THE OREGON STATESMAN. SALEM, OREGON SUNDAY MORNING. JULY 12, 1925 1 r No 0reT LUTHERAN ; '' rlTRIST F.VAKGKL,lCALf 1730 State Qt O. Kohlr, pastor, -nn'idenre: 1750 sia'ls St.. plvooe 599R. Sitticm 10:30 m. Sermon tnjie: "Whither Shall He (iof Sunday Nchool :30 a, va. lonng .copies' uietinr 2:3t lp.,m. : Topic: 'Tha Pn.Krss and Achtevemta -'of the Negro j America." Mervu-es conducted v lit Girlish. Mr.. Fred Tneuer, a tneoiogici """nudrnt will praacb. the j s-rroou ' ereuiug service, t- - V CHRISTIAN AND MISSIONARY ;- AIXIANCR , . .Unuii rn st ILl' E.' and Mrs. Caswell paaUTrt, esidtnce it 8. CutUM U r,hftn. Jft4l HprVlrM 0. HI. 8T- mon too'? "Just Brad1 Sunday ..hw.t 2 r. a.. .Mr. J. Wilson, superia i.n.nt Mr. and- Mrt. Caswell haa i .u.tlno tn finiiM -where they heard i:. v( . ... A iim Vitehestain. the school IClrl eTangeliat. 4 She is the' daughter of tba "Labi Tribune'! editor, li kuown bi one of the lineal orators t our conn try. She expects to Tisit 8alem in Aug , list and will sptaic in tne -laoernacie METHODIST : LESLIE . 'ommereial -and Myet , Sts.. Ha r. Vemberton, pastor, residence .148 Mrera St.. phone ; WSJ. Services 1 . or. and. 8 P. m Jiermon Topics: Th Uardens. sf. the'-Bible and The Broken Mentetice. HuuUay school J5. : Jhorti. - itijwrinundent.i Intermediate! Kpvgorth I.esgue'in' Leslie Hall' at 7 p. m. lese Epworth. League in the church at .7 p. m. l'rsyer meeting and Bible study Thursday evruing at 7 :30. CENTER ST. liih and Center Sis., A,! . llilmer, pastor, residence: 634 . At'inier. phone 6H0M. Services 11 a. in. ' Sunday -school 10 a. ro H. H. Urallap, aapetnUndent. KeT. J. V. Beckley will serrtT lSiiiidsy morning in place of the IMs ' trick superintendent. Cooiiuunioa . service '"f niter" the sermon. No evening service. Attend the ramp meeting at the fair : , grounds. , ".....- ' TREE METHODIST ' MARKET HTKEKT Corner of N. Win terand Market tits.. Mortimer C: Clarke, pastor. .Sunday-school at 9:45, Frank S. Si-huts, superintendent. There will be. no preaching service either in the morning or evening' on Sunday, the -congregation uniting with the big camp meeting now beiug held on the state (air grounds. Also jill the week day services next k will not be held on aecount of the nbove meet- 0g. . I : - ' . ' . MISSION f 0LAI TIDHCUS 3434 Cotfrt St., C. R Johnson, nastor. residence: 1835 Ma ple Ave. Services 3 and 8 p. m. Sunday "m'IiooI 2 p. m., S.. Berkey, superintendent. Yonnr neonles meeting rnday evening, Week day services, Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday evenings. Full gospel teach inr salvation. baDtism in the holy ghost. healing. Undenominational. Everybody invited, ss - EVANGELICAL FIRST Liberty and Center Sts.. C. C Poling, pastor, residence: 435 Liberty, nhona 09 1J. Servieea 11 a. m.J and 8 p. iir. Daniel A. Poling of New Tork city will preach at 11 . m. This is the only time he- wm tpeaK in . aaiem.