THE OREGON STATESMAN, SALEM, OREGON THURSDAY-MORNING, JUNE 25, 1925 s Great Market Plac? C Salem MONEY TO LOAN 57 MONET TO LOAN ON OITT PROP arty, eltker building ed loaa olaa 01 private moaey. Farm . Iom witk In uranca company money at 5H wltK commission added. Rolpk H. McCe-Jr Nea. 4 and 8, HMmMMN Bide-, So ka. 67fl4tf I HAVE SKVKRAL THOUSAND DOL larref private moaey to loaa good real estate. Kick 1. Relmena, D'Arej ' Bldr, 42 State atreet. Pbobo 1011 Herween and to a. ia. ?Tw.24tf IiTJSIXESS OPPORTUNITIES fll FACTORY SITK ?--' For Sale. block on trackage, N. Front St.. price SI 600. Bay thia for an investment. KKU(iER, Realtor. 147 N. Com! Iheoe 21T U28 INVESTMENT BRICK BUILDING leased to net Urge returns, and -then roo get all tn appreciation Iks JBeaancae. v. o. m a REAL ESTATE 63 Own Your , Home EAST FRONT LOT PAVED STREET. Borth, only f 80O, term. Backa Hen ' dricka. U. 8. Bank Bldf. 6321tt FOB : SALE MODERN ROME OP t room. Excellent location. Lot ' 45s 165. CIom is. Addreae 105X Cbeme- Beta or phono. 1233-J. 63jlyl8 LOTS, TERMS, LOTS 110 CASH A'D 110 monthly bay fine tightly lot on 8. Winter street, located between) Croaa and Howard itmnt. See thia district today. Lot a onlr S300. aise &61IOS with abstract and itrwt graveled. , .Hecke lieadrtcki, U.-S. bank bids. V - 63j21tf CHEAPEST LOT ON STATE Paved 00100 at $750. inside lot) Rea Wm. Fleming-. 341 State. 6;lj21tf EASY TERMS fNEW HOUSES I . Foer room : and breakfast-nook. Bath, toilet, city water, electric lights, double construction. Best of material, food workmanship. One-half of an aero. Very wall located. Mere you eaa have a big garden, chickens, ate. : We bar now three houses under construction and we invito your inspec tion. Priee is very low and terms are like rent. Small garage house, but complete with fine lot and good garden. Price l 1 00. Easy terms. - 30 acres of extra good land, on pav ed road, running stream through place with lota of fish, fair buildings, electric power Una passes the place. Owner old and enable to handle. You can have this for $4300, one-half cash, balance long lime at six per cent. RICH L. REIMANN 1 Realtor Phone 1082; Room 3, 147 N. Com. St. C3jl7tf "SPECIAL ' Good 5 room home, large lot with fruit I700. Trade for ear. ' 6 nice lots, a snap for $1200. with $200 "down. A good 40 acre farm well im proved. Trade lor ft good borne in Sa- Iem. - A fine large lot en paved street (or 900. 40 acres good bottom land with fair .. improvements, a bargain for S30O0. .L0 acres with good building on Howell Prairie. Can't be beat for $7500. - . 330 acres near Bend, Oregon, for : trade. vt a at' have tout TilOMASOX. 331 Va State Street. i 63j21tf FAIRMOUXT BILL LOl"-2-LOCATED : between Lincoln, -and Washington streets on west aide ol Sartnaw. Bean tifu! high, sightly east frrnt lot, $1500 -terms. Beeke k Headricka, U. 8. bank bldg. 63j21tf -WHEN YfUJ TfllNK OF A HOME THINK" OP ULKICJI ROBERTS 392 3-room bungalow, gars re. lot 50 130 in North -Salem. Price S1SO0. Good terms or will trade,, for larger limine - 39 1- 5-arre tract 4 miles from Salem; . .I -room bouse, wind mill, , and barn. A fine tract at $4500 or will trade for rouse In Salem. r J. A new 5-room bungalow, full base- meat, fireplace. on paved street, pav ing paid. All for $3O00; $500 down, balance $25 per month. .192 3000-acre stock ranch in Tilla mook county near coast highway. i This iJs';,e genuine stock snap at $8 per acre or will trade part or all for property in or near iem. ; 395 Aa apartment bouse of aiz apart ments, close in large lot, and' nice , shade trees. Price $9000, easy terms. 393 A good 7-room faouxe, basement, garage. 4 lots. A bargain at $2500. :t3 -$3550 buys a new, fully modern Colonial style house of 4 rooms; $500 dawn. Balance easy payment. TLRICII 4 ROBERTS 133 N. Com'l St. i'hone 1354 63J28 BARGAIN CORNER MISSION AND S. ,1'th streets, lot aOslOO, pavement paid, cement walks in. oaly $1000. Beeke - ft Hendricks, II. 8. Bank Bldg. 63;21tf f J REAL VALUES 1 3-4-arre tract north of Salem, . 4 -room bouse, good road. Priee $1200. would take vacant lot as first payment. 4 room bunealow in North 8lem, nee rarune. rrice.J $2250, $150 cash, bat : ance te suit. . 5 room bouae and garage . located at isft. Slst St. "aved street, . block to earllne. Price $3950. 