THE OREGON STATESMAN, SALEM7 OREGON -t: ' v FRIDAY HORNING JULY 10. 1925 V i FAMOUS EVOLUTION . CASE QFENS TODAY (Cottfiaaed front psa ) ) v u -y technical reason, polUngU: the whole eirect.-aad leaTlog The mat ter . exactly wher Jt 'Vas . before Messrs. Rappleyea and Hicks evolved this caie" "in'g ' drug store. "ttl - ; " :' ' Many Tennessee lawyers assert that the Tennessee supreme court 1m quite likely to reverse. Any con-. vicUon ot Scopes ia the trial court, upon appeal, because of the diver sity of statement in ; f. he caption and clause of , the act. Further more, John H. Cantrell, president v of the Chattanooga Bar .Associa tion' and. a Tennessee legal iumi- : nary, gives as. bis. opinion that ; a.cpnviction under the Cutler bill I' impossible, because .under a strict construction of the language of (he ",a.ct two enacted types ; of .teaching are requdfed to violate it. First, to . teach -'anv .theorv ihnt ' UenW the glory of the divine ere- ,.5 ation of man . as taught in the Bible," and, second. 'to. teach n- jsit-ad that man is descended; from a lower form of animals." The teaching of neither pne of theBeJu?"ora who sat in the trial two thingsiby Itself i constitutes a violation, of the act. Cantrell con tends. ,but both. ' must he taught jointly. ; '; :J . : It should be remembered . that .the Issue of constitutionality has no bearing on the wisdom or folly of the act simply upon the ques tion of whether, the legislature in fne. it- is" "hlgbly" desirable that there, be a clear opinion jupon it: Certainly the state inaWa right to control its igendek. ' Certainly ni ?M . je?l?iture has the slightest right to throttle tberfre'edom t speech, or prevent the freedom of academic inquiry, The line be tween lit this case Is a close oae. 'It ls'nlikely tbat, the patter will be settled in Dayton. Any jury, of 12 men good "and true assembled In these ; hills is certain , to convict young Scopes. -To them " it , will . not ,-be a matter of free speech, but a case of athe ism vs. the Bible, and none oi them will, hesitate In bringing in a verdict. . Moreover, tlie mere presence of Messrs. jjarrow, Malone, et al, is iiufficient ,to loae, .the case for Scopes. The'sQitfli -mnst M pro tected from the machinations of meddling Yankee lawyers, partic ularly "murder lawyers' like Dar row, and "scandal lawyers" like Malone. A sidelight of the Leo Frank case down in Georgia is Illuminating. When ft, was all over, and Frank jWas convicied,(a newspaperman, asked .one of the I'What convinced you that ' Frank was guilty?". " - .v wen, replied the Jnror, who sprang from the same stock as these hillmen. "i he wasn't guilty, what did be get all them high priced lawyers for?" """'Oh .T on'i."Beed ' tn '" niri X R sleep with. dddy.'' ' r v i Jimmy giggled when the teacher-react the story of the map who swam across''' the Tiber three times before breakfast. '. 1 ' J? " rou;clo not doubt that a train ed swimmer could do that, ,- do your..; v: , : ,. . f . "No, air," answered , Jimmy, "but I wander why he did not make it four and get back to the side where his clothes were." enacting it acted within: powers "John," said the farmer's wife, coming put to 'the back porch, where her husband sat tilted back in his chair, his feet on a railing, "didn't I hear ypu jell, the parson when he was here that .yon had strong views on- the temperance movement?" . "- t. 0 1 1 J. !Tf "Yes,'. John .replied, ."rather stiffly'; "I said so, and ypu know that I have." j v , . ' VWell." said Mrs- John, "sop pose yon go and express & few of them on the pump handle. I want a pall of water." ' Stan field-. United States represen tatives i Sinnott and ,Cramifacker. Iarhall I)an' 'an.d i, Whitney 'I Boyce, ; members ot tne uregon state land settlement committee, anad Fred PbJIHps and Willfam Startr. reresenatlves of the Bakr' organization. ... The agreement bears out a tor mer, , statement of reclamation Commbsioner , Mead - that, he .ex pected construction work to start on the Baker project by Septem ber jist. ; ' ; ' ' .;. . rouferred upon it by the constitu tion or not. . . , : , ' t . The state argues that the Butler act isan exercise by the state of its constitutional right and power to direct -its own agencies. It v. 