The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, July 07, 1925, Page 5, Image 5

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    Tim OREGON ctatil3::an. salem, oncco:?;
: TUESDAY ilORNlKG, J tiL; 7, 10:25 ;
3 1
4 7tt
' It la a Man's Toggery
That Trims' Him-Up
.. ' j .f - ' ' i- . t
" t '""'' " "
A nice.hat, shirt, choice tie, smart hos
iery are" always the trimmings that
mark a well dressed man "
.j.A, Coxno in end ceo us
G.W. Johnson &Co.
R ku a Tsry rod Mlactira of
an4 OTcrLaoAs Suck -
r UU irm Marine Mch ..$S50
X 1921 OvtrUnd Coop . 37S
1 1023 OvarUnA toarinf wltk"
lwgtj actor , ; ; 8W.
1 1825 Umrinc wits tiUiooo
Uxm u Umim Hh
warn Cm guixanm ' rma
1000 mlUa MS
Tfcea ears art ready to go
look like atw.
meeting than an election. No sys
tem ot formal balloting will be
used. -.4 1.
Governor Wins Appla
Governor Walter M. Pierce wai
the principal speaker on law en
forcement at the Methodist church
in Vancouver, Wash.,' Sunday
night. Bursts of applause greet
ed his demand for strict enforce
ment of - the eighteenth amend
ment. . Governor Pierce will be in
Portland today.
came back after, it. but, found it
gone. ' Going to the man from
whom.' it was borrowed he offered
to. pay him for the stolen rifle.
Cash was not wanted but the gun
Was. Now Coursey is offering a
reward for the return of the rifle
and no questions asked. ;
vallis last month. Oregon stand
ards are so high that those passing
are permitted to practice in 43
other states without further exam
ination. One of the highest aver
ages ever made in a state examin
ation was made. by Martha Kigerv
of Corvallis,; with 92.8 per cent.
Among those taking the examin
ation were J. R. Crawford . of
Salem and Q.' R. Hewitt of Inde
pendence. .. - "-" :
Debate late Confirmed
- A telegram confirming the de
bate on evolution at the Armory
Wednesday nigbt was received
yesterday by Dr. E. A. Cantroll
from Dr. W. B. Riley, at Yakima.
The two men will meet in debate
at Eugene the following night. Dr.
Cantrell farors the teaching of
evolution while Dn Riley takes
the fundamentalist side ot the ar
gument. . ' "
Fair and Cooler
Fair In the Interior and cl?ndy on
the ImmedUte coast; gentle north
and northwest winds., if ax 76;
Win. 51; River .7; Rainfall none;
Atmosphere dear; Wind "northwest.
an Overland touring car, model
1924. license No. S 5-7 15, belong
ing to . E. B. Hodges was stolen
some -time Sunday evening In Mon
mouth. -
Two Auctions This Week
" .Wed. and Tours, nltes,.7 p.,m.
Woodry' s new 'auction market,
cor. . X. Summer and Norway.
Groceries, dry goods, , furniture,
ranges., autos,
Phone 511.
etc.? I See
9-9 9 9
The Theaters Today
; ; HI
Oregon -"Adventure" by
Jack London with Tom
II core, -Pauline Starke,
Wallace Beery and Ray
mond Hatton.
Grand "The Girl on the
Stairs,? ' starring Patsy
Ruth Miller.
iW.TlbWU Prech
In ' the absence of. the pastor,
Rev. E. H. Shanks, who Is attend
ing the Northern Baptist conven
tion a Seattle; Rev. J. C. Tibbits
filled the pulpit at the First Bap
tist' church Sunday morning.
Vacationist Are Provoked
I Hundreds of visitors to . the
Newport beaches were disappoint
ed because they were not permit
ted to visit the-lighthouse July 4,
many making the long (rip up the
beach, tor this purpose. It is cus
tomary for the lighthouse to be
closed to visitors on Wednesdays
and Saturdays, and Fourth of July
or 1 no Fourth, . the ' doors were
locked all day. Saturday was a
particularly disagreeable day at
Newport,' according to those who
returned from the week-end. An
unusually hard wind was blowing,
causing a veritable sand storm on
the Fourth. Sunday saw ' some
abatement, but .the day. was far
from pleasant. The beach resorts
attracted a large number of peo
ple to Newport and vicinity.
