71 f U.n II rl T ; I.-i ,, (I 7M M v V: sevei;ty-fiftii yeah ; SALEM, OREGON, SATURDAY MORNING, JULY 'i. 1925 PRICI! ITVT- c W:0!iOLDi in EABTH SHOCKS CONTINUE TO ROCK SANTA BARBARA BATTLES5I1P GREGOTf ErjERAL EXODUS FROM HAS ONLY ONE DAY OFF SfflEEOSSK RAID WARRANT ILLEGAL DECLARES: JQE WALKER 10 CITY EXPECTED TODAY SO WANTS TQ PET WED EIEIITFO!! IfilB . . . smtwii E313M1,:.. THREE DISTINCT QUAKES. RE BEACHES AND. MOUNTAINS ARRIVES AT LICENSE BUREAU SIT. AXGEL 3IAV ASKS, RE SULT IX SLIGHT DAMAGE TURN OF SEIZED GOODS ARE CALLING TO SALE3I , flCCEPTEB BY STATE SES 1 I Vr i 1 l i r 1 Calendar for July Term of Court Declared Heaviest : : in Recent Years . Work on ; New Court House Is I Started; Business Houses , -i Kow Operating SANTA BARBARA. Cal.. July 3. (By Associated Press.) Three Governor Walter M. Pierce Recounts 6!onoust History; ui navjf.o I I luc . J Double Holiday Draws City Dwell ers to Resorts In Easy ' Motoring Rango ' Eight , Happy Couples Are Cele brating Independence Day " ' With Matrimony . NEGRO BANDIT TO ?r AUHIVERSARY IS -HELD tlon for a moment in Santa Bar- Rising temperature has has-1 Apparently confirming the fact tened decision of many Salem, peo-l that a number of Salem people are pie as ta where the week-end will I to celebrate (he 'glorious Fourth Ito?bed Turner Station fYedaes- l day,MorninS; Sit. Angel Still; Possessors Are Under '-. Indictment 1 The Marion county grand Jury, In its July term of court, disposed of. 11 cases yesterday, returning 1 -AithW , MBM .fii.Uoublingot county business In ten a . ,cMnMKiiyears. " also was ordered that bara today. With private enter-! prise activity, in the business, dis trict' the county ; supervisors in their first formal session since the quake hired William Mooser, San Francisco architect to plan a AAA AAA . V A J . i.vvv.vv v ivui fc uuttw buu a 1200,000 county hospital. In mak ing a general outline for the new building plans, the supervisors or dered that provision be made for a Historic Battle of Santiago Commemorated; lear Ad ,: mini J,f V. , Chase ' Makes Presentation' be spend and hundreds were busy Friday making nreparatlons for excursions to " the" beaches and mountains. ' Those' who" contem- Dlated KoinK considerable dis tances left yesterday while many started out last ; night; ' spending the night at some convenient place along the way. While. Salem is not celebrating, there are attractions offered at Stayton and Molalla, a three-day roundup and rodeo being "in pro gress. ' s An all-day program, ' f ea turing athletic events and a ball .-:---:""; Gerieral Shakerup of Heads of Institutions Looming in Near Future Attorneys Seeking to Suppress IJvJdeiice'VnieVfcase V0 ' Up for. Trial" ,' length" of time, a record has been Wet for the short time the Jury has been in session. The calendar for this ternv. is declared to be the heaviest in years Trye bills re turned included the following; - C. C. Cpnley, a negro,' who is declared to have held up Duncan Lewis, Southern Pacific station agent of Turner and robbed him of Hi:: The robbery occurred on Wednesday morning.! Martin Per eshetian has been appointed - to represent the defendant, who will ; t)lead on Monday. Bond has been i fixed at $5,000, Harry Bloch of Salem, Indicted on i a charge ' of . possession, of a still, i Bloch bond was placed at $1,000. George Miller of Valsetx, arrest ed-on aurharge of , lewd cohabita tion. Bond .fixed at 1500. John Andrews, Lester Dixon and Henry Johnson, arrested " as operators of the huge still found en April 28 on the Joe Walker farm near Mt. Angel., The three men were . Indicted by the grand Jury on a charge of -possession qf a still and bond of $3,000 "was - fixed for each of them the building be so planned as to provide for ? extension upon the block of property which is to be the site. " ' f: !