TCD!:3IAYMORNING,'JUL, 402S" THE OREGON STATES1IAH, S ALE2J, OREGON - n v lissiff led Seciioe Ret iriaee S Great Mar J t If FOR 8 ALE 37 QR SALE C8ED IXMBER. 1 4th AND rM - 87ily28 RECEIPT BOOK BlZK m avk' 60 raealpt forme ! hoot, IS eeat pes . iwi or iwt ir S3 eaata, . state maa eniee, in oasts uommerriai Ht. 0a U 87f?5tt ;. FOR MA LEId vewfewk 89 FOR SACK 100 HIGH GRADE WHITE 5.- leghorn hens; Shetland pray, K. G. - atenaie. iimhi. Virion. awjiu FAR HORSES. ET. HARNESS. ONE buik row. tj. u, iteed, t airgrouada. .. aotio VETERINARIAN DR. PATTEKSOfc Fhea SOitW. R. . Boa 29. 9J2tJ lKtI W. LAKOE. VETERINARIAN UtfUe 430 8. Coauaerelal. Fkoao 118 Rn. phaee lod. ml3l JERSEYS SPLENDID .( REGISTERED) Tic.twi!i keifera to freshen thia fall: yearlia heifer. alo young boll j blood Ua, sows to fsrruw sooa. WOOD FOR SALE- 43 JL'DD SAWS WOOD. PHONE 249 43al 14 INCH OL FIR SECOND GEO WTB ' oak and aah, Phoao 19ft. K. D. May fUld. 4iflf x BESTfGRADE OF WOOD . 4 ft. aad 1 lack. Dry mill wood. Oraaa mill wood. Dry aoceod frowth fir. F ,7 Dry aad oia nr. Dry 4 ft. aah, maplo aad oak. WRKD E. WELLS. Prompt delivery and rea eon able prieo, 210 Booth Chareh. Phoao 1641. 4Jml OOOD COAL DRY WOOD . PROMPT DELIVERIES nit. r. man rTJEL CO. PHOKW ias 4K rOUI,TRY AND EGGS 45 MARCH HATCHED WHITE LEGHORN .pullets froaa trapnestea nena 1 f orda from 2 10 xu rem.- nm wiuvwukli K,..bmin ..,,... pheoe , WUli Small. independence. rre. 4514 JIISCELLANEOrs 5i .SALEM FUEL ft TRANSFER CO.. 752 j Trade fBt.. nalem. - iei aa auoie I oa wood, coal aad transfer, moving and dreysge. Day phone m aaa ia. Nirht phone l0. Slj'tf i - ' . .rvn k - - swat Aivu -uwv 1 . LOST EITHER IN SALEM OR ON Wallace road. Girl'a brown wool check coat, fur collar. 1220 N. 21st. 5.1j PERSONAL 03 ' HIZZ TREATMENT ". 1V1R APPENDICITIS T-Ia.WoadarfuL"Frea Informatloa AAJreu Hiaa Ca Portlaad. Orogoa S5al-19 MONEY TO LOAN 7 $2200.00 INDIVIDUAL MONEY TO ' Lmb m tulem city real estate. See ua at once. ' Wells Tallman ft Son, 21 Tamnle. Salem. Phoao 818. - , - ,- . 57j9 'unitcT TO LOAM-i-ON " 01TT PROP erty, either building ad loaa (las et f private money. Farm loaa vritk 1 aaraaco company meaey st 5 H wit . t ; remmlssioa addeo. Kaipa m. nnjw.mj ' a ni l. Staavaa-Moor Bldf Sa FEDERAL FARM . LOANS. ear F. L. Wood. $41 Slat St. PES 7al I . '? VFAFhf LOANS ) ' Loaf tlm. ay a.-nti, low InUrert BW lee Or enromieaiona. 1 . 1 Ara Hr Salem. Ore. 1 7J I BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES " . .nooD bl1ys la paving -turan. Grocery - and confectionery, gang. Imeat market. If it'a a rood paying bnainea you want srK rHit.Dft aY BECHTEL ' .140 State Street. 6,1 jit t REALJRSIATE 03 Owit Vour Home ' 'GOOD VALUES Vacant tot .0xl65. Distant owner. i; anno., i I -.' - ; 1 13-4 acre tract, rour room noose near Salem. Price $1200.. $100. Cash. H. in suit. 5 food lota aear Parish junior high. P.;,. inelndine- navinK Daiil. $3000. tNeuld exchange for -room aouae 01 eoual vatne; - KRUEOER. Realtor. . 147 N. Com'l. 3j9 ! rna aat. y WOT) CRN HOME OF 7 room. Euelleat loeatioa. Lot 65 165. Clo; In. Addroea 1051 Ckem krta ar phoao 1233 J, 63jlyl$ FOR SALE FLYE ROOM , BUSOAiOW, ( corner lot, -both streets, peved. bear '' lag apple, cherriea, pluma, walnut. fige, rhieken. housa, a real home. ' $3750. Good aix-room housa, corner lot. large garage. $3500. Take a truck f part pay One acre close in with j small shack.. i$1000. Trade for house. ' live acres wnlUimproved. for house. :i) ir farm i near Wood barn for IB- ! hurhaa borne j H7 00 acre stock ranch, 30 'per acre for email farm. Apart- 1 meat bouse for rent. v i. wiinn. 341 State St. ; ' - ; ., .. : ; ... S3j8tf I riTRl SICK. NEW MODERN 5-ROOM bungalow, nice . aook, built-ia. bse ment. furnace, garage, paved treet. : oalv S3.S0O. ; Term.' Also s-room moo era , stucco bungalow. Paved treet iIauIiU entiatractioa. ' riart : hardwood ; floor. $4500. Also -room modern Lnnealow. larra east front lot. $4500 ; i One of thoaTnorth, aaa aouth and one east. Come see. , -i it v nvnw a. VELVIX JOHSSOS 109 8. Commercial S3jl0 3 .nhnnralew. new. Richmond .'addition t.klne loaa at S2850. wni w n, ear ,i nart navmeat. -- - - . 