The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, July 08, 1925, Page 5, Image 5

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" ' :
" - , i.- - - " 1 $ : - . ' . F. -. ' -- -
Yea wed J think Ke stole
hh used cars when yea
see the prices he puts ca
.Ihtn, and ' you'd . almost
swear they were . new
'ones they lack bo shiny
and run so well.
Ve have the best shirts made the best shirts the best makers
could make from the best shirtings; of :
fham -tJ 4.. r . . ' : ' ... - :-.:. .
The man who needs a shirt will do weil to see these before buying .
The patterns are the newest and tha best of the season.' ' r
G.W. Johk
If (I i)
trip with patients include T. W;
Campbell, Dr. Mary. Purrlne, Andy
Cameron. D. CaTanaugh, -Mrs.
Rue Robs, Mrs. Yates and Cat her
lne Klssame. The Journey is' be-
lnj-made In a special car' vw ;
to eufceed,JnlJa A. Spencei", AM
welfare commission; Dr. is. T.
Sims Conrallis. reappointed mem
ber or 1lTstock sanitary board,
aiid Uli. Joha Vsn Zant, Port
land, to succeed lift T E. A.
Smith, adrlsory board for tot
state industrial school tor (iris.
Chorus Will Meet , ".
The Salem Boys' 'chorus "WtHl
hold its last meeting or the. year
at , the state fair grounds Satnr
day. Sports "will be indulged - In
by those attending, and one of the
features of the occasion will be
"reed." . Awards in the form
of ribbons will be given the win-
ners in the rarious sport erents.
A -purple ribbon being the award
for, the sweepstakes. Dr. Epley
has had charge of the chorus.
Moderately warm in the interior;
gentle northerly winds. Max. 82;
Mln. A) i RiTer falling; Rain
fall ; none; Atmosphere clear;
Wind northwest. , (.
w , .
parts of the United States. 6ev
erai of the Ylsitors are locating in
the district.
Dr, W. Jj. Jlercer. Ostctopathic
'Physician, 404-5 U. S. Bank
Visiting ia Saleml.
. W. E. Francis, who is engaged
in 'the wholesale jewelry business
in : San Francisco, and wire and
spending their vacation in Salem,
visiting old time friends, Mr. and
Mrs. G. C. Sherman.
The Theaters Today
- Oregon Richard ,Dix
-Too Many Kisses."
'. : - '
Grand Patsy Ruth Miller
' in ""The Girl on the Stairs"
Hllgh Era Novak and an
all star cast in "Lure of
the Yukon."
. v
. - .
Dana Rotary Speaker '
: Hobert H. Dann will be the
principal speaker for the Rotary
club at the weekly luncheon today
noon. He will have as bis subject
"An English Yankee in Belfast."
He Is a son-in-law of B. C. Miles,
Smember of the Rotary club. Miss
Eva Miles will be the soloist of the
day.. The program next week will
be in charge of Rev. J. J. Evans.
Returns From Portland
5 Mrs. C. P. f Bishop returned ' to
Salem - last night from Portland
where she has been attending the
Christian . Endeavor . convention
aince Sunday.
'.. .-., w
Dr. Staples Here
. Dr. H. Carpenter Staples, son of
Isaac. E. Staples, is at the Staples
Optical company taking the place
of Dr. 'Bates, who is spending1 his
vacation at Seaside Dr..Staples
Is connected with his father in
the Portland office, which also
keeps Dr. Carl Wonner, formerly
.of Salem, i and,Dr Carl. Hurley
' tuite busy. Dr. Staples was grad
uated from the University of Ore
gon and will be glad . to have his
i friends stop in and say hello."
t Mrs. Staples is with ber husband
J. Bhelley Saarman. M. Di-
Announces the opening of his
new offices on the fourth floor of
the United States Bank building.
Phone 77S and 777. .. , - J20
N. Howe ; and driven -by Floyd
Buckley, figured In a smash at an
intersection in the highway near
St. Paul last night. " Olie Moe was
proceeding along - a byj-road . to
ward the main highway when
Buckley, swung out of the high
way and onto the side road, com
ing upon Moe so . suddenly that it
was impossible to avert a collis
ion. The truck belonging1 to
Howe, 'which was loaded with two
and a half yards of gravel, was
shoved from the road and against
Get Marriage. License
A marriage license (hag been
issued ' at - Vancouver, ' vWash., to
Roy'R. Carver of Wilson Creek
and Marie Doran of Gervais.