4 -roo a cottage located at 1751 K. I vu , o,. liv X new aiuvw V 1 TT D T -' - 147 N. Com'l. Phone 817.- 3j23 9-ROOM HOUSE. BATHW BUILT-IN kKehea, barn IH acres ground, with in city limits, fruit and nuts, $3900, $300 cash and monthly paymeota. 5-rooms, sleeping porch and breakfast nook, -furnace, fireplace, garage, paved : atreet.- $3800 easy terms. - 5 rooms, new and convenient, $2650, owner ia selling for less than coat and . will take auto as part payment. WINNIE PETTYJOHN. Realtor. 21 Oregon Bldg. 63j21tf SPECIAL BUY, NEW PLASTERED. ' Bungalow, combination living and din ing room, kitchen, 3 bed rooms, fire - place, basement, close to ear and school, sleeping porch, only $2100, some term. H. K. BROWN, or MELVIN JOHNSON , 109 S. Commercial . . 3j23tf J,:- BEST BUT TN HOUSES Smalt payment down, balance like rent, good house, 5 rooms, two lots, -paved atreet and ear line. Price $2250. ANOTHEa ONE A'dandv modern, practically new bun galow, ideal location. Priee $2400. Aet of terms. HALF ACRE TRACT With new eosy bungalow, foar rooms, paving paid. Snap. $2500. 110 USE BOOMS $25 .Located on north Winter street ' r" HOUSE 8 ROOMS SNAP. On North Capitol street.. $4,000. A REAL HOM ' 1 New and up-to-date ia every way. Near atate house. Price $10,500. BEAUTIFUL LOTS Paved atreet, walks, ideal location. Price $530 675 $900. Terms. FARMS LARGE AND SMALL " Two and three-fourths acre tract, dandy bungalow, fruit, rood well, paved atreet. Not far eat, $2000. If It's A Home See CHILDS BECHTEI Realtora, 640 8tte Stre , 63 FOB SALE SEVEN ROOM BUNGALOW ais blocks out, bassmeat and fireplace, a good home or a good Investment. Pour-room bungalow, new. $2UOO. Four room bungalow ; with furniture, paved street. $2500. F. L. Wood, 341 State St. : j4 ' 63jl9tf "Beautiful Oregon" Sightly small tract at the door of Ssiem, calls for a tired business man or lover of outdoors for an occupant. Priced surprisingly low l 90 acre farm, 28 acres good cberrie. pears, prunes, about 3b acres open land, rest pasture and ' timber. Plus tered B room houK. good barn and out buildings. Water piped to buildings. Good road, close to school and Salem. $10,500.00. Kasy terms. , 702 acres stock ranrhl 320 acres in cultivation. Now modern 8 room plas tered bungalow, new large barn, water piped to buildings, 382 acres pasture and timber. Trade up to $15,000.00 eonaidered, balance easy terms. 5acres close to ' Salem on good road, near school, good' bouse, garage, chicken bouae, fruit, berries, garden and nuts, only $2000.00, with terms. Salem homes, all sites and prices to fit your want. ( Try 0 for service, without obligations. Oregon Incorporated Realtors Victor Schneider, Ree'y. Phone 1013 , Room 4-5-6 D'Arey Bldg. 63j20tf SPECIAL BARGAINS 10-acre improved f suburban "home 1 1-3 miles from Salem on highway; 4 room house, barn. Prune orchard. Worth $5250. If told at once only, $4750. Terms. -- , -, ' -, 5 room bouae, new ' garage, ere land. 2173 State Street. - beautiful home place only S2S5U. Terms. Get. our big trading liftt free. - i - - . HOME REALTY CO. 169 S. High. 63J24 ONE OP THESE WILL SUIT YOU 5-room house, modern except basement, . beautiful east front lot, garage, fruit house, -fl. Church atreet, $3100 terms, New and atrictly modern borne 2395 Brooks avenue, basement, furnace, fire place. $3750, terms. - 6 rooms eloa in. 1120 Chemeketa atreet Small - down payment, balance $30 monthly and the house is yours. . 5-room house, modern excapt basement. -- Richmond addition, $2750, amall down , payment. BECKE ft HENDRICKS V. S. Bank Bldg. ' i . 6:j21tf NEW TRACT OP LOTS WE ARE GOING TO THROW OPE3 IN A FEW DAYS 0 acres lying between Fairground road end Highland avenue,! all divided inta lots, some with paved streets and aoms without. These lots will be priced right. Think of it 50 new homea. in a growing district. Thia tract joins Williamson's tract and that means -40 more homes in same district. - BE SURE TO SEE THESE LOTS BEFORE BUY ING A LOCATION FOR YOUR NEW HOME. Beeke t$ Hendricks, TT. S. Bank Bldg. - s C3j21tf WHY NOT LET US SELL YOUR PROP-ertyf- We have sold others. We ran ; sell yours. Come in and list it. Home Realty Co., 169 S. High St. . C3jly 6 70O-ACRE STOCK RANCH. 