J5V N, .Woodryv . -
i local auctioneer, and his fam
ily, has returned from a three
days' fishing and outing trip to
thSSilets river and Newport. They
left Salem ' Thursday afternoon,
making the trip by automobile,
Roth Grocery Co f .
Has received a shipment of
extra fine canning apricots from
The Dalles. ' This Is the week apri
cots should be canned as they are
at their best and will probably not
be cheaper,
pounds. , -
12.50 per lug of 22
Legion Takes Yafatloi
The last meeting of, the season
until fall was held last night by
Capitol Post No. 9, American Le
gion. A motion looking to. means
of raising money to send the drum
and bugle corps to the national
convention in Omaha received but
scant - attention. The executive
committee will meet with the state
fair board at an. early date rela
tive to Legion day at the state fair
in September. Announcement was
made that 45 volunteer subscrip
tions representing 12500 at the
end of five vears had been re-
xxrtn -hm - iceivea. laese wm imm wo uu
wh ntoir. i-ifi- atni.leleus of a building fund that is
tn. .hi.v h. d... ri. r.i I expected toi reach around 16000
Principal Keeper "Oof-
C.' M. Charlton, principal keep
er at the state penitentiary, was
discharged last week, it became
known yesterday. The discharge
was for cause," Warden A. M. Dal-
rymple tersely stated. He refused
to -comment upon the dismissal of
the official.1 His successor will
pre-bably .be - chosen, from other
penitentiary officials or guards,
but has not yet been named.
brothers, who gave their address
as Portland, were arrested late
Sunday night' by Officer Edwards
tor disorderly conduct on' the
streets and molesting young wom
en. ... v- - - .
store return- to Coursey's ' Barber
shop. Reward. - - J7
Clark to Make Trip - , .?
Permission to make a trip east
in August In an official capacity
for the Dokkies. special order ot
the Knights ot Pythias, has been
given Senator W. J. H. Clark of
Portland, superintendent of the
adult school for blind. Senator
Clark told the board yesterday
that he expected to enter into a
contract with the Portland school
board whereby his institution will
do all ot the piano tuning for the
Portland schools. ?" ;)r
Hop Tarda Look Good
1 Hop yards of the Salem district
are looking good and the vermin
Is decreasing, according to Henry
uornoyer. me cops, are snowing
some blight in a few yard where
the honey dew was bad and the
proper treatment not applied. The
market Is remaining firm, he said.
Wants Rifle Xot Cash--
H, O. Coursey, a bsrber, bcr
rowed a rifle the other day and
then forgot that he had parked It
in an alley, outside his shop and
went on home. Remembering that
he had forgotten the firearm, he
"Doc" Lewis MoveeV
"Doc" I. W. Lewis, pharmarat
at the Perry drug store for a num
ber ot years, is now connected
with, the Nelson & Hnnt drug
store, where he is greeting his
five years. Comrade Mason, oi
Prineville. was a visitor. He an
nounced that the trophy won by
the post at the state convention
was being engraved and would be
forwarded to Salem at an early
date. , . ' '
Chautauqua Season Tickets
. Are on sale until opening night
at Patton's book store, Hartman's
jewelry store. Will's music house.
Bishop's clothing store. Commer
cial .book, store. Miller's store,
Buster Brown shoe store, Shafer's
harness shop and Opera House
pharmacy. The prices are $2.50
for adults, less for the young-V-
' it
Birth Is Reported
A baby girl, Jean Rita, was
born to Mr. and Mrs. Alex Sal
strom. 555 North Fifth, according
to the report filed in the office of
the city health officer. .
. ' At 568 Kerby st.. Portland. July
3, Bridget Mary Rafter, aged 80
years, beloved."mother of" Harriett
Rafter of this city and W. J.
Rafter of Seattle, Wash. Funeral
will be held from' the residence
Tuesday, July 7. at 8 a. m., thence
to St. Joseph's church, Salem, Ore
where requiem mass will be of
fered at 10 o'clock. Interment
Catholic . cemetery, Salem.' Mc-
Entee, Hennessey & Goetscb, dl
rectors. BR. 2133.
Auditor Is Named ' i
J. B. Protzman, supervising aud
itor of the Portland office, has
been, named chief auditor of the
state accident ;j commission, suc
ceeding the late Al Steiner. He
has been with' the commission for
the last 10 years. v .
