The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, July 14, 1925, Page 5, Image 5

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- III III. 1'" ' '
7777 4 7T
A a rm
: .. ;- V :V, - ' , .'
of oUr - summer1 sultxlearance sale. ;
Lots of nice suits, left. ( Come in
ana pick yours out.;.
Prices 0l7;85 to 534.85
- ! .
"tfrji'J t
HdliercKief Special
Regular SGc-fancy bordered hand-.
.kerchiefs-- sW-
it- v. i j'j,-- -
. :.. vi-J . 5
O : Tift mw7L!t 'srv V;
469 State Street
ygr 7 .11 1
It your tyti rrat a tkeM tw:
li3 rr4 Ceapa, Ulppl wttfe
8.- u4 M. Spot liU; eubl -t!M
skck Absorbm; MUMti
; vlar; tp4it; gtt plf.
nly 1, 37S
lt0 Tor Coap. 4amdy
car, nm axtru. (ood tira -i50
Very Ubana Tcraa.
I 'iriHToung Bob Succeed Father?
; , . Here's Hoiv He'd Look in Office
. OB Qg (0)o 111
: i i. " Warmer.'.'-'r." ; ' "
Talr and.wknner in the interior;
moderate northwest winda becom
ing weat. Max J Min; ,58;! RIT-
jd f"C.' -N' ;er 1 aationarjr; Rainfall none;
v 1 7 ! 1 Atraoapherriear;-' wina aouui
; iest.
The Theaters Today
' r- Hi--, ,:
OrRonZane Orer'The .
Light of Western SUra."
with Jack Holt; BUlle Dot
and Noah Beery, t ' - '
Grand Bebe Daniels iand
Hale - Hamilton: In "The .
ManlcureQtrL, ' . -
TtllHWalter TTlera In a
ood comedy drama "F4I?
IWy lUt br Ant
bring baskets. There' will be a 1
program in the forenoon of music
and short talks, furnished by some
ot the: musicians a&d orators of
the old home state,' famous for Its
music and oratory. Coffee, 'etc.
can be obtained' on the, STOuhds.
Air Nebraskans who see this no
tice are requested to not only at
tend the' reunion but to drop pos
tal cards to their Nebraska friends
and .tell- them - about, it. - Come
early; program at 11 b'clockJ
Mr -r4..V"-r-l;" - - - . - ...
Seeks Itnnaway Giri -
it Sheriff Bower has receired, a re
quest from C. W. Stewart of Stay
ton to look out for his. 14-year-old
daughter ' who ran ' away from
hbme a day or two", ago. r The girl
was last seen walking on the high
way between Stayton and Sublim
ity Sunday afternoonA The glrj
Is-wearing a blue shirt and boy's
green knickerbockers! with" high
walking i shoes. She ' Is' of light
completion and lias bobbed hair.
If -v -i 1 ' i
lOnr Jolr Sato . .
! On linoleum brings sayings ex
traordinary." Hamilton's. J14
dwelling at"795 North , Twenty-
first at a cost of $2000, and to
T. N.. Kos9lck, who , will build a
dwelling. at 1926. North Capitol at
a cost of $1500. : . ,
Business Meeting SUted 6
The regular , business .meeting
of the Sons of Veterans auxiliary
will be held at .the armory at 8
o'clock tonight. . - , .
' i - i ij
Radio Is Enjoyed ; -i
; .The new radio recently installed
at the penitentiary is to be beard
for . blocks from the . institution,
and music is helping to soothe the
sarage breasts of those incarcer
ated. The only objection, accord
ing to guards and Inmates, is that
the concerts must cease early in
the evening, and there Is no op
portunity to hear thebedtlme
stories, t ' 1' - .
It Is Easy to Bay Cars
Oa our 18-month plan. See our
ad in this issue. Vick Bros, jit
"Paperhanger' Xabbed
i C 'Arnold of Albany was ar
rested' Saturday night "by Officer
Olson on a charge of obtaining
money, under false pretenses. It
is said he had "floated" some
fraudulent checks.
