THE OREGON STATESMAN. SALEM. OREGON " FRIDAY MORNING, JULY 10. 1925 assiheo.. aletn s Great Market Place : - Vj )s, Secdoe 1 I POULTRY AND EGGS 45 ZHcH HATCHED WHITE LEGHORN . Lis from 225 l 290 egg. Writ or L ,,hon Willi SmaU.. IndpndBr. . - 4.',jl4 1 LSCELLANEOUS ,riRflr STORE ROOM FOR RENT. IX L Tir 197 H. Commercial St. 51113 S4IFM FUEL TRA$8FER CO.. 752 Trad St., Salem. Lit a quot you wood, rod aad transfer, moviag Bad J,,.,,,, liar phone 752 and IS. .iM icon. ' .njitt MST AND W)U5D TTMEN'S LEATHER JACKET. Font of Miasma street, Milt creek, k,l fishinr. Reward. Phoa E. PERSONAL S5 BIZl TREATMENT FOR APPENDICITIS V It-la-WoadarfufFroo information Aadree Hlia Co, Portland,, Oregon k' 5516 1921 , MONEY TO LOAN 7 A. MONST TO LOAM OS C1TT PROP erty. ithr build tag nod loan plaa m privst say. Farm loan with la turaaco company aaoaay at SVi wit eeumiitwa added. Ralph H. MeO-dy Net. t aad 6, Stv-Moor Bldg.. Sa tan. 67fl4U FEDERAL FARM LOANS. PEB rtr F. L. Wood, 341 State St. 471 , - FAPM LOAnSJ ' . Uif tlp. prnia, low tntorort larg or eommlioo. PERRINE MAR8TEFS i Orsv Hlrtg.. Salem. Ore. - MJlt' WANTED LOANS 59 V tNTF.D PARTY TO FINANCE GOOD mtometaile agency in good city. Ad dr Bo 877(1 fare Statesman, 59jl3 REAL ESTATE J . 03 Own Vour Home i SPECIAL t ' 9 rnoni house and A kit arranred for 3 spstimeat. Price $6000. Will trade fur small farm about same value. I ,ares with . 6 room houae, bara, isrtca. fhie coop, some fruit, close ia, s bsniaia for 260O. . Car to trade for lot. ! , 40 teres well improved Jnear Salem, will trade for larger frm suitable for stock TUOMASON, $31 Stat Street. F $3jl0tf fOR SALE MODERN HOME 'Or I reams. Excel lea t loeattaa. Lot 65r 1V5 Close ia. Addres 1051 Cbeme keta er phoa 1233-J. 63jlyla . BEST BUTS Rrncery stork, store building with liv ing rooms, gat filling station in con nection, in very'' good location ' in Sa lem, owner going away,' will tell rea enalile. - - . -I 40 s re Improved ranch. ' very best of nil, about 10 acres of lake Una, 142W, term. , . !0 acres, dark Voam, 'on road, ' 8 milea from Salem. $2250, terma. 5 room bungalow, $150 cash, $20 aad intercut monthly. 80COL0F8XT . r - , i Real Estate A LoaaA 341 Stat i 63j9tf FOR SALE ORi EXCHANGE 120 acres, CO lu cultivation, balance ia tare with creek runninr through; room plastered house, modera con veniences, lixhta, ialhr gooa nsrn, rhirkea house,' hog bona with cement floor, mouse-proof rransrv. ' water sys tent, A-l farming equipment, 3, horves, 5. rows. hogs.. chickens, fine crop. Thia is real farm and exceptional buy; 2 miles from town, gravel road, 24 miles from Portlaad. Will take Salem city property or small acreare, or aell with mall payment down. Best buy 4 lacksmas County at $18,000.00. E. G:: BRADU Canby. Ore. 3j9 tppptpppppppppp pppppppppppppp I'PPPI'PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP pp 1 PP PP 6 ROOM BUNGALOW FP TP i. MODKRN - PP PP 1 PP VP i 1 $2600 $300 Cash - PP TP - r pp PP 2 bedrooms, full cement base- PP PP tueat, Dutch kitchen, ou paved PP PP street . fiKK PP TP PARKER FOR PROPERTx PP PP 409 U. . Bank Bid:. PP TP TeleDhone 2242. PP TP 6311 1 PP PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP PHPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP Salem Home and building lata. f -V OREGON' Ffrm any six aad prle. J Service to th Homeseeker ' or settler never od. Try-uv building1 department. If j fignriog on a new horn. LIST WITH US i 1 . ' . y ' Oregon Incorporated Realtors. Victor Rrhneider. Rec'v. Phoa 1013. Room 4-5-6 D'Arey Bldg. ' : . eajatf HOMES ' FOR SALE AT BARGAIN . PRICES . ! j f fSooo Buys a modern 7-room home located close in on North High atreet;- basement, carafe, fire-' place, , ALL FURNISHINGS INCLUDED AT THE ABOVE PKK E. EASY TERMS ; WILL 1 HAMIU F. - ' f.iOO Buys a modern 9-room.nome located close in on North) Conv .. - aierrial street; basement, fur- nace. carare. extra bath room , - upstsira; fin fruit and ahade . trees. $2500 will handle. ISoOo--buvs .a fin 9-room horn with Isrr block of rround ais 168x 223 feet AN ABUNDANCE Or FINE FRUIT AND SHADE TRKE8 ON THIS FIXE COR- NKR WITH saved street 1000 down will - hsadie HERE 18 A REAL BUY FOR SOMEONE. iMjtt Buys 6-room horn with garage, plastered throughout. . located oa North Winter tret, '- ' ' Is ire kit and fin fruit and . i hide tree $1500 caab will handle, SEE THIS ONE AT .... tt.NCK. i jgj0 buys 7-room bom wjth two .. large lota,' paved atreet, corner lois. near car Una. basement. garage, $1500 down will handle I HERE IS ONE OF THE BEST BUYS IN SALEM TODAY. 