The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, July 08, 1925, Page 2, Image 2

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. ' . . . iiu .ii i.i a i r ..a . rt . :m . . , . i i u . . ; . . .. m
- , . . - I, -i ,i . - - - ' " 7T -
I . 4
cu.v:.?io:is-' defeated
Salt air evidently has a disas
trous effect upon the dexterity of
Roy Doha nnan and Ben S. Perlleh,
ho claim distinction as pitchers
of the horses.' footwear, ,
V The two men spent the Fourth
at NewskowInC 1 Ro did Frank A.
Mlnto, chief of police, and Ralph
Thompson.' fin 'the coarse, of the
day the two horseshoe teasers of
local . fame challenged the chief
and Thompson.. ; ":,,. , . ,
, i Thej challenge was accepted, and
! the greater portion of the day was
! spent in Jhe famous outdoor sport.
Jlohannan and PerMchmanaged to
ln hut one contest. . , ., ,
Now Chief Minto and Thompson
are seeking more
sport., f ' V-t-'-
honor. in the
Spends . Half Life With Team:
His Arm Still Holds Cunning
At, a meeting of the managers
of the tems In the various city
leagues last night, it.yas decided
to hold the championship series
between the Papermlll nine and
the 'Eagles next, week; the first
game, to be played Tuesday night.
A' three game series for the
championship will be played; each
tama to be four. Inning In .length
unless ench team wins a game and
then the third: game will be & sev
en inning contest.
Eligibility list were gone over
at the meeting and the personnel
of te two teams checked.
Umpires for the. series will - be
llrfrtoe and Cnet; Laird, with a
third to be announced later.
' i i WORK OF f! TO 3
. .. it,.,
iii - ' ii
I lllll B ! I II T II II Mil m III 111 hi i llll MSM
From April IS to June 29 with-J
cut a defeat. That is the. remark
able pitching, record of Sammy
Cray rookie pitching ace of Con
nie Mack's surprising Athletics.
Now1 wait! ... ' . ' '?"; '
You'll sayj, of course, that an
injury' which kept him; out of the
game a few weeks helped him to
continue that long with a clean
record. But consider! this: ' He
had won eight straight games be
fore he was forced out of the
game. And recent records lanea
to give several veteran. hurlerB. of
much greater reputations as many
victories over the same length of
time, with no time out for Injur
ies or illness. When Gray return
ed he won another game before
the onplunglng Washington team
defeated him. . - . .
That boy has-a -record of which
he may -well be prond.
That defeat dropped to" a rie-
temporarlly, at least with one
other, pitcher for the honor of
leading the league In percentage
of games won. That man was not
a rookie, but an aged vet, one of
the two or three spitball pitchers
remaining in baseball Stanley
Coveleskie. " ' . i ,
Which shows, after all, that
youth and age sometimes do not
enter it at all that skill is a mat
ter of brain and courage.
from the other national league
clubs. ,
The other day Gibson sent to
the-Cub. fold one Art. Jahn, out
fielder and slugger of the Flint
club of the Michigan-uniario
league. After first appearances
considered. Mr. Jahn seems to be
a likely looking prospect, u he
doesn't prove to be ready tor im
mediate use. ' '
Jahn has had but two years ex
perience, pro ball. . His bitting
has - been remarkable, even in a
minor circuit.- He hit for a, .385
average tip to his, departure, from
Flint and had collected 23 extra
base hits, eight good for home
runs. 10 for triples and 10 for
doubles. - .. ."-.-:. t . , . .:
Georges Carpentier ; Is being
urged to come to the United States
once more to meet Tonng Stribling
In the south. If Georges is 'wise
hell demand a referee who guess
es only once and ah' agreement
that all the home boys leave their
guns outside,- -. j . ,
The Cub -bosses believe that
George Gibson,' ex-big league
pilot and catcher,' has already be
gun o' deliver the ivory that he
was sent out to collect when the
Cnbs began to grow gaunt and run ence lessons,
Bryan Lays Stumbling Blocks fot Scopes Dcfcnc,
The Cardinals and one or two
other big league clubs are bidding
for George Roehler. star pitcher.
of the. . Oakland Pacific coast
league club. The fact that he was
once with the Pirates and Tigers
isn't held against him. .
