THE OREGON STATESMAN, SALEM OREGON TUESDAY MORNING, JULYIC IO . . . - 1 ' ' in i nmii n 1 - r 1 Phone 10 S .TTyrRS.'- IL IL OLlNOf Mr; , 1V1 Edwin It. Baker, TUrs. E. Dillingham,, and Mrs. O. C Locke entered the qualifying rounds, yes terday at the atate gol tourna ment at '.Tualatin,- ..Mrs, Ralph Watson ot Portland U entertain- r tag Mrs,, dinger and Mrs. Gllllng- nam a, her . house-guests,, while ' Mrs. .Baker Is staying with Mrs. Nean West. -.- j. - ' i. - , . ' : ' ; Eleven hundred librarians from the United States and Canada at tended the-4 7th 'annual conference of the American Library. associa tion at - Seattle I during; tha. past week, according to a statement by the delegates. ; Adult, education was , one .qfthe. chief topics discussed'. , It is a brand of serylce '. to .which, many libraries, are, paying special atten- tlon, and It means not only the supplying .of book bnt-'the pw paring pf re'ading courses, and the S'rlng ,of a.dTice; to young people , who hare left school, and to 'eUUt men sjid, women who want to read. with a purpose. - " t ; .; v. OtherTJm?ortantr;cioni were on library training, school library work , and " library inten sion. ' Among the. "fcp.eaker$y were 1L H. .B. Moyer of, the Library, of ' Congress, who gave the, presiden tial address; President SuzxaVvof the University of Washington: The Amlcian ; club met Mon-! day afternoon at taeb.orae of Mrs. Ho tingrefi The no use -was bea,utltulrjr decorated' with gladi oli," 7 Bridge g nd needlework "was enjoyed by Xt guests.. . Delicious refreshments tvere served late in the -afternooi Those present were Mrs. Edgar, M"., Rowland, Mrs. Fraaci J. Sullivan, Mrs. H. R. WMite, Mrs. kriight Pearcy, Mrs. Ed R. Viesko, Mrs. Roy Jennings, Mrs. c: UvZinnrMrs. vHIlton Eck eman, Mrs. Arnold Krueger, Mrs. frfakrN.' - Zinn;' Mrs. Cheste? r A. Downs, Mrs. ' Earle - Kennell. - and i the hostess, Mrs. ; Momer " E. In- grey. :. :- - .. 3 m.-. i-. t t--I I '" " iri. ouiiivan s sis VI. A. . S - .... i. .WL - . . . I ... . . Tales Frojn Siryer; Lands,'Ta toI- nm o( Sputh American folk tales.' The a.nthor was jresnt -At fteatW. to - ireceiTe' the. nidal which is awaraea eacn yean ior the noeat contribution to literature for chil dren Only American' authors are ligibte"! TheTnedaliwasstaV liahed te 1922, when" the Hrinper was Headrik Van Lpon, author of people Am;mmrs SILVERTON ' " LILLIE L. MlDSEJr. SUtetma Corrisipondm . . vick 4t h St. -Loal public lib- lary,; just returned from a trio to China asidelegatcof tae.A;! I'A.I and ilton J; tVrguren of the Cal- if or n (a StatA ihTarr" ""i - .1 11-; .' .. .- . r.-. '..r Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Clifford, Mr. and Mrs. S. H. Van Trump and Prof. W. Ti Fargo motored to Cor- rallis Sunday to attend an inter esting lecture on evolution. - The Darby; and McKinney clan assembled in Sherwood Forest on SILVERTON, ; Or.,' July 13. (Special to The Statesman.) A special- meeting of the Silverton council was held . Friday evening at which time a contract was awarded to L. Herrold for- the paving of the part of High street which is east of Second street. Mr. Herrold has worked in Silver- ton fof .the past two years, bu plans to leave for Oregon City as soon as h 13 work at Silverton is completed, which will be in two or three weeks. Some of the streets , recently completed or under construction are Cowing street,. Cherry street and Brown street Mr. Herrold plans to tear down the paving plant and move it to Oregon City. At ' invitation of 'the Brooks JurvNg. 