3600 Buy 8 room plastered home; located in North Salem paved atreet, oa ear line, corner lot $500 down will handle DO . NOT FAIL TO SEE THIS" BARGAIN BEFORE TOU BUY ijooo Buy a NEW 3 room plastered ? bungalow with largo sleeping porch, paved street, oa car-liao. garag, fireplac. large fruit aoa shad trees kasi -.' - TERMS WILL HAXDLE ' HERE 18 VALUE YOU CAN NOT FIND EL8EWHERX IX REAL ESTATE 83 ACRE TACTS. VERT BEST ! - sear put limits. $600. easy terms; rapidly ad vancing valu. . . PROFIT Ap ft SACRR for th price of tha tioniio it contain if taken at one. Thia ia an emer " 'Ml It aettW aa estate an somebody ia certain to ' profit from it OEM 10 ACRES H1- SpKTH of RaUm: heM macadam road I tOpareoeBt: very beat aOil; nearly all roHivated aad act to good aaaortmeut f i fruit, moatly .i berriea; Comfortable -room bou ia good , court it ioar good bars and chicken houae. Near Claxtir etation on the Oregoa Electric. Splen did value at $3500. Waut $1200 cah or ia Salem property. Balance 4 yeara at 6 per eent. t , PerMnally inspected aad approved al uea. Ko diaappointmenta. - HARRIS MaaoBie Temple Phono 795. 1943-J, Vr,,-I I -' FOR SALE OR TRADE 12 city lot from 250 tip, good terms. o acres near nanuam river near Weat Stay ton. Good fair buildin. Price f3500. Will trad for. aomething in saiem or Ticiaity. - 59-acra farm near Albaar. rood bnild- iaga. aU under cultivation, but 7 acres pasture. 5 acres bearing prune, 1 acre email fruit. Will trade for 100 to 150 acres and stum f 5000. What hare 1 youT ".- ' ?- . , 7-room- houae ia Portland for Salem property. : 2 apartment hoe close in. trade for city property. What have yot These properties bring ia good interest. Will ' trad one or both. - See me for farm aad city loans. - O. W, LA FLAK, 410 Oregon Bid r. 453jl3 7 ROOM NEW HOUSE. MODERN Ex cept fireplace, at a bantam. S500 dowa and terma. Call at 1030 North Winter r 1340 North Cottar. 63J10 FOR SALE FIVE ROOM BUNGALOW. - corner tot. pota. atreeta. caved, bear ing apples, cherries, plums, walnuts, garage, chicken houae, a real home, $3750. Good six-room house, corner tot. large garage, gJjoo. Take a truck part pay. On acr clot in with small shaek. 11000.-; Trade for house. Five- acres well improved, for houses! 70 sere farm Bear Woodbnrn for su- . bnrnan home. 700 -acre atock ranch. $30 per acre .for email farm', Apart- ' meni oouse ior rent. i ' F. U WOOD, 341 State St. EXTRA NICE NEW MODERN 5-ROOM bungalow, nice nook, built-ins, - base ment, furnace, garage, paved street. I cniy 3aoo. Term. Also 5-room mod ern atucco bungalow. Paved street, double construction., part . hardwood I floors, $45O0. Also 6-room modera bungalow, large east. front lot. $4500. On of those north, one aouth and one eat. tome-see. H. E. BROWN or VELVIN JOHNSON 109 8. Commercial : 63jl0 Needier raft business, paying good divi dends, illness makes it necessary to e-11. $2100. Terms. t -High class boarding house 14 sleeping rooms, well furnished, $1600. Confectionery business, well - located, groa sales last year over $10,000, light, overhead, $4500. Country store and filling station. Ford track, building, fixture. $1800, and invoice stock. Daily aalea t $50 to 8 i(u. Will take city property. ., ; WINNIE FKTTYJOHX. Realtor. , r 216 Oregon Bldg. , 63j9tf PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP Tin . ... wan PP PP PP PP PP PP 5-ROOM BUNGALOW t NEW $3500 $200 Cash PP PP PP PP PP PP PP PP Full cement basement, .'2 bed PP PP PP rooms, Dutch kitchen. ' All rooms on gronnd floor. SKE PARKER F O R PROPERTY PP PP PP PP PP PP PP PP 409 U. 8. Bank Bldg.. Telephone 2242 e;iiit PP PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP I PPPPPPPPPPPPPPFPPPPPPPPPFPPPP JULY REMINDS US OF OUR INDE- pendenc. July ' i a. good month to buy that farm yon have in mind. July of (era as . many barraina in city homea aa any month in the year. Why not b independent and its your own home. 150 6-room plastered cottage in. good condition, en paved atreet. A very good l. o fst rv ... . - ma - , o.i -j?". J" t,";" .."r EIJVU W ! W a K VVU IIUU. at A V 3 -ay AWV Sinn tiniui -,..v s. TfoL . Vanth 15th -"a harJain at 82200 rV P fuaranteea your complete tit- 3ooLb.w.bTkren f220Ok? o ao nit 1 An ..... o 1 :i.. 1 P P ouirementa. If you would uk KW-. hiihw.y:"y.7y ood taZ -V. l.n.U hh P,uA ZVfUl ... . . . ..I 100 113 acre ia th Waldo bill; a fin era in farm. 85 acre in Crop; Urge house. 