The' other day the , Boston , Red
Sox decided to break a losing
streak after going through nine
games without tasting Mctory.
And who do you think they picked
on the Yankees! 'J ,
Which is as it should be. after
all. in' the minds of the Red Sox
fans. While Harry Jlrazee owned
the Hub team and was under ob
ligation to the Yankee pilots, the
Boston outfit served as a farm
for what New York couldn't use in
the way of ball players.'
A movement is spreading on the
part of golf clubs to limit the
tournament activities of thelf pnv
fes8ionaIsto a certain number of
days or weeks a yeaT. TIs said
that those who pay 'the clubt'dues
are getting tired of correspond
In a game devoid of features
the' Papermakers defeated 1 the
PEP aggregation 7 to 3Mn a Sun
down Icagtie gme last night. This
is the last game of the season tor
the- league. Two of the PEPS
three runs were made by Ellis.
" Catteries for the game were
Rla'nkenberg I and Wilkinson, for
the' Papermakers and Seamster
andf Travis for the PEPs.
j The Grotto and Valley Motor
teams clash tonight. In an earner
game the Grotto ' defeated' the
Mechanics, who are lusting for re
venge.; Pope favors the Mechanics
for'the return contest.,. . . V
At the close of this season Walter Johnson will have riven half
his life to baseball and the Washington team. Ue is pitcfUng his
nineteenth year for the club and will be thirty-eight in November.
His arm still holds its cunning. Above, a closeup of Walt and his
nn :.!. .. . ...,.(. - , j - t ,
By th AsiocikUd Fnu
L, ; Coast Ijeagiie..' "
Portland 8; Salt Lake 4.
Seattle II ; Sacramento 3. ,
San Francisco 5 ; Los' Angeles 1.
Oakland 7; Vernon 6.- ;.
,:t..: ', J:v1&.:
1 Tenais" classes for "'. all. ; Salem
fboysiandghrls who wish to learn
the game, will be held under, the
ausplcesof the Salem playgrounds
The will . be held, every
Monday) Wednesday and, Friday at
S o'clock on the Bush tennis court.
A'large class ia expected 'to en-
.AV1 J.. . 1
iuii, its , niui:n? iiiieresi la iuuwb
in Ihegame on the playground. A
competent Instructor will be furn
Ished by the management. "
, ' ! .
Father-Son Baseball'
; r ";' v American '
Chicago "2 ; .' Washington 1.
St. Louis 12-6; New York . 2-3.
Boston-Detroit, rain; two games
tomorrow.; s, :., .; .. .. ;. ,
Philadelphia - Cleveland, 4 rain;
two games tomorrow. '
evr. Yjork f t Pittsbargb 6
Boston; 7-s r 1st $ um
Cincinnati 4-3'.: Philadelphia 4-4
Chicago 10; ; ilrookiyir5.'
judgment that is liable to bei
made.- r-
Judge Kelly, at the same time
he issued the order to deliver the
plant to the Phez company, con
firmed the sale of the fruit union
plant to W. C. Winslow for 15 00 9.
It Is understood that this sale was
made to protect attorneys on their
fees. . ; ' ' ;-
NON-PARTISANS TO MEET(8h;re' 'ailing face down l the
j water and drowning. The cloth-
nw mv o vi.t.v I ,BK. under this theory, floated
An Investigation was held be
cause of rumors that the! dead
boy was the victim of foul1 play,
After thoroughly going Into the
mader the officials reached the
conclusion that death was purely
accidental, .r r 4
BISMARCK. N. D.. July 7. (By
wcciated Pres.)' Tentative ar
ts ngements for a non-partijian
league convention to be held , In
Bismarck July 22 to name a 'n-
didate for the unexpired term of
he late United States Senator. E.