1925. with Misa Marv Neal Community club ; the Trinity 192 5 this -honor wen't' to Hugh teftteg-for rThOipyages.'illr, DoIfttle,v and j last , year, t JjQ,fWin. nrngboo,k. wastT1ie,,Diri !Fr ate,"kby Charles Boardman Hawes. ' Officers elected, f n i 9 2 S-'i R ire. Presfdnj, Charles' F1 JX BeMen, of theBostqn pubVc? TUfary:f first ice presldeijiU : Mrs.- Elizabeth, Claynqoi Earl president' ot the In Qiana uuraryi ana nisioricai ae partmen,p Muncie, Ind- atfcoud Vice; president. Tb Colore, W. Koch of ' tberj Nortliwe8tetn. nitersity libraVy," Evanston; IJl.t 'treaanrer, Edward-D. Twee dell of the John Crerar ' library Chicago; Saem. was represented' by Cor nelia Majrvio, . Join ' Bell; Bellin ger. iMlrpah O. Blair." Maude E. Judsori T Jennings of tho Seattle Coyif to and pr; ajld Mrs. T. G. nublb; lihrarv fir Arthur e: Ttnat- Franklin . ' - 4 , J A' . . ...i, , , ... ,. 1 , 1. Te StOfy:-' of 'Mankind, 'In"lof 796 Everett street of Portland. f Young People's society held the aha : 1. I Jnlv mttnr In! tha Tinrt- a( u.iaiiuL 111 xrtciuus uiituuer - d.uflng tne day. Mrs. ; E. ' Adams 1 Brooks. .- Following services in the of 79t Cleveland avenue. Port-1 Trinity, c Hunch, members motored lap waa Toted queen of the day to me park wnere they partook o aj escorted ta the sUse. being basket lunch. A short program ensued. The battle, which lasted nearly an hour. Was finally term inated In the dressing room and peace restored. It was the first time that many of those present had seen women actually fighting. ', Two men, supposedly prohibi tion officers, provided a new sen sation for a number of boys fol towing a late swim Saturday night Aa' the si' boys entered their ear to leave. the park -they were halt ed, by .two,! men. who. ordered them to leave, the car. As each boy Stepped Mo the "ground,1 he , was searched, ai was also the car. The most suspicious looking"1' object which rewarded the search was a small Jar of syrumjwhlch'had been purchased by one of the boys a short time before. The men car ried their stars in their hands and used flashlights with which' to ex hibit their stars. , the oldest, member present. 'A very Interesting program was car ried out and -was - highly- appre ciated.' After "the singing of America, which was' followed by the invocation " delivered by Mr James Darby .of Silverton. Mr Kelsbn CUr kHxngs worth of M28 Edgar Wrightman is la Port land for the week-end having gone up Friday to attend a con cert by th University of Callfor aia Glee clubw He will also, attend r -hofse party at .Oswego Lake while at Portland. J. A. Worley, a friend of Mr. Wrightman's. also plans to be present at the concert and wenf to Portland Saturday. Mr tVorley is studying the lumbev Vusiness and has been staying at the' Wrightman home the past six months. His home is at Wausau, Wis. but he was graduated from Berkeley in 33. : . . . daily opened, the lUlS ae&siaa ol the grand, lodge, , Milton R. Klepper, xaRed ruler of the Portland lodge, host to the present reunion, ".. welcomed the convention delegates' ,- The civic I greetings were extended by Mayor eorge Baker in behalf of the city of Portland and uov'ernor Walter Pierce spoke V'for the common wealth of Oregda.' Dr. John Dy saat, grand chaplain, delivered the invocation. , Mr. Price reviewed tbe rogress of Uhe : order, durinj; the year, stressing s its material - advanci ment through