The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, July 09, 1925, Page 3, Image 3

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    . : VTlil)RSDAY MOkKiKG JULY A 1925 -
' ' ' ' k - 1.
' tcvkuy ycmr Su
m5 ketter" clothing 'than we are offer-
'mg during tnis isaie. .. we must unioaa
before commencing another season s
PicVYours'Out Now
- .( j Fancy bordered handkerchiefs
-Regular 3Sc Now 15c r
"i r
libit W ' ii
If yo want 1924 OuiMf
; Cotfp la fin Manmi T.
' coniftloa nd go ppr- t
"! ft Spriea m rte
b vriH almost 'fttor 7u.',tJiea
come ftt one and e it at
-- ;, ; : -
plana 'made "by ' Miss. Danta Rob-1
asr supervisor. - 'or tbe girran
clothespin, dolls 'will -be 'dressed
ith . crepe .paper dreises, r while
the "boys are to. male boats. "Miss
Henrietta whites will bave chatge
ol crepe, paper classes every Tues
day and Thursday, beginning at 1
o'clock. ' Instruction 'win be grven
in the manufacture s'of favors,
flowers and other articles that can
be made with crepe paper.
Si fcnzs Quarrel -r
Perils InduSiiteS
Dr. Marshall, "Osteopathic
, Physician -and surgeon. -
at 8 o'clock! from in front t ihe
Salem armory. Transportation Is
being provided by Rex Sanford,
I. M Dougbton,. Dr. Henry .Morris
and Harold Ware.
Alrp1n Patrol Start a
. Start of the' airplane forest fire
"patrol .from Eugene as the base
was announced yesterday by F. A
Elliott, 'state forester. The two
pilots are A. R. Loom is and' Alva
R. Degarmo. While ; these two
planes are the only ones regularly
employed, two others stationed at
Vancouver, wash..- are available
for any emergency.
ws w
j Partly cloudy ; 'cooler ; "mdderate
northerly winds toecoming Srester
ly. Max. 82; Min.53; River .8,
V stationary ; Raihf all none ; Atmos-
v j .pnere ctear wina nonuei.,
t w , .
the 'daughter ' of "Dr, Charles Ab-'
bott Smith. - All that she could
remember of her. early childhood
was the, name, of the locality and
A' huge willow tree -was also re
membered. An appeal to old resi
dents of the city was -made with
the result that the section of "the
city Immediately north and east
of the present state , house used
to .be known s Piety Hill. Mrs.
walker "spent 17 years in ICew
York city and '-. Is tiow, a resident
of San Francisco. This is her first
trip hack to Salem and she ad
mttted that she would like to re
turn to the city some time.;
Delegates to Report
(.Northern Baptist convention del
egates to Seattle last week will
Veport this ".evening at the ' First
Baptist church at" 8 o'clock. The
reports will cover the whole on-
iventlon and the . several depart
ments of the denominations' activ
ities.- There was a total registra
tion; of1 1600 .delegates from 34
'states in the northern convention.
There .were many visitors from all
parts of the. United . States and
Canada, 4a addition.; to the regu
lar delegates Reports from the
various associated -boards of the
.. -i convention - showed progress, -and
siaeraDie agiution among wwm -,. ... .r iha
m I
Trucks tn 'Colllston-- i , .
Trucks driven by Floyd Buckley
and OHie Moe collided Hear St
Paul Tuesday night. Through
erroneous information. The States
man said that the truck driven by
Buckley swung from the highway
Into the Moe truck which was on
a side road. It was Moe who left
the highway, crashing into the
Buckley truck. ,
r v"
4l6lE ;lfJ :VlfID 'STORMS
business men because the Wallu-
v""""- ov- , iv. hr rhtoet in mnnv
toerman in saiem. ana maw uii , .,
. - i wars- iimmi iik iiriium ii
the business tnen. refused to take
space tn the
of that fact.
ii ,
' "
The Tlteater Today
: 11!
