SUNDAY MORNING, JUNE 28, 1925 THE OREGON STATESMAN, SALEM, OREGON A GUIDE iTO VACATION LAND GIVING DISTANCES AND ROUTES 1 '" r . -mS ; j. i -a, , T I V J .... - - ' "rV o..7r .V 0l Y Y: f OG as registered by Statesman I Scout, distances taken from speedometer readings. Leaving Salem from corner of Commercial and Cbemeketa street and crossing the bridge that spans the Willamette river; entering Polk county and enjoying pared roads as you travel westward, you arrive at Rickreall, which Is Just 10 miles from Salem. From Rickreall take the west side Pacific highway and travel north to Amity., This road Is all paved with the exception of a quarter mile where the road crosses the Southern Pacific elec tric line. Amity is 23.4 miles L A Star Cair 1924 MODEL THAT. HAS BEEN DRIVEN OVER 18,000 miles was used in making the LOG of this trip covering a little over five hun dred miles ,-: - One quart of oil was added dur ing the trip and twenty gallons of gas was used. The motor in this car has never been touched, not even the valves ground. STAR ! "Tomorrows Car Today" The Jj&ftt Word In Economy and Durability and joo can figure It. from any and all angles. SALEM AUTOMOBILE COMPANY P. G. Delano. A. L Eoff Before You Staurt on Your Vacation EQUIP YOUR CAR WITH KELLY SPRINGFIELD' flexible! coud c TIRES A tire that will give " long, uninterrupted mileage, together with riding comfort, second only to Kelly Balloons. We have them in a size to fit your car. ' : c Marion Automobile Co. Day and Night Service Phone 362 Salem, Oregon s UP AT LEHMAN'S GROCERY Before Leaving for-the Beached ! Fancy and Staple Groceries, Fruits and Vegetables The Store That Welcomes Aew, Faces 190 Commercial 2 Doors Xorth of Marion Tlotel TOGK v " J 1 4 - ; - li . I ' - r- - . I I from Salem. At Amity you have your choice of traveling 14 miles by pavement or 6.6 miles by grav el road to Bellevue. If you wish the pavement route, head straight north on the highway from Amity for 6 miles where a paved road forks to the left. Distance from Salem 29.6 miles. From here you travel west for 8 miles to Belle vue. If you wish to take the shorter but gravel road from Am ity, turn west and you will find a fair gravel road which will lead you to Bellevue, which Is just SO miles from Salem. This la the more - direct route and all dis tances from Salem to the coast 1 STAGES - ; to . ; .; ; rillamook, Rockaway, Net irts, Oceanside, Hebo, Pa :ific City, Neskowin. Devils Lake and Taft 7:55 A.M.; 1:10 P.M 5:10 P.M Effective July 1,1925 to September 8, 1925 Leave Salem for Tillamook Daily 7:55 a. m. connects to Rock tway, Pacific City and Seaside 1:10 p. m. connects to Rock iway, Netarts, oceanside. Paci fic City, Neskowin, and points jn Taft branch. For raies and other infor s mation call Central Stage Terminal t Court and High Sts. Phone 096 Portland, Xewberg, i : McMinnville, Tillamook Stazes. Inc. I ' and i '. ; Parker Stage Lines C: In at 9 Qut at 5 DAILY SERVICE FILM DEVELOPING Real service as quick as yon could desire together with first class workman ship, a choice of gloss or , dull finish and only those films printed that give in dication of a clear, legible, worth while print. Thus you get no prints that are undesirable and yet must be paid for as is the gen eral practice elsewhere. So for all around satisfaction, bring your films here. J. H. WILLETT The Capital Drug Store , Prescription Specialists Telephone 119 " V 'f 403 State Street, Ccr. Liberty : Salem, Oregon, We carry the most complete line of tents and camping equipment in the city. Sec us before you buy ARMY & OUTING STORE 189 N. Commercial SALEM, OREGON Next Door to Buc!ck' will be figured by this route. From Bellevue to Sheridan a distance of 4.4 miles there is excellent pave ment. On entering Sheridan you cannot help but note the sign: "You Name It We Grow t." Sheridan is 34.4 miles from Sa lem. SHERIDAN - SHERIDAN SERVICE STATION General and SheU Guolia D. E. Grindell. Proprietor