TUESDAY HORNING. JULY 7, 1025 sissill air Le t (SCtLlOE e 1 Y L tlH: OREGON STATESMAN, SALEM, OHEGON M 1- v ST ; ! MXSCELLAXEOrs SI SJt.EM FUEL t TRANSFER CO 732 FOR! . -u-. jet ut quote Ten a wood. co. I nd tranter, moving .ml drayege. Day phone, 732 M 13 Night phe 106, sn'tf LOST AND , FOUND 63 $10 i li md. Girl', brown wool eberk 't. fur eoller. 1220 s. jirt. ,ai LUT BLACK HAXDBAG. BETWEEN ? nL ladepejide. Finder Vleua leave 890 Oak S-, Bale am. Re : w,rd- 53J7 LOST ABOUT z 1 WEEKS ACH. ELK . with diamond!. Reward. IT.- A'"" Bancroft, S3j7 personal 53 ; nitZ TREATMENT ' FOR APPENDICITIS 'It-Ia-WaadrfiiL,,EV lufn n-t. i- . Add Bias Co, Portland. Oreeou MONEY TO LOAN - 67 'MOSKT TO LOAN OH C1TT PROP ' rty, oithar buildug tad loaa plan private money, farm lotas with la aaraaco eoa pa ay money tt US issieu ada. KeipB ML MeCarey ft and a, Stv-Hoor Bide 8a I Kan. ft ? Ita. i 7flt , FEDERAL FARM LOANS. IU PE1 f e- P. L. Wood. 811 Stat St. A7al I T - , , FAPM LOAN 3 I Lng time, esy prat, lew lntrst i foe v enntmiasione. - - - PERR1NR MARSTERS t3 Orav RMr. gale- Ore, STJtf BUSINESS OrrORTXJNITIES 61 1 GOOD BUYS In paring- restaarant. Grocery and ennfeetionory, gar re. meat market. If - it'f a rood paying busSneas yon want CHILDS BECHTEL- 540 8taU Street. 61j7tf '.WANT CASH OFFER OX . BLOCK OS if trackage. Corner X. Front and Xor- ? way St. t KRUEOER. Realtor. ii J H7 V. Cornl St. - REAL ESTATE 63 Own . tur Homo r RAND NEW LARGE ROOMS, HARD wooa floors, naaement . and garage $4730, terms. Bock Hendricke, U. 8. Bk. Bldg. 63J28tf FOR SALE MODERN i HOME OP 1 rooms. ExceOent loeation. Lot 65 13. I Cloae in. Addea 1081 Cheme keta or phone 1233-J. 63jlyl6 SUMMER STREET LOTS TWO BEAU 1 ties for $3600. ( Very cloa in. Come I now. 1 Beck Hendricks. O. 8. Bk i Bldg 63j28tf EXTRA NICE NEW MODERN 5-ROOM bungalow, nice nook, bnilt-iaa, base Went, furnace, garage, paved street, only $3300; ' Terms. Also 5 -room mod em stucco bungalow. . Paved street, doubt eoFitmction. part hardwood floor. $4500. Als 6-reom modern bungslow, larze east front lot. 84500 One- of those north, one south, and ne eauti-l l orn tee. H. E. BROWN or MEL VIS JOHNSON v ! 109 8. Commercial 63jl0 " ! -- .-i SNAP , . ft acres all plow land with' rood five- room bnngalow built three years as at a eoat of $1400. Price $2100. $250:' Mown, balance $20 per month . with I intereat at 6. f Immediate poa iaeaakm. Located on mil east of iState Fairgronnds. rhene SIS and let tl,w . yen fate real bargain. W. H. GRABENHORST CO. 273 State Bt. - 63j7 room buntalow. ' new. Richmond addition, owner taking loss at $'J650, Willi take used ear a part payment. 5 ! room and attic jnat finished. hardwood floors, furnace, fireplace, garage, gray inside, finish, breakfast nook, view el the menntsiaa. yen must see this t appreciate ita beanry and eonatruction. $4300. easy terms. 8 rooms aad sleeping porch, modern In every way; hot water heating syo teas, lot 100 by 230 to -creek, bearing nut treee that will pay taxes, variety r fruit, berries, neantiful shrnbbery and flowers, en ideal horn and n aac rifies at $7300. WINXIE PETTYJOHN. REALTOR Juanranc 216 Oregon Bldg 63J28tf j Salem t -J . ' ' i. Homes aad building Iota. ' - OREGON 1 , V Farm any six and price. . Service to the Hemeseeker .or settler nver nds. v : . Try onr boilding depsrlmeot, it - figuring a newt horn. " LIST WITH CS t - ' ' Oregon Incorporated Realtors ; fj Victor Schneider, See'y. It Then 1013. Room 4-5-6 D'Arcy Bldg. TJ-OCATED AT 153 X. 218T, BLOCK 11 In Mala tit Nit Hrtum bAUttdh wifh bssement- and garage. .Price 1 WJ3jO. II KRUEGER. Realtor, 117 X. Com'l St. home. liO 6-room pluslered cottage In good condition, on paved street,. A very good buy at $3000. Terms. " 396 5 acres VV mile from Salem. -good view, good land. Price S1500; $KM dowa, $10.00 month tt 5 400 6-room- honae. ' lot, garage. plenty ef good fruit, good loeation on .North 15th. A bargain, at f'-.uv S.MK down, balance like rent. aoa 20 or 40 i-rti & mile from Salem mi Mghwsy. Very good land. buildings. Price $200 per ncre, 100113 arree in the Waldo hills: I - fin erain farm. 83 acres in crop i large house, 2 large barns: fine spring i at home: clentr of. wood for own ue. This nlaeo can be boffht at $100 per sere, crop inrluded. Thi bargain i holds for only a short time. t 5 grocery stores ia good locations. . 