the building of new lodge homes, - representing some $50,000,000, and the gain in. mem bership, which haa- been highly selective-' ';;' '- .The ' national memorial head quarters construction, In Chicago asfa tribute to members of !the. order who served in the World war, was taken by " Mr. Price as the text for his remarks upon true Americanism, the prime requisite of . the order. .. ' Thousands of lodge men from' all parts of the United States arrived in Portland- today, .28 " special traias bringing them from 'their respective cities. Fmukd rry Brala( (xept Moa- ay) at Baiaav tat canai ai vrw- Lccal Rate For Claisified AdYertiibf - Datlr mr Boa4T X rtata par WXi S caata par word t caata par ward Ona tima Thr timaa 8lX tlBM Oaa aaaata, daily aai 8naday 30 eaaU par wt in ardar ta amra taa mnra taaa aa Una aata, adrartiaamaal at ait nut la eaaaaatiTa Uaaaa. N ad iak (oa laaa waa a eaala Ada raa. 6aaap a&Xy aaaxxaa at ana-tiiaa lata. . v ! AdrartlaaaiaaU cpt , "Peraaa- aja" aad, "Kitaatiaaa Wantad") viu kaaaxa.aa. ta talaaaaaa If taa a4ruaar a narraa to pkaaa. Tha SUaaaaMtft maHl aia aarar- tlaamaata at tax aim ar taa ear nicht. Ta iaamr roar cl ttana aa aaoaid aa i aanra 1 p. xsxxTHOva. ta'ar ess J AUTO REPAmXQ a GOOD SEBVlCEFAlfc PRIRCE..ME- rai rcpaLringv aaccaiiaa. tin. Millar aad oala CvaiscrcuL i'hane 5t. - . - Smifitf AUTO TOPS . 3 BEE US rOR TOP AND PA1XT WORK. (K J. Hull Aata Top Paint Saoa. HELP 'WANTED fit LOGANBERRY PICKERS. GOOD TAS. Phopa TeaiBtc ar 7i'i day. -. " ... . ;U WAXTK1X Employment tft j FOR GARDEN PtOWIXO. BASEJItXT dirtinc ad le9 .wark, pkaaa lift. . I . lail4tf. rOCXO WOMAX WISHES HOCSK-- fcavpinf eanntrjr ar ity ewaatrr pra ferred. - Looa- mm - im4 aot aaavar. Bex 40 rart PtilMinii. ' ISilS. FOR REXT 21 UXRiiT. gTORE ROOM POR RtXT. qaice lr 8. CoauBarcul HV - IX-. ljl .r - fV.;v?ta -ASfct.v was given, consisting at a number of musical numbers and a talk by Rev. George - Henrlksea. pastor of Trinity church. At the business meeting after the -program it was decided to hold a young people'! convention in Silverton in Novem ber. Upon; adjournment of the Morris. streetT. Portland. :av the I n'ee"n many ol i tne .memoers address of ;welcoje in a very pleas- wnt ,to Spong'a landing, while lng"mannerw. Little Velma Painl reraa,nea t- "e pars 10 gave a reciiauon wnicn was rot-i '" , y 3 Low4! hT duets by- Mr ; Word received by wot j iaies , mm . a7,',,OIl friends in Silverton from Mrs. II, I Silverton service station this week. Bneaa; "r5f "r: Jaarjt ?,nI A. . Heliickson that she and her V. T 7 - .wwW , nusoana regret-that they lert Sil- whic& waa written soma years past Uerton. The Heliicksons lived in oy yeorge awwnuej, . wscease. thI- cM but . fchort ti. comfns. here from Seattle, to which city they had moved from the middjer west. They returned to their east era 'home about six. months-avgo but are no longer i satisfied, and wish themselves in Oregon again. Earl Starr began work at the Mrs. Mary McKinney sang a. solo which closed the morning, pro gram.- ..." - : , At noon the members surround ed a long table covered with de licious foods. , At 2 o'clrock,.thel r Iamng Is Our 4CHM4AavJU .members assembled and had their Since leaving,' Mrs. Heliickson has h business sessions. .Master Francis 1 been quite ill. Weather conditions Pain gava a declamation and re cited two amusing : encores. Mrs. -Albert Simons and- Miss Edith Burrell gave a duet. Liston Par- f rish of Salem, recited "Old Iron sides."