The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, June 10, 1925, Page 3, Image 3

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mmW News m Brief
f The annual school meeting will
be held Monday, June 15, at 8 p.
m. - : i
The pringle road between the
school and the feeble minded In
stitution Is now being: prepared
for paring. ,i. '.-f' -;-!-!: :.A!i?i.
Mrs. Ina Iiarrner and infant
son of Cam po, Colo., are visiting
tne II. E. Stewart family.
Ardys Stewart, who for two
years has been in Colorado, has
returned to the home of his par
ents. 'He- says that the Willam
ette country looks good to hfm.
Perle ' Allen and ! family, of
Lniaines, Alaska,- who hare been
,sning friends.' in California,
visited with the Stewarts 'Friday
, nd Saturday. They are-return-!
'Vlng to their Alaska home, i ;
J. M. Coburn visited friends In
McMinnville Sunday.
A lecfure will be given at the
Presbyterian chWch' Wednesday
evening, June 10, by Mr. Buchan
an of Albany. Illustrated by stere-optlcon-
views- taken by him in
Alaska No a'dmfssion ; will be
charged but a collection will be
taken proceeds to be nsed for buy
ing song books for the church.
The Marion county health clinic
will be held at the schoolhousa
all Thursday and , until Friday
noon for the examination of the
children of 1 Marion district. Dr.
Gold brand sen will be in charge.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Reeves of
Salem visited at the S. E. Roland
home. Sunday. J i, iJ :-l-'"r : ,y j,
John Palmer, Jr., and family of
near Corvallig visited ' Sunday at
the home of Mrs. Palmer's Darents.
'! Mr. and Mrs. W. Han..-('..- I Xf'h
s V. A. George is suffering with
" ' i infection in-ctae of hisfirigers',
I ? which an operation was ! per
i t formed: "II I M
. Mrs.' Fred Schlfferer and-baby,
Kdith Mary, were Brought home
from Salem Friday, i - f J hI
Orville . Thomas : and Mildred
Schlfferer, passed their eighth
grade tests, both 'with an average
of 92 5-12. "! i j.h !' A '.
Mrs.' M. Fllflet. .. Mrs. Ahna
Kunke and Mrs; Helen' Butzky
were shopping in Salem Saturday.
Mrs. Jennie Farr reports that
they are getting a big yield from
their strawberry patch this year,
v Mrs. May Hadley was hostess
for the WCTU Wednesday:'- Thete
were about nine members present
and two visitors from' Turner,
Mrs. . Jennie Moore and Mrs.
Foghue. 4 1
Mrs. Marie Garner ' and child
ren 'ar down at Keizer picking
strawberries, i :; l
Mrt and Mrs, John Thomas and
little boys of Salem spent: Sunday
Inhere with4 Mrs. Ella Wilson.
T ..- Mr. and Mrs.. George Spleerand
-ifciiaughters Miss Georgina and Miss
Friday at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Btftzky.
Mrs.' Rachel Reeder" of Salem
and' Mr: and" Mrs. Georger Hurst j
of SIlTertoa visited' with Mri and
-Mrs. Ji M. Hamilton. Sunday.. I
Mrs.' Helen Butzky spent Wed
nesday' at Dallas attending, the
state grange convention there. .
tended the State Grange at Dallas
last Thursday. ,
Max Burris who' underwent a
minor operation. Is doing nicely.
-Several from Rosedale attended
. the picnic at Liberty last Friday;
i On Friday evening the Red Hill
Birthday club met at the home of
Mr. ahd Mrs. Trick for an out
door party. ! 1 ,
! The; children's day program was
held at the church last Sunday
, evening. : ! --"
Mrs. Cammack and Forrest
Cammack went to Portland last
week.'. Miss Laura Cammack re
turned home from Portland where
she has been attending',scbool.l
TJ iS Tofler atiVI TV TV THrlf at-
Chosen Special
1 'Ertioytd Chin
4- . A- ,
I '
The ; Vincent entertainment
Wednesday evening waa very fine.
