The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, July 12, 1925, Page 17, Image 17

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5 .
Oregon State Highway Commitsion
Wwkly Import on Condition of Oregon State Highways
: . July 8. i9ta -.. ' '
I'at-irte Iliichwar . Lapine. 6 miles north of Sand
Portland, Oregon City,Salem, AI- Creek: t'nlmproTed dirt road,
bany, IIarrinburj?. Junction City. Rough. I .'
iigeiie, cottage Grove. Koseburg, Six miles north of Sand Creek,
Grants Pass, Medford. California , Klamath Falls, Merrill, California
Stai Line: Paed en'tire,. dis-j State Line: Macadam. ,
tance except between llarrlsburg . Orejcon, Washington Highway
ijnnd: Junction . City where paving Pendleton,! Washington State
operations are under way., Koad Line: Paved. I ;
; loaed to all traffic. i Southbound
traffic' detour at Harrisburg via
Coburg to Kugene.; Best route
Albany to Junction City via Cor
valiift and .monroe; all paved.
Went Side Pttclfk HiKhway .
Portland, --. Newbrg, Dayton
Junction: Paved.
Uon, McMlnriville:
tions under way. Traffic for Mc
Minnville and beyond take county
oml itiln flnvtAn ' r I 1 la nil 'bV&H
VfoMlnnvrile, Monmouth, Corval
Junction CHy, 'Eugene: Paved.
1 On-iron Trail least or xne
; . . Dalles
Ontario, Huntington, Baker,
j rnion". La Grinde, Pendleton,
j l matilla, Arlington, The Dalles;
Macadani!zed entire- distance and
. tn good condition, j
Old Oregon Trail West of The
iimiich oiumDia Kiver
Highway j
The Dalles, Hood River, Port
land, Rainier, Astoria. Seaside:
Paved entire distance. ' 'J
ItooMevelM'onHt Highway Clatsop
ami Tillamook Counties
. Astoria, Seaside:! Paved.
Seaside, Cannon. jltetreh Junc
tion: Macadam,, X
Cannon Beach Junrtion, Hamlet
Junction: Road under construc
tion: passable but rough and sub-;
Ject to short delays. . , '
Hamlet Junction, Mohler: Good
macadam. " , -
Mohler, Miami: Highway route
not open beyond Brighton. -Take
county road. vla Toiey Creek;
graveled and in fair condition.
Miami, Tillamook, Hebo, Nes-
kowln. Devils Lake:; Part paved;
'balance macadam, j
KooMcvelt Coast Highway Coos
ami Curry Counth
Hauser, North Bend: Macada
Ferry across, bay. ;
North Rend, JMarshfield, Co
llie: Payed. -
iToqume, Hanaon, rort uriora;
1 Arizona inn macadam
f Arizona Inn, Gold Beach, Brook
1 fngs: . Mountain rqStd In fair con
l ditlon. "' i.' f . k
Brookings, California State Line
Crescent City:! Graveled road.
Coo Ilay-ltotteburg Highway
Pacific HiKhway, Camas Valley
Myrtle Point, Coquille: Macadam.
AVlrlainettc Valley-Florence Highs
Junction City. , Cheshire Gold
'son, Ttlachly, Rain rock: Maca
dam. Open to Florence via Ma
pleton or North 'Fork doute. Dirt
read. ; i
'orvallis, ewort Highway
Corvallisj philomath. Wren, Eddy
vine, : Toledo, Newpora; . Maca
dam. . ' " ; !
McMinnville,r Tillamook Highway
McMinnville, Sheridan: Paved.
Sheridan, Wiilamina, Grand
J rionde Hebo, Tillamook: Part
Dirt rbad
1 I .
Mt. II
Portia n
Tualatin Valley Highway
Portland, . , Hillsboro. Forest
Grove. Car-lton, ! McMinnville:
I'aved. .
Hood Ioops Highway
nd. Government Camp,
Hood River: Paved to
tGresham; balance good macadam.
(lload open entire distance, aeound
'Loop. ' :- . ,i
,' The Dalles, California Highway
NOTE: Through traffic advised
to take Sherman Highway.