- iio lec tures .at' Gladstone park at 3 p. The pastor will speak., Sunday - school at 9:45. J. F. THrich, superintendent. The League will meet at 7 p. nr. M Ml week services ' Thursaay evening. riram. i all. t -. ' ' NAZARENE ' 19th nd Marion Sts C. H. llopkins. and Miry L. Hopkinv pastors, residence: 1960 Marion t sunuay-scnooi :u a. l , W. B. Hardy, superintendent, t nurcn losed the rest ot the day to unite with the Marion County iloliness camp meei- intf in the state fair grounus. mere win be no prayer meeting heldin the church Wednesday evening. ; rHKl STI AN SCIENCE FIRST CHURCH Corner of liberty and CbeWketa. Str Sunday morning ser- vices,at 11 o clock, Sunday evening - . Subject of lesson sermon. "Sscrament. Sunday-achool . convene at :au ana u . m. Wednesday evening .testimonial meeting at 8 o'clock. -Heading room 20'J Masonic Temple open every day except holidays and Sundays from 11:15 to 5:30 p. m. All are cordially invited to our service and t our reading room. Pidures BelieWUdccountsrrSqnia-Barba . REFORMED BF.THANT Corner of Capitol and j Marion Sts.. M. Denny, pastor, residence: I fttili Marion St., phone 445W. Services 11a. ni., in Knglwh. Sunday school 10 m Fred K. Krnse. superintendent. 'r: , 4.e. . -''H;);;"-' . - 1 (fiist Anderson, aoperiatendent; Towng peoples - meeting 7:13 p. m. Thursday i:3ii prayer meeting. Tnetdsy evening at " :30i the ladies aid anu in the horn of Mrs. .Wick berg. The men. are invited to attend the meeting. Yeu are all cordially invit dto oar services. . srboot in -'eloeV.- Mark McCallMev. su perintendeat, Tharsdar evening at 8 'clock Bible study and prayer meeting. A cordial invitation is gives The public to attend these services. CHURCH OT CHRIST COCRT 8TRKKT Corner Court and N 17th St.. R. It, Putnam, pastor, reoidenre: llOlt Lealie St phone 1425 J. Services 11 a." taw .and tt p. m. ' Sermon tonics: "Convention High Lights," and "The Baptist's Last Message." Sunday school 9:45 a, m Christ Kowitt. auperintendent.S Junior following the communion services at 11 a. m. Christian Kndesvor 7 p. as.' Senior . and Intermediate. Series of re port on World'a Convention by delezat, will begin. Mid week service Thursday1 7:30 p. m. 'We extend a hearty welcome lo all or any of the-e service. CASTLE CHAxZ TOTTED SRETHXRN Cora-er 17th and Xebraska. rastor, I. C. Mower, resident, parsongae. Services, It a. n... and p. m. Sermon twpUs: The' Rwklesa Penknife, and F.voJution. Since evolution is causing sack a commo tion in the eharehes. the pnblic is es pecially arced to hear thej wnaogs. Sunday school 10 a. C. W. Wells, su perintendent. Younc peoples' meet inr at :30. I'rsjer and Bible study Thursday evening. ... him ita as RnnJsy oornlng ssl ef en- tag. -'At--4a -vaevwHir eervie the eaair will sing. Irsw Me to Thee.'." 7 p. as. Von eg People' societies. Ecaoea treat th. great , Pan Is ad enavewtiea will ha hronght by oar delegate who attended. 8 p. eveaisg worship, ftermoa by lr.-Dirk A. Lay. The chain will siag, "I've Found a Friead." Brackett. Mea day 8 p. m.. Cpngtecatioaal meeting called to roBMder the name ef Ir. ' Norma a K. Tnlly. bow of Kacine. Wia sa-aew pastor ef this rharrh. The pulvet eoasmittee ar unaaiaiots in their choice wf lr. Tally and u ii heod a larce' eoncretatioa wilt extend to hi. a asisisMat call aa M sa dly evening. J. I. B. 8. A. Meet! every "Sunday in Derliy'Hall for Bible study; 10 to .VS. ' 'The .Atonement to 4, Kielk Temple. Sunday July i.', there wfll be a lecture at 8 p. m., subject. Why Kvil is Permitted," : 'ft CHURCH OF GOD J34S IN". Church Sti J. J. Gillespie, pastor, .'Residence: -131 -N. Church St., uhone 1S73M. Services 11 a. m., and 7:30 p. in. riermon topics: waicnmnn s Duly and Evangelistic Sunday school 10 a. m., Mr&4 Walter tJarkus, auperm tendent. Y'oung peoples' meeting .6:45 aubiect: "A Hive of Gospel Been. Pray er ineotina- Wedivsdayevenine-3 :jo. 