BUILDING RECORD MADE DURNG FIRST 6 MONTHS IDEAL FOR AN ELDERLY COUPLE I'F.IIMITS AGGREGATE $1,102,- ! 32.1 FOR THIS YEAR Ililf of Total Represented By Xew Dwellings! Fine Buildings ; I Started The constriction of many large buildings in Salem during ; tne lirt slxmonths of the present war brings tfie. total amount of (oristructioh work elther'beguq or tlnlshed during the period; to., ft. 1S2.325. This figure Is, $126.70 more than the figure for the cor- i cMpond inff -bix months last year, Of this year's figures $595,924 RjfS into ine erection ;oi new iwclline houses and. the restils ,4; ' 1 i , i ,nt LUMA-Ut5ISN JU -1 i- pattered amorrg me various oiner Lidding enterprises, j chief of which are, the new YMCA, the Lies Linen Mill, Elks Temple.' two new apartment -bouses -f and thj Catholic kchurch, school and plrrinh house. " j ' i'ri"" The monthly record of the con structions' and alterations if or the (corresponding months bf the two years follows: ' ! 1923 ;xew January . . . ; . 65,220 ast Repairs February March ; . April May . . June -; January febuary March' April . May . . June . . . .. . . . ii 149,950 143,200 186,425 113,950 381,600 Ul. 250 000 12.400 82f250 : 7.0 00 $1,040,325 $122,000 1924 jNew.. -.$110,900 -.; 160,000 L.: 170,000 358,700" U 158,850 ;. . 58,203 $1,017,655 f Repairs $11,150 , 5,000 12,400 82,250! 7,000 4,100 . A DOW ! PTC?0 -iy7Ly-cr lcufl pn -tiviNa- aooM-. ; I ec -oMmI jj ;"-''50 j Jl 1 A THE LOMA DESIGN4 Ideally planned for those whdob trance, with Its" broad windows and Ject to sUir climblns this delightful iU oheerful open grate. It might little bungalow is all upon one floor., be used either as a den, a study or B..uu6ciifciii ia jyiuyic jet i. u. suiau lDrary. it is just sucn a combines alt te essential comforts retreat as would make the strong 6f a large home. It is Intended'for est sort'oi anneal nn a rnnl autumn a small faniiljyand is particularly night wltfl alcheerful wood Are and ! ' : the radio! going at Its best. . And the fiking room, also enjoy ing an orien krate and an excellent' outlook upon the street. Is but a larger duplicate- of the den." It la amply large for a small household, being 22 fyy Z feet; with Just about as much all space as is needed for paintings j without overdoing IL One door opens ; apon the side terrace and the entralnce tol the dining room is through! French doors. ' Windows at, the end.Jogethcr with the trio in - front, j afford excellent-lishtlna and increase Its cheerfulness.. The dining! room, 13 by 15 feet. Is well lighted and cheerful, ,wItU'. French doors also opening upon the rear, terrace,! and 1 a 'Second pair tipori the rear garden porch, which is glassed in lookihg upon the gar -den. - Behind the dining room" the kitehea is backed up -with - another jiorcb, screened and equipped with a convenient lavatory. It also ac vommodates the Ice box. ' - The two bedrooms and the bath i t $18,200 I gQitabi for an4 elderly couple be- room are directly In the rear of the COAST SAWMILLS BUSY I ease Tn housekeeping. - connected with each by a small x-roneny tjanascapea -una ?iitne .'".. ftii'u lurouga uie GRABEN'HORST COMPANY " REPORTS GOOD DEALS UCAL REALTORS HANDLE '. - $63,000 IX TEX PAYS lletiidence, Investment, Business and Farm Property Are eluded In- realty fruit -near Salem Heights. Price J $650:- Seller Dr. M. C.i Findley. 'Mr.-Astlll nurchased a solendid building lot on Korth Twentieth between Court ' and 'Chemeketa from M. C Findley, considera tion $750. 'Mr.' "Astlll " intends building a home on his new pur chase, i .; 1 -v 1 , Frank : Nist - buys a lot in the Kay addition for a consideration of $300. ; j Vi lli f M 4KF RFPORT FOR WEEK I Seni of a common brick home jronld :.diainS room either from front-or ENDING JULY 3 -r-r One hundred and twelve i mills reporting to iWest Coast Lumber men's Association for i the week ending July 3, manufactured 73, 966,348 feet of lumber; sold 101,- 322,375 feet; and shipped 98, 025.589 feet. . V' ; " :"-''' '' Jewr business was 37 above production. Shipments were " 3 belbWnew business. ..:...'