F.: Ladd, were agreed upon at a
gathering of league leaders here
late today at the call of Roy Fra-
'ier. chairman of the republican
state central committee.
Frailer who is also a member of
the non-partnsan executive com
mittee, earlier in the month sent
out a call for a non-partnsan con
vention which was repudiated by
'.he other two members of the com
mittee, Ole Knutson of. . Grand
Forks, chairman, and S. S. McDon
aia oi uismarcK. i ... i
Today's conclave adopted a res
olution demanding that the non-
It appears -.that more Carnegie
herj medals, are awarded in the
East than in the West.' This does
not necessarily mean that there
are more heroes in the East, but
more likely means that Western
people are more expert in staying
out of peril. -
The,, old
plant was
Fruit Union
over to . the
Funds for the erection of a new
armory at Sllvertou have been
collected by Charles Reynolds, fi
nance officer for the Sllverton
post of the American Legion,' and
bids for the construction of the
f building will be opened on July j Partisan executive .body issue call
20.'. It is hoped' that the armory! for a league convention to be held
will be completed some time this
. The state has appropriated
$10,000 toward the building fund",
and Sllverton and the county have
judgment for $110,243.19 against
'Game Slated Tonight the fruit union secured by the
m , : .. . . .i - . rraei company Buwe uiue su, jue
A"4atherand son baseball game valuation of the plant, was placed
' win be played this 1 evening -at,at $35,000.
6:45; oVlock on the Salem play- It is stated that th plant is not
grounds Held. Emmet Otjes is worth in excessof $33,000, and
the capula of the boys' team. The is really the only available asset
eaplain of the Dad's nine has not'of'the union, as well as th only
been selected. Settlement on the Phez company's i
each appropriated an equal sum
Northwest Fruit Prodnets -com-jxhe armory will be used for gen
pany yesterday to be applied on a j erai drill purposes by Company L ventlon
not later than July 24.
' Informed of the action of the
meeting which was . attended by
nearly 50Jeague leaders,. McDon
ald appeared before the gathering
and announced Be would not op
pose the calling of a league con
of Silverton, and also, as a club
room for the American " Legion
post,' and as headquarters for the
American Legion auxiliary. I
What a. fine world this would
be if people would spend as much
energy practicing their religion as
they spend quarreling about it.; .
i 1
W eet. This Year's Swat Kings
I ' .. i
I" : i : y-i I - 1 ' - -. . i t
; ' if . .
! ...... !
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'II I i v v. -"."W ' v . ..v
Is SS . r
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. l j . . . m m k . . i W C i m
Frank A. Barrett.' 18-year-old
west .Salem youth, whose body
was round on a sandbar in the
Willamette river Saturday, is be
lieved to have met death in an at
tempj to swim the river from
point nearly opposite his home,
according to an Investigation of
the -drowning made by Sheriffs
Bower and Hooker, District Attor
ney Helgerson and Deputy Sheriff
Burkhart. -,
According to testimony of Frank
Unasay, a companion, Barrett had
made some purchases at the Ward
k. Richardson store, on the east
side of the river, these being edi
Die and In. small quantities,
is Deueved that the dead vouth
ate these, then placed his clothlne
on a pianK and attempted to swfm
the river to save a- trip of several
miles by way of the bridge, as was
a practice.-.'' : t :
Explanation of finding the body
face down on fhe gravel bar was
made by the investigators in the
theory that he had been seised by
cramps and was unable to- reach
William Jenninars Bryan and his aids in the prosecution in the Scopes, anti-evolution trial in
Dvton," Tenn., arc busy preparing to ensnare the imposing array of legal talent assembled around
the, accused school teacher. The prosecution forces are seen at a conference in Dayton. Left to
right: XI. E. Hick. J. G. McKcmie, W. C. Haggard, Bryan, Harry IL Lawnace, S. K. Hick..i
(Cetiad from pf t),'.
retly upon revealed religion, that
is, the christian religion,' he as
serted. "We have no knowledge
of it outside the bible, which
christians regard as the revealed
will of God. It gives us our, -only
conception of God and our ' only
knowledge of Christ.
