1, .SETTLERS AftECOUlfia. TO FARMS OF OREGON 1K9 paSiilik.4 ;roMrsa FROM V ' VARIOUS PLACES Salem District Gets Many Thi-bugl) ! rortland - Cbarobor of ' i '. : Commerce llurean 'lJ From all points of the compass, horaeseekers -come pouring Into .'.Oregon.' - '(''' y-' l:y A total of 189 families, desiring to locate on Oregon "farmsv have '.been 'reported -by- the gateway of- flees - at Ashland, Ontario, Ore.; Green s Riven Wyo. : Portland municipal anto camn and the Los Angeles branch office of the Port-i -land Chamber of Commerce, since j June 1 , . :., Forty-one of these prospective I r.ettlers have called personally at'o' groceries and other staples will the office of the land settlement department, Portland, and been 'gfven;lnformation and assistance in- locating. - . v . For the nionthrof June, 24 fami , jlles have already been located on the land in Marions parts of the state, representing - a capital In- vestment of ore S1S0.000. W. O. Ide, manager,aj6tates that complete "reports., for .the month have not iyet been received from the various counties,- and 'that no doubt this Inumber will be greatly increased. I Thirteen settlers have .been t . Jported for Josephine county,' one ifor Klamath, one' for Deschutes, and 5ten by. " ,the ' Czecho-Slovak ' chamber of commerce of Chicago, who have located in various parts Of the Willamette valley. A few ' 6f the new settlers are: John Tins ty, of Minnesota, 1 ( acres at Mo lalla; Jos. Dostil, of South Dakota 33 acres at McMlnnville, J. F. jllroza, South Dakota,4 62 acres at - Buttevile; Frank :Klima, - North Dakota; 31, acres i at Woodburn; ' Jas. Krljci, Illinois', i and John Denes, Wisconsin.. 121 , acres". at Whiteson; E. E. Stump, California, G acres at Bear Creek? Sherman "Ware, California, ' 50 acres,; Jos ephine county; IIarvey q Hoff master; Arizona, 10 acres Joseph ine county; Thomas ,Gaffey, Cali- Ifornia, 80 acres Josephine county, and Emma IL Garret, Arizona, 3 acres near Grants Pass. STARTING THEATER WORK . 1 . - ... , , i -.. .) jCONSTRUCTION'ON HIGH WILL I BCGEf 1N 10 DAYS r 5 . w- ' i ': Construction work on what' Is to be the largest theater In Ore gon save In Portland, will be com menced within the next lO Hays. The construction work Is . being held up at present by the slowness of the excavation; work, which has been going on for some -ttme Water has bothered in this work some, but not ati much 'as it was feared It might. It-Is expected" "Lly Indbpcndencc fir 1 . Yc11 be freed frcn landlords and rfent receipts and moving days. I Your hcr-.e'vrill be . blessed with'ece and contentment, with the happy? shouts cf chllircn, with sunshine and flowers. ; . .. "D;:cii2 cn this Independence Day to Own Ycur Own Heme end yotfli'jcin the thrcr. cf successful,- progressive I Anericans' wh &re the backbone of the country thank God for every one of them! Your UNCLE SAJ.I .'.''"''" " '" ' : ' -The above cheerfully subscribed to' arid endorsed by ii f that the building will be cdmplet-' ed within 90. days ' after actual construction work is begun. , . ! Several names are " being con sidered for the new theater which will be located on High street'be tween -State and Ferry, but as yet no name has been, "definitely chosen. ' : - - -y f r." ; ' - t; T ;,' ' ; Vi LIBERTY ; IS J REMODELED THEATER Bt'JLlH.Va BECOMES STORE NEXT MONTH The liberty theater, one of Sa lem's oldest theaters. Is being re modelled Into a store building The seats, organ and other equip ment, were "removed this' week, and will be replaced" Immediately P to. flate store fixtures. Tn new, store will be the sixth 01 tne chain . or . cosmopolitan istores to be established in tne Willamette valley. -A general line be - carried, and the practice of having no article at .. a . greater price than SI will be carried out. The whole front of the theater is to be - remodelled,-' allowing space for window displays. The hew ' store is to be opened for business by the middle of August, FIRT ROTORi 1'ACIITON TRIAL POTS DAM-y-The world's first rotor yacht was a 'feature of the exhibition for aquatic sports held recently.' Jt made a trial trip eacfi day 'of . the exhibition f on Templin lake and performed satis factorily. ? , ;, ;'-. f ; 1. ' IRISH CENSUS TO BE TAKEN DUBLIN.-A census , will be taken in .Ireland next -year, . in the northern counties at least. It will be the first count of the popu lation since before the war. f Lone" Star - " ' ' Service Station and Camp Ground 1998 N. Capitol Street t . .