5 rooms and attic. jut finished, hardwood floor, farnace,- fireplace, garage, gray inside finish, breakfast ; nook, view of the mountaina, yoa mut aee this to pprecit iU; beauty and 'Srooui'rinV.lepVwk'era in every way, wm- - ,c -j-tsm, lot 100 by 250 to creek, bearing uni inn that will DiT txe. variety of fruit, berries, beautiful ahrabbery and flowers, an; ideal homo aad a rifles at $7300-. wivviR PKTTTJfiHV. REALTOR Iniuraac . 218 Oregoa Bldg, 63J28U Salem Horn and building, tots.; OREGON L Farms any tlx sad price. Service to the TIomeekr or settler sever ond. Try our building department. If figuring oa a aew aome. .LIST WITH US. fPoregon Incorporated Ptiamai inil Hmbs 4-5-t D'llCT Blg. 1. : - :3i8U s7 RnrM,KFW WOTTBR. MODERN i rent flrenlace. at a bsrrsla. S500 down aad terma. Call at 1030 North Winter " 9t 130 North Cottsy. - 63J10 REAL ESTATE A3 JULY REMINDS TS OF .OCR INDE- pendeace. July is a rood month to Lay that farm tab have- in mind July allrti ii many aargaiae ia etty some aa any month la tha year. Why not ha independent and it yoar owa home. 150 0 room plantar?1 cottage in food ronaition. on paved atreet. A very food . buy at SlilRiO. Term. ( asu 5 acre miles from Salem, geoa new, gooa tana.- rrice S150O; iih aown. ftu.u runs in at VM. -j-400 0-room home, 5 lota, carafe, plenty of food fruit,, food local ton on North 15th. A . bargain at 82200. Saoo down, balaae lite rent. aoa -j.o or 40 arrea S 14 miles from Salem on highway, i Very food land. No buildings. Price $200 per aero. 100 U3 arrea ia the Waldo bill; a fina frain farm. 85 arrea ia crop; large bouse, 2 (arte barn ; fina epring at house; plenty of wood for owa naa, Thia place ran be honfht at 8100 per aero, rrop included. ; Thia bargain bold for only a abort time. 5 grocery store In food location. -A barber shop oa No. 1 Commercial St., I ix t urea and leaaa at 70O, 9MH sn um. s .( iTorvfiiivGR OOOD POLK CO.! FARM fi room house, barn, 2 ehiekea housea, I 2.10 layiasr kena. All of eroo. Price I $7500 or will trade for house in Salem. I 397 1 acre South Salem, fine fruit very food location for auburbaa I oma. rriee $1500. I 6a acre farm north of Salem, new 6-1 room house, new barn. All la cult i-I vatioa. - Let oa ahow - yoa thia choice farm. Price $11,000, or will eooaider food bouae ia Salam. If yoa do not aee ia thia Hat what yoa - i . i . wni, iai na. re bhto h. Wa hava aeveral hohaa for rent. r ULKICH ft ROBERTS f 123 No. Com'l St. . Phoao 1354. . ' ." - ; - . 63j9 RCCT POSITIVELY THE ON cite adjoiaiag eity limit; above thai duat and arooke; panoramic view . o( practically the entire city and. bic ex- paaae of beautiful orchard and wooded hill: an inspiration by day or aifht; about 2 Vt acrea; not previoaaty oa the market. Low price and easy terma for quick sale. - . . . AI TRI 13 HOMft 3 COMPLETE housekeoDinr aoartment la 1 1 bo big House; a real home; $1800 recently apeat ia improvements: fine! trees and shrubbery; close is; $0500 easy terms CIMD LOT 79x14$ CLOSE ; IN; " " paved ; bent residence section; offered at two-thlrda it actual value bv abundan comparison. C07V OARAGE HOUSE AND FINE . east front lot in Farrish. Grove Addition, Salem 'a moat . central aad beautiful residence location; only half block from facif'ie Highway; corner. newly paved, pear New Pamsh. h:fh achool. Easy terms. Beats renting. Personally inspected aad.. approved values. Ko disappointments, t . HARRIS Masonic Temple Phone 795. 1942-J . . : -, y 63jg BEST BUYS AND EXCHANGES 4-room bungalow, garage, oa pavement, 130 north . 24th, $1300. $30O cash, balance terms. -i 6 room ' strictly ' modern new Enf Hah type, with hardwood floora, garage, pavement, $4500, $750 cash, balaae like reBt. . $1050 burs gas filling station. $1050 buys rooming house equipment aad lease close ia. 1 5reom strictly- modern new bungalow close ia and ecreaje in vicinity of Sa lem, all valued at $13,500, want dairy on the coast of about nam value equip ped. - , ' Vint $4000' loaa tin improved ranch, valued $85tf0. t , ) SOCOLOFSKT Real Estate and Loans. 63j3tf SPECIAL . 5-room boas and 4 lota for $1400. .,. 3 -room house, larftje lot with fruit $700.-1 5 -room house, . nice kL . Preo 91700, trade-for car. t.J '.' 25-aere improved,; trad for close ia tract. 'I 120-arre improved datry farm, atocked j and equipped, trad j for atore or im proved . acreage. ; " . f A well improved 40-acre farm near Salem, trade for. home in Salem or I Portland. j THOMASON. 