Wawles Are Filled
Six'-appointments on various
state boards "were made Tuesday
by Governor Pierce. , These are
the re-appointment of E. G. Hop-
son. Portland, and W. B. Dennis,
Carlton, board of engineering ex
amlners; Johnston Wilson, Port
YAKIMA. Wash.. July 7-HIt
by an automobile truck, woie
Solawn. 10, pioneer ot yaxima
county, died on the way to the
hospital here this afternoon. J.
A.TtoYey of Deer Park; Waslu
was the dfiTer of the truck which
nit Splswn at v the old man was
crosllflr street. --Spiawn naa
never beconir ftconcll, io auio-
mnbUu for Whkh B4 explTd
utter contempt whenever inesuo
pA about them. He wll cnen
seen on street corners shaking his
cant at cassing motorists and
warning them to be careful lest
ther kill a 'oeastrtan.'
He crossed the plains, with his
mother and four brothers In 1j1
and bad been one of the leaders
in the Boise basin gold rush. With
his brothers, who are dead, he
plsyed a prt In the two-gun days
of the Yakima vauey. ;
Dr. Daniel A. PoUng, the son of
Rev. and Mrs. C. C. Poling of the
First Evangelical church of this
city, was elected ta the presidency
of the United Society of Christian
Endeavor, which has been holdinf
Its national convention in Port
land this week. -
. Rev. Daniel Poling Is well
known in Salem, having recently
conducted a revival campaign in
the city, and hating spoken at var
ious occasions during his study in
the city. Rev. Poling is an Ore
gon boy, born at Portland .on No-
Tpmhpr 30. 1X84.- Ha was educat-
ed In the grade schools of Port- DRINKING IS DISCUSSED
land, - and later . attended iauas
school In Seattle, stopped .eft . In
Salem yesterday en route to points
la California. ; ilr' Eell' visited
with C. A. Kella and Robt. Boaf d-
maa of the Salem YMCA while in
the city, both of whom wrre col
lege friends of Mr. Bell
Mrs. Blanche Allen, bookkeeper
and i stenographer at the YMCA.,
is 111 at her home' with a severe at
tack of tonsilttla.
J. j WT Smltb" of Junction City
was .in Salem .Tuesday morning.
Miss Belle Ranney of Conrallis
was a Salem visitor yesterday.
5Irs. .T. S. Cbamberlaln and her
son, Kennetn, ot Jorraius were
Salem visitors yesterday. ;
Mrs. Dr.C B. Wallace of Al
bany was in Salem yesterday.
,;Mrs."9. A. Douglea otAlbany
visited friends Itt Salem yestcr-
Air Route Prosncrcus in v
rCcntirtcnt of Austmla
, PERTH. West Australia Be
tween Perth and Derby, two cities
i,500 miles apart, - wliat is assert
ed to be the longest. regular pai-
senger air service in the., world
is operated by ihe Western Auat-'
ralla .Airways. Limited.
' There-are six intermediate call
ing" points, and a weekly -schoduK
Is maintained. The service; w'rfi
is well patronized, baa the out
standing advantage of haiai.-
nelther railroads nqr Jast. niiil v
steamers with which' to -compete,
and - has . flourished almost .from
the. "time'. 'of its Inauguration.
Western Australia is; one of the'
most thinly populated whitCjCOTia
tries fa Ihe' world 1, . . - J
,' .'
college at Dallas. While in col
lege he was an athlete of real abil
ity and an, orator of great power,
winning the state oratorical con
test In 1903.
