The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, July 07, 1925, Page 1, Image 1

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Prdsecutiorjrtd Try Johrv T.
j Scopes for Teaching Evo
!, lution in School "
Process May Bo- Observed Under
Microscope, Zoologist -f.
Seven Other Men Are lndict-
ed for Giving Liquor to
Four Minor Girls
(By Associated Press.) Dr. Her
INJUNCTION IS ' . DENIED bert Spencer Jennings, professor SERIOUS CHARGE FAC
of zoolozv and diretcors oi me
Federal Judge Refuses Scopes Re I
straining Order- to Stop
f Criminal Case; .Inter-'; "
;? 1 c r -est Utllgh '
(By Associated Press.) John T.
Scopes,, public' school teacher, must
stand trial by Jury in the state
court at Dayton, Tenn., on Fri
day, on a charge of violating a
Tennessee statute prohibiting- tbeuteg
teaching ol evolution in me pun
lie schools, "as Federal Judge John
zoological laboratory at the Johns
Hpkins university, here is the
"first actually to see and to con
trol the, process of evolution
among living . things." v i y
The statement is contained in a
newly published report of the bio
logical activities at Johns Hopkins
and is considered by scientists at
the institution as being of special
sgniflcance in view of the coming.
trial of John T. Scopes' charged
with the teaching of evolution in
violation of the Tennessee stat-
Other Accusations Placed Agates
Wade, Schackmahn, Dit
mar, Gilchrist and Ed
' ', wards Dismissed I '
"The evidence of evolution," the
Four of the 11 men who were
charged with contributing to the
delinquency of minor girls were
released by the "grand Jury yester
day when not true bills were re
turned fo them. Those freed of
the charr are Dick Schackmann.
Percy ljitmar, Walter Gilchrist
and Frisco 'Edwards. True bills
J. Core Aoday; refused , to grant report declares, "has been readin were f.un-; agalnst,i the other
the pedagogue a restraining order vW.o,.
.ton h ortmin.i iaA The I plants and animals, but under the
1 appeal for an Injunction asserted I microscope Dr Je&nlnga was able
I that Scopes' constitutional rights
would be violated by his trial in
the state court ."J . f ,
John R, Neal, leading counsel i
for. Scopes, said; no appeal would
be taken from ' Judge Gore's ml-
to follow evolution not as a theory
but as a thing that was' actually
taking place," - ... t ' v'.'.J -'
I seven. .. I ,. " .-,.s .
Those ; Indicted for ." trials are
Jess Wade, William Cook, John
Bolton, Bert Peary, Bud Harris,
Max Carthew ' and Clifford Wll-
lard. The case grew out of an al-
nlngs declares, "reveals that the
hereditary.' characteristics do be
ing now, but that he would sooal come- changed by external cond'.-
"Interisified study,? Dr. Jen-heged liquor party held on April
annly to Judge Hicks, federal
judge for eastern Tennessee, now
in Detroit, for a Jederal court or
der; In the case. ' 'r f.
In his lengthy ruling Judge
Gore did not discuss the consti
tutionality of the Tennessee stat
ute under which Scopes was in
dicted, but -gave his decision on
the question of his territorial jur
isdiction. He cited the United
States constitution and statutes
and numerous precedents, to up
hold his belief that he did not
have jurisdiction in the case. One
ground'clted "was thai' Dayton Is
thd eastern federal distrijcjL ,of
Tennessee, while his district is
middle Tennessee. ,
Listening to the decision of
Judge Gore, Scopes seemed unper
turbed. He said he expected the
trial at Dayton to begin next Fri
(dajr, according to schedule,, . .. -
Judge Gore, at the outlet of his
decision, pointed out that the pe
tition showed that the petitioner
is tinder indictment in Ithea coun
ty,) and that the case is pending
undetermined. H. stated that he
was ' of the opinion that he was
no justified In granting the "writ.
,. Two petitions were presented '
one In the name of John T. Scopes
and the other In behalf of Robert
; M. Wilson. Both were directed at
Governor Austin Peay, State's At
torney Thompson, and A. T. Stew
art, attorney; general for the 18 th
judicial district of Tennessee. ;
It was claimed that Scopes was
deprived under the Tennessee law
of .liberty and property without
due process of law. Wilson's plea
contendedthat the law deprived
him of , the right to properly edu
cate his children. Both contended
that enforcement of the lav is not
tlons. Through such diversities
continuing for great numbers of
generations single stocks, uniform
2, whenjt is declared four minor"
girls were plied- with, wine until
they were .not conscious. .Other
parties are 'said to have been held
on. March 20 and March 28.
