The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, June 07, 1925, Page 5, Image 5

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mmm w wpi'
- Partly cloudy.
Generally cloudy with light lo
cal rains and mild temperature;
moderate north and northwest
Maximum 61, minimum 47,
rainfall trace, river 3. falling at
vinds. , Biosphere, cloudy, . wind south
west. 1. . - ' . "
Oregon Douglas Mac
Lean in "Introduce Me."
It's laughing lightning.
liberty Patsy Ruth, Mil
ler, and Matt Moore in
"The Wise Virgin."
--ags .
a. K C randU-AT ice Terrjt a nd
Lewis Stone In "Confes-
sions of a Queen."
Bligh Hippodrome
Vaudeville and pictures.
Ixcal Man Is Winn
Joe . Good fellow . who won the
25 and 10 miles Automobile races
at the fairgrounds yesterday is a
Salem man. Mr. Goodf ellow - is
the salesman for R. N. MacDon
cld, ; local , Marmon dealer. He
bowed good driving ability and
wot. the favor of those witnessing
the races by his driving.
Beginning June 8
Miss Willa Larsen will be at the
Mitzi Beauty Shoppe. J7
Quality Service '
' Salem Restaurant. Our special
Sunday dinners please. Try Mr.
Fellers Home Made Pies. J7
Visits In Salem "
Mrs. Mary Tipton of Berkeley,
Cal., accompanied by Mrs." K. B.
, Duncan, of Ashland, are visiting
here with relatives and friends.
They are the guests of Mr. and
"Mrs. R.'O: Snelling. r
Dr. Marshall, Osteopathic
. . Physician and Surgeon.
Tickets Now on rUde -
For Marie-Louise D'are Kiger
.concert. June .10, at the following
places: Moore's Music House, Geo.
d Will Music House, Pattona
Book Store and the French Shop,
115 N. High. "A Dollar and a
Dime." J10
Plans Visit Here, .
Miss Irma "Hardin, a former
students and; graduate of Wil
lamette university. and who has
been teacher in the high school at
Browning, Montana, is to spend
the week-end -visiting with friends
In this city. She is to be here for
commencement at Willamette uni
'reraity, next Wednesday.
- - -;'; .
Rooms With Board
645 Marlon street.
Jj Boeuf Fountain Pens
Guaranteed not to break, crack
or leak.' Very good' assortment.
LuthyV Jewelry store. J7
Elliot Is Promoted : '
During the past few years, R.
O. Snelling. director of the Salem
district of the Associated Oil com
pany, has had the pleasure of
breaking six. executives Into the
: "-'rx: -a rn - .
Here are spring suits that will be sure
to put "a smile that won't come off
on the face of the men who wear
them. There's always a certain snap
and go to the garments we sell. Our,
styles are distinctive.
G. W. Johnson & Co 4
469 State St.
ranks of his firms, the last one
being the appointment of J. J.
Elliot, to the MeMlnnvIlle depot.
Four of these appointments were
made while Mr. Snelling was with
his firm in California and two of
them have been j made in the Sa
lem district. In order to make
the new. appointments, the Salem
district of the Associated Oil com
pany has been cut up' Into four
parts, of which Corrallis Is the
headquarters for Benton and Linn
counties; Eugene for Lane county,
and Salem serves Marion and Polk
counties. I - -
Wood See .
My special ad.
,Fred E. Wells.
Social Evening
And Union meeting. Salem car
penters union number 1065 will
.hold a social evening and annual
union meeting at Union hall, 457
Court street, 8 p.. m., , Thursday
June 11 A splendid entertainment
including"m uslc and refreshments
has been arranged. A cordial in
vitation Is extended to everybody,
no charge, all welcome. Come and
hare a gosd time and get acquaint
ed with your fellow citizens. jll
740TTBuy d-Rooift Modern IfoniefHian lP8WftirdrrreT port-
Fairmont; hill, 1675 Fir street,
corner 100-150. Look it over, its
a snap. ' W. H. Qrabenhorst A Co.