Oils. Oss. Tires. Tubes, Accessories Comfort Station Quick Service SHERIDAN I OREGON At Sheridanryon leave the pave ment but there is an excellent gravel road to Willamina, a dis tance of nearly 5 miles. Willa mina registers 39.3 miles by the speedometer from Salem. . Cross the Willamina river and after traveling about 6 miles you will come to a fork in the road. The main highway turns to the right here but those wishing to see New Grande Ronde should take the road , straight ahead which joins the highway again in 3 miles and makes the total dis tance no further. Two miles from this fork of the road you will ar rive at Grande Ronde which is 47.9 miles from Salem. Going north from Grand Ronde 1 M miles you will again be on the highway. Thig place is the Old Grande Ronde and is 49.3 miles from Salem, i After leaving Old Grande Ronde the road leads gradually upward through timber and over a well graded and well kept highway to the summit of the Coast range mountains which Is 885 feet above sea level. The summit is 57.7 miles from Salem. A few miles further and you enter Tillamook county and In less than another mile you arrive at Dolph which is 61 miles from Salem. Natural Qnlnhn. C.:M i uuiiiui k?f&Allg3 Attractive Camping Grounds Sulphur Springs Hotel Polph, Oregon Gas, Oil, Accessories, Store Day and Night L Restaurant Service Fisherman s Accommodations . From Dolph to Hebo, a grad ual downward grade, you will find good gravel roads. Hebo is 72 miles from Salem. From Hebo we will first give aireciions to tne closest beaches Turn to your left at Hebo and take the Roosevelt highway which runs south and west 2 miles to Cloverdale which is 74.5 miles irom saiem. : CLOVERDALE Mi-if- -nri ij-TLJU i r ,1 ililHiii- HIGH'S DRUG STORE Kodak Films, Magazines, Can dies, Bathing Caps, Complexion Powders and Creams, CLOVERDALE OREGON S- CLOVERDALE HOTEL Mrs. J. A. Lucy, Hostess Clean Comfortable Rooms Hot and Cold Water ' Rooms In Dining Room la Connection On the Xestucca River Good Fishing CLOVERDALE OREGON Two and one-half miles from Cloverdale ? take the right hand road, leaving the Roosevelt high way, for Pacific City. In a qnar- When you want LEATHER Goods go to f LEATHER STORE Ladies j Purses and Undcr-arm Bags 3H Years In Leather Business F. E. SHAFER 170 South Commercial 8ALE3L OREGON Harness and Saddlery 'Nothing Takes the Place - - LEATHER". of jT " " " - r . ''ir'r'"m ter of a mile from this point you will note a sign,. "Brooten's Baths," which Is located off the Pacific City road about a mile and up auite a steep grade, but the road is all planked. Brooten's Baths Is 78.5 miles from Salem. Brooten's Bath H. H. BROOTEN, Prop. KELP, ORE. "Nature's HeIthGift - . 1-Yom the Ocean." ' One mile off main road to Pacific City. Watch for ; sign three miles this side of Pacific City, .-. " Cottages for Rent , Handy , to Butter Clams, ! Flounders and Salmon fish- ' . Ing. , One ' mile to ocean. - Wonderful View. FREES CAMP GROUND ; Address Clorerdale, Ore. ; Continuing on the Pacific City road you reach Woods which is 80 miles from Salem. Arriving at Pacific City you will find that you have traveled 80.6 miles from Salem and that you are at the nearest beach. . ' , PACIFIC CITY I j PACIFIC CITY BEACH Saleja Nearest Beach - I - ? by Auto - Stage leaves terminal three times daily for Pacific City via McMlnnville. This beach pos sesses more natural attractions than any other beach, on the Oregon coast. A scenic beach paralelled within five hundred feet, by the beautiful Kestucca river, teeming with every variety of fish, salmon,' . troutj clams, crabs, etc. Accommodations:'' Hotel, CotUges, Apartments, Tent Houses Spacious, protect ed camp grounds -wooded hills. . ' ; Noto tbia uiparalelled combination. An ocean . beach and river fish ing, boating? and bath ing. All within three : minutes walk. Baseball games, concerts, dancing children's play grounds and' other amnse 1 ments. v , . Foe Particulars Write