The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, June 20, 1925, Page 5, Image 5

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, 7;-i';Li;.K;!:
) - - .V Warm " . '-i
Fair and continued Warm;' light
northwest winds. Max. tempera
ture 88; vMln., temperature B2;
River .7, falling ; Rainfall none;
Atmosphere clear; Wind north.
The Theater Today
. j j i . ,
Oregon Blanche Sweet
and Conrad Nagel in
Tess of the D'Urber
Tilles." '
liberty Jack Pickford
and Norma. Shearer in;
"Waking Up" the Town."
tirand Zane Grey's mas-
' terpiece, "Code of the
-WeBt.' -"; ir w-
- - :v y-v;
Bligh rMary Astor in
-The Fighting American"
and 5 Acts Vaudeville.
- - -' VP
Dinwiddle Speaks Monday j
"Marion County's Beet Crop
Children," will be the subject of
an address before,-the Chamber
of: Conunerca Monday noon hy
Courtenay Dinwiddle, director of
child tea 1th demonstrations under
the Commonwealth fund. He is
one of, the directors that selecteo
this county for the fire-year pro
gram of child health work. .
Saddle Horsed, for Hire . ' i '
Or boarded; gentle for children.
C Li. Reed, fairgrounds. . p. J23
Miller's Bl Semi-Annual-Clearance
begins today.
,Canvasa Tie Vote '.'L .......
-.Because members of the county
court are absent from the city and
the county graduation exercises
will be held today, It will be im
possible to make an official can
vass of the vote of the Gervals
school election until Monday. Mrs.
Mary I. Fulkerson, county school
superintendent, said Friday. ' The
question .of dissolution of the
union district waa'the principal
Issue in the election held early in
the week.
Rammer House Cleaning Sal
John J. Rottle, State and Liberty.
;. J30
School Report Compiled
Salem has 5449 persons between
the ages of 4 and -20, according to
the annual report of W. H. Burg
hard t, Ierk for district No. 24.
The 11 school buildings necessary
to care for this number have a
total of -1 5 8 rooms, the report
shows. .,... ' "
Ruy Your Chautauqua
. " Season tickets now and tell the
. committee you're with them. J20
: : r
Steel Supports Arrive,
. The first shipment of steel sup
ports for the new Salem - YMCA
building; , was - unloaded Friday.
- Forma are being placed and it Is
x expected that work Of pouring the
, concrete will begin early next
Miller's Big SemKAnnual
Clearance begins today.
Dr. Wi Jj. Mercer H r
And wife will not return, from
their trip to California 'until Sat
urday of this week, f Dr. Mercer
" ; ; will meet his patients at his office
. von Monday, June 22- "-! - 321
Mayor Gives Warning -Mayor
Glesy has notified the
- police department that he expects
" a "rigid enforcement of the ordl-
We are offering more fine
before. We put all our shirts
vations or exceptions.
See Our
G. 11 Johnson Co.
469 State St.
nance rushed through last Monday
night banning the shooting of fire
crackers of any description 'prior
to July 4. Any person violating'
the ordinance will be arrested
proTidlng the - performance : is
staged la the presence of, or with
in hearing distance of a police-
Hanger's Only Enemy .
Tne. Salem .restaurant. Special
Sunday -dinner. J21
Portland Man Speaks r
Walter. Myers of Portland was
the principal speaker at the Chris
tian Endeavor rally at the First
Evangelical church last night. Mr.
Myers came to Salem, under the
direction of the state union. ?"
Save $500 j
On a 1924 Oakland Coupe. See
this one at the Certified Public
Motor Car Market. Open Even
ings.""; ;' ji3tf
Road Work' Approved
Members of the county court
and county " commissioners - who
spent Friday inspecting the work
on the Detroit-Niagara road re
turned to Salem late in the after
noon highly pleased with the pro
ject. "The road is being completed
at s cost of approximately! SO 0,-
000, of which the county has con
tributed $30,000.
What About a $15 Portable
j For; that; picnic, outing or va
cation. At Moore's Music House.
Terms', SI doyn, $1 per week. j21
Dallas to be Host:
The Dallas commercial club will
entertain ! members of the Salem
Chamber i of Commerce Thursday
night, .July 2. A banquet Is be
ing arranged for the Gall hotel at
6:30 o'clock. Entertainment will
be furnished by the visitors from
Salem. - This is a return visit and
the last meeting of the Dallas club
until next fall.
