THE OHEGON STATESMAN, SALEM, OREGON SUNDAY MORNING, JULY 5, 1923 Motor Borne Disease Germs Worry. Health Officers THE Spring and Summer motor tours that . out hundreds I thousands of men, women and chil dren on wheels has ..brought up I view problem for public health off ifkial. Sanitarian of town whose ; i work is the protection of the health tf the citizens of rtheir own cbm ; ! Imunity have added to this doty that f protecting the influx ol visitors and also, to safeguard their own res-j i idents against anjr infections import 4 i d by these visiting motorists. : M 1 1 With the increased efficiency of she automobile engine has come a ;wider travelling radios for tourists ' fid it is not unusual bow for a party r of motorists to cover star States Hi .'a two weeks' trip Health problems rthat hitherto were confined .within the orbits of a town now have an i i inter-State SMtnihcance. !i This new habit! of the vacatioo- j ' rs and other transients brings au- ; thorities generally to a consideration 'In the health factors that have been f regulated by other carriers such as i railroad, steamboats, Jerries and ! troui -There it a Sanitary Code 1 that safeguards these traveller and I ow , it has become necessary to adapt these same regulations to mo tor travel. ;". , The reason for these regulations lies in the fact that traveller often 1 1 unwittingly are carriers of disease I rrmt and thronrh such asncies as : -the common drinking cuPand the . ' ! Vommon towel convey hese germs VV-m a ' new community, 'i Through jjsome such origin as this a whole :t ; lowa may become infected just as oe tin dipper may prostrate al I the children, of a school. :. , ! ' (The common"cup is one of: the 1 vnost serious- transmitters of . infec 'jr Hut disease Anunsterilred cnp v used, by a person suffering from tu j Vfrculosis. pneumonia, typhoid fe ! "tt. ' scarlet fever, tonsilitis; influ ' A nra. common colds Or any other respiratory disease is an agent lor further, infection. For tb reason " any temptation to use common cups ; ' on public carriers was removed when the various States made tt 1 compulcoty for railroad and steam ; Itoat lines to. install sanitary paper : ( . cups. ' .; . h " . .; i The new motor touring trait an 4 - the part of the-public accentuates - I this danger; the germs now ride on a ih cushions and carry on their 4 s deadly work in a much; broader ' acopf ..' Thns, if a tourist whose ! motif h or lips contain the germ ! .; f. an infectious disease stops; at a, Wjiasidc spring to drink from a dip- ' !per or.. a .'pli left there by - some well-rtieawng . but ; unthinking oer- ,v itL . HIilVTliY.. (JVl 1 mm mjdM : XAJ 1 ff ' " f HI i IS A TtO Hew Model Provides Lower Maintenance Cost Because of Lighter Weight J finish, ' greatly lessens-the fuel consumption or the car because of heavy door post elimination ne cessary In the body construction of four-door models, officials say. Knll-6fied balloon tires and the patented triplex springs greatly absorb road shocks, making; ao easy riding car whose body Is never distorted by road Jars. - HARD TIMES? Son he leave on" this vessel tbou-1 Because of these obvious perils to sands of the germs of the disease community and general health, with! which he is afflicted.. It thus many townsv and cities are takine plants low Id the tame way it ts true that h can leave infection in a soda w - - . - - nwnj mnnii inn tines WTK laKing n P" M others who fol- prf cant;onf to is;$t whoJy on the ?his examp.e.. ; " . inse of paper cups in rest camps and to see that ail ; restaurant, soda fountain or other places within the visiting orbit of transient motorists ; thoroughly sterilixe their glasses or use .the safe paper cup. ' For like reasons; sanitarians are orging upon persons contemplating touring the following warnings: Before you start! have ; individual glasses for each' member of , the party or carry a sufficient supply of sanitary paper cups. ?! . Avoid using any receptacles found at wayside streams or springs and refuse to drink at any of these places unless you are sure the water supply is unpolluted. ; sj Do not dnnk at any j temporary beverace stands unless they use san itary receptacles, i I. ' ;'. Do. not drink in, sola fountains. restaurants or j. other places where th-re are nc facilities for sterilizing glasses Unless the drink is proffered m a sanitary cup i j Do itct borrow drinking vessels from oilier persons at rest ramps and do not use a common recepta cle. - . : ,. . . The niotor touring habit is re girded a one of the most hiaith iul ever accented by the Amencan public and sanitarians generally en couraRe it but unless those indulg ing in this pleasant recreation take care for their own. safety and that of 'other it is feared by many - city and town health oftirers" that they.