THURSDAY MORNING, JUNE 4, 1925 re las si ft fed Seetfoai aleM's Great THE OREGON STATESMAN, SALEM. OREGON G Marift V f V -t C3 KPrX'IAL 5-ronm ImiM, lane lot witfc fruit and s-ardea. . Pri 200. Will take tijrht ear not ncr 70. Thomson, 331 is State street. i gaj . FAIRMOtTXT HILL HOME 1 orsted at -1673 Fir street corner' of Washington and tir streets. Kxtra fin hrnbbery. east fmnt. lot 100x150 feet. 6 rooms, batemeaL furnace, fireplsre, largo attic. Prieo lor quick sal $7400. l.asy terms. Let us. abaw . van this Imf, U is a real barcaia. ,W. M. GRABENHOKST CO. REALTORS.; 275 State St. ; Phone 315 - - . cm - .... - I-;; j. fcOMF. JACK OK ALL TRADES Here's O room house on valuable lot that (100 '.'down, balance exactly liVe rent with ail interest included in the 930 monthly payment, will buy. More in, fix to .nit tou and you rent will boy." Bath. ,.M water, on pavinr and ear at 1120 J - " 4'Xetnelref htVMf Il1iln,l i a t A wt la.. I aioa. Priced S3300. Beck a a: Hen dricks. U. 8. Bit. Bide. 63jUf. . , , REAL INVESTMENTS 25 a. suburban hem, good buildings, nice location, fro it and crop. . Easy tarnta or take residence. - 3 a. an bar ban tract : $1274. Coiy new 4 room bungalow $2000; easy terms, Investigate. , t 100 a. farm, cloae In, good buildings, paved road. Snan. Vasv terms. i ,. . lERRIXt. -ft MARSTERS. Gray Bid. 63J2tf : . i HOME SPECIAL A dandy down town rostanrant doiu; a monthly business? of approximately 2O00. I Special priea for short time. Part cah, . rest from business, i See a tor city property, aubnrban homes nnd farm lands. Call for free list. lUmo Realty Col. 169 i 8. High ! SC Phone 171ft." . j , S3j fcKST BUYS AND EXCFIANGE3 PRICED rubt 3 i acres 3 miles from Liberty; 15 cleared. 13 timber. 4 tot over, 1 acre Royal Ann cherries, house, barn, coop, price $4,0OO. - Want S2.650 in Salem residence or 'email acreage, balance to be assumed. 6 room new modern English type Loose, north, S400O. Terms. 40 acre dairy, 26 nnder irrigation, .. house, barn, silo, raraRe, 10 cows, v Wain, all implements. $6,500. Terms. 8OCOLOK8KY Real Estate and Unt, 34 State - - 63J2tf WOMAN. how to economise In the kitchen and prepare - simple, dainty, diet such , as teachers relish, will do well to lease thi bis hoase on Union near Capitol. 1 Kasy walk to Grant. Parrish. Garfield and Central High school. Pine con dition, all modern, fine, shady yard. . N PW MODERN One block from 4,IU" Parrish school : 1 00 feet from Cspltot street; buitt by owner for bin o-wn sm but' now going to live wit4t dangbter: 5 rooms down, room for 3 : op and stairway in; cement basement, .furnace, fireplace; very beat construc tion ;- finest material: inspect it with - microscope, yon can't find a flaw; lot 5xl5i; price $j750. BIG LOT 60x158. one block from Parrish school near Pacific Highway, $600. v : . CENTRAL ?&'2J2i Center; 8 room honse; fine big (bear ing walnuts, English and native; aer . eral varieties grapea and other fruit; -big barn; all for the price of the lot. Eay terms. Harry; it wen't last long. . ' - . , . . , , FINE L0T 79 VW CLOSE IN; pared : b-st residence sec'-ion ; offered at two-thirds its actual value by abundant comparison. j . ? . fllflH 6 ACRE TRACT on a lives nanton Avenne Utely graded and graveled; halt mile west of Com mercial street carline near summit of hgh ridre; beantifal fir trees; wonder .fill view; nest of sot I: cosy garage notie 