More serious charges than gir
in their, hereditary characteristics ing liquor. to minors may be pre-
gradually. differentiate into many
faintly differing hereditary fea
tures. Again the process is grad
ual, or by steps so Bmall that sin
gle -ones are imperceptible.
"In higher organisms, the state
of knoweldge on this point is less
satisfactory. But the evidence so
far as it goes indicates that the
processes here are in agreement
with those, in lower organisms.
. "Apparently diversities . in ex
terna! agents inay, under condi
tions which seem rarely met, so
modify the germ cells that .they
produce progeny with changed
hereditary characters. Altogether
we find that even Independently ot
any mating process diversity, of
stocks is being produced but most
slowly and gradually.
Associated Press.). Decision to
conduct ' an active campaign for
the sale of shipping boad lines and
ships wrxannouoced by President
Palmer of the emergency fleet cor
poration in a letter to all mana
ging operators of 'government Tea
sels. The ; terms .and conditions
would be made as liberal as may
be consistent : with "the - govern
ment's interests. he wrote, 'The
fleet , corporation ' desires to re
gard the managing operator of a
f erred against Wade, it is sajd
Following an all-night party and
a joy ride, Wade is stated to have
remained all night with one of the
girls 1n his room. The girl is de
clared to have , been in a severe
stage of intoxication.
j The grand : jury calendar was
almost, entirely cleared up yester
day, with only a few cases re
maining to be heard. C. C. Con
ley, negro, who held up and rob
bed the night station agent of
Turner Wednesday, was dressed
in at the state prison yesterday
afternoon to start serving a sen
tence of seven years. This is a
record for speedy Justice, only five
days elapsing between the com
mitting, of .the . crime and arrival
at the prison.
Other cases disposed of by the
grand jury yesterday are as fol
lows: A not true bill was return
ed for Joe Polley, charged with
possession of a still; S. A. Pease,
charged with possession of a still,
was indicted, and Perry Schramm,
accused of poisoning a dog, was
Rant Clearance Are $10,770,000
or Third la Class Through 7
' - 5 Northwest
General business ' condittons In
Salem are better than In any city
of the northwest, according to the
July map issued by the Babson
Statistical .Organisation, of Wel-
lesley -Hills. Msbh.,! 11'T.elyed Yes
terday by" Ike CkXmber of Com
"nierce. .The report ia on condli-
tions during May.' ,
These good conditions - regard
in? Salem broadcasted throughout
the United. States by Babson.' give
the, capital, city, the favorable rati
ing in spite of the fact that Ore
gon as awhole Is reported as a
state where sales, opportunities
gre least! favorable. 1 , ;
Salem ! is rated as a city with
most favorable sales conditions
and the only other cities so rated
in the west are San Diego, San
: Jose, Oakland and Yakima.
Only five states, based on May
business, are rated as with most
favorable sales conditions. These
are North Dakota, South Dakota,
Michigan,' Minnesota and Florida.
In the. west, Oregon, Idaho aid
Wyoming are rated as having the
least favorable sales ' conditions.
Washington and California are
rated, with fair conditions. '
v According to the Babson re Dart
received by the Salem Chamber of
Commerce, bank clearances dur
ing the month of May In several
cities of smaller size of the north
west were as follows: . '
Salem $10,770,oaQ; Eugene ?7
41D.00Q;, Astoria $4,574,000; Pen
dleton, $3.&72,0Q0; . Bellinghain,
$9,$55.00O; Longvlew, . $2,920,
000; Everett. $13. 161.000; Yaki
ma, $11,559,000; Hoquiam $8.-
282,000. ; , , i
Per Caplt Costs for Last Month
,i Ar Generally Lower Than ,
in Jane
Judge Kennedy Refuses Mo
tion of Government Loun
.cil.for New Trial
Failure to Declare Property Brings
. Heavy Fine; Collection Is ' "
Lease Annulment Suit Against
Mammoth Oil Company End
ed;. New Evidence said
line as its notential purchaser.