275 State street. Phone 515 J7
Former Students Visit
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Skeen (nee
Ruby Rosenkrans) are to arrive In
the city during the week-end to
visit with friends. Mr. Skeen has
been teaching In the high school
at Athena; and U Mrs. Skeen
at St. Johns, Wash. They were
married June 2, according to local
reports. " '
Climb the Stairs and Save
Your money. Ellsworth, Hat
shop, 347 Court St upstairs. J7
Dr. 3Iary Putnam
-Who formerly conducted the
Hyro-Electric Therapeutic Insti
tute 253 S. Cottage, is now locat
ed at 1010 Leslie, corner, of , S.
Capitol and Leslie. We wish to
thank our patrons for their past
patronage and hope you will con
tinue with us at our new location.
'.: 1 ' ;- J9
Gooding to Graduate
r , Bertrand Gooding of St. Paul,
will receive a degree ia'law by the
University of Oregon . this June.
He Is a member of Delta Theta
Phi, national honorary law fra
ternity. He is a member of the
Oregon Order of the 0 letter men
organization, and Is affiliated with
the Psi Kappa fraternity.
Dr. Stone ,.
Perry's Drug Store.
yenterday By The Use Of
. Medicine Dr. Stowe removed a
cancer from ' the temple of Wil-
I Ham Steinbach, of Aurora, Ore
gon. . t : f ;J,
nas Nice Curls . f -i
Lila Louise Cation, aged 14
years, daughter of Mr. and Mrs,
John Cation.. who graduates from
the J. L. ; Parrisi Junior - high
school this year has the dlstinc-
- ' The Cope'll Ges Ton .
If your brakes aren't working
right. Drive to 275 8. Commer
cial St. and let, Mike Panek ' in
spect them. He Is Salem's Auth
orized Raybestos brake specialist.
LADD & BUSH, Banlicra
Urtatllahed 1SS3
Gcnrral Easlans Burins
'' , CSSsm Horn froxa It m, xa. to 8 p. xa. r
- - - r i '-.
tion of being one of only, a few
girls In the city , wearing long
curls. Not only has she this dis
tlnction but has the honor of
being the editor of the Parrlsh
Periscope, the publication put out
by the student-body.
Dr. White, Osteopathy f
Electronic Diagnosis and Treat
ment. . j-7.
Irrigation Bills Now Due '
Flat rate irrigation bills are sub
ject to a discount of 10 per cent
If paid on or before June 10. Resi
dences with even numbers will ir
rigate Monday, Wednesday, Fri
day and Sunday. Residences with
odd numbers will Irrigate Tuesday
Thursday. Saturday and Sunday.
Hours 6 to 8 a. m, and "5 to 9
p. m. v v 0-10
Work to . Visit School
' Harwood Hall, director of edu
cation at the Chemawa Indian
training school reports that Sec
retary Hubert Work, of the de
partment of the Interior is sched
uled to te at the Indian school on
the evening of July 5 and the
morning of July fi. He is to arrive
here on a 10 o'clock train Sunday
morning, visit at the Chemawi In-
land on the 1:22 o'clock train the
next afternoon. 'S-
Clearance on Fancy Work ' i
Milady's Shop, 517 Court St. 37
Buy A Good Used KtndebaJcer
-If you want a dependable ; car
for your vacation. The Certified
Public Motor Car Market has sev
eral for sale at bargain prices. J6tf
Returns to Salem
: William a pickell, representative
of the Gray & .White, Publishing
company, has returned to the teity
after an absence of several weeks
in the middle western states. He
states that things are booming In
the vicinity of Kansas City,, al
though in some lines, the activity
was limited.
Can Use A Few Moi
Governor Wood cherries. Phon
396.' j?
Tickets Now on Sale ,
For Marie-Louise . D'arc Kiger
concert, June 10, at the following
places: Moore's Music House, Geo.
C. Will Music House, I Pa t tons
Book Store and the French Shop.