2 large barns; fin spring Bt nous; plenty - of wooa for own mwmmp , f -j . - . us. This place can be bought at $100 per acre, crop inciuueu. ua uaraain held for only a short time. & rriacerv ft tores in good location A barber shop on No. Commercial St., fixture and lease at S700, 3gg. 30 acrea, 5 miles east of Salem, 6-room houae. . barn. 2 chicken house. 250 laying hens. All of crop.. Price 17500 or wilt trade for nous ta saiem 897 1 acre South Salem, fine fruit: a very good location . for - suburbsn horn. Price SI 500. 63 acre farm north of Salem, new s roam house, new barn. All in cuHi ration. Let ua show you this choic farm. Prtc $11,000, or will consider food house in Salem. - f you do not see in this list what yon want. ak u.. w aav u. . W have aeveral bouses for mm. UI.RK H BOBLKI S i IM V Com'l St. . i -' Phon 1354. OJJ3 BEST BUYS AND EXCHANGES 1..k.HH lnt and firDl. ) - $2650 Cosy bnagalow, a rooms, oatu, light., Trade for amaller plac. $2500 Xw Bungalow. 4 vyoom with acre. Tak4, a mau car a pan v . V . I - i . AfMHUaa-m AadaJPYI FIDU O ' I UVW m. . .v, CapitoL Tak Portland property for S400O neautiiui a-ncre trart. -r,- houae. water ayatera. iraue i prprty. - ror MtpiDini wv 1 CMILDM A BECHTEL S40 But street i, .1 MINUTE MOVIES f 7 -:o-'y ti v40ttjjireevjiK A GREAT HELP a4i e.y EE Vl4EELANi- . I' MUG-S - COME. NEfcC J ' REAL ESTATE 63 , .. GOOD VALUES 1 Vacant let 50x165. Distant' owner. Price 500. . ' 1 3-d mere tract. Foer room keaae Bear Salem. Price gl'JOO, 100 raaa, balaare to anit. 5 good Iota sear Psrkk Junior kipK. , Price iacludiag paviag paid, t360. Would exchange for 5-room home of equal value. KRHEOFR, Realtor. H" X. Com't. 3Jlft PP rpp pp pp pp pp p p p p fL'RXISHED APARTMENT HOUSE. "A snap if taken soon. Terms. K d-room bungalow, two lota, a bar- 5aia ; term. .. ew 4-room bangs low, just completed, terms to -suit.- . . - , - - 10 acres clone in, to exehaaga for city property. -rom bof , modera etcept heat, U exrbaag for amall tract close ia. Es 1 changes aad bargaiaa, aea BARBER. ,400 Gray Bldg. - - - - - - 3j4tf LARGE HOUSE, LARGE LOT. EAST . front cloke ia. will make splendid rooming house, f 5500. Close in on Chorea ttreet, modern home, 90,000.1 New buBgalow, $5500. ' Four-room houae, 91C50. Four-room bona furaiahed. $1950. Four-room . house on North Cottage street, closa in, $2050. Attractive country horn oa. highway. We will trade to pleas von.' GERTRUDE 4. M. PAGE 498 X. Cottage. .- 63J7tf REAL ESTATE TRADES 3 TRADF FOR SMALL PLACE. . OCR horn on Ki Term do Drive two miles from Salem. Bix acrea; 6-room house. bara and hen , house. Bpring water piped to house. Price $3,010. Route 3, Box 274. Phone 7oF. ' 5il0 Vm Quitting 35 Improved acres with crop.' $4000 and will accept Sitlem trade at a cash price. , e my agent. i i ROBINSON -1 I Oregon Bldg. . 85jl0 i 1 I SWAPS ' - , ! 1 ' OFFERINGS A 6-room modera very clot in for a cheaper further out. A 6-room bungalow modern except base ment for a 5-room fane close ia A 5-room bungalow will take a lot as 1st payment. , . Several amall acreages close to car for towa Bouses.-1 . I a An immense number of propertlea and variety for exrhanse. - Help yourself and th other - fellow by a fair exchange. Wil. FLEMING. 