The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, July 15, 1925, Page 1, Image 1

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1 I'rfiY i
? snvEinrriFTH year
BATE REpupTion qnoEB
1 i '
y v:v v V v l
i i i i a sk
Sentence to Be Passed Upon
Joe Walker, .of Mt. Angel, , '
v : Saturday Morning. , -h
- juni utovintn9 luuNi
ijt j, .i J" a
Johnson, Dixon and Andrews
Trlal Completed Lata Taee
- day;! Arrested Dry Ag
ent Testifies .
-i Convicted In the circuit court on
a' charge of possession of a still.
Joe Walker, declared to be the
owner of a liquor plant seized In
the -Mt. Angel districts on ApriJ
2, will be sentenced by Judge
Percy R. Kelly Saturday morning.
.The Jury deliberated but 20 min
utes before returning;. the verdict.
'Immediately following the con
viction of Walker, the three men
arrested with him were placed on
trial. These are Henry Johnson
. Lester Dixon and. John 'Andrews
, Their case will go to the Jury this
, morning at about 10 i clock. The
state concluded its case at 4:30
o'clock Tuesday afternoon and
counsel for the defense closed at
5:20 o'clock.
- 4M
I All thn defendants took the Wlt-
' nemm mtnnrT lnd nnder nuestionS
a',,,; ud by William Catena of Port
7. Ja?d. hief attorney for the de
J fense. all denied ever, being ii
ine ami Bouas uuiii
arrest. Each declared he had not
known of tHe presence of a still
on, the place, and each stated that
Moist" Treaty With England Is
J Upheld; Injunction Denied
By Jurist
crnoot) Session by; Mlxep
Concert Trio'
NEW YORK, July 1 4. By
Associated Press). A. test attack
upon the so-called "moist' treaty
with Great Britain which permits
Teasels of foreign ' registry : to
bring . liquor ; under seal , into
United States ports failed today
when Federal Judge Mack ruled
that the federal courts are with
out power Xo compel officials to
enforce penal laws.
Judge Mack ruled that whether
or not the treaty is contrary to
law and the ? constitution, the
Excellent. ProCr'am Offered' at Af.
r . r . I ri I ?w. , T r
beven- ueains eponea n 01. rTpiri'rsut Board u Mt
. Lous; Salt Lake Mercury o Thursday
Hits 10J)
Mrs. Margaret N. McCluer of
Kansas City, national War Mother
nll I AC DCmnnQ RRnKPWlof the American War Mothers'
Texas 'City Swelters When Ther
mometer Climbs to J 03.4
Dtrees; Thunder
Storm Is Relief
tonight at about 6. o'clock. . . i
The members of the local chap-l
ter have been rery busy planning
for her entertainment.. A recep
tion will be held in her honor this
erening in Willson park from 8 to
10, during a part of which time
the fountain win play. There will
also be music. .
All War. Mothers are expected
CHICAGO, July 14-U(By Asso-
courts cannot order enforcement hiated Press.) Hot weather In the I be present, and the member j
O Clock
Junior .Chautauqua.
2:S0 o'Clock ; : ,
Special Children's Feature.
Margaret Byers and Assisting
Artists. ''.-;-.." 1
8 o'Ciock "
"Daddy Long LegsNew
York's Great Success. . . ;
Report for 1924 Leaves
Liuie noom Tor uompiaini
Secretary States .
of the penal laws. ' '., " . ''
The suit was brought by mem
bers of the Neptune association jof
masters and' mates in Indictment
to have an attempt to have the
treaty declared unconstitutional
Thursday Rand Day
9 o'clock
Junior Chautauqua.
2:80 o'clock
, Concert, . Maupih's - Singing
8 o'clock
- Concert, Maupin's SingiSg
Band. . " . .
PubUc SeTTlce Commission Cut of
13 Per Cent on' Grain Pro- .
dncts Stands
Third Dav of Trial Ends Jn
Jorrld Session; Counsel ,
Clash on Prayer
Large Ttalance Bhowp In 'Favor of
Shipping; Employment !