16x24; fine garden fenced in ; newly dux well, fine water; contider abie wood, a tmly beautiful homesite in the cream of auburbaa loeetiona. Personally inspected and approved values: no diaappointmenta. i HARRIS ilSAouic Temple Phone 795, 1941-J "; 3j4 ; KEW HOUSE: 5 ROOMS, MODERN Ex cept fnrnaee and fire place. Priced accordingly. Teams. Also unimproved a ".re, 4 blocks achool. ear and I paved . road. . V. J. LAKKY. Phone 156M - j 3j9 $1500 00 BL'TS i A modern five-room bungalow: home located at 223 Union street, i Tiis bom is in good condition and is worth the money asked.' Terms. ' i W. H. GRABKVHORST CO. REALTORS. 1 275 State Su Phone 515 63j5 - SPECIAL 120 a. dairy farm, fair buildings, 80 acres of fine bottom land in 12 rows, boritcs and machinery. Mill trade . tor small farm near banem or .city prop erty. f -. . . Two acres witb good building, close in. A snap for $1750. Terms. -40 acres of river betton land i in crop. fiir buildings. ;A bargain for $3000. 3 room house, large lot with fro it for 800. Terms.. ! . room houe, , g- Salem, good Vuy for i vu. terms. ; L . f 35 acres with good buildings, close to town and hih school. Will trajde for small tract close in. : THOMASON, 33.14 State St.'!' 63J2tf ' LOOK : 5-room new boose and garage with 5 nice lots, must be sold this week for k" than house cost r f 2250 terms. THOMAS0X. 33 li State Street .,.-- -- f n- -I . . 63j4 GOOD DAI BT AND CREAMERY BUS! neks.. Owner is unable to do the work and will trade for a good business in K.ilcm as be has property iaterexta near by. Beit location in best town , in I lnho. rully equipped, doing a hi Dea of f-fty dollars daily, ran easily be increased. Small overhead eipense. Man with his own help ran make a for tune in few jwr. Will stand strict est invektigation and nothing but a good proposition considered in trade. Also have n fine herd of cows which must be - d?ned of by June 5th, Can give some terms on cattle' to responsible party. Give full par. ieulara in firt letter. Ad dress Valley View Dairy, Boise. Idaho. 3jne7 WHEN YO.U THIVK OF BTJT1NG. selling; trading.) or renting a home, think of L)rica and Roberts. We cau (ret yon just the place you want. -85. t A good 4'J-srre farm with "boildnji. j J"ne . bottom land; SO acres la. crop, balance pasture -and timber. Good location. A ' buy at f SOOO. Or will trade for boose in , town or other prop- erty. ' C. . A good 3 room bangalow on paved street.. Gars re. nice shade trees. A boy at $2oOO. ; Very easy terms.- .-',"'-'-., I 877. A 12-acre tract with new tt-room house. . 5 miles from Salem on paved roed. Very good soiL I ' Crop goes with place. $ 1000 or will trade for house in Saletn. 21. A 9-Toofn house and garage two blocks from State street. Price 2750. Very easy terms, i Lot 60x180. ' ,.'--1 .8601. A 5-room boose and garage on a large lot.: Plenty of fruit, and RE.1L ESTATE . I garden. A good location. A bargain at $2500 or will trade for smell acreage elose in. S. A fully smodern 5-room bungalow. Pine large rooms. Garsge. Pared street. Good location. Price $4200. Sew 4-room ontftlosr. Plst . tared. Jmst ready to move Into at 82250. , ...... "We write Tire Insorsnce. ' T. ULRICH i. E. R0BKRT8 23 Svrth Cota'l. Phonn 1S54. .... ,i. .. ,.' ;,. . .1 ;.; 3jT 63 IS MODERN HOMES AT 94350 and . 50OO we can show yon something bet tcr than yon novo seen . Oaa cash the other termi. rooms each, right now. Beck Hendricks, U. 8. Bk. Bide. 