341 Stat St. 65j8tf TO EXCHANGE GOOD POLK' CO. FARM dairy and aheep, well improved. Lay fine for small close-in place. Box 752. Dallae. Oregon, j 6jl0 WE WANT TO CALL YOUR ATTEN tion to th fact that we have a right , good Studebaker ear of not too ripe a vintage that's worth $600 to trade' for clear Salem lot: also that we have 20 clear improved acres with 6 acres of young prune and a - good spring worth $2500 that wa can sell on a $200 payment or trade for a towa property; 5 improved acres 6 milea out Ju.t off of highway for $1500; 10 well im proved acres 5 milea out on good road and worth $4000 for town house; dandy meat market and 50 unimproved acrea value $4000 will trade for 15 or 20 acrea near salens; to aeree worth $100,000 for Portlaad income. McGILCHRIST A PEXNIXGTON 209 U. S. Bank Bldg. Phoa 140 i t ; " 65j9tf TRADE FOR SALEM HOME SO acres, good soil, berries, amall 'orch ard, garden land, lots of pasture aad timber. Fair buildings, well and run ning water, cows, horse, chickeas all go. Good rad. Only 6 milea out. Take Salem bom up to $2000.00, balance oa aay terms, i Phone 1013 or see Mr. Schnei der, Room 4-5-6 D'Arey Bldg. 65j3tf PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP PPPPPPPPPPP, PPPPPPPP PP PP p p 1700 EXCHAXGE9 1706 EXCHANGES P P p p PP P P PP PP PP. GO DIRECT TO EXCHANGE HEADQUARTERS Offices Salem and Portland PP. PP PP P P PP PP PP PP P P Th demand for exchangee has mad -necessary our GREAT . MARKET PLACE where the requirements of all P P PP PP PP PP PP P P P P P P PP can be mate bed. : W aav IPP iust what you have ia mind PP iust where vow want it: iust P P PP P P PP PP J 7. . , a . m MPP th right pne. Our list of Ml eh.thp.crco. PP PP P P P P 55 ''m - in TUUAI. P P See PP P P PARKER FOR PROPERTY PP P P 409 U. S. Bank Bldg. P P Com'l at State. . Phon 2242 PP PP ion 1 1, t. 65j2Ctf PP PP PTTPPPPPPPPPPP PP P P P P P PPPPPPPPPPPP REAL ESTATE Farms 67 f 5 ACRE 8XAP " '. Beaatiful 5-acre tract, with cozy 4 roora plastered bungalow, elee. lights, barn, garage. Some fruit. Price $3000 Take a small houae in city as part pay, i i CHILDS A BECHTEL jl 540 Stat Street 6"j9lf j i A REAL FARM SNAP 70 acrea 4H milea 8W of Dallas. 33 under cultivation. Excellent! soil. Poor road good on under construction: Good school and "neighborhood. Priced for quick sal at. $2,500.00. i A. C. BOHRNRTEDT, : " Realtor. Loan and Insurance. 147 No. Commercial St., Salem, Ore. !, N ; - I : " V ' 7j8tf S-ACRE TRACT CLOSE IN, PAVED road, excellent location, sacrifice $2650. 150 acre farm near Salem. 110 In cult good new heuse, : barn, tc, timber, springs, machinery, horses, cows, sheep. nap. 156 acr farm near Salem, $5000. Fine modera bungalow aad 3 acre eles ia, sacrifice, $3500 term, fi-acra suburban $2800 terma. 4 acre do in, new bungalow, trait. timber, paved read, $2500. Coxy bungalow cms in, $2100, . - . PERRINE A MARSTERS M. 919 i?ra Klde. S7!26tf ! MoT A. ... i AFThR' 0 jAJOOAi SAy woT'g W ViHcKc VC " J l . 1 I lea. Ml T f - 'SKI WANTED REAL ESTATE ' 71 PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPF PP CAlX PARKER AND START PACXINO PP PP PP PP PP PP PP PP P P SeJUag aervic witlkrat aoaaL P 1 P P Our system aever fails. ScieaPP P P tif ic selling, backed by cleaa,- r r P P intelligent salesmanship mesas P P P P RESULTS for TOU. W tara P P PP Proanecta lata "Buvere.'" 1 r PP Wa inn FOR MALE' airna in- PPl PP to "SOLD." AU city property P P I PP inspected, photographed and sold PPl P P without aggravatiag delays. See P P I P P PAKKEK FOR PKOPEKTT P V 1 P P 409 . U. 8. Nat l Bank Bldg. P P PP Commercial at State PPl PP ' Teleshoaa 2243 PPl P P Office ia Salem aad Portland P P j PP 71ml7-tf P P PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP4PI PPPPPPPPPPPTPPPPP Eiker Auto Co. Wa pay eakk for Fords.- , 77ml2tt I WANTED LATE MODEL CARS FOR wracking. Cash paid. Mike a Auto WreckiBK House. 345 Coaler. Phone 398. 77m2etf USED CARS FOR SAI . 79 HUDSON , ESSEX PACKARD I Special Valuer Vacation daya are here. Now i th time to get that used car for that trip, aad for that reason we are offering apectal value ia our Warranteed Lsed Car. So remember that th Fred M. Powell Motor Cars sell by the only I safe plaa for you. The Goldea Rule.' 1921 Dodge Touring. Thia car ha ab solutely had the beat, of rare. Th j paint has th appearance of new; good cord tires, atop licht, license, sua visor. Be sure and ace thia car $450 Jordan 4-pasa. sport. New paint, com plete motor overhaul, wire wheels, rear view mirror, apotnzht. A boy for ; $550 1924 Chevrolet Sedan. Here la a car that has beea driven only 6000 milea. Please remember that this car haa the appearance of a new car $650 1921 Hudson Super Six touriag. Besuti ful new paint job. krood cord tires, license, : sua visor and bumper. The motor has beea thoroughly reeondi- sionea ana w a gooa ouy at .v i . - . . . n I Third Series Packard Sedan.' This car waa locally owned and driven and ia , ia wonderful shape. Priced $1600 ! We ,'have two Ford Coupea in dandy shape, that will pay you to see if you are considering a loupe. Lookers are Welcome." Fred M. Powell Motor Cars Cottage at Ferry Phone 2126 HUDSOX ESSEX PACKARD . 