60 ACRES ' in alfalfa, good buildings, for Marion county ranch. Close ia 4-aere tract, . new. bungalow and garage, $2500, terms. ; Modern 7 -room bungalow, double garage for suburban home, i - : Tine 25-acre home near Kewberf for Salem residences. ' 5-acre "tract near Salem, good buildings, fine soil, $2SOO, terms. - 5-aere, 5-room bungalow, barn, good store building, stock merchandise, dandy location, $10,000, take Salem residence for part. ' PERRINE ft MARSTERS 312 Gray Bldg. 63jl8tf FILLING STATION, WELL LOCATED in live town. $5500.00. Blacksmith ' shop, garage, six-room house. Will take Salem property ia exchange. Grocery store well located. $5500.00. Apartment house close in. $15 OOO.OO. ' louble house and large lot $5000.00. 4-room furnished bouse on paved St. $1920.00. 4 room house east front, bath, $1650, $300, down, v 8 room house, large eoraer. ' $2600.00. Small tracts for aalo aad exchange. Some all equipped, i Can be bought, reasonable. ' GERTRUDE J. M. PAGE 492 N. Cottage. - i-63jl0tf VOI I PUT 17 P 13.50, WE $3 MONTH; XJKJ stick 15 years aad you take all; no joke; nothing better; full protection; amall steady payment the secret of success; art and get ahead; keep look ing aad get nowhere. NEW BST CONSTRUCTION. " room, sleeping porch ; cement basement; Parrish Grove Addition; paved atreet; half block from Parrish school; $3800.00. f ' " HITDDV GOOD $ ROOM HOUSE? IIUrrI plsstered; hot and cold water; bath; toilet; fine condition; ample ground room for two more hooa , es; on paved atreet j aad best carline; only $3200 , : WPW-0DKEX-Om block 4-T ParrUh school; 100 feet from feet from Capitol' street; bni It by owner for his own ate irttt now going to live with daughter; 5 rooms dowa. room for 8 up and stairway in; cement basement, furnace, fireplace; very beat construe- tion ; finest material ; inspect it with microscope, you can't find a flaw; lot 55x156; price $5750. RI(f LOT 60x150.1 one block from Parrish school near Pacific i Highway, $600. i : - - CENTRAL ZL&& Center; 8-roonr boose; fine big bear in gr walauts, English and native; sev : oral varieties grapea aad other fruit; .big barn; all for the price of the lot. Easy term. . ' - - HARRIS Masonie Temple Phone 795, 1942 J. , , , - . : ' 6:ij25 MINUTE MOVIES K SERIAL OF- COLLtCB ' BASEBALL THE "BIG TEAM ITHO' HEART- - BROKEN W -THE "WO FA" i MAS flAVED 1 a. Uscrav Ciam REALi ESTATE REAL ESTATE C3 I FOR SALE 4-ROOM. 10-ROOM HOUS es. Close in. Terms. 700 N. High. $3 July 4 ATTRACTIVE MODERN 8-ROOM house ctoae in, large lot, garden, fruit, bargain if taken at once. . Terms. In quire 809 N. Com'l. 63jl BEST BUYS AND EXCHANGES 1 acre, store buildinr. stock and fil turee. on highway, $.1750. $1600 buya grocery stock and fixtures. Doing good businexs. 23 acres improved, good location, waat California property, price $25,000. 80 acres, good for flax, berrtea or grain, want Salem residence property, about $2500. ' f ; $1250 buy filling station in Salem. See na for strin-tly modern homes priced right. We let! you be the judge. SOCOLOFSKY. Re: EmMo ft Loans 341 State tf.lj21tf REAL ESTATE TRADES 65 A TRADING LINE A fine line of trading properties, to choose from Cor your equities in e'ther farms, amall tracts, town houses or lots. You will get a fair equitable deal. Wm. Fleming, 841 State. 65j21tf WE HAVE A GOOD PRODUCTIVE ' 10 acre farm with a good farm" mod ern house out 5 miles on good gravel road and near pavement, price $40OO, and can take a town house 'on it; A good 5 room modern house in Salem worth $4500 to trade for a farm : 50 good flax acres with the proof positive - right on it all fully equipped with good $300 toam and 7 splendid cows, 2 bogs and chickens and farm implementa and the crop all goes, price $8000 and he'll take a bouse in Salem worth ' $5000 on it; A beautiful 10 acres with modern house and clone worth $10, (H 10 for a Salem home. McttilehriKt ft Pennington, i 209 V. S. Bank Bldir. Phono 140. : 65J21tf P P P PPPPPPPPPPPPPPP PP1PPPPPPPPPPPPPPP P P-. P P P P 1700 v 1700 P P P P EXCHANGES EXCHANGES P P P P P P P P GO DIRECT TO P P P P EXCHANGE HEADQUARTERS P P P P P P P P P P P P Offices Salem aad Portland P P P P The vala of newsnsDer adver- P P i" i liking aepenoa upon the number r f P P of that newspaper'e subscribers; P p P P tho value of your telephone setv- P P P P ice depends npoa the number of P P P P people you can reach over your P P P P telephone; the greatest bargains