'in UOth annual state camp meeting of the church.' of Ciod, iwill be held on the camp ground 4 'mile north of .Wpodbiirn, July 1C-.M., tlH2:. Services eacti . day ii a. m.. 2:30. and 7:30 p. m. Ministers irom art ioinina- states are. expected to assist m the services.. A cordial invitation is giv en to all to atten dtbe services. BAPTIST GF.RMAN Corner 1 and Cottage SU John J. Lucas, piastor. Sunday school 9:45 .f Robert Perlich. superintendent. Classes for all ages. Morning worship 11 and in the "afternoon at 2:30. Prof Jj Heinricbs of Chicago. 111., who for 2d yeara .was a missionary in India will have charea of this Service. . t-veryDoay win be heartily welcome. wtrst tjhertv and Marion Sts.. Ern est H. Shanks, pastor, residence: 549 N Liberty, phone 1920. Services 11 a. m. ml A n. m Sermon tonics: The North ern Baptist Convention and The Gob pel a Evolution.' Music by. the.mal chorus, solos -and readings. A fine prelude to WALTER P. CHRYSLER'S ' The United States Bureau of the Census, has just printed aw graphical representation of fatal?, autpmohile accidents which showsV that Mississippi with an estimated -' population of 1,709,618 on July 1,J 1923, had 78 fatal automobile ac- cidents during that same year, which is 4.4 automobile fatalities orr lmnnn nnnulation ' That is the best record of any state for;j that rvrar. - - ".t California with a popnlation of haa lJV latai accidents ; (New York had 1.930 and Penn sylvania 1,592) which is 32.6 fa talities per 100,000 population, the highest record of any state. Under the head oft automobile fatalities per .100,000 population1 in cities of registration states states reporting to the Depari riient -Virginia,, with a -population of 623,675 in its cities and 84 accidents; or 13.5 per 100,000 pop ulationrhad the best record of any state, i Wy'driiing, with 30,314 in its cities, and 19 accidents, had the highest record of fatalities, or 62.7 per HK).(KX). j Under- the hea of automobile JNSr-" J v v X. Central Press Phot-I ''M'iwixaX :.aasiy.:.v c- . .:.:- - v'Wifjs' ' -,- - ' y- . v.-. 'r z ' . . 3 ," "$5$$ -- rvii s saaaa f - r ? r? b. wta 4 . X ay ,-. v-cft.vv a . . aTC . . . i . r 1 v,' . rf si f . J s.s kfatMMMsaMN-aMV ' ' '' ' --tt r v-'- 't'"'-veVsflr ..-.. .. e ' li.t 1 . CHRISTIAJf FIRST Center and Hish StC J. ?i Evans, - pastor. , Morning aad evening ser-j icse will le reBeJ an Sunday. Thq pastor will speak-at both services. Misi Whisler will have charire of the musirj Bible school at 0:43. The yoang p-otH meet at 7 o'clock, to hear reports of th4 Portland convention. ' FRIEKDS " i SOUTH SALEM Commercial and Washington, Sts:, Carl F. and Minnie er Miller pastors, residence: 1oj5 S. Liber ty, phone 133R. Services 11 a. m., aad 8 p. m. Sermon topics: "Live Chria tians." and Evangelistic Me a re. Sunday school 10 a. m.. Dr. Carl K. Miller, super intendent. Young peoples meeting 7 p. m. Prayer meeting Thursday H p. m. Kliss Zimmennsa.' a Christian Jew will le present this Thlrsday night and . sveak. If jou have no church .Jiome w will le glad to have yon come and worship with ii . Tourists are welcome in their trsv-1 eung ciomes. - - . FTJXI. GOSPEL MISSIOK Address, ail Minion St. lator. Rslpt