-' I Along the main business street of "the, city plate glass, men were busy repairing display windows in stores not otherwise' damaged and "business as usual" was resumed at a great number of stores. Lines at all red cross cantons were reduced to a minimum dur ing all, hours of the day. The Sal vation Army will doee its canton tonight, , PORTLAND, Ore., July 3 (By Associated Press.) The , historic old battleship Oregon which lies dismantled In the Willamette riv er here wa a presented To ' the'state of Oregon yesterday by the United game, will be staged at the' peni States government to be used as tentiary, with William A.' Delzell, a relic The presentation was made by Rear - Admiral j; V ChaseV com mandant of the thirteenth naval district at Bremerton Wash., who represented Secretary of the Navy Curtis D. Wilbur.' The ship was! br entering the " matrimonial field, "TJ." G.-Boyer. Marlon eoun tr clerk, issued eight licenses yes; terday,' establishing a record for three months. Even Jane, the month of "brides, failed to' exceed this mark In any one day. One' )adtore into the county clerk's -office two minutes before closing time. 'Good gosh; hare 1 got time to get a license. I've got to get one! - I'm going to get mar ried, and tomorrow is the only day I can get ptl' I" . y ;--- He was then reminded that in order to comply with the statutes. private 'secretary' to. " Governor a witness of some. description. Vras Pierce, making the principal, ad- needed.' Without waiting, to ques dress. Other state Institutions are tlon the clerk's assertion,' the boy providing entertainmept of a less! grabbed his intended brlt"e by the pretentions nature.' ' ; hand, rushed out into the street. Within easy motoring distance land hailed an acquaintance half scenic way. dqwn the, next block. Declaring that the warrant on which hs farm .was searched was. 1 . - m tfl k mm. V DUrini lw ill .uuMijuiii r ctl&rred with bossession of . Ue largest still ever discovered in this county, yesterday filed suit tor an Legislature Prohibits Use of State j order directing the sheriff to re- Ho Otbec Theory Vcrkr-,,:1 Coolidge Declares in ." ; biyfe'fsaryl Address ' Owned Vehicles for Private Trips; Two Receive '" ' Salary Increases" Protests against the salary In creases granted Dr. K. K. Lee Stelner and Dr. II. D. McNary. superintendents ot the local , and eastern Oregon state hospitals, are being received by the board of control from heads of other in stitutions and unless similar in creases-are. granted there appar ently .will be a general shakeup. These demands .will be given-consideration at an early date by the board of control. Rumors of the resignation of O, L. Mclntyre, superintendent, and Mrs. Mclntyre, matron, of . the state deaf school have been cur rent this 'week but no one seems to know very much about the mat- Mr. Mclntyre is attending a DISTRUST CAUSE Ct iiiui are numerous parks and scenic way. qqwn ine, next diock., wun accepted on behalf of the state by I places to spend the, day for those! these preliminaries disposed bf. United States Senator Robert Ne-j who are not going away for the I the license was issued, and it is go son Stanfleld. , :' .' I entire week-end. Mill City is ex-lng to be a glorious Fourth. -"' 'rhl-iadAT, hn iA.tntiAt. Rating a; large crowd while the Those obtaining licenses veater. Creek fails, Champoeg park. Bre ! V" .'-T meeting of deaf school head. In Vu . :r . tehbush springs: Wilboit. Spong. KT" Council Bluffs. Iowa, and Mrs. Mc Many eaung nouses nave openeat ... . rMorU ar8 -llU .V J!T"r "Mlntyre is 111. It Is not known pi Santiago m wnicn tne wegoni' , 'jr,,, , f ljes":r trw. " itmw- played'such a conspicuous gjftjj SUyton; John sue urcKUflHM Bycuucftiij W'UMiAiiw' U-.