- A very interesting feature, of the program was the impromptu play by little' members of the clan, ,Tne Making- of the Flag. MIsb A. E. McKinney gave, some inter-j esting history "of past events. Lit tle Erma Pain gave a Flower Song" which was well received. Mrs. A.-, M.. Tracy closed the pro- have also been very unfavorable. as there have been; many storms. one of which destroyed a town not far from their home. Nothing definite was aaid as to whether or not they planned to come back again. Spectators a t the swimming "pool at buverton were enabled to wit ness entertainment out of the or- ajnary Friday and Saturday nights. While in swimming Friday night one small girl is said to. have ducked" another, who resented the treatment very much. Words taking the place of Homer Smith, who., will work for the Union Oil company. . Claire Jarvis, an env ploye of the Union Oil i company, Is to,. be. .transferred to Spokane about the middle of August. Be fore- working, at the Union "com pany . Mr. -Jarvis was -j employed 1th, th Patty Motor. company. feonald M. Hqbbs of Silverton is on the staff of the Columbian, the .book published annually by students in attendance at the citi zen's t military, training; camp at Camp' Lewis, Wash. Mr. Hubbs Is a' son of Mr. and Mrs. George Hubbs .and was graduated from Silverton high school this year. About 250 wrestling fans gath ered! a.t the Hippodrome of Silver- ton Saturday night to witness the wrestling .match between Robin Reed and Paul Amort. A prelim inarV match was held : in . which Ray Able and Micky Colbo took part. This bout was won by Able a:!- bigger sisters took kH h ftaV" ' 16 H'f.ti' f " The' loajuosr oil money fear legitimate pur-. f ; ; . ' pose3 . ia our business here at . Hawkins & , ' . , . J RojtrtS..-.:;;.;.:;.,-. r-: r -.. ' . r ,; -. v ; t A ' f."" Duringf the past nine years we have f inan-v ., .cially assisted 5Core,oJ business, firms in, j . i their expansion, hundreds of individuals to ft . pay ojff thetmortgage on theip home and i t : v , many Willamette Vajjey farmers to increase.; . their production through, .the annexation of more areaijo.or the purchase of better stock ' -"'.' ,'.t -and equipment ; ' - ' - :v'r '" "'"; :!" "-" ?:'. f--'; Diit'rermlimUed.'':;" ; r(-- '.' . . ; ... borirqjr hem T -1 ' : - . . . .'I- - .- -. -.- ;: : , :- .- 1 V 2nd Floor. Orcoon Dvdo INVC6TMCNTS the LTncoln monument', preceding the memorials.- The remainder of the day was enjoyed in a social way; The clan will meet again nest year- In Sherwood Forest. Mrs. Ralph White was a visitor yesterday in Portland - , - . Miss Lucille Ross arrived borne from, Chicaj on" Friday after, a two " years absence - from, Salem Miss Ross - many friends, partlcu larly in. local musical circles, are greeting her wUh;' pleasure. : . ' - . . Mr. and Mrs. Roy, Mills, who haye. recently . returned to Saiem, to "make their home, spent the week-end near Newberg, at Spring- brooks , - - Mr. and Mrs. Dan J. Fry, Sr.. Miss Kitty Graver, and Miss, Pris cflla Try arehome after a months absence ia. Alaska. t a hand in the matter. Verbal blows led to physical contact, and much slapping- and halr-pulllng Portland hotel in Portland, Ore gon Dr. Long was elected presi dent of the. Oregon Chiropractic ute and the second InilO mlnites ja.the main event; between Reed and Amort; Reed was vic torious; ' taking ' two falls in less tbaqt . an. hour. The first - was at the .end of 25 minutes! and was won by a leg hammer lock hold Association succeeding Dr. PdutlThe second fall came after .16 1 ; ; Miss Griff ith la a t house gnest of Mrs. .Prince Byrd at tha Byrd cotta' ks,. Neskowiiv ; I t The membera of , .the,, business ana iroiesstonai women ciuo will meet ' aS !li'clock Wednesday for a ' picnic t the home of "Mrs. May Isherwood on the ".Wallace road. Cars will meet the members at the Marlon county -end of. the bridge. 