NEW YORK. July 7. (By the
I Associated Press.) -A gift of ap
proximately a quarter million dol
lars to be used In finding a way
to , take the profit out of war
Baruch of New
iuo -nBvuiH mt. ru.i w 1 ZTZy A mchool of -internaUoual relations
is me pastor or uarnie coiiegiate i ariaaing is preraieut muB u.Ri fri,a - v, ow. n
church in New York City, the old- school students. Mrs. Anna May was on L?"h
est Protestant church in North Griggs of Arliona, representative i ML
I . m a f mm a m -BM-ak v fAM n V 1 w uokvva va iuv "-
America, from the sUndpoint or me wymg -qu-u.uu ----- . nrnnneA research-' carries
continued religious service. The tion. told tne state i law . . . eorof General Persh-
. M-hl inr and is to be directed not only
. ... (n.AmM.fl nlin war time as a measure ot na-
VvUviUf CI t CpVI IB ,Ub ivaBi a aw I w j AHA tr ft
among young people, she declared. w - .
..nfiJr. nrooaaan- noe f war.. , -
dists with seeking to magnify, the
prevalence ot drinking since the
passage of the eighteenth amend-
church was established in 152S.
Many figures of national repute
have filled the pulpit of the church
In years past,' among them ''being
Peter Stuyvesant, famous Dutch
figure of colonial times, and Theo
dore Roosevelt, of ' recent political
fame. . ' . ' . : '
Dr. Poling takes the -place of
Dr. Frances E. Clark, of Boston as
land, to succeed Alva Lee Steph-
k telephone pole. , doing serious . Mary ; Bullock, Portland,
the president of the national or
ganization. . Dr. ciark founded GOULD SUM IS INCREASED
United Society of Curlstian En- wuuuu . w
deavor and has been its head for ADDITIONAL ALLOWANCE IS
damage to the truck and bruising
the driver badly. . ; The Yamhill
county truck, which was : empty.
received no serious damage. s The
blame for the accident- has not
been placed on either driver.
Author Visits Salem .
xtupert Becawitn Groves, au
thor ot' "A History ot the Con
stitution" and "History and , Eti
quette of Our Flag," was in Salem
Tuesday. Mr. Groves Is instruc
tor in general civics and constitu
tional history in the night school
for naturalization classes in' Port
land. He is identiried with the
. Ratcllffe
At ' the . residence,. 1459 Lee
street on July 5, Mary A. Ratclirfe
died at the age of 24 years. She
was the wife of Robey S. ' Rat
cllffe, daughter ot Mrs. Nellie E.
Swartz. sister of Ralph, Frank and
VirgU Swarts. all of Topeka. Kan.
Funeral services will, be - held
Thursday morning at 10, o'clock
from RIgdon's with Interment In
City View cemetery. ;
Ball Is Forfeited -
The following forfeited ball in
police) court yesterday for failure
to appear as cited: - Jack Taylor.
110. arrested for drunkenness; E.
una t 15, drunkenness; O. D.
Christofferaon, $10. arrested ror
speeding; H. E. -Molsan, $10, ar
rested for speedinr. "
Baker . -: , ',
Mrs. Rebecca Jane Baker died
Americanization Society as direc-lat her residence, 990 Oak street.
tor. Just now he is trying to get I Monday, July 6, at the age of 7
one hundred thousand persons -to I years. Survived by two daughters
read AX HIstorv of the t!onirtitn- l Mrs. John Benaren and Miss Laella
tlon.'V In this -connection he is I Baker of Salem; six grandchildren
visiting employers of some of the I ad two igreat grandchildren. The
ndustries and interesting them in remains will lieMn sUte at Webb's
Ulg Midsummer Rngt ' ;l
; And furniture sale " Thursday,
July 9. to Wednesday, July 15 6
days. Chambers & Chambers. 38
Divorce Is Asked - -.
arah Lutz has filed suit for di
vorce' la clrcnit tourt:herer alleg
ing cruel and Inhuman treatment.
: They were, married in Dallas' in
1-919:' MrsVLhtiTdeclares that her
husband attacked her and twisted
her arm, and states that she was
in fear of her JUel i AVIivisiba of
the property ft asked,.. -
f 1 ' ..-I ;'-r I i
: 3et Balldlns; Permits
I The Salem "Brick it Tile com
pady was given a .permit yester
day to erect a clay and brick shed
at the S. P. tracks and the Tile
s road, at . an estimated cost ot
! ,93,000; A. Gassman. to erect a
' dwelling at 22 IS Virginia, at a
cost ot $2,000; to WrTibbeCtd
erect a dwelling at 1095 South
Thirteenth at an approximate cost
of $500, and to W. D. DeVaul, to
erect a dwelling at 2440 State, at
an estimated cost of $2800.