115 N. High. "A Dollar and a
Dime." ' . jio
Graduation Gift - - ' : ; f
At special prices. See our win
dows. Salem Electric Co., Masonic
Temple. 27
Given Promotioi
. Lieutenant Oswald N.'Day, Port
land has been, promoted to the
rank of captain in Co. B, 162nd In
fantry. - Captain.- Day Is a World
war veteran and a son of the late
I. 1. Day, who died in Portland
recently. Sergean t James H. Lloyd
was promoted to the rank of sec-
Crystal Gardens
McElroyV Orchestra
Wednesday Night !
? . McEIroy's
Majestic Orchestra
Saturday Night -----
nan: ft; w ik
He t a ilKluly bm4 Otklaad 8
d&u e,6 model. Eqalpp4 vUk
bumpni, spar tire,' spotUte. and
many tkr aeeessorles tQO namer
out t mantloa. - TUt car haa it
: original rubber which ahew acaxeo
ly no wear and esrrtei new cur
- This is nor than Jnat a good Buy
and ahoald (a at one at tha price
: ask. :
ond-lieutenant of the 186th serv
ice company. During the World
war, he ras s. first lieutenant
overseas. Second Lieutenant Mil
ton G. Slaight Was given the rank
of first lieutenant In Co. F, 186th
Infantry at Baker. First Lieuten
ant H. A. Taylor has been elevat
ed to the rank of Captain in the
supply division, of the 162nd In
fantry, accord'ng. to the reports
from the adjutant-general's office.
Get Our Rate for
Automobile Insurance. Standley
& Foley. j-7.
Radio Half Price
' AU parts go at half price.. Radi
cal reductions on sets. It will pay
you to buy this week. Salem Elec
tric Co., Masonic Temple. -- 27
Girls Take Hike
The Girl Reserves of the.. Junior
High took a hike to Spong's Land
ing yesterday, spending the great
er part of the day on the way. A
lunch was served after the. girls
had arrived on the scene. Miss
Irene Smith, Willamette university
student, acted as chaperon.
Grand Opening'
Salem Wicker ' Furniture " Co.,
2218 State, Monday eve, June 8.
Ohr plant .will; be . In .'operation.
Come and see how It's' made. j7
Special Price on Wrist
Watches and pearls for gradua
tion. C. A. Luthy, Jeweler. j7
Elected to New Position .
Dr. R. Lee Steiner, head of the
Oregon State hospital has been
elected to the board of directors of
the First National bank, according
to the statement yesterday of
Joseph. Albert president. He was
elected to succeed the late. George
F. Rodgers, who was killed in an
airplane accident last fall.
Women Wanted I
; To work at Starr Fruit Products
Co., Church and Mill Sts.. Phone
439. J7,
Hotel Man 111
Mrs. Feller of the Salem Res
taurant was called to Portland
Thursday on account of sudden Ill
ness of her husband, A. Feller,
who underwent a serious opera
tiottfat the 'Good Samaritan hos
pital, i
Cascade Council Meets ' . 1
The-Boy Scout council of the
Cascadia . Division are to meet
Monday night at the Giese-Powers
furniture store,, where problems of
the organization will be discussed.
Carl Giese is the new president of
the Cascadia Division. -
Gooseberries Snipped ". ,. ..
Ready to can, 5c lb.I: Phone
494, 2395 Front. j7
Dentists Examined
Dr Carl E. Miller will be out or
his office this coming week while
attending to his duties , as mem
ber of .the Oregon state board of
dental examiners. . The theory
part of the examination will be
held in Portland on Monday and
San Francisco, one way, $15.50
Round Trip, $30.00
Loc Angeles, one way, $27.55
Round Trip, $50.00
Special Rates to Parties of
Eight or More '
For Information and Reserva
tions phone 696, or call at
Salem, Oregon
Id "
Established 1891
Chemeketa, Street at Cottage
Tuesday and the .practical work
will be done for the convicts at
thii - Oregon "state ' penitentiary.
About 75 are applicants for license
to practice in the state.