1 A barber shop on No. Commercial St fi.tnrea and haa at 8700. - " 30 acres. 5 mile esat ef Salem. room houae. barn. 2' chicken houaes. .30 laying hens. All t crop. Prie $7500 or will trade for hone in Salens. i . 8971 acre South Salem, fin fruit s a a very good location for soburbsn I hme. i Price 61300. I 63-acre farm oorth of Salem, new t room hooso. new hsm. All in cuHt Ivstion. Let us show yon this choice farm. Price $11,000, or will consider i f "oa home ia Eaiem. V If yon do not see is this list wist jo I JULY REMINDS l"S OF OUR INDE H pendence. July is a good month to l.y that farm you have ia mind. I July off era as many bargains in city A t homes as any month in the year. Why j 'lot bo independent -and own . your own n iiMi. . - SALE OB LEASE 10 BOOMED boui suited to apt, or private bos piul. 700 X. High. 63J9 DOWX AXD $10 PER MOXTH BCY8 rin acre tract near the Salem Height school, V block from tar line and paved road. Prire $850, W. H. GRABEXHOEST ft CO. 273 Stat St. Phono 513 63j7 sA S-room modern bnngalow with rement baat-ment, Itreplace, (urnace, a wide frontafe and located en the creek. The roont are all large, plenty of built-ina and modern plumbing. Price for quick Bale $3300. $800 down, balance $30 per month with intereat at 6 pay able monthly. See na at onee, thia kargaia will not last long. Located at 2bO Richmond ae. W. H. OIIABENIIORST k CO. 275 State bt. . , Phone 61 3 .. . - 63j7 BE8T BUT 8 ASD EXCHANGES 4 room bungalow, garage, on -pavement, 130 north 24tk, $1300. $300 cask, balance teraa. ' - ' 6-room atrictly' modern new Engliah : type,' with nardwood floors, garage, paTcment, $4300, , $740 eaah. balance 11 Ke rent. . . $1050 bora raa fUline dtatien. ' $1030 buys rooming house equipment and lease close in. - 5 -room atrietly moder new bungalow cloae In and acrearo in riciailr at Sa lem, all valued at $15,500, want a dairy on tae eoast 01 about earn value equip pd.' . Want a $4000 loan an improved ranch aiua fo?oo. SOCOLOrsKT Real EsUte and Loans. , 63j3tf SPECIAL ; 5-roont houae and 4 lots for $1400. -' 3-room bonae. large lot with fruit f700. &-reom honae, nice Jot. Price $1700, ; traae lor car. "25-acre improved, trade for cloae in tract - 120 acre improved dairy farm, stocked1 and equipped, trade for store or Jm provea acreage.' '-.-.,.".- i A well improved 40-ecre - farm ' near Ralem, trade for, home in Salem or I'ort la nd.-" ' - TUOMASOK, 331 State Street. 63j7tf FURNISHED APARTMENT HOUSE, A snap if taken soon. Terms. New 6-room bnngalow, two lots, a bar : gain; terms. ' Saw 4-room bungalow, just completed, '"terms to aait. 10 acres close In, to exchange for city . property. 6-room houte, modern- except heat, to : exchange for small tract close in. ; Ex changes and bargains, see ' - 1 1 BARBER, 200 Gray Bldg. 3j4tf ' $4500 BUYS A new modern 6-room home, Engliah atyle, east front, located on N. Capitol St. Garage, hardwood floors, basement. furnace, fireplace, $00 down, balance $50 per month. PHONE 515 AND LET US SHOW TOO THIS HOME. W. U. GRABENHORST ft CO. - 275 State St. 3j7 BEST BUYS IX HOMES -Furnished Cottage $3200. :- Cloae in furnished Cottage. Basement, furnace. fireplace, good furniture. Lot 60x100 ft. Paving paid. Some terms. - $250 CASH DOWN Buys a' new and well built bnngalow. 5 rooms. . best of plumbing and basement.- Price $3130. $1600 SNAP Coiy 4-room bungalow, ving., paid. Eay 'terma THINK IT OVER . . .. , , $350 'Tash bays a nifty 5-room plas tered bungalow. Rath, lights, wood shed, large let. Price $2150. , Why pay . rent I . . .- LET CHILD8 ft BECHTEL ReaHora,. ahow you some real bargains in houaes, lots, acreag tracts. 540 State atreet. 63j7tf 7-ROOM NEW HOUSE, MODERN . Ex cept fireplace, at a bargain, $500 down and terma. Call at 1030 North Winter or 1840 North Cottage. 63J10 ONE OP THESE WILL SUIT YOU : 5-room bouse, modern except basement, Leaotital east front lot, garage, fruit house, 8. Church street, $3100 terms. New and strictly modern horn 2395 Brook avenue, basement, furnace, fire place. $8730, term. 6 rooms clos in. 1120 Chemeketa atreet Small down payment, balance $30 monthly nnd the nooae ia yours. '. 