' Conditions Reported
An order of 'the public serrlce
tnmmlMlnn' raAattnr bar "and
grain rates in Oregon; amounting CQURT QQNTEHPJ HINTED
.v la per ceui on trim, a'f
products, potatoes, ; onions and
straw, was sustained in the .Mar
Ion county circuit court yesterday
when Circuit Judges L. H. McMa-
han and Percy H. Kelly dlssolied
the injunction against the commis
sion secured by the Oregon-Washr
lngton Railroad NaTigation
company and other carriers. The
FremaUuw Publication ot Btorle
Is Rapped by Jndge; Com
mlttee Is Appointed to
Hear Case
middle west today continued to I Qf all patriotic organizations are
add its toll of deaths and prostra-1 also inTited, as well as all friends
(ions. , . , . I who may wish to meet this dls-
, Weathc r predictions . tonlghit i tlnguished. visitor.
showed little indication, of lmme-l . There ; will be a luncheon In
4iate relief from the temperatures 1 honor of; Mrs. McCluer tomorrow
Th- niafnHfr. n" inA.A -in I which raneed from 90 decrees tolnoon. at 'the Gray Belle, at whicn
aswaws asT a.s va u I . - ' -" - r j- - , j
American shi nnine rrM "that shinul more t!"tn lvv. except tor thun-iau W ar t momers, wnemer mem
Hvinar th American flae were! dershowers in soma sections. . .1 uers oi ine locai organimwa yr
beine damaznd becausa naRRRnr.l St. Louis reported seven addi-I not, are invited 'to be present.
1 tional deaths from the heat vester-1 i Reservations tor the luncheon I Vital problems connected with
ships to' opUin il today with slightly lower hould made as early as pos-1 the youth of the country were "pre-
three mile limit. They asked for temperature today. Official weath-J 8,blet bT Phnoing to the GrayUented In a dynamic and eloquent
injunctions restraining British er readings at Salt Lake City
ships "from .violating the law and showed a temperature of 105 at
constitntion." . j ; o'clock, the highest; recorded
. The injunction was denied. : j there in years while in the Rocky
Judge Mack would intimate no! Mountain region temperatures I MILL WILL BE REBUILT
i -
j Belle. The luncheon is to be held
(Contiaurd cm page 7)
tutionaUty. ! e neid mat tnei successrre day. Readings in
damages alleged to have been in-J Rocky Mountain cities ranged
uiciea resuuea ponrom iu ai from 9fi at Denver to 104. 6 at
tpa. British ships , brought Honor I Sheridan, Wyo
into port, but from the fact, bo it
appeared, that passengers, pre
ferred British ships..
Chicago, in the midst of the hot
I . 1 .. : ' -.iat an early age and directing their
; ,Al a meepng ot me airecwrs oi thouzhttt and ea lnto thn
he had only been on the place
three times, and at each time they
had spent the entire day lisning.
Th.ey also declared tney were go-1 tabOR COUNCIL DECLARES
ing fishinf a th time they jrete i poyERXOR ,W?LL BE OUSTED
arresiea, annougn wwa bo
tioned, by- John Carson, - district
attorney, each admitted -that no
one in the' crowd possessed a fish
ing pole, although Dixon declared
he, had a line in his pockeiL.
i Arthur iChristensen, one of -the
officers who; made tjje arrest
the Walker farm, testified In courjt
yesterday -after he had- been .re
leased from the "federal word' of
thOH ffhta and llvoa Intn Vio nrnna.
the Cherry City MiRIng cpmpany.l.ha--. .
sone, continued today to enjoy I whose .plant burned Sunday night. helDg consjgned to In8tUutions.
moderate temperatures, due to a lit was decided that no definite ac- whil r,nf,t' iron-- o.-
breexe blowing over the city from Upn -taken in regard toWM to the VOnnrater- v
tpe lake.-.. . Mebuilding the plant until the re- gave the parents a great deal to
s ah xanas neai records were I port or the adjustor lor tne lnsur
proken when' the. official ther-lance companies interested was Is-
ABERDEEN. July lL-rDellv-
ering a brpadalde against Gover
nor Roland Hartley as "labor's
mometer registered 1Q5.4 this aftr
ernoon. Rain and some sections
storms followed he beat in north
sued. ...., -..J.,. ... .. ,.
me aajusipr win oe in me cnyi
to ipvestigate the situation, today.
There is ino doubt in the minds of
the directors but that the plant
PHOENIX, Ariz., July 14-(By will be r.ebut Immediately.
most vicious 4SnemyUhe executive j Associated Press) After register-
council 4)1 uw waaaiBgwa ouiiti .