'x'points out that state-supported schools are .a faxtction of. the state; tkat the teachers in these' schools are agents, officials, functionaries, of the state; that their alaries are met out of public fnnds; that, they are confined in their use df text books to volumes specifically se lected by a state agency; that they are properly subject to the control pt their employer, the state, in their duties for It. I The state directs the length of the school term; .it appropriates the buildings; it establishes a text book commission - to adopt text books. Theoretically and consti tutfonanlly, the sta,te legislature is the voice of the people,. being Jhelr direct representatives and is plothed with the povef of the peo ple. The.j state legislature, of course, has had its power-'to act fir, the People restricted by.cerUin declarations pt- the people In their stale constitutions; but, except as it contravenes these, it is the peo ple, in assembly, and Is empowered to direct the ; people's business. Such is the line of argument of the state, . j. ; The defense holds that the leg-, idlature's right of guidance must . be, within the limits Imposed: by toe constttutlon; that It cannot overstep those bounds; and that ' lbs Butler act Interferes. with the riKbts of freedom of speech, of opiulon nd of religious worship , Counsel for the defense may be expected .tor make brilliant expos! tion of the bill of rights of the States constitution and of Tennessee! -thejr, xna be expected to say much of the ty rani fiy of shackling free speech. They will likely refer to the Tennessee constitution s instruction to the legislature to 'cherish science and literature," and .point out it can not be done by forbidding any instruction in a fundamental scien tlflc thesis. . ' ; , . Thus the battle will go The question is an important PACKED TENT GREETS " 'CHAUTAUQUA' OPENING ; j .(Continued from ,p -) ,, weddlrtg march and "other war songs!" '-"-V - While Mr. Packard's rharat confined themselves mostly to the masculine gender, he did fie with the rainbow and produce a color study of the American girl. Out of "the most popular girl" in America, the girl on the silver dollar, the artfst.. with a few strokes of. his crayon, and the smooth motion of his bare palm. developed a pastoral scene at sunset,- tbe " closing- picture. - ; j r r At 2: SO o'clock this afternoon the Leake's Orchestral Entertain ers will; be featured, and in the evening Captain S.iurdujf K. Gud- mundson's - unusual story :. of the far north is being anticipated with interest. - , ' . Salem patrons "are "showing large interest, in .this, informative week of sociability and large cul tural nifluence. i ; I'n.lted ! that of i BABE FOUSI) S3IOTHERKD YAKIMA, July 9. The fourr months old baby of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Sooman . of Tacoma. w a s found smothered to death when the parents awakened thin morn ing in the -tourist, camp at Sunny side near here, where they had camped for the night. . OREGON IRRIGATION IS NOT ENCOURAGED (Continued front page 1), . ington. , 'Having displayed his unfriendly feeling toward the Baker project, the. secretary, suddenly announced that he would move on to Ontario and look at Vale before dark. Vale was to have been irspected Friday and Owyhee Saturday. BAKER, Or., July 9. (By As sociated Press.) Reclamation of ficials this afternoon promised representatives pf-- the Baker Chamber of Commerce that con tracts" for the Baker reclamation project would be sent out as ROon as possible and a special election Would, be authorized for setters al ready nn the unit to vote on the rroject. . . '. ' . ' The agreement was reached. af; ter a lengthy conference' between Secretary of Interior Work, recla mation Commissioner Mead, Govt ernor Pierce .of Oregon, Senator" Saturday Special 1 . r . - . . . ; A Full Size Trjapgular OIL r MOP 4 ft A household need that is rlway m. demand. ,. , 1 Buy Now will-have 'to corner 1 