chevrolet .r...:.$33J 1923 Maxwell coupe, lots - of ' ' extras and a new motor t.$7.0 1921 Studebaker Lt. 6 tour. $525 1923 Ford ateel panel delivery $275 1924. Star touring . $475 -, AS 1st ARS-- ' - Ford for .. : ...j..$4; 1920 Maxwell - ;. $150 1918 Chevrolet ,. $75 1919 Oakland ....;..;$ 173 CERTIFIED -PUBLIC MOTOR CAR MARKET . . ' Block N. of Post Office 79j21tf PACKARD HUDSON ESSEX Removal Sale We are moving' into our new building Aug, 1st at 350 N. High. : We are cut - tinir the orico on our used rare. I am a 1921 Hudson, have new coat of .paint: my motor was completely ever- : hauled by 1st elasa mechanics. I have good tires all around. So yon see I - will give you wonderful service. i My price $685.00 " Say we Pord need a borne . 1924 touring. I have balloon tire on my rear wheels. My front tire are -Just -new. I am clean: my body is! tight nnd point good. Extra tire-rood. My price $350.00 1920 Frd rouse. I have a rood motor. my tire are good. ' my body good. I . will serve. von well. My price.-., , $I2V00 Fred M. Powell ' 1 Motor Cars Cottage at 'Ferry Phone 2126 HUDSON PACKARD ESSEX 7Jj21tt Classified Ads In The Statesman bring Results (AD rights protected by The George Mathews Adams - VUsT H BCATS ) iKwoPTtD BEING . GivtN To I , l'uw , J ---awA rtl Wm 1 JT?TT CLASSIFIED ' Of Reliable Business ; AMBULANCE GOI.DEX AMBCLAXCE PHOVES 6O0 and H3-R. Jly or nirht eecv-ce. fUtf AUCTIONEERS P. N. WOODRY Expert Livestock, fureituro, real estate APCTIOXEEK Re. 1810 N Summer Phone 511 for aale dates. . W'OODRY WOODRY . Expert Liveatook, Fnrnitare. Rest Es tate, and Merchandise Auctioneers." ,1M years" experience. Satisfaction' Guar anteed. Res. 996 H. Commercial; Phone 75 far sale da'.e. ACCOUNTANT O. ED. ROSS. ACCOUNTANT AND And iter. 331Vi Stste. Phone 2096-K. ' ' ' - ' a 17- 26 BATTERY AND KLECTRICIASS tt. D, BARTON EXIDE BATTERIES starter and generator work; 171 South ' ' Commercial. Phone 198 COURT ST JOE WILLIAMS BICYCLES ABO RXPAIRXHO LLOYD E. RAMSDEN DAYTON B1CY ele and rep air inc. 387 Court. BBAKB BELUmiO RAYBESTOS BRAKE STATION 275 South Commercial St. Phone to?. Jmf CHINESE REMEDY L. L. DICK L. M. HUM Chinese Medicine Compaay Help any known disease. 420-426 State. aotf CHIROPRACTOR , Dr. O. L. SCOTT. CSC. CHIROPRACTOR. Temporary address, 1360 So. Liberty. moae 82S-K. H. B. SCOFIELD PALMER CHIROPRAC- tr, 328 Oregon Bldg. Phone 2194. m5tf DRXS8MABINQ ' . PRINTED CARDS SIZE 14" BY-7' wording, "Dressmsking;" price 10 rents each, btateaman. Business Office, U round floor. MRS. C. E. MILLER, HEMSTITCHING, stamping, buttons. Room 10, over Mil- Hr's Store. Phone 117. , PBTJO STORES DRUGS. CHEMICALS, TOILET ARTI- cle. perfume, erpert prescriptionista. Cspital Drug. Store, corner Slate, and Liberty. ELECTRICIANS 8ALF.M ELECTRIC CO, MASONIC building. Phone 1200. ELECTRIC FIXTURES AND SUPPLY Co., Phone 1934. 22k N. Liberty. FLEENER ELECTRIC CO. HOUSE wiring by hour or contract, r.itimates furnished. Phone 980 t7l Court St. PARK PAPER tr YOU .WANT TO GET THE BEST I arm paper aena im to too f wurc i Homestead. Salem. Oregon, for n three knonths' trial subscrip.iuu. Mention jthi ad. ' :' ; .;. i" . - - POULTRY M EN SEND EIGHT TWO cent tanip for apocial three mouth trial far the best and oldest -journal in the west. The article and aavertie meats ' are - of special ' interest to the poultry breeders- of the Northwest. Northwest Poultry Journal. 