'r j :. JUii M :n J! :!: 63j4tf i- SI rooms, basement, - street 82850. parage, paved 4 rooms and sttie, modern Iconveni ences. $1400. , n ii 4 rooms, new, furnace, fine fruit. $3500.1 .: Mi-; I '. 1 ,.;,.! 5 rooms and attic, furnace, fireplace, 'hardwood floors, garage, fine view, just finished. $t.U9. i . : 9 rooms, X.' Cottage street, modern and in: fine condition $3000; will take smaller house as part payment. 1 These properties are priced right and eaty terms ran be bud on them. WIN'XIK PETTYJOHN. Realtor I'ire Insurance, 21S Oregon Bldgl -' ," ih; ;ri:hii': j 1 W2tf . ! SUBURBAN H0JiK 8XAP i $210O-t-Buj-s n 4-room plastered Bunga . low i with breakfast nook : full ere of had with fine Oak trees; electric ligits; city water;; near school and car line; THIS : BUNGA UlW JUST COMPLETED AND IS A ! SNAP. i. See .: : p.- i ' ... jr. W. H. GRABEXIIOR8T k CO. 273 State 8U. : u Phone 515 i . j . : j 63j5j . j THING OP PAST- GOOD PAIRMOUNT Hill lota nt $1200 and $1500 will soon be but a memory. We hate three buys todjy we are proud of. Becke Hen dricks. V. 8. Bh. Bldg. j - B3j4tf BEAUTIFUL SUBURBAN HOME 10 acres. . orehard. J berries, hay. Fine plastered house, bars, gara go, basement and fnrnaee. : Will fake in good house ; and lot to $2300. Cnll 180 K. Com mercial St. Room 4. j ! 3ml0tf ! 84000 BUYS , .. . ! ' r A j good : six-room .home located on I Otemeketa St, near' 15th street. Kent I ed' for 833 per month. " Terms. ii WtHj GRABENHORST k CO. 4.87 State St. j ', Phone 313 5 .. ; , C3J5 ' r ... CLOSE-IN SNAP $2250- Bay' a good 7-room home lo : cated ft blocks from Ladd'A Bush t Bank Bldg. Corner lot. on ear line, some frnit trees HERE 18 A REAL BARGAIN FOR YOU. W,i II. ORABEXU0RST CO. 275 State St.. i j ; , Phone 513 - .' f" ; 63j5 -i:, ! ' : ' FOR SALE HOOM ! HOUSE,! 2173 State, new garage, 4 : acre ground, beantifnl lecatien. best buy in ( Salem, only $2650. part cash, terms, i A,' White, waer, 169 8 Highj Tel. 1718.1 43jl0 FOR 8ALE MODERN f HOME i OF rooms. Excellent location. ! Lot 65a 165. j Cloae in. j Address 1051 Cheme keta or phone 1233 J. 63J18 FOR SALE 40 ACRE DAISY RAN'Cn located en main higliwsy, fire tailea out, 8J acres river bottom land, i all in al falfa, will make 80 to 100 tone this year, besides lots of pasture, j Kew mod ern bangalow with lights and water. large barn. - ; This is a money maker aa well as a fine home: place. If yon want the best em si farm in the Willamette Valley come in and let us shew yon. We have some bargains in houses. F. 14 Wood. 341 State St. 63-m30tf j : IXOK i IfERE -I :j i -Special Cut prices t j j ' on the following property for 3 days: Beautiful new j modern bungalow, 6 rooms including half acre of land. Best of aoU- i Price f 2230. Half cash. Coay; 4-Roomj Cottage 61500 ' only: 830O cash anij balance like rent. Ha electric lights city water; paving paid; fine location. A Real Home ,,,.;! - ! : ...4 i U for $10,500. Which cost the ' owner ... $12,500 to bnild a year age. Location best in town.i Nuf Sed. j SEE CHIt.DS BECHTEL ! Realtors. 