The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, June 25, 1925, Page 3, Image 3

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; 4 f .
1 -i-
Continued Warm
, .f - T , ,
LFir and continued warm; nioder-
. 'JlllB. 53; River .5, falling; Rain,
fall . none ; , . Atmosphere . clear ;
Wind north.
Th.e Theaters Today
' : . !!! -
' Oregon Raymond "Grit
0 fid. Louise Fazenda. Wal
lace Beery In "The Night
Club." 7
Liberty Jacjt Holt and
Betty Compson in "Eve's
Secret,? taken from, "The
Moon Flower." -
Grand "The Air
the Supreme 1925
drama. ;
Blli Out of the Du'Bt
depicting the memorable,
paihtings ot Frederic Rem
lngton. ' " . ' '
More. Ronda Filed-
Four more district school clerks
have filed the required bond with
the county school superitendent.
(Whqse Bending; . inv reports yester
' flay. are. Hall, E. T. wohlbetex.
:' 1 tlerk, $2000; Silver Cliff, Estella
Jifulkey; clerk, .$1000; Centervlew,
K. O. Rue. $1000: Talbot, Mrs.
Maude Doty,-$2000.
Mliler Camp Beda
-H. L. Stiff Furniture Co.
Pounds of Ice
- Free with each refrigerator pnr-
hased at II. Ltiff Furniture Co.
7 : -1 " 325
County Court to Act
The Marion county court will
Settle the. dispute arising from the
ttempt to dissolve the Gervais
nion high school, when it will go
nto session at 10 - o'clock this
moraine. Two votes bare been
Challenged by the proponents", of
me plan to disband toe scnooi,
who were' defeated by Only a small
Good Shoes at Ixwer Prii
John; J. Rottle.
For mis hot weather will heln
to nake living more endurable,
liamiltons. ; " 125
Vncret tm Pnnwl
I vecnier t Hugnes. contractors
for the local YMCA. started pour
ing concrete in the footings of the
new baildlng Wednesday morning,
I - ' " .
Summer House Cleaning Sale -
john.. Rottle. State. aAcU4h5yty.
Divorce Is Granted
Lillian Petrie was granted a di
vorce from David Petrie yesterday
in Judge. I H. McMahan's court,
on the grounds of cruel and in
human, treatment. - She was also
" Rhone 73'
- -" - . .
Woodier & Wopdry
Expert, Livestock, Furniture
and Real Estate Auctioneers
and Appraisers,- having had
wide- experience in selling,
pure- bred, and high grade
stock; also general; sales.
Therefore-we are .in .. post-,
tlon ' to guarantee satisfac
tion. ; v V ' - i " 7
Res, 399 2Iission.t.
Salexn, Ore.
Write or phone 75 for dates
Will pay phone charges
Our Semi-Annual ' Suit Sale is now on.
We are giving you the. best of clothing
in, the new styles and models.
i " " j
Prices. $17.85,. to $34.85 '
P See Our Window
Pick yours out while our stock
... IS c
Gv OillSdN & CO.
giveii the , pujtpdy ' six , minor
children.-, They were married in
Oklahoma in 1 9 1 17 AccordTng to
thVcbmplaint, Petrie renderea' life
miserable for his wife? by cursing
her and, the children, i
Good .Ref rigeratora -1 ;
AJ reasonable prices,
tons. j
; . 125
Vqu Are Cordially Invited
, To attend a series of cooking
lectures and, demonstration,' of
electric cookery, to be conducted
by Miss Grace Bogue,' home eco
nomics instructor. rof Westinghouse
Electric and Manufacturing com
pany, June 23 to. 26, inclusive,
from 2 to 4 o'clock p. m. Port
land Electric Power Company, 237
No. Liherty phoe &5,j . J2Q
Wanted to Buy
Twenty tons :goodi loganberries.
Telepnone, 229.. J2g
Motion for Hearing Filed
The state industrial accident
commission, defendant s In, an' ac
tion brought by George peanhas
filed a ' motion to dismiss Dean's
appeal from the findings, .and nas
moved that" the final . actioai;l)e
placed on the. motion docket and
be. set for hearing on j July 2, at
1:30 in the afternoon,
has yet been taken on
No action
he motion.