A. very amusing stunt program
was pnt on by the junior' high stu
dents at 3 o'clock Friday after
noon. Turner : school ;; children
have always been known for their
ability in acting and singing.
F. C. Gunning and wife and Miss
Eleanor Moore were in Salem Sat
urday afternoon. -
Mrs. Lola Palmer of near Cor
vailia visited her friend Miss Hazel
Bear Sunday, also E. B. Stroud
and family of Salem were dinner
guest. ..' -v.'. V
' ' S. A; Riches : and ! parents and
Mrs. R. Hasslett went to Silverton
Sunday, guests at the Golden wed
ding Anniversary efMrand itrs.
Mashen T;,,vH-i; -,
. Mrs.' Fisher, primary" teacher
spent the week end with ilrs. A
"Ei Robertson! V 1 ; . . , j -
Prof BidgWd and famllv we're
in Salem Friday, evening-,. ..:
Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Hil were in
Salem Saturday afternoon. i
A. Bar was a business visitor
in Portland Friday. 1 i . "
The Robertson clan .will hold
their family reunion next Sunday.
Hazel1 Green
The"' Children's Day - program
will be given at 11 o'clock, June
14." There will be special ? music
and a pageant. J
Mr. and Mrs. William McMor
ris; -and , Mrs. McMorris mother,
Mrs. Matilda Van Cleave ahd her
sister, Mrs. Bertha an! Cleave - of
Salem were visitors i at C. ' A; Van
Cleaves Sunday.; t r f
Louis Wanipler had a valuable
horse' die of lock-jaw last week.
fllrs. T B., Davis .has as guests
her mother, Mrs. Kirkpatrick of
Kansas . City, and her sisterj Mrs.'
Helen Hopkins of California.
Mr. and Mrs. John Lucker and
daughter of . Wood bum were visi-
tors at h!s brothers. James
Luckeys ; Tuesday. (. Mrl : John
Luekey has recently come from
Kansas City to spend the summer
in Oregon with the intention of
locating in Willamette valley.
' The. Women's Missionary asso
ciation will meet with Mrs; C. A.
Van Cleave Thursday , afternoon.
There will be a program and bus
iness meeting. - t f ,
' Mr. - and' Mrs. Guethrie and
daughter andu sort and wife of
Portland were Sunday Visitors of
Rev. Leila Luckey at the parson
age. .(.': i-:
Mrs.De Witts and children of
Salem were callers' at B.' C. Zel
inski's Sunday. ,
W. A. Dunigan went to Port
land Wednesday.
Ernest Scott of Aumsville Is
visiting his sister,. Mrs. Ben Wil
son. ( . .
Mr. and'Mrs: Bess Clemens and
daughter," Eljeni, and son. Arthur,
visited friends in Portland Sun
day. . - " - j r - ;
Mr. and Mrs. B. C ZellnsVi n.:
children weieK visitors 'at ' Louis
KobowsV Sunday. . .
': : B. F. Oakley and family have
moved from Sidney. 'They have
moved1 on the other side of JeN
; Mr. Ray, the butcher was buy
ing beef around the valley and
Sidney one day last week.
V. C Beaty sheared some sheep
for E. E. Cochran . and Mr. Beaty
said they " were as nice yearlings
as he had sheared apy place.
Miss Clara SeMt Is a visitor at
the W. H. Scott home for a few
days. ? - :- ' - -'
' The Scotts were visitora at .the
Hammon home In Polk -. county
Sunday. ; ; ;' ' ; ' i ; T
Mr. and Mrs. F. 1 B. Sininsnn
were - selected- as delegates - from
the Ankney Grange to attend the
state grange convention, ;
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hartley
have returned" to" Le vision." Idaho,
after a nice long visit with his
parents and - friends
' Mr, and Mxs. C L. Hartley
took a tfin tb KmnhK in'if AthM
small jrtoTfns. Theyfl reportedt a
utu-e trip anu some good jriews.