' The Dalles, Dufilr, Mauptn
Good macadam. . j j
Maupin, Cow Canjjon: Surfac
ing under way but: passable.
Cow Canyon' Gateway; Madras,
Redmond. Bend: Macadam
Pendleton, Pilot Rock, Vinson,
Ileppner, Heppner Junction: Ma
cadamized except between Vinson
and Lena which is unimproved but
passable. ! I
Ashland, Klamath Falls High way
Junction i"kcific Highway, Kla-
D&yton June- math Falls: Macadam.
Paving opera- Klamath KaUm, Ixkevlew Highway
Klamath Falls, Bonanza: Ma
cadam. . - ' :
Bonanza, Drews Valley Section :
Unimproved road- Rough gMng
In places.
Drews Valley, " Lake view: ; g
miles macadam; balance dirt road
in fair Condition.
BeiHl, Lakevlew Highway
Eend, Silver Lake: Road
fair condition. . X
- Silver Lake, PatSley:
in fair condition.
Paisley, Lakeview;
macadam. '
. .. Central Oregon Highway
; Biggs, Wasco. Moro, Grass Val
ley, Kent, Shaniko. Madras. Red
mond, Bend: Macadam.
j John Day Highway -'Arlington,
Condon: Macadam.
: Condon, 6 miles! south: "Under
construction but - passable at all
times. , ' ' j " , j
Sjx miles south of Condon; Fos
sil, ( Spray, Dayville, Mt. Vernon,
John Day, Prairie Cy, Summit:"
Macadam and in good condition.
Summit, 'Austin, Unity: Open
and. -passable but rough. - B i '-f
Cow Valley, Brogan. Jamieabn,
Vale, .Ontario: Macadam. r. i
0-hoco Highway t
Redmond, Prineville. Mitchell:
Macadamized and in. good condi
tion. Mitchell, An tone, Dayville: Dirt
road. Impassable after, rains.
Crater Lake Highway
Road to Crater Lake
Medford, Trail, Prospect, Crater
Lake, .Fort Klamath: Macadam;
open for travel throughout. Cra
ter Lake Lodge now open.
La Grande, Wallowa Lake High
" wayRoad toVallowa Lake
La Grande, Island City: Paved.
Island City, Elgin, Minam, Wal
lowa, Lostine, Enterprise, Joseph
Wallowa Lake: Macadamized and
in good condition.
Baker, Cornucopia Highway
Baker, Halfway: 19 miles ma
cadam; 21 miles gradedroadled.
Balance fair county road. Pow
der River grade closed." Detour
via Sparta. 5 v
Redwood Highway
1 gon Caves' '-'
Grants Pass, Kerby, Waldo:
Graveled road in good condition.
Waldo, Crescent City: - Moun
tain road in "fair condition.
Oregon Caves Highway
Redwood1 Highway Junction to
Oregon Caves in good condition..
1 Mckenzie Highway ; i
Eugene, Sisters. Redmond : Ma
cadamized except a 12 mile section
over McKenzie Pass where con
struction under way; road open
and passable. ,
Alseai Highway
Corvallis, Philomathj Alsea:
Alsea, Waldport: Surfacing
work in progress between Alsea
and Tidewater,; look out for
trucks " : !-
Willamette Highway
i Eugene, Goshen: Paved.
Goshen, Lowell: " Macadam.
Lowell, Oakridge: ' Fair condi
tion. -
Oakridge, Crescenf.Open and in
good condition to Emigrant Creek.
From Emigrant Creek over Sum
- Statistics recently made avail
able by the United States Bureau
of the Census for 1923 show these
facts: ' ' M :;
1. There are 47 cities having a
population of from 15.000 to 16,
500. This is tke j largest number
in any one of the groups, ranging
from 15,000 1 to 16,500. 16,500 to
18.500,! 18,500 to 20.000, etc. i t
. 2 n the 12 cities of 500.000
and more population there is, of
coarse1, the largest population.'