'Picnic supper will be served at 6.3( o'clock.? I ;, Dr;' and M rs. J. E ' Long. ; re- turnedf Sunday evening from at tending the Oregon - Chiropractic Association convention held at the j kl 1 im1 ' " ''. " " 1 T 11 ... n wis : i i V I .v' TTi crro la. rtcti orer 115 kaS UVr.!:tf 'cdtg3 la rzzz trr besbezx trsactics3,. i7e nay hare Just tha f era yc ti Izzllzz; tsi. at t! pxrizs C3 ccapared to nrads to order terra. j r - Csiit cl lia.fsmai Cctractcl'fa; JKctlce, TTO ferns, Asdia- 1 cf ZZzxtziz t ;Z:?rtasa ferns, QuitCbha Dee3, Abstracts form, V i . cf Sale, Builix Ceatrac Prenis?qry tfotea, Irtaliscnt Notes, r t Ccseral Lease, J Power of, Aticey,?Prtme Books aniiPadscsle Ok ceipts, Etc. These forms are carefully prepared for the courts and pritats -: rrv ,Pr!cft CTi.ffms rarea frcr4 cents; to 16V nts" apiece,, and ccctt s ; Lccli frcn 22 to SO ccats. ' ? - , , - - piinmiD Ain T02 sale by1 TI; SfeteoteHv PubMiihg Co ; ; J legal rLAim hcadquarteii3 At Czrlscra C!fi:s, Grc I .... . - t Hon. Olson of Portland, Oregon. Mr. and Mrs. F. G. Stearns have as their horise guest Miss Lillian Shain of Los Angeles, who ar rived yesterday: morning for an extended visit.; Miss Shain is a niece Qt. Mr. and Mrs. Stearns. The west-north-, division f tfie Ladies'! Aid society of the First Presbyterian church will meet this afternoon at the home of Mrs. E C. Small. j D. J. O'Neil. prominent attorney of Buffalo, N. Y., accom ppnied by. his wife, is visiting his cousins. Judge. Peter H. and Ter esa D'Arcy efrSalem. Theywill be here for a few days, after which they will go to California. Mr and Mrs. O'Neil are touring the west and came to Oregon by way ol the Yellowstone national park. . Miss Gladys Steele: aid Miss Nell Coppock will attend the an nual meeting of the Oregon State Graduate . Nurses' Association which will be held July 20th and z 1st at the Central Library in Portland, representing district Tvo 3 - of the association. , The main speakers'' at the meeting will be: Mlsa Mary C. Wheeler; one of the' foremost nurse educators in-" this country and abroad. Miss Cecelia Evans, who. is an outstanding nurse in the Organizations of, Pub lic. Health Nursing; and Sister Ga- brieL. equally prominent in the schools of nursing, conducted by the Slaters of the Catholic church. ' Among . Thursday 'a visitors to Champoeg ParkerfiMr8..J.C. Steele, of Salem, accompanied by R. . A. , and , Patrieia ordos : Dunn, North Carolina, who ..wish e4td see th ff$t where Oregon ;wa born. E. J; 'Stanard and family of Woodburn, were also'vlsr" Itors.. ' J. F.' Calbreath, wife, and the Misses Calbreath, of Portland; formerly of Salem, came In to visit the spot'twhere Mrs. CaW breath's father, Sidney Smith and others met on May 2, 1843. Mrs. L Calbreath owns' the " place where Ewjng Young la burlecL " . - , . British Business Man ? Orders Ban on Stockmgs CARDIFF -The manager of a large business house has created consternation, among . his, women employes and those of other, con cerns, by issuing; .instructions that his staff must not wear. cban- pagne-colored or flesh-colored sfockings during, business jhurs. This has developed into quite - a controversy, apd the , $ret .'ques tion, of the day is "Are - light stockings and abbreviated . 