50Q . Founds of Ice-
Free with each refrigerator pnr
chased at H. L. Stiff Furnjtqfe Co.
r j25
Opcnlae Dam
Stayton Commnnlty; club,' Sat.
night, June! 27. Open air pavilion
at the grove. Talmage orchestra'.
Join. us and keep cool.- j27
Hog Is Teaching j
George W. HugfTsuperlntendent
of the Salem public schools be
came a temporary member of the
Oregon Normal , faculty - Wednes
day morning. Mr. Hug will teach
school administration, three days a
week throughout the summer ses-
sionA... y j j ,:v. -
Hawkeye Lunch Bafritet
- II. L. Stiff Furniture Co.
Hirth IB04rt.Fltea . j t
Five birth reports were filled
yesterday with city health officer,
Dr. William Mott. The births re
ported were Eugene Edward Hel
flker to Mr. and'Mrs. A. J. Hel-
i -
.1 .. . 1 w .
355 Chemekcta Phone 1006
Phcne 511
LAPDfti-BUSH, Bajikera
' OfL'ra Hour from t. 8 l1.
? 1 J
fiker, route 4; Edith Pearl Helse
to Mr. and Mrs. W. C- Heise. 1076
Marion ; . Raymond Edward Peren
boom to! Mr. and Mrs. Theodore
PerenboOm, 2640 Brooks avenue;
Lawerenee Imlab to Mr; and Mrs.
Lawerence Imlah, Gervais; and a
son, Dorsey Dale Jr.. to Mr. and
Mrs. Reeves. 1S25 North Capitol.
Awnings for Homes I '
Or stores. H. L. Stiff Furniture
Co. A j25
Statesman Given Aid
; The " last of the Statesman
Christmas fund, an amount of
$9.61,- was turned over in Ihe'torm
of groceries to the unfortunate
family who ' recently lost tbeir
hoine'by fire. ? - :f
Dance! Dance! Dance! "
Grand opening Du Bois' popu
lar dances Friday, June -2 6. Music
by Bliss' Novelty orchestra from
Portland. j23
I S i -v.:
Case Is Continued
Floyd McQuinn. 160' North
Seventeenth, i appeared before
Judge M. Poulsen for speeding.
McQu Inn's case was delayed and
wllibe held today. - t v.
Dr. "WV L. Mercer t
' OsteoDath. has returned to his
office for regular work. 404. TJ. S.
Nat'l Bank Bldg. 25
Methodist Hoard Meet.
. An important meeting, of mem
bers' of the Pi rut Mdthnrtltt ohnfrli
will be held in the church tonight
to receive the report! the of
f icial board on the program and
staff of tlie church for the next
conference year. Rev. F. C-Taylor
will have charge of the ser
vice, and talks will be given by
a number of others. A. A. Lee
and Wj. C. Winslow, chairman and
.; . i
San Francisco, one way, f
v Round. Trip, $30.00
Lofl Angeles, one way, 927.S5
7 Round Trip, S50.00
1 ! 8peciar Rates to Parties. o
i - . Eight or More-- "
For Information and Reaerva-
Salem, Oregon . .
7 Powder and Supply Co.
Faints and Varoia&M
'175 Sonta ComsMrtdal ' Tkoam lit
. Crystal Gardens
Saturday Night ,
7 Ladies Free
Come Earlx!
. ...'NS . 7"i If-
JTou ' take no chances in
buy lag one of our used cars.
If af terl one week's nse
ypu are. dissatisfied witl the
" used car you selected, you "
hare the privilege of return
ing it and applying the mon
ey paid on same toward the
purchase pf another used
- car of equal or greater value
or on a new. car.
Isn't that a fair proposition?
secretary of the special commit
tee on staff and program, will
speak in behalf of. the action "of
the official board.
