The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, July 15, 1925, Page 4, Image 4

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Itn4 Daily Eept If ndT y
nra btatesmaji
, 315 Sotk CoBmreil 8t, SUm, Orfoa
r4 J. Ttow , ,
LmII Smltl
a4r4 Bumek.
.Misriag Kitor
7 Editor
VT. H. Hnderm.Circltlo Miuin
Ralph H. KIUiaf A4rtiiaf Manager
Vnmk J ukwkl .Mtuftf Jb Dept.
B. A. t v Mitor
W. C Coi oar.
; 1 " ; XDOl OF TEX ASSOOZATXO msi - ,!,:. "
Tfc ueUU4 Praaa U aaeluaiTaly tnilU4 to to m for pnblicatios f all ann
f lpaleJij eidiUl to it r aet aUarwiaa cndltoA U Uia papar an sis Ua Woai
mw ptUas4 karat, f -
' BUSIXISS OlTICXi . -t" -
Tkosus 1. Clark C Vv Tars. 141-145 Wart ta St, Chicaf. 3armatte BklU
rartUa4 Office Weaatr BM, Paana 6T BBw7. Albart Bran, Up.
BaaJaaaa off) .
afaw ; Japartiat
. Jak Dapartaiaat
tl r MS Cimlatia Off to
10 Sooiaty Editor .
Katara4 at to PaataKiea la Baits. Oraffa. M aaaaad-alaaa mattot
atter would work at ''reduce wages ixit one branch ! I the!
umber industry, that they yould soon be employed in other
departments an4 white, employes would either be dropped
ronv the-payroll or their wages reduced to the same wage
evel as that ot the Orientals. The result for the company
would, of course, be larger profits.- To the white workmen it
would mean loss of position, probably loss of home and hatred
for both capital and foreign labor.
- The procedure" against the Orientals showed no malice.
The deportation was 'effected in the manner ot essential
peaceful self-preservation. :;; The activities, directed against
the company guardians was illegal but in the same spirit in
which our own forefathers boarded the British ship and
dumped the stamp tax chests of tea into Boston Harbor-
; . Oregon through the ' labor commission, the state feder
ation of .labor; the Governor's office and the local .Japanese
Consulate, assures an equitable solution of this problem' which
presents definite , angles of international Interests under
treaty ' rights involved. - "v l : ;' ."'
' ; ; : ? ! Caly 15, 1923 1 : ..,- - .,
. SAYING GOODBYE:-Finally, brethren, farewell, lie "perfect, be
ok gooa comiort, be ot one mind, live in peace: and too God of love
ana peace snail be with you. 2 Cor. 13:11: ' " , 'I' j
Si! J
; FITCHBURG.- Mass., July 9. The FItchburg Chamber of Com
inerce wants' a slogan, which will help Bell the city to the world at
large and Is offering a cash prize of $100 to the person submitting the
' best islogan in the contest which is now open and will i be closed
October l. ; "'y-S'r':'"' h-;Cy $ H'-iS::rJht'Ji
h i Many progressive American cities today. have t their slogans, ac
quired by natural processes or through the channels of a contest
'and Fltchburg. firm in the belief that a great future lies ahead of
. her, wants the people of America to help her select a slogan that will
have .real sales value.
. V There ia so limit to the number of: slogans that any one Individ
ual may submit in the contest, and thej fcrther away from Fitchburg
lithe suggested slogans" may come, the better ; pleased -.the Chamber of
Commerce will be. Not that Fltchburg and nearby folks are not
I invited to Jbartlcipa te in the contest, but everybody iti Fitchburg wants
"outsiders from all parts of the country to have an opportunity to
fassist her. In selecting ther ! permatent elbgan
i Tha' followlngare-tBi rules of the contest
j (. 1,, The contest Is open to anybody, anywhere, and contestants may
submit as many slogans as they desire, but aU slogans tojbe eligible
, must-reach the Fitchburg C'namber of Commerce by. noon, October
' 2. Slogans should bfe brief,! clear-cut and a sales argument 'for
Fltchburg. Few slogans" adopted by cities of the United States con
taln over seven wot ds,' and it Is suggested that contestants keep their
, alogans within that number of words. ; " ' , j
jr ' ' S.. Should two . or more personsgubmit . the winning slogan, the
prize awarded to the first suggestor. Time of receipt will
goyern.j':; -:: -", 'J', ! ; ; -V
4 i The Judges of the contest will be Fred S. Suthergreen, truck man
' ufacturer and vice president of tne Chamber of Commerce;; George II.