Women WanreO ' t
? To .work at Starr "Fruit Products
Co., Church and Mill Sts. . Phone
439. 1 , J7
Have Become. EstabIIhec1
: The Gray &. White Publishing
company have become established
in the Breman block after moving
from the cramped quarters In the
Masonic building. ' Their business
had grown to such an extent that
they were forced to move. They
publish the famous "Our Baby
Record Book." .
Slashing Reductions '
On glass shades for electric fix
tures. See our windows. Salem
Electric Co., Masonic Temple. 27
Carpenters to Entertain
Salem carpenters' union number
1065 will hold a social evening
and. annual union meeting at
Union Hall, 457 Court street 8
o'clock, Thursday night. - A splen
did entertainment including music
and refreshments has been ar
ranged, j A cordial Invitation is
extended to everybody, no charge,
all welcome, come and have a good
ime and get acquainted with your
fellow citizens. ,
Quality Service
Salem Restaurant. Our special
Sunday dinners please. Try Mrs.
Fellers Home Made Pies. J7
Prof. Gatke Coming
Prof, i Robert Moulton Gatke
who . has Just received his Doc
tor's degree from the American
university of Washington, D. C,
is expected to arrive In Salem
about the last of this month. Mr.
Gatke with his wife-will make the
trip from Washington by motor.
Prof. Gatke has been very success
ful in his work at Washington. As
well as earning his PhD. he has
spent a great deal of his time as
director , of religious education in
the Foundry Methodist Episcopal
church. His work in that respect
has been greatly appreciated. Mr.
Gatke will take up his school work
at Willamette university this fall
as assistant professor of history.
Women Wanted
To work at Starr Fruit Products
Co., Church and Mill Sts. . Phone
439.. j7
House Warming Held
The recently remodeled home of
Mr. and JMrs. John Robblns, 642
N. Liberty street, was warmed
Friday evening in honor of their
son, John Prescott Robins who is
here -from' Sisters In eastern Ore
gon on . a shorit. vacation. Mrs
Robins was assisted entertaining
her guests by Mra. A. W. Prescott
and" Mrs. R. A. Blevins. Light
refreshments wer -served at the
close of a most delightful even
ing. "Those present wereiCol. and
Mrs. Percy Willis, Portland; Jul
ian P. Prescott, CorvallJ. Those
Gifts -
For the
' ' - ' ,- , ...
We have a very complete
assortment of articles suit
able .for graduation pres
ents. We suggest the
Memory Book, .rBox of
Stationery, Pn and Pencil
Atlas Book and
Stationery Co.
4C3 State Street
All Makes Typwriters
Sold - Rented - Repaired
from Salem were Mrs. Emma Mur
phy Brown, Mr. and Mrs. R. A.
Blevins, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Rem
ington, Mr. and Mrs. J.; Robins,
John Robins, Jr., Elsie L. Robins,
Mr. and Mrs. A. Vf. Prescott, Mr.
and Mrs. E. T. Prescott.
Pedigreed Persian Kittens ,
Phone 1785J, or call 4C5 S.
Winter, evenings. J7
Noted Cartoonist Here
Rev. Ray Vincent will assist in
the services at the First Baptist
church tonight. Mrs. Vincent will
accompany her - husband at the
piano and with the Hawaiian gui
tars. Both are excellent singers
and entertainers. They were here
in the Baptist church last election
day, in November and gave a
splendid entertainment that was
enjoyed by ail. Sunday evening
Mr. Vincent will draw a picture of
the crucifixion as he sins "Cal
vary." Mrs. Vincent accompaning.
Other pictures wiir be drawn to
the accompaniment of music. The
Vincents are Christian people who
have high ideals, and present ' a
great Chautauqua program, with
the evangelistic message always in
evidence. They are entering the
Theological Seminary in Chicago
in the fall for further training in
distinctively pastoral evangelistic
methods and Bible training. All
who heard them last November
will want to hear them again in all
new pictures and songs.