Federation of Labor today present-1 (Continued on pg 2)
ed to the annual convention of
that-body a report elosing wlthl VISITORS" RCTIIRfl HFRP
Associated Press. )r Business con
ditions during 1924 left little
room for complaint on the part
of the American people. Secretary
Hoover declared tdday in the fore
word to the commerce depart
ment's official history of the
year's trade. j
Publication of this document.
known as the department's year
book, summarizing statistics of
production and distribution cover
ing the nation's trade.' coincident
with an income of foreign, trade
figures disclosing a balance of
$1,042,681,497 In favor ot the
United States In the last fiscal
In his foreword. Mr. Hoover
cited that 1924 had been marked
by very complete employment of
the country's working force; that
agriculture had experienced "some
partial recovery from their three
years of extreme -.difficulty"; that
transportation efficiency had been
high; that buildings and construc
tion had established new records,
and that the general production
and, distribution of articles JTor
- . .
think about. He has unshaken consumption had been measurably
convictions and his epneral KArrlro I saiisiaciory.
I Ml . f
is for the bov and rlrl. I inere-were some less sausiac-
In addition to the admirable I tofy elements in tne business situ
ation, but the1 general results were
(Continn4 on pa 7) I held to be gratifying.
"The shipping Industry shows
t m l m M w
not Tft TfarhA 1 tuiiii nf utahll.
'"7 wit-JHfix hiui UK ty. The textile Industries ex
, w.m . periencea more inactivity than
otner manuiaciunnr - inaustries,
WASHINGTON, July 14.- (By I sweeping order of the commission
manner at the Chautauqua tent
last night by Capt. T. Dinsmore
Upton, "the big brother ot 100,
000 kids,"' in his lecture on "The
Player In the Shadow."
Captain Upton is a .recognized
expert in playground work and
development and clearly showed
the value of taking hoys and girls
,W H. Dancy, chairman of tne The bituminous coal industry ls whIcn th commission's
as to his being removed from of
fice by one method or another
long before his term expires, and
possibly before the present year is
New contracts, providing a mln-
With Portland crowded as a re-1 Imam wage scale ot 135 a week
suit of the Elk convention, and Und prescribing regulation opening e"ng J the council for thel hch'
no ngcei accommodations avau-iand closing hours have been pre-1 yumy-
able. ylpitors to that city last pared by the butchere union and B"orvine CUT Iire aepariment-ni-ht
retTiieoA their tnvmim an far I .(n v p,-l In the recent fire at the Cher
. , Inigbt retraced their traveU as farlwill be submitted this week. The 16 receni nre " in Cherry
The reportcites labors oppo-4sm Jn an effort to flnd Milling company plant the
IIO- .laMn1 V m kAAAma I Via I m m . m .
tha Pnrtliiid 4.11' hn tKOO hondi I UY oW SOJM AtUVJlMUlJAXES UJ$L&
u- " . v-- Z ....iPnbllc hostility towards tne gov
, , . T . . v I ernor that little donbt now exists
liquor ; selted In a rtJd on a St.
Paul still. He was stripped of his
state badge, issued under Gover
nor Pierce. TO
. Cbrlstettsen . gave description
nf thtk rrnaf nf (ha mnr man mf
could ' not sUte that hf saw wl""9 "arueT faa,acy n place to sleep. Several automobile August 1.
j.. r lax, and declares that "every-1 v iv. ttt. ' 'i
w, iem in tne ouu, nouse,v ai-i . . . . . '
thbtiah ho did see them mnnin r g that ; labor has charged 1 after having
!,B W ri nlnwn aTtivuTM ainii nsanm-l 5- J!!L- tit" I-"- at M thing Uni-
questions ! directed by Attorney I inS tne governorship." Opposition 1 . .The visitors plan to return i to
Gaiens. Christensen stated that he I to the child rabormendment piac-i Portland this morning, after hav-
recetrexl' 1PQ from, Sheriff Oscar 1?? control of the, department fill fag rested over the night at the
Bower of Marton county for ,bi I hprjitid. Jndustries "in the Randal capital city. "We noticed the fine
part In seizing the plant. He or men openiy nostue to our tea- hotels in Salem as ; we came
worked under no salary from the eration" and "holding of safety through yesterday; the driver of
state, he said, but, operated under conferences in Chamber ot Com- one car said, "and we struck back
an agreement with sheriffs in thn merce .rooms under .the auspices here as soon as we. found we
- . f 1 panics returnea nere last nigni.i : Tintrhpru romnlain that honl
thing that lahoV has charged having discovered that Ore-Snl CmoSS Pressur obuIned the
ln.( mrtln ha heen TirnvBnL " . I Remain Open IXOm b until V O ClOCKI numnlnv ivctcm w. .nf.
form. Wages, it is claimed, vary'
from 25 to $40 a week.
i ,In addition, to the minimum
wage, the contracts provide that
fire and water committee of the in great difficulties due to com-
city council, announced yesterday Dlcx causes, partly the holdover
that a recommendation would from ejtcelT expansion during
nrobablv be mad. t th. thenar.1 But generally we have
vui tew uiuicuiues remsiniOK
can be attributed to the ef
fect of the war.