a' valid exercise of the police pow- nd it is hoped that youij company
er of the state. . may e us. way 10 acquire ine
Referring in his decision to the Iine 14 operates. However, the
contention of counsel that it was nSt corporation will bei receptive
the court's duty io grant a tern- to proposals for purchase from
'porary restraining order to remain any responsible sourcj at any
ln force until a hearing, and de- time, and it will be its purpose to
termination of an application fori nanaie inem Expeaiuousiy.
an j Interlocutory ' decree," Judge .1', Mr. Palmer also announced that
Gore said that even if he had the I recommendations would be made
power to grant a temporary re
straining order he was of the opin
ion that'he should hot do so upon
SEATTLE, July 6. A total of
1927 librarians from all parts of
the United States were here to
night when the' first formal ses
sion of the 47 th annual conference
of the American Library associa
tkn was called to order. By noon
tomorrow 2500 delegates will have
arrived. It Is expected.
15 YEARS AND $10,000 FINE
t By 'Associated , Press. )-rFitteea
years in the federal penitentiary
at Leavenworth and a' fine of f
000 was meted out to Mortoa S.
Hawkins, former president of the
defunct Hawkins Mortgage com
pany, on charges of - using the
mails to defraud in connection
with operations of the concern, by
Judge Robert Baltzell here today
Counsel for Hawkins who was
found guilty by a jury last week
immediately filed notice of an ap
peal and Judge Baltzell granted
the defendant 20 days to raise
bond of $50,000 and perfect his
appeal. - Should he fail to raise
bond or perfect his appeal during
this period he must begin serving
his sentence, the ' court ruled,
Meanwhile he will remain In jail
Hawkins,, the government charged
mulcted investors out of between
$4,000,000 and $6,000,000 by. the
operations of his company:
State Institutions in general are
keeping within the allowance for
the first six months' period, ac
cording to reports submitted to the
staje board of control by the var
ious superintendents. - Specific
figures were given for the state
hospital by Dr. R, E. Lee Steiner
and for the penitentiary by. War
den A. M. Dalrymple. The state
hospital was allowed $199,600 tor
the period, expended $189,691.36.
leaving an unexpended balance of
$9808.64. The prison was al
lowed $87,500. spent $78.'809.50
and has 8690.50 on hand. "
With the exception of the state
hospital, eastern Oregon state hos
pital' and. the employment institute
for adult blind in Portland the per
capita costs , for June this year
were lower than, for the same
month last year.
The population at the state hos
pital last month was 1829 with the
per capita cost $17.87 aeainst
1808 and $16.03 for June. 1924.
The prison had 493 inmates last
month against 441 a year ago.
wun tne per capita costs $21.72
this year against $32.15 last year.
The feebleminded school had 796
inmates costing the state $15.64
eacn against the 774 last year
which cost $16.39 each. The boys
training school, with 216 Inmates
against the' 176 last year, cost
$20.72 per inmate in comparison
with $29.73 a year ago. The state
tuberculosis hospital had 146 pa
tients costing $44.10 each against
& ana a per capita cost of
$46.93. The girls training school I nooa fn. v cioi.i.
had 71 inmates at $28.65 while Albert B. Fall, former secretary
Vu yCar Puliation was 73 of the interior, who negotiated
with a cost of $32.15. There were th rof ihA rnTmmnL
799 inmates in the eastern Ore-j Their motion, required that depo-
reported to a mount to $10,000
has been imposed upon Pola Neg
ri, motion picture actress it was
I learned tonight by the govern
ment lor failing to declare two
diamond, and emerald , bracelets
and a diamond ring when she ar
rived In this country last May. It
was reported that the government
had assessed the jewelry at $47.f
000 so that Miss Negri will have
to pay a total of $57,000 to re-
Governor, "Kozer and Kay m
. Clash Concerning Award
ing of Contracts
CHEYENNE" Wyo., July 6. cover the gems.