. Kenneth Powell; of Albany,"
mute, was sentenced Monday to
the boys" training school for thej
theft of a motorcycle from another
mute. The boy's mother was "In
Salem to attend the session of the
juvenile court.
Cherry Pickers Wanted , .
Day - work, 6 miles south of
Salem, R. F. D. No. 3, C. J. Carl
ton. J7
Woodland Park Celebrates
. Spong's landing and park,, con
sisting ot 200 acres or more, and
i recently acquired by the Salem
! Woodmen, of. the World, had a
real good time the' Fourth. Up
' wards of 1,000 went bathing dur
ing the day. .This is an ideal, in
land bathing beach, sandy bottom,
sloping , sides, " with water, any
depth. The management reported
one of the largest crowds ever to
Tlsit this park. The day was a
success financially, as a charge of
25 cents, admission was made lor
each- auto, .Three"' stands
plied the visitors with! g ood things
to eat and drink.
Funeral Services for Sirs. Rafter
. The older Salem residents will
regret to learn of the death of
Bridget Mary Rafter on Friday in
Portland. . For. many years Mrs.
Rafter, made her home in Salem on
the; corner ot Miller and South
Commercial street - and ha'd many
friends here who remember her
as the excellent woman she was.
The . funeral will be held at 11
o'clock this morning 1 at - St.
Joseph's Catholic church with iar
terment In the Catholic cemetery.
J. Shelley Saorman, M. D
.4 Announces the opening of his
net? offices on the fourth floor of
the United States Bank building
Saddle Ilorses
For hire. C Li Reed.
2, Fairgrounds. ' ;
Barn No.
. 310
Liqnor Trial Set
Othe .Wallace, who! was arrest
ed some time ago on charges of
possession, ,.f transportation of
liquor and driving while intoxi
cated, was released, yesterday-on
250 bail. He was cited to appear
, for trial July IS. - ;
The Royal Cafe 1
Will serve, the public according
to its bid policies and will be Clad
to welcome our friends and pa
trons and assure them of our for
mer ' service. Is. Tweedale, ,- Sol
Roberts, i J7
Prodace Company Bosy
The Salem branch of the Pa
cific Fruit & Produce company; re
ports an exceptionally busy, day
Monday. During the day one car
of cherries was shipped, and one
car each' of watermelons, and can
taloupes was received and unload
ed. Yesterday's receipts saw , the
eighth car of watermelons and the
ninth car of cantaloupes for this
season. Peas are reported as
scarce and therefore going up In
price. The first full car of Merced
tomatoes ever handled by the local
branch was received last night. It
is felt that the market conditions
for this commodity warrant an at
tempt to handle a full car.
Bail Is Forfeited
' Fred.Veugler, arrested ft week
kgo'bit'vthe charge of driving a
car" while intoxicated.' forfeited
ball of 100 In police court yes
terday upon failure to appear.
Albany "Shieks Nabbed .
' R. L. Jackson and Arthur Flrd
ley of Albany were arrested Sun
dsy night by Officer. Thompson
'They were booked for molesting
young women and attempting to
Induce them into a car.
Cash Talks Here -
12 Urge lots for lloGd. "Inside
Salem limits and la new irrigation
district, close to car and schools.
Becke & Hendricks. U. S. Bank
ld. . ' , J3t
Anto Is rtc!?n -
The loca.1-rolirs cirics tas re
ceived word frcia r.icireaU that
Few Accidents Reported t -r
State officers were pleased .fp
note that although approximately
95 per cent of all of Oregon's mo
tor vehicles were on the highways
Saturday and Sunday, very few
accidents were reportedand jan
exceptionally few cases of drunk
enness came to their attention.
Two Houses One Lot
Mod era, . priced 13850 to move.
Loads of -fruit, flowers and view.
Yes, loads of view;, paving south. I Guard Unit Drills
"& Hendricks. U. S. Bank
Company F, . local unit of the
Oregon . national guard, held Its
first drill since its return from
West port Man Fined 1 Camp Jackson last night.-, Shoot
T. Beauchemnn of Westportllng for record will be continued
was fined $15 In justice court vesIbv the company rifle team for
- i
terday when he appeared to ans-Isome time yet. - V
wer a charge of driving a car
without ' proper . license plates.
Beauchemin was arrested by O. O.
Nichols, state traffic officer.