"Agriculture has been blessed
with a shift In prices for the bet
ter, probably in a large way at
least reflecting the fact that while
tne number ot . farmers has re
mained constant since 1914, the
consumers have increased greatly.
Whet prices were, . no doubt.
CSS AnT lD the neM. broad .d corn price, by crop
DAYTON, Tenn-Jnly H.-rlBy
the Associated Press.) The third
day ot the Scopes evolution trial
ended amid stormy scenes late
this afternoon without the Jary
having bean sworn In. and before
Judge John T. Ranlitoa had an- "
nounced his decision on the de
fense motion to Quash the Indict
ment. "It was a stormy day.,,
the judge remarked, as he left the
bench. A momeot earlier he had
warned newt reporters of possible
contempt of court proceedings, be
cause of publication of stories In
timatlng the judge would deny the
I defense motion to quash. A com
mittee of newspapermen was ap
pointed to investigate the prema
tura publication. , r- '
- A statement from a correspond
ent ot the International News ser
vice was heard by the committee
and it announced It would report '
to the Judge tomorrow.
The storm occurred at the end!
ot a long, hot day, awaiting to
learn what the court would do la
response to the defense's attempt
to end the trial by establishing
the unsoundness of the Indictment
and the unconstitutionality of the
Tennessee anti-evolution statute.
The law in question says that pub
lic school instructors shall teach
no theory ot. evolution which de
nies the Biblical story of man's
creation. . ,
When the Judge at lengthen-
tered the court room after a re
cess' of hours which he employed '
In writing his decision, he was
metbefore he could make any an
nouBcement by the ftllnf of a de
tense motion ' asking that the
morning prayer be discontinued. '
' In' addition, the motion asked
and supported its request with a
signed petition from churchmen
BRYAN POLICY FAVORED oatslde county that it th.
prcper opening suouia oe conun-
I . m a. .
WILL ROGERS. COWBOY-COM-I uea ine couri Permit some min
involved rates on all carriers. Be
cause of its Importance it is ex
pected the case will go before the
United States supreme .court.
A temporary injunction . was
granted by the circuit court in
February, 1924. from attempting
to enforce the order of the com
mission which reduced rates 25
per: cent. The reduction was then
changed to 15 per cent under a
decision of the court at that time.
The public service , commission
ordered rates in compliance with
the order ot the court at that time
and the railroad companies ob
tained another temporary injunc
tion against the enforcement ot
the commission's order. It was
this latter Injunction that was set
Arguments advanced by the
plaintiff Included that intrastate
business was so low that a re
duction of rates Is deemed unreas
onable; and that In oral argu
ment much stress was laid upon
the alleged fact that maximum
joint rates - upon a continuous
mileage, basis are not usually ap
plied to Independent connecting
carriers and never through a pri
mary market. It was pointed out
In the dissolution order that ex
perts differed and that the court
was not a rate fixing body. The
personal abuse of the counsel ap
plied to public officials apparent
ly; striving to do their daty did
not meet' with the approval of the
court, and it was held that the
plaintiffs did not overcome the
pre presumption of regultrlty
action in regard to a -continuous
mileage basis.
inadequacy of the present equip
ment was plainly seen,, he said.
pumping system was hardly suf
ficient tq break a pane of glass.
It is estimated that two new
borhood of $30,000.
It will also be urged
in the
state. His oar was based on the I of the federated industries with-1 couldn't stay in Portland
size of each liquor plant ' raided, I out labor being invited to parti
and depends In no respect on con-Tcipate,'" are termed examples in
victlons. ot the operators of the point.
-stills. All state men work under
.the (im ;impmnt rhratonaon I '
declared, and are paid by , the TURNER JS ' PflE$DENT
menu pi tne county in which the
raid is made.1 r J
the men shall not work on Sun- recommendation that the tire de
days or holidays but in case that partment force be increased suf
they are called upon to do so, they ficiently to make it possible to
will be paid at the rate of time keep one . machine at North and
and a half. . one at South Salem..
