.-tr THE OnEGOU STATESMAN, SALEM, OREGON SUNDAY MORNING JUNE 21, 1925 SECOND SOUND PLAYING FOR WOMEN YEDNESDAY TOUBXA3IEXT FLIGHT PAIR INGS ARE ANNOUNCED Members Will Be Given Talk by i Starker. Oab Professional , - i,At Noon Hoar The second "round of the women's golf tournament for the A. A. Keene trophy - will be played Wednesday morning, 'Wo men's Day" at the Ulihee country club. I , louring the luncheon hour G. P. Sharkey, professional at the club plans to take op and discuss. dif ferent points of the same with the members and urges ; that all women members take advantage of the discussion. The pairings for the tourna ment flight are as follows: Mrs. Gus Hixon vs. Mrs. Oliver Locke; Mrs. II. H. OHnger vs. Mrs. P. D. Quissenberry; Mrs. Oris Fry vs. Mrs. JU Garnjohst; Mrs. Brazier Small vs. Mrs. CP. Griffith. I'-'','- E ' -Parings for the beaten I flight: Mrs. Kay vs. Mrs. Baker; Mrs. Farrar vs. Mrs. Farmer; zie vs. Mrs. Schlosberg; Mrs. Mac lie vb. Mrs. Schlosberg; Mrs. Mac Devett vs. Mrs. Sanford. 4 J The matches may be - played anytime Wednesday morning tow ing to the heat." PAPER MEN PLAY TODAY STAVTOX TEAM ! HERE; ; SENA TORS BIEET HILLSBORO . The Salem Papermakers will meet the Stayton baseball team at Oxford park at 3 o'clock this af ternoon. The Paperoiakers have been going strong and are' tied for first place in : the Sundown league. - - -; , J - This Is the only gaine In Salem today, the; Senators! playing in Hillsboro, where some stiff oppo sition is expected. jAlbany- will BASEBALL ; Ameiiran New York 12; Chicago 2. Philadelphia 11; St. Louis C. Detroit 11; Boston 9, .Washington 2; Cleveland 1. I Xational t 4 Pittsburgh 21; Brooklyn V..' ' Cincinnati 4; New York 2. Boston 11; St. Louis 10. Philadelphia 3; Chicago 2. 'jt ' . - ; : Pacific rpat 4 4 Fan Francisco 9; Portland 4. Vernon ; Sacramento 4. Seattle 4; L03 Angeles 2. Oakland 13; Salt Lake 4. If you arc weak. tired and nervous, build up your blood, and increase your strength with' Nnxated Iron. Contains pur or ganic irorlike that in your own blood, t Millions nse It aaecraaful'.r. Take Nuxated Iron for Just two wtckl and you'll be aatoniahed bow oiuch batter and atrocger yon feel.At all food droggiata. FEEGOE Don't Hide Them With a Veil; Re. i more Tbem With Othtne . l m Double fctrength This preparation for the remov al of freckles is so successful in removing freckles and giving'! a clear, bcautifulicomplexiori that it Is sold by all drug and department stores with a guarantee to refund , the money if it fails.4 "', ! P Don't hide yoar freckles under a veil or waste time oa jeruon juice or cucumbers; get an ounce of' Othine and remove them. Eveu the first few applications should thow a wonderful , Improvement, some of. the t lighter freckles Van ishing "entirely. ' ! J Be sure to ask for the double strength Othlneflt is this that is told on "inohey-back guarantee. ' rfWe recommend Othine Complex ion Soap for use with Othine, also as a shampoo it's wonderful for bobbed hair 3c a cake at all drug or department stores or by mall. Oihiue Laboratories. Inc.. Buffalo. N.. Y. adv. 1 - LAST WEEK 1 SUITS Cleaned and f Pressed this Month for Only One lKIJar j Pressed Only 5Qc Courtesy ! Cleaners 1 1 7fi3 Highland Phone 2188 i iii- 533 to o have a chance to get into the run ning when the team: meets the Luckenbach ship crew of Portland. CONVICTS BEAT WOLVES 1 SALEM TEAM DROPS CONTEST TO IXMATKS, 6 TO 3 The Salem, Wolves met defeat at the hands of the penitentiary team on the prison grounds Saturday afternoon, The ; game was played - and 1 the teams matched, and was anybody's game until the ninth inning. .Foster, mound?man for the penitentiary, struck out 10. while Kuebler of the Wolves fanned -six. Frisco well evenly Edwards played a noisy game; at first base. ; ;, 4 Score ' i ; . -R. II. E. Salem Wolves -. . .". .1 . 