'skirts permissible fer business gtrlsJ"-. One girl has revohed ' and .re signed rather than. wear the or thodox black stockings. She says: My stockings do not interfere with my efficiency and there is no reason why. because I am a business girl.. that I should not be smart. Besides, in the .hot . wea ther light stockings make one feel cooler. . Anyhow, they look cooler." . - Money to Loan On Rral Ektata '. T; K. FORD (Ora'r Lada Buaa Bank) JMCJfOJUK VOC LEAVE YOUR. lkXt - OB CAR HAVE IT Insured Properly Phan 161. Becka ft HfndricVt. t. 6. Bank Bldg. SACTOMOBILKS' WE .VRECK 'Eit . , , Partt fps all rara.. Wa U for Sri nr prh-rs aa tralUaa. KaWai At -UrmkiiMt &3 8. CkoMli Stwet Phon 213. " . - laStl TO LEASE BEST B18INE83 LOCA- tioa in. 8laip..j 8aa B, Yf. Macy. 2QU , GrarBteck.t ' . litf FOR KENT STQJIEROOX- OX STATK trt. iixjair liotel Arra. .-2U3ati. PRINTED CARDS. SIZE 14 - wardiaf "Ter Rent." prica 10 eeala - aaaa. Maaaiaw Baitaaa Offir. oa ground p, i L t FDR REXT Apartments 23 FOR RENT APABTMEXT8. 110 ivi- 23iia apartmMj! alriicttj modpra. laoira - Ka0WSf Baoa, -' - .- 23)15 SCHELLER AHTO MTRRCKIXO CO. Wi buy rear old car. Highest rata pnc paid. IOW. X. remwHTriat S. l)13tf following, sisters and brothers t Mrs. E. Lk Dame. Portland. Maine; Mrs. R. H.' Stevenson. Danville, Quebec: Miss Sarah Gunn. New York City; Sirs. G. E. Roche, Tar mouth. Maine; Mr. .VV J..Cunja. BoEton, Mass. - . The hoine of th- Stockwells is at 135 Washington street. Salenv and t,he office, 01 Dr Stockwelt Is in itbe Masonic' building. They came to Salenwa year ago ink April They ' fell in lave 1 with - Salem, aad Salem took them to wltlk Thr were singularly GAS STATION PROTESTED happ lu tbelr relationshipa here, aad j of course this t a terrioie bW to the bereaved husband and tha loved son The body, is at the Webb funeral parlors aad H w,Ul be taken back to Danville, Quebec, tor ouriai Dr. Stockwell - waa bo. over whelmed with grief last evening that no definite arrangements were made as- to- the- time of de parture with the body tot the sad ATTRACTIVE -JRQE- UXTCRM8HED aaartmaat. 1311 Caart. - . 22i,U FOR REXT APAKTJLtXTa Sl V. 0m- cial. - - , ; -. ; lt KICB 3,ROOM APABTSCENT. PR1YAT8 aatiai Caaiar. Paooa IZ84-W. .---.- ... ; . :- ;.; ' ssis r FOR RZXT NEW APARTMENT AXD ; (srajr. - 416 Mar to a irael. Paana HS7-W.- - 2jl " LKCiAIi ACTIOX STARTKD TO rilOlilBIT MVAkalCE PL.1XT Declaring that the presence of a filling station, no matter how beautiful the grounds may be, will lower the character of the neigh borhood, residents of the district have started legal proceedings to prevent the building of a service station on the Thielsen property journey, but It will, likely be corn on the northeast corner of Capitol I menced this evening of tomorrow minutes with a short arm scissors hold. : Ted . Thve . refereed tbe bsatch. - : Another wrestling match la to be held In about two weeks. Seten Pei Cent" Stevena of Al bany challenged "Kid" Banks of Silverton and the challenge was accepted but no date waa set. E. M. PAGE NAMED PRESIDENT OF ELKS , (Continued Yrom para L) eloquently In the performance of social , and community' welfare work," declared John G, Price, of Columbus, ' Ohio, grands' exalted ruler