E. Todd and E. E. Cochran
motored Thursday to? the Warren
Gray' farm to Inspect th Grav-
mere , herd of Jerseys and report
seeing anresp&iallyi fine looking
herd and' from the udders carried
by the cows they, are a herd taat
pays well ati the paili ;
Mr, and Mrs. U. VL Jones and
family motored to Monmouth to
visit' her father at; her s . sisters'
home. Her father is not very well
T " Stayton
: I --".'-iSv. -; r ' .-..-"''-
Stayton citizens are up In arms
over the mall situation, since he"
change of time on the Southern
Pacific railroad went Into effect ;
and a petition, with practically ali
the mail patrons in - town . as
signers' ha' been filed asking for
a ' return of the old 'schedule with
a morning and afternoon mail, as
was. formerly th Tule. One mail
a day in a community as progress
sive as thia ls Is not" to" be'"to!er
rated. '
' Saturday" was strawberry short
cake' day at' the grange and a
godly number of members of the
organization were present to par
take of the bounteous feast' which
wa spread at the noon hour. The
business session was held in the
forenoon. Miss Ella' Williams,
who Was a delegate to the state
grange held in Dallas last week,
arrived . home on the ; noon stage
and , the afternoon was passed in
listening-- tor her reports ; of the
state meeting.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Lesley and
son ,Wllbnr are leaving on Thurs
day) of this woek for: Pendleton,'
where- they wilj visit their son,
Oliver P. Lesley; and wife. From
there they" will . go to -Hidaway
Springs -for the remainder of the
month for an outing at that popu
lar resort. Last year-the Lesleys
spent several weeks at the springs
and are anticipating an enjoyable
. Mrs; Mary Allen went to Sil
verton Sunday, where she attend
ed the celebration' of the golden
wedding anniversary of , Mr. . and
Mrs. Fred Mascher, who have
passed the 50th mile stone of their
wedded life. Mrs: Allen and Mrs.
Mascher are sister-in-laws.
The new and attractive bunga
low being-constructed by the Al
bert S. Watters is nearing comple
tion and is one of the pretty new
homes being built in that part of
tdvrn. It is of the hollow tile and
will be finished in stucCo'.
George H. EelI of 'Jthe'. First
National' bank,' has broken grohnd
for a new bungalow . on his - lots
north' of the J. T. Kearns home.
Excavation for the basement' was
begun' last week. '.The 4 structure
is ; to ' be modern in- every respect
and will be one "of the most" up-to-date
homes in the city-when -completed.
'. . . . w
, Another pretty, bungalow, which
is rapidly assuming shape ia the
one under course of construction
on the Lee Brown estate"; and be
ing? erected by . Mrs. Charles E.
Brown. The building fronts' the
east and will be- ah. attractive, ad
dition! to second street homes:
Mr. and Mrs: Felix Van Erman
are moving into their s'lghty new
tome which has Jusl been com
pleted in the east end ot town.
The cozy- attractiveness and. pretty
setting of this modern structure is
the envoy of the entire populance.
Mr. and Mrs. Josephine IL
Brewer came ove from Tillamook
Sunday, spending' the day here.
Their 12 year old son Robert
"Keith, who has been attending
school here'-returned home with
Gilbert S. Stayton and family of
Wafehdugal, Washington, were
spending the week-end here 'as
guests at the h6'me of-Mrrstayr
tons-mother; Mrs." Anna1 Stayton.
Frank Shfpka and' Ed. Kerber
expect toIeate within a few days
for an extended trip through the
eastern states, visiting friends in
Iowa and Minnesota. They plan to
be away about'slx weeks.
Mrs. A: G - Myers 'and little
daughter are? here visiting at the
i 1
A: Bear of. a
World's Fambu
California" v
Happy Bear
i Silas IL Strawn (above), Chi
cago1 attorney will represeiit the?