331 State Street. H 63j7tf FURNISHED APARTMENT HOUSE. A nap if taken aoon. Terma. New 6-room bungalow, two lot; a bar- araia: term, r. . New 4-room bungalow, just completed. terma to suit.. 10 acres close in, to exchange for city j rirnnerlv. S-room honte, modern except heat, to -exchange fur small .tract close in. ti changes and bargains, aee BARBER. 200 Gray Bid. , - ' - - 3j'4tf in I BEST BUYS IlN HOMES , s Furnished Cottage . $3200. Close in (furnished cottage. Basement, furnace. fireplaee, good furniture. Lot 60x100 It. raving naid. Some terma. X250 cash 1 DOWV - Buys a new and well built bungalow. 5 rooma, best r plummng ana oase- meat. Friee S3I50, $1600 SNAP Coxy 4-room .bungalow. Paving paid. t-any trims. . ;. THINK. IT Oi r-tv ' , $350 cash buys nifty 5-room plas tered bungalow. .Bath, lights, wood shed, larr lot. Price $2150. Why pay rent f . ! Realtors, ahow you some real'bargaina in bonnes, lots, acreage tracts. M 'State street. 3j7tf i .iii- FOR SALE OR LEASE .10-ROOli ED bona suited to apt, or pnvato w- nit.l 700 V Hich.i, . c 63J9 ' , LARGE HOUSE. LARGE LOT. EAST front- close in. will make splendid VAonaina? hauael $5500. ! --i -.. . : . rtl.Mk afAjit -mAdern : in (home. $8,000. 4 . - . v k -.1 A iion . rnrlroom hou;e7$l50 ' Four-room bouse furaisked. $1950. , j lPP Intelligent aaleamaaship meaaa V r I- ri . 1". J v-i. ivi...IpP RKStll.TS for YOU. We turu PP aet os in $2650. . AtTractive country homo on highway, $600. i ill a .J. a nlaaaa . . i We Will Hi'ir (iiT.-. ." GERTRrDH J M. PAGE ur.uini ir, -.j.. r - ' i- ', ' i' I ova Tcfv virv t vts RURAL AVEJ. I ' k.i kwwi T wt drminan v -.' . - - - fenced, ewerage; lights aaa wr. Only $800 with $100 down, balance I'll ok."1" c 8, MOVIES Of;"lWC. PRIZE;. L. : . r i EX - REAL ESTATE TRADES 65 WHAT HAVE TOtT TO TRADE 1 WE have hundreds of -exchange. Uet our " free liat. . " i 1 ' HOME REALTY CO.. 169 8. High. .:. . . ' ,,, ,).;, i .: j. 5JS TRADE FOR SMALL PLACE,! OCR home oa Riverside Drive two ' mile from Halem. Six acre. 8-room ; house, Lara and hen houe. Spring water piped to home. Price 83.0OO,! Route 3, Boa 274. Pbeae 76F6. 1 tvljlO . ' SWAPS ' .! OtfKKINOS A B-rooir modern vary cw&o ia for a rhraper farther out. i ; :. i A tf room bungalow modern except fcaia meat for a S-rooro fine cloro la. i A 5 room bnnfalow will laka a lot aa lit navment: i Several email arreajea elote to far for town housea. . ! . An trnmeaao number of propertiea and '.variety for encnange. i . ' ( Helo yearaetf and the other fellow by a fair exehaafe. I Wli. FLEMING. 341 State St. . ! : : ; j 5j8tf dairy and aheep. well improved. Laya fine for amaU rloao-ia place. Box 752. Dalian, Orefoa. . i SajlO MAYBE YOU'D RATHER DRAW DOWN $65 aer month oa a clear $10,000 Sa lem property than try to dig that mush ' out of a farm of that value. A splendid S-non bnna-alow and 2 rood lota worth $.1000 aad will -go oa a good farm; 5" well improved flax acres along with 7 rows and a good team aad the crop for-t HOOO and no cravea a neiem resi denea as to S4000: and we have Booth er man with 10 mighty good improved acrea worth $4000 that can't feat be- " caKO town life look like tuck a anap and he'll trade for aometking email, well out to the rim; Then wo have 15 well im Droved acrea 4 miles out for $1500 23; acre with small improvement close for $2300. -i I'- : I ' McGILCHRIST ft PEXNINOTOX 209 U. 8. Bank Bldr. Phone 140 : : 6rlj3tf TRADE FOR SALEM HOME ! SO acrea. s-ood soiL berries. 'small oreh . ard, garden land, lots of pasture and timber. Fair buildings, well and run aing water, cows, hore, chU-kena all fo. Good road. Only $ mile out. Take Salem home: ap to $8000.00. balance oa easy terms. Phone 1013 or see Mr.-Schneider, Room 4-5-6 D'Arcy Bldg. j 65j3tf P P K PPPPPPPPPPPTPPPP PP P PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP PP- f -L 1 r r P P 1700 ' 1700 P P PP EXCHANGES EXCHANGES PP P P 1 PP P P PP P P GO DIRECT TO EXCHANGE j ' : i HEADQUARTERS Offices Salem and Portland P Pf 1 1 P F j The demand for exchange P P ha mad access ry our PP GREAT MARKET PLACE P P ' where tfce requirements of all P P can be mateaod. W hav P P P P just what you have ia mind ; P P P P just where you want it ; just P P P P the right price. Our list of P P P P exehaagea (the largest list- P P PP inr on the Pacific Coast) PP PP" guaranteea your complete aat- PP P P iafaetioa regardless of your re- f f P P quirements. If you would Ilk P P PP to exchange your 1 property PP PP TODAY, com in TODAY. PP P See . . , jj: 1 i Y f P . TARKER FOR PROPERTY PP PP l 409 V. 8. Bank Bldg.i r r PP Com'l at State. Phone 2242 PP P P . 