-. -- . - ,- . John Wulii amson Prop. Also .4 - Builder of Homes : 'for -sale 'on easy terms. "If you are looking' for ' a' home call on us. 4. -. bay Message Is: .ii 1 Cc -XczVZ l ::i Phcr.3 S7G . t i!:m,-AIlar.;:, Lents, Hutbnrd, Ycmhill, ni":bcro, T.-zs SALEf.f PROPERTY OWNER PAYS AN AVERAGE iAXtBloomIngton 1U- BLTLDIXO ASSESSED 50 "PER CENT OF VALUATION - Chamber of Commerce Requests ' Figure f rem 25 Cities of Similar Size Taxes are always of interest to property owners and while there are many complaints, figures com piled by the chamber of commerce indicate that many cities of 'the corresponding size pay more than do local persons. - Property in Salem is assessed at about 50 per cent of its aetual value and the rate to be paid this year is 50.S mills, or $50.50 on an ' assessed valuation of $1000. ; Requests for figures were made of other chambers of " commerce throughout the country and the answers' show that the owner, of a $10,000 building in Salem pays a ho nt &w ftTPrarn tar. 1 Following are the ' cities from which answers were received; Salem, Ore. . ... .'.$252.50 Centralia, Wash. ...... J 365.00 4. & v.j m m "5 V ..t z TOO me: Xf your home U already built : let nw show y6a how you can effect a considerable fuel saving and get greater 'alt-seaaoa com fort by lining your attic with ' Celotes Insulating Lumber. Celotex brings to the simplest boa comfort baly costly rJe have bad before. It enables boto " builders for the first time to ob ! tain complete idstiUtioa practi cally' without extra -oost." Phone :'s Cor mors informttioa. ' Oregoxi Gravel Co. Hood at Front St. r 1 ' 79 171 1 j -v . ' T ) 1 1 1 ii 1 il Ciluim tm mm 9 twflins" Stdp:heat loss atlthe 210.00 200.00 ! 279.50 207.00 413.67 240.00 35S.O0 254.00 211.00 387.00 230.87 296.00 202.20 247.00 350.09 400.65 379.00 2S0.00 251.50 200.00 uasper, .wy, ...... Albuquerque, N. M. . Crawf ordsville, Ind. . La Porte, lnd. .. , . . Clinton, Iowa ...... Riverside, Cal. -'.... Aurora, 11L . . ...... Aberdeen, Wash. . .'. Olympia, Wash. . ... Atchison, Kan. I Fargo," N.'D., I . V. . . . Yakima, Wash. . . . Bremerton, Was,h Everett, Wash. . . . Bellingham, Wash. ; Walla Walla, Wash. Vallejo, Cal. Speedy Planes to" Bring Bombay Close to London LONDON, July 1. AH steel alr- nlanea now under construction here will make the trip from Eng land to India, roughly 8000 miles as the crow would fly, if he were able to accomplish it. In three days and some odd hours, according to recent announcement of the air ministry under whose supervision the machines are being built. The specifications provide that the planes be equipped with three motors developing 2000 horsepow er, and it is hoped they will be able to accomplish 100, miles an hour, and possibly even a greater speed. A crew of ioar or five will operate each machine, which wlH'Mrnr 9ft tri nflaunrara Tt I j - tr is proposed that these giants, of the air travel day and night, there being sleeping accommodations and hot' meals by means of an elec trie -cooker. UJilDltJG r RahereId and Certaln-teed f t Booftbs Blaterlals , ' Peadenlng Felta . Asphalt Sheeting - Building Papers . . ' v i Perfection Plaster Board Pabco Painta 'and Oils Paboo Varnishes and Stains Peerless Bnilt-lna Mallo 3ail Boxes Cedar Shingles ; ' Standard Gypsum Plaster ' AVaterproofings for Cement DuPont and Giant Explosives Gabriel a V.; JL U YV UC1 Company "173 'SOUTH. COMMERCIAL Choose ITourWoodwoflc With Care -TTTrtTlIAT "thought, study," patience and en- A vrtlsasra'TOU "P into the plans for a new - V V I house-7-hours spent on room arrangements r , - ' and studying styles of homes.; ; . Do you as carefully consider the interior . trim and . your - built-in fixtures stairs, . .book cases, buffets, doprs, and' the break- .; fast nook t. ;. ... .. , ' V ; . Pmiiture"J and decorations can. be , changed "if necessary, but 'changing the v -'.'(' woodwork is serious and expensive. i ' ; Specify 'Spaulding interior trim, and sSpaulding bxiiltns and you'll have no re ' grets. You will get the best? material, . 'accurate fitting, and 'beautiful workman-, . ' , ; Advise with ui before . building. Get our prices on woodwork and building ma . 