(Oregon Richard DiX'
'Too Many Kisses." f
irnl i-! "The " Hunted
Woman, by James Oliver
Cur wood. f ,
rnigH-Eva Novak and an
'an Star cast in "Lure of
the Yukon. ! ,
tiicense'ls Iswied .
Leo L. Kent of Vernonia and
Alice M. Kent, 365 North High,
were granted a marriage license
in the 'countjr clerk s 'office yes
terday. '"-
Divorce Is Asked
Charging, cruel , and ..Inhuman
treatment; Sevan 'Agnes Brown has
tiled a : divorce action against
David Brown. They were married
in Vancouver, wasn, In 192Q
Mrs. Brown -declares her husband
calls her vile and , profane names
and uses intoxicating liquor. She
Favors Batton Shoe -.r . ":
'O. E. Price, , proprietor of the
Price Shoe store, Carries an the
latest and';raost! tip to date shoes
in iis Store, but 'he wears button
shoes himself. : Button Bhoes have
Men out of style for some time,
but Mr. Price has' stayed with
them, although lately he has had
to nave them specially made. It
has been reported tfhat tire button
shoe is coming back in style, and
that they would ' soon be .worn
again in the west. If such a thing
bappens Mf. Prlce.'siated he would
surely bave to "change,' as it would"
not do for him to "be In tyle.
Awning Is Our 'Baslness
II. L. Stiff Furniture Co.
the -outlook for the coming year
as mirrored in the proposed, pro-
publication because
Vesterday By The Use .
Of medicine. Dr. Stone removed
cancer from , the - temple of
years- past7 The denomination will
put greatest emphasis on the evan
gelistic program "the coming year.
The local church will participate
in all Baptist activities.
3et Vancouver License
A marriage license has been Is
sued In Vancouver, Wash., to Got
tfried Horn, 60, of Walla Walla
and Mrs. Luclnda Horn. 4 5. or
-VTNVRAPOMS Julv " 8. (By
Associated. Press). Four' persons
were kfHed nd at least 25 others
injured kere tonight when a wind
and tain storm, striking with the
force of tornado, .tore the roof
off a kectitm of a pavilion at Lake
Harriet and burled nearly a score
under tbe debris.4-' ' .
; t ls the wind rushed through the
'citv 'the Door In. a south Minne
apolis cafe .gave way beneath i
half dozen dinner guests, throw
W them into .the-basement
Xone'was seriously hurt.
Store fronts were caved in
house damaged" treea uprooted
and traffic tied ud by rain and
flooded streets. - - - -
The wind blew ' the roof off
drug store, bulged' out the four
walls, smashed all the plate glass
and scattered , drugs and sundries
over the street.
Two houses, were wrecked while
a third was moved oft its founds
tion and the roof blown off.
- a. 1 , t i
bile bear the Outskirts of the city.
The men 'drove' alongside I a
touring- car, pointed pistols at the
urprlsed couple aod commanaea.
-Stick 'em -up!"
SUhfof d refused. Without mora
conversation both , liighwajrmea.
opened fire, killing Miss Koning
and "potting a Duiiet tarouga
Stanford's arm. .
The"slayers Ihen drove rapidly
away. "'"."'.,-.'.'-
One farmer met another return
ing from town. lie wa sweating
and apparently "atlgfy. if -"
Zeb W"bere you been wuh the
pig. St? ..
Si Tried to sell him; could "get
only $5. 1
Zeb What did yon ' pay for;
him? - -
fi $3, but the feed cost me $
more. - .
, Zeb I know, but yon had the
pleasure of bis company, didn't
you? ',
- 'The United States te Uklng a
calm view of "the debt Question."
declares one correspondent. Calm
but not collected. .
TjitmI mil rk nmlrnvrd . .