."". Forty-five per eent of all new business taken during the week was for ' future water -delivery; This amounted to 45,479,u84 feet, of which 35.514.541 feet was fo domestic cargo delivery; and 9, 964,543" feet, export. New busi ness by rail amounted to 1510 cars.' 4 " ' ' . Forty-five per cent of the lum ber shipments, moved '"by water. This amounted to 44,192,298 feet, of which 35,362,05,2 feet moved .oastwise and- intercoastal; and 8',830.246 fe?t export. Rail ship mejit totaled 1443 cars. V . j (Local autq and -team deliveries J eated lioiaiea iu,&ij,zi ieei. I street i Unfilled domestic cargo orders totaled 14 2,8 2 0.9 05 feet. Unflll- d export orders 87,594,948 feet. I nfilled rail jtrade iordera, 6Q00 j cars, j in the fit into the setting like a painting by fear. Both are, of convenient size an old master. And what is true of ana well lighted, with roomy closets, the exterior U, Just as true of the A large linen closet adjoins the entire outlay within. . There the bath, opening upon the halL predominant note Is "comforL There ' Built of common brick, without is no lost motion, no. waste space; busement, this little home has cost in every detail it is planned with n from $6,300 to f 9,000, according to view to economy both of financial the section in which it was located.1 outlay and physical effort Every- it is intended for a mild climate thing is toade ready to hand. where heating, more than Is sup- An especially cozy feature is the l'iied by the open grates, is unneces little den to the right' of the en- sftry. " . -: - Tb ifommoD Brick Maouracturer Atuclatioo, Clelaod. Ohio, can furolsk come lata 4cwiac for this detiB. Leaflet on brick construction iant apon caqaaaU The W. H. Grabenhorst firm report an; active-" movement in city rproperty 1 as evidenced by the volume . of sales completed during the past . ten daysL The sales' include, business nrlanetty cl .ty homes and lots and surbur nan acreage. The followirig arc all outright sales and do not' irt- include any exchanges. Gevirge C. Will iMrchased the W. C. Dyer lot on South Liberty J between State ; and" Ferry, for a -onslderation of il 2.CftO n. A: I and H. O. White bought th( Bing-i ham estate property located oni South Commercial for a co isider-s ation of $18,000. the Willie m Le bold residence located' at !285 South Sixteenth was sold t local parties for an investment, for a consideration of $5700. 'Harry Hawkins buys a full quarter block In the exclusiye Fairmount Htll district from Clifford Brown for a consideration -of $5000, Em ma Whealdon buys a well improv ed one. acre suburban home, from W.-H. Harris, located In thelSa lem Heights district for a Consid eration of $4000. T : ' ! ! William Blackley , recently from Vancouver,;B. i C. . purchased . a modern home at 289. North Four teenth .for a consideration of $4500. t L. W. Bell recently from California buys i a 10 acre tract east of Salem from M.-C. Findley for a' consideration of ; $3000. James G. Heltzel buys a five room house and lot on North Seven teenth from B. K. Tompkins for a consideration of $2000. j "L: A. McAllister buys a modern 7 room home, located on j South Liberty from P.; V. j Klauso for a consideration of $4000. A. Gass man recently from California buys a fine one acre tract In the. Kay addition I and intends . "building soon. Consideration $1000: Bes sie Donaldson buys a fine lot lo cated on Center near, North Seven' teenth. from Max Koferj considera tion $800. j ' I J.- W. i Barnes buys a residence at 1875 North! " Liberty I from Charles Archard I for a considera tion of $1000. i M. Cochran .purchased a splen did one-half acre with bearing ALTERATIONS COMPLETE AT ICE CREAM CONCERN BUTTERCUP CREAMERY LARGINU ITS. EOUIM ENT j; i EN- New llHrdenlng Room I Xeceji- , tiry To Take Care Of UrmiH . ' rl BoMlness Land in Arctic Must Be Between Pole aind;A!aska CHICAGO. If any i6w posses Pioh.3 are added to . khe ' United States by the MacMIUin-Navy ex pedition, which Involves no special efort to' reach the' North Pole, it is believed the land must be found somewhere between tie pole and Alaska. ' But in previous' explor ations mirages; soundings and ti dal conditions have beien the only encouragement that something other than ice exists Jin that re gion. " .' Admiral Peary on his polar trip stood ut one far northern point and saw what he-believed to be land some 50 miles laway. He called it "Crocker Land." Com mander MacMillan onj his