(By The Associated Press). Fed-1 The jeWeis have been In the dos-
eral Judge T. Blake Kennedy late session of the customs authorities
since a few days after her arrival:
Henry C. Stuart, assistant col
lector of the .port, said tonight
that he - did not know the exact
amount of the fine or the value ot
the gems, but that the reported
figures were probably correct. ,
The ruling in the case was said
to have been made by General
Lincoln C. Andrews, newly ! ap
pointed assistant secretary of the
treasury and Miss Negri was noti-
today denied the motion of gov
ernment counsel, Atlee Pomerene
and Owen J. Roberts, for a rehear
Ing of the Teapot Dome lease an
nnlment suit on the ground that
additional testimony for the gov
ernment was available. -1
Judge Kennedy also signed a
decree dismissing the lease annul
ment suit against the Mammoth
Oil company entering the dismiss
al as of June 19, the date of his
decision in the case.
Treasurer Charges Threat of Veto
' Responsible for Financial
. Condition of Accident
Conunbtsiom -
fifxl hv Philln f Rltfnr. nlWtftr
Judge Kennedy in his decree of nf lha .rt s---rft, ,ff.r
dismissal Provided for the con- the arrlTal ot the Berengaria Miss
tinuance of , the Teapot Dome re- XegrI appeared at the custom
celvershlp until further order, h,,nRA .., toM M. F,.,nr that lt
while the appeal from the decision was the fault of her mala 8he
is being taken by the government had failed
to declare the jewelry
to the eighth circuit court of ap- and 8everal boUles of wlne wh,ch
peais. ine government is given lTianotrtr. fnn. , , ,v ci,.
45 days from June 19 to file Its tn,A ttia ma,. t 1ar. I,am
petition for appeal. ' ; I ,he said and the maid had nerlect-
The government counsel sought! ed to do so. The maid, however.
to reopen tne case to present aaai-iai gne declared exactly what her
tional testimony on the allegedlmi8tress, had told her to declare,
transfer of Liberty bonds from the It became known today that even
continental Trading company oil before Miss Negri left the Beren
garia she' was called upon by a
treasury - department- representa
tive who told her that this gov-
ernment knew of the jewelry and
P-nn hA,nu.i . I .7. . .7 7 ..7-". '. ttl,uucu "cr uul tu '"'fi i
, i"Mmcu at a cosiisiuons m connection wun tne ai-ciare
of $16.47 per patient last month llered transfer of Llbertv ! bonds I
against 740 and 415.59 a year aeo
Tne 105 members of the soldiers
home at Roseburg cost the. state
$36.25 each against the 98 and
$39.68 reported last year.
ine aanit bund emnlovmpnt
Miss Negri at first said she had
declared all the property she had
but later produced - an emerald
ring. , iw . - , '
Some Ume later an agent visit
be taken in Toronto, Canada, and
filed with the court. ' I
Before the trial of the Teapot
Dome case,, government counsel
endeavored to aecura these deno-
m I a -m m s
sltions in reaard to the alleged ea aer ana asaea ner .it ana naa
bureau In Portland had an Anmii. Librtv bond transfer. Judge Ken- not received the 30-carat diamond
ment of 48 last month, costing nedy granted . the government a present while In France. She
$66.62 each while in June. 1924 I continuance or the trial from Feb-1 uu"tiw . lua
ruary Z6 to March 9 lor- tne -se-1 uiBwmia.
there were 41 costing $57.82.
HALIFAX, N. S.,July 6-(By
Associated Press.) A radio mes
sage from the Peary of the Don
ald B- MacMillan Arctic explora
tion expedition , picked up today,
reported that the Peary and the
curing of this evidence but the
refusal of IT. S. Osier, trading
company president, to answer part
of the questions put to him de
feated the' government's move.
Judge Kennedy in his. order dis
missing the lease annulment suit
against. Harry F. Sinclair's Mam
moth Oil company, epitomised the
In his order of dismissal. Judge
Kennedy stated that the question
Rowdoin left Kattle Harbor this
morning and had called at Domino of the rallAltj or invalidity; of the
Eskimo boots were pur
The Peary expected to be at
Hopedale, Larbrador, tomorrow if
ice permitted.
(Continued ob jiif 3) '
, j . ...
to the. board at its meeting tomor
row for the sale of 200shlps for
scrapping, bids for which were
publicly' opened , last week. The
board is not expected to take final
(Continued from yaga 2)
HARTLEY OPPOSES PLAN action at once, however! four of
! its seven members being absent
I from the city. I IV was reiterated i
Plain a -. m vr-1. . ?
toaay mat no oia tor tnese snips.
such as Henry Ford told the As
sociated Press he had mailed be-
SEATTLE, July 6. Unchanged I fore the offers were opened nad
in, his opposition to state assist- been receivd ; by I the corporation
ance in the settlement of the Kit- j or, the board. , ' ; : t . '
nuts uiKutiue icwaiuauuu ujcv i.
following a conference, which the
secretary of interior Hubert Work
-and El wood Mead, federal reclam-
: ation chief t Governor .Hartley to
night announced that he would
'; make another Surrey of the pro
ject before definitely committing
himself. , "-' - - hr:.r- H'?