540 State Street. : 63jttf Honest? to Goodness .i':;ji;'j Farms-,. ! We have Oreeon farms for frnit. ber ries, flax, grs in, stock or dairy, from 0 acres to OQ acres, every one worth 100 cents on the dollar, some stocked and in crop, Immediate possession, torma to fit your want. - Service to the honseseeker unequalled. Salem homes all sizes and prices, in all parts of the city. On terms, with out extra charge, i r 1 Building and View lots for the most exacting. Try our architectural service, il'a the best in town. i Loans, : Insurance. Investments t "i :. . I..: I :' Phone 1013 v.. . Oregon! Incorporated H I Realtors . 1 Victor ! Schneider " Ree'v Rooms 4-5-6 P'Arcy Bids.. Salem. Or. 'M .iii::(.j i! !,- .,-63-m30tf ACREAGE AND FARM 1 acre choice tract, anan .. 840O f acrea well improved, snap .... S30O0 11 acres, beautiful view tracts.. $7000 SO acre farm. : snap, per acre .... $100 70 sere fine farm, half cultivation, bal ance timber 'and pasture: good build in gi.. A real buy-r $90 per acre. Fine 330 acre farm, 250 under plow, balance timber and pasture. Fair Duiiaings; a springs on place. . . . : r or r arms SEP. CHILD3 4s BECHTEL - .Realtors. 540 State St. 63j4tf $ GOO' ACRES ! NEAR SALEM. ON i good gravel road and only a mile from pavement, good house and bara. 2 ebiek : en i booses. 400 laying hens aad 800 ; spring chickens. 2 good cows and farm implements and the growing crop all for: $3500 and he'll take a house in Salem op to $3000 aad this is the best t pportonity in Oregon: 13 acres out 3 miles With: big hoase and barn and ' running stream and 2 acres of straw berries aad aa acre of Ingsne and woa- derful land t and ; on , good gravel and ; only a mile from new pavement, ; price $2630 with $700 down: 3 acres with 5-room home and 2 chicken houses and 3 acres of fruit, on good gravel nnd i mile from now pavement, price 81500 ; with 87011 dewn: 63 acres elear and i t pre red 1 mile off of Pacific highway. to j trade for Salem borne; 30 .clear t bare acres on highway to trade for Sa : lent home; $-room semi-mo'tern borne for $3700 with bat $200 down: a nici little 3 room home with splendid lot ; and fine fruit trees for only $1600 , with 6250 down;' splendid home clrse : in j fine location, j corner lot, 7 rooms. price 83250 with: $500 down! McGILCHRlST: PEN N I NGTON 209 C. 8. Bank Bldgj - phone HO. "? ! - ! 63jtf MINUTE MOVIES THE BIG- VKf Uf APE VOU &IRDS Kfrit0V&BC&)6jJ HAPPEN KrJOUJ THAT CLLj WAS t2ENl IK: fchlL r-lPLD AIL AFTeaMCON mm REAL ESTATE 63 FIVE ACRES ON PACIFIC HIGHWAY :: north, . not-far .out, a lovely hosae site. j $33UO. Terms. ,,. -i A corner lot. East front. 2 room pi ss tered; garage, sewer connection, toilet, electric lights. $850. Terms. Small grocery in McMinnville, $500 living rooms in connection. Two-room plastered garage, electric . lights. Sink, toilet, nice lot with bear ing frnit. $1000. SEE J. A. MILLS, I 8314 fctste St. 6Jj5 SMALL APARTMENT HOUSES FOR sale. Priced 50O and $17,O0O. f 1000 , will handle either. You will not be disappointed nt investigation of either. Will make good home and investment. Both close in. Becke Hendrick. U. 8. Bk. Bldg. . r 63j4tf SIX-ROOM NEW MODERN BEAUTIFUL - home; east front, actractively located $10,500. . - ' - --- . ' -r ; - . Corner lot: large beautful home, east front $13,000. -Large home on North Summer street, everything modern, large lot f 15. OIK). - 6 -room house, new.: east front, paved street, well located $4750.00. 6-re,im house. South Commercial street .. 83500. ' --4-room house, all furnished; east front $1900. , . 4-room bonne, east . front, bath, paved street. 