special Crocker Land expedition, - wiped this spot off his mapsj because af ter traveling 150 mlies across a field of solid ice to a point well beyond where "Crocke!": Land" was supposed; to exiHt, Itjwaa as far away as when he startled. ; MacMillan returnedjto the point from wheie Peary had sighted this supposed land and he too beheld this imaginary country rugged hills and wooded stretches. It ap peared to be a permanent mirage. MacMillan took a number of sound ingg in the territory, jhoweer, and the current indicated jtnere mignt be land. ' Tidal obserktions taken at- Etah anad Cape Hubbard, checked with those taken at Point Barrow, Alaska, showed also that the tide at Point Barrow ariied four or fie hours late. Some ob struct ion causes it, according ; to MaeMlllan. ' -: -The ico formation also faored the presence of some huge block, Up to 150 miles the ice was as smooth as a billiard :ablc but af: ter that it was almost impossible to tracl oer it because of its rough ness. MacMilan described it at that distance as resembling group of city buildings Which had been squeezed by huge' hands and jammed together. I MEIER BUYS BUILDINGS CHIL1S & BECHTEL REIHIRT , UOOD LOCAL TRADE year, production reported to West Coast Lumbermen's. Association has been 2 .6 9 6 ,9 0 1 ,9 7 2 feet, new business 2,775,098,331 feet; and shipments 2,820,398,S47 feet. - Local Business Property : Is. Sold, by Grabenhorsts, ! D. A. White purchased a tw0 story brick building belonging to the Bingham ' estate property lo on South Commercial for a considetation' 'of $18,000.00. Mr. White intends to rem'odel the improvements on, this property! in the near future. OF OUR. NUMBER MAKE A STOP THAT LlrAK; Before. You MfLpATV L 1 ? ' - '. , 1 1 - NELSONBROS. 353 Cliemeketa Phone 10OO first 27 weeks of the! ' jlZSJS. ' - i--'-J: " :- w- I 'V" A 1 "1 aSS1" 53 .. ' - ' " Stop heat loss aim' ' i - I"''': V robf-lixie! -.- H4i. : ' If your home Is already built -let ahcrw you how you can effect a coastderable fuel saving and get cteater-att-aeaaott com- -fort by liolbg youf attic with " Celotet Inwlating Lbmber; I , . Celotex brings to th ahnplest hom a comfort otdy costly ones . . hare had before. It enables home builder for the ftrtt tiie Id 6h- 1 tain 6omptet,tarulatiqQ practi cally without6xtra coat. Phoae , tta tot aaora Information. - - Is there a medicine cabinet iniyour home? A - : ;' .' ' i ' ... NO bathroom is complete without a medicine cab inet. " Keep medicine, first aid I materials and, toilet articles out (of sight and accessible. Such a pimple, convenience might be much appreciated in an emer gency when moments are preci ous.- It will add comfort, ef fic fency and neatness in the daily care and appearance of the 'home ' J .' :. " ' Spaulding made medicine -cabinets are attractive in ap NAtLs, jJearance "jnd have the perfect lumber. ; fitting and fine finish that dis- woodwork, : tinguishes all of our woodwork. Material 'The mirror is included. . Detroit News (headline) Dry Agents Dlsgiii8ed,as Gentlemen In vade Hotels. . The plant of the Salem Butter cup Creamery company has been undergoing a series of important alterations, during the past few weeks. The plant while inot thoroughly ' ad jut-ted to its hew conditions is running at almost capacity and expects to handle a bigger and better business than ever In the future. - Maehfhery and motors have been dismounted and moved I1 to various Other positions In the plant in order to make room for new 2000 gallon capacity i ice cream hardening room.'-This room Iixh been completed and adds ma terially tu the convenience and efficiency of the plant. The com pany's business ' ' in brick j ice cream, eskimo pie, and frozen uckers hafr grown to such dimen sions of late that the old harden ing rom has been given over Tal aiost wholly to the accomodation of these products. The new hard- ening room is so constructed that the cream may be put in one end of the room and removed at the other, thus doing away with' the congestion in loading and unload ing that hitherto has been such a problem. ' jj .. With these additions and alter ations completed Mr. Gregory, the manager and owner of the com pany can rightfully boast of one of the most up to date and effi cienlly organized planta in