P P P P in merchandise and the exact P P P P satiafacttoa of your needs are P P P P found in the largest shopping P P P P renters. Oar list of exchanges P P P P (the largest listing on the Pacific. P P P P coast), guarantees yonr complete P P P P satisfaction regardless of your P P P P requirements. If yon would like P P P P to exchange your property TO- P P P P DAY. come in TODAY. See P P P P PARKER FOR PROPERTY P P P P 409 U. S. Bank Bldg., Salem P P PP Telephone 2243 PP P P 65J2tf P P PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP REAL ESTATE Farms 67 DA TRY AND STOCK FARMS 75 ACRES Waldo Hills district. New buildings, crop, dairy herd and equipment $11,- OO0. 6U acres TurnenAumsville district. ' Lots of buildings, some crop and equip , ment, $7,500. 276 acres Waldo Hills district. Good buildings, $19,600. Also i several good places in Lincoln County, fullv stocked and equipped. A. C. BOHRN STEDT Realtor, Loans and Insurance 147 N. Commercial St., Saieot, Oregon : 67j24tl See This 20 acre farm, good small buildings, lots of fruit and berries, timber and pasture. Good roads, close to school and Salem. Immediate possession. Phone ownsr 1013 or see Victor. Sch neider, Rooms 4-5-6, D'Arey Bldg. 67j21tf FOR SALE OR TRADE FINE FARM, ' 196 acres, on west side highway. An ideal stock, grain or dairy farm. 150 tmf res or more cultivated land, some 'timber, spriag water. fair buildings. Price $ 15,000. Will take city property up to $-O00, in Salem, Portland or Eu gene. This is a vpry fine farm. Most rich river bottom' land. Very produc tive. Price very low. See Childs ft - Bechtel, 540 State St., for real farm bargains. . " ' 67J21tf LAKE LABISII LAND . If interested in a buy or an exchange for above come in and talk with Wm. Fleming. S41 State St."-- - 67j21tf REAL ESTATE Suburban 69 ; ; JUST OUTSIDE CTTT LIMITS. ONE acre, 8 room modern hoase, garage aad . bam. water piped to irrigate whole tract.1 Priee $5,000 clear; want city residence . proporty( will consider lorg- or deal. Wanted Large stock ranch for Salem property will assume, 10 acres well im- proved, close to Salem, . want Salem residence. For bargaina and exehaage See Barber. 200 Gray Bldg. 69-altf WANTED REAL ESTATE 71 PPPPPPPppppppppp PPPPPPPPPP -Ftp P P P P P PP - ., PP PP CALL PP PP , PP PP "PARKER PP P P P P PP AND PP PP ' - P P PP START PACKING) - PP P P pp PP Selling service without equal. P P P P Our system never fails. Scieu- P P PPtifie selling, backed by clean, P P P P intelligent salesmaaship means P P P P RESULTS for YOU. We turn P P PP Prospects' into "Buyers." PP P P We turn "FOR SALE" signs in- P P PP to "SOLD." All city property PP P P inspected, photographed aad sold P P P P without aggravating delay. See P P P P PARKER FOR PROPERTY P P P P 409 U. 8. Nat'I Bank Bldg., P P P P Commercial at Stat P P PP Telephone 2243 PP PP Offieea in Salem and Portland PP PP 71ml7-tf PP ppppppppppppppppp ppppppppppptppppp (AH righta protected . EPISODE 20 . Qhe bis College Ah COMCRETfe ta&PORE A RECORD' BREAKING CROujD rV SPHALT - A"? PHALT- ASPHAU- i ... aaaaaina ol av A aa grLE -TEAM - TfcArn 11' t tHc. FIELE CfcrMCFlETfeS ;TVJB:LAr4T SOWS MfEy rswoj H 1 SCNG MOWS' Z3 WANTED REAIi ESTATE 71 Listings Wanted City homea. Farms and acreage. Lots. Rentals, Tradea. Service is our promise, write, 1 call or phone 1013. Oregon Incorporated, Realtors Victor Schneider Ree'y. -Rooms 4-5-6 DJArcy Bldg., Salem. 71jl6tf AUTOMOBILE WANTED 77 Eiker Auto Co. ' Wo pay easb for Fords. 77ml2tf WANTED LATE MODEL CARS FOR wrecking. Cash paid, Mike's Aato ' Wrecking House. 245 Center. Phone 898. 77m2tf USED CARS FOR SALE 79 ; USED CAR SPECIALS Dodge roadster in Al shape. $375 21 Ford Sedan, beat of eodition.$225 Xhirant, practically new $600 BCRDETT-ALBEE MOTOR CO. GARDNER DEALERS 217 State St. Phone 937 79J2tf Dependable Used -Cars 192 Ford Coupe -....$485 1924 Oldsmobile Coupe $950 1922 Oldamobile Sedan $750 1 1923 Chevrolet Touring $385 : Paige Ardmore like new. A won derful buy. Come in and look tour. need cars over. We give terms. "After We Sell We Serve" F. .W. Pettyjohn Co. ; 365 N. Commercial St. :i 79j24tf , - " .; Buy ' -Guaranteed Used Ford Crs From an Author ized; Ford Dealer. Our stock is very complete. 5i Tourings : ..$ 65 $325 T 8 Roadsters (starter) ....