Dr Xot Earned : ';!" ;
1 Warden Dalrymple has n'ot'yet
naMAl V rv A rva 9r nm m- rir 4ft
week or two ago to Virginia, the
pet prison deer, "We can' find
no name good enough for them,"
is his explanation. He did not
state, whether or not contributions
would be received. .T ,
Boy Tour New Car ;
i From Vtok Brothers 18 months
to pay. See their ad in this issue.
1 -V :-,--' Jl
Drunken DThrer-Xabbed
i Lee Thomas of, Salem, was ar
rested iyesterday for- drunkeness
aftd driving an. automobile while
Intoxicated. t - ; . ,'.
v .
Let Ts Give Yon
. An estimate on your linoleum.
Hamilton's. - , ji4
He th Window' Display .
' Of linoleum. Hamilton's,,-. J14
. '.' v..;;. .. ' . v
-4T ' :r x . ,
f 4
A -. - ' ': -tv -V .I.:. ' -
1 nm miii miMimiii mill ",ifTa-r-"irl" 'fii TtTnur-r-ffl lnr""-l i-Yr-""' 'YirffrN iriA, mil n m' .3
Political observers in Wisconsin, Washington, D. C.i and other
parts, of the country, are interested in the possibility of "YounjrJ
Bob" LaFolIette succeeding his late illustrious dad in- the senate.:
Tliis latest posed picture of Bob Jo was taken at his father's desk!
in the natinni capital. ' ' , j
; ; : ( 1 -
Leaving for South ., :. -t v-
W. F. Watson, former manager
of the Western, Auto Supply com
pany, left last night for the . Im
perial valley where he has accept
ed a position. ... . " .. .: .
least. Gudmuridson claimed that
the gate keeper, G. A. Sehubel,
who is also a deputy sheriff, called
him a liar. Schubel claimed that
the lecturer stripped his star from
him and struck him. '. The lecturer
was arrested -upon complaint of
Schubel and fined. . - .
Xamed :jb? Board '- ' ''
N. B. Biggs of Prinevllle and
; J., R. "Cole of Motalla- received a
four-year appointment to member
ship, on the state livestock sanir
tary board from Governor Pierce j ton's.
Drove Over Fir Hose ' -r
.Roy . Snoderly, of Jefferson,
was arrested last night for driving
over 'a fire hose. He was released
on $5 bail.
Linoleum 12 feet wiie- ;
At close-oat prices, at Hamll.
Case Ts Continued ' '
The case of' the state against
Visitor Loses Horn
While visiting, friends in Salem
Sunday, . B. i . Lewis, public ac
countant. lost his home near the
Lecturer Is Fined , . . I Lake Grove sectlon'on the Oftwego
Following an argument with the I lake front.-. : A residence belonging
gate keeper at the Gladstone to Hal Child, Port'apd interior de
Chautauqua Saturday night. Capt. cor a tor, was also destroyed. .The
Sijurdur K. Gudmundson, who ap- fire started in the Child residence
peared here Friday night, j was and everything consumed. All the
fined $57.35 in the justice court j furniture 'of the Lewis residence
at Oregon City. He refused ; to I was saved. . ' The combined loss
plead guilty to the charge. Gud- was tbont $3000, with the Child
mnndson. with a friend, were loss covered with Insurance
about' to enter the tent when they
sipn, stopped in Salem yesterday
for a short visit with Governor
Pierce. He was on Is way to
Portland. ' ....;) x:
Johnson S. Smith, former war
den at the state penitentiary, was
a visitor at the state house Tester
day. . .
i UltXtrOT EreaJUTait ,
Fine harvesweather- -And
It U "about 20-!, T) a3 to
those wantingmore of it or rain.
ThVSalfiij pull
down a frire,or two at the great
parade,, in PoftTAnd on Thursday.
Taey certainly nave tne gooas. n pr days otthe sa
lem Chautauqsa. . They are all big
days this year. -
The. Slogan .editor, Is finding , a
goat boom (Angora and milk) in
preparing the annual goat Slogan
number for Thursday's Statesman.
We should ttaare a bigger goat
boomr Oregon, should "have a dox-
en -to tlf teen Angoras for everv
one In the state now, and 2,009
milk goats -for. every one in Ore
gon' at the present time.