of the Benevolent and Pro tective Order; of Elks, whose ad dress tonight' at the public audi torium was the outstanding fea ture of the program which offl- and. Court. streets, A permit was recently granted by the city conn cil to erect the building on the property. . . The petitioner, headed by A. X. Bush, state that the gas station will be In, the nature of an eye sore to the district, which is one of the most select residential sec tions in' Salem. .The matter will be heard in "the circuit court, date haa been set for the case. morning. Jair Commitals Grow . '; V- as urinK. uomes oac PHYSICIAN'S WIFE DIES PTOMA1XK POISOXIXO FATAL . TO MRS. STOCKWELL , Mrs. H. K. Stockwell passed to her eternal rest at the Salem hos pital at i o'clock yesterday after noon, aged 47 years. Thl news will be received with a. shock by many friends in Salemi for only a few short days ago she was in the full vigor of health and buoyant If le. " The cause '. was ptomaine poisoning, which worked its fatal course quickly. ' f Besides' her husband, Dril. K. Stockwell, she leaves their' son, Donald, aged -10 years, , And - the 4 1 GirlClaimiag Kinship to Polct Negri-' . ; : t ells JJ facials Tale of Trouble FOR RKX.T Rooms 23 PLKA8AXT ROOM. CLOB IX. PHOKB . - CAE VI ' .... . . , , . n . z . m HOVSEKEKPfXO OB 6LEEPJX S7 B. CtuiTea. - - - . 23i24lt FCRXISHED-ROOU BIHT VPTOWV. Hot aad Cold wat?r, atraai keat. 31 X. Liberty. Over Darby 'a Dnc Btoaa. . . , . 25ili PRINTED- CARDS. UE 14" BT 714" wordinr. . uaomi to. Brat. price lO caata caaa Btataiaia Baaiaeaa aifica, ' groaad. fJar ... FUKXISHED ROOM WITH BATH FOR natleaiaA. SVrvtl j avdeam aoata. a'onrJlockt troai Capitol. Phona 1884 J. c s 5jl7tf ROOM FOR RENT IX MODERN, HOME. tareo block Iran- ata4a- iwifc AU aearraicneea. Ciea.tleaua . prelcrrrd. Pleaaa five rafereacea aad addre A. B, ca. Btataaaiia. . .. Xo3U FOR REXT BOOM SUITABLE FOB atudeBia. with alepau poaea. prirUaf. KrerxthiaK aiadera. Refcraraa are re quired. Addraaa room, cara Statanaaa. POR REXT IXousef ' .27 frrrrJirT-iririr ; ;' Walt for . . , d.w. ; griffith's' rr'tcr ricture r 1 - . . . v- : -;fX ' :- v; J'fprr- 1" - ; " " 1 1 , P . ;r ! - a. LONDON Drunkenness nas beeri noUbly on the .increase in England since the wartime, re trtrtlnns were eased up. accord- No ina-'to Sir William Johnson-Hicks, the home secretary, wno rwenm Eave the Church of England Tern- lperance society comparative ixs- ures or. tne last tea jcoa. ghastly condition of affairs," the secretary called it. In relating how drink waa controlled during the war and the results since when the hours and facilities for drinking have been increased- During thewaf cases of drunk- flnness fell, the speaker aald. from 204,045 to 80.463, a decrease of 60 per cent. From, to iasi year, there bad. been a general rise In drunkenness, with the increase of hours for saloons after the war time restrictions were withdrawn. In, 1821-241 said the secretary, JO per cent of . the men. and. 5Q per cent of." the women who went to prison were committed for The. Archbishop, of Caote.rbucrJ also, addressed the. society, assert ing that.lf.waa Quite apparent. that a new spirit -bad come over t United States since the. Introduc tion of DiobJMtlop. 'lie waa (not personally in favor ottotaj r)r bltlon in Great Bjltaiarhowerrr. as be did not believe that Such a FOB RENT FOUR-ROOM FURNISHED koue. AM. " ...... BeveD-raom heaaa. $40.00. '. BeTen-room aaodera. kaaa, SyO.OO. Will . ' laaaa. GERTRUDE J. V. PACE 43 X. CatUsai. . ?7JTtt. HOUSE FOR HE XT CLOSE . eaira Hotel Arga. - IN. J.V- 2?iiatf FOB BENT DWELLIXO AT 103 8ar iaav; S20 par noaiA. Call a Stt- . - ata bosiaaaa atira, or Back He--dricka. . 