A Little Payment
On a refrigerator will deliver
one to your home then a payment
a week. -. Hamilton. ' " 325
Iarlsk to Doild i
i St. Vincant DePaul parish was
issued a building permit Wednes
day for a church; school and par
ish house to costflOO.OOO." - The
buildings win be erected at 1280
Highland avenue and- will be' done
by day labor. ' ; r- ' "
Cliristianlty in India
1 Told, in' moving 'picturesat. First
Congregational " church ' Sunday
next htr 8 p. m. ; ... ! ' : ' St
Released Pronv. Jai - ''
' AVayne Ray ; was released last
night after serving 10 days In the
city ja-l.j, . ' ' '
Opening Dance ::
.Sta'yton ,Com,munity. club. Sat.
night, June,27. Open air 'pavilion
at the grove, Talmage orchestra.
Join us and keep cool: J27
v - ' ' ' ' ; ;
lr. Marshall, Ostfopat hi
iPbys'ciah -snfr pnrgeb'n.'" 325
Three Girls Escape
Ida .Ward. ' 16,' Elizabeth Mc
Cloud, 17, and Elene Carry 18,
strayed from" the girls industrial
school early last evening. The
trio were dressed In middy suits
wearing black and k&hkV blouses.
500 Pounds of Ice .
" r Free with each5 refrigerator pur
chased at If. L. Siiff Furniture C?.'
A Portable Phonograph
f To take on your vacation. H.
Ju. Stiff Furniture Co. 32
Four Licenses Issued i
Fohi marriage license? were ap
plied; for In the county court yesterday-.
; They' were issued to
Elmer A. - Caspell, 186 North
Twenty-sixth street,, and EdpaBj
Starking, 1390 Highland; 7 John
Dimmer," of Tacoma, and Ores--centia
Marie Glatt, of Woodburai
Carl W. Person, of Endicott, Wn".,
'and Grace C. Bagley. of Salem;
Adam Kerber, and Delphia Opal
Alsinan, both of Stayton. r.
t AT THE ?;. ,
lany pretty hats to choose, from in medium; head size and bobbed hair..,
ize. Hats for sports wear or dress up. occasions. Every hat is a bargain,
v IptQwnstairs Store
Satisfaction Guaranteed!
on every purchase or
: ' - - rvr
Enrglarly Aitempted
Every a valla h'f policeman .mad
a mad dash' for. the iShlpley store
early Wednesday mornins when
the. burglar, alarm sounded for. the
second time this month. ' The
vicinity waa thoroughly searched,
but no one was. found.. Examin.
ing switches on the inside of lhe
store" revealed the place,' a rear
window, 'where entrance was at
tempted. .
Reduced Prices Prexaa
John J. "Rottle shoe store. 330
Senator, la. Visitor
United States. Senator S. M.
Shortridge, of-California, stopped
in Salem yesterday to visit old
friends that he. knew here in 1874
and 1875,, In the early days be
was employed as a janitor in. the
old East school, now known as the
.Washington school. After a year
and a- half he left for the southern
state with his mother. Senator
Shqrtridge. is.- now., an important
member of the naval affairs, and;
other committees of, the senate.
Salem Plumber Honored "
At the closing session of the
Oregon Master Plumbers associa
tion in Portland; ' Theodore M.
Barr, o( Salem, was ejected presi
dent. . The meeting was held in
connection ith the forty-third anT
nual convention of the National
Association of -Master Plumbera.
- IlQW.era .
Betty Lou Bowers died at the
home of her parents, June 2 at
the age of la months. She is sur
vived by her parents, Mr. and
Mrs.. Orvil II. Bowers.' : Funeral
services will be held .at the AVebb
Funeral parlora. today at' 3 . .m.'
Rey. Fred Taylor will have charge
of services. Intermqt will be in
the City View cemetery. : "
7 , Pelto ' '
, Jacob. Pelto died at a local hos
pital June 24 at the age of 51
years. His. remains went. forward
to Astoria where funeral services
willjbe held. Webb. Funeral, par
Jprs in charge of arrangements.
. Edwin. Nyland-died- at a local
hospital June 23 at the age of. 10
years. He is surviyed by his par
ents, Mr4 and Mrs. J. E. Nylahd.
Funeral ' announcements later.
Webb Funeral parlors in charge of
rrangenients. ?