65i26tf v P P PP ' ..:)!! pp ppp PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP PPPPPPPPP PPPPPPPPPP REAL ESTATE Farms 67 i . -; LOOK ; 90 acres with good buildings. Family V orchard, running water, some good tim- 1 ber 30 acrea in crop, a snap for $3000 1 cash THOMASON. 831 State Street, 67j9 A REAL FARM SNAP 70 acres 4 milea SW of Dallas. 35 under cultivation. Excellent aoil. Poor rmt rood oim under construction Good achool and neighborhood. Prieed for quick sale at. $2.SOO.oo. A. C. BOHRNSTEDT, Realtor, Loans and Insurance. 147 Ka. Commercial St.. Salem. Ore. .. ! t; h "4 i ' ' 67jtf Read This Are von interested ia growing flop, Alfalfa. Strawberries or Filherta on land that can be irrigated whea neces sary! Here ia a piece of bottom, land right out of town at the price of a backwood hilt pasture. f M ' M. MEIER. ' Box 231, RL 3. ;67j8 6 -ACRE TRACT CLOSE IN, PAVED roaa, licrurnt hkiiivb, i.-' i ' 150-arre farm Bear Salem. 110 ia cult. good sew bouse, barn, etc. timber. Spring, machinery, norses, cows, aneep, ' enap. - - :; ' s . i i 156-aer farm near Salem, $50OO. -Fine . modern bungalow aad 3 . acre cloae in. aaerlfice, $3500 term. 5-acra suburban $2800 terma. 4 acre close in, now bungalow. Srnit. timber, paved road, $2500. n Coxy bungalow close in, $2100. - PERRINR A MARSTERS ' . . 212 Gray Bldg. 7j26tf WAXTED REAL ESTATE 71 pppppprrrF err tr r r r PP PP I f f CALI I PARKER AND : PP rr PP PP PP PP If r PP I P P I P P ; PP PP IPP t START PACKING IPP PP , - . .'',.. -l BB i 1 i. W"T" 5? i i iff srar iTiieai never i ex ivm- a J P P tific selling, backed by cleaa. P P P P.-ProVpecU- into "Buyer.." PP P P W. tor- "FOE SALE" .iga. in- P P PP to 'SOLD." All city property PP I P P intneeted. nhotoxraBhed aad Bold P P 1 - r ' . . , BB JlPP without aggravatiag delaya. Sea FP ,r pp PAftk-F.R FOR PROPERTY PP .IPP 40S 17. R. Nat'I Bank BUS. PP PP Commercial at 8tata PP I P P Teleohona 2242 PP i - - .a b i.. b o i r r umcn ia oa.aua auia "' I P P J'JU'L7-' JT i ppp pppppppprppppp AMPREW HcVtt? gHDF?E MAHDr'ff A NWS OF- SREew" ART HE CASA OR AJCRO A VILLAIN OR. RO. VU3 ASliM5 viLLTOcAT CrArVr by A.H- lENWETT; Hem HCBi?S 15 0U jAFiCHlBALO CLUfiB A QORR- SORT or A . vanH a FACE. TNftTS SoKWMy . ; AlJD A WOCHE iW LOOKS' UKE r-,iv AUTOMOBILES irANTET 77. Elker Auto Co. , W pay cask for Ford. '.77ml2a WANTED LATE MODEL CARS FOR wreckiag. Caah paia. mieo a Wrecking Hon. .244 Center. Faoao 99b. T7m2Htt USED CARS FORSAIJ? T STOPI' LOOK! READ!! Willye-alBifht Coope-Sedaa. 3-door, front aad rear bumper, truak. two ex tra tire.,, spat light, atop lifht aad liceaae. i Thia car haa Wea drivea only 500 miles, appearance at a ew car. Mast be aeea aad drivea ta be appreciated. Sacrifice price. FRED M. POWELL MOTOR CABS ' COTTAGE AT FERRY 1 799 HUDSON ESSEX PACKAKJJ Special Values Vacation day are here. Sow is the tiase to cet that aaed car for that trip. and for , that reason we are offeriag neelal values la our Warranteed Laed Car. 80 remember that the Fred M. Powell Motor Cars sell by the only ssf plaa for yoa. '.Tbe uoidea note. toai rwtdra Touring This car has' ab- aolntelv had the beat of care. The paint has the appearance of new; good card tirea. atoo lixhi. license, sua vuor; Be sure aad aee thia ear .... $450 Jordan 4-na's. aport. New paint, com plete motor overhaul, w'.re wheela, rear view mirror, anotlisht. - A buy ' for - :....4..550 1924 Chevrolet Sedan. Here ia a car that haa been drivea only 6000 mJea, Please remember that thia car haa the appearance of a new car $650 1921 Hudson Super Six touring. Beauti ful new uaint job. good cord tire. license, aua visor and bumper. The motor has beea thoroughly rerondi t Mined and ia a good buy at - $00 Third Seriea Packard Sedan. Thia ra was locally owned and driven and- ia In wonderful hap. Priced $1600 i - ' We have two ' Ford Coupes ia dandy shape, that will pay you to aee if. you are' considering a coape. f "Lookera ar Welcome." Fred M. Powell Motor Cars j ; ' Cottage at Ferry . Phone 2126 . HUDSON I ESSEX PACKARD ... .i . ' ' ' - 79j7tf Certified Public Motor Car Market BARGAINS 1924 Essex .