-: will hive t -warn travellers to iav after one use is accordingly ' nulli-Ithrouarh their conmimutw wuhony ted. fountain glass f be patromres a store where improper sterilization methods are employed. 1 tlnless the glass is completely cleansed after hi :ue he deposits witWn it the gersi that will affect all residents ol tne town nicn w pauses in hi tour. " ' , Similar conditions obtain at town motorists camp. It js possible tor an uncleanly cup to be the germ exchange for natives of a dozen State who will veave.the .residue 01 thetr: infection fof countless other. Only the strictest sanitary precau tion will keep the intectton connnec wtthm .the municipal park. Necessar ily tsucti an outbreak will hurt ,t!ie health and prestige of the town in which it occurs. Frequently it happens that per sons -will imbibe the germs of a disease in one State but the ailment will not manifest itself for "a week or teit days, or sometime two. weeks, when it will become a menace to a new center. -"' pnsterilized glasses whether met in municipal camp, soda fountains. restaurants, hotels or other places of j temporary residence are a men ace to the Individual and to rne community. The only safe precau tibn against them is the use of sani tary paper .cups and the demand for them at an places alone the route of trivet These receptacle are des troyed immediately ayer use and wnatever imeciton wi.wiinm intra Automobile dealers and pros pective buyers everywhere concede that one of the most important features in the minds of motor car purchasers is economy of op eration and maintenance of their automobile. It was with this feature in mind that engineers of Willy-Overland designed and built the new Over land standard sedan, a car of lighter weight and greater room, backed "by hundreds of fine re cords1 in gasoline consumption. and withal a car built specifically to provide the maximum of com fort and ease of operation with the minimum of upkeep, officials declare. The new addition to the Overland line is a roomy, five passenger sedan combining these features together with long and narrow windows and one-piere windshield that provide greater vision and ventilation. The new -.Overland - standard Eedrvt is powered Ty the f our cylinder . engine developing . 27 brake, horsepower. It has. the improved Bore and Beck clutch A bJavy duty crank shaft, selective type transmission and special car bon gears make for rigidity and long service. The same motor that made a grand average? of 27.28 miles per gallon in the Over land . . . economy-endurance ran powers this new sedan. . : Lighter weight, incorporated in this model of dark - blue duco . During the first six months of the fiscal year beginning Decem ber 1, 1924, the state of Massa chusetts "has registered 514, 167 automobiles, as against 4 49.302 lor tne corresponding period, a year ago. ; . Even those who enjoy talking about "hard times" must admit that persons without employment and Turnout money do not go around buying motor cars Wor cester Telegram. . . MOTORS TO XKWrOUT Leo N. Child andWamily left Salem by auto Thursday.for New port where they will spend a week at the popular beach resort. I SEES TWO PEEIt While taking his family to Nes kowin, rounding a curve just this xtde of Hebo. Eugene Crabenhorst almost ran into two large bucks r TIRES ' and ACCESSORIES I If it is for the car you can : " ; feave money here BARRETT BROS. GARAGE 1999 North Capitol I stopping. BRITtStl LICE OF REW TIRE PRICE Execunve of. Western Auto Supply Company Teiis of k 1 restrictions 1 1 , as the moto.-ist can anticipate his future needs and make his tire pbrchases now before a further ad vance in price is, declared. "j i FOUR WHEEL BRAKES The subject -of the endden ad 'fva'nce'iu tire prlcos is a very im ! pcrtant' one, right now, and many motor ht are wondering as to the treason for , this sudden increase. in ' price. George Pepperdlne, presi i deht;of the Western uto Supply r company declares that crude rub- 5 & . ' , " - ber has jumped from twenty-two I cents a pound . to " seventy-nine l cents and from, all . Indications it i win reach the dollar mark and possible' higher within the next six months. .. - The rise has been due to the 'deficiency in the supply resulting from Increased consumption In the ; United States and the restricted production In the , British East I Indies.; - ' ' ': - ' '; i'-' ' j ViTbei United States today uses ;a;lyut 80' per cent of all rubber eonsumcd and Great Britain con - trols ; over 70 per V cent of -the orfd's rubber outnut. The in crease j in ; consumption over "last . year was due chiefly to the larger : output of