-.u- -artii -K-sI -aaaa, iii,u u Urv InrrMB rsT If frftm ?r- lumcuji ucax ut oil cauia v a a w . it - - - - empted from destruction at the ;Mn t, ulhar aner, mu Aaams street; Mors ,oniI moti.e, lt ls understood Bond was fixed at $3,000 each. i VIf-11 a - I . I - a. naiiace, mu Mrsitiaxei van l that there has been no friction I At the trial in Justice court in temporarily repaired old quar ters and others in new quarters or tents. - : :: Leaders In ) the reconstruction work were'agreed that the city's need for hand-to-mouth relief was about ended and its need for larg er and more - far-seeing aid- Just begun. Sections of -streets are being continually closed while weakened walls are torn down. Falling walls make the keeping of telephone connections most difficult. The Washington arm? .conference, on condition that it be used for ex hibition purposes only. " In an address, accepting the battleship,! Governor Walter Mf Pierce recounted the' brilliant his tory Of the famed sbipJ'His adr dress follows: '". r as governor of this state I ac cept the battleship , Oregon front turn to him all property taken from the farm' on April 28, when the raid was made. The property listed in the brief Is as' follows:' "Certain - quantities' ot bottles. Jugs and containers, as well as the liquid contained therein, , as well as 70 sacks of sugar, a certain copper still, coils and. other cop per apparatus, and boilers, and. a Hudson, . 7-passenger touring car. Walker's attorneys, .Walter Crltchlow of Portland, and Guy Smith of Salem, also ask an order suppressing any of the described property as evidence,- against Walker, or in favor of the state when the case comes to trial. The reason advanced -for suppressing the evidence is that the search was made' without authority, under an invalid warrant which was "Issued illegally and was. ithout force or effect." The. position taken . by the defendant Is that no crime was -committed in the presence of the officers. ; . ' Lester Dixon, John Andrew, and Henry Johnson, the three men ar rested with Walker, were indicted by the grand' Jury yesterday on a charge of possession of a still. Harmony, of Powers Maj lx C- alned njy Through 3lut"'l . " Covenants and for Tbjr Sfuttaal SecarUy' . antes Newport ana me luiamooa Hoosen. both nf: RalAm- Wllonn w." .I.v . hir.iv.. a aaa --a l.. v, . i i,. ,.mo( 1 ' i " i v(wen ioe ueai icjiuui peuuiti suu i inner mma uucu mo,vvw buu cu beaches are attracting the great- uaner. set North cntntw Ll j l. t v I . ... .v est crowds from' the ' Salem' dis trict, with a few going to Seaside. LAuner, -2K Nortn seventeenth, I the board bf control and lone Olsen, -1543 North Six-1 Information first sought from teHlth- T Sn V f!mnVo 1 QWni I J . - K . PrV"er,f,in .ry Steenth; and Ethel C. Wycoff. that "tbere was nothing definite" same address; . Julius Jorgensen; I pertaining to the resignation, but and, Martha Iola Valentine, both of Gervals. i t A license was also issued to N. boxing program uader the aua- pices of the American Legion. ' f Only those who 'find it impos-l sible to absent ; themselves " from I the: city will, be found here today. session the S2S0. . Henry Albers, indicted for..the ' burglary if 'theWillamtteGTo cery company, was ordered held, with bond placed at $500. 1 i James Raker, charged with as sault, and battery with Intent to kill, was Indicted, afid bail fixed at $l,t)00 Raker Is declared to have attacked John Anderson, 50, an employe on Raker's farm. Both live at'Broadactes. j v y'--: ! Pai;I McKay, charge, with for? gery of a check for $45. Bond was placed at $1,000. j ' ' ' The not true bills Iwere returned for Wilbur J. .Chapman, charged .' with indecent exposure; s H; X. Staples, arrested for failure to provide for .his wife and Emll Wilke, charged with possession of Still. ; . l-j f: i ;,:( j Report ot the 13 young , men who are under investigation for contributing 'to the delinquency of ' minors, will be made by the grand .; Jury early next week, :. -; city has been" promised 'electric j the United States and pledge thd J The state house, county and city I J. Miles, and ' Miss Anna Stolk. of mr. Miies is con- road operations at They will be married (Continsed from pw I) ' i day. today. Paul Muno.1 arrested i for ,pos-sni jn residences tomgni ior me i kuciuiuoBi Vai. no-i otiices wui-De cwsea wnue a ma-i rouie s. t. i ' k t m m. - k 4 - . - i -- r rn a a n i w i is irAnr' t nn via i . . . . x m t a of a 'stHU'waa indJcted'byinrst time in most sections. Gas, v " if , c T" " I Joruy. of: tne business houses winjneciea wun grand Jury ani ball. placedat 5 however, was not promised for a I vlJl Ui vt "auUt CUU1: have their