211 Com- Tnerrlal street Salem, Oregen.- FINANCIAL 1 1 i FOR SALE FIRST AND SliCOXD Mort gages, Trust Deeds, Contracts on houses Will net oa to wi. BECKE k HKNDRICK8 U. 8. Nat I Bank tf FARM LOANS PLENTY OF M0XEY.TO loan on aood farm security. - CITY LOAK8 We" are loaning Pru dential Insurance" Company money on I citr residence -and businesc property. at 5 "4.. plu a commiasion. Hawkin A Roberta. Inc.. 203 Oregon Building. . d 14tt I " Farm Loans ANDERSON ft RUPERT 40i Oregon Building ' TXOBTSTS CUT FLOWERS. WEDDING BOUQUET8. funeral wreaths, decoration. C. . Breithaupt. - florist, . 123 N. Liberty. Phone 880. PUBERAL TJIEXCT0R1 SALEM MORTUARY. FUNERAL DIREC- tors. 210 Center. Phone 1656. HAT BLOCKING ALL WORK GUARANTEED. ELL8- werth Hat Shop. 347 H Court, upstair. HEMSTITCHINO SALEM ELITE HEMSTITCHING. Pleat ing, buttuDs, stamping and needle work. :cj iitvron Bio?, r-none j. INSURANCE Insure ..... - Tour homo or ear aew Phone 161 BECKE ft HENDRICKS V. S. Bank Bldg. KNITTING WOOlc GOLF HOSE CHILDREN 8 aiiort bowe, knit to order. Hand kait- tinr. Phone 1778-J. j21-tf KODAKS EXPERT AND .INDIVIDUAL ATTEN- tion given to your developing aad printing. Capital Drug Store. BerriC4 Trade Mark registered TJ. TFe vutLD CRiEOP ! Little CARiED-7" 1 v a VtCX BUSINESS DIRECTORY and Professional Firms Arranged in Alphabetical Order for Quick Reference i ' LAUNDRIES SAI.EM lJtUXDRT COMPANY 316 S. Liberty street. Phone 2.". sildeet, larg est and best. F.stabliKhed I8n. TRY THE HOME WET WASH LA UN- dry. Phone 171. lSifl B Street. jlTtf CAPITAL. CITY LAIN DRY Peone 165. Service with a amilo. Quality work. l"H4 Broadway. J14tf LADIES' TAILORINQ LADIES' TAIIjORIXG. COATS EN semble suit, party and hoote dresses. Annette Smith, i4 North Liberty.' aagl$ D. H. MOSHER TAILOR FOB MEN and women. 474 Court St. MATTRESSES MATTRFRHKS RENOVATED BY THE Capitol City Bedding Co, 11WO North Cauilot. Called- for and delivered. All work ruarauteed. o Phone 19. ntf MEDICAL I MOUNTAIN BALM UOUOH REMEDY Phone 517 W. MILLINERY I BARGAINS THE YEAR AROUND. Felta and leather hat $2.00 and up. Ellsworth list Shop, 947 V Court, up stair. MUSIC STORES SHERMAN CLAY A CO.. PIANOS Stetnwsya, Duo-Art and othera. Meore'a MUSiC House, 415 Court street. GEO. C WILL PIANOS, PH0XO- ' graph: tewing machines, aheot music. and piano studies. Krpainng phono- graph aad sewing machiaes. 432 Stat atreet. Salens. TRADE YOUR OLD PIANO FOR A NEW Victor or Brunswick. II. L. Stiff Fur niture Co., Muiiic 4 lent NURSERY STOCK FRUIT. NUT AND SHADE TREES Pearcy Bros.. 237 State. PACJOKO AND SHIPPING FOR EXPERT FURXRITURE PACKING and shipping, call Stiff a Furniture Store. Phone 941. PAPER HANGING AND PAINTING PH0XE GLENN ADAMS FOR HOUSE decorating, paper banging, tinting, etc. Reliable workman. PIANO T UTTERS EDWARD WF.LP EXPERIENCED Piano tuner. Leave order Will' Music Store. PRINTING i FOR STATIONARY. CARDS, PAMPH let, programs, books or any kiad of