6-room house, modern except basement. Richmond addition, $2730, small down payment. - , BECKE ft HENDRICKS U. 8. Bank Bldg. , $Sj21tf SMALL HOMES RENT OR SALE. 6 vacant in $800 to 61500 etnsa. Others an aisea and locations. Bocke Hen dricka, U. S. Bk. Bldg. 63j28tf A (3PP TRACTS. IN VERY BEST I snbui-baa lot!ation. Ilear ritv ! Iinuts. $600. easy terms; rapidly ad vancing value. DDAC1T A BEAUTIFUL 5-ACRE Vvfc a a TRACT, can be bought i for the price of the house it contains if taken at onee. - This is . an - emerr gency deal to settle an estate and aomebody is certain to profit from it j flCM 10 ACRES 4V4 MILES NORTH of Salem: heat macadam road to pavement; very beat soil; nearly all cultivated aad set to rood assortment of fruit, mostly berries ! comfortable 4-room bona in good condition: good barn and chicken hoese. Near Claxtar atation on the Oregon Electric. - Splen did value at $3500. Want $120O caah or in Salem property. Balance 4 yeara at 6 uer cent. Personally inspected and approved val ues. No disappointments. HARRIS Maaonie Temple Phone 795. 1942 3. ....,.",.....'. 63J7 LARGE HOUSE. LARGE LOT, . EAST front, cloa in. will make splendid rooming houae. 65500. Cloae in on. Church street, modern home, $6,000. New bungalow, $5500. Four-room house, 91650. ' Four-room houae furnished, $1950. Four-room . house on North CotUzc street, close in. $2650. Attractive country home en highway, 96H00. W will trade to plea ron. GERTRUDE J. M. PAGE 492 X. Cottjae. 6j7tf MINUTE MOVIES HEAL ESTATE G3 E3HE?AlSAGtNT.TAKE . J PLEASURE IN PRtSENT-IMS- TO DAY AMtTb-M0RR0W ERCK,S IH REEL IN ; . WmCH THEIR FAVORITE MM; Et VJHEELAN fuller fhum v ' 1 cerhalmly. w&z fullcr phn. tkT fat uttle som op a c?um - HZLPS "5D AMUCi r.7 CWAMG- "CRl Ci-t'o r - i KXLUi ESTATE C3 TEACHERS 8TCDEXTS ' ETC. HERE'S 6-room honao. bath, hot water, etc., cloae to TJaiveraity. atate konao. aehoola, and buiuDesa. lor rent, Ieae, trade or aaie and reaaonable. Sea at 1120 Cfce Hteketa. Vacant. Becka llendricka, U. 8. Bk. Bldg. 63j3U PP P t PP PP P P PP SNAP SIX NICE LOTS. RCRAL AVE PP 40x130, (half block) goo tfrainage. fenced,' aewerage.- ligkta and water. Only $600 with $100 down, balance ensy payment. W. C. Conner, States man office. 63j8 PP PP BRAXD SEW SMALL HOMES LIKE rent. Two to ail room. Phone a and move today. - Becko & Hendricka, V. 8. Bk. Btdjr. 83j3tf BEAIi ESTATE TRADES 63 IF TOD HAVE A SMALL FARM WHICH you - want to trade towards ' larger one, or if yon nave nemo e'ty property to trade in en a farm, see me. 1 can handle either. Dairy and Stock farms a specialty. A. C. BOHRSSTEDT Realtor, Loeaa nnd lnaurance 147 So. Commercial St, Salem. Ore. 6ij3tf WHAT HAVE YOU TO TRADE t WE hare hundred of exchange. Get our free "lint. HOME REALTY CO- 169 8. High. , ' 63j8 FAIR 8WAPPIS0 If yon eaa't sell, the next beet thing to do la to SWAP. Oct eomething you can nao to better advantage. We make It our buainess to find the other fellow ' Who wants to do likewise. A fair trade is no robbery ; bnt economy. We have a very large fiat for exchange, and believe it worth while for yea to see B. No charge to Show goods. THE FLEMING REALTY CO. 841 State St. 63j2tf EXCHANGE SIX-ROOM SIODERX houae well located, corner' lot, base ment, large garage.- $3300. Will take a good truck - part pay. . Hardware Store -doing good business, also garage and ma atation for sale. r. U, Wood 841 State St. . 63jitf TRADE FOR SMALL PLACE, OCR home on Riveraide Drive two milea from Salem. Six acres, 6-room honae, barn and hen honae. . Spring water piped to house. Price $3,000. Route 8, Box 274. Phone 76F6. 65J10 TO EXCHANGE GOOD POLK CO. FARM dairy and sheep, well improved. Laya fine for- small elosa-in place. -- Box 752, Dallaa, Oregon. . 63jl0 MAYBE YOU'D RATHER DRAW DOWN $65 per month on a clear $10,000 Sa lem property than try to dig that much out of a farm of that value. A splendid 5-room bungalow aad 2 good lots worth $5000 and will go on a good farm; 50 well improved flax acres along, wit 7 cows and a good team and the crop for $8000end he craves a Salem resi dence up to $4000 ; and we hav anoth er man with 10 mighty good improved acres worth $4000 thst can't rest be- cause town life looka like such a anap and he'll trade for something email, well out to the rim; Then we hav lo well improved acres 6 miles out for g-ldOO; 23 acre with small improvement close for $2300. MeOILCHRIST ft PENNINGTON 209 U. S. Bank Bldg. , Phone 140 ' 63j3tf TRADE FOR SALEM HOME 80 acres, good