$ 75 $325 2 2-door Sedsna.... $200 350 3 Track a - $205 $400 I Valley-Motor Co. 260 No. High. Phone 1995 79j6tf Tell Us What You Want ; IN A USED CAR 1924 F.ssex- Touring J. $050 1922 Kstex-4 Touring ..$.190 1922 Buick-6 Touring ... $640 - 1921 Studebaker Lt. 6 ; $475 ' 1920 Baby Grand An extra good one - $280 1922 Overland Touring ..$275 1918 Velie-6 Touring i $225 1923 Ford Touring . $285 1924 Star Sport Touring $575 1924 Star Sedan $700 Certified Public Motor Car Market Block N. of Post Office. 79j21tf GOOD USED PARTS! FOR HAIT OB lean. Why pay moret Money back guarantee. Bcheelar Auto Wr;king Co. Look for the orange front. Day phone 819. Night phono 503. 1085 X. Commercial St. "Bmilt to save money." 7-J13tf PACKARD ESSEX HUDSON It's a Fact ' That Powell's is the bouse of the "Golden Rule." Each and every Used Car that carries our ninety-day war ranty baa been thoroughly recondi tioned throughout. No or apologizes needed to sell our cara, and remember that we have only one price regardless whether yon have a trade-in or not. You eaa be assured of a aquare deal at Powell's. . 1924 Chevrolet Sedan, original paint? good cord tires, license, bar cap nioto meter and the motor is right. Price is ; .....J......... 650 Peerless 8 Sedan. This car baa the appearance of a new car. Will take in city property on trade, what have you J The price of the car ia ... $1500 1921 Hudson Touring, new paint, good top. complete motor overhaul, good tires and a real buy at $70O 1920 and 1922 fta-d Coupe, both cars are in dandy sbani' Priced . ....... $250 and $385 Third Series Packard 12 Sedan. A real car, lota of room and looks like a million,. Price , $1600 Fred M. Powell -- Motor Cars Cottage at Ferry I'hone 2126 PACKARD,. ESSEX HUDSON 79j2 SEE THEiK. BEFORE YOU BUY ' 1924 Gardner sport, fine mechan-'ra! condition,- lota of extras ...$850 1924 Durant. original Urea. A aoap at . ......$600 1921 Ford eedan, fine mechanical condition, good rubber. A good buy for ; 7.iv $200 BURDETTE ALBEE MOTOR CAR COMPANY 217 Stat Oardaer Diatributers for Oregon 79 m30tf Eiker's Toaring Tonrirg Coupe Sedaa .$60 75 250 ;S65 r Eiker Auto Co. , Oar nnal guarantee behind all ear . Liberty 8treet at Ferry , Phono 121 79al5tf by Tbe George Mathews Adams 8 ACfeOSff NirvS GoT "men on TUPi run - And vi , MlMEe WE. BURY THE -H Or A ,v7 r ? " -: .-rr jjz v- 1 - v CLASSIFIED OH Sellable Bueiiiesi AMBULANCE GOLDEN AMBULANCE PHONES 609 and 83-R. Day or night service. f!4tf AUCTIONEERS P. N. WOODRY Expert Livestock, furniture, real estate AUCTIONEER Res. 1610 N. Summer Phone ,511 for sale dates. G. SATTERLEE Auctioneering 147 North Hish atreet. Phono 1293 or 1211-J. ' - jne 12tf ACCOUNTANT G. ED. ROSS, ACCOUNTANT AND Aud itor. 831 Va State. Phone S098R. . - al7-'2d BATTERY AND ELECTRICIANS R. D. BARTON EXIDE BATTERIES starter and generator work; 171 South Commercial. Taiasa-D. Phone 18 COURT ST. JOE W'LLIAMS BICYCLES ASD REPAIRINO LLOYD E. RAMSDEN DAYTON, B1CY- ciea ana repairing. 387 Court. BRAKE RELXNINO RAYBESTOS BRAKE STATION 275 Sonth Commercial St. Phone 102. j8tf CHINESE REMEDY I L. L. DICK L. M. HUM Chines Medicine Company Help any known diutate. 420-4i6. State . e-SOtf CHIROPRACTOR DR. O. L. SCOTT. PSC CHIROPRACTOR. Nevrocatometer service. 416-19 U. 8. Bank Bldg. Phone 87. Rea. 828-R. H. B. SCOFIELD PALMER CHIROPRAC tor. 328 Oregon Bldg. Phone 194. m5tf DBXSSMAKXNa PRINTED CARDS SIZE 14" BY 7" wording, "Dressmaking;" price 10 cents each, Statesman Business Office, Ground floor. MRS. C. E. MILLER, HEMSTITCHING, stamping, buttons. Room 10, over Mil ler's Store. Phone 117. ELECTRICIANS SALEM ELECTRIC CO. MASONIC building. Phone 1200. ELECTRIC FIXTURES AND SUPPLY Co.. Phone 1934. 222 N. Liberty. F L E E N E R ELECTRIC CO. House wiring by hour or contract. Es timates furnished. Phone 480471 Court St. EYE EAR NOSE THROAT y Dr. Harold M. Brown EYE, EAR. NOSE AN-D THROAT. 320 V. S. Bank Bldg. Phone 2134. j-14tf FARM PAPER IF YOU WANT TO GET THE BEST farm paper send 15o to the Pacific Homestead, Salem, Oregon, for a three 'BMBtln -t rmi subscription. Mention this ad.f - FOCI LTKYMEN SEND EIGHT TWO Ccent stamiis for special three months' trial for tae best aad oldest journal iu the west. The articles and advertiae menta. ore of special interest to the poultry breeders of the Northwest. Northwest Poultry Journal. 