81650. New house, well located $2250. Beautiful country home, close in ' $6800. - (, Beautiful conn try "home on highway. Large modern house, furnace, sleeping porch, wster system, fruit and walnut trees, . 3-4 acre strawberries $6ftOO. -. Country home, large poultry bouse, new water piped everywhere $8,000. Will trade for 8alem resdieneet 6-acre country home. Close in $9,000. Will trade for Salem residence. Many choice lota at low pricea.' Fairmount lots, paving paid, east front 900. . ; lt on Norway street $659. f lts. close in on Union street $1200. BusineMi houses for ssle by OERTRUDK J. M. PAGE. : 492 N. Cottage. r. 63j3tf FOR SAL TWO VERY FINK VIEW Iota. Only $1000 apiece. Yon wilt have to net quickly. Fine ' earner tot on North Capitol , Street near Parrish achooL, Only 81.- 250. . . ; 20 acre farm in Hatelgreen district. Excellent soil. A bargain. Easy terms. 4S acre farm sear Monmouth, seat ' at Normal school. New baildiags. Very good soil. Price ia right. - - FOR RENT 5 room flat. WU1 lease far a year or longer. I RICH L. REIMAXH i Raaltor ' Phone 1013 463 State ft. TVArry Bide AS elltf ESTATK TRADES OS - : SWAP - !'' I offer a 5 room bungalow for a small arrears improved. A fair deal or none. Sea 'm; rnetaing, 3 II 8:ate St. "if- ". '- " 65-m30tf PPPPPPIPPPPPHP PPPP PPPPP. PPPPPPPPPPPPP P P , P P P P 1700 . 1700 P P P P EXCHANGES EXCHANGES P P P P . . r P P P P GO DIRECT TO , ' P P P P EXCHANGE HEADQUARTERS P P P P P P P P Offices Salem and Portland P P P P ; P P P P 1 The value of newspaper adver- P P P P tiling depends apoa fhe number P P P P of that newspaper's subscribers; P P P P the vslne of your telephone aerv- P P P P Ice depend upon the number of P P P P people yow csn reach ever your P P P P telephone; the greatest bargaina P P P P in merchandise t and the exact P P P P satisfaction of your needs are P P P P. found in the Iarget shopping P. P P P renters. Our list of exchsngea P P P P (the largest listing on the Pacific P P P P coast), guarantee your complete P P P P satisfaction regardless of your P P P P requirements. If yon would like P P P P to exchange your property TO- P P P P DAY. come in TODAY. See P P P P j PARKER FOR PROPERTY P P P P 409 US. Bank Bldg., Salem P P P P Telephone 2242 PP P P 6532tf . P P PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP REAL, ESTA Farms 07 FOR SALE 10 ACRES WELL JM proved; hoose, barn, prune orchard; rest la grain. 1 3-4 mile from Salem on highway, only $4250. with easy terms. Mnot be sold soon. Make of fer. A. White, owner, 169 S. High. Tel. 1713. 67jl0 REAL ESTATE ftaburban 60 V $10 DOWN $10 per month buys a good five acrea of land located on the main Asylum road about 1 V miles east of the City limits. ;: Trire $1500. .. - - W; H. GRABENHORST k CO. 275 State St. Puone 515 C9j5 T " JUST OUTSIDE CITT LIMITS. ONE . acre, 8-room modern henao, garage aad barn, water piped to Irrigate whole tract. Price $5,000 clear, want city residence property, will consider larg- J r deal. - - . f Wanted Large stock ranch for Satam property will assume, 10 acrea well im ptored. close to ' Salem, want Salem residence. For bargains nnd exchanges AVAXTED REAL ESTATE 71 p p ppppppppppppppp PPPPPPPPPPP-pppppp PP PP P P PP PP PP PP P P PP pp P P PP PP CALL ; PARKER . AND START PACKING P P PP P P : p p ? ! PP equal. P P PP Selling service without P P Our system never fails. Scien-, P P P P tific selling, backed by clean,- P P P P Intelligent sale.mansaip means P P PP RESULTS