'.V '-J.L tf 'i' v ,,1 : "I. J ' " " - - .. . i r - r .-.-.,. i. ........... . ..'.. I: : ' '. ll ' ,; . i 1 1 '"" " ' ""ilsea .- . r- m iu . v-. Owinito Jateneis ofithVteaidnSve have iJecrtJeU to clei put j 6ur.enhre:Lne of I ;Jh'5HjffQ'tbeJisrfe'loa'g.' :PICK t- r urWeatherMaiv ........ ... . t L. : i , , !;. . Uncertain . . : ; ;- Generally cloudy" and unsettled ;! wild temperature; "moderate west, winds..; Max. 488i MIn. '52; Riter! r1-?! lUjofalt'nonef; Atmosphere .clear '.Tind nortlw . ''f'7T7 - if At The Theaters Today ; I m ' I .' . pregon ' Strongheart in "White Fang," by . Jack London. GranO .Tom Mix and Tony !in "The'Deadwobd 'Coack" -.-. ... -. ,4.,, Bligh .Wrllliam i Desmond In "The Burning Trail.' ana 5 acts .vatidevllle. -4 sT (Four Accidents Fatal . .. - J j?;tFour bett28"acclaentse i ported to 'the ttete industrial ac cident commission , for ' the (week f ending 'July 2 resulted in jfatatt lues. ;.These, were ..Archie Comp4 f ton. mining.) Central Polnt; Jo Con, mining. Bend; George L Burnett,; brakeman, Wlstpert an hIL E. Farrell," logger; JEstacada ! or the total number, '61S wer subject to the provisions of th ; workmen's compensation act. 10 from firms and corporations thai ; have rejected: the ac'nd " three I. from public utilities not subject td . the provisions of the jactj' Saddle Horxes : - V; .y For hire.' C. L. ReedJ . Barn No 2, Fairgrounds. ; 310 : Reserved Seats . For Chautauqua on sale 9 a. m. Monday, July 6, at Patton's Book store and Hartman'a Jewelry store! no pnone orders. .ptT"" ' 5 t Gets Building Permit-. ?T - - W. B. Hoicomb was given a iter , mit; to erect a pne story store' and dwellingjat 2020 North.-fianitnl: I at an estimated cost of $500' f . Pance' July 3 and 4 At stayton Community club if. open - air pavllllon. Talmadge's All-Stars - playing. Join us and Keep cool. , i ..T ' 'I ''" '!' " "' : Class Will )Meet $Tl J ( "The 'class for policemen 34 and firemen in life, saving methods, v held-weekiy at the YMCA will jaot meet this week. The next meeting wlir be Tuesday. The subject will r be burns and scalds. ? " Koom for Ttent -tin, modern"-' hiorne, - three .; blocks from state house. Ml coaveniea ces. Gentleman preferred.;Please gite references and address jAfi., 'care. statesman. -r ' Parked Too Ixms - -VV. !: 1 .'--TI. F. Hanes.'and M. J. Lenhart, jwere eacfh lined SI for overtime . parking. i : ,. i ., . , 'Dance July; 3 and 4 (" - ' 'la kth"e' eool'bpen air pavlillon at Stayton. Rhythm by Talmadge's All-Stars. , ; L.'- '' -P ;4 J4 Yakima Plant Busy s I, " The Llbby fclarit at Yakima wJU pufup about 1,000 tons 'of Royal ?Anne cherries this year, according - to ia statement made Jjy John H, , ;Race, formerly cannery 'dan for '.the Oregon-Growers association ;rind" no'v manager of the ve6m- 5 tpany's plant Tat Yakhna,' .-who is-in." wialem for' the turpose'bf ': :6vlag ih!s fanily to the Washlr'rtcd citr-. f Iie plant rpected io put up 1500 , tons rf Epinacb.,Mr; Race went on ? tj cay,- bstwa3 prevented -from G K7 " ' ! h "n ) n YOURSOUTtERLY 4 89 STATE STREET bo "i doing by vjieayj rains which Bhotthecropyosejed' berore it could beharvested. - About : 80 0 tons of spinach t was ' packed - before-' the, heavy 'rains came, t Pears hve sunk from $75-a: ton to'S65 a "ton because of 'the withdrawal of buyers, states Mr." It'ace, i; : . 