D. IliilliH-k. residence, -J51 fission Su, phone 1439-W. Service UnM) a. ax, 2:au.p. m. Sunday school t0;.1O a. ta. Week-day. services. Thursday at '7: P m. All are invited to rome hear and see the old time Apostolic gospci. in op eration.. "Ey hath not seen, nor ear heard, . neither has it entered tntf the heart of man the things that God has prepared for them that love Him. But tiod hath revealed them nnto b by His spirit, for the Suirit searcheth all tbincn. yea the deep things of Gol." 1 Cor. 3:9, It. Many are finding it so in theie laKt days. FIRST PRRSBTTZRIAK CHURCH Addre. Church St. between Chemrke ta and Center Sts. 9:30 a. m. Sundav school. 11. K. Barrett, superintendent. 11 a. m. sermon hy Rev. Dirk A. I -ay 11.. who is bead of -the PreobMeriaa work among the Pima Indians in Anion.. lr. J -ay U pabtor ot the lsrret Indian church in the' failed States. He is a strong man and we cordially invite the public to hear sermon hy Divine worship will be held ia the Firt Methodist i-hnrch at II o'clock Sunday moraine. The pastor. Rev. F. '. Taylor will preach the' second number ia a cries of sermon for. summer. on. . "tiaJ's MouBtaB." Special auie will be givea hy the clm'r. There will he no evening service in First church on Sundsy. The rouTe-4tioti a ill unite in the uaioa ser vice ia ill-x.n iiars ssm! lttea ta tse Kev. C. U. lioney. 1H. 1- V r-V,"- . v-r.Aj 1 ' W 1 1 IBs I --aacAT - - i : ..w: itsic ioi i--f s. , is sy-a;r . W.t- - ; 3ti - We--e j V- lis , v aij" 1 1 tj 'ki- : itMtaVsAv . 31 V-v-rT'---if - -- - , n--i r mt i r- ,f,w?,i rr.i i m mim laft-'nr" Earll-e accounts of huge damage done to Santa Barbara. Calif., by the earthquake are shown, to be exagj tl by these photos, taken after the excitement had subsided. , They showthe condi-t tion rthe , From ua airplane' the injury is scarcely visible, most of the buildiagi damaged were old ones. State street i Keen from two angles. j i ' the evening service .beginninj at 8 p. m. Solo by Luther Taylor of Tacoma, read ing, The Sign of the Cross, by Mrs. Car rie M. Chase. Cheerful choruses and sons you love. Sunday school 9;45 a.-m.,Ed Schunke, superintendent. The BYPU will hold its association rally at Leban on. lr. Shanks will deliver-the address of the rally at 2:30 in the Lehanon Bap tist churoh. No evening BYPU owing to this rally. Thursday eveniug the mid week prayer meeting. The appointment ef delegate to the state convention wheih meets at Astoria on the 21st. The man in overalls is as welcome as the man in a tall hat, at the church of a hundred nana shakes. ,, ' JASOS LFjE MEMORIAL Corner X. Winter and Jefferson Sts. Thomas Aclio- son, pastor, residence: 100 Jefferson St.. pastor, residence: yju wK jm.. pnone Phone loOtiJ.' Leroy Walker, assistant 1401. Services 11 a.i m., and 8 p. m. Sermon topics: "Chrixtianity At Its Best," and "The1 Road Yon Travel." The choir will furnish .special tnusi.for both morning and evening worship. Junior church 11 a. m.; Kev. ; Walker in charye. Sunday school 11:45 a. m., Harry Carpen ter, suiiwiiitendent. Wesley and Epworth leasues will meet in separate rooms down stairs for their devotional services at 7 p. m. They are always glad to 'Welcome stunrers and visitors ; toi thet-e services. t i . hi C0HGRE0ATI0UAL - FIRST Center and , Liberty. C. E. Ward, pastor, 'residence: 440 Center St., phone, ii!l R. Services 11 a. m. Sermon topic: "The Land. of -My .Dreams.". Se cial muMe hy Uie mixed quartet. Sunday Special Prices on New Auto iccebsorle Ford wheels, 30x3VVVre$3.00 ' Ford oversize steering wheels...;. Fog lights ;..L .' .1-Ton jacks ....,.t i. Luggage carriers . , Mirrors (rear view).... ..... l. .tjpJ'.pXa .transmission lining sets .i 5 .85 2.75 .90 .73 i t- .