U. S. tie spbeiar conference
ta Peking4' C3 : Chinese ctzstoms
provided forrtnthe nise-power
I r
T1m World's Greatest
Educatetl, Performing
"Flaming Forties'-. ; f
, 7
6 MS? '
home oV hejfi metber, Ire. W: )L Mrs.. Dallaa. J Te'sfdentrrJ :5IrsJV,D,-
Rigs.-s i. .uv,:. v', :
I Henry Mustchler and son Harry
drove to Portland Sunday, where
they enjoyed a - day outing and
tbol in the Friscd-Portland ball
game.' :- . t, ; - - -
; Walter Heater and wife spent
Saturday in Stayton,' looking after
business matters. The "Heaters
live in the Silver Creek neighbor
hood, and report a big Fourth of
July celebration is being arranged
for'at the falls this year.
John Mielkt and family. 'Mr. and
Mrs. Joseph Fisher left this morn
ing for Corvallls, where they will
attend the commencement exer
cises at the college. James Mielkl
ahd Norval Fisher are graduating
from college with' the 1925 class.
Florence Murphy, the young
daughter of Me. and Mrs.' A. D.
Murphy, has been quite ill the past
week, suffering a light attack: Of
Mr. and' Mrs. Henry FaUgman f
Sublimity, were business visitors
Id Stayton- Saturday.
; William O. Cooper left Sunday
for Mill City, where he" will'spend
some time, having secured a paint
ing contract in that city.
Five "to eighteen was the. result
ing ecore of the ball game Sun
day, when the MiU'CIty nine went
down to defeat at the hands of the
Cunningham, vice president;, Mrs.
u. i v uencer, secretary ana
treasurer. ' ' '
Dorman'a strawberry patch was
busy; as a bee. hive Thursday
when " an extra force' ' Was1- em
ployed, o W" tA get over- f her Held
so all could attend the picnio on
Friday. .. .... .
j R: L. Dorman of JefferSoh was
Visiting" here with his parents' Fri
day and attended the picnic.
Mrs. Rae,; who has- been quite
111," is much improved.
The little Misses' Belva' and
Verla Hill are visiting with i their
grandparents; Mr. and Mrs. E.
Mr. and Mrs. O.' L. Dencer left
last Friday with the" caravan ' of
United Artisans for a convention
to be held at Grants Pass on Sat
urday.. Rose burg gave the cara
van a royal reception"' and"- enters
tainment on Friday evening. Af
ter the Artisan meeting Mr, and
Mr: .Deneer visited relatives at
Medford and Ashland Sunday and
Monday, returning home on Tues
day. ;:
Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Dencer re
turned home this Week, having vlsP
ited in Portland with relatives.
Mrs. Pearce and children left
Friday for her home at Seaside.
heme town team, on the local the children have been' attending
tint A ' . I .
school here. -
Mr. and Mrs. John Tweed ie and
their small children ' have moved
into the Keibert house on .Second
street. Some two years ago they
were residents here and- Stayton
people are glad to welcome them
The sun arose gloriously, bright
Friday morning as an accomoda
tion to this neighborhood, for this
was" the day set for the community
picnic and the closing . of schooL
About ten o'clock cars began to
arrive from ; all directions, the
sports began at 1 1 o'clock with a
number of -various races. Prizes
wfere awarded. :- Everyone brought
a well-filled 'lunch, basket. Tables
yere arranged under the trees and
loaded to their fullest with the
dantiest and most appetising eats,
after" which an ... interesting pro
gram by the school .pupils, was
mnch enjoyed. A ball game and
other sports followed the rest of
the afternoon. Everyone had a
very enjoyable day. Thanks to'
the 'committees, -;
Mrs. H. L. Gille. Mrs. R. A,
Lathrop, Miss Wilda Lathrop and
Miss Lucile Cille. were dinner
gueste of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Dor
man Tuesday; evening;
Mrs. Bert Dougherty-, and baby
of Oregon City are visiting with
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. William
Newens -,'. i.. ;.v .-. ;" '--.-
The Liberty Woman's club held
a short , business session Friday
afternoon. Officers, dr. the ensu
ing year , were elected follows:
The Liberty school held its clos
ing and'graduation. exercises" at
the community hall Thursday June
4. Those leaving the 8th grade
were: Lela Fox. Sabina Schmidt,
Cecil Dencer and Lelahd - Scott.