3- 6 I 3 Penitentiary HS'. ..... 6 7 ! . Batteries: f Kuebler and Town er: Foster and Fike. I TILDEX II WINS AGAIX FOREST HILLS, N- Y., June 20. (By Associated Press.) Wil liam T.Tilden,' ILf today proved for the second time, this season, his Tight to the title of America's foremost" tennis player by defeat ing in straight sets bis youthful and most persistent challenger, Vincent Richards in the out-standing match of a series of exhibitions for the buildng fund of the esjhe dral of St. Jtahn the Divine. Tilden won 6-3, 6-4. ' MAIUXM GUARD ARRIVES SWAMPSCOTT, June 20. (By A. P. ) -President Coolidge's milir tary guard of 56 picked marines. I.-; t J WeW V ftg IXZ ( BOUND TRIP. FARES A. ASt.PaulS74.05 St. Louis $ 83.55 Chicago 88.05 New York $149.45 Othee feiata tm rreeerle Sale May 22 to Sept. 15: Return Limit Oct. Sl TOCR CHOICE OF Two of America's Finest Trains North Coast Limitedvia S P. & N. P., C. B, & Q. OrienUl Lin it d via P. tS,G.N,CB.iQ, 1 1 I Tickets. Farther Detail. Bte of P II f if r. r. KNOWXTOM Trev. Pais. Aft. 3. W. RITCHIE, Af en Phone 72? or UV OREGON ELECTRIC RY. BASEBALL Oxford Park Sunday, June 213 p.m. i . . Oregon Pnlp it Paper Co. vs. Stajton Admission: Grandstand 35c; BleaSiiers 25c KIDS FRE i- RU-BOW SKINi-jtONE '-I- -i-i. -I. M 1 flt; j T :: ' .U First and !at in all nkin needs. I Re aturex yomlifal blnura.j KU HUX will hf.l all E17KMAS. Poriaj. . barbpra ; itch. iBg .worm all formaj tfttr, ulcers old or new, poison iTjr, iodine . or mineral iUons, all dt-rnintite, uiid itrefenta bloud poison. Will remote t iHindru'f and atop bair from falling out. We have offrrvd (or 13 veara 10O i( cbiuld be found a case of ECZKMA Ihat-CmJW-not be healpd wHh RU-BOX. Rit Bonf Skin-Tone SI. 00 a bottle.' Ointment 50 knta a jar. Ak ronr drnziet. All wbo&-?ale drug houaea Mlt Bu-Bon. If ;en( jdrugfist trie to -you a anbxtitHte arnd direct to'aa. We ship prepaidiuall order for $1.00 or more. r " .- j j I ' . . - EU-BOK CHEMiCAL CO. sj Ximu Cl, Ho. lllllllllllllllllill OREGON llllMlllllillllilll GEORGE GIBBS' ' Sensational Novel NOW PLAYING ROSEST KANE PRESENTS HENRY KING'S V i AND Vi J SGARLEI"? ?5 ' WITH ALICE TERRY : G. Qcmonoimt Qictwe Bobby Vernon In "GREAT GUNS' PATHE NEWS McDonald at the Organ . ,;V j: k . yJZL .... Brooklyn, N. Y Mr Joseph F. Glut arrites, "la the past 20 year I have been constantly troubled with constipation. Every remedy I tried vrould work O.K. for a whilebut soon failed. The only remedy I have been able to use steadily with good results have been Carter's Little Liver Pills.. I don't guess when I take them I know I'm going,, to feel relieved."- all Druggists. adv. all -nearly "six feet tall, arrived here today. ; They established their camp atJJncoln House point, near the summer White' House at Little Point. TODAY MONDAY eHi-, jaw,.4 u eu-i kj..v j,. i 0 UaC" (Wll)ar I; iririnvVle. I 1 if! - " il. Hi-; F fill f T. ' . 1 III i 3 m I U Lift Off-No Pain! : Doesn't hurt one bit! Drop a little "Frcezone" on an aching corn, instantly that' corn, .stops hurting, then shortly you lilt It right off with fingers. Your druggist sella a tiny bottle of "Freezone" " for a few cents, sufficient to remove every' hard corn, soft corn, or corn between the toes, and the foot calluses, without soreness or Irritation.- adr. Hot Weather -'Refrigerator Day WARM weather is here and ita - time to think about a new refrigera tor. ; This ' 'year: be sure that your refrigerator is the kind you hares always wanted one that will kep your food in perfect condition throughout the hot months of summer and one that will i prove" economical of Ice. - v.