Secretary Work Said no' effort
Two building contracts aggre
gating nearly a quarter of mil
lion of dollars were let Monday by
had been mads-to influence,, the tne gUte board of control, A. A
Slewert, of Salem, with a bid of
governor to change his mind.
. Governor Hartley issued a pre
pared statement r y ' rt
'My views on the general policy
here involved have ' nut been
changed, yet I do not wish to as
sume an arbitrary attitude or to
hastily take actiqn on the ques
. tion now before the state," , the
statement said. "For this reason
I have promised those interested
in it that I shall -visit the project
and go thoroughly into every de
tail of the land settlement pro
posal as well as study the organ
ization of the indemnifying ! cor
poration and the methods it pro
poses to pursue.
fThls I sLa.ll do st the earliest
possible date' and s!.ll ennoencs
mj j final decision Immediately
$32,900 to construct the, two-story
and basement building for 'the
feeble-minded school. Settergren
Bros., of Portland were awarded
the contract for the erection of a
'three-story ward at the eastern
Oregon state hospital near Pendle
ton at a cost ot $178,865.
I Other . contracts awarded were
Foi & Company, Portland, plumb
ing tor state hospital ward. 47850
and J. F. Shea, Portland, beating,
$8427. For the feeble-minded
school building L. C. Inman, Sll-
verton, will install the heating,
$2803 (and plumbing, $2700.75;
Hatch Electric company, ' Salem,
electrical ' wiring, $720 and .Ore
gon Art Tile company, Portland,
tlla. $1785.' . .
. -: - - - . .. - .
" : A U ko
CHATTANOOGA, Tenn.; July 6.
(Associated Press.) "To make
a long story short 'dead men tell
no tales. I think that explains.
, in ! the shortest possible fashion
why Dr. W. D. Mason and myself
were abducted, and tortured tor
ten days by a gang of masked men
in the wilds of Signal, mountain."
.The foregoing' statement was
: made today at a local hospital by
Lawrence Bowman, alleged feudist
and - aide to federal prohibition
agents, kidnaped along with Dr.
Mason, a veterinary- surgeon on
June 23 and kept tied to trees un
til Sunday morning by enemies.
Bowman and Dr. Mason intimat
ed, that warrants would be sworn
out for members of the . masked
band who participated in the ab
duction, i
Bowman declared that he be
lieved that the real cause of the
kidnaping was dne to the fact that
he had turned up a number of
stills recently for federal prohibi
tion agent W. E. Grubb.
"They Intended to get Dr. Ma
son; too, so that he could not tell
what they- had-done to me." said
Bowman. Bowman refused to
name the abductors, although he
indicated that he could Identify
several of them.
PORTLAND. July 6. Resigna
tion of Dr. Francis E, Clark, after
44 years as president flf the United
Society of Christian Endeavor, and
election of Dr. Daniel A. Poling of
New York, associate president for
10 years, as his successor, were
announced here today by trustees
of tho international organization.
Dr. Clark, who is more than 70
years old. Is known as the father
1 of Christian Endeavor. . ..
I In. his biennial message to the
convention Dr. Clark said; "Mili
tary men in army and navy are
retired at the age ot 64; t have
passed, by nearly 10 years, the
age when the officers must re
linquish their commands, .and
write retired, after Jlhelr names.
In the . Lord's army, too,, there
comes a time when, for . the best
efficiency, a man should resign his
post and place the standard of of
fice in younger hands. . ' ;
. Some months of serious ill
health, as well as advancing years
with their inevitable handicaps.
compel me to do this now."