211 Com mercial street. Salem. Oregon. FINANCIAL FOR SALE FIRST AND SECO.ID Mort gages, Trait Deeds, Contracts on houses tWill net 6fc to 30. BECKE ft HENDRICKS U. S. Nat'I Bank -Jl-tf FARM LOANS PLENTY OF MONEY to .loan on good farm security. XITY LOANS We are loaning Pro - dential Inauranee Company money on .'city residence and business property, at 5, pin a commission. Hawkins - A .'Roberts, Inc., 20S Oregon Building, v d-14tf Farm Loans ANDERSON ft RUPERT 406 Oregon Building FLORISTS CUT FLOWERS. WEDDING BOUQUETS funeral wreaths, decorations. C. F. Breithaupt, florist, 123 N. Liberty. Pbo. FUNERAL DIRECTORS SALEM MORTUARY, FUNERAL DIREC tors. 210 Center. Phone 1656r- HEMSTITCHING SALEM ELITE HEMSTrrCHING pleating, buttons, atamping and needle wort; aaa Oregon pHig. tnone,n7. ZMSXTRASCB Insure Year home or ear now : Phone 161 BECKE ft HENDRICKS U. S. Baak Bldg. UTE INSURANCE NEW YORK LIFE Ervin P. Smith. Harley S. Pugh, Owen F. Ogden. Ore- - row bldg.. city phone 185. - - J16 LAUNDRIES CAPITAL CITY LAUNDRY Phone 165. Service with a smile. Quality -work. 1264 Broadway. J-14tf TRY THE HOME WET WASH LAUN dry. Pbone 171, 1356 B Street. J17tf SALEM LAUNDRY COMPANY 316 8. Liberty street. Phone 25, oldest larg est and best. , Established 1889. errice Trade Mark Registered U. i lMn inrccc: . I - : CRCOk'S. VS "THAT ASPHALT o sV - e w W AND DP X' SMJUNGlV UfATCVI THE PRO GRESS OF THE GAME , FROM A FIELD BOX I OR A . BETTy.Ot AIW6MT THE (SftME? AJOmj TR5 To Com - &eTT Si-'EET. MOT OV&Z VET FIANCEE A A BUSINESS DIRECTORY and Professional Firms Arranged In Alphabetical Order for Quick Reference LADIES TAILORINO D. H. MOSHER TAILOR FOR MEN and women, 474 Court St. -- MATTRESSES MATTRESSES RENOVATED BY THE Capitol City Bedding Co.. 1190 North Capitol. Called for and delivered. All work mnranteed. Phone 19. fl9tf MEDICAL MOUNTAIN BALM COUGH REMEDY Phone 51 7-W. MUSIC STORES SHERMAN CLAY ft CO., PIANOS , Steliwsys. Duo-Art and otbera. Moore's Muaie. House, 415 Court street. GEO. C. WILL PIANOS. PHONO grsphs, sewing machines, sheet music, and piano studies. Repairing phono graphs aod sewing machines. 432 State street, balem. TRADE TOUR OLD PIANO FOR A NEW Victor or Branswick. H. L. Stiff Furni tore Co., Mnsie Dept. NURSERY STOCK FRUIT. NUT AND SHADE TREES Percy Bros.. 237 Ststev PACKING AND SHIPPINO FOR EXPERT FURNITURE PACKING end shipping, call Stiff a ' Furniture Ptore. Phone 941. PAPERHANGIKO AND PAINTING PHONE GLENN ADAMS FOR HOUSE decorating, paper hanging, tinting, etc, Reliable workman. PIANO TUNERS EDWARD WELP EXPERIENCED PI a no timer. Leave ordera Will's Music Store. PLUMBING PLUMBING AND GENERAL REPAIR work. Oraber Bros., 141 Liberty St. Phone 550. f-19tf RADIO SPLITDORF RIDI0. SALES AND - SERVICE No better radio made at any price QUALITY CARS High and Trade IlStf RADIO DOCTORS SALEM ELECTRIC CO. Ft S. BARTON. Proprietor Masonie Temple Phone 1200 Radiolas For Every Purpose Every Parse All Standard Sites of Radio Tubee HALIK ft EOFP ELECTRIC SHOP 3H7 Court St. Phone 48X REPAIRING ALVI.V B. STEWART 347 Court St. Umbrellas, Cutlery and Keys -Lawn mowers, razor-bladea, acissora, knives and tools sharpened BUG CLEANING -Vapo Me&bed. Work guaranteed, j " Low prices 1 ' Free' demonstration Phone 1950.1 Jlyl1 SCAVENGES S SOOS SCAVENGER SERVICB AR bae and refuse of all kiada removed by the month. Reasonable ratea. Cesa pools cleaned and dead animal re moved. Phones Office 35 or 979, Rea. 2058., SECOND HAND GOODS WANTED EVERYTHING IN CI.OTH ing and shoes. Best prices paid. Cap ital Exchange, 342 - North Commercial. Phone 1368-W. 8TOVES'AND STOVE REPAIRING STOVES REBUILT AND REPAIRED-r-; 40 years' experience. Depot National -( fence, aize 26 to 68 in. high. Paints, oils and varnishes, etc., loganberry and hop ' hooka. Salem Fence and Stove Worka. 250 Court street. Phone 124. STORAGE WE STORE YOUR HOUSEHOLD Goods or anything you ha v., by the Week, month or year. P. A. Eiker, corner Liberty and Ferry. Phone 121. d-14tf TRANSPORTATION . VACATION DAYS ARE HERE! That means trips to tbe beaches. -The Parker Stage Lines offers three , . round trips daily to Tillamook and nearby beacbea. Daily ferric, from Tillamook to Bay City, Garibaldi, ' Sattair, Rockawky. Lake Lytic, Man hattan, Nehalem,- and SeaKide Stagea leave Salem at 7:55 a. m., 1 :10 p. m., and 5:10 p. m. - i OTHER PARKER STAGE SERVICE Silverton: 7 a. m.. . 