printing. . t all at the Matenniaa rnat ing Department, 213 S. Commercial. Tel. 583. PLUMBING PLUMBING AND GENERAL REPAIR work." Graber Bros, 141 Liberty St. Phone R50. fltf RADIO SPLI1DORP RADIO, SALES AND . SERVICE No better radio made at aay price. QUALITY CAES a High aad Trade f 1311 ; RADIO DOCTORS : S1I.KM E1.IXTR1C CO. P. 8. BARTON. Proprieter Mssoaic Temple Phone 1200 t- .Radiolas ::, Tot Utery Purpo Every Purse All Standard Sites of Radio Tubes HALIK ft KOFP ELECTRJC SHOP w 337 -Ceart St. Phono-48 RESTAURANTS If you don't eet at the Lunch Box we both loose, 181 S. Liberty. al4 REAL ESTATE IP YOU HAVE PROPERTY TO SELL or if yeu ere looking for a home, farm r bu nes property, lee u. BECKE ft HENDRICKS U. 8. National Bank Buildinv. J8tf , . ' ' " REPAIRING t ALVIN B. STEWART . I -; 347 Court St. - Umbrellas, Cutlery and Keys Lawumowers, raxor blade, aciasors. kme and tool sharpened SCAVENGXZS SOOS SCAVENGER SERVICE Garbage and refuse of oil kiada removed by tba month. Reasonable rate. Cos pool cleaned and deed animals removed. Phones Office 9 or ?9. Re. 2058 SECOND HAND GOODS WANTED EVERYTHING IN CLOTH ing aad shoes. Best prices paid.. Cap ital Exchange. 842 North Commercial. ' Phone 136H-W. STOVES AND STOVE REPAIRING STOVES REBUILT AND REPAIRED 40 years' experience Depot National fence, sise 26 to 58 in. high. Pais la. oila and varnishes, etc, loganberry aad hop hooks. Salem Fence and Stove Works. 250 Court aireet. phone 1S4 STORAGE WE STORE YOCR HOUSEHOLD Goods . of anything yen have, by tba week, month or year. P. A. Eiker, corner Liberty and Ferry. Phono 121. d-14tt a Patent Of flee) TC) TWC UFC bOATS EVCRV) e, srt a i " ' 1 r liv w CXCllE- ANJD VliS antcs WERE fO-GOTTtisJ fni3MTer & .MrvvdllGHT - V VCU3!'Kt?"-Tfv- rxxEX peclrVltri TBAHITBE AND H AUXIN O Capital city transfer co. 224 State St. I 'boo 3S. Distributing, for wa.'diag and storage oar speciatt;. Get or rate. 1 WE MOVE. ST1RE AND SHIP HOUSE hold good. Oar specially i piano and fnraitaro moving. We also make coon try trip. Wo handle the host real and wood. Call en us for price. W give good measure, good quality and good service.' Ijrswr Transfer Co. Phone 930. TRANSFER AND HtCLING OF ALL kind. Phone 193. TRANSPORTATION VACATION DATS ARE HERE I That mean trips to the beaches The Parker1 Stag Lines offer three round tripe t daily te Tillamook and aeorby beache. Daily service from Tillamook to Bay City. Garibaldi. Saltair, Koekaway. Lake Lytlo. battan, Nekaleaa. aad Seaside. State leave Salem at 7:35 at. m, 1:10 p. m had 3:10 p. at. i j .. OTHER PARKER STAGE SERVICE Silverton: 7 a. m II a. m S p. m. Mt. Angel: 1 1 a. ra. 3 p. m. Independencw: 7 a. m, 9 a. as 11:13 a. - S:10 p. m 5:15 p. m San day only d:80 p. a. Moo mouth: 7 a. m 11:15 a. aa, $:I0 ; p. m 5 :13 p. m. Sundays ealy 8:30 p. as. D atlas: 7 a. uv 7:33 a. m 9 a. m 1 11:35 a. m 1:10 p. m, 3:10 p. m. ond 6:15 p. nv. Fall City: 7 n. m. 2:10 p. m.. 3:13 p. w. - ( j.'Otf WATER SALEM' WATER, LIGHT POWER CO. Office 3A4 South Commercial St. Ten per cert discount on domeetle flat ratea paid ! in ndvanco. No . deduction for aheac or aay cause unless water t hnt off -owr prewiise. mryseic's LOVE