"Anything that attacks the bible
attacks 'revealed religion. A sue
ceasful attack would destroy the
bible and with it revealed religion
"The contest between evolution
and Christianity is a duel to the
death. This trial is going to give
information or - the means of
bringing out information by which
this controversy would be decided.
"If evolution wins, Christianity
goes not suddenly, of course.
but gradually for the two cannot
stand together. They are as an
tagonistle as light and darkness;
as antagonistic as good and evil
Christians, he said, believing
that "revealed religion offers man
kind the only abiding truth, will
fight evolution as their only great;
"If information furnished at the
trial shows evolution , to be nn
proven and therefore unworthy of
acceptance, science will have to
fall back upon demonstrated
truths which has no terrors for
Mr. Bryan Insisted that the
basiQ principle of the Tennessee
anti-eVolution law was the theory
that the people speaking through
the legislature, have a right to
control the public schools.
, RE HELD 4 1'LV 29
TOKYO A three-day air-bombing
exercise recently was held
over Tsujido, a suburb of Kan
gawa, Two planes were employed
each carrying 32 bombs weighing
300 to 400 pounds. .
The object of the exercise was
to study various relations between
the reaching point of bombs
thrown from airplanes, and the
speed as well as direction of the
winds, also to Improve bomb
throwing devices aboard flying
machines. k
A meeting of the stockholder
of the proposed new Salem drain-'
age district, . has been - arranged '
for Wednesday, July 29. at , 2 "
o'clock in the Richmond school
house. Three directors will be -elected
at the meeting to organize
the district. '
Approximately 1500 landowners
were represented on the petition
for the drainage district. The fact
that many of them own more than
one tract of land In the dtatrict.
however. - brings the . individual
owners of land in the district down
to somewhere around 800.
It is expected that while some
of these owners may not attend
the meeting for various reasons, a
good majority of them will be
there. . -
London Dispatch The theater
management reserves the right to
exclude V any lady they think
proper. . . " i ' "
Deb of tie kir X wlfcami M the Brow,, Clly Ilartnctt of the Ccb, and
ii, r. Carnal pct,;.are the leaders in V r-ce f- r- rua fcittfa5 honors Has year.
r 1:3 te."trt coulJ overbad U cf tLcn, U.vcvcr, were U to Lit Us cli torn
' Expert
Our, shop is in charge of
Horace Wooley who has had
15 years of automobile me
chanical experience here in
Salem. And who no doubt
many of you know. We are
equipped to take care of
your automobile troubles.
Our prices are reasonable.
And all of our work is guar
anteed. Come in and give
us a trial. .' , -'
' ; ' ' .
F, W, Pettyjohn Co.
2G5 N. Commercial St; :
.. Phone 12C0 . ' , '
i .
I r tl k
n iifiwLLra.!
b JMjBI m -
Balance May Be Paid
on Terms to Suit
e Only $5 down on this model is
necessary to let you start tak-
ing advantage of the benefits
of perfect refrigeration. The
balance will practically pay for
itself. Take advantage of this
really generous offers today.
You can "shop' for days and
find no better buy than i.he
Automatic at $3 down.
Automatic Thrift
The question of saving is an important one
and one that is receiving much consideration
in homes. Both food and ice cost money and
the - Automatic saves both, consequently it
will save money for you. This Automatic
is made with an ash case in golden oak finish.
White enameled steel lining.- ' ' :
Credit here costs no more.
With Every Purchase of an
, .Automatic.1' -
Pays For Itself While
in Use in Your Home i
Your Automatic will save un- '
told amounts of food that oth
erwise is spoiled or thrown
out. Food costsoney. Your
Automatic will ' reduce , your .
ice consumption it's really
surprising what an improve- ,
ment the Automatic is over
.the old ice box. Ice cost3
money. The money you save
on food and ice will pay for
your Automatic. , . - r .
We Always
You Money
1 -
1 - ' ' ' V
1 i
Trade In
Your Old
Ice Bos
i -