doors ioeked during the! Woodburn. week" It has been discovered to day that the condition of the gas mains -is worse than1 at first be lieved. The city's water supply continues unharmed. T Rebuilding of one of the injured storage res ervoirs needed only for fire pro tection is well under way. Street car service is promised for some sections of the city tomorrow,:-." v V''j::-1; The Fourth of July celebration will consist ot band concerts In the city parks, speeches on patriotism and on the city's future. Several troops of Los Angeles entertainers wiU'be here to furnish outdoor en tertainment in the afternoon. RAINS CHECK HEAT WAVE this was later changed to a denial of any knowledge about the re port. Just whq are making the demands for Increased salaries could not be learned yesterday. v A few days ago the board ot control raised the salaries of Dr. Stelner and Dr. McNary from $3300 to $4000 each In the case of Dr. McNarT, who lives some distance rrom the hospIUI atPen dleton, the lioard waa advised that j KEStXTS fAV BE DlSArPOIXT- tenced to' a year in the - county Jail by Brazier C Small, Justice of the peace.r . - Dixon Andrews and Henry Johnson were each fined $500 and sentenced to six months in Jail. Walker Immediately filed notice of -appeal, his attorneys at the Justice court j trial' having issned a blanket , challenge of all state) testimony on! the grounds that the -warrant on, which the farm was searched was Illegal. WAR TEST- PLANS LAID LL over the nation there will be cel- FLOOR CRASHES; SIX DIE DAXCIXG PAVILION COLLAPS ES; MANY PEOPLE HURT MIDDLE; WEST RELIEVED BIT SHOWERS; CHANGE IS DUE BOSTON, July 5. (.By Asso ciated J Press.) -Six! persons were killed whenthe Pickwick club on Beach street, a L night club and . dancing', pjaice collapsed1 without warning in the midst of a Fourth ot July celebration early today. 1 1. 1 The Vobf and -three walls gave tray. Fifteen people were taken to a hospital; police' and firemen were called! to rescue about 100 men and women. The building was a five-story structure. k' j Shortly after rescuers began work two men and two women wers taken' from the debris. It was then estimated that 40 or 50 were still burled. 1 f'' 1 I The fifth, fourth and third floors caved In in the center, leav ing the corners ot the floors cling-. Jnc to the stairways and hh is en abled many to escape. The wreck age crAshed down upon the sec . ond floor where most of j the danc- lag was in. progress. h ' A patrolman who had .been on - the roof of the building said hat ; there was a nolse; like an earth- quake and thatthreo wans and then the roof went down. : He : Icar cd to an adjacent building and itoae his way .to the street. He tald that there had been 125 men and women dancing and drinking in the place when the collapse tame." ; -. i :: I i" h : OMAHA. Neb., July 3. (By As sociated Press.)' Nearly a tenth of an inch of -Tain, 'with promise of continued local showers tonight and temperatures 10 degrees bet low those bf yesterday when the maximum was 101, brought relief to Omaha today, from the , heat wave which has encompassed the Missouri' valley the past two days. The highest temperature today was .96, - DES MOINES. Iowa, July 8-1 (By Associated JPress.) Cool breeze$ and a Tain storm over the southern half of. the state tonight broke the heat wave which has prevailed in Iowa for three days. Temperatures today ranged; from 98 at Davenport to 90 In the north central section. Several prostra tions were reported here. The ar rival of rai nehecked fears of a corn,' crop damage due to heat and wju m earner. -:--.-. - ! GAS KILLS ONE; TWO ILL TWO! IEN OVERCOME IN AT- TE3IPT TO RESCUE BOS ' cultured iien and women bade, adieu to' ebrated, as in other; years, on this the autocracy ot empire and with firm: Fourth of July, the anniversary; iqta great faith in 'Goo! 