. No, woman who .has come toi
Salem recently has more quickly I
found. favor la the sight of a large
number of people y than, did. Mrs.
h. i siockweii,' wbd passed to
eternal rest at the Salem hospital
yesterday after a fe.w brief days of
suffering from ptomaine poison
ing.' , Theannouneement- of her
death will come as a great shock
to, many here, though . she had
come to Salem 'only a year ago In
April. She "had at once taken np
with the work'oMhe First Con
gregational church, having been
a member of that denomination
since early girlhood. Dr. Stock-
well and Jhe son, Donald. wUl havte
the sympathy of All Salem In the
sad loss' of 'loving wife' and de
voted : mother. . . , . ; ,.f
Flax. pulling is going forward
quite generally There are a num
ber of small tracts In the Aurora
distrjet, the, largest being that of
Jobn Kraus. five acres. . When Mr.
ivrans got ready to commence
pulling, he found two men In his
neighborhood who had pulled flax
in their home lands in Europe;
but . in different rountrles there.
One of them pulls the Irish way.
ith a flipp over the knee. The
other pulls with each hand work
Ing at the same time: a different
fystem Bu't-bokh ars 'right. ni
doing good work, and a? triJ
lib v Ice wapftvlhey have taught. ,
Vernonia -New Jobnson-Me-
Graw shirrgle mill will employ Z'
were asked for tickets by the. gate
keeper.' who demanded a pass; at
Pooler v . ... -
At the home, .Auburn district,
i r-.i - . -
t -' M Iss M a'q de , E r.Co vl n gt on . head
of the Salem publiq library .staff.
is spending a tew weeks vacation
at her home In Lew is ton, Idaho,
Good Printed " Linoleum
1Tne- 4-Vear-OIO) Son ;OI A.. K. I "U uuiwy imck. at. c q ju, i rui naes, cunrgcu wim tunj'us
.EWing.- manager 'of the-Wallace 1 Hamilton's. 3v r , V;1 V3" f VJ14 J concealed firearms, h'as been con
-lUfw$ sustained severe , bruises fj'Lvf'.;,; ::''KT. ' ' 'J-V 'K?'. '. I tinned In the Justice court. No
'fwhen he waa run over by an auto-i prominent Seed Burer Her- Idate has been set for a hearing
:.i mobile' list night.' The boy was j Albert Blake, a prominent seed J of the charge, j Hayes is said to
-rushed to the- Salem4 hospital and " buyer of Pasadena.' CaU is1 the have been Identified by A. C. Mac-
. -treated for ' his ' injuries, after guest of his uncle,' Mr.v Blake of Gill as the man who held him np
. which he was taken to his home, the .Willow : Lake farm, on rural in the Southern Pacific yards. He
-Apparently no 'bones were broken. route-sS:He' will' take in the is said to have come here from
:;Tb "y0u'tn wav walking along, the j Blk's 'convention and coast resorts I San Francisco.
street and stepped out into, the but is. also making an inspection
?path of a' motorist, it is said. , of Oregon's seed farms. Saturday 1 A Message to Carrier
J . '""' ' . ' - '-' 4 he conferred Vith Iiss Ella Mc-1 : Of large amounts of Insurance
Dance Every' Tuetoy . j Munn concerning pansy seed, and J See us , about our new five-year
- DuBois popular dancing, :Crys- j will visit the Steele pahsy gardens j annual payment policy at reduced
tal Gardens. J14 J and tne Herbert & jfiesnauer aster j rates; stand ley & Foley Agts. ji
gardens at McMlnnvIlIe. ' . r
July 12. Jefferson A. Pooler, age to which -place She went arttr am-" , i
IV. U'.Mn tsnri nr V hnnTltInrt fif librarians I i"c treiuuii w n i" ai
The union high school at Ger-
vaia will not be dissolved,' accord
ing-to an order handed down in
the circuit court yesterday by
Judge L. H. McMahan. Th4 order
requires the county Judge to de
clare the election result as i favor
rng the continuance of the school
' The matter first came into pro.
minence about a month ago when
voters in the four districts com
prising the nnion school held an
election to decide Whether the
announced as favoring the disso
lution of the school. Those de
siring the continuation of the
school , protested the vote how
ever, and an injunction was grant
ed by the court. Yesterday's de-
J clsion settled the dispute
Hnnolnlit Karl Pooler of Corvallbi U... .- n-i -.ttviiil .umu.u s uellslUB
" 7 " ...... : : follows: "The county court Is
t)r. M. P. Mendelsolin
210-211 I'niteil State N'.itioual
lUnk llul'dlng
In addition to my;, exper
ience of , more . than n?-
third of a centurr and prac-
tical knowledge of fitting
glasse.3 correctly I
dependable service, and
guarantee . natisfaction in
every respect,. .
i Portland License Issued
Two Portland '," people
HaiihI fniHteai Villi v.