pneumatic tires. About 0 per cent of the rubber used in I manufacturing Is consumed, in the tire industry. The deficiency in the rubber ;;is not due. to r real shortage, but an artificial one. When crude ' rubber was selling at a low figure , j the plantation owners were opera- r ting at a loss. The tire and tube business slackened its pace, which : in turn, reduced the demand for crude rubber., with the result that a large amount of rubber existed , 1 nts condition lasted, for a few , years I until the TSritlsh growers ( put throueh a protecting law, call ed the Stephenson Restriction act. This act provided that the quan- Tity of rubber produced should be based entirely upon the nrico and .output of the former quarter. This i' cut rubber production down about j 50 per cent In capacity and each ; quarter's production may add or deduct 5. or 10 per ent. according to thr wiling prie of the previous quarter.- -A A result of r this restriction Mhe'surplus London stocks of rK Mt, Isave 1 been ref need from ap- Tirhvlmatnlw r A AAA ' . a . . ,,- v . '.j " y.www. .ions, two ; years ago to about &000 tons at me present time. " , jr. ; J.ora cars have been manufac- i tared Jn this country and the con rumpr'n of ;t rubber; has been ... greatly Increased. Because of this f condition the dallv aunr,T f bui meet me aemana and ff tV restriction 13 not remedied 11 is assumed that an actual tbort- 5e will result, " ; - ; llr. Pepperdlne .has sent a hnl I-.tla to all of the Western Auto r-jpply company store .managers them of this sudden rise la rrice ani explalalaj the reason lor las' in crease. ,.; .j , Tj cs;:al-iaf ttli ta their eus- t"' :". ta sal:cz::a ani raan There are very few automobile manufaturers today who do not either specify foa"r w'h.eerbraRo,s as optional or standard equipment with their motor cars.i The public have accepted this type of brake; one instance of this is that even though four wheel brakes are op tional equipment : with Cleveland six motor "cars at a slight extra cost, practically every car leaving the factory is equipped with four wheel brakes. KARXIXG LARUE " The net earnings of the Nordyke & Mermon company of Indiana polis,' Ind., manufacturers of auto mobiles and flour mill machinery for the past six months operation, after taking all depreciations and allowing) for contlgenciea amount to Sl,l?4.18.03. This ia the in formation contained in the report submitted to the stockholders by G. M. Williams, president of thp company. - THE Jm P- ; BOBS' REGULAR CHOP radiator onur RADIATOR FENDER BODY R EP AIRING 236 State Street FISHlXtJ AT ALSEA Meet the New E. B. and C. C.Gabriel, of the Gabriel Powder, and Supply com pany, accompanied by A. DoTand and J. F. Krafsick of Portland left Friday by automobile for A1- sea on a fishing trip. . r , FUNCTIOXS OF AVTOS CLUBS A fully functioning motorists ijociation today does not confine its activities to the dissemination and' distribution of touring infor mation. The day has long since passed . when' they! were strlckly social organizations. They must b.real service rendering .units to keep paces with the times, and any organization' that, makes a charge for adrteing a person as to . the best roads to travel Is not worthy of the name automobile club. Satisfactory Service Good Products are our bids for your, business. Drrre into our service station next time you motor south and let us service your carwlth lied Crown or Shell gasoline and Zerolene, Blobiloil or SheH lubricatins oils; Clean, filtered ; gasoline 1 aid good oil are two. important fea tures of; "pleasant motoring. "-.'' - . " ' -' ' - ' 1 . t Let Us Serve You -. Intersection Jefferson and' Liberty Highway RDNER Fifteen i minutes after f you slip into the driver's seat, take the wheel and flash down the street, the "best motor car salesman" In the world couldn't sell you any other car for the same money That's a powerful statement, we know, but the car is here, and you can easily check up every thing we say, : ; - And if you come in with a chip ' on your shoulder and a "show me" light in your eye, you'll be doubly welcome. For we've got some car and some surprise waiting for you y , We'll introduce you to a scrapping big Six not a little "baby Six.? To the best "looking Six you've ever; laid eyes on. Long, low-swung body. Rich two-tone Duco finish. Full-size balloon tires. Snubbers front and rear. Gardner enclosed 4-wheel brakes. Genuine leather upholstery. Permanent . top. One-piece, ver tical, ventilating windshield. And one. of the smoothest six cylinder motors that ever pulled a hard hill in high! Come in and meet itl Sts-Crtiader Body Scrtw 5-pwenect Taurinf Car. tU9S .pMMOfW Brouahon. $159 VtWMcrtttr Sedan. $1795 Eight -livhn. Bodv SrrlMf t-TMnitr Tburtai Car. $195 ! Main, K Bfoufium. llWi: I a Burdett-Albee Motor Co. STATE DISTIUIJUTOnS J 217 STATE STREET, CORNER FRONT PHONE 1413 ' Sludcbalier Special Six Co&di $760 down and 12 V V monthly rayiucnts of iQ.VOO each. - 93.0O cacb. . . - I -. .