The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, June 11, 1925, Page 7, Image 7

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    mi! OREGON brAlIAN, tiALUxii-UU
atoe5 btjcii -
4 Phone 106 f :, -. .
y business and professional
women is centering upon the an
nual convention of .the Oregoo
Federation ol Business and Pro-
essional Women ,lubs which
bpens here tomorrow to continue
or three days." The Marion hotel
has been named as headquarters
or the convention while the an
nual banquet will take place on
aturday evening at the Gray
Belle, - j .
The Woman's Foreign Mission
ary society of the First Methodist
hurch will meet at 2: SO o'clock
Friday afternoon at . the. home of
Mrs. M. C.; Flndley. -.. Mrs. F. L.
,'tter will have charge of the de
etions while the program leader
Will be Mrs. Ada S. Miller. The
esson will deal with the work of
he church on the west coast of
South America. i
The Woman's Evangelistic
prayer league will meet at ; 9
b'cloek this morning at the home
tt Mrs. CL. A. .Clark, 638 North
hurch street. Mrs. II. Swafford
111 be the leader. .
- " - i : .-. '
"Rippling; Brook," the country
lamette university with the class
of '23," is a member of the Alpha
Psi Delta fraternity andf was par
ticularly prominent in college "ath
letics. ; The com hi g year he will
be principal of the high school at
Mill Plain, Wash. 1 j , ; :
r. The bride, a charter member
of the Alpha Phi - Alpha sorority,
graduated on the morning of her
wedding day with the ' class - of
1925. : j
Mrs. John McNary , is entertain
ing as her house guest Miss Ger
trude Gray of ' Portland. ; Miss
Gray is a niece of Mrs. McNary. -.,;.
jj :r
Delightful among high school
festivities of commencement week
was the party on Monday night
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. I. S.
Geer when the undergraduates of
the Phoenix club entertained for
the pleasure of (those who will
graduate tomorrow night.
Those honored in! this -manner
were Miss Hazel George, Miss Fay
Wassam, Miss Pauline Mainach,
Miss Wanda Jean Heberlie. Hos
tesses were Miss Leona-5eer, Miss
Gwendolyn Harris, Miss Fay Jo
Wolz, Miss Alma Farmer; Miss
Margaret Tucker. Miss Dorothy
home of. Mr. and Mrs.. Harry, E. 1 ell. Miss Gladys Murphy, Miss
fartin, was the scene on Wednes-
! ay, June 10, at 2:30 o'ciocjc in
he afternoon, of a very beautiful
ut quiet wedding ' when their
n1y daughter, Alta Lois, became
he bride of Marvin A. Wells, son
f Mr. and. Mrs. C. P. Wells of
Salem.' Reverend R. L. Putnam
bf the Court (Street Christian
thurch conducted the ' impressive
Wedding service. !
Mr. Alva Morrjs played the wed-
Ung ma re h from 'woodlana
sketches." The bride wore a, dress
if cream flat crepe embroidered
pearls and carried a shower
bouquet of Cecil Brunner roses
fcnd white sweet peas. her only'
Adornment she wore a string of
pearls, a present from the groom,
j Little Jean -Lenore Beers of
IVoodburn, cousin of the bride,
nd little Marjory Hilborn of Sa
lem unwound yards of pink silk
jnoleene ribbon to ; form an aisle
or the bridal couple.- Miss Ruth
Draper of Salem, a friend of the;
bride, received the guests: at the
poor. . . : ;
J A dainty two couQe luncheon
(was served on a long; porch, which
Ifwa3 banked with lattjee of'green
I ery and blue and golg early sum
; flowers. Small , tables wree
oseu aua eaui utyis tu -tmyi v.v
tcith flowers to carry out the color
tcheme of the decorations. 1
Miss Martin is a graduate of
the 1925 class of Salem high
school. , -.. j
About forty relatives and Inti
mate friends witnessed the cere
mony, i
Mrs. E. A. Rhoten is entertain
ing as her house-guest, her sister,
Mrs. Ray T. Lewis, and baby son,
Robert, of Long Beach, California.
Over 200 cards have been issued
for the garden tea at which Mrs.
Frederick Hill Thompson. Mrs.
Phil N'ewmyer and Mrs. Fred Pow
ell will be Joint hostesses on Sat
urday afternoon, June 13,jat the
Thompson home. Calling
will be from 3 to 6 o'clock.