. w ..i. . " j ii vlPeache Look Fine Two Portland . neonle were
tt. Ktra hnh Ta trtit!: The peach crbp on the I. U Pat- granted a marriage license in the
lit 'was voted unanimously to ex-1 tereon farm near Eola Is reported J county clerk's , office yesterday.
. i. " .1 n . -.1 ir'-i to be tenr eood.v Earlr neach I Tiosm i maWnr annlicAtiona were:
: ,ienu a can io hot. rturmau rw. . . , , - - i r -----
T,,n nnt n9thr.f ehiirch 1 saie have begun- briskly, Mr. Pat-1 Harold J. Hurtt, a news dealer,
' it f r I Una atatoa onil Mtnarfll I j rrA. T.. KA .
ln Racine, WU, to accept we pas- a . ltlc'",UUD vv-
church of Salem. Rev. Tully Is Pce ano.reao maraei. lor inis
expected to in th6 city P"" cp; nVST. 1, Farmer" Hurt In Fall-
about September 1. . : 1:1 TT-a u Earhea Anderson, a farmer of
6 8 years, a native of the Waldo tending a convention ot uorarians
um 'husband of Mrs Jeannettel held at Seattle last week. She will
pooler, father of Mrs. CIo Johnson I return to Saletn about August' 8.
of Marsnneid, boh or airs. Adeline i jir9 dwln Norene and Tlaugh-
Pooler.of Salem, brother f . Mra. t ter of Portland are1 visiting with
Alice Bowen and Mrs. Effie Back I Professor- mid -Mrs. -Ebse'n for a
of Salem, Mrs Nettie McCalilster I feW; jaya.- ' ' "
of Pratum. Mrs.' Ida McManus of 541 Lncia Card, queen of the I
ir -mf- fh :Alav Daif restrvliieA
and Ivan Pooler of Enterprise, held: at Willamette uuiversity last . v
n. ri- ... r,n voir. . v 1 "r uruereu io resiram irom
trustee of the; First Presbyterian 1 gaiem. -
church of this city. Member of J j4e, H. Dorsey -and wife, ot Porf-
Salem camp" WOW. Funeral serv-j werer aaJem vUUor- yestar-
ices Tuesday, -July i, at p. m.i Qay. , ..
from .the Kigdon mortuary, nev. k MIsB Marv Snauldlnic. a itradu-
J. J. Evans officiating, concluding! ate of Willamette university, and
service City View cemtery. ; .. ia member bf thv Delta Phi soror
ity .lis. viellln'g-her- sister in Salem
Clearwater. , I - . Jthin wck -llor hoiae ia in. Hood
Powder and Supply Co,
Paint as4 Yamakas
ITS" Costa CauaraUl naa Tzt
:t fit 5;our. eycit scien
' tifically and do not '
' misrepresent anything.
My prices are : very
.reasonable for, the ma- '
terials and semcea pf
fered. ; I use nothing
but the very best of
materials.' V
, , EYES r
;If glasses do not give satis
faction I change them for a
whole year free of charge.
Telephone ' for an ap
pointment, 723, so you
.will not have to wait, m
Office Hours:
- 8:30 to H :30a. m.
... 1;00 to,5:00.p. n.