..TIh,o11 Matthieu heme, one pf cd by a family quarrel
Disruption of the hoge indus
trial Interetts wWed ' tftgethcr
f he Ute Huge Sttnhes, Ocr-
YnVm ftidastrlal king, h threaten-
Dr. Ed-
James T. BeH of Saiem.
Oil Stoves
For bot weather.
Furniture Co.
H. L.
the landmarks of the county, waa
destroyed by ; fire the Fourth of
July, according to word received
here. The house was built in the
.early days by ;F. X; Matthieu, the
last surviving voter at the bistoric
VMAAt'viff a Phnmnuiir Vf ew 9
143, when the -pioneers decided INJURED MAN IS FOUND
to cast their lot with the imited
niund Stinncs liaj resigned from
lijc firm, leaving it In control of
lus mother and brothers. Otto
at -top)-Tmd "llffgo, -Jt., tbr
3UESNEL, B. C, July 8 Dis
Nsovery of the mother lode of Cari
boo 18 miles from Stanley in the
famous Lightning creek district.
which iO1 tb early sixties produced
many xniUfeas in gold., was an
nounced by J. F. Williams. Stan
ley' hotel proprietor, ami a pro
pectbr, here today. .
High grade; ore was found along
the ledge which is from 10 to 15
feet wide and easily traced -On the
surface for more than a niile, Wil
liams declared.
A clergyman defends the youth
of today.. The trouble is that too
many-have needed defense by law
yers. " " r .. ,
: Phone 727
obegon Electric
Ray . Benson Visits
; Ray Benson, formerly connected
with the secretary of state's office J mn -at ine corber of Capitol and Donald and1 Butteville, In the
Get Station Permit
A permit to erect a service sta-
States and' not with the Uritish.
The house was located between
but now connected with a sawmill
near Grants Pass, was in tbe city
yesterday looking after business
affairs and visiting with his broth
er, jArthnr S. -Benson, chief clerk
of the supreme court.
Fifteen Are 'Naturalized'.
. At the July naturalisation, hear
ing; at the court house yesterday,
6 applicants presented themselves
or i citizenship papers. Of this
number 15 passed.. A majority of
hese were members of theHYMCA
Classes in cHiienshtp. accoldtng to
C. A. Kells, secretary. v
Court streets was granted yester
day to' L. D.' Jones. The cost pf
the station will approximate
f6,D0'0. . - .
northern part of fhe 'county.
Speeder Is Nabbed - i
v Frank ' Jak", of route 6, Salem,
was arrested yesterday by Officer
Edwards for speeding- on State
Bonds Are Received ' ,
Three bonds were received from
district county clerks yesterday by fseattle on business
. Governor Pierce and Secretary
of State Kqzer accompanied Dr.
Hubert Work, secretary of the in
terlor, to "Portland Wednesday.
Guy O. Smith, former Salem at
torney" but, now in Portland, was
in the city yesterday.
Mr. Moore, of Moore's music
rhouse, is spending a few days in
boo Pounds Ice Free , -. .
With ' ach Refrigerator sold.
asks for $50 atrmony. 8l1l0.atfbr-:H. L. Stiff Furniture Co.
ney tees,; and $50 suit money. ' ."
Camp "Equipment -
H. L. Stiff Furniture Co.
Ranker la Stricken ;
, , " F r
banker and bop grower, is ill at
the 'Marion hotel and threatened
wtb a nervous breakdown from
Stolen Car Reported
? ! An automobile "Was reported to
have been stolen yesterday from
the Rlckards garage of CorvalHs.
The car was a 23 model Chevrolet
with Oregon license No. 29-625. "
Rev. Crowdcr Baclt -. ,
Rev. U. S CrOwder wife and
danrhter. are In Salem for their
vacation. Having sold their home I Business Main Returns i
it 1016 Marion, they are moving
to 1083 Shipping. , Rev. Crowder
was for two years in Salem wbere
he still bas all . his property in
terests. He is now pastor of the
First: Mi -Eeburch of:Manvllle,
Wyo.' He 'la 'still a booster for his
home .city, "declaring. At .and. the
Willamette valley the best place
in the world in Which to live. He
will 'remain here - until i Monday
next when' with his family he will
return to Manvule He is most
emnhatic - In bis declaration that
Salem Is and will continue to be
his residential city.