; God beer, editor of the "Fitchburg Sentinel; Gardner K. Hudson,
i prominent attorney and past president of the Chamber, and. Edward
B. Walker, ecretary of the Chamber. ' t . 1 . . V
The decision of this committee will be final and will be made
5 public as soon as, possible after the contest closes.
' The excellent work of the Salem police department dur
ing the' Cherry City mill. fire is a subject of much favorable
comment.1 During the' progress of the fire 'members of the
department, were in charge of street intersections directing
the excite crowds and cooperating effectively .with the fire
men. Confused drivers of cars were assisted and cars within
the intense heat zone at the sudden outbreak of the flames
were rescued by the "boys in blue." . , . ' .
Congratulations are due for the fine and effective cooper
ation of these city departments. 1 - i
; ' 1 1 i . . I ' . H : .......
If enthusiasm for.the participation of .the local organi
zation in the Elks parade at thercbnventioh in Portland on
Thursday iiolds' to ' its present high pitch) Salem, might be
entrustea lor tne aay to tne desert iana Doara. L
Adele Garrson's New Fbas of
running' througTi the hall to the
operf-ddof, IcaJJing delightedly:
"Mama coma home. Mama
come home!" ' '
But before he had reached it.
my mother-in-law's majestic fig
ure lomed large in the hall, and
with a swift, efectivei movement.
she rollared him by the neck of
his romper and held him firmly,
while she called Imperatively:
A Grim Reproof. . I .
Copyrght by Newspaper Feature
! i , !;The'abrye,ib. isetit to The Statesman, and presumably to
"j. other newspapers throughout the country, by the Fitchburg
; Chamber of Commerce, with a request to publish .
1 .nd The Statesman complies, hoping that some reader
f mayrdraw clowii tKe $10 f or the seven words: .- . '. '2
; By reference to the American Newspaper Directory, it is
. found that Fitchburg manufactures shoes, paper, woolen and
cotton goods, firearms, bicycles j saws, machine knives, foun-
dry and machine shop products, steam engines, bricks, wooden
j toys, combs and celluloid goods,-and that it has car shops and
granite "quarries: It is in Worcester county) on the Nashua
! river, and is 40 miles northwest of Boston. Its manufactures
run into the millions annually. i : i
)Y: , . No doubt a good slogan will be worth many times $100
to Fitchburg, Ma3s but it is evident that it will be hard to
, frame a good one, "acquired by natural processes." because it
is plain that, outside of granite quarries, Fitchburg depends
I j on other sections and countries for the raw products of her
i - juauuiaciures uiai give ner reasons ior existence-- ..
' . ,), , Whereas it I is far different in Salem. ' j c f -
j - - Salem is the cherry city of the world, the flax center of
Jforth America, the walnut city, the,, filbert city the straw
) berry center of the United States, the mint centerj the black
raspberry center, the dairy center,; with nearly all the great
; ' Jersey cows Of the wbrld, the gooseberry center of the United
States, the'onion and onion set center of dregon and the coast,
1 1 the celery city, the poultry center, the hopand hog and goat
I center, etc.. etc.. because we Droduce the .raw materials. Sa-
lem is "acquiring by natural processes" a long1 list of, appro
priate slogansf ifty:two and twice f if tyrt2'm them,; and
many handles that are bound to make her famous and great
I " For as she becomes a manufacturing city which she
will as her: white "coal resources are better, developed, she
j will be "in, position to draw on the land for her principal raw
materials ::J;'t"l
V And that will make a mora solid prosperity than can be
s had in any other way one that will be' enduring; that will
last forever. , ' .'. ; - c - ' . ,
. GRAHAM ...
As my taxicab l turned into the
farmyard - gate, I craned my neck
to Bee If any of my family were
outside. , ,' ; -.': ' ' .
The sounds ot an ax In the
VdIot north, of the house , told
me of Jim's endeavor to keep QP
with Mother Graham's insatiable
demand for wood - for the fire
place, aggravated' now " by the
most disgraceful .. . dalliance of
Winter with Spring which the
world has seen for many years.