With the exception of two
years that I was away this
is my 18th year in Salem.
the river - from '; the Patterson
Routef A was ' seriously Injured
Elevator Man Takes Rest-.- s f.;r? T ; VL ,l v . ' " I Saturday when he fell from the
Fred X Browning Is taking the 1 iru'u WUM roof of a barn which he waa Te
place 6t3lr. Denison as operator SU1" uv v """' b
Commerce buildjng while Mr. De Wanted, Tpunjr L4lie fort
ison is away on a two weeks' va
cation, -'
pairing. He was hurried to the
Salem hospital in a semi-conscious
state. Report from the hospital
Maxwell Coupe for Sale, Cheap (
? This car has a new motor and
over- J 100 worth of extras. It ia
guaranteed the same as a new car
Telephone operators. - Expert-.A . . .v. i a
"1U. rik'V'i """' M.tlnV nnlotltr !., that
tor, The Pacific Telephone & Tel "IZX' w.;
a t nag avntcu uin, luv a f ao auaa
egraph Co.,; Salem.
been fractured in. the fall.
Park Service Attract
,' A large, and appreciative crowd
See it at the Certified Public Mo- fended the first union religious
m rhnh a. I service oi me imon ii wiiison
J. Shelley Sanrman, 31. D --
Announces the opening of his
new offices bn the fourth floor of
a .
itt Park s Sunday afternoon; All off the United States Bank building
- -" !.. , .. . 1 nl.... . !
line cnurcaes in me city sro nmi-i j
j ing in an attempt to 'make these
-Rudolph (Bnd) Harris entered u...I.p.w,iu auio nhkm oiri
' I VAfJV t a v f rlAwVAM 1av W AO 1. w v a j -
Mildred Baker, a tourist who.
. 53rAni; o .Charge year.thantherwere last year, Dr.
or contributing to the delinquency Doney . fleUvered- the, ad- with her famllyhas been camping
of wlnor yesterday afternoon. 1 7.." " ".e vfl aia? crap' T"
II waa indicted "along with six I -..."""-"" I anocaeo aown ana run over iriar
others on this harge ; about a f onaIrave ?f J "e camp Sundar afternoon. , She was
weev ae-A v - i - . t i ,u - f-u icuvn. vu outw' i rusned to tne ueaconess nospiiai,
weea ago. , v . t. i t t .1.1. . t I . . . . . .
, . .... . v.. --iiian il was re Dor lea mil mini
Pavlmr Petition- Filed ' I "'an. . 1V" " I she is resting eaeiiy. . Tne eatef in-
ww - rA no iirrAtr r in mr in r in wtiaa 1.
i A petition -for. the paving or 1 ; -f;"' " . jury sustained in me accident was
jrev.w r . 1 world read the Sertntnr naMam I t . . . v
Cross street between cnurcu. ano 1 , " r . . K Daaiy wrencneu Knee.
Twelfth has been filed with ity v-,; -
Recorder Poulsen, by 'James Fair-1- WK' Custom. Boat Launching
child and others. W. p. AUbr gnt V T.": -:.:'7t:ir Invitations have been received
and others have filed a petition ifrom Earl C. McFarland, collector
for the paving, or, th I j":., ,Alof customs, to attend the launch-
mi.'.. . . ..T..flnr ftf tha.TTnfted States launch
2 o clock for hearing, - i r ? . I . ' .
nay anernoon xrom in von uer
Werth's boat "house.
itween, union ; and Division,
block. 2 V-V"v--:
Thei Oregon Fire Relief
Can give yoaladequate fire pro
tection at low cost.! Get our rates
today. - Standley- 4k Foley, Agts;
Hunt's Meat Market j
JFree-deliverv 9 a. m. and- 3
p. m. Phone 88. 721 S. 12th, . J16 " " I Linoieunv-ri
ae .uamiuon..-
Reunion of Nebraskans
Get Bufldlnff' Permits
'Building permit? "ere Jssued
k ",7Wrivnlts yesterday to T.: Uosslck. who
--Jnv,,fv-Tftvii I station-at a cost: of: 13000: Zl,
IVIV"'LTm -V; 9; Rosencranvttf buUd a dwelUr.