The Impressive ceremony unit
ing In marriage Miss Esther Moy
er and Mr. Waldo Zeller, both
graduates of Willamette nnlvers
ity, took place at 4:30 o'clock yes
terday afternoon at the Alpha Phi
Alpha sorority house, Dr. Carl
Gregg Doney officiating. The
bride was gowned la white satin
crepe worn with a full length veil.
Her shower bouquet combined
white roses and lilies of the val
- The fireplace,- for the jservice,
was banked with ferns, gladioli
and delphinium. Immediately pre-
I ceding the ceremony Everett Cra-t
; ven sang '0 Promise Me."! At the
close - Miss Alberta Koontz sang
"At Dawning."
An informal reception followed
f at the sorority house, with Miss
Louise Rumohr presiding at the
Mr. Zeller, a graduate of WI1-
Itosalie Jones, Miss Dorothy Swe
gle. Miss Jennie May Hoppes Miss
Wilma Giesyv Miss Gladys. jAJbih,
Miss Josephine Jaskoskl. Miss
Florence Busch and j Miss Lorena
Geer. . ' " '
Mrs. W. B. Burt j of Portland,
who formerly made i her home in
Salem, visited with friends Mon
day and Tuesday, j
. v: , x- ;
A program in which the public
will doubtless be interested, and
which all those Interested are in
vited to attend, will take place on
Friday evening on the south lawn
of the Oregon state school, for the
blind when "The j Lady of the
Lake," a classic poem dramatized
in seven scenes, will be presented.
The program will be given at 7:30
o'clock in the evening out of doors.
Of course, if the weather should
be Inclement, the entertainment
will have to be postponed.
With Miss Breitenbucher, the
director, the following cast of
characters will take part: .
Ellen, the Lady of the Lake.
Hazel Hutchinson;; Rhoderick Dhu,
outlawed Highland chieftain, The
odore Zozel; . James Fitz-James,
the king,, Daniel . Roberts; Allan
Bane, the minstrel, Gilbert Lane;
OAC club picnic. Mr. and Mrs.
Lester Pearmlne hosts at "The
Purple Irhj," ; one j and one halt
miles north on the River road. -
Woman's Alliance 1 silver "tea.
Mrs,, William Everett Anderson,
1491 Court street, hostess, j 2 to
6 o'clock.:-;. ::-1 j- i .:!; J'.;,
The First Presbyterian church
will hold a farewell party for Mr.
and Mrs. , Ward Willis Long,;! re
tiring pastor of the church, : oh
Thursday evening at 8:30 o'clock,
at the church. The public and
friends 'are "invited. ' J
Sewing society of the Woman's
Relief corps. Mrs. N. C. Kafoury,
750 N. Summer street; hostess.; :
Woman's Evangelistic I Prayer
League. Mrs, C. A. ! Clark, ; 638
N.. Church street, j ; j ,.
Silver tea. Laflies' circle of the
Central Congregational church
Curch parlors.
' First Congregational church
Missionary society. Mrs. T. A.
Livesley, Fairmount Hill hostess.
, Business and Professional Wom
en's club convention. ; i i H
- Floral society. Armory. 8
o'clock. U- !:! :M ;i'r:h' i: .
Program meeting. ! Woman's
society - of the .: First -Baptist
church. Mrs. Clifton Mudd,:1715
N. Capitol street. 2:30 o'clock.
WFMS of the First Methodist
church. Mrs. M. C. Flndley, host
ess. : : '. :H " ! i : : ; ii 1 : ; t ;! i j I"; '? j; ,hl i " .
Saturday ;
Garden j tea. Mrs. : 'Frederick
Hill Thoiuipson, Mrs. Phil New
myer, and Mrs. Fred Powell, hos
tesses. At ' the Thompson home,
351 Kcrth Summer. 3 to 6 o'clock."
Cooked Food sale. S. P. office.
Ladies of the Scandinavian church;
Business and Professional Wom
an's club convention, i r '
Pupils of Professor; TV S. Rob
erts in recital. Juniors at 3 o'clock
in tho- afternoon. i Seniors at 8
o'clock in the evening. 505 N.