79j,tf Certified Public Motor Car Market BAR0AINS 1924 Essex .$650 385 1923 Ford 1923 Cleveland 1923 Overland 785 285 1923 Studebaker 1924 Star 1923 Chevrolet . 750 . . 475 335 S Ford Tourings at - 45 Many Others To Pick From. k Block X. of Port Offico 79j4tf MIDSEASON CLEARANCE SALE Ford Coup . , $475.00 Ford Sedan 850.00 Chevrolet Coach 550.00 Overland Touring 450.00 Chevrolet Touring' 475.00 Chevrolet Touring . 225.00 Oldamobile Tonring . 550.O0 Oldsmobile Sedsn 750.00 Oldamobile Roadster 800.00 We alao hav other automobile at $50.00 and Bp. tome in and look our cars over. W are glad t ahow you. Xo obligation. We give terma. ,.- "After We Sell We Serve." F. W. PETTYJOHN CO. 865 N. Commercial El. Phone 1260. 79j2tf HERE ARE REAL CAR VALUES Late 1924 Ford louring. Dodge Roadster in fin shape. 1924 Gardner touring in A-l condition. 1922 Oardner touring, a real good buy. BURDKTTE-ALBE!j MOTOR CO. 217 Stat. Phon 1414 Gardner Distributor for Oregon. . - 79jllf Notice Oar nsed car department ia now locat ed upstairs over our abop. W have 25 aaed eara on hand at the present " time aad we are crowded for room. W are offering the guaranteed Ford cara at real bargain prices. Com ia and look thesa over.' Valley Motor Company 260 X. nigh. . - ' Phon 1995 7jltf GOOD USED PARTS FOR HALF OR leas. why pay moral Mony bark guarantee. Scheelar Ant Wrecking C. Look for th orange front. Day Shone 819. Night phone 503. 1085 Commercial St. "Built, to save money." 79il3tf Eiker's , New ahipment of Ford including all : models: Roadster. , touring and coupes from -$50 up. . Eiker Auto Co. . Our nsuat guarantee behind all ear, Liberty Street at Ferry. Phen 121. 7Jltf Cottage Grove Anderson & Middleton will soon begin contract on Umpqua forest, to cut 400,000,' 000 feet a year. (All rights protected by The George Mathews Adams T J OP5tX3DNCSS blD TV4AT QgA2 wcu 4 1 V T k SR- I 1 1 1 I1: mmj ;.AfAp?ff ViifH 1 I SJ0WFAvE,, -s3- : CUEAK CLASSIFIED Of Qcliabl limine! i ' AMMTLAVCS GOLDEN AMBULANCE PHONES 609 Bad adS-K. Day or night aervte. fldtf AucnoxxrEi P. V WOODRT Expert Uveatock, furniture, real eatat AUCTIONEER Res. 1010 X. Summer Phea $11 for ol date, Phone 75 - WOODRY At WOODRT Expert' Livestock. Furniture. Real Estate and ' Merchandise AUCTION KEKS See Ua Before Liatisig. batisfsctioa Guaranteed. WOODRT A WOODRY. 399 Mission. G. SATTERI.EE A ue t i aeon a a 147 North Hia-h street. Phoa 1193 or AOCOUSTAXT 10. ED. ROSS, ACCOUNTANT AND And itor. 13 1W Stat: I Phone 2093R. ! a!7-'2d BATTERY AMD ELECT RIC1AXI R. D. BARTON EX1DE BATTERIES s tartar and generator, work : 171 Bout a Commercial. I Phen l$t ' COVET IT. JOE WI.I.IAMS BICYCLES AXS REPAIRING LLOYD E. RAMSDEN DAYTOX BICY cle and repairing, 887 Court. BRAKE XBCJXTXO RAYBEST08 BRAKE 8TATION 275 SnutComnercmUJhoB CHXXX8B REMEDY L. L. DICK L. M. HUM Chines Medicine Company Help any kaown disease. 120-426 Stat. I -3tt CHIROPRACTOR Dr 0 L jjoQTT. PSC. CHIROPRACTOR. I I Temporsry address, 1360 So. Liberty. Phone M2S-K. H. B. 8COFIELD PALMER CI1IROPRAC- tor. 328 Oregon Bldg. Phone .!4. m5tf DRESSMAKING PRINTED CARDS SIZE 14" BY 7V4' wording. "Dressmaking;" price 10 cent each, Stausmaa Buaiaeaa Office, Grooad floor. I MRS. C. E. MILLER, HEMSTITCHING. stamping, buttons. Boom 10, over Mil lar s Stor. Phea 117. ELECTRICIANS SALEM ELECTRIC CO. MASONIC building. Phon 1200. ELECTRIC FIXTURES AND SUPPLY Co Pha 1934. 