'.Frederick Butler died at ISO
North Twenty-first street June, 24.
at the age, of 7 Q years. He is sur
vived bjr his widow, Lenora; two
soyrv Eric of Salem, M. M. of Los
Angeles, Cal.t three" " daughters,
-Mrs. Alic Lindeman of Airlie. Ore..
Mi Ethel. Butler of Legrand,
Ore.", and Mia4 Esther Butler5 of
Yakima; Wash! Funeral services
will be held at the Webb. Funeral
parlors Fridav,. June 26,. 10 a.;m.
H'-'-ji.'v .1'., .
,7 . . -yf r Tf:5 i
01 .1 J --.a ' S
by poor vision
Special AUention. Giveo
' - Corner State ami HigH Streets
iMtt tt
farmer vAlves to
yonr 01
- f -
.KNiAND DO - ' ' -
Stato . .1 , .
PItone 106 ... .
-a if-IDSUMMER'S afternoon was
j chosen for one of the love
liest of the. year's teas when yes
terday 'Mrs. W. T. Stolz. Mrs.
Lenta !Westacott, and. Miss Nina
McNary" entertained, at the sRacl
ou3 Stplz ope, 435, N. Summer
street." ,- ' , ". --..''
The season's most attractive
flowers tfl flopr baskets and hang
ing baskets and in lovely pqtte.ry,
and brass iowls,. decorated 'the
rooms tnrbughout; In the draw
ing room where the hostessei re
ceived, a maze of Oriental popples
were used ou the mantel. A pe?
destal basket of delicately tinted
larkspur was unusually lovely in
the soft light of rose colored
candles. , A cut glass howl otshell
pink gladioli and snapt-dragqns,
guarded op. either ide with & very
slender 1 brass tqlder enhanced ' a
small mahoga-ny1 table in an op.
posite part ot the room. ' Hanging
baskets of regale HUes. delphin
ium. gladipli,and Canterbury bei;s
were artistically, used in carrying
out the ch.psen floral note. The
hostesses were graciously assisted
in the rooms1 by Mrs. John H."
Albert. Miss Margaret Cosper, Mrs.
R. P. Bbise7Mrs. J. H. Lauterman,
Mrs. " Peter Graber, Mrs. Joseph
Baumgardner. Mrs. V: G. Shipley,
Mr. Frank Snsedecor, Mrsv J Obn
McNary, and Frank Spencer,
the latter four matrons, presiding
at the urns Jn. the dining room,
.where the same . sumnier, blossoms
in pastel' shades. were "used In the
decorating. . v ; .
,The tea table was artistic with
a law, French bouquet of astilba,
canterbury bells. Ceres sweet
pas, and pink ad azure . lark
spur. Rose, candles burned in
four 'crystal holders"- During -the
f irst; hour Mrs. U. G'. Shipley and
Mrs. John McNary poured, at the
second hour Mrs. Frank Snedecor
and ' Mrs. F,rank Spencer ' taking
their places.1
Assisting in the- dining roo
were six charming girls of the
younger 'set, aiisjs Margaret Stolz,
Miss Eugenia Zeibe'r.' Miss, Char
lotte' Zeiber, Miss,lRovena Eyre,
Leah Ross, and Miss. Edith Bragg".
rA three piece orchestra, with
.Ruth 'Bedford ' Mary Talmadge
Headrick, and Viola Vercler Hoi-
Woodry & Woodry
; Pays Cash for Furniture
Phone. 75 '
xq?oo, :,
Greater Values
th art yveLexx&
offered bVeT
Smart Styles- -r "
S83 Alder
man, fuTniahed delightful musical
numbers i "throughout " the atter
noon. In the library a brass can
delabra, together with a myriad
flowers, gave' au charming decora
tive note. ; . ,' 7
-f: ' .7'' . i
Mrs. George M. Brown has - re
turned home from'Roseburg where
she was called two weeks, ago on
account of the illness of her moth
er. Mrs.: A. J. .Bellows. Salem
friends will beglad to learn not
only of,Mrs. Brown's return to her
home but also' of Mrs. Bellow?'