-. v r ..... v .... . ' -e, v - - . AVchave a blgiine of new and used parts for all malces of cars and can save you -money. - ' OPEN SUNDAYS , HIKE'S AUTO WRECKlliG HOUSE " i aT J w f- a rv l A Tal " en a n " z-io .teenier oircei rnone .y . h Cash paid for cars Jo wreck tin Thursday evening at 7:"0 both Junior and Senior churches- will meet for devo tional service at the church. Dr. Leech, district superintendent, will be present and will hold his second church conference with us. All tue officials nrged to attend. A srtong evangrlistic note will dominate all our services. '. The Urge stone, build in; well ventilated will offer a cool and comfortable place in which to. worship. An inhpirational song service led ly choir and orchestra for evening worship. SCANDINAVIAN 15th Mill. St, Patrik Dahlin, pastor, residence: 209.VTrade St., phone 3773. Services (Swedish) 11 a. in., and 8 p. m. Sunday school 10. a. m.. fatalsties pejiyvJ.Uyu - popuiaiton in rural districts .pf rcgtstraiion '' chlc' .Tennewe with l.yi JJl of its population in rural districts, -had $8 fatal accidents, or 3 per 100,000 population., This is the 'best record of an v. state.. Cali fornia with 1,600.081 in its" rural districts,, had 618 accidents, or "38.6 per 460,000. . i ' Eight, here it, is interesting to note that the best record in the citjes is 13.5 per 1 00,000 popula . 4ion, and in. the rural districts 3.0 per 100.000. The hiyh record for cities is, 62.7 per 100.000, While the hifh record for rural districts is 38.6 per 100.000. STAKE". BODY ONE TON TRUCK ';'.. JL Uelk e- I f ii it i . j I . r. j i - A I XXJf ft m mm, m Mmw - t. fa. i - i a c O 31 VeOR.tUY 1X9 Q P J Announcing Sensational Price Reductions and New Models' u f in the eriical-8upe $200! $400!-$600! 4 - Mi fMJBurfr ' Tuesb t a rest travel -treat in store IOT rJSui&f yo if you have never tried to wear out a . Dtp!? ' r h Mr l.Tn rrni df rmirs thev1 do vear out eventually.. But Vhat a run. That is wfiete you save. ? i ; : -Vou know that quality is themThe tracle rnark assures it. ice the days of the rst automobiles in the West, that trade-mark has symbolized quality. Time tells. Re- : solve now to equip at the first opportunity wihsurc-footea, long-wearing C.& L CoADS and (dWMMtorcdTuBES. Sizes for allcars. Made in theWest fa tbe Watty 4 pioneer: firm of the rFeCHAKSib& Lyom Ox, -world's larxest txduave distributor ef autvmo- tie producu sW ftrei. Sold, by : 'i 4 time tells ' Special Show ing and Dem- onstrations (of the Full line of Ford-biiilt All-1 Steel Bodies on the CLAR1C.