Speeders Are .Nabbed -
C. A. Mickelson was fined $5
Fridav as his penalty for speed
ing. R. Hoffman was arrested by
Officer Edwards and charged with
Birth Is Reported '
A girl was born yesterday at
the Salem hospital to Thomas and
Helen Wolfe.; She wUiha. called
Helen May. irTZ::'
..... . .. : t "
Chautauqua Season Tickets ,
Are now In the hands of the
committee get yours. This com
mittee is voluntary and you can
help them by calling on them be
fore they get to-you. J20
Summer Classes Start
; It has been arranged so that
students of the Salem high school
who wish to ! make1 up work in
English or mathematics may do
so this summer. Classes have al
ready commenced in English un
der the direction of Miss Ada Ross,
bead of the English department
there. Courses in English 4,
which Is' American literature, and
courses in-English 6 and 8, which
include English literature, are be
ing given In the morning, while
an English 6 class wiir;be . held
every night. . The mathematics
classes will not start until Mon
day. - They will be under th di
rection of Miss Ola Clark. Those
Powder tnd Supply Co.
175- gottta CoxtswclAl r&ons 72S
and better shirts than ever
into this saleno reser
students who wish to make cred
its in these two r major subjects
this summer should see Miss Ross
or Miss Clark immediately. !
Miller's Rig" Semi-Annual ! j
Clearance begins today. J20
Reduced Prices Prevail
- John J. Rottle shoe store, i J30
Registration Begins i I
Today will mark the first reg
istration day ! of - the Willamette
summer course. About 150 stud
ents are expected to enroll. Some
from other universities and col
leges throughout this part of the
country have written for informa
tion. , The session will be under
the supervision of ' Prof . Frank
Erickson. Every course that may
be taken f at the regular sessions
will be offered. The end of six
weeks will terminate the session.
For Sale .-
Pure bred Persian kittens. Mrs.
O. W. Lange, 1055 'Belmont St.
Phone 1666. ' J20
Ware Will Return
Harold D. Ware, Salem Scout
executive, is expected to ; arrive
from Seattle the first of the week.
He has trained some Salem boys
for executive -tamp - work in a
Scout camp near that city.
Good Shoes at feower Price
John J. Rottle. i
Should See to Credits , ' !
Salem high graduates who plan
to attend some college next year
should send In their credits during
the summer so that their entrance
may be assured before registra
tion. To do this one should see
J. C. Nelson, principal of the high
school, who will send the credits
to. the proper. school.. ' ; .
Miller's Bis; Semi-Annual
Clearance begins today.
. - j , y :-t
Tour Presence Is Requested
But "Don't Bring Lulu," a hit
oh record : and sheet music, at
Moore's Music House, 409-415
Court. 321
Topeka People Visit
After spending the night with
Mr. and Mrs, W. A. DalzelL JVIrs.
George Rider and daughter, Anna,
accompanied by Mrs. Dalzell and
daughter, went to Portland Fri
day to attend j the Rose festival.
MrsSider lives Jn Topeka; Kan.,
wher: her hnsband baa been con
nected with the Santa Fa railroad
for a number of years. They have
been touring the northwest.
American Iegion Auxiliary
Dance Tuesday evening, new
West Salem pavilion. ..Admission.
SI couple. . t 323
" ' f -!:' i
Many Hats Sold ,
, An additional supply of hats
hare -been made ready for Satur
day's selling. - The response to our
sale advertising hav-ng nearly ex
hausted out present supply A
large selection .at cost and below
cost prices await- .your selection
Saturday. The French Shop.-M.
Buffe Morrison,' Masonic Temple,
115 N. High. J20
Requisition Honored
Requisition papers for the re
turn to Washington of Alva R.
Buys Furniture!
LADD z EUSH; Banlcera
' - nstatllihed 1S53 7 . " '
J General CnriTang Buzlnzzi
"i ' r - r ,.-...
Cinca Users frcsa It a a. to 8 p. m.
R km wood rf ill mIm
tion of light cars.. Jt
right t Uk. tba (wntly euv
n VMk-n4 trip i. .Twenty
of them all read? to itp
oa tit Urter' and ay to
th many largTaaada of
Orogon. at prices so eaeap
Joa can't bo without a car.
t will jay yon to MO tbsm.
Kilbourn were honored by the gov
ernor's office Friday. Kllbourn
is wanted for. the robbery of the
Bothell ; bank, during "which he
was seriously wounded , and his
two companions' killed.. Kllbourn
is under arrest in Portland.
Dance Tuesday, June 5il
i American Legion auxiliary. New
West Salem pavilion. Admission,
$1 couple. , . ' , ; J23
Why Bfek 73c to $.X50
On that outing or vacation trip
when 65c will fill the bill? All
Red Seal single-faced Victor rec
ords at half price at Moore's Mu
sic House; 409-415 Court. Phone
983. ; J21
Three Accidents'. Fata ' J
Three of the 704 industrial ac
cidents reported to the state in
dustrial accident commission for
the week ending June 18 resulted
in fatalities. These were -Henry
Borman, Warrendale, carpenter;
Robert Mickel. Portland, laborer,
and Sam C. Milof fa. Bend, pitman.