'ly? --''"' -,r . ' ' - . i Women Wanted--;f, 1" , f At; StarrvEmit : Products Co.) Monday, July 6. Sts: Phone 429: 1 i,.-r-i f i Church and'Miil Ohllng Initiated-. 3 " The tlons club of Salem,' at its luncheon ' yesterday was ' given a treat wheir MerHlIjOhlliigV a in.f m ber, was "iniUated into the sacred order-of-DADS: "Mr.--Onling;--a newly elected proud father,- went through the "ritual of initiation with remarkable" agility, in view of; hi3 -so - recently acijtilrlngth'e right lo wear; the sacred Insignia '7 1 ; - ; Dance July S.aiio! 4 . ; '.v"V 'i '' Staytoa Cofmmunity club :tpen air pavlllldn.'"" worideirf ul i place to dance-i-delightfully vooV Tal madge's All-Stats playing. j4 Swede Is ArrestcxU.- J 'An individual from 'Sweden was arrested for drunkenness by of ficer 5utIerT?'rf he mllhwould not give any name. f . "i ; Large" Family Home , . o 1UWU13 .lor ' tbv, excellent condition, large corner north with garden, frnit and .flowers. Rea sonable terms and move tbdayl Why rent?, ! Becke & I Hendricks! U, S. Bank hldg. , , . . r.-i-3t laorary Closed Today . " The city library will Tie closed afT day' today In observance" of the1 Fonrth of July. The building will he' open at its regular hours Sun-5 day. Buy a Lot In Salem Now . We have best lot buys ever han d!e;d, "both north' and south, as low as $300 or two for 1460, with ex tra ; large size. ' trees. , yie w an d ouuaing restrictions .you will like 9 10 down. $5 anonth'will buy tc responsible people. Phone -us te see. Becke & Hendricks. IT. R uank oiug. i t i . J3tf " YMCA Is Closed The YMCA will be closed all day Saturday and Sunday. Parked Overtime C. R Gregg, of Salem, was fined 91 for'over time parking ; Women Wanted At siarr Frait Products Co i. Monday, July 6. Chflrch and MiU Sts. PhOne 439. v t !'! Veterans Hold 3Ieetlnc rVeTerans of Foreien pleted a two-day meeting at island Inn, about 11. miles from Lebanon, late last night. The outing open ea Tnursda nleht. Cni rri Abram, Brigadier General George A.', Whlte,v and dot. A. C. Baker spoke at the meeting ... Thursday night, Frank. Chitty, was. a dale,- gate irom iaarloa postrrA'aumber of the veteraas brought their fam ilies with themcamping out over Reserved Seats r i ; Tor'Chautauaua on.iale 9 ar m Monday. .July 6, at Patton's; Book store and Hartmah's Jewelry store wo pnone orders. v 15 t'nlon Meeting Postponed , w nat was to have been the first ot a series, of union rclislous meetings to be heldvthiafsummer by the Joint denomiaations tif :the city has been postponed from July 5 to July 12. it is hoped to se cure Rev. p&n Poltig - for the opening service. " r- -" .: -. Lid Is Lifted - ..f "'. r Mayor Glesy says shoot" and the' baa placed "on Jthe hooting of fireworks was lifted lat. .pig 'with r the' understanding that i no fireworka would" be ised until To day, r However tr10'jo,c'ok last n'sht the streets and sidewalks in front Of several ttores selling fire works, were-literally covered witlk E ww W AAA AAAU W VL M'Wlilt "j-, I Ik J- . " - ;.7"""u"f U( uC , uuwc, ui -.eiuiQamr cracKerst nd torpecfoes.'.' MayoGiesy writes I 06f7m'ktrt'' "Pf Xmte; . . ; Shelley; SauribanlfTTI. 