& yjNCEsrr 660 North Capitol Street -i, Salem, Oregon .m mm mm m . i . m wm m. . . . mi. m m m IN IITI ;!' VI July ISth to. Jidy 18th' Go to the nearest Authorized -Ford Dealer this week, andsee his -display ' of Ford Trucking Equipment arid the full line of Ford-built All-Steel Bodies ; on the Ford chassis. This is an excep tional opportunity to learn how Ford equipment can bring a new 4econqmy . into your business. Special demonstra r tions of Ford Trucks and their appli cationtoyourbusiness willbe arranged. Over a million Ford Trucks and Light Delivery Cars are' in service today.. Chassis and body alike possess those J in-built qualities of strength and dur ability that are identified with all : Ford products. ' Don't fail to visit this interesting and valuable display. It will pay you to go now this week while tlie complete line is on display. ' AT ALL AUTHORIZED FORD DEALERS T . ' . J ,-,- . .. - . .... - Chassis NOW CX)MES within your reach, in price as it has km been in your dreams of possessing a Sicktn backer MVertical-8-Superfine.", '' ' IT HAS LONG beezroar ambition to do this but until row impossible. TWO FACTORS render it feasible. First, desijrn has been standard! zed and seconc vm are now in volume production. CAR HAS BEEN thoroughly jjroven. in every day, vtry-where service. j 'MOTOR HAS BEEN enlarged so as to afford a still tresUr surplus of power and sri. DESIGN, CONSTRUCTION every detail has been proved and confirmed ; bo that now, we are certain thUoijfi- will remain standard for the next ca yeavs, at bast. ; IN MANY VITAL FEATURES this 4,Vertical-8-Superfin" Is years -yesyears in advsECJ of the times. IN THE REFINING PROCESS we were able to make severJ parts interchangeable with the Six, thus Jeffeqting . nuoiy economies and rendering both types easier to service. . , HAVINGREACHED THAT POINT, we are now in production in volume, oni this model as wll as the Six. , ' . j THESE GREAT PRICE REDUCTIONS are just in line with the Rickenbacker policy to give the buyer, full benefit of any .. saving we can effect in production,) without keduemg quality. THE NEW SERIES ("S-B") U refined to the last degree. . MOTOR 12 LARGER; cylinder bore now 31 in-saxx as in the oix. AS PREVIOUSLY STATED, many important parts, such as pistonsvalves, connecting rodtJr9,i&3ttixuriU x .are t;bw. interchangeable. '. ' THA TtS A TREMENDOUS ADVANTAGE to dealers in servicing, aivl To users in lower cost of upkeep also enabUs us l mari;vcte to better advantage. SAME RULEi APPLIES to many cbjJ-.U pai-mU of Wich r .tp ywssdv-ntage. . . IT OS THIS .COMBINATION of factors whlefy make Oy. loner prices possible on this new aeries V.VericaUS. . FfiJCES OF-NEW MODELS-are as follow : " - - - ll 0 ' Js . ff ''''' ' .1 tio Pru , rr t Phaeton - $2195 v ' 1 i$200 Brougham 233S . $400 -PassJ Coupe; New Body Design .."Sedan'.. - $',79S..;, . 'G0O HERE IS THE WORLDS GREATEST buy iri a mofdr-;car of the , hrtiriinrn piite iiircfe i j . jl.J. - -i . svuiuvirAi inu wruvxsu & laeniicai in every respect, wiui tL.t (. ..L!.L r;J l i i .1 Krn :i ui w wnin vpuiui rutaeniMKacr.paccu Jka v-uius rats ' ? on inoiuupous sppeeaway, isecorauon umy, a04. nnes per 'hour. ' ' j ' " ; HERE IS poWer 'plus. - Here is super-speed and wondrau! tness. I v - AZIN ACCELERATION matchless hill-Ability-and equally rnid; exiua,, thanks to the t elenJr4l-whcil brakes. . ; . .-- AND YET-his Rickenbacker Yertiupernne,, is priced . -$2,000 .to $3,C?X less than the only other 8" that 'compares witl 31 ir. Ukiy or performance. " DRIVE THIS! erticaJ-8-Superfine, yourself e'xperian the new,tbfUl" in motoring. fc f outinuim vviuutctwiar oaiCM, vitauu V 7 ' .1 s ' y .1 I7 3 1 r k. .-v I s I V 0 T R U C K S A N D D E LXVE R Y C A R S , , .t . . - . -