1 1 a. m., 5 p. in. Mt. Angel: 11 a. m 5 p. m." Independence: 7 a. m, 9 a ui., 11:15 a. m.. 3:1U p. in., 5:15 p. m. Sun daya only 8:30 p. m. Monmouth : 7 a. m 11:15 a. ro 3 :10 . p. m., 5:15 p. m. Sundays only H :SO p. m. " - - ".''-.- Dallas: 7 a. m.. 7:35 a. m., 9 a. m., ! 11:25 a. m 1:10 p. in., 2:10 p. m. and 5:15 p. m. Falls City: 7 a. m 2:10 p. m 5:15 p. m. ' j20tf Salem industries are . stable. Salem is not a fly-by-night town. It is being built on a real found ation. 8. Patent Office) . P!- , O BUT ufM- Tb ALL, THE AERO- FIELD lb PLAK?E .BEARWG- AND TWE- missing Prrcw- Er? MEATUS ITS' DESTiAJATCW - IS Ks i 8 axil Cm TRANSFER AND HAULING TRANSFER AND HAULING OP ALL kiada. Phono 19F3. w CAPITAL CITY TRANSFER CO. 226 warding and atoraga our specialty.' Get . our rate. i r WE MOVE. STORE AND SHIP HOUSE hold goods. Oar apecialty ia piano and lumuure moving. We alao make eoun try trips. We handle the best coal and wood. Calr on na for prices. We live good measure, good quality and good service, urwtr t ransfer to. ynone w WATER SALEM WATER, LIGHT, POWER CO. Office 304 South Commercial St. Ten per tent discount en domestic fla rate paid in advance. No deduction for absence or any cause nalesa water is shut off yonr premises. KXITTIXG WOOL. GOLF HOSE- CHILDREN'S sport hone, knit to order. Hand, knit tinr. Phone 1778J. j21 tf 0. SALEM MARKETS :- . Price quoted are wholesale and are prices 'received by farmers. Jo retsil prices are given: GRAIN AND HAY No. l soft white wheat So. 1 soft red wheat $1.46 1.40 .60 12 00 Oats Cheat hay Oat hay . , Oat and vetch hay ..i.,...-JU.'. 15. OO li.oo PORK, MUTTON AND BEEF Hogs, 160-200 cwt. .....813.50 Hog. 200-250 cwt. ........ ... $13 Hogs, 250-300, cwt. ,, , $18.00 l.itrht -sows, I . .10 Ho Cows . 2e 4 k.e Bulls , s 3 to 3e Dressed pork .. . 16f 17c Lambs , 9(g9He POULTRY Heavy hens 18(21e Light hens . Broilers .......... Light Broilera Pullets 15&i tbc 18G22e i5or ic 27l EGGS, BUTTER. BUTTZRTAT Creamery hotter .....4647c Butterfat. delivered 44e Milk, per cwt. .. ....$2.10 Kegs, etandarda 29(S31e EXECUTOR'S NOTICE Notice is hereby given, that thg undersigned was duly appointed executor of , the last will and estate of Chester F. Lansing. Deceased, by order of the County Court of the State of Oregon for Marion County, on the 20th day of May. 1925; and that all persons having claims against said estate art-J hereby requested to present theii respective claims, with propel vouchers, duly verified, to th undersigned executor at Ladd & Bush, Bankers, . Salem, Oregon, within six months from the date of this notice. Dated June, 2nd, 1925. 1 Ladd & Hush Trust Company, Executor. '- John Bayne, Attorney for- Exe cutor. J-4-1 1-1 8-25 July-2. Nclice of Intention to Improve the Alley in Block 50 of City of Sa lem. . m ... Notice Is hereDy given that the Common Council of ther City of Salem, Oregon, deems it necessary and expedient and hereby declares us purpose and Intention to im prove alley in block 50 of the orig inal plat of the City of Salem, Marion county, Oregon, from the south line of Center street to the north line of Chemeketa street, at the expense of the abutting and adjacent property, by" bringing said alley to the established grade and paving same with a six. inch Portland cement concrete pave ment in accordance with the plans, specifications and estimates there for which were adopted by the Common Council June . 15-1925, now on file in the office of the city recorder and which said plans and specifications and estimate? are hereby referred to and made a part of this notice. The Common Council hereby de- clares'lts purpose and intention to make the above described improve ment by and through the street improvement department of the City f Salem. Written remonstrance- may be filed with the city recorder of said city against the - above proposed improvement within ten days from date of final publication hereof. By order of the Common Coun cil J one 15, 1925. M. POULSEN, City Recorder. Date of. first publication hereol is June 18, 1925. r j30 By ED WHEELAN m ii mm 1 JK I Tfi tT 4 " r " r m THERE'S THE PAI1 l DCMAI TMFPE TUG tEFT i " "The MlfACuUVS RETURN HERE To-fc2fcotA I GEfJERAL MARKETS '! w. Hay . " ' vpOR'TLAND,- Juno 24 Buyln, prices, valley