The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, July 12, 1925, Page 14, Image 14

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National. Demonstration To
Be Observed By. Salem
, . Distributors
The rom'.ng week has been des
ignated ns National Ford Truck
week and, the Valley Mqtor Co.,
' has arranged for a complete show
ing of Ford built truck bodies.
Entrance of the Ford Motor Co.
into the manufacture of commer
cial bodte indicates a new -and
Important advancement In this di-
tvtalSn of otor" transportation
since ft shows that Ford is bring-
Ing Into delivery and hauling ser
( vices the same law cost and high
Arrangements have -3een com
pleted for a truck parade through
the business streets, startling at 1
o'clock onjwednesday, July 15.
Announcement is also made that
the Valley; Motor Co., jwlll be pre
pared to give demonstrations of
any of the units and .those inter
ested arei invited to ante their re
quests for the demonstration as
early as possible." -
The Ford built: combinations
for the famous Ford one-ton truck
chassis - include the oten express
type, the express type iwith either
screen sides and canopy top or
with top alone, and the stake and
platfornr body. This latter body
also is of particular interest to
the framer and 'truck gardener,
for It lsfSdaptabTe to -every agri-
cultural naming requirement as
It may be used' with either grain
or cattle sides. . With stakes it
provides unusual space for carting
garden produce.
A closed cab, adaptable for use
with any of these bodies, also is
This Ford truick bocy provides
full 'protection :for merchandise
and I- meeting j high favorwith
' firms Teiiuiring this kind of de
' livery unit; Canopy top and side
curtains protect; the load' from
weather and the; screen sides and
end doors protect it from "theft.
Other Ford truck equipment In
cludes the open expreastype body
and the stake body which may be
converted into a platform and ior
farm usejis adaptable to either
cattle or grain sides. The closed
cab on all the bodies affords com
fort and protection to, the driver.
value, that has made the Ford pas- provided and has grown greatly iff
senger car tne most popular in :
. the worlds The 'Ford truck chas
sis has long held;the lead among
' lis ht commerclavehtf-ies, and at
-present approximately 75 of the
"one-ton trucks in use are Fords, t
.- ' The business j man or 'farmer
, "who is lnteresled ln reducing haul
Mng costs will have trie opportunity
this week of becoming fully ac
"quainted with tlvese Ford built
truck bodies which,-becauseof the
- economics of Ford quantity -pro
duction, are offered at-low prices.
It is of all' steel construction,
roomy, with , removable panels ' in
the back and affords complete pro
tection for the driver in Inclement
weather, with ample ventilating
The displays also will include
the new nick up body. "Which is
mounted on the rear of. the Ford
runabout,; providing a light deliv
ery car which meets a variety of
requirements where q-ick deliv
ery is an. important. factor
Daily Service Now Establish-
ed as Far South as Taft;
Also to Oceanside
from Roy H. Swift, traffic man
ager, stage terminal, Portland.
(jai:I)m:h kioht-ix-lixk
; On July 1 the Portland. New
1erg, ; .McMinnville, " Tillamook
Stages. Inc., added new branches
to their pre ent service. The Taft
branch runs from Ilebo south to
Cloverdale, Pacific City. Oretown,
.Neskowln. Otis rDevils Lake and
Tnft. Tht la thf first Mace to
operate south of Xer.kowin. Regjlually all well-known
An American-made car a
Gardner Eight-in-line Brougham
received the most careful atten
tion of King Alfonso XIII upon
the occasion Of his recent visit to
the autrmobile show heldTduring
the latter part of May. in the in
dustrial building at Barcelona
Spain. His Majesty expressed his
delight at the smart appearance of
the Gardner, and the cympletness
of its equipment. ; ,
Engineers Blaze Trail irTSky for Night Mail Planes,
' r v i.
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Following Is Distance Tak
en From Statesman Car ,
I titer urban Derailed, Injuring 12,
U- 'as It Hits Auto, Killing Six
f the
One hundred and fiffy beacons of varying degrees of brilliancy. Which mark the rout
new nifet air mail service between Chicago and New York, represent months of toil on the part
J engineers, who had to blaxe a trail of light in the sky under all sorts of conditions. A plane is
EariiiK w irate uiL-agv. m ic is ocaiun in me wuaerness, wiiere there isn t a place to
. land in miles. At right is seen the type of beacon used: foot powerful lights mounted on turn table
wwen. !
cedented. Old fishermen declare
that it is the worst seaood they
have experienced." .
from there he planned to push 200
milea further north u Camp Mug-
ri'Rsn i Aki cvDcniTinti r . .j
t ' L His message gave a rather de-j , '.
auctic expm)ki:rs stvv.T . WAn MANtUVtttb b AlitU
oi me expetmion speni ineir i:me i
sEniors DlFFKl'LTIKS L i. ,,M. .vim-n .iMa r!