$650 1923 Ford SJ 19J3 Cleveland 75 19-22 Overland . 28- 1923 Studebaker - ?30 1924 Star "5 1923 Chevrolet 835 S Ford Tourings at 5 Many Others to Pick From. Xi. Kliwk N of Post Office ! 79j4tf 1914 FORD TOURING IX GOOD RUN- nine rendition. 870 takes IT. 9.13 no, 24th. Phone 2187-W. . 79j9 MTTiRFASnN CLEARANCE SALE Ved rouna $475.00 Ford Sedan 350 .00 Chevrolet Coach a 550.OO Overland Touring ., .. IOU.UU Chevrolet Touring Chevrolet Touring i 475.00 235.00 Oldamohile Touring 550.OO OldamobUe Sedaa . ' lilHmmnhile Roadster 800.00 We alao have other automobile at ft.'.O (Ml and no. Come, in and took our car over.- Wo are glad to ahow you. No obligation. VVe give terma. "After We Belt VVe Serve." F. W. PETTYJOHN CO. tK X. Commercial fct Phone 1260. 79j2tf HERE ARE REAL CAR VALUE3 Late 1924 Kord touring. Twwtre Roadster in fine shape. 1924 Gardner touring itt'A-1 condition. 1932 Gardner touring, a real good buy BURDETTE-ALBEH MOTOR uu. 217 State. Phono 1414 n.nln.r riintribntora for Oregon. . -79jnf Notice Our axed ear 'department i now locat ed upstairs over our. shop. Wo have 25 used car oa hand at th present time and we are crowded for room. '' . , . ' We are offering these guaranteed Ford v cars at real bargain pricee. Come in ' ' and look them over. . . Valley Motor Company 20 N. High. Phono 1995 ; IKjlll GOOD USED PARTS FOR HALF OR les. -Why -pay mora I jsoney oaca guarantee. Seheelar Aato Wrecking Co. Look for ' the orange front. Day nhene 819. Night phone 503. 1085 V ramnarrlll St. "Buill tO money." 79 j!3tf ' Elker's New shipment of Fords including all models: Roadsters, touringa aad coupe from $50 up. Eiker Auto Co. Our anl. guarantee behind all rr T.iK.rt Ktreel at Ferrv. Phone 121 7j1f FIX.XCE PIAN LIE SEATTLE, July 7. Develop ment of a market for the electric energy to be produced by the Priest Rapids hydroelectric plant will be followed by easy financing for the project, Sidney A. Mitchell president of the Electric Bond ft Share company of New York, said in an Interview here tonight. (AO tighU protected by The Ceorge lUthews Adams 32 . CxRr - CLASSIFIED Of IUUabla Buxiaea t AMBTJLAMCE GOLDEN AMBIT LANCE PHONES $09 I CAPITAL CITY LAUNDRY Phoao 1S. aad doS-H. , Day or Bight ervic. fldif AUCTZOKEERS F. J. WOODRY Expert Livestock, furaituro. real estate AUCTION ECK Re. 110 N. Bummer Phoao 311 fori solo dates.. Phone 75 , - WOODRY ft WOODRY Expert Livestock. Furniture, Ural Estate and Merchandise AUCTION EEKS See Ua Before Listing. Satisfaction Guaranteed. WOODRY ft WOODRY, 399 Mission. O. SATTERLEE lnrtUiBMnBr laT Voeth Hirh itnaL Phone 1193 or I 1211 J. jbo ifii ACCOTJKTANT O. ED. ROSS. ACCOUNTANT AND Aud itor, 831 BUto. raoae xoott. BATTERY AMD ELECT Id AN S iiiDTflw axmrTBAWERTrfs d Commercial. FkB 19$ 'COURT ST. JOE WnXIAM8 BICTCXES AMD REFAIRIKa LLOYD E. RAM8DEN DAYTON BICY- clea aad repairing, 387 Court. BRAKE KXLXKIXQ RAYBEMTOS BRAKE 8TATION 273 Sonte Commen-iat St. Phone 102. 8tf CHINE SB REMEDY L. L. DICK L. M..HCM ., ' Chinese Medicine Company Help any kaewa disease. t.20-42 State. -30tf CHTROFEACTOR Dr. O. L. SCOTT, PSC. CHIROPRACTOR. I Temuorary address, 1360 So. Liberty. I Phone SJaVR. H. B. SCOFIELD PALMER CHIROPRAC- tor. 32a Oregon Hldg. Phoae ,:t4. mMt SRESSMAJOVa PRINTED CARDS SIZE 14" BY 7Vt" wording, "Dressmakiag;" price 10 1 ceota each, Statesmaa Buainea Office, Ground floor. MRS. C. E. MILLER. HEM8TITCHINO. stamping, button. Room 10, aver Mil ler' Store. Phono 117. ELECTRICIAMS SALEM ELECTRIC CO. MASONIC building. Fhon 1200. ELECTRIC FIXTURES AND SUPPLY Co, Phono 1934. 223 M. liberty. F L E E N E R) ELECTRIO CO. House wiring by hour or eoatracx. r.a timatea furnished. Phono 880471 Court St. - FARM PATER IT YOU WANT TO GET THE BEST farm paper end 15 to th Pacific Homestead, Salam. Oregon, tor a three .. aaoatha trial subsoriptioa. Mention ,thi ad. POULTRY MEN SEND EIGHT TWO cent stamps for special three mo arts' trial for the best aad oldest journal ia ik. nkt The article aad advertiee- , meata are .of speeial interest to th I aoultrv breeders i of the Northwest. Northwest Poultry Journal. -211 Coo mercial atreeL Salem. Oregoa. riVAXtCXAX. fm Slt.F. FIRST AND SECO.rD Mort gagee. Trust Deed. Contracts an kouses Will net ST to BECKS HENDRICKS - U. 8. Kt'l Bank Jltf FARM LOANS PLENTY OF MONEY to loan on good: farm security. CITY