Summer street. ! 1 i
Malcolm Graeme, Ellen's lover,
WHbur Lane; Douglas, uncle of
banished regent, Glenn Walker;
Mad Blanche, Helen; Howard; The
reader, Elizabeth Higgins; Brian,
the monk, nDelmer Sasteel; Nor
man, Lewis Waymire; Red Mur
dock, Glenn Casteel;; Lady ' Mar
garet, : Alice Anderson; , Malk-o,
Charles Burchart; ! Glentarkin,
John Melvin; soldiers, James Cas
sidy, Fred Blumbart, Harold Rob
inson, Ross Smith. ;
3Major and Mrs. Frank Andreae
are home after an absence of two
months in Santa. Barbara, Cal.
The Delta ; Alpha class of the
First Methodist, church was de
lightfully entertained on Wednes
day evening! as guests of the
Misses Nancy and Helen Savage at
their home on the Garden Road.
Baskets of pink sweet william and
delphinium were used beautifully
- ... I r - n
abqat the. rooms: where : the delic-!
lous luncheon of strawberries,- Ice
cream, cake and coffee was served.
J la the group f or ' the , evening
were Mrs. LaMoine Clark,' Mrs.
E. MUler, Mrs. A. P. Ramseyer,
Mrs.t H.'W. Savage,' Miss Florence
Waldo, Miss Sylvia Orrell, ' Miss
Edna Newberry, Miss Edna Miller,
Miss Ethel Jackman, Miss Lyqia
Hurst,. Miss Sylvia Marsters, Miss
Grace Holt, Miss Laura Marr, Miss
Elizabeth Stockhouser, Miss Lottie
Robbins, Miss ; Josephine , Shade,
Miss Minnie Miller, Miss PhoeW
McAdams, Miss Ruth McAdamss
Miss Grace Allen, Miss Besiie
Smith, Miss Elsie Miller, Miss Eu
lalia Lindsay, Miss Maude Ram-
tseyer, , ana me: nosiesses. .viisa
Helen! and Miss Nancy Savage.
! Mr., and Mrs., C. -N. - Neehdajm
left yesterday'afternoon for a ttvQ
weeks' trip to Belknap Springs.
f.:j- i -: J !
The 30th wedding annlVers
of Mr. and Mrs.George-L. Cum
mings was the occasion for a din
ner in their honor Saturday eve
ning at the home of -. Mrs. Cum-
n ings' crotner, Mr. Charles Cady.
The wedding ' cake was a huge
strawberry shortcake, topped with
whipped cream which? was served
by the bride, while . the, groom
served. the ice cream, k ;
The'- other guests were James
Jaraes: Blowers,, a cousin, from
Toma, .Wis., and two sisters, Mrs.
Rosetta Sheffield and Mrs. Lydia
Hobbs of Salem; also Mr. G. Ln-
aker. The hostess used blossoms
as place cards with white grass-
pinks, and pink . sweet peas for
table bouquets, while on the side
board was a huge bouquet of pjnk
gladioli and snapdragon, which
was sent for-' the anniversary I by
Mrs. Cumniings' bro . hers. Monroe
and Dayton Cady of Miaot, N. D.
;- Invitations are out for the joint
recital of Ruth .Bedford, pianist,
and Mary Talmadge Hedrick, vio
linist, pupils respectively of Bea
trice Shelton and William Wal
lace .Graham. The recital will be
given rzt .the First Presbyterian'
church,- June 16. -
r Thjb Ladies'; social circle of the
Central Congregational church
will 'meet on Thursday afternoon :
In ,the:chHrch parlors. Mrs. Har
ry' Ross, Mrs."McCume,' Mrs. J. B
Aihby, and Mrs.1 T. ' F. Anderson
will be the hostesses.
,. - f . ! '
The ; program ; meeting of the
Woman's society of the First Bap
tist church will be held at the
home of Mrs. Clifton Mudd, 1715
N. Capitol street on Friday at 2:36
o'clock. The assisting .hostesses
will be Mrs. "B. EilersMrB. Earl
Gregg, Mrs. L. Tweedale, and Mrs.
D.R.Peterson. Miss Dora Walk
er will lead the devotions.
The following program has been
arranged by Mrs. Harry White;
f'That Sweet Story" Richer
Mrs. J. M.' Riago
"The Story of tho Year" . . ; . I . .
Mrs. Elmi McAllister
"From Hut to University" ....