soil, berries, smsll orch ard, garden bind, lota of pasture and timber. Fair buildings, well nnd run ning wafer, cows, horse, chickens all go: Good read. Oniy o miles out. Take Salem home up to $'.'000.00. balance, on easy terma. Phone 1013 or are Mr. Schnei der, Room 4-5-6 D'Arcy Bldg. 65j3tf iPTP PtT PPPPPPPPPPPPP PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP PP PP PP 1700 EXCHANGES 1700 EXCHANGES P P PP P P PP P P PP P P GO DIRECT TO EXCHANGE HEADQUARTERS Offices -Salem aad Portland The demand for exchange haa made ' . neeeaaary our GREAT MARKET PLACE where tne requirement a of nil can be matched. We have fust what you have ia mind; just where yen want it: just the right price.- Our list of exchanges (the largest list ing on tb Pacific Coast) guarantees your complete sat isfaction regardless of your re quirements. If you would like to - exchange your property TODAY, com is TODAY. See PARKER FOR PROPERTY ' 409 U. 8. Bank Bldg. Coa'l at State. Phone 2212 63j26tf PP PP P P P P PP PP PP P P P P P P PP P PI PP, PP P P P P P P P P PP PP P P PPi PP! P P! pp: PP PP P P PP PP PP PP PP PP P P PP PP P P PP P P P P PP PP P P PP PP P P PP PP PPPPPPPPPP P P P P P P P P P PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP REAL ESTATE Farms 67 810 DOWN $10 per -month buye n fine five-cre tract located 4 mile east near the Aavtum road. Price $1500. v- W. H. GRABENHORST ft CO. f 275 State St. Phone 515 . 67j7 FOR SALE, 9 -ACRE 'TRACT WITH 7 -room houae adjoining city Iinuts on the north. Could easily be divided into lot or tt acre tracts. Prie $7000,' tt ah.- v. . ; ' KRUEGERv Realtor, -147 N. Com'l St. I - - . 6733 Read This - Are yon interested in growing Hops, i Alfalfa. Strawberries or Filbetta en land that can ho irrigated when neeea aary ! Here ia a piee of bottom land right out of town at . the price of a back wood hill posture.. WM. M. MEIER, . Box 231. EL 3. , , . 67j8 Ott-ACRE TRACT CLOSE IN, PAVED roaa, excellent locution, sacriuc 130 acre farm near Salem, 110 in cult. good new house, barn, etc., timber. apriags, machinery, horses, cows, ahoepi snap. - ..- v - j 156-ncr farm near Salem, $3000. Fin modern bungalow and - 8 W in. tacrUice. $3500 terms. 5 -acre suburban $2800 term. - , 4 acre cloa in, new hnajslow, nJt, timber, paved road, 2jOO. Cozy bungalow close in. $2100. PERRIXr. A- MARSTERS ' 212 Gray Bldg. 67j?6tf PICK DARE in REALty IN L&ft WHW DiCVi DARE W APfARAVjCE UZS SO D-BONW ' SO HAr4t SOME AND BRATE , ,' . AJO VJOND&t.'WZy RAn. JrAT AN ANSWE-R 03Wr-rAaiDPN'S - ' PrWE-K. WANTED REAL ESTATE 71 pPPPPPPPPPPrpppp ppppppppppppppppp PP CALX PARKER AND START PACKING P P PP - PP PP PP PP PP PP eqnaL PP P P Selling service ' without PP Our ay a! em never fail. fcrien- rr P P tif le Belli nz. backed by clean, r r P P Intelligent aaleamaasbip , means P P PP RESULTS for YOU. We torn PP PP ,FroBeets" into "Bayers." PP P P We turn "FOR SALE" signs in- P P PP to "BOLD." All city nroporty F J P P inspected, photographed a ad sold P P r F without aggravating delays. Ben r Y F F FAKKEK -ITJK- FrtUrfcKTI K r PP 409 V. 8. Nat l Bank Bide. PP P P Commercial at Slate PP PP.' Telephone 22 4 PP P P Offices in Salem and Portland P P PP Tlml7-tf PP PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP AUTOMOBILE; WANTED 77 Eiker Auto Co. We pay cash (or Fords, 77ml2tf WANTED LATE MODEL CARS FOR wraekinr. Cash paid. Mike'a Ante Wrecking .House. 245 Center. Phone SOS. 77iu2tf USED CARS FOR SALE 70 HUDSON , ESSEX PACKARD Special Values Vacation day are here. Now is the time t get that im4 car for that trip, and for that reason we are offering special values in oar Wsrrsnteed Laed Cars. So remember that the Fred M Powell Motor Cara seil by the only safe plan for you. The Golden Rule. 1921 Dodge Tonring. Thia car hat ab solutely hsd the best of csre. The paint has the appearance of new ; good cord tires, atop light, licenae, sun visor. Be sure nnd see this ear .... ...$450 Jordan 4-paaa.