At the home, 640 North Winter .
street, July 11. Mrs. Ida O. Cleat uarol4 . Fearing, a student at
water, age 68 years, wife of John willamtte unverslty, has retaru
C Clearwater,- mother of Robert K,lpil, frftm,, w-u tHn to
Clearwater, sister o(.(Mjra..Elhl(n9.HI1Ig-1'car tacoma. -McDonald,
Mrs.- Jessie Xing. Mr$ B BeiUnger. librarian
Bnna. Oldham and .Frank Kimg-l A . 1,. Rjm kib-i, ..hnni nd n..r.
toinof .Wlnterset.. Iowa,,Mrs. VMation period assistant 11-
uora onepara 01 brarian at the Salem public library
Mrs. Laura Harper, of -Kansas returoed.roin .Tacprna: yteay
ii - rVa . 1 J nTI norini. Whlh? in .Washington,
July 14, aMO a. m. from the Rig- .... ",nir(1. Ih. v.
don mortuary, the Rev. Fred'Tay- tlonal American Librarian assecta
lor officiating, concluding service UoQ e,BVeBtloil toeld ln ttlf) ,Mt
CityView cemetery.
week.. -. i .-.- ..
C- P. Wells of Young ft . Wells.
ily. left Monday- for Seaside,
where - they- will speRd . a mdqth's
P. V; Williams, of the Central
Life Assurance society of Des
Moines, Ia., whose offices are" in
dissolving union achool. distriot
number 1, and is hereby required
to declare tne result Of .the elec
tion to be that the vote of dissolu
tion has failed and that a majority
of the districts-voting at the elec
tion did not vote in favor of dis
solution.",'" " ' j
According to the law. all dis
tricts in a union- school must-be in
fayor of dissolving the school be
fore it can be dlscoatinutLj v
t Phone 727 i
1 ' ... n.iM
r .vt 1.- T i n - u, fresh Jrait shipping company
In this city, July ll.Mrs.Alta ... . - " '
rietcner, sge oi .yunra, ruaiew i
M. C. Trowbridge of Tillamook.
Mrs. G. P. Allen tt and Mr; Q. W..
King of Oakland.-CaV The fa
neral cortege will ' leave the R'-
Artn mrtrfnarv 111 ar1 . w TtiTw 14
- 'fV AVinnmin heret4n Oregon ; building returned
services and Interment will .be ro husines. trip to coast cities
held a 10 oVlock. - ounuay. " -v
... a ja i, HornsnunTBi Pi.mrnv
... J Carlaon - .'-I- J PP?0T4 At 1&8 Valley. Grill. J
Tn this citr: Beniamln Carlion; w the-manager of th -Lunch
age 83, Funeral announcements M. ."murm", ea. at 181
will be madeTaler by"the Bigdon "y.-.
mortuary. (atw .Senator Sam j4.-t!aTland" f
1: ,T LehanQi,t6eentlT appointed a
t 'Funerals W.--'Inember'of'th state 'fish" comnis-
i nm
Funeral services " for the late
Pyrl Hill will' be held frote the
Terwllliger home this morning at
10 o'clock. Rer. Mr, Evans will
officiate. :- Concluding services
will be at the City View cemetery
Wait for
D. W.i
;Master PictUW
A 1
.Wednesday and Thursday Nights, 7 p.m. ,
Sharp at Woodry's New Auction
Market anH Furniture Store
. J Corner North Summer and Norway Streets- ; 4
Opposite his Residence 1610 North Summer Street.
' Including; 'fires Goods,' Sheetingr, Groceries, Furni-'
ture, Beds, Springs, Mattresses, Ranges, Tools, etc i
F; N. WOODRY, AucUoneer
Wowlry Bays Fnrnitare for Cash
Y I . . . - -s i.t PHOXK 511
Pays Casli for Furnltare
vV? ; Phone 75
L-fatherinU ..areexrecteit(jl tP-..M.ltchelU-.irt. wi.l erect ;aj
-. v-
Electric Cafe
r - ih"
When You
Are Ready
To Move
TCANVtR5r' V '
Call on us, for we have padded Vans and Fleece
lined covers for your furniture and piano. - First
dass piano and furniture xnoTerz.
Eaa Francisco, one way, f 13X3
raund Trip, -
'toa - Anselea, caa ' way, C27X3
,;-. Iond Trip, C300
fecial Rates to Parties ct
Eight or More
For Infomatloa and .Res erva-
Uocajione 635, or -c;'J t
' ( T
LADDi BUSH, Banliera
'-' CCae Cc- a f.. 13 .a,1 io ta O k u. - '
We also handle Brooder Stoves, Eumace
Coals and Diamond Briquettes .
liarmer Transfer
Storage Go.