Of the total number 594 were
from firms and corporations that
have rejected the provisions of the
act- and none from public utilities
not subject to the provisions of
the worknien's compensation act.
Oddfellows Memorial
; Memorial services of Chemek
eta lodge will be held Sunday.
June 21, 2:30 p. m. ! j21
H. A. Iioveall
Of the Model Beauty Parlors is
giving the newest .method perma
nent hair waving, using Paul, Ril
ing's winding, producing aj. wave
resembling a marcel . wave with
out the usual water waving. Phone
956. ' . ' J21-
Classes to Continue J , i ;
The public sneaking class at the
YMCA, at a banquet this week de
cided to hold their, regular week
ly meetings without their Instruc-
Funeral services for the1 late
Mrs. O. P. Coshow will be ' held
Sunday morning at 9:30 from the
Rigdon & Son mortuary, after
which the remains will be forward
ed to Roseburg for Interment.
Rev. E. H Shanks will officiate.
M McKimmey
The funeral of W. S. McKim
mey ' wiii be held at the fWebb
funeral parlors today at 1 0 'a. m.
II. O." Chambers will have charge
of services, after which 'the re
mains will go forward to the Port
land crematorium, H
'Stephens ;..
f The funeral of Evelyn stevens
will be held at the graveside. City
View cemetery, at 4:30 p. m. Rew
Mr. Launer will have charge of
services. Webb funeral parlors in
charge of arrangements. m j
Morrison T ii
i The funeral of Joseph Chesley
Morrison will be held at the Webb
funeral parlors today at -1:30 p.
m. Rer. . Dunslmore -will-have
charge of services. Interment in
IOOF cemetery, at Dallas, Or.
Crystal Gardens
Mcelroy majestic
orchestra !
Saturday Night
- Ladies Free k
. - :,4 .- .. l . -, 4
. Come Early J .
San Francisco, one way, $1550
. Round , Trip, $30.00 I
Tjo Angeles, one way, f27AJ..
j Round Trip, $50.00 7
: Special Rates to Parties of J .
Eight or More
For Information and : Reserva
; tlona phone C96, or call at j
a ; Calem, Oregon - '
Lochinvar Kidnaped and Forced
Her to Wed,
( y
I ....,......:....... . 1
f 1 J
V .
x J
". ";:.y:y.vyv;v:-.l . . . ?
' A' P f S
Kansas City police are investigating the story of Ernestine'
Scan, 20, pretty stenographer, who avers she was kidnaped by al
can who took her to St. Louis and forced her to marry him., Thd
Toung roan he accuses is being sought.
tor, W. E. Harrington of Frank
lin high school, Portland. Classes
have been held every Friday eve
ning" for the past winter, and at
the banquet they were pronounced
successful by everyone present. It
was announced yestesrday at ths
YMCA that a similar class would
be started next winter. '
The Tenor Ban
The most bopular string instru
ment of the orchestra and the
easiest td learn, at Moore's Music
House, 4 09-415 Court. .Phone
983. $7.50 up, with easy terms.
t. , (- J21
Firf- Destroys Bai-n -
A ' large barn" belonging to the
farm of Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Brixey,
about four . miles north of Brooks,
was .(destroyed -''by 'fire Thursday
afternoon, r The loss is estimated
between $2 00 and $3000. A Ford
sedan and a small quantity of hay
and' grain' were also destroyed. The
farm was owned by Sylvia Jones.
Governor Pierce Jeft Friday for
Roseburg. ie will .eliver a com
mencement address1 at Looking
glass before, returning to Salem.
W. A. Wiest, an attorney of
Klamath Falfs, was a caller at the
state house yesterday. .
William Sargent . pf. Portland
was a recent guest at the Kappa
OammalRho .fraternity, of which
he is a member.
Prof. A. W." Oliver of OAC was
a Salem visitor Friday, s
William Harris, formerly of Sa
lem but now of Dallas, was a.
TODAY- - SmtiAl
and & uiiAhiJ 11:00
NIGHT . , A.M.
Latest and best novel ' , II , s - '
l . "CODE of : J
Wr the WEST" j
. Enacted by . '
- i . . Owen Moore f f
, AY . Constance Bennett
. - Charles Ogle
Waking JTp.Tbe
Stenographer Avers
guest at the Lions club luncheon'
Friday.- He is a member of the
Dallas club. Mr. Harris plans to
leave for Marshfield in the near
future. ,
C. R. Johnson of Tillamook was
in the city yesterday.
Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Kibbey, res
idents of Brooks,1 were in Salem
Dr. and Mrs. W. L. Mercer will
return from their trip. to Cali
fornia today.
PARIS, June 19-(By Associat
ed - Press.") Haste In sending
French reinforcements to Morocco
wag urged by parliamentary com
mission sent to the Moroccan front
in its first report made today to
the military commission of the
chamber of deputies.
SPOKANE, June 19J R. E
Mulligan, a real estate dealer of
this city, was arrested here today
on request ot Bonners Ferry,
Idaho, county officials on a charge
of arson. A house owned by Mul
ligan at Laclede, Jdaho, burned
March 24, it is alleged when it
was insured for $200. It Is charg
ed that Mulligan was responsible.
Phone 77
Eleven mora Marion county
school districts have elected di
rectors and other officers for the
coming school term. Those rec
orded with the county school su
perintendent yesterday are as fol
lows: , ' ,
Middle Grove, district 3. A. E.
Iledlne, chairman, Charles Matt
son, L. E. Dudley, T. F. Walker,
' Aurora, district, 23. P. 0. Ot
taoway, chairman, A. W. Kraus, E.
L. St einhoff, Nathan B Manock,
clerk, ' r S
Pleasant View, district 58. G.
W. Hunsaker, chairman, Fred Mil
lerj A. ; Van Valkenberg, Frank
Cook, clerk.
Shaw district, 80. WI. Hood,
chairman, C. I. McAllister, George
J. Amort, Robert S. Claxton, clerk.
Oak Glen, district 81. Christ
Giebeler, J. A. Etsel, Oscar Nairta,
H. A. Siegmund, clerk,
Oakdale. district 90. Elizabeth
Taylor, chairman, Mary Martin, F.
M. Taylor. E. A. Taylor, clerk.
, Perkins, district 102. F. B. Mat
thes, Addison M. Page, George
Campbell, W. A. Mumper, clerk.
Riverside, district 109., B. R.
Haley, chairman. H. K. Couthorn,
J. J. Bowler, Eva Cauthorn, clerk.
O do you know "
That you can go, - v
To a Real Swimmln Hole,
Close in near State; J
Where Swimmin's great, :
In a Fine Big Swimmin
Hole! -
It's in a stream.
Where sunbeams gleam
On that New-Made Swimmin
And folks will swarm, ,
When days are warm, ; -To'
that Famous Swimmin
Taylor's Bathing Beach
2 1st Street Near State
Starting Tomorrow
Corner Summer and Norway Streets: (ft 4 ,
Opposite His Residence, Salem, Oregon
Thursday, June 25
10 a. m.
Four Households of High Grade Fur
niture Will Be Sold Without Reserve;
Also Stock and Machinery f
The public is solicited to bring in anything they wish"
sold, including1 Horses, Cows, Chickens, Machinery,
Automobiles, Furniture, Tools or anything of: value.
Phone your listings early for advertising.
This Market, which has a floo'rjspace of 4150 square feet,'
vras designed and built by F. N. Woodry, th auctioneer,
w!m has served Uu people of Salem and community for the
past nine years. This Market will be tu place fur the buyer
and seller to meet. Your cooperation la earnestly solicited
come and spend the Opening lay and Kvenlng ltlx us,
Kverybody cordially Invited. , ' ;
Free", Dance ai fJiglii'
And Other Special" Attractions
Music by the Orioles 5-piece Orchestra ,
v UCOOnY, AuGtioncG:
Kesidence 1610 North Somiaer St. Phone 11
-Auburn, district . 11S. A. iu
LIndbecki chairman. Murray John
son, C A. Dowd, Ethel Johnson j
clerk. V .' .
, Bethel, district 123. E. Mat
ten, cnatrman,' A. 1. Schultz. IU
H..BoIer,"W. R. Baker, clerk.
Porter, district 127. John IT,
Maulding, chairman, Mrs. Ann.'
Hadley, Sam R. Batler, Ira 1
Loran, clerk. s t
Up to date only 53 rt the l)
districts in the county iLave beea
beard from. Reports are xeaciiinf?
the school superintendent's oftico
at the rate of about 15 per day.
93 of tho
first 100
Hair Tonic
and Shampqo Pas tc
received their ridid" hamo from
the fact that,yS$ of the first
100 people who erer. need' them
endorsed them 'as the best pre
parations of the kind 'they had
ever used.
Any products wliich satisfy
such a high percentage of peo
ple will probably satisfy you.
Perry Drug Store
53U 3rrzZZ S.'jro
113 'South Commercial
Salem, Oregon
"Tess of the D'Urbervilles"
dem i din1