'Announces', the: opening :x newnpff Ices'jptf theToVrlh floor lf ' the tlnited; States -Bank buildlngl ItbmeT Ii uVfarized- ." i .The home . of - Mrs. Rutherford, at" 34(1 'Worts' r'fc'nV.ki-,-: by an, unidentifiedman -late-last nigkt 5Mrs.vRutierford hn' wil a&leepin . the .house t - the time 1. j. . . ... . j , .. - I uara neman; prowling around and upon. opening hef- bedroom OTr nnnn 'l" i. ' I doqr.t came; face to' face with hinu She:lhreatened'.io:call thepollcei ana. the: man left he house with- outnaking anytlilng. Offlcerswere anvtlilni rtfrteer.ri ealled'-to-the'tcena.bHt-faileil-4i find ariv trace hfithi hnrii,; U Wanted a OOd Loan ? ' : " i Qnao improved ranch valued at 9000. Socolofsky. 341 StAtel 15 .uuuiB r neuere oi Portland was ana citea.to ap- . -i aaeinart,; on ruriwna wa arrested On Court street between Church, and, Winter turgea oi speeaing iast; night vy uincer. awards. . ! ' vrunK la Arrested r- -1 I Jack Taylor of Salem was; ar- rested for rdrunkeness last nljchtl oy. orricer Edwards; Women 4 Wanted -' ' .At Starr Fruit ProducU Co. Monl Phoae'439: "" " d ... r - wuu Going' to . Camn---, v A", Twenty-seyea boys have slgne UP o ..go. td .the annuar YM camp which will be held between the aates JulyJ23' to "'August 6l Salem'a nnnti.fi.tli. - ni - r cai o v Clinics Are'Slated ' Clinick wRl-ifee held In Parkers- ville and Mill City on Wednesday ana innrsaay of next week by the Marion county child health dem onstration staff. - Work was doae this WeeTc at 'Jefferson. Fairfield aad McLaughlia.? ;if oadays are speat-la; Salem, i Reserved Scats S ' . i Fdr tJhauiauaua on bsIa t &' m Monday;iuly 6. at Patton'a Boo store And bartman's Jewelrretore. No phone orders. River. Man In Portland v A F. W. Karr. head of itie Salpin Navigation company. Is a. Pottlartfl visitor today. It is ' that-he will order-service dls;6B- tlnued on the Willamette rlyer between Portland and Sa'lem dnr. ing Jhe low water seasonalthough no aeiinite Statement to that ef fect' was made 1y him prior to his departare. . ' ' -. - - t.m vKtim Picnic Ia Plannvir" ne bunaay school of Jason Lee church will hold a picnic today at tne Rlckreall "groTe.;-A TI. feed ana lots of fun is assured all who attend;"- . " Increase "Your Efficiency-- ; : ' s Youag people whoT wish to in crease their; chances of securing empioymeat shoald plaa to eatef tne capital Business college on aioaaay, July 6. New classes will be formed at that time. Traly, a busiaess educatioa pays. J4 FlaygTOttnda Are ClnoMl -i ' '-. Both the Fourteenth street and me uncolo school Tslaveromnda will be closed today, c. A. Kells announced Friday. La3t : year ah criort was made to keep.the play grounds open but so few children Vcc ..yuWcc ryj Pays C h fcr Fumll-re ! 1921 Oakland Mxlao ha ni 1 than 4000 mites. Braytn front tUiuti ayot ilf U. ttrs . c4 cover, -also. 145, . license, equipped lik tbis; this er cost tbe lorn;r o-aner ever SiattO. -All fOT-iS76.0 - vtt- wtH gBar&nte. . , )) were In attendance that Jt wasi tieemed advisable to close them enij tlrely In-order to give 'those In charge an oDDOrtunitT to spend the! , wVekendl elaeVhere.5 1 Few 'chll- dren were at the Dlaygrounds y .u7 a , iuu..vp;,.iieiB leaving for the weekerid outing arid nmme;'v9rtmn V svsv- , , , , iV Salem limits : ahdT.In new Irrigation district, close to car and schools Becke-& Hendricks,-tJ. g.Bank bldg. . . , : J3tt t Motorcyclo ; Riders to ' XeVpprt , a group or motorcycle rmers Jathered at the( Harry .Scott cy'c.le hop Friday 'evenlne before start- iT-nir x" vV. -.i-r..