Artcle Gnrri son's New Ftuute of HEVELATI0NS OF A WIFE 'opyrght by Newspapr Feature , Service CHAPTER C: THE WAY MADGE ROLLED A ifMOU-NTAIX OFF' ALFRED'S : MIND. My Intuition was right. When I finally had convinced the long dts utnee operator mat our teiepoone had the dumber she was calling. I heard Alfred Durkee'a voice, in sUtent, Impatient: : "But, 1 tell you, that is the num ber, and ibere at way is somebody at home there I " ! , . "HeIlo! Alfred?" I put In quickly, and he changed his sen tence In the middle. "Thank goodness, Madge, It's you at last! I tnougm 1 never would get you." His voice was tremulous with nervous excitement, and I caught despondent note in It which chilled me. "What what news?" I faltered. eoi2.'i,.-ti.rf.i t.- Pretty bad. Madge, he re turned, slowly, and I caught 'my breath. You mean Dr. Foxham thinks It; really j He struck In as if he could not bear me to name the dreaded o v SAIXM MARKXTS e Priroe quoted r whole! and an price received by farmers. Bo ratal' prieee are giva: "j ' SBAUf ABB BAY No. 1 soft white wheat . 1.4$ 1 No. 1 soft red wheat i.46 Oat Cheat hay .,,- Ont hay h Oat and vetch hsy 1264 15.01 15.0 , PORK. MUTTON ABB BEEP Hogs. 160-200 owt, i ,. 8I8.S4 Hogs. iOO-250 cvrt. ,: n $13.3; Hoa-a. 250-300 cwt. ' $II.0 Light .sows, . . Hit- Cowa J - 2c4H Bulla . i , .... 8 to 8M traad ork -IS'il7. eon .. POULTRY Heavy bens ' Light boa ,, ni Broiler t Ugbt Breilera , .. an.i. ' . H.l... n H II linn , '. EGOS, BUTTER. BUTTIRTAT Creamery butter ,,. ' 48 O 4 ? Rutterfat. dlivred . . Ea-a-e . .85. By ED WHEELAN iw - w; FATE'S PLAV- 4J. -e- . ' - I V , -C-.' X" '.W'',1-- 7 HERE 15 !ZVd 16911. 15't 16021. isSia. 3 ' , L 1 jia i ji sronrze which wag la both oar minds. v "Ye. H hasn't a doubt. Ha advises aa operation right awar. The blood test I bad., -Oh!" The certainty of what t "tad tried to fight myself from belie? Ing. rime like a blow to me. and for an Instant Iftood daiM by this confirmation of my worct fears. - - ''' ... ... ..' Alfred I Troubled. -I know." Alfred vole wa rough, broken. It's got me, too. Why this thins should come to her. the aweetest. most loTable " He . mopped, chokingly, and gathering myself together, I askfsl calmly, practically: "HaTe yon any plan? What da. you want me to do?" yet. to tell her what Foxham said - I've Jutt come from hi office. Brit this morning, the laat thlnx abe said to me waa that no matter ' Vhat Foxham said, the wanted to ; wait to see what that old pill down here In Marvin had to say. about it. Nobody knows when he will f-fee at home, and when he does come he's Just as likely to tell her that she haa neuralgia, or rheu matism, or something like that. "Would your mother accept the verdict of Dr. Bralthwalte. LMcky'a brother-in-law ? I asked quietly. "What!" Alfred shouted the word Into the telephone.' "Do yon mean that he ' "I mean that with your perml-' elon. I'm going to ask him to coma ' on here and.operate on your motu er, or bare her go there. ? And he'll know whether there a any mis take In Dr. Foxham'a .diagnosis, although I'm afraid' there' lsa'l." Til Answer For Her." ' m . "But. Madge." Alfred protested, though I caught'a