- .;;, -k.;. -. r ::. . . TOP ICER STYLE $28.45 . i L . One of our most popular refrig erators is a j high-grade top leer ! model, scien'tirically designed to keep yourj jfood fresh and .tasty,! and to cut down your ice bills as weU4 It U roomy and, well made, laud finished in golden oak: A real bargain! White Enamel Lined Refrigerator $31.95 One of the choicest of all our unusual refrigerator values! The refrigerator pictured is a large three-door side-iccr models, with the.. food cham ber lined "with sanitary whito enamel. Splendid insulation and constant circulation . of cold, dry air one or the most economical of refrig erators. Be sure to see if at this low price! B iELOW are listed jusV three : refrigerator items that are ; : typical of the: values .we' -are offering.- Note 'the low prices-better : .come . to the store and see the refrigerators v themselves. You' will find 'just '' the model and slie-yon- wantr at a price that Is moderate in deed! Make your selection early.; . . ' ' . ' Credit It Is so easy to -own one of these fine : refrigerat ors! A small da posit delivers the model you Select then yon; pay the balance as convenient. ; '4 j : -.;!! 'i- - - : ' : - - " : -,r : v , -r 1 - -fj i . -' - : - t . 4 r .:.'- !- L 7u vA f 'Km ft n We- J....".' r ' i'. i Apartment Style v One of our " most remarkable refrigerator Values ! Ai t ino refrigerator, designed especial ly for use In a small apartment kitchen, ; yet " convenient and' roomy. Well insulated -a real saver of ice. Ut is finished In golden oak,- with nickel plated fittings. . . i. 4 Trade ,in Your Old As part payment on new one I 7T A am ,aa : Now ' LIBERTY m nil You'll Know In Fact 'one Can Ami j,r:4;ypr s. If you are wearing a suit dhat has been tailored for you A suit made here Will give you long wear and always look well Jbecause it is properly fit to you. Ask The Man Who Wears One D. H. MOSHER Taijor to Men and Women v474 Ck)Urt Phone 3G0 r - it ri n n cTLiOll Corner Summer and Norway Streets Opposite His Residence. Salem, Oregon Thursday, June 25 10 a. m. ;Four Households of High Grade Fur- . niture Will Be Sold Without Reserve Also Stock and Machinery The public is solicited to bring in anything they. wish -sold, including Horses, Cows, Chickens, Machinery, Automobiles, 4Furniture, Tools or anything 'of value. Phone your listings early for advertising. 4U ' This Market, which has a floor spare of 430 square feet, was designed antl built by, P. X. AVoodry,' tho auctioneer. wlu has servefl the eople of 4alem and community for the past nine years This Market will he a place for the buyer and fceller to meet. Your cooperation is earnestly wolirited coiim and isiKmd the Opening Pay and livening with us. Kverj body cordially invited. . FREE LUNCH AND COFFEE AT NOON v Free Dance at Wight . , And Other Special Attractions ! " Masic by the Orioles 5-piece Orchestra F. NWOODRY, Auctioneer - j i Residence 1610 North Summer St. Phone 511 "ALWAYS REMEMBER WOODRY BUYS FURNITURE FOR CASH" , CAN YOU N ANOTHER SHIPIV1ENT A.. 1 . ,'in ir- NEW 'Sly1 K. r 1? V 2 JUST ARRIVED V WE BUY FOR CASH AND TAKE1 THE CREAM O F THE MARKET. SOME OF THESE FORDS HAVE BEEN RUN ONLY A FEW HUNDRED MILES AND CAN HARDLY BE TOLD FROM NEW - NINETY DAYS SERVICE .1925 Ford Coupe, lots of extras, I 1924 Ford Touring, can hardly be told complete for C. ; J...: X600 from new...: .).::. .... $425 1924 Ford Coupe can hardly be told 100,1 vr j d j V , , , from new:;;.....;.;-i:l.i;;.$550; 924 prd Roadster, here's a real 1924 Ford Tudor Sedan, run less than buy for $375 2,000 miles ...$650 License on all above cars. 1920 Ford Touring in dandy shape$135 101017 W 1 r j . 1 . 1921 Ford Touring, a good buy at ...$125 1 91 d Touring, lot of good in this $60 1919 Ford Touring, can't be beat for. $75 We" have a Samson truck, make us an offer , TERMS TO SUIT BOTH YOU AND US us CO w OPEN EVENINGS AND SUNDAYS 24G State Street, 1-2 Blocft West of Ladd & Bush Bank. Plicao 11D2 1 X a