- aport. Aew paint, com plete motor overhaul, wire wheels, rear view mirror, spotllgnl. A buy for . , $350 1924 Chevrolet Sedan. Here is a car that has been driven only 6000 miles. Please remember that thia car haa the appearance of a new car $6o0 1921 Hudson Super Six touring. Beanti ful new paint- job, good cord tires, license, eon visor and bumper. The motor has been,, thoroughly recondi tioned and is a good buy at $700 Third Series Packard Sedan. Thia car was locally owned nnd driven and is In wonderful shape. Priced $1600 We have . two . Ford Coupes - in dandy shape, that will pny yon to se it yon are considering a loupe. "Lookers are Welcome." Fred M. Powell Motor Cars Cottage at Ferry Phone 2126 ESSEX HUDSON PACKARD 79j7tf Certified Public Motor 'Car Market BARGAINS 1924 Ksiex 1923 Ford -.1.1 ....$630 1923 Cleveland ...... 1932 Overland 1923 Stndebaker 1 92 1 Star 1923 Chevrolet a Fnrd Tenrinftfc at Many Others "Co Pick From. Block X. of Post Office r9j4tf 1914 FORD TOURING IS GOOD RUN- ainar aondiUoa. 870 takea it. 335 So. 24th. Phon 8187-W. 79j9 MIDSEASON CLEARANCE SALE Frd Coup , ..$473.O0 Ford Sedan . 350.00 Chevrolet Coach , ..- 550.00 OverUnd Tourien- -... 450.00 Chevrolet Touring 475.00 Chevrolet Taurine 225.00 Oldsmohil Touring -. 550.00 Oldsmohil Sedan .., 750.00 Oldamohile Road iter 800.00 We . slao have . other automobiles at $50.00 and up. ' Come ia aad look our ears over. We are glad te show you. . No obligation. 'We give terms. "After We Sell We Serve.' . . F. W. PETTYJOHN CO. 365 N. Commercial St. Phon. 1260. . . . : 79j2tf HERE ARE REAL CAR VALUES ' Late 1924 Ford touring. t - ; Dodg Roadster in fine shape. 1024 Gardner tonring ia A-l condition. 1V23 Gardner touring, a reaV good hay. BURDETTE-ALBEE MOTOR CO. . 217 State. Phone 1414 Gardner Diitributors for Oregon. .79jltf Notice Our used ear department ia aow locat ed npatairs over our shop. ' We hav a 25 used ear a Land at th . present time and we ar crowded for room. We ere offering these, guaranteed-Ford "cars st reel bargain price. Com in nnd look them over. Valley Motor Company ' 260 X. Uixh. Phon 1995 I ' 79jltf GOOD USED PARTS FOR -HALF' OR ' less.- Why pay moret Honey back guarantee. ' fccheelar- Auto Wrecking Co. Look for the orange front, bay hon 81 Mgnt pnono ivoj Commereial St. "Bn.lt to ear money." - 79-jI3tf - Eiker's .New shipment of Fords including all models: Roadsters, tourings aad coupe from $30 up. Eiker Auto Co. Onr -usual guarantee behind all cars, Lihertv stmt at Ferrr Phone 121 SH. -I 283 j . 750 335 43 (All rlsbtdi protected by The Oeorga llathews Adams C.LAHCHC fiOUGC, JbLAJSICH 7vCr 13 A TvPff I DSgT ''w 'rfc A"n z'zRtiy tzr X TrvVi Tn'AT, Y TA "This ct vjMUArJ CAa. 13 - AV.V-'AV AH!lAr CP TfE. ZT CLASSIFIED 01 HtH&llt Bcsistsj .;"! V .".- ."7j AMXTTLANCR GOLDEN AMBCLAXCE PHONE8 0O9 nnd 883-R. Day or night service, f 14tf AxrenosxxEs I ' Phon 75 WOODRY- ft WOODRY-' Expert Livestock. Furniture, Real Ealate is and Alerrliandiae - ... AUCTIONEERS ' Se Ua Before Listing. Satisfaction Guaranteed. WOODRYi ft WOODRY. 809 Mission. F. N WOODRY i Expert IJveatock, faraiture, rrl stst AUC11U.1I.LK " Res. 1610 X- Summer Phoaa 111 for ale dates. ! .- . .... V 0. 8ATTERLEK - Auetioneennr ' 147 North High atraal. - phon 1299 or - - - - l" nil ACCOTJNTAjrr Q. ED. ROSS. ACCOUNTANT AND Aud itor. 831 But. Phone ZOB8K. sl7-2 BATTERT AJTD ELECTRICIANS R. D. BARTON EXIDE BATTERIES a tarter aad generator work; 171 Bent Commercial. - . BICYCLES AND REPAIRING LLOYD E. RAMSDEN DAYTON BICT cles and repairing, 887 Court. BRAES REUXTJra RAYBESTOS BRAKE 8TATION 275 CHUTES! REMEDY L. L. DICK L. it. HUM Chines Medicine Compnny ' Help any known disease. 120-426 State. - ' B-30tf CHIROPRACTOR Dr. O. LVSOOTT. PSC. CHIROPRACTOR. Temporary address, 1360 So. Liberty. Phone 828-R. - ; H. B. SCO FIELD PALMER CHIROPRAO- tor. 82" Oreron Bide. Phone ZZ9A. m5tf DRESSKAJOSO PRIXTED CARDS SIZE 14" IT T" wording, "Dressmaking;" pr.e 10 cent each, - Statesman Business Office, Ground floor. MK8. 0. E. MILLER, HEMSTITCHING. stamping, buttons. Boom 10. over Mil lor'a Store. Phone 117. ELECTRICIANS SALEM ELECTRIC CO. MASONIC building. Phono 1200. ELECTRIC FIXTURES AND SUPPLY Co.. rhon 1934. 