P. R. Reals, Pacific City, Oret Going back to the Roosevelt highway 3.8 miles from Pacific City you again travel west and south for 8.2 miles and you arrlre at Neskowin, a new resort right on the ocean and 85.2 miles from Salem. NESKOWIN HAYNES COTTAGES New Furnished, Complete, Ex cept Pillows and Blankets. Phone 11X7 'Cloverdale Ex NESKOWIN - OREGON Continuing south from Neskowin for 16 miles, over a well-grad ed mountain, road, you arrive at Salem. One mile farther on Is Delake, which is 101.8 miles from Camp Roosevelt. t flfhe end of the completed road, which, is 102.8 miles from Salem. DELAKE r- DcLAKE FILLING STATION AND CONFECTIONERY , . Standard Gasoline and Oils OSCAR HANUEK. Pronrietor CHARLAND & DEUEL Groceries, Provisions, General Merchandise, Building Material, Boats for Rent, Apartments and FREE CAMPING DE LAKE OREGON RAYMOND - TOWNSITE At Devils Lake DOTS FOR SALE Every lot a building site. SizelOOxlOO 9100.00 Post Office Telephone Catholic Church CHARLES RAYMOND f VIS lAJVi DE LAKE OREGON Arriving back at Hebo turn west on the highway and in 4.6 miles you will reach Beaver and pavement. Beaver Is 76.6 miies from Salem. This pavement lasts for 5 miles but after another 3 miles yon ar rive at Pleasant Valley which Is 84.2 miles from Salem. Just after leaving Pleasant Val ley you again strike pavement, which lasts all the way to Tilla mook. Tillamook is 93 miles from Salem. 'TILLAMOOK 1 AMERICAN CAFE Mrs. George Crimmins, Prop. "Where the Tourists Eat" DAY AND NIGHT SERVICE TILLAMOOK OREGON .t 03O VJ rou are looking- for. is 'the time to ex- J ehang-e property. I mm BBvfl wnat What hae you ! ; See A. C. Everson "The Man With the Goods' New Addreaa, 110 rlrst St. TTT.T.AMOOK. OBEQON TODD HOTEL MRS. HAZEL VINING, Hostess "Comfort, Not Style" Our Motto Cleanliness, comfort, clean beds and special family rooms : Hot and cold water, steam heated. , 101 . First Street TILLAMOOK OREGON ' If you want to reach the beach es west of Tillamook, turn west on 3rd Street. The road is paved for two miles where you cross the Tillamook river. After crossing the bridge take the left hand road. There is good gravel road for 1 H miles then 1 miles of plank road through some big timber. At a distance of 5.8 miles from Tilla mook there is another fork In the road. Take tne right hand road here. Two miles farther and yon arrive at Netarts, which is 100.7 miles from Salem or 7.7 miles from Tillamook. NETARTS . The Newj F Silver Sands Camp Is Now Open Comfortable Cottages and Campgrounds Amiuvt Beautiful Shade Trees Spring water piped to grounds Fuel Furnished Free Modern Grocery Store In Connection Fishing Boating Hunting Crabs Clams .Bathing;, ' The First Campgrounds Netarts, Oregon NETARTS TERAMORE CAMP' The Home of Clams and Crabs Furnished " cottages and Tent Houses - Fine View of Bay and Ocean - The Finest and Kleanest Kamp on the KoasL M. R. Terry & Cha. Terry, Props. Davies Netarts Camp Electrically Lighted Cottages. Tent Houses and Camp Grounds Close to Beach , , With Goo 1 view of Ocean and - Bay Pure Mountain Water Piped to Cottages and All Parts of Grounds Clams Boating Bathing Crabs Deep Sea Fishing A. N. DAVIES PHONE 0F2 NETARTS OREGON r HAPPY CAMP More than 50 Furnished Cottage and Tents The only salt water bay on the coast. Deep sea and bay fishing. Unexcelled beach noted for Its clams, crabs and boating. Spring water 98 per cent pure. Clam beds are located only ' 200 yards from camp and crabbing only 50 yards. Restaurant in connection. Round trip tickets sold by S. P., and stage lines to Netarts via McMlnnville. Netart's Boating Company Operating deep . sea boats and gasoline bay boats from Happy Camp. PHONE 0F3 NETARTS OREGON Two miles further north after winding over a rather steep but well-planked road you arrire at Oceanside, the end of the trail. Oceanside is 10 miles from Tilla mook and 103 miles from Salem. OCEANSIDE r OCEAXSIDE Nine mile from Tillamook City. Combination of Ragged