Mary L. Fulkerson. county school
superintendent. The districts re
porting were: Harmony, Volna J,
White, clerk, $2500; Davis, Mrs.
Edward O. Nelson, clerk. $1,000;
Woodburn, E. J. Stanard clerk,
$r,ooo. , "
Examinations Are Slated .1
Applications for United States
civil service examinations; for
watchman or custodian service In
Portland and Seattle, will be re
ceived by the department at Wash
ington "until July 25. The salaries
for these -'positions range from
$1020 to $1140. The date for
A. A. Gueffroy, proprietor of
the! Atlas Book & 'Stationery com
pany, andf of the Commercial Book taking the examinations has not
store, .nas reiurnea irom mrw i Deen
weeks' visit, m Jaaaison, worm
Dakota, the home of sevetaV bt Cotest. Are Planned-
Mr. GueTfroy's brothers and Bis
Leon Jennison, an employe at
a local music house, together with
bis wife is spending a two weeks'
vacation at Agate Beach.
. W. F. Norman of Woodburn
spent Vednjesday in Salem.
r.-Misa. Esther Halverson of Eu-
gene ,was- in oaiem yesieraay
morning. -
Miss Lulu Benedict of - Grants
pass visited in tbe city yesterday.
. Xtto Zimmerman of Mehama
was a Salem visitor yesterday.
Mrs. Ellen Davis of Independ
ence spent Wednesday in Salem
. Mrs.'M.'E. Loon ey of Albany
was In the city yesterday.
R. A. Elliott of Detroit was a
lousiness visitor in "Salem yester
day. '
K'.. S. Chamberlain of Corvaflls
Was In Salem Wednesday
Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Crune of
TACOMA. Wash.. July 8.-
G roans heard by two boys fishing
in the Nlsnually river near , the
Northern Pacific Taiiroad bridge
at the Pierce. county-Thurston
county line led to f. the discovery
late tonight of a. badly injured
man lying oh a small island in tbe
river. He was taken to Yelm
where he revived sufficiently to
give bis name as Tom Edwards,
45, of, Seattle, and say that be
had fallen Into the river from the
railroad bridge, a beight of 60 feet
early in the day. He was able to
drag himself to the island despite
a dislocated hip and a severe scalp
wound. His condition Is said to
be critical.
LOS ANGELES, July 8. (By
Associated Press). Highway tnen
shot and killed Miss Edna Kolling
and wounded her escort. Theodore
Stanford', here tonight when the
couple refused to obey orders to
hold, no their bands and submit
to a search. . .
Stanford and the young woman
were seated in a parked antomo-
I yil,, II... W,.. . -
- Powder' and Suftfy Co; ,1
TftiBta a VrmUke . ,
Alhambra Post - Advocate
Wanted: Fancy washing and Iron
ing for ladies and gentlemen and
Friday, July 10, 1 :30 p. m.
- '
at 1444 Saginaw Street
-All the Fwrnifure of a .Vrootn howset'rdei ndIanndry teb1s.
: Uverj tiling goes. 1OOK ror large aa rxiuay mormus.
GEO.SATTERLEE, Auctioneer.
I r'
Contests for both girls and boys
will be features at the Lincoln
i playground :SatuTdayraccbTdmg to I cti,,na 4. tw fha nUv irstei-fnT
t. Shelley Sanrtnan, M. D. f 1
. Announces the ppening of. his I -UBITUARY
new offices on theifouYth floor of;
the! United. States Bank building.