222 N. Liberty. , - r L BEN E R ELECTRIC 0 O. Hons wirlas- br hour or contrast. Es timate furnished. Phono 980471 Court St. . FARM PAPER IF YOU .WANT TO GET THE BEST farm' paper t send 15 to i the Paeifie ' Homestead, Salem, Oregon, tor a three month' trial subacriptioa. Mention this ad. . . -- POULTRYMEN SEND EIGHT TWO rent atamua for BDeeiai three moBtna ; trial. for the best aad oldest journal in 'the west. Tha artirlea aad advertise ment or of special i a Ureal to the poultry breeders of tha Aortaweat. North weat Poultry Journal, $11 Com mercial atreet. Salens. Oregon. TTNAXCIAL FOR BALE FIRST AND 8ECO-ID Mort garea, Trnat Deed a. Contracts on houses Will net 6 to 80. BECKE ft HENDRICKS U. 8. Xafl Bank t - r" Jl-tf ' i---f- " FARM LOANS PLENTY OF MONEY to loan en good farm aeeunty. CITY- LOANS W ar loaning Pr deattal Insnrane Company money on city residence and business property, at 5H. pin a commission.; Hnwklns ft Roberta, lac, ZUS Oregon Boilding. . . ' . i . d-14tf Farm Loans ANDERSON ft RUPERT 4fto Orecon Building FXORISTS CUT FLOWERS. WEDDING BOUQUETS funeral wreaths, aeeomioas. v. i. Bretthaupt, florist, 128 X. Liberty. Fa. 90. ' " - - - FUKERAX. DIRECTORS SALEM MORTUARY, FUNERAL PIREC- tom. 21Q Center. Fnone aa. j HEKSTXTCEXMO F ! ftal.rif F.l.TTK HEMSTITCHINO nleatmr. bottona. stamping nnd neeaie work: 328 Oregon B'dg: Phone 879. INSURAXCB Insure Teor horn or ear aew Phoae 161 BECKE ft HENDRICKS U. 8. Bask Bldr. KNITTIXQ WOOL GOLF HOSE CHILDREN'S sport ho, halt to order.- Hand knit- tin.' Phone 177J. ' )21-tf LAURPRXES SALEM LAUNDRY COMPANY 816 8. Liberty street. Phone 25. oldest Urg . eat and beat., EsUbtUhed 1889. TRY THE HOME WET WASH LAUM- dry. Phon 171. 1356 B Street, juti Bertice-Trade Jlark Ts-tered . . AsjT) IS MA i - - KTXRIBEY STOCK f Tf lil C?fSJ "N 'ken IBS FRUIT. NUT AND SHADS TREES V. i 1 f iXtard. COTJRt IT. Pearey Bros.. 237 State. JOB W1U.1AM9 - - - PACKIMO AMP SHTPFOIO j . s BUSINESS DIRECTORY tnd Prcfcsdonal Finn Amazei la Alhxbelksl ;'. - 0rto fcx Quick Eeferenet LAUNDRIE3 CAPITAL CITY LAUNDRY rhoa 165. . Service with a smile. Quality work. 12M Broadway. M4tf LADIES TAILOEINQ -. D. H. MOSHER TAILOR FOB MEN aad women. 474 Court St. . MATTRB&SES MATTRESSES RENOVATED BY THE Canitol City Bedding Co- 1190 North Capital. Called for aad delivered. All ork guaranteed. Phone 19. fl9tf MXDICAIi Uf$2Zx,5rkIM 001703 "MItI)T- ' MTJIIO STORES 8HERMAN CLAY ft CO, PIANOS Steinwaya, Dne-Art ead others. Msoro'i Mnai Hons. 415 Coart atreet, . GEO. C. WILL PIANOS, PHONO- arreoha. aewiar machines, sheet music nr..d .:tigr;etVsu atreet. Salem. TRADE TOUR OLD PIANO FOR A NEW .Victor or Brunswick. H. L. Stiff Fuml FOR EXPERT FURNITURE PACKING and ahipping, call Stiff a Faraitar tore. Phone 941. PApgRHAMOmO AMP PAIKTEtfO PHONE GLENN ADAMS FOR1 HOUSE decorating, paper hanging, tinting, ate. Reliable workman. ' PIANO TUNERS ED.-?f.l"iLvTl?dfl?.EM. store. nmatsa I PLUMBING AND GENERAL REPAIR work. Grsber Br, 141 Liberty St. I 'a o CQuaier attractions 1 tinitsn 1WBU1 a-VOlatlon. con Phon 550. . Mf I Which, in their various wars-con-I tenrlefl Ihar tho .Iraneth f tha RADIO SFLTTDORF RADIO. SALES AND . . SERVICE No better radio mad at say. prie QT7AXTTT CARS High aad Trade mtf RADIO DOCTORS SALEM ELECTRIC CO. F. 8. BARTON, Proprietor Maaonie Temple Phone 1200 Radiolas For Every Purpose Every Purs AU Standard Sliei of R die Tube HA. iK ft CUFF ELFCTKIO BHOr 337 Court St. Phone 488 REPAXRIKO ALVIN B. 8TEWART 847 Court St. Umbrellas, Cutlery nnd Keys Lawnmowers, ra-or-blades, acts so rs. kmvea and tools sharpened SCAVENGERS SOns SCAVENGER SERVICE GAR bage and refuse of all kinds removed by the month. Reasonable rate. Ceaa pool cleaned and dead animal re moved. Phones Office 85 or 979, Ro. - 2058. - ' ' nHMaaaaawaawaiMaamaiawaBBaiBai SECOND HAND POOPS WANTED EVERYTHING IN CLOTH ing aad shea. Best price paid. Cap ital Exchange, 842 North Commercial. Phone 1388-w. STOVES AMP STOVE REPAIRING STOVES REBUILT AND REPAIRED 40 years' experience. epot Astuinai fence, aixo 26 to 58 la. high. Faint a, oila aad varnishes, etc.. loganberry aad hop hooka. Salem Fence aad Stove Works. 250 Court street. Phone 124. STORAGB WE STORE YOUR HOC8EUOLD Goods or aaytkiag yon have, by tae ween, month or year. P. A. Eiker, corner Libertv and Ferry. Phene 121 d-l4tl TRANSPORT ATTOX ' VACATION DAYS ARE HERE! v That menna trips t the beaches. " The Parker Stage Line offers three round trips daily to Tillamook and nearby beachea. Daily service from Tillamook to Bay City. Garibaldi. Baltair, Rockaway, Lake. Lytic, Man hattan, Nehalem. nnd Seaaid. Stage leave Salem at 7 -.35 a. av, 1:10 p. m4 and 5:10 p. m. OTHER PARKER STAGE SERVICE Silvertoa: 7 a. nu, 11 n. m 5 p. ns. Mt. Aagel: 11 a. m, 6 p. m. ' Independence: 7 a. m, 9 a m.. 11:1$ . a. m 8:10 p. m, 5: 13 -p. in. 8un- dnya oaly 8 :S0 p. m. . t ileamouth: 7 a. m.. 11:15 a. m 8:10 p. m 6:1$ p. ns. Suadnya only " 8:30 p. m. s Dallaa: 7 a. a., t:5$ a, i. a, 11:35 a. nu. 1:10 p. m, 2:10 p. nu - and 6:13 p.