-.- ; to spend .the Fourth. . H v . irttem' li.u'w-.j.! Vick- "Brothers. -local WQlyj J-Overlandnd Oakland I fe llMiseiQnerLot "CH P j MoaeraV'priced $3 8 5 0 to move 1 " I J Loads . of f rult,'tlowers and fiewi Reckr Hendricks, U.rS.: Baak bldg. ... ,-.'!-- LT - ' eiorieu--.f t r : -Reports of- 11- births w rl - were, re ported to - the ity health . officer VkUfirillV A --t .' V . T v. a K" - . ', w.nu 'f. lO Wf. EDQ JUrS. JOn H. . U. and."nm?de'?8Se Jane; - a .boy. v?am.ed,:1c.k ,-RandrDn' j b),": ? "'-; "u ivr"";i'' tZ&ZX ' " J?x' rt?. n J Biy 3 M1? 'P? Tn on iU Mrl inT M' A MeJeana inamea.Robert Wesley; a,boy, horn on ;June iT;to Mr. and MrsJ Vert noa-E. RIggs and named Vernon Everett: a rirl. born nn In n --il to Mr. andMrs: Ray ; Fuller Hen- ton and named Betty Jean; a, boy, Ihnv? Imrn'iitno 9R r- k.if liam Earl; a girl, named jCwep, doiyn May. born to -Mr aad-Mr. or I Harry J. Pearson on Jnn a2 'ta. m: Rev. H. D rhamhom n boy, born June 29 to Mr. and, Mrs. Robert Parkes and named Patrick Ernest; a girl, named Donna Dell, oorn,June.29 to Mr., and Mrs. Darrell C. Washburn: a rirl, hnm June 30 to Mr. and Mrs. Louise Frohmader and named Mildred ! Jean. i - i ! V WWWU SMI IjOSBSS , The largest attendance pf the wnnnttv; ;J Fuirniturd Phone 511" ;LADD &aUSH, Banliera ":' Gcnt:iral; nanldiJ2 Busxsei - - .:? it : ii. gtlco JIosws froml av, so. to p, as. 'HS ' .UlnrefSraominational)1 1 ' ' iDAILY AT v45M. j i- Everett . M.,.;Mpij.i,';- Salvatica i i: Seventy-five thousand me fortiana series. - llundredsnsaved and healed. - t. v :Two. big tents ; were! required to accommodate Im mense crowds 'at Ccnti-alia, . Washington,;' campaign, public Crranimotrsly voted 'a return campaign.' ' . ; Largest auditorium.' in jquate to house revival throngs. , Scores turned, away in Jxi.ty. .Hi very' churcli' cooperating. , .. , r . . - ... htfif4'1"'?! P?' t night for the Friday prdgranj last night for the Friday prdgra of theCherrian band' o nosnt f .h- -fc'ir:r lil r.f in tnelr cars, bat carried : roba and : chairs Into - the park. No ' j iJarklffg space ar6qnd the "block was available after o'clock. Quota 1 Ileached-- Oregon will easily attain Its . tant ueneral Georee A. White. General White slktes that Port land enlistments alone will nearly exceed We desired ft)ota, Xnd with a, large . number , of. enlistments coming In from 'all oTer the staffi the Jinmbr ehnnlif in' .'. CM,Vof ; that aOBgnt, Salem , not nave any demonstration today OQt win rely upon enrollments ,ar?n "atetnal and. rifle . or- ganlzations to reach, its quota. , Are aj ?' A tntal ,Oft let.... . L, " VT; ; V ,e ?7?r to 64te -.tre.wrer during me monm or June by G. G. Brown nihtu fnTntat wovo. . - scnoot fund principal, income sources. $59,882.06 ; Apperson tuna jnterest. '1225: - nniversitr fund principal, payments on loan. ,oo;. agricultural college fund In terest; $553.-88 university fund Crangle Mrs. Harriet Hocksey CrangW, S5 years of aee. died at T.tiwnln Polk county, July 3. Motherrof Robert Crangle, Salem r - Charles Crangje affealU and Mrs. Allr. mnn - - . . ' I route 1: Mrs. Belle Wa- mortdarv.; i Interment will-hi: all i r w - - 7 - . . . Zena Maybe a 4 . . . . . .i J'? h fu5 ft 730 South" Nineteenth street, July jane Mayoee. -age - 92 -years. seven months and nine days.. She is survived by .three children, John MaTbea 6t t)nalaslra ' Waah ."'Krrs In ... 