Reckless Driving Charged '
Walter Simpson of Salem was
arrested yesterday by Officer Hick
man tor reckless driving:
Speeder Is Nabbed
Ted Schanks of 5 4 9" North Lib
erty was arrested Monday night by
orricer Edwards' on a charge of
speeding at the rate of 28 miles
an hour on; Superior street.' He
was cited to appear yesterday for
hearing, but failed. -
Department ' Called -' ). " r'
The fire department was called
to extinguish a tire in a residence
at 840 Trade last night. No serl
ous damage was done to the build
lng.. The fire was said to have
been caused by defective wiring.
Saddle Horses . !
For hire. C. L. Reed. Barn No.
2, Fairgrounds. , jio
giving out booklets to their em
ployes. He addressed the Kiwanls
club at their luncheon, at noon.
funeral parlors Wednesday until
p. m. Funeral services will be
held Thursday at 11 a. m. at the
Portland crematorium.
Postal Receipts Gal
A report of the financial re
ceipts at the Salem postofflce for
tne rirst Jialf or the year show that
f9t.936.82 was received. The re
ceipts for the second quarter or
tnis period show a larger, total
than that ror the some months in
any preceding year. The total for
this period is $51.978.40. The re
cent raise In, postal rates la held
big factor in this Increase of
CI. T . . t a V-
And furniture sale. Thnrsdar.
. '
rfuiy e to Wednesday. July 15
cnamners c Chambers. ' - " J9
Names Dance Pavilion
.. : Mrs. Alva V, Henderson of Che-
mawa Is the winner of a $10
prize ouered by . the owners of
the new dance pavilion' on the
west end of the Marlon-Polk conn-
ty bridge for the best name for
their pavilion. The winning name
is "Mellow Moon Pavilion. : The
name was selected because of its
appropriateness In connection with
the varied coloring effect used in
the lighting system .of the ; pavil
ion. . . .
J. Shelley Saurmav,M D
Announces the, opening of his
newrofftces on the fourth floor of
the United States Bank building.
-n t , .vv.:i,.'-;VaV.V-v-'V-V'.-' 39
Jay Smith and Son Her
Jay C. Smith and son, Rowland, i Play Tie Match
arrived .in Salem shortly after I i In a play for the " Pomeroy
noon yesterday. Tney crossed thei
yaHejo ferry from Oakland.: CaL,
at 20 minutes to 3 o'clock on
Sunday and made the distance to
Salem at stated, ; Mr. Smith is
cashier of the great Olympic club
of San Francisco. The son r Row
land, is named for his grandfath
er. Dr. L.L. Rowland, onee sup
erintendent of the Oregon asylum
for the. Insane and a prominent
physician of. Salem for many years.
Rowland's mother was Leyia Row-
KlwaniansTake Vacatio
The' Tuesdav' noon luncheon ot I land before b fir mirHaM In
a S . Tr i 1 .t .11 Ikj. 1iat amaI m - lit. - - m .
.- n niwuu ciHB i u iat uuo i omua,- wno was men one ot
? this .month the next to be held 1 thi best known Wnnnsr bimtnAtra
lb first Tuesday in August, ue-imen of Salem. Mrs. Allan BelTIn-
.dglnnlngMn September the lunch-t ter ot Scotts Mills Is a dauehter
eons win be given every Tuesday i f Mr. Smith, and the visitors were
nnn Tn nAAHinn to tflM ttrlneinal I hnrrvln w llim..e)i TTTn .V
.' . apeaker.'Herbert Beckwlth Groves Smith," An especial attraction for
of Portland," and author of several jirf 'Smith, is a grandchild, whose
books on Americanization., The! arrival at the Scotts Mills home
club was favored with several vdr I was not so very long ago. The
jeal selections by Mr, Muston. ac- J visitors will remain in Oregon
compauied by,. Kenneth Mcgori about three weeks.
mlck, -
Tracks in Coliionv
TwftinirVn nun nwneri Itv Vam.