An excellent prbgramme was' ren
dered by pupils o the school and
was much enjoyed by a large audi
ence." ' ' r ' ' i
Mr: and' Mrs: Elwood- Scott' of
Salem, attended, the . graduation
exercises here Thursday evening.
Mrs. Kelso of Imperial valley.
Cal.; is expected here about - the
15th, at the Brooks home. ,
Deputy ; state fire . marshal,
George Stokes and two inspec
tors "were at' school last - week.
They stated that the building is
decidedly' unsafe for those on the
top floor and said that it would
be necetfeary to 'haver; fire escapes
and extinguishers. They were
gratified to learn that the. . fire
drill wis given i as required by
law: '; ' i v - ; -.
Mr. Roy V. Oil mart .will leave
soon for Milkon," eastern Oregon',
"where she will1-visit heT parents
.. . . I
tor a monin.
Miss Caroline Krubets, who is
teaching in the Saletn high school;
will leave for British Columbia as
son as school closes and spend her
vacation there. , .
&Mr. and"Mrs:; R D.,: Judd of
Nojrwich, Conn., i were guests of
Mr. and Mrs. P. G. Judd last. Mon
day. This i3 the first time the
brotWers -have seen-each 'other, for
;tfiW.tnlrtyfyaiyi isV'!
, Mfa; Henry Gilbert., has' as1 her
guests tms ,weeic;".ner siater ana
baby of Hillsboro.
The G. La. club members, met
with Mrs. George Hlgglns, on
Thursday afternoon. Mrs. R!" D.
Fldler assisted'; the': hostess-' in
aerring a . ; delicious luncheon.
Those present were Mrs. S. C.
Davenport,, Mrs C. ; D. Query
Mrs. W. V. Johnson. Mrs N. P.
Kugel, Mrs. F. J. Lainson, Mrs.
Alice ; Coolidge, frMrs. Harry 4 Tra-.
ceyV Mrs J.r A. Pearson; Mrs. Wil
liam Meier. Mrs. II. B, Carpenter,
Mrs. ! C. Schwahb, Mrs. L. F.
CfymAr. Mrs. A. T. Macklin, and
Miss- Janice ' Higfins. -
Mrs: A. Ash by' and Mrs. Flora
Holley" of Salem, spent Wednes
day with Mrs. Alice Coolidge.
Mr; and : Mrs. A; McAbee. Rev;
and Mrs. , W. Bowman-, and Miss
Dorothy MCAb'ee of Seattle' were
guests of Rev. and"Mrsi E. Mc
A bee the"'flrst; three -days of this
week.; .They attended the com
mencement' exercises at. Kimball
College." . t ., . '. l--:yf :--:.".".'
Rejf." E, Rantonr and - son.' .Leon
ard spent Monday, and Tuesday
nights with' Mr. arfdh Mrs: H. B.'
Carpenter. ' Mr. Ranton was up
from Gresham to attend the Kim
ball. College commencement and
alumni events.
-r Mr; and Mrs. P. Clevlnger and
Misses Fredrica and Ellen ; Brad
bury are at Brooks for the berry
r Mrs". E.' J. Jasper of" Westport,
spent the week-end with- her aunt
Mrs. H. B. Carpenter.
Mr. and Mrs. Gust Heyden left
Thursday for their trip to - Ger
many, to visit ! relatives: They in
tend to be gone several months.
-1 ... . .
Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Bressler
moved to their' farm' on the river
bottom last week.
A reorganization of the tie
phone lines took place last Wed
nesday, night. ' The ' new organi
zation - is ' called the " Riverside In
corporated Telephone company.
The officers elected were J. O.
Walker, president; William Mei
er, secretary and' N. N. Carpenter
Mr.u and Mrs. William r Meier
and family1 attended a family re
union' Sunday with Mr.' and . Mrs.
p.-A Kruse at Oregon City.
- Mrs. B. Stutesman and niece,
Marie, are visiting, with relatives
in Portland" this : week.