'and determination to set up woria event, ims aay were wm re ipr inemseives a goverprrient wnere tney rtiw i rJ?yy& J n. feisty rtie I and worship according; to our m i nds their own will and judgment they became pioneers in e wilderness of America. The early colonies were first pure democ racies, then representative governmental .units becoming' rnore and more, complex ment of the witty eyery passing decade.' The colonies rnore. than were established under authority of the Mother country,: ' ' " andMiearts tty e great est single a chi eve- it was necessary to use state owned I machines tor private business, and that he would; resign if he was : forced to aupplr. his own trans portation at his cumin t salary. The 1925 legislature passed a law prohibiting the use of state owned automobiles for private business. The demands were met by the I board of control with the under- , standing that the Iwd superin tendents provide their own auto mobiles for private business and pleasure Jaunts. - Denied the use ot the state ve hicles, - and learning of the In ING, OFFICIALS SAY WASHINGTON, July 3. (By Associated Press.) Beginning at daylight tomorrow America once more, theoretically,' will be .mus tering for war. The occasion will be the. second test of national de fense plans. The war department and gene ral staff were already pn a stimu lated war footing tonight.' Head ed by Major General John L. Hines, chief of staff, and- with General Pershing standing by to creased pay envelopes, the other h08 T68U,H f tb,6 n!ne, mnt?a nnrintfiH 't,' ., .-lwrk on muster plans since the .four cen turies of f. the nation's. historythe adoption of ;he Declaration of Independence. It ii patriotic duty for alT citizens ' of ? these lUnite r States to pause for a brief period-ob this memor able day and review the history jrf the making of this political masterpiece. It should be high privilege for all resid ing under the protection of the Stars and Stripes to recognize through assembly, song and story the sacrifices and efforts of those who, menaced with the severest The spirit of " independence, developed rapidly. - Poise,-progress and self direc tion ' characterized early colonial life. National unity 1 was r established among the colonies in response to local neces sities. . : . I . ' ; ; ''..."'.;.,,. superintendents cannot see the Justice, of the action unless their , requests are heeded by the board of control. - v In the meantime the subject of salary increases fonches a tender place, and Just what U to be done about the. matter is being given a great amount of consideration by the board of control. Resig nations of some and the ouster of others who bring upon themselves i the displeasure of the' board was preaicted at the State house Fri day.1 '-a. I The mother country's system qf . taxing the colonies without granting them full and; direct representation in her parlia ment was met Withstubborn and success ful resistance The voices of Patrick Henry, James Otis, Franklin, JejKerson, WOMAN KILLED IN CRASH STREET CAR AUTO COLLISION FATAL;" TWO ARB HURT"" penalties meted out to traitors, risked and other independents, expressed their aU, even life itself, in this expression of American freedom and independence. V i . TOCKETS CONTAIN BOOZE :'' ! - '"-f 7 ! SEATTLE, JuTOA pint of moonshine in a pocket of each of a dotcn suits hinging in the tailor fng c- abllshment i of David Biie lolz hers t?iay caused Buckholz's srrcrt ty federal dry agents..; The cfflc-. t$ dll'not eeSze the garments tziruizg that ' ILa law -permits confiscation only 'When the liquor Carrier U use! fo traasportatigat .PENDLETON. Or.. July 3. Joe Frost, 45, foreman of the gas plant of the Pacific Power & Light company' in Pendleton, is dead and two ether employe of ' the company, Carl Brantley and Jack Dykeson are in the hospital as a result' of asphyxiation. . Frost was overcome this after noon after he had, gone down Into the valve chamber at the plant to do some repair work. - Ills two lenow workmen were overcome while trying to extricate Frost from hlr position. T BUplJ If ills .wpr.KEi; VANCOUVER, Wash,, July 3. John Wolf or A; 40, emrlsycd in dissing a ditch for the Crown Wil lamette 'Paper' company at Caiiia', was killed. today when the bank caved Int"coverips hir completely We, now jiving under the benign in? fluence of this document, owe it to our s selves to increase through its study our own appreciation of it. And, it is our . duty and privilege as grown men and women to' emphasize to the youth the future 5 citizenship of this nation the sacrifices and. Virtues of those who made the Declaration of Independence so -vital a force iri government. 