222 N. Liberty. ! F L E E N E R ELECTRIC 0 O. House wiring by hour or contra. Ea timatee furnished. Phono 980 471 Court St. ' ; FARM PAPER IF YOU WANT TO GET THE BE8T : farm paper end I5e to th facitic moBtba' trial eubscriotioa. Mantioa I '1 nhi ad. ' - - POULTRYMEX SEND EIGHT TWO cent stamps for special three moatne trial for the beat aad oldest journal tha watt. Tha article and advertise j weata are of apeeiat interest to the poultry breeder of the Itorlawest northwest rouitry journal, in vem merrial atreet. Salem. Oregoa. FINANCIAL aXIR SALE FIRST AND SECO.ID Mrt- gage. Trust Deeds. Contract oa house Will act ov to BUT. BECKE A HENDRICKS U. 8. Nat l Baak Jl-tf - FARM LOANS PLENTY OF MONEY to loan ea good farm aeennty. - CITY LOANS W are loaning Pro dential Insurance Company money b eitv residaflces and buaiaeaa property, at 5H, plus a eommiasion. Hawkias A Roberta, Inc.. 2Q3 Oregon Building. '1 -un Farm Loans ANDERSON -A RUPERT 406 Oregon Building FLORISTS CUT FLOWERS. WEDDINO BOUQUETS fnaera.1 wreatha. decorations, v. r. Bretthaapt, florist, 123 X. Liberty. Pho. 3 so. ' FTTH ERAL DIRECTORS SALEM MORTUARY. FUXERAL DIREC- tore. 510 Center.1 Phon iBao. HEM8TITCHIXG Rltrv K1.1TK HEMSTITC1I1NU pleating, buttond. stamping and needi worh : :i?S Oregon B'dg. fhoue 3.. INSURANCE Insure Tear horn or car Bw Phone 161 BECKE HENDRICKS V. 8. Ba k Bldr KNITTING WOOL GOLF HOSE CHILDREN'S port bo, knit to order. Haad kait ting. Phone 1778J. 2l-tt LAUXDXIXS SALEM LAUNDRY COM PANT 816 8. Liberty atreet. 1 Phoa 35. oHeet larg- est aad best. Established 1889. TUT THr HOME WET WA8H LAUX- dry. Phon 171. 1350 it btreet. jnu Berrlce Trade Lar It Registered U. ujwo expecT' HERSDM, MOW TROT-IT 13 HELPrCR.e7M FUUEK. PwUM - .Dirix L OH AJO iMAM -TnLb tuE. To TTT THAT 1 THE RVJC--0N LNe AM' a r w mv X BUSINESS DIRECTORY tod ProfeaalonaJ Firms Arranged la kAl?haUUeaJ Order for Qaick Refereacw ' i LAUNDRIES CAPITAL CITY LAUNDRY Phoa 165. Service with sail a. Quality work. i74 Broadway. J-I4tr LADIES TAlXORDfa D. H. MOSHER TAILOR FOR MEN Bad wessaa, 474 Court St. MATT BESSES MATTRF88ES RENOVATED BY THE Capitol City Beddiag C 1190 North CapituL Called for aad delivered. All work guaraeteed. Phoa 19. fl9tf KXDICAZ. MOUNTAIN BALM COUGH REMEDY Phone 5I7-W. MTJSI0 STORES SHERMAN CLAY A CO.. PIANOS Stainwaya. Duo-Art aad ethers. Moor' Music Mouse. 415 Court street. GEO. C' WIUc PIANOS. PHONO- crapha. sewing ssachinea. sheet music aad bibb studies. Kepainag phona- - grapha and aewiag amachiBea. 482 Stat street, Salem. TRADE YOUR OLD PIANO FOR A NEW Victor or Brunswick. H. L. Stiff Fural ture Co.. Music Dept. XTJRSEXY STOCK FRUIT. NUT AND SHADE TREES Pearcy Br.. 237 State. PACXXKO AMD 8HIPPa FOR EXPERT FURNITURE PACKING ,. and shipping, call Stiff a . Furaitura Store. Phone 941. PAPERHAX0IXO AMD PAINTIXO PHONE GLENN ADAMS FOR HOUSE decorating, paper hangiag, tiatiag, etc Keliabi workmaa. PIAXO TUNERS EDWARD WELP EXPERIENCED PI as tuaer. Lear order Will' Music Star. - PLUMB IKO PLUMBING AND OENKKAI REPAIR worn. Mraoar oroa.. sai uoriy at. i Phon 55o. 19tl RADIO 8PLITDORF RADIO. SALES AND 8ERVICB Xo belter radio mad at aay price .QUALITY CARS High aad Irau nltf I RADIO DOCTORS 8ALEM ELECTRIC CO. P. 8. BARTON. Proprietor Masonic Temple Pneae 1200 Radiolas For Every Purpose Every Pars AU Standard 8as of Radio Tube iK Eorr ELECTRIC SHOP 8.17 Court St. Phoa 488 REAL ESTATB If you have property to aell or if you are looking lor a borne, larm or oust ness property see us. BECK K A HENDRICKS 1 S. National Bauk Building. jtf BEPAIRIXO ALVIN B. STEWART 847 Court St. TJmbrellaa, Cutlery aad Key Lawsuaewera, raior-bladea, scissor, kaive aad tool sharpened SCAVENGERS uuia crivrvniK MCRVirR BAH bag and refuse of all hind remove " - . . . 7 by the month. Reasonable rates. Ceaa . pools clraaed ' aad dead aaimala re moved, raoae utlico or v, naa. 205S. , SECOND HAND GOODS WANTED EVERYTHING IN CLOTH- ing ad shoe. Bt price paid, cap - Ital .ucnango, 4X Aolta .emmerrii. Phone 136S-W. STOVES AND STOVE REPAIRING RTOVEH RkBUILT AND KEPAIRK 40- years' experience. Depot Aatioaal fence, aise 20 to 58 ia. high. 1'aiata, oil and varaiahea. ale loaanberry aad hop hooka. Salem Fence and Slav WorkaTM) Cowrt street. 