-a.-' - - 1 m ; " Falla City: 1 a. as, 2:10 p. bl, 5:1 - .... . f j'ni TRAXSTXR AXP HAXTLINO ' WE MOVE. STORE AND SHIP HOUSE- hold goods. Our specialty IS piano aaa furniture moving. W also mak ona Uy trip. W bandl the beat eel nd wood. Call on oa for prie. W give -t -.nun. roed oualitV and good service. Larmer Tranifer Co. Phone 930. U. S. Patent bfflee) Saauw too i ; . HAZCL. DEARIE, : 0v fav'wTe. is sueeX A2JEL.lFA?,E; SMS SOCfXES V VJWEAJCVEft lH tiAfK m...w-v- ..ie-, Tscsaiirns A REAL AfeTiT- IM SURE PlCTjRt ARE ALUAYS ZO&ZZKY DAV V12TZARD co4 Ss'S rtT P0 HE'? V:- A CDk2 A CeP -. ' tC'WaK- tctiT to- T f TRANSIT AND HAUXINQ TRANSFER AND HAULINO OF kinds. Phone 19FS. CAPITAL CITY TRANSFER CO. S26 SUte St. Phone 938. DistriHatUg. for warding and storage or a socially. Get our rate. - WATER SALEM WATER. LIGHT ft POWER CO, Office 804 Booth Commercial St. Ten nov eeat diaesant on demeatio flat rate paid in advance. K dedaetto I for abaearo or aay raaso s a leas water ta iit off ynmr premiaee. Sermons by Wireless Exasperate Minister ADDLESTONE. Surrey. Eng. What he describes as "the lasy habit of wireless" has been strong ly denounced by the Rev. A. Ctimiag. vicar C Addlestone. la his parish magazine. "There is no longer the packed church to which we have been accustomed during Lent." asserts the vicar, "and the reason for this is the wireless. ' Anybody who thinks he can worship God by lolling back in an I easy arm chair and listening by I radio to the beautiful singing of 1 tne choir at-St. So-and-So's. or the I i oratorical effects of the . 'Bishop of Kamchatka. is simply living in a fool's paradise. True worship demands sacrifice. People who iare too laiy to go upstairs and put their things on and come to I the How ot God on God i day. ,3oiy urgiccuns meir auiy. i We must face the fact that in 1 wireless has been found another J I'Z'i'" . ' , u tlnue to keep the people out of the churches." The British Broadcasting com- pany, which controls most of the wireless entertainment in the Loudon area,. has recently declln- ea to broadcast Sunday sermons. excepting on rare occasions, be- cause of the objections of minis- ters that their congregations would be materially reduced If the practice was followed generally. Man Declared Indian ; May Lose Land and Funds WASHINGTON. A curious tangle, which apparently was un - ravelled when Congress passed an act declaring Harry Leon Beau- chaine to be a Flathead Indian and therefore entitled to the emo- luments of a member off that Montana tribe, has developed a age. were sufferers from dental new snarl, with the decision of diaeases. There was a higher f ra the Interior Department that e'defrce among women than meir. Beauchaine is not a Flathead. "Dental disease was to "be found Obtaining the right to inclusion among all clvlliyed people." arer- in the final Flathead rolls. Beau chaine won a share ot the tribal Income and tract of land. Later, however, the department said it i learned that he not only was a son of a white man, but that he already was enrolled as a member of the Coeur d'Alene Indian tribe of Idaho. Interior department counsel now -recommends that Beau- chaine's name be stricken fromluncun " Canada have been suc- the Flathead rolls, and that Con gress be asked for authority to deny him a share of th Flathead funds as well as to cancel the landwer onlr 5 In the herd, the last patents granted to him. IsunriTors of the thousands that r GENERAL MARKETS I . ' Grain Futures' PORTLAND,. July . Wheat, hard white, blue :- stem, Baart. July. $1.40; August, tl.38; , soft white, July and- August $1.31; western white, July and August. $1.38; hard ' winter, " July, $1.37; August, $1.33;. northern spring, July, $1.37; August. $1.3; west ern red, July, , $1.33;. August, $1.33; BBB hard white. July. $1.30; August. $1.38. . Oats No. 2. 36-pound white feed, Jirfy. $22.50; August $2$. 50; No. 2. 38-pound gray, July $32.50; August. $29.50. ' Corn No. 3,- early , shipment, July. $44; August, $44. iMiry Exrhanjce) PORTLAND, July 6.- Butter. extras. 46Mic; standards. 