for YOU., We turn. P P PP .Prospects" into "Buyera.". P P P P We turn "FOR SALE" signs in- P P P P to "SOLD." All city property.; P P P P inspected, photographed aad sold. P P P P without sggravating delays. R-e PP PP PARKER FOR PROPERTY IPP P P 409 U. 8. Nafl Bank Bldg, P P PP - Commercial at Stata ; P P PP . Telephone 22 1'3 P P P P Offices in Salem and Portland P P PP 7Iml7-tf PP P P-P PPPPPPPPPPPPPP PPPPPPPP-PFPPPPPPP REAL ESTATE (All rights protected by The George SUUiews Adams tell him OWCE- HUfPV OP ASPHALT COLLEGE SENtS lUO OP MS PLAytRS APTC-R BiLL fS'jaiwT, HJUO MAS BAILED . -TO PEFOOT .f pr?ACT:r2 ; ' T& -TO Wf? MASN T ' ' ArJr TELL1M Vt5U TPAT H rcETTV Mao rr f I III AUTOMOBILES WANTED 77 Eiker Auto Co, We pay cash for Fords. 77ml2tf WANTED LATE MODEL CAR3 FOR Z wrecking. Cash paid. Mike's Anto Wrecking House. 245 Center. Phone 3!. 77m20tf USED CARS FOR SALE 79 fOHI) '32 TOURING CAR. GOOD RE PAIR. Tent and two folding cots. Good repair. 8. P. Obershaw, 1709 Ferry St. 79J7 BETTER USED CARS 1919 liberty Six Tour. ..$175.00 1920 F. B. Chev. Tour. . $15o. 1920 Chevrolet Tour. , ,.$115.00 1922 Chevrolet Tour. ?230.0O 1923 Ford Tour $235.00 NEWTON CHEVROLET CO. 79j4tf USED CAR SPECIALS Dodge roadster in Al shape $375 21 Ford Sedan, best of condition $225 Dnrant. practically new $600 BURDETT-ALBEE MOTOR CO. GARDNER DEALERS 217 State St. Phone 937 , 79J2tf BUY Guaranteed used Ford cars from aa anthorixed Ford dealer. Roadster, non-starter . , $75 Roadater. starter . .. $160 Roadner, lata model ..$335 Touring, non-starter ,..$100 Touring, . starter $165 TEP.MS Valley. Motor Co. 260 K. High. . Phonel995 7ma41tf USED CARS Oakland 6, 54 B, 1925 mod el touring with factory glass inclosure. Gabriel annbbera. License. Deleo, four wheel brakes, etc. A bargain now. Addresa 440O. cstre Statesman. 7iJ4 GOOD USED PARTS) rOR HALF OR less. Why pay moral Money . back Sarnntaw Beheelar Auto Wracking i.. Look for the arsars front. Day hone 819. Night phone 603. 1085 Commereiaw St. " Bniit to cave money. 79 iiatf Buy Better Used Cars From Powell Oakland Touring; plenty of - extraa , and a real buy at a right price. . Ford touring; new paint and tires; with license at $125. , , Fred M. Powell Motor CARS Cottage and Ferry 9j3tf CERTIFIED AUTOMOBILES 192H Buiek-6 tooring...:: 860O : Thia car has been drive only , 9000 miles. Lots of extras. ' 1924 Buick-4...... . $795 . New style . of lines, 4-wheel - r : brakes. Looks and runs like . new. 1923 Essex-4 touring $690. - A delightful .car to drive . 1922 Overland sedan. .. .... $190 : An especially well cared for car . . 19tt4 Chevrolet roadster .. $475 - First class .condition 4 1923 Star touring. S30O,r : Overland touring - 8250 t CERTIFIED PUBLIC MOTOR I . CAR MARKET . . i Half block N. of Postoffieo 79-ra30tf " l t LATE MODEL, USED 1 CARS . At prices-thst jrill please yon. 1924 Ford touring. 1923 Chevrolet touring. - j 1924 Star eoope. 1924 Oldsmobile 4 pass, coups. 