124. STOSAOB WE STORE YOUR HOUSEHOLD Goods or an) thing yo haie, hy th week, tann th r aar. P. A. Eiker, corner TRAM SPORT ATIOM VACATION DAYS ARE HEREI That mean trios to th beaches. The Parker Stag Line offers thro round trio daily to lillamvok aad nearby beaches. Daily ferric from Tillamook to Bay City, Garibaldi, Baltair, Kockaway. Lk .ytt. msb hat tan. Nehalem. aad Seaside. Stages leave . Kalea at 7 :ii a. n, 1:10 p. m, and 5:10 p. as. OTHER PARKER STAGE SERVICE Silvertoa: 7 a. m II a. mv5 p. am. lt. Aagel: 11 I. SU J P. as. Independence: 7 a. m, 9 a m, 11:1$ a. as.. 3:10 p. m, 8:15 p. m. Sua- dava aalv 8:30 B. m. Maamoatb: 7 a. ai- 11:19 a. aa 3:10 p. m, 5:15 p. m. Sunday only 8:80 p. m. Dallas: 7 a. m. 7:55 a. m 9 a. m. 11:25 a. m t:lO p. m. 3:10 p. m. and 5:15 p. m. . . r.H. ritv; 1 a. m 2:10B. 5:13 P. m. 120tl 8. Patent Office) r YCM I HAMC- THE- IrCN safe! ' $MUrtM 5n HAL y fV) 'a- iAnv'.; rAiiiH vuMJ 'n ?? - mr "-c I a TRAXSrER AMD HAULING WR MOVE. STORE AND SHIP HOUSE- held good. Oar apeaialty ia plaa aad (arauar meviag. W alao mak eoaa try trip. W haadl th boat rMl and wood. Call oa ue for price. W give good BMaauro. good fluality aad good service. Laraser Traaafar Co. Phoa 930. TRANSFER AND HACLIXG OF ALL kiada. Pheae 19F3. CAPITAL CITY TRANSfER CO. 226 aiaie at. rnoa was. Uietrtbattag. lor warding aad aioraga our specialty. Gat or rata. WATER SALEM WATER. LIGHT POWER CO. Office 804 South Commercial Bi. T-n per cent discouat oa domeati flat rate paid ' ia advance. X dedaetloa for ebseae or aay caaa aaleas water ueffojpremi LOVE AdHe Gnrrbon'a New Ituutc of REVELATIONS OF A WIFE Copyrght by Newspaper Feature i Beryice WHY MRS5. DURKEE KNOCK ED OX MADGE'S DOOR I .ATE AT 'JICHT - "I think that would h the bent , v ., .. u.i .i . thing "ju possibly could do.' My response to Leila query as to the adv-isibility of joinins the conference -between Alfred ' and his mother was prompt and decl sire. 'And when, her alight figure vibrant with renewed strength, her fac? glowing with loving sym pathy for her husband and his stricken mother, she went swiftly down the stairs. I thanked my particular little Joss for the suc cess of the task I had set myself. that of freeing Leila from the 'ob sessing terror of Dosat Dean's machinations. Even if, after 'further reflec tion, Lelia should discount the assurance I had given her of Al fred's essential fidelity to her, yet her mother-in-law's need would r.TY MUSH AND keep her from dwelling upon her 'Pone me arter he had seen own affairs tmtll I should have.Dr- Foxhsm " hail tim. to Hni fnrthaV with! had. time to deal further with Bess Dean. ,' Jut what course I sL'ould pur sue . In blocking toe malicious. vanity-prompted game of my for mer colleague. 1 did not as y-t know. First. I must find out, the'" "T ' V " . . . . , . . ..forced myself to a cheery hlch I guessed she shared! ... .... trA ,. . "I won't let anything g secret w with Dicky and Alfred, a secret which I was sure had something to do with Alfred's car. But my first step In ascertaining the truth lay in Dicky'a direction, and L could not see him until he re- .a. - . m . . l turned trout uis trip. "It's All Due to Vou." For the next two. days there was nothlug I could do, and with the sense of relaxation one feels I eiivr au luugcr requireu, a . . . . a . t a 1 1 undressed and crawled Into bed. realizing that I wiTaV utterly spent with fatigue, t had not thought I that I would be needed again: but I had not fallen asleep when little A T.VTtT MAP tflTg Price noted r wholesals aad are price received by farmer. X retail price are. given t , t ORATjr AXS BAY N. 1 aoft whit whea $1.46 X. 1 aoft red wheat 1.40 .60 12 OS - 15.U6 15.00 Oata Cheat hay uat nay Oat aad vetch bay PORK. MUTT OX AND XZEF Hera. i-ao rwt. , i.$!3 50 Hg. T0O-3.O ear. ! H. 250-800 cwt - - 313.00 Light sea-s, , , , iuo Cow 2c O 4 He Balls .... ...... 8 to a Dreed pork .186s 17c lb , -w9tt POULTXT Heavy hen .16221 Light hen Broilers . Light Broiler 15!6 .18412 .151ti 27 Pnlleta ! SOGS. aTUTTER. XTJTTXaTAT Creamery baiter .. .,. 46 9 47 Hatterfat. delivered ... i .-, 44 ByEDWHEELAN j Mr. Durkee's soft Wince sonnded 'outside my door. .Madge?, are yon asleep?" she murmured and I knew that if I dfd not answer her ah would go away, unwilling to dUtuib nte. For-an unworthy second 1 besitat- ed, for I was more -tired than I had known, then 1 answered cheerily: No Indeed: come right In." - I snapped on the reading lamp by ray bed. and by Its light I saw that her face was tear-stained, but peaceful. ' I couldn't go to sleep without thanking yon for what yon have done for us all. she said bending . over and ktuslng me warmly. ''Le ila Is like a different woman all that dreadful sadness and nerv- . ousness gone and both she and Alfred are so dear about my III- ' ness. They had comforted me o much. I don't care what comes nov. I sha'n't be a baby any ronger.