, - .; The Riverside Auto camp m I bill -county, and driven, by Olie
Aioe, . ana tne otner owned by I
Ato Camp Is Eusy-
1 The Riverside Auto Camp in
West Salem. Is busy these days
and getting, its full share cot the
tourist traffic, according to WV P.
Lewis, owner. The., campground
has been equipped as to make it
rank with ti a finest ia the county.
Saturday as the banner day
since the grounds were open. Six
ty, automobiles were registered
Keene cup. Mrs. H. HOlihger and
Mrs. o. c. . Locke v played a tie
match at the Illlhee Country club
yesterday. A special feature of
the ladies' day, to . be held today
on the local course, will be a putt
ing contest. Bridge and mah long
wUl jbe played la the club house
during the day It It is too hot for
playing golf.. .
At , a local . hospital, Tuesday
July 7. George M. Zieleneki died
at the age of 41 years; Beloved
husband of Anna E. Zielehskl. He
Is also survived by one son. Don
ald of this city, seven brothers
Joseph, Bert, Bliss. Charles, Mar
tin. Edward and Paul of Salem
four sisters, Gertrude Domagalla
Agnes Feilen, Cecilia A. Feilen of
Salem and Rose Cairo ot Portland
Funeral services will be held from
St. Joseph church Thursday morn
Ing, July 9 at 9 a.m. Interment
will be in the St. Barbara ceme
tery, with Rev. J. R. Buck in
charge.'.: Prayers will be offered
this evening at 7:30 p.m. at the
chapel ot the Salem mortuary. Re
mains are 'at the chapel of the Sa
lem mortuary., :
r Jackson '-"
Maria Elizabeth Jackson died
Tuesday, July 7, at her former res
idence at 1815 Fairgrounds road.
at the age of 80 years. She is sur
vived by two sons, E. D. Jackson,
ot this city; and Charles J., ot Col
orado; one sister, Mrs. Millie Glbbs
ot Nebraska, and one brother, E,
D. Davis, of Illinois. Funeral ser
vices will be conducted from the
chapel of the Salem mortuary on
Thursday, July 9, at 2:30. later
ment will be in the Lee Mission
cemetery. Rev.; R. .' Glasgow will
officiate. . ' v' i
40 years.
Judge. Guy C. H. Corliss, who
defended the fund. In the original
litigation, is allowed the full fee
ot $25,900 claimed by hha from
the fund, according to an opinion
nanded down by tne supreme
court Tuesday. The opinion,, by
Justice O. P. Coshow. modifies the
decree of- Judge H. H. Belt sitting
in the Multnomah county court in
the case of the heirs of the late
E. Henry Wemme against the ap-
NEWARK, N. J., "July 7. An
additional allowance of $10,000 a
year income to the seven children
ot the late George J. Gould by his
first wife, Mrs. Edith KIngdon
Gould, was granted by vice chan
cellor Backes today, when he con
sidered his refusal in the same
suit last week. This latest de
cision Includes three children by
Gould's second wife, Mrs.. Guine
vere Gould.
The vice chancellor also signed
decrees in accordance .with ami
cable settlement of four chancery
litigations having: to do mainly
with affairs of the Gould estate.
the settlement being arranged at-
; ,;..V. : ' .-;
Powder and. Supply Co.
Patau as TantUBM :
ITS tooth Cow trial n
Takes; the Burn Out
6f 'Sunburn I
.RAPommended' for :, tne '. treat
ment of sunburn, wjnduurn, un
and freckles. s . ': ' '
Take a bottle with you on jtour
vacation. ; .- . .- t .
This lotion can also be used for
ordinary burns, abrasions an J
chafing. V -. ;
Perry Drug Store
' 115 South Commercial
-: Salem, Oregon .
(Wemme endowment 'fund and the
nnw trnatan of thm tnnA
The ' opinion refuses to allow
the new trustees to repudiate the
sale. of the. so-called "Clackamas
property" to the Salvation Army,
which is held to be no party to
the litigation, holding that the
court cannot divert the title of
the Salvation Army to the White
Shield home without giving It an
opportunity to be heard.
An opinion by Justice John L.
Rand affirmed Judge J. W. Ham
ilton -of the Jackson county court
in the case of Frank S. Miller,
appellant, igalnst the - Medford
National bank and others, a suit
to enforce an alleged gift.