45c; prime firsts, 44c; "firsts, 4 2 Vic Eggs, extras, 37c; firsts, 36c; I pullets, 35e; current receipts, $3c. By ED WHEELAN - dust much "B LcexfiT., x .sou; 8 NeT A3 a v:r ..,.J!r?7tL-i'.. , ,.... f - N ,v 1-C Tests Seek to Develop T . Standard. Mail Airship CHICAGO On the Monrnonth UaFwood air mail eiperimrntal i track are being tested eight new different type of airplanes fronr which it is hoped to develop , a standard mail plane. The all-metal monoplane, thr flrt of the Ford series. Is capable, of carninr 1,000 pounds or more of mail, while the Carrier Pigeon and Mercury have similar cncitr. The others Include a "Worlf Cruler" tvpe, a Boeing, a Huff Delnd and a Cox-Clemens. Present air mail plane of the De Havlland. type carry only 0ft poinds of mall, due to lack ot cubic capacity. . Since the three-mile-a-minnte army binlnnes have yisited the Maywood hangars, the aerial post men hare become a bit dlscontend ed with their 100-mIles-an-hour cruisers.1 If the new type planes carry several hundred pounds more mall and fly only 9S mil per hour, they are likely to be declared "too slow" by the pilots. This may teem qneer to non-fliers, but to airmen- it is logical, for speed in the air means better con trol. Control In turn means a rreater. safety for the pilot and his cargo. .' 'From experiment with the new type plane It is desired to develop la more efficient plane? to be built in quantity. Dentist Foresees England Weakened by Poor Teeth LONDON During the last few generations the teeth of the a- tion nave neen getuna? nteaany worse, according to J. H." Badwk whorls, his president!! address fo ' - . ' fflTUBS ui I country is being sapped by dental I disease. Bad teeth, h- said. wa one of the results of civilization, and roughly speaking, the nearer people got back to nature the better the teeth. ' Mr. Bar! cock raid that durlaz the last 60 or 0 years there batf been a great change in. the n- tion's food, and that the increase I In population And the concentra- tion in cities had involved the Im portation of more food, largely ?.nlt? Ih! "r neved, railed to provide mat mc tion and cleansing to which euros I nhould be naturally subject la" the 1 mastication of hard foods. s : I ."Taking the nation- as a whole said Mr. Badcock, It apnea red that at least 85 per cent of the popula tion ider 20 years of age. and an Increarin; percentage over that - 1 rd ibe speaker," but we In the; Islands undoubtedly exhibit a bad pre-eminence. It Is sapping th strength of the fiatlon." Antelope Herd Thrives : - in Canadian National Park CALGARY. Alta. AnteloDe which were threatened with ex- - cSBful,Jr preserved In NfmWXtm -Park." when the preserve , I WHS iaDiisned In ,1915 there once naa roamed the prairies. There are now 235 animals In the herd, a gain of 10. How well they breed; In captivity Ig shown by r the f axtf that there was . an : Increase of 55 in 1924 alone. Antelope once were- prized trophies and suffered such ravages in numbers that extinction of the species was In sight. r A herd fin ally was discovered in Southern Aioerta and the tract of 5,000 acres oa which the animals were feeding was surrounded by a fence of woven wire and all the work as done ithout disturbing the animals. Many Important r . Conferences Staged LONDON London has been the leading center of the world for International conferences this year. Nearly 700 American and Canadian doetors attended th recent convention. After that the next-important gathering was the world railways conference brought I to London at the invitation of the institute of Civil engineers. Their iesslons will end July 2. An International conference of bankers will be held in August and will be attended by bankers from lhe. principal cities of the world. .t - . In addition to these conventions he year's schedule Includes sev eral important sporting events. including international tennis sud polo matches. LEADEIt IS ELLCTED PORTLAND, July 6. Miss Mar ion Jenkins of Vsneouver. was elected president of the Washing ton state society of Christian En deavor at the ct&ta coavesU'ja. CHICAGO. July f Ar elated Prc:s.) V.'l .' , ...t!:- a rlfls st a rrt;-tr ; tr; . t ta etrare, Iliur!-"! r . f. ID years a caari tt tie-1. ; e! c:r- ; want, ak vs. e have tt. i .We hsve several lon-n fr tciL- - ui.rich ft Kosrnxs i:3 So. Com'l M. 1 uun in i rccoa, drcrr? i Ca-l t-