- And It's sll due to you." Nonesense," I parried." "I suppose I'm responsible for the lovable qualities which have made' your son and daughter-in-law towers of strength to you." Madge Comforts Mrs. Durlcee. "No o." she admitted, -but. with a characteristically comical little grimace, "you thought out, all those qualities by making them- think their own affairs amounted to nothing beside mine. At least that's the way Qiey Are acting." i In her voice was the Innocent. -gratified vanity of a woman, who. after years of subordinating . her self to the plans of others, sud denly finds herself the center of Interest. The smile which accom panied her words was . Infectious, though pathetic, and I smiled, back at her. though I found my eyes perilously Bear to tears. - ''And that's the way they ought to act." I said didactically. "Everything's going to. revolve around you now for a while, en just sit back and take things easily." "I'm coin g to." she promised. "But. child, you mustn't cut your , visit home short for roe. Alf told me how generous yon were to promise to come back immediate ly, but I'm not going to let you.". I raised myself to a sitting pos ture, drew her to me and kissed her. "And I'm going to do exaetlv as I please about it, I answered, "so. don't waste any more time worrying about me. ''I'll take the first train east In the morning and be prepared, to come back at any minute. I told- Alfred to "I know." she answered. and and I'm an awful bluffer.. I cK want you to come back If I have to go to a hospital. Someway. I feel so safe when you're around." v My throat constricted with a sudden clutching fear. . But 1 answer. get you. promised with a little laugh, but fter she had left the room In deed, at Intervals through the Ight and my "railway Journey home the next morning I won dered fearfully If I could make my promise good. WILL INSPECT .RITE " SPOKANE. July Uoyd 1TI11. state commander of the American legion, is planning an airplane flight from Spokane to Whits Hluffs, Wash., to investigate the , roldier camp project, he ahnounc- ed. here tonight. Hill said that . his plans had not been definitely ' arranged as he had not yet pro cured permission to use the na tional tniard planes here." NOTICE TO CONTRA CTOIW fillverton Armory Building. verton, Oregon. Sealed proposals will be received at Silverton, Oregon, by the Gen eral Staff, Oregon National Guard. George A. White, Adjutant Gen eral. Chief of Staff, addressed la care of George A- White, Coolidg !- & MrClaln Bank. Silverton. Ore gon, until l o'clock P. M., Jnly IS. 125. for the furnishing of all labor And materials for the erec tion of a two-story and basement Armory Building at SIhrerton. Ore gon, conformable with the plans and - specifications . of the said building, prepared by John Ilun slcker, architect, C0S-C08 Miner Bldg Eugene, Oregon. Plans and specifications may be obtained at the Dally Record Ab stract, Portland. Oregon, from Captain Hutton at the Post Orflce, Silverton. Oregon, or at the office of the architect at Eugene, Ore gon. A deposit of $10.09 will be required whea the plans are tar nished, which win be re ta rned to the bidder when the plans are re turned. : A certified check for !Ur. of the amount ot the proposal, made payable to George A. White. Adjutant-General, State of Oregon, must accompany each bid. Bids will be received for the general contract complete, sep arate bids' will be received for the general contract except plumbing, heating and electrie wiring, and separate bids will be received for the plumbing, heating and electrla wiring. , ' , - The General Staff. Oreron Wa. tlonal Guard, reserves the right to reject aay or AU bids. - GEORGE A. WHITE,5 L; AdJutAnt General. . Jlj 8--lB-ll-12. ' . , . . (' - A c5-a S "uV. .-' SALEM. SEE ' ...W. H. GRABEXHOR8T CO. ' State St, Phone IIS ; . m Mji.i - u-tr- trizzr.zzt;