"A. C. Smith, another state man
who was present at the raid, took
James Turner, a member of the
butchers' union, was -last night
elected president of .the Salem
I Trades and Labor Council for the
next term. He defeated C P.
l Tovnlanil n nnat nraiMaiiKilw Oio
HZEP.iAliyil mgin of a single vote. 7 J. G.
Taylor was elected vice president
and Clarence Townaend re-elected
secretary-treasurer. ,v other offic
ers elected were P. W. Sears, ser
geant at arms; Fred Leisl, reading
clerk and Roy Blodgett, Archie
(Continued en ge 7)
TAanirtwiun, wuiy i.-ftijy
Associated Press). - Tentative
schedules' for the eight new air
mall routes recently decided upon
eutai eryice eVe announced to- "B"
day by PastmMter General New t"iri7." TrTT. .
in calling' for bids by September --. o reaera
16 from prospective epptrdtors. otOT M Mrsli field will be
, An average flying speed of ap- mre8 T"nerrQd S- B' O"
proximately 90 miles an hour and : r- Davidson, the business
six round trjps a eek.;on each ffWff detailed report of
route are required. hl activities during the past few
Th Pacific r n'ant mntn rhn1n1 .Weeks. . j
' -, T. " . ' jsr.T S T -.-
calls for a plane to leave Seattle
at, 9 a. m., Portland 10:55 a. m-. SUICIDE IS WITNESSED
Me.dford? l;50.o. flv Departure T t --l
from San Xrandsc will e at JAILERS SEND FOR SUPERIORS
mianigntf-witn arrival at r resno INSTEAD OF SAVING MA v
at ,2: 10 a;. m.; Jakersficrd a 2:55
am., and Los Angeles at 5:25
SEATTLE. July 14. At an in-
a, m. -Thaorthbound plane wiiljqnest into the death 'of Clifford
leave ixs Angeies at .nwantgni. Cammack of Carbonado, Wash.,
Bakersfield at 10:45 a. m , Fresno who hanged himself in the city
at , 3:30 a. m. and? arrive San jajl here Friday, it developed to
rrancisco at 5 : 2 5 a. m., learing day that Cnmack body hanging
there at 6 a. m., with arrival at a 11 -was observed by two jail
Saeramento at 7:05 a. ,m., Med- ers and that the Jailers instead
iora 10:35 a. m.. jt-oruana ati0f resculnsr him. sent for their n.
1:30 p. m: and Seattle 3:10 p. m.lperlors. Demand wa madn nnnn
'NEW YORK, July 14. (By,
Associated Press) Attempting to
catch a foul ball in a baseball
tne city coupcil for appointment
of, a physician and surgeon - to be
on 'duty throughout each eight
hour shift .to -the jail, building.
.Lieutenant Smith testified that
pr, Thomas P.. Ratlgan, interne
game in Battery park toaay, joanion duty who ordered Cammack
A. -Williams ten into tne nuasou lowered esii "there teens to h9
v SV- S-A "t vv Vy vT
failures in certain states The
average price ot all agricultural
produce ' now approximates the
general level of commodity prices.
Some farm products, particularly
cattle, are still below the normal
relationship with other commodi
ties, but the shift Is constantly in
the direction of equality and gives
hope for still better conditions for
agriculture. j
"Our foreign trade for the (cal-
( Continued pa pax ) I
- iv -: '-I''
later ot beliefs other than those
of fundamentalists to lead the der
BARTLESVILLE. Okla.. Jul?' 14 I vout appeal. In fllinr this mo-
ers, Broadway cowboy-actor, says tlon. Arthur G. Hays, for the da
(By Associated Press.) WIll Rog- fense, was Interrupted by the 0-'
he has not voted in Oklahoma for Jectlon of Attorney General Stew
years, but that he will be glad art, who declared that the court
to come back and vote for himself at this stage was not an assembly
if he is entered next year in the niet for the purpose of hearing a
race for governor. motion. ,
j In a telegram today te-J, S. The prosecution's objection was
Leach, editor of the Bartlesvtlle Interrupted by Dudley Field Ma-
enterprlse, referring to a recent lon, fleien yer. ana a snarp)
renort that h waa b!nr "boom-1 exchange 01 woras new oeiween
for governor, Rogers said:
! "I haven't voted in Oklahoma
fdr years becauee you never had
the right man up for me to vote
for. Put me up for governor and
see how quick I'll come home and
the two. .