audden ho pal In bis voice. Dr. Braithwalte in tine of the biggest men In the country. Could' he leave his hospital? Would he?" "He's pleailn? himself more these days." I assured, him. "He always cornea to New York any way once or twice a year, and hi visit la past due. And for Dicky he would do anything; but do you think your mother would" "Would the?" Alfred Interrupt ed. "She thinks Dr. Braithwalte Is the most wonderful piece of up holstery ever cut off the roll. Whatever he tella her will be law and gospel. If he can only taka her case. It wil take a moontafa load, off my mind." It waa already slipping off.l knew It from the returning buoy ancy of his voice. - I hurried into details "Do you want to communicate. with Dr. Bralthwalte. or shall I? Oh, you. by all means If yota will." i"7 r7"7 ':..;- i . Ill be glad tk; Shall I wilt until" you've aeen your mother?. - No.-r 'I'll answer for her.GI ahead and wire him. Of oonrse. when you've heard from htm. then advise me, and I'll get htm on the. telephone and make all "arrange-. menu. ' Mother says she asked yon to asked Katberlne to Uke care of her."., " :. . 'And. I have a message from Katherine for her. which please atl Ws Vt Aa en un aa wmh mr a A 1a.v i K;rh,Hnrj , w . I Ktberine says to tell her that oo one shall come near her to Uke. care of her but herself!" , (To be continued) : FIRE IS srRR.Dixa - ' - n .SPOKANE, Wash.. July S2. Fanned by a strong- wind to day, the Le Clere creek fre near' Newport. Wash., broke Aver the control lines and covred r 2,000 j acres. The fjre ws gradually spreading tonight. Notice, of Intent k to Imrtrov-e North Slxtmnttf Street From A Btreet to 'D Tsircet. . Notice Is hereby given that the Common Couacll of tie City of r. . . . f - - I taiein. uregon. deems It necesaajry; and expedient and hereby declarer 1U purpose and Intention to Im prove North Sixteenth street from the south curb live 'of "A" street to the south line of D" street, in the City of Salem, Marion county. Oregon,, at the expense of th$ ' abutting and , adjacent, property. axcepung me street intersections. the expense of which will be as-, umed by the City of Salem, by bringing said portion of said street to the esUbllshed. grade, con Btructing cement concrete curbs, and parine aald rDortlon of said w,th ,ix Uch PortUnd c- I tnent concrete pavement twenty- four feet wide In accordance withi the plans, specifications and esti mates therefor, which were adopt ed by the. Common Council July 4, 1925, now on file Id the office of the City Recorder and whlchf said plans, specifications and esti mates are hereof referred to ancS made a part of this notice. The Common Council hereby de clares 1U purpose and Intention. to make the above described Im provement by .and through the. Street Improvement, Department, of the City of Salenx Written remonstrances may t filed with the City Recorder or' said city against Uis above rrs-. posed Improvement within tc-i days from data of final jutlkv -tlon hereof. " By order cf tbe Connoa C;.--ClL July C, 1S2S. ;-v u. rouLT.o:?. csv r.Cr:--. Data cf Cm r-lllcat!3-a t.-rfr:t I ! t it i ? i ; I s I i i 1 , , HOME REALTY CO. -ePS nisrb.