1925 Oldxmobilo roadster- t 1924 Gardner touring. - Templar sport touring. " ' In fact most anything that ywn would care to buy. - - . a. s A email deposit will hold any," car that you may select. . We Give Terms "AFTER WE SELL WE SERVE" ' F. W. PETTYJOHN CO. j 865 N. Commercial St. Phone 1260 79m27tf SEE THESE BEFORE YOU BUY 1924 Gardner sport, fine mechsniral condition, lota of extras . $850 194 Durant, original tires. A snap at - - $600 1921 Ford sedan, fine mechanical condition,- good -rubber, A good buy for ..r- $200 BURDETTE ALBEE MOTOR CAR COMPANY , ' 217 State Gardner Distributors for Oregon 79-m30tf SPECIAL SALE ' TO CLEAR OCT ALL USED CARS Essex Sedan. . - . Franklin Roadster. Hnnmobile Touring. ' Willys-Knight Touring. , Nash Touring. Yon cannot appreciate these cars un til you cows and try them. It please ns to plesse yon. . Come and call an us. R. N. MACDONALD Marmons aad Cleveland's Phone 793. 256 State St. Biker's Touring Touring Coupe Sedan Eiker Auto Co, Our usual guarantee behind all cars Liberty Street a Ferry Phone 131 56 RELATIVES LEFT TACOMA; June 2. Leaving 5C relatives, tncludins bis wife, three sons, four daughters. 25 grand children; and 23 great grandchil dren, William Haney, : 79, died here last night. He was a na tive of Ohio and had resided in Tacoma for 12 years. '' To come were at AWD MAKE rr DAV Bl? 2" 2 50 s rr UJeW. WE MUST HAVE BEtr A.iK OR. - t LE-PT wiM OWLV A Uiy A we MA3 ABfrr VV THERE rTMCN av 1 . . f . - V ' 'r " " CLASSIFIED Of Rcliabl Business AMBTTLANCB GOLDEN AMBULANCE PIIONE8 609 and M.Mt. Ist or ni-ht service. f!4f AUCnONXEES ,"" F. N. WOODRY Expert Livestock, fnrniture, rtal estate AUCTIONEER -Res. 1610 K. , Summer Phone 511 for sale dates. G. SATTERLEE i Auctioneering' 147 North High street. Phone 1293 or 121 t-.f jne 12tf ACCOTJNTANT C. ED. ROSS, ACCOUNTANT AND Aud itor, 331 H State. Phone 2098IL - al7-26 BATTERY AND ELECTRICIANS ft. D. BARTON EX. IDE BATTERIES starter aad generator work; 171 South Csninrrrial. 'k Phono 19$ ; COURT IT. JOB WILLIAMS ' i BICTCXES AND REPAIRING LLOYD E. RAMSDEN DAYTON BlCY- ctes and repairing. 387 Csmrt. BRAKE XBXZirXKG RAYBESTOS BRAKE STATION 273 Smith Commercial St. Phone 102; i9tf CHINESE BMSY L. L, DICK L.! M. HUM i Chinese Medicine Company Help any known disease. 420-426 State. s-30tf CHIROPRACTOR DR. O. L. SCOTT, PSO CHIROPRACTOR. Nevrotstometer seryice. 416-19 U. 8. Bank Bldg. Phono 87. Res. 828-R. H. B. 8COFI ELD PALMER CHIROPRAC- tor. 32 Oregon Bldg. Phone 2194. m3tf DRESSaCAKINQ PRINTED CARDS SIZE 14" BY 7" wording, "Dressmaking;" price 10 centa each. Statesman Business Office, '" Ground floor. il ' MRS. C. E. MII.LER. HEMSTITCHING, stamping, buttons. Room 10, over Mil ler's Store. Phono 117. ELECTEICLANS SALEM ELECTRIC CO. MASONIC building. Phone 1200. ) ELrXJTRIC FIXTUR:S - AND SUPPLY Co, Phone 1924, 212 X. Liberty. - F L E E N E R ELECTRIC C O. House wiring by hour or contrsct. Es timates furnished. Phono 98U 471 Court St. I ETE EAR NOSE THROAT Dr. Harold M. Brown EYE, EAR, N0SR AND. THROAT. 320 V. K. Bank Bldg. Phone 213t. j-Utf PARK PAPER IF YOU , .WA JT TO GET THE BEST farm' paper "send 15 to the Pacific . . Homestead, Salem, Oregon, for a three months trial 'subscription. - Mention - ' this. ad. I ; .,- . it - POULTRY MEN SEND EIGHT TWO rent stamps for special three months' trial for the best and oldest journal in the west. The articles aad advertise ments are 'of special interest to the poultry breeders ' of the Northwest. Northwest Poultry Journal, 211 Com mercial street. Salem, Oregon. ' FINANCIAL FOR SALE FIRST AND SECOND Mort gages, Trust Deeds, Coatracta on houses .Will net 6 to 80. BECKE k HENDRICKS u. a. et i nana. n FARM. LOANS PLENTY OF MONEY to loan on good farm security. CITY LOANS We are loaning Pro ' dential Inauraaco -Company money on city residences