thL section. Fred Meier-haa purchased the store building and residence locat ed at Cottage, and 'Union from F. A. Brindell for $7500. It U re ported by the Childs & Bechtel real estate firm. ' ' ' ' Mr. Brindell has left for Spo kane where he is entering busi dc.h: and accepted as part consid eration an 80-acre tract valued at $1500 near Spokane. Mr. Meier takes possession of the Salem property, at once and has leased it and expects to keftp It as an investment. , - whirh have" been spept-Jtl the meat' market business. , ' , Mr., Hunt has disposed of hi interest in the Hunt . & Schiller market on North Commercial, OPENING MEAT MARKET 11UXT IS BACK IN .BI SINKSS f OX SsOl TII TWKLFTH ' V . Lone Slarr Service Station and Camp Ground ' ' - .' " c v' i - T . Tim Tillamook Pacific .Telephone & Telegraph company buys Mutual plant for $20,000 and will extend service. ' Purchase of the equipment for the meat, market of I). L. Shrode and announcement of the opening of a . meat' market on Spulh Twelfth, one door South of the Shrode proiieriy. a anounced by Guy W. Hunt, a resident of. the, dry for the last 3j years, 20 of 1993 N. CapUol-Street T John Wi lljarrLsdn Also Builder of Hornet - for sale on hssy terma. ,j If you are : looking for a home call on us. Ik J - - i' 20 Discpunt All This Week ! 4 . i i Il-tinmng' .Monday, July lj,t offer SO discount - on all Awning. Porch Curtains and t 1 ' -,l - Sleeping Porches ' . We will, come 'to yonr home or place of business, make estimates any time of day or-, evening at your convenience without 'charge ! or obligation. We are always pleased to Shaw ' you samples. , . . - t ' ! k ;. . .- ... ..: Salem Tent & Awning Co. Manufacturers of Teats A wnlrtgs and CVi'nvas Goods - - or All IVfcerfptloiifl t -' FR.IXK MONXEU '--' " 72 North Liberty Ktt-et, Kalemv Oregon Telephone 415 : ;i 'I ' ' ! J r tt fir n ftMSPAUUJinota I. s. 'Douglas 7lr Lumber is DeveloDment of I Willamette Valley iFarms . : ! i . f - i A progressive farmer might be able to profitably take over the acreage next to his or increase and better his dairy herd. - To' do this, many times, -requires financial assist- ancerr-"" 1 -r Mf ' r Farmers, who need capital for the develop--ment of their farm or for other, legitimate 'purposes, will be pleased with the; prompt ness "and economy of making their loans here at Hawkins & Roberts. ''.Write or call on us for further-information.- . . - ' S 1 . i ,Its n disgrace to ask for a j ... loan when justifiedit's ' ' simply good business. - -rJut receive'd a' car of Cedar Posts - -l -f -: -Good ones - ' h tart)f Lumber from our Valsetz mill.' Our trade is increasing? all the time. There is a reason.'1 We handle nothing but the best .material, in all grades nd our prices are right.", I Prompt delivery, good service and - rr" -Si " "a rdeal is .our jnottq . Wo handle Upson Wall Board and tile, raster Board and aTl( kinds of ' building paper. Sherwin-Williams Paint, Lead and rQu' ;. TL No question but that it is the best paint made Special on Red .Barn jPlfot$i:.g0. lier Gallon m 5 gal cans'. .This is Sherwin-Williams Crack, Barn flTiihl there is : . -" '- no better - . - ; Come and be one of our satisfied customers. We can .handle any size bill prompt from our Jljll. We are fur nishing the new. Y..M. C. A. and Valley .Motor company ' buildings look them over. ; : Cobbs & Mitchell Company " i! "fcferylhing iti Baildine Material- " " j. 349 5outh Twelfth Street, Salem. Oregon ! . ' " .Rhdne 813 V' f i i ' ) i s . . . . f i -. - H . . . - 1 M - 4 .a v. Mortoacc Loans Bonds' 'ano . . i" X INVC6TMCNTS V 2d4 FIocC OncON Dloo ISaucm. t I.. . ...... ' n v -a r t. rr - f list I HAWK1B15' 1RC3ER3S -INC ) err inrnr t 4 1 mum The Better to Serve You - j t- -K-m- ... 1 I . ,? - , - . ' . - : It will not be Jong before larger, more spacious and more convenient banking rooms" will be ready for you here at the United States National The new lobby will be 2x55 feet, thus giving plenty of room for. the accommodation of our rapidly growing irnnnber of patrons. Servitfe which has proven benefi- crat'to city and farm alike has brought about this step in our growth. -United -States National Bank ;-r(Salexn. Oregon." , e" . V i - Oregon Gravel Co. Hood at Front'SC S?3lem j m m m w aw.