Amount of Ice on labrnrior Coast
IkM'taml lty Xativn to lie
ln Usual
'WASHINGTON'. July 1 (By
Associated Press.) Unpieceaent-ed-ice
j floes along the Labrador
coast was reported to the natlonni
geographic society today as like
ly to place unexpected difTiculties
in the" path of the MacMillan Arctic
expedition. This report, however,
differed somewhat from a - mes
sage to the nary'department earl
"er in the day which indicated that
much less fee than usual for this
time of the year was found in the
vicinity of llopedal haroor from
which the expedition expected to
depart 'atfS-a. ml today. No ms-
ranks with the big annnal auto-1 ageled since that hour has been
mobile show at New York. Vir-
this. . event, j European society
turned oti
o honor.
t almost en masse, and
of' Spain is the guest
... . . I oa ra A r riisn nvpn snn 11K11:1IIV a
uiar daily service has been estao-p--" - . - -
JisJid which connects wltk- Park- numtb,er of mf r ,8 f,,ne8 au,to"
oi .ui..iii. . : i i mobiles are shipped .abroad for
nm ou in-1 c.n in in ii ic siac icai- ... , ,
lng Salem at 1:10 p. W. s The com
pany has also added a branch from
. Tillamook. Net arts and Ocean Side
connecting wit a the Parker stages
which leaves Salem at 1:10 p. tt.
It Is now possible for passengers
to get as far aj the mouth of the
: Silets - bay. and the 'company . is
able to' take; thoe who desire beyond-Taft
as far as Silets river
. or Kernvllle. These.' additional
branches now complete the net
, work of stage lines, from Seaside
r to all' beaches south. Time tables
for h stages j operating from
Portland or from Salem will be
aent out to those requesting them
National Truck Display Week,
July lSthi to 18th. local distribu
tor, Valley Motor company taking
part with- parade ' Tuesday, - July
14, showing- Ford trucks with
various styles of bodies.
received here tonight.
CSpe Harrigan, some 400 mites
north of Newfoundland was named
by Commander lacMiIIan in the
message to the geographic society
as the po'nt for which he would
head after leaving Hopewell and
in tue little Eskimo village of
Ildpedalei j The mercury there was
sail to have-climbed to a "balmy
temperature of 65-degrees" which
afiprded "a striking contrast to
thl fields of lice through which we
ere forcing . our : way two days
ago and the fact that even now
with aid of a powerful telescope
as far as the eye can see ncrth,
the waters ins de of the Viands
are jammed with Ice.'"
Despite j the temperature. , the
water wanned to only 36 degrees,
the message I said " relating that
"mislead by the balmy air we de
cided to test the alleged buoyancy
of a new type of aviation suit sup
posed to act as a life preserver as
well as being a warm regulation
cold weather aviation coverall
the suit was buoyant."
This message was picked up by
D. C.'s. Comstock," East Hartford.
Conn., and relayed to the society.
' Another message also was for
warded today by Jesse W. Holland,
Brooklyn. N. Y., and! it too, men
tioned the ice floes saying:
''The amount of field ice on the
Labrador coast is almost unpre-
Arlington Itapir work on riew
McFadden hotel and on Vendolne
hotel annex. - 1
Now Autos Go Sea- Riding
: i
'' ..... r' j
h 7wAr
.v ,pH Mm I
. v I
iCcTJ iJImpmobil On Honolulu
Doks CnlT0 of ItUtrtt Among
. U ' PT$onnL '
i I-! " . """-7 : ;
If J HEN the United States Navy
; ' V V wcnc IO Ma na preparations
were made for the gigantic
awaiian maneuvers, special per
ion was given to a limited num
wer 'of officers and rated men to
t transport- their automobiles to
Hawaii and Australia.
Principally to be noticed among
i the motor cars strapped aboard bat-
v tleships and even on several of the
'!. w
f loesxroyersi wen iiopmoDues.
-Next to his shlo. the Navr
nan's pride Is In his motor ear," once
commented ' Captain , Thomas T.
f Craren,' In charge of the (Naval Air
station,' North Island, California.
; Captain Craven drives a Hupmo-
m :Vu " ;
, i It tu been said by oSktn of the
." ..v-
9y v-4.. , . ... .
UA. Concord, Light Cntuor Com
manding tk$ j0ttroyT Squadrons
of tkt Seontinjf FUt, Arriving In
floaclulii..;'; f
United States Navy that the Hup
mobile has been so popular with men'
In the Navy because like the Navy,
,"it is always ready." The stufdl
ness of the car,- Its certainty of per
formance, its absolute dependability
, these are the qualities which have
recommended THopmobile to the
' Ntvy. efficers sad tctp alike. ti
!. I on NEW
Greater riding comfort.
Safer driving.
Less wear on your car and your nerves.
They cost very little more than your present
tires and we'll give you a liberal allowance
for your old ones. i
"'. I ' ' "f ',' ''' ; ' - ' '''' :-: ' j !': ':! : i ' !'' I ' ' '"
Day 'and ZoseL
Corner Comrnercial and Chemeketa
TACOMA, July 10. Demon
strating what the combined sup
port of an army tank advance and
a Howitzer barrage can accom
plish in actual warfare, 1,000 reg
ulars waged a merry battle in the
broiling July sun at' Camp Lewis
this afternoon. The maneuvers.
which occupied some three hours,
were called by Maj. Gen. W. H.