'terial. i You will be Under no obb'gation. JUNE BUILDING RECORD EXCEEDS LAST YEAR'S TOTAL FOR MONTH IS S3H5,?00 ! REPORTS SHOW Forty; Permits, Issued; Sschool, Chnrrh, YMCA'aad Apartment J i Are Invaded The number of building permits issued at the city recorder's office during the past month of June, shows a decided increase over that of the same1 month last year. "' During June, 1923,- forty per mits to"' erect new buildings, at'an estimated' cost of $107,000 were issued. une permit to erect sr new chnrch, school and parrish house at an estimated cost of $100,000;' one permit to erect a Y.M.C.A. building at an estimated cost of $125,000; one permits to erect .an apartments house at 'Bn; estimated; cost of $46,500;. arid two permits to erect! 'garages at an estimated cost pf $2,200 were4 ALL SUPPLIES WE BUY WlTlH jCARE t ANDYOUUj FIND OURL PRICES NELSON BROS. S35 Chemeketa Phone 1006 MATERIALS XuPont Enamels Dnco Polishes 3Ietal Lath, Corner Bead , Starshall A Steraa Wall Beds . 'Bicketson's Mortar Colors , Cabot's Quflt--Ueat and sound . deadeners ' m 'Duplex Joist Hangers and Beam .'Caps T Concrete Hardeners f Cabot's Shingle Stain ltuberoid Shingles 5 Certain-teed Shingles 1 Basement Sash x & Supplyv pnoxE 72a :;iGjoGGl!G(a "rLuziher also issued during the 'month, and in addition to that five permits to alter and repair 'buildings at .an estimated cost of $4,100, brlngin the, grandtotal of all, permits is sued to $385,700'as against $59,- 405 for the same month of last year. -- . UNIQUE DISTINCTION CLAIMED BERNE, Switurland Cerman- Australa is now the cheapest place In Europe in which to lire, says the Berner Bund, This la due. It is said, because' the place Is less able Xa make gold, payments than any other part of Europe. t We have a'few thousand feet of 1 x 4 novelty rustic that vWe? vvillisell at $1 7,50 per thousand, r Also some 6-inch novelty rustic for $ 1 9.00 and S20.00 per thousand. These ; prices' are good" for ' a short ' time only. Remember the place or come and inspect 'same. The home of Upson Wall Board arid Tile, - Plaster Board,1 Sherwin Williams Paint and Oil.'- Jiisi received a car of good' cedar 'posts. "We have "Everything in Building Material. No cheap pick up' from small mills, but all from our own mill at Valsetzi The recent' fire in' the vicinity 5f our mill has 1 done but very-little damage.! : - - 1 Four Rooim -e The cottage type dwelling adapts Itself readily to artistic design and with proper atten tion to floor plans tbe maximum of cozy comfort may be worked aut in four well arranged rooms of modern size.' For one or two people the" design "shown here bas proved Ideal and with alight modifications may be. made to . i suit families of 1 three or f our members. The stucco" exterior with Its ilmple lines, well placed window spaces and arched entrance to the tiny porch, 'is Quaintly at tractive and has an appeal for the home lover 'not found in many larger houses. : Ornamen tal shutters, flower boxes and bits of ahrubberv rive nleasinr dasher of color. : Interior of the house Is well arranged for comfort and con-' venlence. The vestibule lead ing ! from the entrance norch preserves the privacy of the liv- . ing room and offers a place for disposition of-hats and coats. Its single narrow window af fords ample light and wil sug gest a variety- of- furaishinr schemes to the housewife. The living room is lirht ni airy and the fireplace will serve in this climate for heating pur poses auring tne greater nart of the year. The well lighted din- ling, nook between livlnzr room and kitchen Is a delightful ar rangement and 'the "kitchen it self Is Just large enough to op erate without wasted Steps. jaa one sleep Inst room ia-f ample dimensions and Its win dows Insure crc3 ventilation. With Its closets and bath th i.: : ' : !, IMPROVE YOUR HOT,. ..- 1 Manufacturers of Tents, Awnings and Qanvas Goods of All Descriptions FRANK BIOXNER 729 North IJberty Street Salem, Oregon . Phono 415 Mitchell Everything in Building Materiar ? 349 South Twelfth Street, Salem,' Oregon ' . . T Phone 813 T and' Comfort CliAH&tfL- 2-6 M Ji. asm I T .il l i T iv- :'-Jtri ; ' .' ; : y - t . : ' '-T . v ijT. o ' p " ji . ehairtber completes a charming' layout of living quarters for one or two people, married or bach elor. Floor space .comprises SS1: square feet, galling for modest construction cost. Blue prints - jldip :g lc zqu i -With Awmnjjs We wiU'come to your homefior place of business, make estimates anytime of day 'or evening at( your convenience rithout charge or obligation. We are always pleased to show you samples. ': Salem Tentr&Awninrj Co. V 4 - r ,1 - ii . at Low Cost trz 4 X ii i .t company . i a a M ' I i of this honse'plan will be furn ished at moderate cost on ap plication. - ; : 2 c 1 1 t 'a A 5 J i . i - ciLrr.z, cr.zizz