William Bell. . physical educa
tion director at' Lincoln; high
' A' good cfop ot peaches is look
d for by local growers this sea-
6n according to reports from ulf
ferent sections of the valley:'; The
leaf curl which seemed to be some
what prevalent throughout the
valley at the first of .the season.
seems to be well in hanHiyw.and
' . , .' . it. .
prpoaoiy nas not aamagea v
tmit tn aneaV nf .- . , .
Canneries do hot can peaches' in
this section of the valley, and the
peach crop depends therefore upon
local housewives for consumption
Indications are that the crop how
ever, will find a ready and good
market. .'- :t ' ; -
The peach crop seems to be a
little earlier than 'usual this year,
the Crawfords probably hitting the
market about July 25.
- !
Will stop that cough.
:; It is the best and most
reconomical cough rem
edy made. . - "
Try It Once! V,
YouTl always use itt1
W. R.
Summer is the Time, to Get
Let Us Estimate On-,
Your Nat Job -
TrUl Will Con
vince You ,
; . . .- -
J. H.
T ' TCh Yellow Vront
135 North Coxamerdal
U Phone 197 w
Thm Pevlar Store
ate. y
Tonight and Tomorrow , Night. ,7; p. m.
WoodryY New Auction Llarlict .
Corner North Summer and Norway, opposite his res
idence. Groceries," Dry Goods, Furniture,' TooU;
Ranges, Congokum Rugs, Automobiles and other
i merchandise. Terms Cash.; (:'. j: : tt - f ;
F. tl. WOODRY, AuDtlorieGr ' '
Residence 1610 North Summer Street, Phone 511, .
, . - . - . -. .
Note Woodry Pays Cash for Furniture
Elks Get Yonr-J.
Uniforms at '.Bishop's and re
port for, drill In uniforms Thurs-
Chambers it Chambers. . J8
Patients Sent II
The Oregon state hospital sent
16 patients to New York yester
day, where they will be distributed
among different 1 Institutions and
In ' some- cases, returned - to their
own families. .Thbse making the
Caa Francisco, one way, f 15X0
Konnd Trf?,- f -Los
Are"es, one way, CC7X5
Roa.l Trl, C3.C3 "
Crsclsl rates to Parties et
- ' H'.ztx or Ilora
Tcr TzlzTzzzilon asi n?ssrva
t'.:n rt?ss 638, xr caa at
Vli - jaJa.ji amm
. .. Slattingly H
. Funeral services for Mrs, 1
mlra E. Mattingly will be froci
the Terwilliger Home this" morn
ing at 10 o'clock. Rev. Ward will
officiate. The Women's 'Relief
Corps and friends are invited to
attend. The remains will be for
warded to Ashland for interment.
V. Judge Gary. says that f the man-
afacturers.are toovtimld.M Cer
tainly there hi nothing timid about
the' prices which they ask for their
Woodry z W oodry
Pays Cash for Furniture
Phone 75'
SteSjC-, W
Electric Cafe
LADD & BUSH, Oarihcra
G0m mm m, VSHRSi y - W m 4
Following in the footsteps
kV of his father
Dr. IL Carp en t er Staples
is at the store of The
; Staples Optical Cora-;
pany taking the place
of Dr. Bates, -who is
t on his "vacation this
;f Dr. IL Carpenter Staples practices regularly with his father in tbc Portland ttore.
"' It will please him to meet the customers and iriends cl the optical tusinesi. The stnre
5 in Portland keeps Dr. Carl Hurley, Dr. Carl Wonmcr and Dr. II. Carpenter i.'ic.r'.: t '
a very, great deal of the" time. They are all interested in the Staples Optical Ccz:r-"J.
and from time to time "vriU visit and help with the' Salem Store.- "
To my personal friendsr I ata. the father of this Dr. Staples jou have -.t : t Ii 3 r 1' j
week;'po in, look the son over and give hiia the LanJ. ' I will say for Liu t! :.t 1 , 1. ... ;
hii business and will attend to ycur y.ints ia a gcntlci- J wr:.
- .. i'-i'i t; , ; ISAAC I. LTAT'j 7.
daring tte day, nauy frcn ctier