LOANS We ar loaning Pre dential lnaurane Company moaey oa eity residences and business property, at 5'j, plus a commission. Hawkins h Roberts, inc., zoo vregoa uuiiums d i4tt Farm Loans ANDERSON k RUPERT 4 OS Ureroa Building FLORISTS nrrr rinwKRS WEDD1NO BOUQUETS fnnaral vrreaia. Becerauene. w. Breithaupt, florist, 12 H. Liberty. Ph. 3 HO. ' TTTXXRAX. DIRECTORS SALEM MORTUARY, FUNERAL DIREC- tor. 210 Center. Phone 1658. HXMSTrrCHXXG aiiril ELITE HEMSTITUHIJH pleating, button, stamping ana ! work: zw uregow cm. rnnne qi. IRSUXAjrCE Insure Tear homo ar ear sow Phoao 181 BECKE HENDRICKS U. S. Baefc Bldg. KNITTING WOOL GOLF HOSE CHILDREN'S port boa, knit to order. Hand knit- tinr. Phone 177J. j21-tf LAU1TDRIES 8ALEM LAUNDRY COMPANY 816 S, Liberty street. Phooe 23, oldest larg est and best. Established 1889. TRV mr HOUK WET WA81I LAUN- dry. Phoao 171. 1350 B street, jiiw r3ervlce Trade Urk Iteastered TJ, LOTTA TALENT My EAJ0OD, I ODNPCffi. USEDT)T5j3iE ftKD I VffVNjTfeDTb KNOW UAS 5cC. n" I SCOM ViNDeST&OD ."THAT HEP WCcSD WAS OP OCO VJHSN I TCAJKD TriAT SHE-O GoTA SMIN(?LE CtoR. ART HOKUM - g M AM WHO WORKS iVaTi . . . . ALU , AOrO EACH MUST MSVXLft "ff f OAU 13 DRadOe. APT HOKUM,. VWOU 3CKC'trH Cft StK EM C(2 HAr4EM A KEGAfkCN2 bbb. IViU'U Sio. 3A Y&2T2fiS b, BUSINESS DIRECTORY and Professloiral Finns Arnore! la Alphabetic Order for Quick Reference LATJNSKICS Service with a ami I a. Qeality work. lt4 BrMdway. I-14tf LADIES TAXLORISa D. H. MOSHER TAILOR FOR MEN and womea. 474 Court St. MATTRESSES Capitol City Beddlag Co, 1190 North I CapitoL Called for aad delivered. All work guaraateed. Phoao 19. I19tf .. MEDICAL MOUNTAIN BALM COUGH REMEDY Phone 517-W. MUSIC STOKES 8HERMAN CLAT CO- PIANOS Steiawaya. Duo-Art and other. Moore Maaie Hoaso. 41 court street. GEO. 0. WILL PIAN08. PHOSO- grapha, aewing machines, sheet music, sod piaao studies. Repairiag phoao graph sad aawing maehiB. 432 SU atreet, Salem. trade YOUR old PIANO for a new pTe,7kk.- U SU" rtrui tore Co. Mnste Dept. KTJXSERT STOCK FRUIT. NUT AND SHADE TREE: Pearcy Bre.. 27 Wtate. FACXIXa AND SHXFFIXa F0.nd"rppK.FcrIK Pi?r. Store. Phone 94 1. FAPERHAMQINO AND FAIKTINO PltONK GLENN ADAMS lOR HOUSE decora tiag. paper hanging, tinting, etc Reliable workmaa. PIAJIO TUNERS EDWARD WELP EXPERIENCED PI- o tuaer. Leave ordera Will Maaic FLUMBINa PLUMBING AND CESEKAI REPAIR work. r.K.. Kr... lil I.iWl St I Phono 550. f-istf I RADIO Sl'LlTDORF RADIO. SALES AND SERVICE No better radio made at say pric QTTAXZTT CARS High and Trad H3tf RADIO DOCTORS 8 A LEM ELECT RIO CO. F. 8. BARTON. Proprietor Masonie Temple Phone 1200 Radiolas For Every Purpos Every Para All Standard Sis at Radio Tabes HALiK XOiF ELECTRIC SHOP 837 Court St. fhone REAL ESTATE If you hsve property to sell or if you are looking for a home, farm or buai rie. property see ua. t ii w-vrinmrQ . V s National Hank Buiidm. itr U'-'-nr . ..... . RSrAIRTNO ALVIN B. 8TEWART 847 Court St. Umbrellas. Cutlery aad Key Lawamowers, raior-bladea, scissors. , knives aad tools sharpeaed SCAVENGERS SOOS SCAVENGER 8ERVICB OA - by the month. Reasonable rate. Cee k... ..l,. ! all kin da ramoveo 7 i J , . ..:.. -?vV,Ve."icV 25S. SECOND HAND GOODS wanted everything IN cloth- tsasm Caaa : a aOtml iiWMa) OVU1U VT B. SUV lai W Hs'i'char, MSE?LJS.lmvontnt of London', hostesses phone i368-w. STOVES AMD STOVE REPAIRING S-mvrs REBUILT AND REPAIRKI An veara' exneriance. Depot Aational oil and varaiahe. etc.'logaBberry aad hon hooka. Salem Feaco aad Move I Works. 20 Court street. Phone 124. STORAGE It WE STORE YOUR HOUSEHOLD Good or anything yoa hav. by th week. month or year. ST. JS. Llbertv end Ferry. Phone 121. d-14tf TRANSPORTATION . , ' v , VACATION DAYS ARE ' HEREIN That meane trip to the beaeaea. The Parker Stage Liaea offer thre round trip daily to Tillamook aad nearby beachea. Daily service from Tillamook to Bay City, Garibaldi, Saltair, Rockaway. Lake Lytic, Mea battaa. Nekalem. aad Seaaido. Stagea leave Salem, at 7:35 a. nu, 1:10 p. m and 5:10 p. m. OTHER PARKER STAGE 8ERVICR Silvertou: 7 a. m-. 