1. u. M.- vvooa worm ana Mrs Dasy 1 Co Inn, TK 1 III befheldIonday at 3 p. m. from the Terwllligef funerkt hbme. C6n- . UUCItl' SCIV ICCX 'Will ciiramg--jervices" wni:ie :held at City View-cemetery. . ; - Robertson Miss Katherine , T. Robertson J died at 1895 South Church street I July 3.' at the' are 39 Survived by her mother, Jessie, I brothers. George H. pf Vancouver,, Inn, of.tcr Mmwiiii.- a irii, Will he ; held, at the v. Episcopal hurch on Monday,-Jnly-i-at -10 have charge of services. Inter- meat in City. View cemetery. Webb funeral narlors In harre f nr. I ransements. Electric Cafe For. EA-TS : ..iv, ' - .'re o South Commercial Street ;-:vV Salem ' ' ' -.":-'. '"'- "T - Divine Healinsf head, the Evangelist '.during'' Auburn, Washington; inade- SATURDAY MORNING, JULY 4, 1025 'Inter eU. $Sd'4ruri efeJfu loan funS.'1 prlaelpal? ; 1745.75; Vural eredlta reaefe; fund Interest, fl? 774.50; A. R, Burbank trnst fund school' fuad laterest, I34.S0T.21 Total. SSM.SS.,- Will do to BolSfN - i : tAltin WrRopkstbol, for the last three . years .connected ; w)th the advertising- J department of The Statesman, will leave Monday for treatments at the war Teterana' hospitals Mrs.1 Rookslool 'will re main-In Salem. Get Vancouver licenses- Marriage llcensea "have, been Is sued In Vancouver, Wash., to De- voe Ewing, 29, Portland, and Min nie' Clark, 30, Salem, and to Elmer C. Johnson,: 27 and" 'Anha'M:. Munike, 27, fcOth ot Qervals. v PERSONALS 1 ' a ' ? :-nwy ...re spending , the. week-end, at Agate Beach. . ' i Dorothy Ellis, employee ot the Pa bile Service Commission. : lett Salem last night for Minnesota' where'she will spend her vacation Leo 'N. Childs' and family have been spending'the week at New port. . , r--.. ., . : - Donald J. Frfzzell and Lawrencel Schnelley, engineers for Nelson brothers.' ieftr"by 'motor Friday foi! Seattle. to ;spead the Foartb. Miss Inga OffT. who left Salem lwo years ag0 to islt relatives Irt hso.r-way' wUl return to this city tne first ot the week.. ' ' I w-k a w . t. i ... - - I A.;.oage reiUTaed yesterday - . Albert '.Mqp'r ofSilvertona4 I a . O a la m ..J. j yesterday, t AK B. .CrJtes ot Dallas visited in the city yesterday. ... . f A XT Vn.l TA 11 . - t -i. ui Ianas was in a lem on? busiaess yesterday. I Claire .Tucker, a forme resi dent. of Salem and now connected with.tb.e- Woolworth store at Sa4 Francisco,' was ;a guest.v of " the Lions club at its .weekly luncheo4 yesterday 1 " '. '.: "i 1 James V.f Butler- left today for Seattle and Tacoma 'to .spend thsj week-end. L. E. Westley was ia the city RJiDUjCElt " StJlMER RATES 'i' ' TO GALTFOICNIA ' - ' -.' BY PICKWICK STAGES Saa Francisco, one way, 1CL50 . -.Round Trip, '$30.00 -Loa Angeles, '6e 'way,' $27.33 ? . ' Roond Trip, $500 .'Special Hates to Parties of j Eight or. More , ;- j For Iaformatlin vaad ReserTa tloaa" phone 6 9 SI or call at. CENTRAL STAGE TERMINAL - Salem, Oregon T 4rAnDit7i' " Powder, and Srlpply Ca Paiau uaf Tanisbes. ) -! 