. Mr. and Mrs. L. F Clymer were
Sunday visitors in Salem at the
. t
( St. PaulS7i05 St, Louis $ 83.55
vmcago oo.vp new lorKittj
Other fminiu-tm rrt9rilm"
Sale Slay 22 to' Sept; 15 j Return- limit Oct. SI
roun cftoicB! oW i
Two of America's Finest trains
NerthCoasr LimHedvia S, P. fiS; Kl Pi C R'tf
Oriental Limited via P. & S, G. C B. & Q.
i. p. KkowxTON or. w. mrrOittfc.'AMas1
Trar. fin. Aft. ; Plwae 727 or 127
- ' " i -' 1 - 1
On6 Kifiht Only
MQm&tf,, JUNE 15
Stewart and'Frcrtch" Present
yy nnnnnft.
11 III I 3?
rftMPOV NEW vdt2rt HAS
Laughed and wept overto
. . - . t f - m n '
T 1
;no puy can c'e'funnier
". . . . . . ,! . ... : -
i ) . Hnitrvvirf Dm in v fdrrn Vrrl I!r 1
. . Mail Orders Npr
Prices (Taxv Included) $20 and$2.T5; Gailery $l.lti
home of - Mr. and Mrs. N. P.
A'. Williams of Bellingham was
guest of Mr. and Mrs. L. F.
Clymer Thursday night. . -
C. D. Query is hauling logs to
Miss Ethel Klampe was In Sa-
Iem, Saturday on business..
Mr. and Mrs. Longcor and fam
ily of Portland visited Mrs. Long-
coir's sister, Mrs. Joe McKee Sat
urday evening. .,'.'.
There were no services held in
the M. E. church Sunday evening
because of the' program at the
Evangelical' church. The musical
program" that" was to be ' given at
the M. E. church was postponed.
Prof. T. O. Davis and family
lert Friday" to" spend the week-cawl
in Oregon' City and Portland.
Bedford'Smithvof Flag ii, visit
in. ntranti tr onrf Mm Tt
Smith of this city.
V W. E. Smith' and family motor
ed to Alsea Sunday to speniTthe
day.' .. . " -. " - .
LIndsey Doty, a Jefferson high '
school -.graduate who is now at
tending LT. ot O. af Eugene spent
brother and famifyi Melvin Doty.
fherfav that' tha'
Eastern Star ' members of Marion
county were'" to visit' the Masonic
Eastern Siar hAm Forest
Grove. Jefferson people who vis
ited' there were Ir. and .Mrs. D.
51. Looney. Mr. and Mrs. George
Looney and Mr.' B. T. George.
. The majority5 of the high school
(Contiaued on pc )
K ,'
In this new picture goes from the rugs of tlu little
Irish colleen to the silts- a h I furrf or 'the great'
Dochess ot Marrno; from Ilght-hearteU iomlf to
tense, startling tiranxu.
Moore llll
DU Pont
, New
: .' 1-
. . . I -
! "T!TtTr l-J' 'Sthrt3
: .
Al St. John in "His New Car
It i
1 - '
L Ll
? "' V : r
i YM.J.-
1 r--.-T -:----r F Vyi::
fc. ' : - - t ; J
s.s r . ,2
Ill J a1 Bygorle era, Before the advent of newspapers,-,
mfeft cbmrhuriicated news of, the day as well : as trade :
wartts hy nieans'of the Town Crier. The open center
of- tKe?: cit? or? village - was also a place for the barter
andf exchange df . Wares: Wandering merchants in
pictiiresqucr garb often- came' together for: mutual
But today, in Salem there is a far morVef fective meth
od of barter arid- exchange the classified'- advertising
columns'5 of
Hundreds of wbrth-while things' are offered for cale
or' exchange iri The Sfatesriian: Classified- columns:
Here; indeed', is" a real market-place where many kinds
of pebple come -with many kinds pf property to cell
and Buy mani kinds of wants to4 Be'fulfilledr
Turn to the C(issificd rjascs noyfor inf Ortnalioh'
, of both1 thing ahd people wliich tliey give you '
. ' ' ? . .
-. -.'" ' 1
,v yy
" ' ."J '" ' ' -It'.---" . V . , t -''.:-'." ' ;