11. m 5 p. aa. Mt. Angel: 11 a. m- 5 p. m. Independence: 7 a. m, 9 a m 11:13 a. m.. 3:10 p. m.. 3:13 p. m. Sua-" day only 8:30 p. m. Monmouth: 7 . au, 11:15 a. m 8:10 p. m 5:15 p. m. Suadays oalj 8:30 p. m. . Dallas: 7 a. m.. 7:55 a. m.. a. m 11:J5 a. m 1:10 p. m 2:10 p. au - and 5:13 p. FaUs C,ty: 1 a- 2tio 9. m, a:. -- a" - S. rates t Office) VJHEAJ TO COV.P1ETE. THE UST Vf ARC rPCATlNG-TrwSCWS 3Y A. SA1TTA RALPH MeXNCER ; i n hi ri us r&TF vrtftt AM Etexfil. v - , tr-gae. - HE'S AN AObft Or VPffTS AKSDHlS NUXAlNOVS ARX7 MAKE THE. NEOMrS CRVomT W FKl- . TRAJfSFEX AMD BATXUMO WK MOVE. 8 TURK AND SHIP HOUSE bold good. Oar apeeieity ia piaao and I w." k'sadutWauT, "rssi RnlW claims that a. sixpence wood. ?U oa aa for price. Wo give 1 from the pocket of eveijr English good aaeaeur. good quality ad good I nun anent In scientific research. rannre atoviag. wo an bus ms service. Larmer Traaafor O. Phoao MO-lw.l, ,-! tn new mdLral knowl TKAN9KER and HAULING OF ALL I kinds. Phase 19F3. - I CAPITAL CITY TRANSFER CO. 22 I ' Slate St. Pbob 93. DiatHbatiag. for- I Tne SCieniVM tn'.HES mat . IBs wardiag aad traf war spacUity. 0t I allotted span of three sco re yearn our rate. It nhnnlrl find man In the WATJt I SALEM WATER. LIGHT ft POWER CO. I Offieo 304 Sooth Commercial St. Tea I " per coat diacouat aa domeati flat I rate paid ia advaac. Mo dedaetioa I for baeac r aay ra aaioM i ta shet off yoar premises. I "Mwimwwiiialllir IXC Ol V IUU sua j im iuukwi. M'Miltan to Radio His Progress in Arctic Zone CHICAGO Radio message from the Arctic region hare been t i Arctic region have been brousht to cWilization but not yet . When the Mac- Millan-Navy expedition's transmit- ting etations are set up. one with- hM Jugt tan.. the speaker con in eleven degrees of the North tinued. Nowadays the equivalent Pole, it Is the ambition of Eugene 0f one penny a head U being spent P. McDonald. Jr.. chief of rsdlo In Rritaln for raarch and he with the party, to give listeners-in a native tsgimos' program as wen sixpence; a aa wuuiu waae iut as have the voice describe what monkey gland useless, the expedition Is seeing and doing. A scientist of the Pasteur Insti ll was an undertaking in which ltt pari h predicted that in there was not too much confidence JJ! l because it had never been done Mechnlkoff. the Russian sclent t. and only limited observations nas made the same prophecy. could be made last Y8r wVbCll I ThotA lvcidinm nf a ftiMira Tfia faf Pajo wa9 fjrst tried ,a Ue ArctJc j r rom mat experience, noxwr.iinrouxn idc agency or tne renearrn and since low wav length equip-J laboratory, In Sir Konald'a opln ment has been hirhlv detreloned I ion. -Hivv..., v.. - vbuvt w. voice ' transmitting was consider ably Increased. As all transmitting from the expedition will be on low wave. which the standard radio set is I incapable of picking up, should I the voice come back station WMAZ porta nt medical problems. The at Chicago will lift It and rebroad- Pasteui-einstltute Is seeking to? de cast on a higher wave length eo tr0T cancer and tuberculosis and everyone can hear. Either of the the Ross Institute in London H polar broadcasting stations are 'r lb eradicaUon ot equipped to send on a wave as low as one metre. "to see research laboratories 1 all Special arrangements were made iarge cities of the world, finaheed for distribution of the news dis- by the state or municipality. In patches sent back from the expedi- them the search will be carried on tlon. which first will be received for unseen enemies of the human by the National Geographic family until the last get ra has dU- societr. Features in radio will be appeared. If the medical world handled bv the radio staff sod an- W spend $10,000,000 annually pounced at the Zenith - company here. Kinq of EngIandvAdopts ; American Style in Glasses loxdox conservative English! people are adopting American-1 I i . ... . . I meai ana nao'is to a greater ex tent than the average Englishman cares openly to admit. The most recent case, of King George wear- I ing tortoise shell glassies, bas been followed by several English hos tesses in fashionable London for : towing the example of a prominent American who entertained 60 1 t InnPr at .mall rahl. I - I while a cabaret entertainment of . , . . nature went on. Evening parties with music are now comparatively rare events. I ami., although some, of the more i ara trying to introduce them, tne American idea of a cabaret dinner law a r I e f r r Kaim n fi rl peopi; ' gVneVaTly Vlcm; "the I . ' f sna'awtatw chrnnlc " ' lers say, "What would London do without its American hostesses In these days?" English Spend Yearly Almost Two Billions 'LONDON The cost of social! at Sllverton. Oregon, byahe Gen services in England is about $3. 