At this juncture the court an
nounced he would not publish bis
decision on the quashing motion
until tomorrow, explaining be had
been informed, that certain news
vote for myself! That's what reDeP8 or , services had pre-
Bryan used to do and look where
he Is today. If any campaign
funds have been raised kindly
send some on now. M I have two
democrats here in New. York that
I can bring out with me. Yours
for a better governor's mansion.
PORTLAND. Ore., July 14,
(By Associated Press.) More
than 25 years ot active service for
the advancement of the Benevo
lent and Protective. Order of Elks,
! was recognised when ' the grand
lodge reunion, in session here to
day elected William Hawjey At-
well, a member of the Dallas,
Texas, lodge, and Judge of the
federal court for the northern dis
trict ot Texas to. the .office of
grand exalted ruler. .: j .
The election ; was unanimous.
Judge At well succeeds John G.
Price, of Columbus, Ohio, to the
highest office of Elkdqm. !
Chicago was designated as the
-(scene of the 1926 reunion, which
will be held injslyand yrlll be
featured by the dedication of the
'new $4,000,000 national memorial
headquarters, now, under construc
tion. J :, : ' i
"Every Elk must be not an In
termittent, but a continuing
gladiator a foe of any band that
I would seek to play the 'Inter
nationals in the United States of
America' Judge .Atwell said ; in
bis address. "There is no place in
I any of the 4S rooms of this great
1 national mansion for red.' except
as one of the stripes of Old Glory
I There must never come a moment
bf mistaken freedom when we may
look on lethargically while the
I orator, either on the soap box, or
on the rostrum either in open or
in secret, attacks the fundamen-
sumed to forecast the tenor of hi
ruling and had dispatched news
reports to this effect. Declaring
that If it' should be established
that the privacy of the court had
been violated Jie would immedi
ately Institute contempt of court
proceedings against the aceusod
persons. ' -'
The Issue over opening of court
with prayer appeared at the be
ginning ot today's session when
(Cpniianed oil par ),
Jealousy is blamed for a shoot
ing affair last night in which sev
eral shots were exchanged but no
damage done, according to offi
cers who investigated.
Harry Rich, former owner of,.,,, mwibk : TACOMA. Ja 14 Tn intlrl.
miD, wawfl uim coaii on ..m. r .vi.. ki. - ,
J!.raed. nI"' "" before the sUte supreme court at
"em on .fl, wire, aecwed to Qlympla Frtday on the arpeal
Inyestigate. Mrs. Rich and htTt?V JJ,Zl "...CI " Jf"
Sr. a VfLf' 'f he court here early In June ahlrt
was engaged Jn picking berries . 1 t.. . .
east of the penitentiary.- t L.rM ti. j,., .1 tv,
, Just, who fired the first shot 'is !
not known, but Rich's dueling
mate possessed a German Luger
gat. Rich started to run bat fell.
It was at first believed he was
hit. Rich Is said to have come!
to Salem and later left tor Port
SeIden.:'proaeVutIngattorEey, "u '
Ovr busily engaged in "studying
kls brief In the case. -The indict
ment charged Mar. Hart with at-"
tempted.' bribery In disposition' of '
attorneys" rees growing out cf th
liquidation of the defunct Ecaa-dlniTian-Amerlcan
bank.' - '
.10 rin.C9.Ant: htrUnlU Selden. will made before nine
; . - I Judges of the supreme court o
IDAHO NATIONAL FOREST RTJ- will sit en banc, ee;ec'at'y r t!
PRIEST -RIVER, Idaho, July 14.
Fifteen new fires wire - reported
burning In the Kan Iks a national
forest late today bringing the total
of fires In the forest toJJSl S'
Sparks scattered by the wind
caused ' new . blazes'' and plarts
thought under control were burn-
lzg again tonight, forest officials
tala of our government and glres j reported. More than 200 mei are
purpose of hearing extra r. .t n
which the court '? xr.iv' to
take-up during tLe la:t uzi.
which ended ou'Jcre 12.
' "Mr. 5eldea annc-Tced tv n T V
will tasintatn' In Hi arr.-.--.'--1
that tbs jnforcation xrc: -r:? d;;-
cIots tiat tte ex-f over--r 'lii rt
directly ask af ratu:y f-r a c;,i-
Slci Ot fPfS Jn t9 t r -
tl:?t there ??s ?n 1
tiiat he would r t i
.utterance t2 ttg?3f"- " -- ' I'S'l1.0? i-? VTWt