175 8mta Caamsrelal Fos 72S f them Clean. Ctearaod Healthy 4 Write for Fre'Eyt Core UCDBZ.04i.Sc.CUM Q ' ' i issssBsasigiisasrtsss ripi. i t . i I, i , I. i n ii iii .mmmmimSKm ii -Weaxty-Jn., Etockfover J15,1?J t!s.rtdtei.to ri?ct,eny T r ' transaetlons. . We xna have Jut the tcna'cd era I. icr'U u C.Eatlnff as.compared to x$1o crdcr'fcrik -4 .? J ' m Scrte of the forms i aent of Mortgage, t Mortgage forms, Quit ClzizrDzzlz; -Abctracts fem, BQ of Sale, Building Contract, -Prcaisscry Nctcs, t .r t-"nr-.t.Icl:2, .General Lease, Power cf Attorney ' Fruixe Bic!ii iui': i. , - . re ceipts, .Etc These'f arras are carefully preparcdTcrtTi ccurt3 rind rrlr-'i cse. Price cn fom3'rang'cs &'6si'lcct3'to-'lGL. 'tIvCc- 'iI ii .j" coc3 frcn 25 to 50 joa jprfv-ate TasTneaayesterday." irr. I Westley U a resident ot .'Brook- mfta. Miss A.". Ryan of Sclo "vas a tU- itor in Salem yesterday. . i" C4PER1ES ,ELE.RATJNG NO MORE FRUIT BEIXG RE. CHV1CD UNTIL 'MONDAY ' The canneries ot Salem are to . - - . . . celebrate, the Fourth. They are to be shut down till Monday morn- ' The Hunt cannery' received ber ries till ;iate Jlast 'night, and op erated, all night, till 7 o'clock this morning, 'to clean up the fruit sup plies on hand.' ' The other canneries did the same;' received fruit " till ' late and operated till they could clean up. It- is likely that there will fee a good deal ot berry picking torn or row' afternoon, la order to have the' fralt ready - to -bring to the canneries early Monday morning. TUITION FEES ARE LISTED STXDEXTS OUTSIDE OF COUX- V . A TY PAY,$90.66 K.C1I Students in 'Salem high school who lire oat of the eUy,, will pay n n A : Tuesday, -uly 7, r10 p X " '3V miles South tf Salem, 40 rods off the highway on. the left hand side, close to the Grabenhorst fruit "ranch, ca : 01a.Shenafet place 0 h H--f; r - - v ' ' Good Jersey inilk cow; heifer calf pig; mahogany dia InsVfoom suited cost '$400 iroa' bed; JressingltaUe ttd .chiffoniere to. match ; Axminster ru 9x12, nearly new; horn chickens yoiing and tbokiilg utensils:-' This - ,G. jSatterlee, Auctioneer , fc! 9WIA III'J ll.'H K l.H IJV. .1 U.S., FAT Government -1 Inspected i Steusloff I Corner Court and. Liberty , r;Jhon1523- Capital City .vMantif Greiiery m3 The best butter In Salm made from the best se-J lectea cream always pound and youfll have into j-.i,' For- Sale At H . 1 9f ufrI jp... 5 -j?'Yt) ; .:?' Contract of Sale, Road Notice, cczls. It-: i'PZEI ID!AlJD.F0nSALimX The Statesiimn iipulilislnng 2c: v ' jAtr-rtlfncel.Crr '-!"'-- '.:.' " ": - 90. CS each, tuition, &cca ih.z to figures mad public 'at .tk' tlfice of r th- -elty - superintendent - of schools ' Friday. .This amount is lorer than that paid last year and more t ha n .that paid .for. the year previous to that. , , There were 3S9 studfnts attend ing school la.Saienx-'diuIng the past school year 'from "districts mitslde of Salem) Of these 30i were, from h ar ion coun ty, 7 3 f ro m"Pol'k cou u - ty. 3 from," Linn. 2 from lane otul one each from Clackamas. ,Ta- Biook and-Yamhili counties. , - t LOVE LKADJ4 TO D"E ATTI . PORTLAND. Ore,w July SiMIss Elsie Merel,-30. -shot and killed herself at the home of her parent?, Mr; and MrsrAlex Cornier.- Re'a tives said that refusal ot aanan with whom she was In love to di vorce hi wife and marry, her, lei to her act. . 'Fbif Information -ABOUT RAILROAD TUIT3 OREGON ELECTH1C bid ; Vome' oat hayj' dishes ard must.' be ' sold ' P,M, Ramsins'i - -q RoiitelJor 113 .1 Bros. Marliet v.- Go-operative acturcrs; of "O. ): uniformly - gooa. -iiuy ens no other. All-Grocers 'I 1 ;WIII fcrris, Ar:!rn- TV IT A rTrvn , . i . . . 3i