. J. In the cities having more
than 500.000 population j there
were 3,348 fatal accidents in 1923
the jlargest ; number in any one
group and in (cities between
16,500 to 18.500 there were 117
accidents the smallest number!
4 The cities S between 122.500
and 25,000 population had the
smallest numbert of fatal ; acci-dents4-l7.4
per t 100.000 popula
tion, and the cities between 2u,
000 and 22,500 had the highest
percentage. 25 9 per 100.000. '
All of which will upset some
j popular ideas While most acci-
TK 1 1 IXC T. . 1
t,-i , imA
Automobile Editor Claims
That Paralled Parking
Is Most Popular;
Alt to
dents take place where there are
the most people and the larger
number of motor-cars, the per
centage of accidents per 100,000
population is not necessarily in
those same district cities.
Regardless of the size of a city
every possible precaution must be
taken to prevent accidents. Noth-
ins is more precious than human
f lite, and any means almost is justi
i fied if human lives can be saved.
'1 he best rules are: ,
Always be careful.
Never take a chance,
i Those rules always hold.
ing, and $25 to each of the offi
cers.! His tips, it was estimated
il .1 . . 1.. It
nepiaCmy iUlQierSividual $10,000: Another passen-
j ger not long ago surprise 1 a stew-
IjONDON, Medieval knights arrt by presenttng mm wit n stu-
arier a'slx-rtay passage from .nhw
York to Southampton.
With Armor Are
fn shining armor-have taken the
place of the little tin soldiers
Which were populars. here prior to
1914. j After the war. toy soldiers
all but disappeared from the shops
not only in England, but in many
countries on the continent
ticularly i Germany ! and
and in their stead came little farm
er boys and other leaded figures
of. agriculture. j 'jj 'j '11!; j;:M;M-
Models of cows and horses, of
ducks and chickens and farm hous-
to scale havef been displayed
. In talking to a representative
of The Oregon Statesman J. C
"Slim" Maccracken. who passed
through Salem Frinday in the in
terest of the sales department of
the, illys-Oveiiand company,
said. "The way you park your
cars here sure looks funny to
me." When asked what way he
found to be the most common he
said that paralled to the curb was
by far the most common. With
Salem's wide streets parking par
alled with the curb would certain
ly give you wonderful streets for
traffic. When at home Mr. Mae
cracken is automobile editor of
the j Milwaukee Sentinel. On this
trip for the Willys-Overland "he
has visited a great uany cities
and has traveled over eight thous
and miles since leaving Boston on
June 8.
As much as $40 to $60 a dozen
is charged for these new creations
of diophanons linen for evening
. par-
se. The monograms of ' these
ultra-stylish handkerchiois are pe
culiarly. elaborate, being formed
Calling Farmer GirlS ' thin lines of bound silk drawn
across a neat note in one corner.
Plains of Canada Are
uite generally1. Hunting scenes,
with the huntsmen in bright col
ors on horees, foxes, hedges, ditch
es and other suggestions of the
country have also been on display
this spring on a larger scale' than
heretofore, but the demand of the
public for the knights suggestive
of the troublesome : days of the
ioth century indicates, say the toy
dealers, that war playthings are
again coming -into iavor.
Land of Tipping Is j I
Becoming Less Fertile
j SOUTHAMPTON. Reports ! cir
culated here that the American
state department has put its foot
down on extravagant tipping by its
repress1 man vesnove orougui oui .jj
tales of the largesse of some Am
erican! millionaires when they
leaTe the vessels that have carried
them in safety across the Atlantic.
It is related among steamship
stewards that on one trip recently
an American millionaire gave $4 0
Road to Orc-Uo eery member , of the crew of
tne snip on wnicn ne was iravei-
Pinder, a graduate of the experi
mental farm of Leeds University,
is in Winnipeg to begin a year's
study of Canadian agricultural
methods, with a view to creating
on her return to the British Isles,
a movement to western Canada of
English farm girls.
"Girls on the farms in all parts
of England are intensely interest
ed in Canada. They are seeking an
outlet for their energies and
would migrate to .the dominion in
large numbers if only encourag
ed," Miss Pinder asserted.