Business Record Good
The business record; for May
of this year, was the greatest in
the history of the "county, accord
ing to the records of the county
court, whieh showed that 804 In
struments were filed. Of these
280 were deeds anc 134 mortgag-
1 1 c
Nickola Varelia died at a local
hospital June 5, at the age of 40
yearsJ He Is . survived by his
widow. Funeral announcements
will be announced later 1from the
Webb Funeral Parlors, who are In
charge of arrangements.
J Schafer
' ' Frank L. Schafer died June 3 at
a local hospital at the. age of 52
years. He is survived by his
widow, Mrs. Catherine Schafer.
his father Frank Schafer, two
brothers W. E. Schafer of Bethel,
Or., and J. B. Schafer of Amity,
three sisters, Anna Holdridge of
Dayton, Susie Stoddard of Mcr
Minnville and Bessie Rchutlz of
San Francisco. : Funeral services
will be held Monday, June 8, 9:30
a. m. from Rigdon'a ehapel, inter
ment at Bethel. Or. ; . .
Relieve ,
" . - -
SchaeferY Herbal
Cough Cure -
Will Stop the Most Stubborn
' . , ,Cqugh " ' '
' Get a Bottle Today
' . at '
rrhe Yellow Front-.
135 North Commercial
Phone 197
The Penslar Store -
Pipe Organ
"tupenorvzinemr Service"
W "a f ! Y .
es. As a rule the record for May
business Is blow par. according
to the records of the court. ( This'
month, however, was ahead of the
banner business year cf ; 1920,
which was considered the biggest
one of all up to" that time."
Stullo Will Entertali
Members of the February -and
June graduating classes of the Sa
lem high school will be guests of
the Cunnell & Robb studio at a
studio dancic? party Tuesday
night. : Music will be furnished
by the high school orchestra while
the quartette will sing during the
evening. Miss Helen; Marcus will
give a solo. Patrons and patron
esses are Governor Walter M.
Pierce, Professor and Mrs. J. C.
Nelson, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Perry,
Our work is refraction of the eye. Our trainin?, equipment
and experience teach us to do this one thing well. The Opto
metrist is the logical man to consult when your eyes call for
assistance, i
Eyes needing medical treatment are always referred to a
ciycciiiiisi on aiseasea eyes, -
Staples Optical
vr Corner State and High
t- Street '
K I , ': i
Portland and Salem, Ore.
' Wm
Tuesday, June 9
2P.M. ;
; 640 South 18th 1
l . . : ';..;! '' , '
Six room house, plastered, baUij built-in Idtchcn,
basement, garage, breakfast nook Lot 38 by 1 GO,
also lots 5, 6, 7, 8, facing; 21st, between Lee and Wal
ler streets; lots 1 arid 2 facing: 20th street,
- 1 - - .!" 7 ' ' j '. . ." ' -
Terms on house $300 cash, balance $30 per month'
including- interest at 6 per cent; on lots 10 cash
each, balance $5.00 per. month. , I These are easy
terms so you can buy and be on the road to prosperi
ty. Salem is sure to. get larger every year, tCiat
makes prices on realty property higher. A good in
vestment, be there: t -
Phoney 534,
? IV. 1 'i'O I
is undoubtedly the most appropri
ate for funeral services; the great
mellow tones of the organ are far
more expressive -and impressive
than any other music in the world.
Our magnificent pipe organ, is
placed at the disposal of all who
call upon us. Miss Myrtle Know
land, well known Salem musician,
has just taken charge of this part
of the service. ! ! .
' m i
Mr. and.Mr. Frank, Mi
Hazel Paden aBd Miss Robertson.
i -- - - - 1 ', IT -A
Powder and Supplv Co. 1
! ' Fainta and Vamiih
175 Sonta Commercial Phoa 723
-X Ll,"
Just an Auctioneer
2193, 1211 J
' . J
1 5. ! '
. V 1
r . ". j,
'r-.' ? T . . - .- " "
''. fx i i
l ' - . i - 1 1 r a
9 m iMaa1"""
' S er?l KN
w m '
zauinrai street
P.icnc 120 -.