000.000 a day. said William Gra ham, financial secretary to theleral. Chief of . Staff, addressed in treasury in the Labor government. addressing a meeting of local gov-1 & McClaln Bank. Sllverton. Ore ernment officers. . . Igon, until 1 o'clock P. July 1. Referring to the financlaf posi-1 isiz, tor the furnishing of all Hon of local authorities in reia-i!abor an(u materials for the erec tlon&hlp to state finance, he "aid I tlon of a two-story and basement $800,000,000 was raised annually Xpmor nnildln at Slerton. Ore- from local taxes, which was double th samount "jsed . I ti "14. addition $1,000,000,000 of onL! a .I II AAA AAA AAA Brae l filial n; local VntRkrltT. fo b ' - bb , 8epTicea - BV ED WHEELAN iAWrCH lr35e 18 smiLi OMC tV HC1L BE VhCftTH LOTS' AnOIMH annus will go wild ' AftCWf THE DCAFS CMiLD "UMy WtC A MAN CWT 7J RESEARCH WORKERS . " PREDICT MAN WILL LIVE FOR 150 YEARS LONDON. That tb vn of Uf ran b extended to ISA year at the cost of a sixpence) a bead. Is tbe argument of Sir Roland Ross tbe English srientUtt wbos re searches have led to cures fur ma- larU and sleeping aiicknena. Sir edge that would keep germs and old rfl HIT for St least 150 prime of life. Instead of edging hu nedal extremity toward tso - .... rlir.,n-4 .,. V Z . says, oeriuse wc arn iub prry countless germs. Conquer the Re, m;, anj man can easily reach . . , . . . "Eighty years ago. said Sir Ronald In a lecture, "the average life of a (London man was about 34 years 7 months and of a worn- Ian 38 years 4 months. Today tt 63 years monins ana years. Thus medical science in su years bas given us 20 years more, of it. ntt ,hp,flTI, .tamltw asserted that the spending of a Meti,u,elaK. are tO materialise I amwa a a - a ine laooraiory worser m xr next generation, if allowed Toll copev will trace all destructive diseases to their soutce and exter minate them, inetead of combating; them after they have appealed.' sir Ronald said. Already research laboratories are at work on im I d d Enrlil!h a-tentUt. iona. 1"!!"? ''"r'-v.,:!. . f 4 J at AAA AAA t-vi I w UKi IUHU1CM a lUI children would all be centenarian. and at that be ouly pikers to theli pcenerity. - Male Pedestrians Are Responsible. for Safety ZURICH In tha nnlnlon nf a 1 Zurch justice of the peace "motor car drivers must necessarily halt when they approach women,' cattle or hens, for nobody can tell which way they will run, but there Isn't any reason to suspect' that lwol men standing in the middle of the -. road will run In opposite direc tions when a driver sounds his iiuux wucd a u i if rr avuuua ui this reasoning the Judge declined to fine'-a-driver f 0 nlnf- down-a maJe pedeJl. trian.. The evidence showed that two men standing in the road paid no attention when the driver sounded his horn, but when the car tried 1 "em they ran In opposite directions apd the driver explained 1 11 WM Impossible to avoid both Of I Inant - u them. NOTICE TO COXTTtCTOrtS Silverton Armory Building, Sil ver ton. Oregon. Sealed proposals will be received - 1 eral Staff. Oregon National Guard. - 1 George A. White, Adjutant Gen- I care of George A. White, Coolidge conformable with the clan. ILnd gpeciricatrons of the aaitl ' the nrmnarA w ,w cer. 'itt. SOW Miner Ul B"- E"e' 'a- rilal . B. .B-affl . 1 V Plans and specifications max he obtained at the Daily Record Ab-" stract. ' Portland, r Oregrra. - from Capu,B "ttlun at the Posvorflce. h i ici iwu, wi cajuat, u 1 l ui Ultsce of the architect at Eufene. Ore gon. A deposit of $10.0e will be required when the plans are fur nished, which will be returned to the bidder when the plans are re turned. -.- - - . ; -v - A certified check for '2 of the amount of the proposal, made payable to George A. White; Ad jutant General, State of Oregon, . must accompany each' bid: Lids will be received for the :. general contract complete, sep arate bids wni be received for the general contract except plumbing. . ; beating aad electric wiring, andt': separate bids will be received lot- the plumbing, heating and electric wiring. The General Staff, Oregon Na tional Guard, reserves the right to reject. any or all bids. GEORGE. .A. -WHITE. t Adjutant General. 1 . - Jly 8-9-13-11-12 -