Mrs.W. F. Foster
"Indoor Friends ; ia Assam" .. .r
Mrs. Earl Gregg
"Tell Me the Story of Jesus" . .
"Evanfielistie Work in the Orient
Mrs.. M. Lottis
"The Kaiser-i-Hint Medal" . .i.
Mrs. W. J. Nelson -
Duet: "It Was for Me"
Mrs, EH., Shanks
Mrsj E. McAllister
' . -35-
The piano pupils of Miss Doro
thy Pearce and' Byron D. Arnold
will be presented, in one of the in
teresting recitals of the month on
Monday, June 15.
, "5? ? '
I .' .
; The sewtns society of the WRC
Will Bieet with Mrs. . C. Kafoury,
7;po Korth Summer street, Thurs
day 4fternton, Juae 11.' -
and Mrs. F. J. Franklin
lanning to attend the Port-
ose festival after which they
o to Seattle Tor the meeting
e National Library assocla-
ilis. John Kafmlr, Miss Madge
Kafmir and Betty Jean and Mary
Louise Kafmir of Minneapolis and
Mr. and Mrs.: Frederick and Kath-
ryn and Helen Frederick of Ta
coma were in Salem for the fun
eral of Mr. Lou Perry. -
SPOKANE,-June. .10. Jobp H.
Piper, new, Boy Scout executive
for Washington, Oregon. Idaho
and Montana, took over his duties
here,: succeeding G. IL ClzilcZ
fer, who has' accepted a positioa
as executive of the Portland coun
cil. With his wife,-Mr. Piper ar
rived here 'yesterday from Omaha,
where he was regional executive.
gitHilllliiillliaiTl..jiTt'tlrtll 1
E- 4
Practical in the Art of Fur Remodeling
vj-lll t
cif ti
Styles in
I .i-.-".-,l
Your j-IasNf-! must be Knitablo for t he 'occasion. Shell
Rims for sport and outdoor wear. Rimless spectacles for
business awl seini-formal wear. Rimless eyeglasses ; in
white, gold mountings for formal wear.
Staples Optical Co.
. Corner. State and High Str-Salem, Oregon
190 North Liberty Street
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jin i
r r J f
i ! it- ,,e vun . , tj , t-u UtW-T
: I ir l V 1 I v I i I P H
t1 ' , ir v a hum y u if it if ; a : n n n n u m h
I TMinu n I'M.!...:. , m- &:.: - '
Eastman Furnace
. . . .- ! .
: and ' . f.
tThe service behind it
has. made it the most popular
seller in the Northwest .
Correct design
II onest construction,
Fuel economy
Long life i . ,
Low price . I
,'. L' - 1 r
Ask for plan sheet. -No bliga
tion on your part.
j Formerlr Sirverton Blow ,
-' Pipe Co.. ;;
Sivertcn, Ore, ...
During June
I mum
initial paymcrAt
You can do yotir owrcookin prepare-all those-deUcious things
the family believes no one elsecan make quite so good. : And at
the. same time enjoy ycouJeisurerilLxottr' days-full of pleasure,
awayf romyoar: Mtchenf r , '
eaajit the.modemreleccaHvayi
Place your -dinner bccooked-irjflheoven---any time you wish
sefcthe clock aiidbidomtcheiLgood-bye tintil dinner time.
It ttieWestmgh"cesicJcfbo wuibejusi
rightrrnot underdcme-orxvercookeds ;
jwsr t mm
One of these new, automat
ically regulated irons
. never too 1 hot, never too
coloV-w ithevt additional
cost -with, every - range, . gold
during Jui ? .
The. Tumze-teith the Clod?
ElectrieKangeswiIl keep your. kitchen sweet and cool and prepare better
food for yoTj.BIayweow the special offer
is in. effect?. . . . . ..
Phone 85237 N, Liberty St.
Quickly Solves the Cooking
Problems for. the June Bride
Hot Plates Speedily Respond to the Hurry
Gall. Quick, Fast Oven, Ready at
the Turn of a Switch
r ij
Meet Miss Murdoch, the Universal factory demonstrator,
this week at our store, showing the famous -
.. A small payment down will place this range in 1
your home. Balance to suit your convenience.
This is a personal invitation to Salem Housewives, and everyone
should attend.
- You obligate yourself ;in no way by calling. .
f 1 Stove
f j Taken
V . in
I ! Exchange
With .
, Clean