Many, of these young women,
she declared had sufficient funds
to start farms of their, own and
would prove a valuable asset to
the development of the western
country. ;
Medford Four new business
buildings ready for occupancy.
St. Helens Columbia County
fair will build four new exhibit
London Offers Many
New: Styles This Year
LONDON, With London s op
era season in tull serving many
new styles have been seen, parti
carly among the men-One of these
was a revival of the evening
cloak. - Thesej are cut in the In
verness cape fetyle, and lined with
French grey, satin, or with a dis
creet blue. t .
And as for men's handkerchiefs
they are a bit thinner and flimsier
this year, and at very high prices.
" ' x"-i..'X."i" -
Rats leave a sinking thlp and
die i in the sea. Power leaves a
sinking Epark plug and it finally
dies on the hill.
. Keep 'em replaced and don't die
" "XltUll Rogers has a wrw traffic re
lief flan. "AboUsh a'l turns-" kt
proposes. "Co straight to when
you want to go."
v" I
va v w ui
' rtAnd i nnino- 17 miip. inrtpr I mit take old road: rough but Das
surfaced; balance fair dirt road. sable...
: I m
t m
' 1 !
THAT'S all the time it takes. Just 30 min
utes behind the wheel of the 1925 Star Car.
To prove to you for all time the real value
; that Star builds into a low cost car.Test itl
THE new Kelly Cord U moro
flexible than any previous
cord tiie. The Integral Bead
construction not only makes tlie
carcass more flexible but makes it
possible to use a flexible tread.
This means an easier-riding tire,
while the ruggedness of the tread
means a longer-wearing tire.
If you hare never used Kellys,
now is a good time to begin. If
you already know Kell vs. take our
word for it that the Kelly FtexibU
Cord is the best tire Kelly has ever
Flexible CORD
Marion Auto
t Company
233 Sontb Commercial . Tel. 302
Hero are the Value Features that make
the 1925 Star Car the greatest value buyn the world
today. Check them against any car near its price
classand you, too, will say "this is the car for me."
The Million Dollar Motor Fedders Radiator
Four-Wheel Brakes Corc Tires x
Full Force Feed Lubrication Alemite Lubrication
Tubular Backbone Dry Disc Clutch JJ
One ride and you can have no doubt that it is your car f 9
Observe the special equipment: bal
loon tires with steel disc wheels,
nickeled radiator shell, front and rear. .
bumpers, motometer with lock, wind- .
shield wiper cowl lights, scuff plates "
and special body striping. - - .
Then consider the sturdy and depend-'
jable character of the car itself and
you will understand why it is equally
attractive i to men and to women
and exceptionally attractive to both.
Five Balloon ,
. ' 9110.1 f. o. b. Detroit, M4Xn deCivere!
.'! ,
: . ' - ,
Tr tight and Tax Extra
2j? the EiniJIS)SE5j SASIKI
Throughout Hudson's ' , long-time policy of
giving greatest value for the money, thb is
the lowest price, the flnesr Hudson tne T great
est value Hudson ever offered. Only Hudson's
exclusive advan tages of the famous patented
. Super-Six -principle combined with the
world's largest production of 6-cylinder cars
make it possible. By greater margins than ever
before it is today the "World's Greatest Buy."
The Qreat and Qenuine Economy, k rJf
- Its Owners Know ' -
The good-will and satisfaction so evident through
out Hudson's enormous ownership rerults simply
from the conviction of hundreds of thousands of
individuals that they have the World's Greatest t
Buy." The economy Hudson owners praise is not .
only in the biz saving of first cost ; they know, also . I. .. . ,
the greatest of all operating economies fauldess "
service for months on end with rarely any need !
whatever for attention and at a minimum expense -
for service.
Salem Automobile Co.
t - . .
i 1
Hudson-Essex World's Largest Selling 6Cylinder
Fred M. Powell Jlotor Cars
-V'.i Salem,"t)regon -
iS- -
. 4 ... ...
.J- ""-iJS "(
- i I
V ,
. 4- '.
t ,