.improvement. " ' ' ' '
Mrs. Roy Ohmart 'returned re
cently 1 from visiting her parents
Dr. and Mrs. W. P. Allen. "near
Walla Walla. JWhile there Mrs.
Ohmart was - presented with sev
eral rare family heirlooms.
- Among them several degerro
types, a Copy pf The New York
Times dated September 2, 1853.
Mrs. Ohmart's grandfather. Judge
Benjamin - Walden,- an Oregon
pioneer of 1845, was a constant
subscriber to this paper fofr. more
than twenty years, and kept this
early copy. - - ' ' ' K-
. A family ; bible,, yellow . with
age and stained, a result of beins
submerged In the Platts ' fiver
along with other household goods
when- Mrs. Ohmart'tP great - grand
father crossed the plains Ih 1852,
Two small pjece gfcalicq purch
ased in Baltimore, 14., by Mrs.
Ohmart's- great, great grandfather
dqring the Revplutipnary.;War,
the price oeliig? s'eVenty-tive dol
lars per yard and also several
pieces of homespun: and -rate
linens. " ' ' ;' ' ' V
. Salen'S; lady. golf) enthusiasts
enjoyed thejr third weekly, ex
cursion to, Ihe Illihee links ' yes
terday. While ' Mrs.' Ercel'Kay
Phone 75
! Woodry VVoodry
; ' . - - . - r i ,
- Auftioneers. will huy your
Furniture for cosh or sell
on conpijisiqn
m. :
70rgMn PulpanoVFasfe
SoIpUte and Blanfla rapplns, also Batderal 7rs
f Ib-v AA$?s& Machine PgPr Greasfrooj Gb?!
Dnyj Bcad,3TIainW Screening sad S?eclsltl3,s '
Pure White Indian
la Sizes
One Day Only
Bungalow .Dress
Wxm 3-' -
A well known-favorite, season after season we sell hun
dreds of this-popular apron frock. Excellent' quality . -majtetial,
standad;f ull. xaeaqremeptfl, and caTef al work- '
mansiyB; throughout. Suitable, for nurses, office, or
house wear. ' ' " ' -
on every purchase, or-your mojjey i
cheerfully refunded
w Your Money Orders
receive careful attention. We prepay postage or express
"v . 7 'within TadluajOf a, hnndre.d'njllea y
.'.-. -r J . . -
salem sTorn' -
460 State" '
and Mrs, E. L. Baker and Mrs. J.
II. CJarnjbbst ' and Mrs.. Lester
Schlosbarg all played, the m.ost oC
the matches were. PQStPQUed on.'
account of-the heat to next week.
Mrs. H." If. 'OHnger entertained asj
her' guest 'on the "course, Mrs. W, ..
I Northup of Portland.. Today a
group of 'eight ladies from the
Portland golf club will play oa
the IBihee inks.
A special -feature of yesterday!
game was the Informal explana
tion Mr.'Sbark.ey. 'made" ofVtha.-.
rules of the game during tha .
luncheqn hour. " -:
:i About 200 former Idahoans of
the Central Idaho association of
Oregon, met at the Fair "grounds
last Sunday for their, third annual
picnic.. " . ' -' " "
- Basket dinner was served , at .
noon with Gqie;r'nof Pierce, and
his private secretary W. A. Delzell
as gupsts, of the. association. . 7'
The address of welcome was
given by Carey.. .FH IVtaXtin, who
Introduced the governor, the latten
(Continued on pS 4)
L i hs&s.
""Nowhere are products of
reliable , quality7 more' nerj
ce-ssary than in the. -sickroom.
'To use any' others
e , is to flirt, with danger. . , ..
Sterilized Gauze, G a u z ft .
Bandages, Clinical Ther
mometers, Surgical Plas-
- : ters 'and .Absorbent : Cot-,
ton . to mention just a
- few necessities are the
finest brgtnv' and jnone :
' can" produce?; ' v ' " 'V ;
i .-
-Yet the prices are very,
reasonable ' '
Everytbinfj for
Prry Dnirj S&m
7 11S South Ctommerclal
Salem, Oregon
Head and Sheeting
.. . ... ,
r r
i'v-;' vvnT'i.K shop
7 '