.JDrJ Clark indicated, that he
might accept the office of presi
dent of the World Christian En
deavor union, I - -
Edward - P. H Gates, who has
served as genersl secretary of the
movement for six years, was re
elected, and Dr. William Hiram
Foulkes of New York was chosen
to the newly created office of vice
' From the smoke ot battle rising
from verbal-tilts between Gover
nor Pierce and Secretary of State
Kozer andfStatTreasurer Kay.
during which Governor Fierce ad
mitted that he" was In error by
blocking, the legislature's plan to
appropriate, $2 00.0 00 for the state
Industrial accident , commission,
contracts amounting to nearly a
quarter of a million dollars were'
awarded Monday by the state
board Of control for the erection
of a three-story ward at the east
ern Oregon state . hospital near
Pendleton and a two-story build
ing for the state, feeble minded
school at Salem. The argument
arore over the question of com
pelling contractors io 'carry on
state work nnder the -protection
of the workmen's compensation
Governor Pierce was emphatic
in his demands.- that contracts
awarded by the board of control
should be awsrded only to con
tractors coming -under the state
industrial accident commission.
Both Secretary of State Kozer and
State Treasurer Ksy took the po
sition that the requirement should
not be included, as the law leaves
the matter entirely with the indl-
vidual contractor, and - that the
board shoulcPTrot set Itself above
the law.
" That 'the governor was directly
responsible for the position of the
accident commission, which Is
badly in need ot finances, was
charged ly .State Treasurer Kay. "
The govrnor admitted, indirect
ly, that his threat to reto any
me&sare passed by the legislature
giving such financial assistance
would be vetoed, was In error, an
that, he waa sorry for the occa
It was pointed out by:the ma
jority of the board that at the last
general election, by a 2 to 1 Tote,
the compulsory workmen's com-,
pensatlon measure was defeated.
Both Secretary of State Kozer and
State Treasurer Kay were in favor
of making such requirements pro
viding that the law, permitted the
contractor to hare part of (his
work under the state protection
and part under private Insurance.
The point was . stressed that the
contractor should not be com
pelled by his state contract to
take a financial loss by forcing
him to drop his other Insurance.
Otherwise they-were In favor ot
CHICAGO, July 6. (By Asso
ciated Press.) Six deaths and
several prostrations were attribut
ed to the heat in Chicago today
when the temperature mounted to
96 at 4 o'clock, the hottest July 6
in Chicago since 1874. It was not
the hottest day this year, how
ever, as the mercury went to 98
last Saturday. Tonight- a violent
thunder storra. struck the city
about 9 o'clock, re Jaclng the tera
Iferature. -. ;i : . '
An excellent program, 'contain
ing, two special request numbers.
has been arranged for the Wlllson
park . concert tonight by Oscar
Steelhammer, director - of -' the
Cherrlan band. The program is
as follows:
1. March, "Stars and Stripes
-Forever," .Sousa
2. Selecllon Wang'. ..Lauders
S. Waltz, -Souvenir"
4. Popular Numbers.
5. Vocal Solos. . Oscar Gingrich
6. Selection "Poet and Peas-. .
ant" (by request) Suppe
7. -Selection "La Palma" (by. .
request) ......... Prater
8. Selection "Newlyweda". . .. .
D. March "Scotch Highland-. .
landers" !Ir. j
10. "Star Spanglcl ranker."
slate protection. J and strongly
nrged contractors to come under
the act. t -
Nearly all of the nine contract
ors bidding on the hospital wing
and the seven submitting bids for
the .feeble-minded . school are al
ready under the workmen's com
pensation act.-', '
ROME, July 6. (By The Asso
ciated Press.) One of the princi
pal organizers of the robbery of
the treasury of St. Peters Friday
night has been arrested and the
precious objects stolen have been
recovered. Three accomplices have
also been seized by the police.
Police Commissioner Marrotta.
pretending that he was a receiver
of stolen goods, got in contact
with a former shoemsker named
Mariano Stella, one of the men
who plotted the robbery and who
was believed to hare concealed
the precious objects stolen. Tfce
police commissioner in this way
waa able "to, recover the objwts
this evening and Stella was arrest
ed. ,
Numerous other arrests har
been made Including six work
men who were engaged in repairs
in the interior of the palace where
the treasury is situated. They are
suspected of having participate!
in the crime. ,
If you ares through with your
camping equipment for ttu
year why not sell it. Thefe are
many who would be glad to pet
It for their trip. Take a small
discount now and liave the cash
to use. A email ad in tl.c Clas
sified Ccluu-o . r Tba StaU-s-n:a
Is all that's r jry.
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