27ast . raa bent. T-rooai rood plaaterad aoaaa la aorUi Balern: a Moaka tqoa aireat aar. Fratf treaa aad - tardaa.- S30.0U ner aaata Utrteh aad Bottrrts, 12 $a. t'om'W Plmao IKS. 7JI4f WAXTKD-llsceItaneota 35 WANTED A GOOD VIOL1X. Si. PHONE WOODRT THE AUCTIOXEER BUT8 ; naed faraitara for caah. Paama 511. Jiatl HIGHEST PRICES PAIU . lB; lTI ; . ktarea, tool, faraiture. Stiff a L'd ' Ooada Dept, opaia aoara aaaae. - CASH 'VAm FOB- FAL8B TEET daatal- gatd. aaitiaura. aad dwraraWd : lrt.- Hoko Kmctuitl aad Badnery Co Otaefa, Mlrbiiaa. 53J27 WANTED. . JRIVATR MOXET FOB fira laaaa. W ktve-aevaral arptWa jtioaa aad. Havkia at' Babaraa ' Iae SO Orego BWLt. - aSdlatf VT AXTED PARTT WITH SMAI.t traak. raaabaaa-V taka aaaalk Uad - and S paaacarera to Taft. Oragon. aeit I Haturaar. Phaaw SIS- ar eatt 1 MiMi RM. . - s:.)i FOR 8 ALE" 9TV method' of - overcoming- the drink i etruu question would appeal to the ma-1 jority of the. EnglUb people., i"GE?lERAL-r4ARKETS-H PORTLAND. July. IX. -Portland da try exchange;: ; Butter, ex tras 48c atandarda 45c; prime firsts 44; firsts 42 He Eggs, extras 37e; firsts 36c; pulleta 34c; current recelpta S2H. LAXGE BAXQES COMPLETE USE .People Faraitara Store. 271 X. Cwa-. " PORTLAND, July i5. Hayf Buying Brtcea; valley timothy' Z0 2lt do eastern Oregon 21f 2 4.50 ;r ailal fu'$l9.j tlowsr.' 117; oat. bay nominal: -cheat' 116;' oat and vetcb I9 0 2v: atraw 1&.50 per torn. 'Selling prices 2 a ton more."- ' FOB SALl-OLn NLW8PAPERS. TEX. reata a knadtc. Circalattaa departaeat -0rya SiaUaaMB. 37tf FOR SALE RECLAIMED AUTO PARTS raa ail car. Save iOSi ta '- Tot, bj-. tratiers. Mike'a Aato. Wroakt lax Hoaaa. 245 Crater. Pkoaa 398. i . 37a2Stt FOR 8ALE USED LUMBER, 14ta iSD, Oak. rhor.el61.r-W.. 7jlIS" BECUPT BOOKS SIZE BT M receipt foraa ia ank. IS aaata f9 kok ar two lor 2i oeata. ataiaa- ffiee. 213 Sautk CoaiaMrWil M. ; Police at&orltkV. cT Doer, At" taiss of twelve lyearj who circa her laaj claims to be a blood cousin of I. tarcr 'actresstThey tok'htlf trv'cka. tcxptf Judj:aT tXrnc! a;.chclup re tryujt to. help this little me a y rqa".sav.De Glare j 1 Ne :zL fasious "notion nip- '.IOC .owinj an:t :r storr."- Ted aU : I PORTLAND. July .12. Grain fatureerU Wheatbardwhlte, blue stem, baart, July, August 5X.15: sift , white. ' Jaiy, Aigust "S.1.43; wecrn' white. July' $1.42; Aug uH $1.42,; bar winter, Julyr Aug ust $1.4.0; northern-spTfngy July. AUgnst $1.40f western -Ted," Jaly $ 1.38'; August $ K8I f BBB hard white, July-) August $1.4. Oats. No. T.' 36 pound white feed; July $33; Avgnsl $3M-ld 3$ ponnd gray, JaVy $22 August ise.i f . . r . v? : torn, Ne,; 3, .yellow, July, Aug ust $4S.So.-f - . - " J Parley, . 2 4fpound; July. .""ililT"--.' Standard; -'July Z1 SATX7.T TTATtTITrra : H m "'Prjtat eaoted art Waalatala a ara rieaa received, j famar. Se ralaU price art ftvaa; ... Ka. t aofl vkita vkeat Xa. 1 aoit. red wkoet . Oau Ckaat Aaf vat aar Oat aad retck ksy $1.4 L4 JM 11 oe u. o lS.oo rOBX, KTTXXQX AXDl EXT Hr. lfV20 cart. Here, 200-SjO ewt. Hate, XS 00 twl. Ltrkt aava, Cew . ., .... Bella j Dreaerd. pork Lamaa' Vaap- fcea LLfbt kea - Brottera I1A50 1S25 iow J to a We ll7e I.irkl Broilara rui.eH , . 3Ta CreaTiri knttar. i... .. . ,.-48g;a Wu'-etUt. deliered. Jl 4 x r