Mountain, Caves, Sandy Beach- and wonderful eenery; Pure mountain water, health giving air and modern sanitary condi tion. Surf bathing, dancing,' deep sea fishing-, store, post office, restaur ant, phone,- fish market. Children's play grounds. A paradise for the sum mer vacation. Don't miss teeing the sea lions on the rocks of Oceanside, and wild game and animal park, open this season. Write Allen A Fleming for Reser vations. Write Rosenberg Bros., for general imormauon. Bones Robertsson, general mer- cnanaise. - Those who desire to go to Bay City, Garibaldi, Saitair,. Rocka way and Lake Lytle, keep on the highway going straight north from Tillamook. Bay City is 7 miles from Tillamook and 100 miles from Salem. Follow the pavement here, which ; wail lead you through '- the ' main business street. . . 7' From Bay City there is boat service to Bay Ocean, only a few miuuies riae. BAY OCEAN (BAYOCEAN Cool and refreshing, between Tilla mook Bay and Ocean. All advantages of other beaches. Plenty driftwood for bonfires, erabs, clams, fish, etc. Store, poatoffice and hotels handy. Bangs lows for three or four, $12 week, with bedding, complete furnishings, water, Hghts and wood. Call for circular at Statesmaai office. For reservationa send deposit of 15.00 to Mrs. L. E. Latourette, 313 City Hall, Portland, The next place beyond Bay City is Aiiami wnere me road forks, the road to the right, leading to aeasiae and to tne lert to Garibal di ... 1. 1 . .. . . ui, wuita ia a miie iurtner on. Garibaldi la 104.4 miles from Sal em. . v GARIBALDI Garibaldi Beach' Hotel HOME COOKING " . eW :i Famiry Style Clean Rooms Boats For Rent ' Good Clams and Crabs F. B. WICKLER, 1 Prop. Traveling from here alone th snore line passing throurh Bar- i view, ana Twin Rocks, you art-ire at saitair which is 109 miles from saiem. 5ALTAIR I T" in i-i.nni r nr j uiLjxj'L-ri n ii u n in DAVIES STORE W. A. Davies, Prop. SALTA1R, OREGON Groceries, Hardware, Oaw!in, Oi Ral tat Rockaway is less than a mile further noth or 109.7 miles from Salem. ROCKAWAY ELMORE HOTEL Open Ail Year The most Homelike Hotel, with the best of serrica on the Tillamook Braches, with hot and cold water in 11 room.. J. KREBS, Proprietor ROCKAWAY OREGON Sohler's Confectionery Sundaes Smiles Service ROCKAWAY OREGON THE DRIFTWOOD INN Mrs. J. Naldrett. Proprietress) 5 Modern Hot and Cold Water Good Beda Good Meala "Drift In Don't Knock" Opposite Saitair Station, S. P. Ry. ROCKAWAY P. O. OREGON ! r One mile further north Is Lake Lytle which is a distance of 110.4 miles from Salem. - , Another half mile and you ar rive at Manhattan which is 111 miles from Salem. The road ends a little way" beyond Manhattan The construction of the road around Jetty -: point is nearing completion which will shorten the distance between the Tillamook county beaches i considerably. MANHATTAN ' HOTEL MANHATTAN Mrs. Millie OJson, Hostess 3IANTIATTAN' BEACH ORE. Coming back to Miami and tak ing the road north for 15 miles turn to the left following this road for 3 miles you will arrive at Ne- halem which is 121.8 miles from ! Salem. NEHALEM NEHALEM HOTEL Henry W. Total, Prop. Reasonable Rates Clean outside rooms NEHALEM OREGON - Two and four-tenths miles west of Nehalem over a good road is Manzanita Beach which is 121.2 j miles from Salem. : MANZANITA Manzanita Beach Halfway between Tillamook - and Seaside DONT BUY A SITE FOR A BEACH HOME UNTIL YOU VISIT MANZANITA Unique Beach Different from, any other beach in Oregon Cottages and Camp Grounds . Write for Reservations to MISS GKYSBECK ; Laneda Inc. MulXZANITA OREGON "tlAIEAMA C2F MAKZAIOTA, ORE. Manzanita Beach Is one of the beauty spots of the Oregon coast. An interest ing place to spend your vacation. Good hotel ac commodations. Reasonable . rates. ; L. TL ROGERS, Prop. EMIL G. KARDELL General Merchandise Marine Shells and Curios Gasoline and Oil BIAKZANTTA OREGON 4 If aeV V" ml . Jl :U 1 1 . ... J I V " ll f J ' V "" . (Continued en page 5)