There was no sign of any one
else outside the house, but as the
taxi driver held 'Open the door of
the car for me to alight, the side
hall "door flew, open ; and Katie
tumbled, rather than ran, down
the steps, and. grabbed my shoul
ders with eages hands.
"Oh, Missis Graham! My Missis
Graham, you : coom. home! You
coom home to Katie!." she caroled
and then with a quick movement
released me and turned tv the
doorway.- ?
: "Cooin, ba-bee; see! Here's Ma
ma!? she called, and 1 caught my
first glimpse -of ''my small son
"Come In -here quickly, and
shut that door. This child has
cold already, and he likely to
catch his death with this . fool
" I was not particularly alarmed
by the announcement of Junior
cold, tor I know, my mother-In
law's little ways. . When 'she is
particularly displeased at any
thing, and is prevented by the
proprieties from disclosing the
source . of her rancor, she is al-
I ways able to . find some appro
priate pretext for resentment:
That she strongly ' disapproved
of Katie's hysterical trelcome to
me, I well knew, and guessed that
when the girl was out. of hearing
I would listen to a recital ot her
disapproval in several volumes' ot
many, chapters each. Pending
that hectic time. X was curious to
see just what discipline she would
mete out to me for my little
maid's effusive welcome. ; ' "? '
I had not long to wait, fof
when with a cordial greeting to
her, I stopped " into : the hall and
stoopetr to pick up my little boy,
she swept him behind her with a
superb gesture, and faced ' me
with grim, critical face. ' ' j
-"Margaret, are yon crazy to kiss
and embrace this child without
first changing your outer clothing
and washing your facs and
hands? .How do you know what
infection yon may have brought
!from the city? Besides, you're
coll. "Tou 'ought to get thorough
It,' karm. before .ttkiac him."..
! i . .-V f ' 'I - .' , ' '
Play"tots?a,-f-'-;--i- - -
'..There was Just enough truth in
her . words to make me : flush
painfully with a sense of guilt.
Usually, I, too, take ' the precau
tions she had named. But even
at I prepared to obey her man
date, I wondered grimly whether
she. wouldn't have forgotten some
ot her precautions if Dicky, not I,
had been the unexpected visitor.
l it took all the grace I had to
speak in conciliatory fashion . to
her, but I finally managed it.
f'You are perfectly right. Mo
ther." 1 said, as I made my way
up'the stairs. . Junior's -disappointed
little wail tugging at my
heartstrings. "Be a good boy.
Junior." I tossed back at him en-
couraeinaly. "Mother , will be
right down, and we'll play."
Plays - lots?.' he ' demanded
drying his tears. "And lots of lor-
ings?" ;
I choaked a bit as the familiar
little request floated up to me
"Lots of loTings," is the quaint
phrase which Junior gives to
cuddle in my arms with its accom
paniment of caresses and hum
mln. To mv starved heart it
seemed 'years Instead ot weeks,
since I thus had held him.
"Just oceans of Llovings!"
nromised. as I hurried down the
corridor and into my room.
There, determined to give my
mother-in-law no cause for criti
cism. and actuated by my own
common sense as well, I made
complete change of clothing after
had bathed my face and hands
putting on a house gown which
had left at home, and whieh never
had seen the city whose contam
ination my mother-in-law so fear
ed. ': ; - " t "
Then, with happy rushing feet
was down in the 'living room
with my arms ' extended '- to
ward my little la,'; who was
prancing impatiently inside the
restraining arm , ot his grand
mother. She made no movement
to release him, hoever. Instead, j
she eyed me critically.
"You look to me as if you had
a cold, Margaret." she said. I
don't think you should take this
child If you have. You can talk
to him Just as well while I hold
A man quite tipsy' sagged down
on the lobby lounge "beside a dig
nified clergyman.
"Thishs fine hotel.' he began.
"Yes, I find it Tery comfort
Whadja.W to havin a drink?"
asked the boozy one genially.
The clergyman's face set severe-
lv. "No. thank you. I never
touch the rile stuff."
' "Shav!" exclaimed the other.
whatja glvln' me!' You gotcha
collar on backwards how." v
la not locked. 'Turn the knob and
it will open."
For a moment he ruminated.