Phone 776 and 777. 320
Drunks Forfeit Ball i j
Ivan Balschwid of Scio and Roy
j Hogaiand, arrested on charges of
'. ' drunkeaneas. forfeited S15 ball
each Sck failure 4o 'appear In po
lice court. V'v J" v I ' b ' -
i i -,...r"t .y t , ' ! - .;
V Uniforms at Bebop's "and re-1
I Port tor drill In uniforms Thurs-
. Chambers & Chambers, i 38
Dr. loney to Speak
Dr. Carl Greez Donev. nresident
Visiting With Parents for' Willamett university, will be
C. J. Pugh and wife are visitors the BDeaker at the union rellelous
at the home of -Mr. Pngh's par-serTjceg to De neld In wilson park
enU. Mr. l and Mrs. C W. Pugh, Simrtv afternoon, arcordlne to
. Helensld . ..
At a local hosDlta Monday,
July 6, George M. Zielenskl aftbe
age of 41 years, beloved husband
of Anna E. Zielenskl and son,, of
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Zielenskl.
at Clear Lake. ItJs the son's first
MTwitt ' ThoA m opt lnr - am i to
visit boWe Tor 10 .years, during contInne tbrougbout every Sunday
Auto Vreck : Hart Two
i A Dodge sedan driven by C. Vi
Kennedy ' of Alliance, Neb.i col
llded with an ' Overland , sedan
i driven by Mrs. A. V. eed of
Orencb, at the Chemawa four, cor
ners,;! five miles north ot! Salem
onf the Pacific highway yesterday
forenoon. Mrs. Kennedy and Mrs
Nikety, who were riding ' ln"ffie
Kennedy xar; -irewslTgntiy "Cut by
broken glass., Mr. . Kennedy was
crossing the hignway comia'f rom
Chemawa at the time of the acci
dent and the Reeds were traveling
north on the highway,-returning
from a vacation trfp-to- Newport.
Although the Kennedy car was
turned on its side, little damage
was done to either car. 1
which! time he hah teen in nearly
all the states of the - union, and
be declares that, Oregon is the
best state be has ever seen,' In J
matters of crimate, productiveness.
beautiful scenery,: etc. Mr. Pugh
Is! chief field t division deputy of
internal re venue, for. Shreveport,
Lk., Tjnited States service. . At
present they are visiting at the
beach'for a few days, after which
they will visit again with the par
ents before leaving for their home
in the south. .
afternoon for
the summer. -
the remainder ' of
Saddle norses -
For hire. C. L. Reed.
2, Fairgrounds.
Barn No.
Scout Making Hike ; ,
' So popular as last year's Boy
Scout camp at . Cascasan with
Deane Parker, member ot a Seat
tle patrol, -that he 'started out; to
walk the distance between Seattle
and Salem: a few days ago in or
der to be here to -leave with tbe
gang for this year's camp. Kind
hearted motorists helped the 15
year old youth along, bowever,
and be. arrived in the city Wed
nesday morning ahead of J sched
ule, having had to walk only 10
miles of the way.
YtotatoTs TTtied i i -
Three traffie vTlotators " werel
fined in justice court yesterday.
Hubert W, Burnett was assessed
$25 for speeding and. B, W. Wag
ner was fined $10 e-n a blntilar
charge. A. Barnes, arrested by O
O. Nicbols." was obliged to pay- a
fine- of '$25 " for overloading his
truclc. " . ' '
Birth Is Reported--
i Mr. and Mrs.Xleorge Standleyof
529 South -Commercial ' street are
rejoicing over the arrival of a baby
daughter, fiarah Pauline, on July
2. at the Salem hospital. Mrs.
- Btandley was formerly Miss Annie
Gleeson. ' : ,
Ella Melkna Pans!
Seed for1 JUakVi Pet
land, 25 cents..-' .