timothy $20 Wirt f do eastern Oregon $21 Ti 24.50; alfalfa $19; clover $17; oat hay-, nominal; s cheat $16; oat and vetch $1920; straw $8.50 per ton. Selling prices $2 afJn more "Grain Futures . I Wheat, nard white-- bluestem Baart. June $1.60; July $1.43:, August $1.43; soft white June $1.58; July $1.43; August $1.43; western JWhite. June $1.57; Jnly $1.42; August:$1.41 ; hard winter June $1.56; July $1.42; August $1.41; northern spring June $1.53 July $1.42; August $1.40 western red June $1.58; July $1.40; Au gust $1.37; BBB hard white June $1.60;, July $1.43 August $1.43. Oats'. No. 2, 36-pound white, feed June $35; July $33 Aur gust, $33. No. 3. 38-pound gray Jane $35; July $33; August $30. Corn, No. 2..EY shipment, June $44; July $44; August $44; Mill run standard August $30. Portland Dairy Exchane Butter extras 47c; standards 45 l-2c; prime firsts 43c; firsts 43 l-2e. r . sEggs, extras 37c; firsts 3 Cc; pullets 34c; current receipts 32c. Notice of Intention to- Improve Richmond Avenue From Oak Street to a Point Wher Lot 4, Block 4, Ricbntoiid Addition, Would Intersect Said Avenue jit Projectedi . Notice is heretoy given that the Common Council of the City nt Salem, Oregon, deems it necessary and expedfent and hereby declares its purpose and intention tb im prove Richmond Avenue from tha north line of Oak street to a poinl on said Richmond avenue wherd tbe north line of lot 4 In block 4 of Richmond Addition to the Cits of Salem, Marion county, Oregon, would intersect said - Richmoni avenue If said line were projected and extended easterly ' into and across said avenue, at the exDenM of the abutting and adjacent prop- erty. excepting the street inter sections, the expense of which will be assumed by the City of Salem. by bringing said portion of said street to the established grade. constructing cement concrete curbs, and paving said portion of said street with a six Incitement concrete pavement twenty-four feet wide in accordance-wllh th plans, specifications and estimate! therefor, which were adopted bt the Common Council June 15th, 1925, now on file Innhe office ot the city recorder and which paM plans, specifications and estimate are hereby referred to and made a part of this notice. . -.. The Common Council hereby de clares its Dumose and intention to make the above described im provement by- and throuah the street improvement department ot the City of Salem. Written remonstrance' mav l filed with the city recorder of tha City against the above proposed improvement within ten days from the date of final publication here of. J .. - - By order of the Common Coun- cil June 15. 1925. M. POULSEN, City Recorder. Date of first publication hereof is June 18, 1925: J30 Notice of Intention to - Improve Saginaw Street From Superior Street o Rural Avenue. -Notice js hereny given that -the Common ygouneil of the City of Salem. Oregon, deems it necessary and expedient and hereby declares its purpose and intention to im prove Saginaw street from the south line of Superior street to . the north line of Rural avenueat the expense of the abutting and adjacent property, excepting the street intersections, the expense of which will be assumed by the City of Salem, by bringing said portion of said street to the established trade, constructing cement con- irete curbs, and paving said por ion of eaid street with a six inch cement concrete pavement thirty feet wide in accordance with tha plans, specifications and estimate therefor, which were adopted, by .he Common Council June 15th, 1921, now n file in the office of the city recorder and which said plans, specifications and estimates are hereby referred to and made. i part of this notice. " - The Common Council hereby 'de clares its purpose and Intention to make'rthe above described Im provement by and through the street Improvement department of the City of Salem. Written remonstrance may be filed with the-city recorder of said city? against the above proposed Improvement within ten days from. date of final publication hereof. By order of the Common Coun cil June 15, 1925. M. POULSEN, City Recorder. Date of first publication hereof s June 18. 1925. j30 A city of beantifnl streets as A well-kept lawns. Salem, Ore? or. h n ri "' " i i f I i I LJL KEEP f- p AT THE . OREGON THEATRE pi n f fr-m