"Anyhow," he reflected, "there
is no harm in trying it If it really
is unlocked."
' He grasped the knob and turned
it. -
Instantly the office was flooded
Did You . Ever Stop
To Think? -
SHawBM, OkU Boir ef Commtrca
with light, an alarm bell ,rang
loudly, an electric shock rendered
him helpless, while a P111 n tne0Te'. select ext ; and used" well ad-
That products that sell the ben
are the ones that are advertised
the best. ; . - " f-
That the prime feature behind
well advertised products is qual
ity: quality that means depend
ability, which In turn means sat
isfaction. That satisfaction with the qual
ity means success to those con
cerns who have built their busi
ness on 'quality, well advertised.
; That. wise buyers always profit'
br the experience or those who
Lail Tim and. Tired Dick" were j
discussing something they, knew
little about-r-work.
"I think.' eaid azy fTint, thal.
if they did away with work alto
gether it would put an end to all
these strikes." 5 ,; '
"Yes," said Tired Dick, "that'll
he the time when everything s
done by electricity; only got to
press a button and the Job's done."
' A slow horror dawned In Lazy
Tim's eyes. "That won't do," he
said emphatically. "Who's a-go-tng
to press the button?"
Macfarlane had been invited to
spend an evening at a friend's
houee listening to a wireless -pro
gram. At it3 conclusion the host
said. "Well. Mac. what could a
Scotsman desire better than that?
Singing, instrumentalists, a talk
on bluebottles, opera, news and
dance music all for nothing.
"Ay." said Macfarlane. "but we
didn't have any acrobats."
. The Jurymen had retired to con
sider their TerdJct. When they re
entered the court the Judge asked
the foreman if they had arrived at
a unanimous decision. ...
"No, your honor," he replied,
"we haven't. I never met 11 uch
obstinate men in all my life."
. (To Be Continued)
i . Unsightly
Editor Statesman: On the cor
ner of North Church and Chemek
eta streets, Jn the center of our
beautiful city, is a hole the
ground four or five feet deep and
tunning the full length ot the lot,
covered with -rocks, old dried-op
grass and weeds that constitutes
a lire menace as weu as an un
sightly sight. An, old rickety-
rackety fence, ready at the slight
est provocation to topple over.
causing a possible injury to some
child that might be climbing or
leaning against it; on the curbing
dirt is piled two or three feet high,
where it has been since being ex
cavated two years ago. This con
dition exists and can be seen just
bne block from the civic center,
or half a block, from the high
school and directly opposite the
beautiful St. Paul's church.
The people In general, and more
especially the abutting property
owners, feel something should be
done by the city council to remedy-this
condition. T,hey feel an
injustice has been done them and
the city as a whole.
After effecting an entrance into
the bank, the burglar found his
way, easily enough, to the strong
room. When the light ot the lan-
wall nnenert and out rusnea a
bulldog which seized him firmly.
An. hour later, when the eell
door closed on him, he sighed:'
"I know what's wrong with. me.
I'm too trusting. I have too jnach
faith In human nature
t , ,
. . - - . i . r
Young Harold was altogether
much too garrulous In school to
please his teachers.' . Punishments
were tried without any apparent
effect upon the hoy. until at last
the headmaster decided to mention
the lad's fault In his monthly
report. So the -next report to
Harold's father had these words:
"Harold talks a great deal."
; Back "came the report by post
duly acknowledged, but with this
written In red ink: "You ought to
bear his mother!".., .
The story Is told of the compos
er Handel that a tenor once found
fault - with his conducting, ex
claiming from the stage, "If. you
can't conduct any better. 111 Jump
down there and show you."
Snappily came Handel's retort:
"Wait till I advertise It, because
more people will pay to see' you
Jump than to hear yo sing."
LONDON. Women as letter
carriers in Great Britain have
proved a success, according to Sir
WUliam Mitchell-Thomson, post
master general, who said recently
tern fell on the door he saw thisj that 4,200 women were now in the
sign .written in red letters: - l employ of the department in that
"Save your dynamite. This safe1 capacity.
vert iced Jlnes.
Thai the sale of well advertUed
lines has been growing steadily he
cause of the high quality of th
product themselves and the satis
faction they give... .