early : ; I ' 5 You j They say that the standards of beauty and comfort in the average home are constantly; . being raised, and justly proud are we of our position, as the "Home Store" of Salem, with' its imposed responsibility of making1 all homes -morq comfortable and beautiful Summer-ize how and spread the payments' over the summer months. r IfV - m f A man 'took hb wife and thfeiii three-month-old-baby to a theater Dne, -evening. During the first ait the child commenced to scream bo lustily that an attendant appeared and said that if they could not keep the baby quiet they, would have to leave, and their . money would be returned to them. Tbei child went to sleep thereafter, and all was peace and quietness until half-way through the last actj when Jock . began., to ; be t tired ' of the play. He turned to his wifd and - 'whispered: ' - ".Maggie pinch the kid." ; ... . Little Vally Brady and his small sister were spending the week-end with their aunt. . When bedtimej came' the aunt asked them how! they said their prayers. Vally an-" swred; .,, , , : f "Sometimes Lorraine says themj on mother's knees and sometimes to the-side of the bed.' "And how about 'you, Vally asked the aunt. - - - ALASKAN COED FIELDS MFW TOTY A Y OLIVE Sum m e r Mems at Special Prices FOR1 WEEK-END SELLING We want to give ypu some real values trus week, so look over the list carefully.' Every thing is high grade and absolutely first class merchandise. . . V.; I " V '.-.' Lot 1 " ' . - Gray Granite TOter ails In 10 and 12 qu izeSv These are fine, smooth ware with good heavy handles. worth about $1 .25 in the - regular way- take your choice" Friday arid : Saturday. Only 75 c . . ' L0t2 ;:-:';: . '.-,:; A New Dish Drainer Made square and with pockets for the sil ver, extra heavy. . This week-end 1 Only 7c Albert Lee's .V Kitchen Kook Kitchen ' Kook demonstra- tion this week. More efficient - than any other oil stova. on ; the market. Gives 50 'n more heat and is cheaper to operate. iltJll i Automatic Refrigerators; ?NWe will be glad to accept' your old ice. box as part payment.. Bal ance easy terms. 500 pounds of ice free with every Automatic sold. at Popular Prices Make, your porch a place of pleasure and comfort. A com plete stock to choose from. See them today in our show room. II .i 1 rr -Mi ! ' LlJAMiS 1 "Lot 3 SEEN A OWEN FHAJJCI5 IEOlIAlD cyniL chadvicic v 555n J31ATIA MIUEIU ST 111 In'm- Another lot of these deep ; ;:'7'fijMtr'is';;Paiis-'. Same-s we' ioli ' about 1 three weeks ago. .'!'r:pmy:i65c;,":r;'- A great big assortment of small pieces of Aluhuniiin Ware Tin and Granite Ware. All useful articles. Take any of them for Only 15c "r.".- t': .. ,.-,7- -Lot 5 . Three Burner Jewel Oil Stoves Very fine blue enameled finish with high shelf. -While they lastvl3; V See the windows; We jiave large lots of j all mese items : .Remember these prices are for Friday and -l ,;'.-"- ' Saturday selling ; Universal Appliances For iWarmer Days A' "'complete showing of . these universally known ap pliances will be found in our , Basement Household depart- mpnr t r 7 Piece Water Set ' i 8c -1 A very neat' and attractive 7 piece water, set .in a variety of shapes and cut designs.. (You can't afford to pass up this value., - J i vAwning$'v Made to Order! We measure and put up any thing in-. the line. of awnings, large or small. Awnings in. all sty les or plain colors. . v -! Dishes ! . A large open stock ,-of dishes displayed for your selection in , our pew-1 Household depart ment. It will pay you to visit ' this department. .,..t!i3w Cool TorchsChairs SS6.98 ' 11 Chinese Grass "chairs and rock ers for porch or garden. .. A. large ' selection of colors and patterns. tc choose from, j :; ; , . . .t - Expert Drapery1. 'Service -Cretonnes - jit 'V;29c and 98c yard ;'l ' Included In this spedir are ' ' the latest colorings and fig , urea, -.Jyst; the thing for your - summer coat, ;See them in our . prarry,.departmentv Credit ys Gladly , Without Interest . t'i ' ' ' .Always 3 ,' -GEO ALLEN ;J- cr 1 ) 323G: NorthIm street TODAY AND SATURpY: ; M t ,r COMEDY KCWiS . r " J I.: j, ' t