-. : .- - - i . ,1 . r- i jm 'F : Winy CaE It a Coacli? THEY couldn't understand! "Why call J. Ia buyinsr closed car, do not tmderesti it a coach why confuse iit with cheap . mate, the importance of engine and chassis, closed cars ?" asked the dealers at a recent With extra weight to carry, these units be Studcbakcr meeting. "Surely it would be come increasingly vital, better to name it the Special Six Coupe." A ! . ' ' ' To be sure, the Special Six Coach it uphot- PltUtM Sfiecuil Six Chassis stered in fine quality of material with high- fine -a Wpeciany designed grade carpeting nd heavy decorative doot; for and moanted on the Special Six chassis pulls to assist passengers in alighting. . - which has contributed to the splendid repu i To' be sure, it if lacquer finished in two , tation of Studebaker cars for dependability, styles beautiful Studebaker blue or a rich endurance and reserve mileage, duotone finish of Wyandotte green-gray j Definite records show that many Stude above and Ponca green-gray below. , baker, have delivered from 125.000 to 200DOO And. furthermore, to get a coach as large miles of service. Up in the rugged country and roomy you must pay more than $1,000 above the price of this car. But the fact remains that it carries the lowest price at which a fine closed car has ever been sold on the world-famous Special Six chassis. ,f around Three Rivers. Quebec there are eight Studebaker ' cars that have each traveled 100,000 miles or more. In' Stockton. Calif., one Studebaker car has piled up 138,000 miles over steep mountain grades and'rough country roads with negli- It ; a coach in. hrlr elcmt. But In oualirv gible upkeep not a single major, part has a line tyke of five-txisstnger coupe. ' bea purchased or repaired by reason of wear. or accident. ' . . . . . So do not buy this Special J5ix Coach with From the very beginning, the coach has . the expectation that yonll have to trade it ia been an effort towards economy on the part at the end of a year or so. Instead, consider of automobile manufacturers. But. unbke yoor ermaneni inrctment in transpor- l,?erintn,?,fiCtUrerSuStUNlbaher hh b"U tatk,n- At the mileage when other carsre able to build, a coach without sacrifice m breaJtinK np Studebaker Special Six essential quality and offer U to you at an Coach will just be breaking in. a- ft svfc The reason for sedan quality at coach price , Studebaker builds all of its own dosed bodies builds finer coaches than have been built before and builds them at a lower cost be cause there is no outside body-maker's profit to be included in the purchase price to you. This Special Six Coach is built complete both body and chassis in Studebaker plants. It is a "one-profit" automobile. Buy now no need to delay Yon may ouy this Studebaker Special Six Coach today or on any day of the year with the confident assurance that no act of ours will stigmatize it as a "last year's modeL . For Studebaker has discontinued the cus tom of presenting a new line of cars each year. Instead Studebaker will keep up-to-date all of the time introducing new improve ments and refinements as their merit is proved through practical vse, - J MARION AUTOMOBILE CO. -'Day and Night Service SALEM, OREGON ' PHONE 362 T HIS IS ST U DEB A K E R Y E A R i -- f ----- , . ' swf e ffl y GAXsxrzx rrToixttci akt? rwAnrrr havx yrvnt t rr. ; rrmgrsro ' -' it m ' ' """"" " J - """" ' "' mm m -.-..,- -mmw,m. , , w - , ,. , m . , . t ' " 7 "' " l''.l,':.' j I Thousands of them, hospitable and friendly play a big part in the vacation joys of thou- v ' sands of families every year. ".' Take advantage now of this interesting, eco-' rj - nomicalwaytotovellGetintoyourFordandgo far away from the every-day hauntsrand the t working grind! All the family will en joy the out-' ing; everyone will be healthier, happier and ' Dcuerioracnangeoisceneandiuelntneopen. , , No other car requires so small an investment, as the Ford: hone offers vou such value for'1 1 vniir rnntidv - , . . . . . . ......... Runabout - - $260 Coup - - - $S20' Touring Car - 290 Tudor Sedan s- , 580, ' O open eara rfainoantabU rlaaa a4 ttarivr arc tSS avtra. . , unlx tMJlooa riraa U5 . AU Hc f-a-h. Dctrlt. 1,. Foldor Sedan . F.O.D. Ddrolt SEE ANY AUTIIORIZED FORD DEALER OR MAIL THI3 COUPON Please tell me how I can secure a Ford Car on easy payments : . Name. Address. Mall this coupon to . ' , ' , ' ro Detroit 4 If X I 4 - i r::-s v:.i rcalsr a real service.