1 , 'Men and women who have accomplished, things of historic value have been urged forward 1 toward these accomplishments by the ambitions or the ideals of some hero. or heroine. And to study the lives, and activities of the authors of the Dec laration of Independence means -the inculcation of a more, vital ( patriotism in tho life of the student. the state of the public mind as ready for complete independence as early as in the J - - . i . . c T . year 1770. Itapiaiy cnangmg events i hastened final action and thet first Con- ( gress on merican soil was called four years late? with the result that a "Declar ation of Colonial Rights,' was drawn up op'posing "government without the con sent of the governed." The Revolutbn came on wjth, the bat tles wof Lexington land Concord. The, Patriots were encouraged by their suc cesses in arms and on July 4, 1776, the Declaration of Independence was adopted by the Second Continental Congress. 'lesolved that these United Colonies- s are and of a right ought to be free arid Independent, was the foundation idea of -, the beclaration., , ' - And in the strength and glory of this PORTLAND, Jaly 3-One woman was Injured fatally and a man and a boy were hurt, the man perhaps fatally, here today wne a street car crashed into .' their automobile;-' - The dead: Mrs. Alice M. Dlven, 45. Portland, whose chest was crushed and who died upon reach ing the hospital. The injured: Ralph M. Root. 55, Huston. Wash., who suffered a fractured skull, and Walter I Bunde, 4, Portland, ' who sus tained leg injuries, first test, September 21, the whole military establishment in Wash ington was on duty and. in Immedi ate communication with the ninth corps area commander, on whom the chief responsibility develops. Tha the results may be disap pointing, as regards the number of one-day volunteers assembled tomorrow to fill up skeleton re serve, units, national guard regi ments and the. . regulars to war strength, is concerned, was admit ted by many officers. . ' Last September approximately l,50Q,ooo men turned out, -or nearly 300,000 more 'than would be needed In the first four months of an actual way mobilization. .Officials hare every reason to believe, however, that the July 4 test will bring out facts of utmost value since the next step before the department is the -establishment probably by law, of a per manent system, tor. testing muster machinery. CAMBRIDGE. Mass., July 3. (By, the Associated Press.) Near the. spot, where" George Washington took; command of the cqniiaeLt'j army, "President Coolidge "called on the. nations of Europe today to enter into mutual covenants fort-heir mutual security, pled thejnoral support of the' Ameri can government if they do so. ; ( "While" our' own country shOul i -refrain from ' ' making political commlttmepts .where it does n-t have political Interests, he de clared, "such covenants would al ways' have the moral support of our government and could not fail to have the commendation of the public opinion" of the world.' 'Such a -course would be sure to endow the '.nations with an abundant material and spiritual reward. On what 'other basis can there be any encouragement tor a disposition to attempt to"-finance revival of Europe. The president's address,'. deliv ered en' historic Cambridge ; com mon, was the feature of the cele bration of the 150th anniversary of the day' Washington assumed command of the Continental troops.' ' - ' " ..".-v The' president, accompanied by Mrs. :' Coolidge, ' motored froria Swampscott. heading a parade and v reviewing it." ; r " " After tracing' Washington's fine achievements ' and . praislBg1 l'i character. ahd services, ; Ur. -Idge' asserted the nation's i:r t president had demonstrated l r ' ' arguments, and our . coi:r.'