That advertising; through he
printed psge Js rapidly increasing
in, popularity err--- hr-i,Tusft
it has been thoroughly tested and
found to be the only ear- -rny of
Increasing business. Everything
possible should be done to encour
age its further use. ,
That there is nothing more in
structive and nothing more help
ful to buyer or seller than the per
sistent, truthful advertising ot
quality: . " .
; Well advertised quality products
cost no more than those of un
known quality. Fo'rjthat reason
they are the best to4uy or sell.
. The selling of well advertised
products means, quicker,, easier
and larger. sales.. '; " . - "--j
To the consumer, the buying of
advertised products means buying
satisfaction at, a knows, reason
able price.',-V ; . I
Blanks: - That Are Legal
We carry In stock over 115 lejral blank sniteJ to most any business
transactions. VVe may have just the form yoa are looking for at a biz
aarins aa compared to made to order forms. -
Some of the forms: Contract of Sale, Road Notice, WTO forms," Assign
ment of Mortgaee, Mortgage forms,; Quit Claim Deeds,, Abstracts form.
Bill of Sale, - Building Contract, Promissory Notes, Installment Notes,
General Lease, Power of Attorney, Prune Books and Pads, Scale Re
ceipts, Etc These forms are carefully prepared for the courts and private
use. Price on forms ranges from 4 cents to 16 crnta apiece, and oa note
' books from 25 to 50 cents, - . , . ..
1 1
The Statesman Publishing Co.
At Business Office, Ground Floot
T j
: a Self government is the determination of not only the
; ' 'independent minded -ciiizens of a rcmmurty.butJ.of '.all;the
f S .electorate who are not bound by financial or industrial .Hmi
V " tations they'dare not break through. ' If as is reported, the
.! compeny at Toledo forced the-election of -certain friends to
the school board it should expect reaction against this pro
j V. cedure as un-American and the public spirited . citizens of
J r Toledo are justified in lawful resentment to such procedure.
A ; Like every other case of industrial trouble there have
been; more than one contributing' factor. So farj there has
; I been no evidence produced to show that white employes have
objected seriously to the prevailing wage scale. Neither has
? the claim that white men could not be obtained for the green
chain work been denied. And if such is the case, the company
with its investment and its business in jeopardy would be
justified-in employing other labor. This would not justify
lower wages than1 the regular scale however to any set of
employes, l he oasis ot wages pam snouia oe output not
or nor even race of men. , ; I " r
America for Americans is the fundamental plea for the
final tct in what may, unless properly handled,- become an
i-.t irrational problem. .White laborers with living standards
tj ,I.Iih they are entitled, cannot compete in wages with the
Cri:ntil3. And it would quite naturally follow that. if the
"Does a f ish smell?: asks the
Literary DIct.-,:Yes, Itiept too
long." Yoa don't have to-look in
a book to answer that. . i
It JIwI Am T
a. m( ni-t rra..nw
mmm HRAkat FILLM, tm M
ANrst SkSjnssTS'''
- (iWTrPs L fe-yJ75'i' 4ffWw3r
1 ' j
JPIB ' ; A'- j.-.'. -' '-:- --: M - :. " By CharleaMcManus
i t DON T WANT 1 AM AVER'S E- TO 1 11 r i y jl I THAT tiAKC6 No7 I RtTERAT.l HV. ) 11 WHV niHMT 11 AVK .
TotDHV TEACHtl? ' TtTLE.OIJ -r 1 A OOUT ITf Jrti I A MOVEMENT WiTMIN 1 IYARO AY MOf?E I; OF SfOU Pf?ttlStS. t ,nr fja , 1)
TMtNQS A POUT ME I N FORMER Vi J HUH? .dvi THE CURTILEGE JDP 1 Lf r "'jUNLgmAM I " ' 1 ' ' 1 1 & "
."i!. Egft-Y "i":;!1""!;? .r j 'WR- Residence ' :- . pldiAccoRDEo that ' ' V 'VLi
; ;;: ':-rH "ri " "' 1 l..Tr..,.. .L , .... , respect. whicm is ' 4 VErOC
-rJ. .jri .l - ' y . -tN COMMENSURATE WITH 1 4 A9&
V kTi Vy W-J U T7 ? , r5 . n ) - y kystatiomin Life (rr Z . f1
l 1 . . 11 - ' farrr- - - 11 - - ' ; - w y, j