Report Is Requested
The executive committee?! of the
Willamette board of trustees has
requested Loyal Warner, manager
ot the 1926 Wallulah, published
last spring at , the .university, to
submit a complete report of the
financial affairs of the project
The report will show a profit of
less than $10OMue to the faqt
that the book-was limited to $900
advertising -pace, according to
311 1 Mr. Warner. s.There.bas been coih-
Seeks' Pla4e bf Birth
"Can you" tell me where
ffhd the lection of, the 'cit
"nsed to be known' as Piety
asked a woman- tourist, at
;U!amber'T, Commerce iJWedneg
r can
vl that
"A new sneed record for reading
He. is also fTM.IqrMroiU Con8tItuton vroS" Unite'd
thers, Joseph, IBert'Bliss, Charles,
Martin, Edward and' Paul, of Sa
lem: four sistersrGertrude Doma-
galia, Agnes FeIlen, Cecflia;; A.
Feilen, bf Salem, and. Rose ; Cairo
of Portland.' Funeral services will
be held from St Joseph's cburcb
Thursday -morning, 4 uiy 9, at s
a. m. Interment will be In the
St. Barbara cemetery, with' Rev.
homas V. Keenah in charge Re
mains are at the chapel oi -the
Salem mortuary.".
Ikar -Uwler-Autst w
James Haggan was arrested by
Of fleer -Thomason " yesterday for
begging on "Sortb CommerciaL
Retwrns from Camp P
Harold .Ware, local Boy Scout
executive,' who has beea In Cas
cadla for the last day or; two mak
ing final preparations tor the
Scout encampmentVto he held
there in a ew, days, retnrned td
the city' at midnight Tuesdatj
Those going to the camp from Sa-j
lem win leave Saturday morning
Jackson .'.-'"
- "Maria " Elizabeth Jackson,
Tuesday, July ,7, at her former
residence at 1815 Fairgrounds
road, at the ag ot 80 years. She
Is ;survived byJ,two sons E. D,
Jackson of this city, and Charles
-of Colorado; -one Bister," Mrs.
Millie Gibbs of Nebraska, -and oae
brother. E."D. Davis ot Illinois.
Funeral services will be conduct
ed1 from the eha'pel of jthe "Salem
mortuary on Thursday,' July 9, at
2530. Interment Win 7be in -'Lee
Mason cemetery, Rev. R.
gow will officiate. . v
States was set yesterday by Ken
nelh "Morris, son of Dr. H. E. Mot
rta of Salem, la the presence of
H.- B. Groves, 'writer of national
repute. .The time consumed In
the TeadTng Was 15 minutes, and
cut off ; exactly !l 5 minutes from j
tae previous recora.
. A youth of i4, and a ninth grade I
student, Morris has read 259
books during the past year. Some
of these books were on sports.
some on history, others on out
door and still others- were
humorous, books. Kenneth is a ai-
rect descendant pf Robert "Morris,
who financed the revolution and
was one" ot the signers of the Dec
laration bf Independence.
As soon as he reaches the age
of 18 he Intends to seek an ap
pointment to Annapolis.
'- . . m a- aja" ssissssssss - srM"
V -Jr f J i I m ''w r.rri"
, I - : I :
-flaa Francisco, one 7 f
-x " Round Trip; $30.00 V;
let Angelea, cn Vay, tZ7Jt3
? Konul Trlni, 30.00 j
t-acUl T.stes to Pkrtlea of t
EUlt or Mor 1 i
For Infonr - ...n ata Eeserva
-" Uona phoa or call at )
Woodry & Woodrjr
Pays Cask f of Fiimiture
Phone 75
-A-'1 f-.:.
LftDD BUSHrBaniera
: j General Tilnng fSuriaFTa
'CZm XLtarfl frotsi It a,, to 8 fw W
Y6ur first pair ol Florsheims will
be an iritt6ducticn to real shoe
satisfacti6n.Th5ey ve you finest
. wbrkrnanship, correct style, long
: service-most value 'per dollar.
: .:$lb-:' -
.v. .
SesixtCs '
41 v
": day. i She gave the name ot Mrs.
Lillian Walker and said she was