Roth Grocery Co
" Has received a shipment of
extra fine canning apricots from
The Dalles. This is the week anrfc
cots should be canned as they are
at their best and will probably not
be cheaper! $2.50 per lug of 22
pounds. J7
Salem Man Fined . -
' F. I A; Dickman of Salem was
fined $ IS in justice court yester
day by'Brasier. C Small, justice
of the peace, when hevwa charged
with permitting a minor ito oper
ate his car, Dickman was arrest
ed by Stste Officer Nichols.
Firef Attracts Crowd j
A fire of unknown origin did
little' damage to the root of
building . at ' South - Commercla
street- occupied jointly by the
Tourist cafe and R. L. Barton
automobile electric shop, Monday
morning. Sparks from near by
stacks probably were the cause of
the fire. Most of the damage sus
tained by the building was through
seepage of water through the cell
ing. It Is stated that the loss is
covered by Insurance.
. ; w
Everett- Booster of Woodburn
was in Salem yesterday.
A. J. Jensen of Amity was a
Salem business visitor yesterday.
W. J. Herwig, superintendent
of the Anti-Saloon league of Ore
gon, was in Salemj Monday morn
ing from Portland. -
Denton Burdick, of Redmond,
speaker of the bouse ot repre
sentatives, was In Salem Monday
on his f way t Portland.
james k. una returned yester
day from Vancouver where be had
been spending the week-end with
f rinds and relatives. v
Deputy Sheriff James W. Lewis
left Monday for Vancouver, B. C,
where he wflf visit his sister.
7 - 'v :: v.'-ri-- .i
. f- J " ; . T""
(By Associated Press.)- Govern
or Jacksont of " Indiana, called on
President Coolld&e today at White
Court. His visit was purely a so
cial one and it was said that poli
tics were not discussed. The gov
ernor who was on his way home
from the governor's conference In
Maine was accompanied by Mrs
Jackson. , , . . - .
The , president and Mrs. Cool-1
Idge remained In seclusion during I
the day and decied to remain here
tomorrow, the first anniversary ot
the death of - their younger son,
Calvin, then go to Plymouth. Vt,
where the boy was buried and the
president's - father resides. - It Is
the Intention of Mr. and Mrs. Cool
Idge 4to spend tontorrow quietly
although, the president expects to
spend some time at work smd dur
ing the morning will receive Mrs.
John J. Jacob Rogers, just elected
to congress from the Fifth Mass
achusetts district. . He also will
hold his semi-weekly conference
st noon with newspaper reporters.
Albany-Santlam national forest
will have money to build 73 miles
of trail.
Klamath Falls' Weyerhaeuser
Timber 'company expected to build j
great sawmills here. "
I -'
833 Chemeketa
Phone lOOAl
At the. residence, 1459 Lee
street, on July 5, Mary A. Ratcliffe
died at the age of 24 years. She
was the wife of Robey 9. Ratcliffe,
daughter f Mrs. Nellie E. Swarts
sister of Ralph. Frank and Virgil
Swartz, all of Topeka, Kans. Fu
neral services will be held Thurs
day morning at 0 o'clock from
Rigdon's -with interment in City
View cemetery.
. , . ;: X . .. ' I ' . ' . .
TODAY, JULY 7, 1 :30 P. M.
Zy2 miles South of Salem, 40 rods off the highway on the
left hand side, close to the Grabenhorst fruit ranch, on
Ola Shenafelt place: p : - , ,
Good Jersey milk cow; heifer calf ; pig; mahogany din
ing room suite, cost $400; ivory bed; dressing table and
chif foniere to match; Axminster rug 9x1 nearly new;
7-drawer Singer sewing machine; steel range; 75 Leg
horn chickens young and old; some oat hay; dishes and
cooking utensils. -J"- ' ',-'
; , . ; ' This must be sold
G. Satterlee,
Auctioneer '
At the home of her' daughter,
591 South Twenty-fifth street.
July 6,k1925. Elmlra Evelyn Mat-
tingly, age, 72 years, 1 month, 26
days. Survived by one daughter.
Mrs. C. C Harris. Salem; two
sons: H. C. Pitt. Lewistoni Idaho J
and F. B."Pitt. Salt Lake City,
Utah; two sisters, Mrs. Delia Wll
kenson, Montana, and Mrs. Julia
West, Spokane, Wash.; six grand
children and two great grandchil
dren- She vm a member nf fiailrA.
care of the Terwilliger Home, -notice
of funeral will be given later.