.ry 1 demonstrated -by-experience, tlat -more progress can be made by competition than "by"confi2c r "To agree quickly with your adversary always pays," he. added, continuing: .' I want to see America assume a leadership among the nations in the reliance upon the good, faith of mankind. I do not see . how civilization can expect perma- nent progress on any other theory. If the people of the old world are mutually distrustful of each other let them enter into mutual cove nants for their mutual security. and when such covenants have been 5nade, lefthem be solemnly. observed, no matter what the sac-, rjflces. ; . . . - They, have settled the far more difficult problems of reparations. ' they are in process of funding all their debts, to us; why. can't they, agree -on permanent terms of peace and re-establish international faith and credit?, If there be differences which - cannot be adjusted at the moment. If there be conditions which can not be foreseen let'htrae be Te- solved. Into--the future by the methods of arbitration and. by the forms of Judicial determination. The world, has-tried war with force and. has utterly Called. The only hope of success lies In peace and justice. No other - principle conforms i to ' the teachings ot Washington.; no other standard is worthy of the spirit of America: no other course makes - so much promise for the r.e&enej-atltjn f the world." President-, and - Mrs-- Coolidge were accompanied from "Samp- DAYTON CASE MAY CLOSE EVOLUTION TRIAL . MAY NOT APrCUl IX COURT, SAID DEAVOR QPEflS T0HAX GpXRNOR.PlEnCT; AND 3LY- U BAJipj. V1LL Kl'ilAlw- Assoc meat today ot a sudden shift' in vv- fV"" w" P?cca about the posslbUlty that John T Scopes, ' principal In the case to test .Tennessee's. - anti - evolution law, may never facer trial at "Day ton where" it' is scheduled far Tuesday. 1 ' - " ' T" v A nY'ina a an An nal lAYa 0AC STUDENTS WSSIIG by Clarence ' Darrdw, associate counsel for. Scopes, the case will PORTLAND, Or.. July SO. Th CHICAGO, Julr V-(By Thei""1 awsipnoi-WU-Wia.inxerna-,m.Ua t'tiU;.' 'liAn.ltlonal.Christiaa Endeavor er.?en- v. - a a-Ma mu,- i iii ' - " on the leader of the street car and carried along more than 1 5 feet. j according to police who Investl gated. - ' , immoral 'document is recognized the The prc?re?s of thq national govern- ipatriotic,r Independent spirit of its :auth:: ment testifi "to the inicrcndencvTrilh orirlK preservation and" Honor is the end integrity of-th. wlio founded it. ; rriynpse and duty.cf Ahh truly patricu? Early intha seventeenth century virile Americans. - ' BOT AND GIRL ARE BELIEDl TO HAVE BEEN DROWNED CORVALt.IS;, Oft. July zUU- j vona Peterson, Oreon Agricultural college student, from Hood River. and A. L. Holtgrave, Portland, are believed to have been drowned in the .-Willamette.-river near here last night. , A canoe in which friends said they had gone riding. a foun4 today floating bottom up. 4 The river waa searched but uo Jrlcs c Jt9 ilc- was found. be carried drecay to the. federal courts either at Knoxville or. Chat tanooga, through proeeedlass seeking to restrain state enforce ment of the. jaw. -This' action would bring the law's- c.osstltu tlonality before the federal courts where It ls agreed by alt parties It mnsfcvenfuatly To. " Dr. - ohn R. Neal'of Knoxville, senior counsel, has data on which to base appli cation for' the' Injunction. Peti tions-wlli be tilediionday-or Tuesday of next week of a court to be selected by Pr. Js'caU tlon will open tomorrow nisht 1th an outdoor rally sr. i riblic' patriotic service. Feature loa ths program which will te-cjt-standing peurth cf July erent ia Portland, will be an &dJ,r- Vy Glfford rinchot,- governor cf-rcn-a- tylrv',. Leal- r c' r. 2 cf ccuvc-l'-i . er-- ,-c:i that all U . . for t"r.3 reccr'Ion f-i tai.. mc r.t of the 10,0 CD -- 'c era rourl-r into it - ... ,3 lrIa. res it-' ' ;c ! t. vUh deU -aUs atoai a; tj to arrive tomorrow. r r -- v .e tD U L. 1? ti t' - ( v c . ' '- t. ' ia i c I r . . , ... : the "cc r : : ...! -:-' 1:: I:."