Johnston, commanding general at
Camp Lewis, highly successful and
The two forces, the blues and
res. consisted of men from the
Fourth infantry with one tank
company and" a-Howitzer platoon.
Col. V. J. Mormjar, chief umpire
for the affair, gave the decision to
the blues, which was the attacking
fotce. ' '
Where will yon spend your va
cation? This question may be
easily answered If you will se
The Statesman's resort section
carried In each Sunday's paper.
Look for the two full pages in
this issue with a special vacation
border. Here we give the rout
ing and distances to all resorts
that are carrying advertisements
on these pages. We will gladly
give any other information about
any of these resorts to those who
telephone or call at The States
man office. Ask for the auto
Tacific City Via Amity. Belle
vue. Sheridan. Hebo. Cloverdale, miles. Via Dallas, Hebo.
Cloverdale, 70 miles.-
Neskowin Via Amity, Sheri
dan. Hebo, 85." miles. Via Dal
las, Hebo, Cloverdale, 74.6 milea.
Delake Via Amity 102.8 miles.
Via Dallas, Grand Ronde, Hebo
92.6 miles. .
Netarts Via Amity and Tilla
mook. 100.7 miles. Via Dallas,
Tillamook, 90.1 miles.
Oceanside Via Amity and Til
lamook, 103 miles. Via Dallas
and Tillamook, 92.4 miles.
Hay Ocean Boat service from
Bay City. 100 miles from Salem.
Gc ribald! Via Amity, Tilla
mook, 104.4 miles.
Roekaway Via Amily and Til
lamook. 109.7 miles.
Manhattan Via Amity, Sheri
dan, Hebo, Tillamook, Roekaway,
111 miles.
Manzanita ..Via Amity, Tilla
mook, Roekaway, Wheeler, 124
Cannon Beach Via Tillamook,
1144. 6 miles. Via Portland, As
toria, Seaside. 191 miles.
Seaside Via Tillamook. 148.5
miles. Via Portland, Astoria, 180
Gearhart Via Tillamook, 151.5
miles. Via Portland, Astoria, 177
Newport Via Corvallis, 98
miles. '
Sparks Ranch, McKenzie River
Via Eugenie, Springfield, 124
mm .- ,
j v,r' - - j
f,r ii A. . . .. J
Mtmm iniiMiinirilfc'ii f n mnr nir r in - r jfC5
: : : : 1 m
Agitation aaainst rrade-crossinz has been resumed in Illinois
as result of an accident at a crossing near Bloominjrton. III. i An
interurban was derailed, and 12 persons injured, when the car
struck as automobile in which six persons, an entire . family. u
riding. All . of the six were killed. The photos show the wrecked
trolley and the remains of the autA.
Via Eugene, Springfield" 118 miles.
Belknap Hot Sprints Via Eu
gene, (Springfield. McKenzie River,
i:V9 miles.
McKenzie River Bridge- Via
Eugene, 133 miles.
Nimrod Inn. McKenzie River
Work That
We Do
1090 North Capitol
Oakland Sheenmen will ship
Ifp004 lambs to San Francisco
fi :
Zose.'s Tire Shop at the corner
of Commercial nd Ferrj Mrt-n
installed a new electee sign iu the
front of their Mote. Th sisn
advertises the Seiberling Tirs?
which they sell.
i -
The Old Swimming Hole
is mighty inviting these hot days
Have Your Bicycle Repaired
so you can go when you want to
If you haven! a bicycle
Lloyd E. Ramsden
387 Court Street
Telephone 66
Don't Take
Oiijr Word!
That the -
Is the Highest-Powered, Longest
Life Battery Ever Built for
' AutomobUe Service
Once you have triecj a Philco proven its
tremendous reserve power and freedom
from ordinary battery troubles you'll
never again put up with just an ordinary
-A' .- - , -
236 North High Street Phone 203
"Remember' if after you have owned one of our use;!
Cars one week and you decide you like some of our other
ars better, you can exchange at face value on any ued
or new car we have of equal or higher value.
Studebaker 1921 touring, 33x4J
new cords all around .: .........$675
Dodge-M 91 8 touring 95
Ford 1920 touring, light weight
pistons 160
Buick 1918 touring, new tires.... 350
Oakland 1918 touring .:. 265
i Qverland 1 924 touring, loaded
down with accessories 450
Overland 1922 touring....
Overland 1922 touring....
Oakland 1918 touring :
Chevrolet 1 920 touring ......
Dort 1 920 touring
Ford 1923 touring .......Li...j
Overland 1923 touring;..:..
Gardner 1924 coupe, "asnap..- 750
Willys Knight 1 924 coupe sedan .1150
Oakland-! 924 sedan 1275
2 One-ton Samson Trucks- each.. 375
1 GMC 12-ton truck completely
overhauled 1 750
These cars have practically all been repainted and recon
ditioned and must be seen to be appreciated.
High Street at Trade