Committal services , at Ashland.
P. M. Ramsingy
Route 4, Box 113
Itaker ;
'Rebecca Jane Baker died at 990
Oak street at the age of 76 years.
She Is survived by two daughters,
Mrs. John Bengen-and Miss Luella
Baker ot Salem, Ore.' Funeral an
nouncements later. . Webb Funeral
parlors in charge of arrangements.
F. N. Woodry Pays Cash
For used furniture. Phone 511.
Get Building Permits
A building , permit . was Issued
yesterday to P. 8 Wrye 'for the
erection of a one-story dwelling
at 435 North Nineteenth, at an
estimated cost of $2500. E. A.
Pruitt received a permit to erect
a one-story dwelling at 1355 North
Thirteenth at a cost of 31800, and
the Cosmopolitan Stores, Inc., will
spend 14,000 In altering a store
building at US North Uberty.
Lsr3 Tamily Komo
. 8 rooms for $3750, excelled
condition, large corner north with
garden, fruit and flowers. Rea
sosable terms and - move today.
TTty rent? Becke Headriiks, ;
U. S. E-ak llig. , jStf
Buy a Lot in Salem No'
We have best lot buys ever han
dled, both north- and south, as low
as $300 or two for $450, with ex
tra large size, trees, tiew and
building restrictions you win like.
$10 down, $5 a month will buy to
responsible people. Phone us to
see. Becke . Hendricks. U.x S.
Bank fcldg. - J3tf
. - r
Will Name Directors '
A special election for selection
of . three directors of . the. new
drainage district in ' southeast Sa
lem.will probably be held in the
near "future. 'Tentative dates for
the election, are July 29 and 30.
Permission to nse the Richmond
sought. It is expected -"that" the
school ar a balloting place will be
election will be an Informal, af
fair, and mpre in the order of . a
PHone 727
l NiHr''
With Awnings j .
We will come to your home, or place
of business, make estimates anytime of
day or evening at your convenience
without "charge or obligation. We are
always pleased to show you samples.
Salem Tent cSiAwning Co.
. Manufacturer of ': .
Tents, Awnings and Canvas Goods '-'
1 - of AU Descriptions . : ,
TS North. Liberty 'Street Salem, Oregon Phone 415
' , t . '
Three Licenses Issued ; t
U. G. Boyer, Marlon county
clerk, issued three marriage licen
ses yesterday. They were taken
out by Alfred M. .Peterson and El
sie M. Patton, both of Sllvertonj
Earl R. Cooley, McArthur, Cal
and Mabel Elizabeth Marcus, Sa
lem; Alford C. Davis of Mill City
and Anna Glenn,! (5 4 Mission. ;
Passes Pharmacy Test " ' -
. Only two out of a graduating
class of 31 tailed to pass the an
nual: examination given by the
state board of pharmacy at Cor-
rcrilasl Pair nachei
C. racLcr-aai-Jcs-rcLcIicr,
TT .
Can IYasclscot one way,
. , Honsul Trip,'
Xcs; jbssrclea, era vray,:C27X3
'. ' r;cc!al Rates to Parties ct
. Eiglt or More
Tcr Infsmatlca and Reserra-
- ilszM rhors S98t or call at 1
Powder nnd Supply Co.
7aIstB taa VaraUSM
ITS BBta Cmmrcll Vxttn 13
Wtoodry & Woodry
Pays Cash for Furniture
: Phone 75
Euya Ftmnturo
t- Phcat 611 -i
Electric Cafe
Aietioii Sales
Wednesday' and Thursday .Nighls, 7 pan.
t Woodry V New Auction Market H
Corner North Summer and Norway, opposite his res
idence. Groceries, Dry Goods, Furniture, Tools,
- Ranges, Congoleujn Rugs, Automobiles and other
merchandise. Terms Cash. 1 -
F. M. V70 0 DRY, Aucti one sr
Residence 1610 North Summer Street, Phone 511
Note Woodry Pays Cash for Furniture
v3 '
: .
LDD & nySH,: Bankers
. Gctrsl BciiHnj Su:Irc:3
Call for
Colored Lenses
Corner Etate and -IIIIi Etrccf . '.
125 11
f It ?f
f i
k4ft L m .
3 1 I