and business property, at 5lii, plus a eommissioa. Hawkins 'k Roberts, lac, 203 Oregon Building. ; i d-14tf Farm Loans ANDERSON k RUPERT 406 Oregon Building IX0XISTS CUT FLOWERS. WEDDING BOUQUETS f oners! v wreatha, - dree rations. O. F, Breithaupt, florist, 123, N. Liberty. Pho. 30. ' '" PTJWERAL DIRECTORS it SALEM MORTUARY. FUNERAL DIREC tr. 21 0 Center. Phooe 1658. HEMSTITCHINO SALEM , ELITE HEMSTITCHING pleating, buttons, stamping and needle work: 32 Oreron Bids". Phone 87. INSURANCE Insure Your home or car now . Phone 161 BECKE k HENDRICKS U. S. Bank "Idr. LITE INSURANCE NEW YORK LIFE Ervin P. Smith, Uarley S. Pugh. Owen F. Ogdea. Ore (im Hid;., city pbone tg.. J 1 6 LAUNDRIES CAPITAL CITY' LAUNDRY Phone 165. Service with n smile. Quality work. 1264 Broadway. . i i-l4tf TRY THE HOME WET WASH LA UN dry. Phone 171.-1356 B Street. Jlftf SALEM 'LAUNDRY COMPANY 316 S. Liberty street. Phone 25. oldest larg est and best. Established 1869. Service Trade lUrk registered U. must &E CRAZV. "STAyiMtS ; THE tAME ' tu& SEVD?AL PLAO?5 WHLL0. r MAS BILL BEEM TiERG TW'S . APTP&AJOOM WIS WAvre BUSINESS DIRECTORY and Professional Firms Arranged ia Alphabetical Order for Quick Ileferenee ! utpraa TAILORING D. If. MOSIlER-4-TAILORr 1X)R and women. 474 Court St. MEN MATTER S5ES MATTRESSES RENOVATED BY THE Capitol City Bedding Co., 1190 North Capitol. Called for aad delivered. All snrk gnaranteedl Phone 19. fltf UZDXCAX. MOUNTAIN BALM COUGH REMEDY Phone 517-W. I MTJSIC STORES SHERMAN CLAY! CO- PIANOS Steinwaya. Duo-Art and othera. Moore's ' Musie Hunse, 415 Court street. GEO. C. .WILL PIANOS. PHONO graphs, sewing machines,' sheet music, and piano studies. - Repsiriag phono graphs and sewing machines. 433 State street, Salem. j TRADE YOUR OLD PIANO FOR A NEW Victor or Brunswick. 11. L. Stiff Furni tnre Co.. Mnste Dept. NTJESERY STOCK FRUIT. NUT Pesrey Bros. AND SHADE TREES 237 State. 1 PACKING AND SHIPPING FOR EXPERT FURNITURE PACKING aad shipping, call Stiff's Furniture Ptore.. Phone 941. ' - PAPBXHAMOUTCr AMD PAIKTtKO J. N. GANIAR-b ROY SHOEMAKE Phone 18C4-J Phone 494 Ok S Paint Company Painting, Paperhanging June 8' PHONE GLENN ADAMS FOR HOUSE decorating, paper banging, tinting, etc. Iteliable workman. PIANO TTJITEXS EDWARD WE LP EXPERIENCED Pi ano tuner. Leave ordera WiU'a Mnsie Hi ore. - l pLTTMxnf a PLUMBING AND GENERAL REPAIR work. Graber Bros., 141 Liberty St. Pbone 550. I , M9tf RADIO SPLITDORF RADIO. SALES AND SERVICE ' No better radio; made at any prica $aam Cms QUALITY CARS : High and Trade ft3tf . RADIO DOCTORS s SALEM ELECTRIC CO. i F. S. BARTON, Proprietor! Masonic Temple Pbone 1200 Radiolas ' For Every Purpose Every. Purse AH Standard Sixes of Radio Tubes . - ... . 1K k EOKF ELECTriTC SHOP 337 Crt St. Phone 4 REP AIRING , ALVIN B. -STEWART ' 347 Coiort St. : Umbrellas, Cutlery end Keys Lawnmowers,1 raxor-blades, sossors, knivey sad tools sharpened. RtJra CLEANING Vapo Method. Work guaranteed.. Low prices Free demonstration Phone 1950J : Jlyl SCAVENGERS SOOS' SCAVENGER SERVICE GAR- bage and refuse of all kinds removed . by the month. .Reasonable rates. Cess pools cleaned and dead animals re moved. . Phones! Office 35 or 979, Res. 2038. I ' - - : - SECOND HAND GOODS WANTED EVERYTHING IN CLOTH itur and shoes. ' Best prices paid. Cap ital Exchange, 342 North Commercial. Phone 1368-WJ ' STOVES. AND STOVE REPAIRING STOVES REBUILT AND REPAIRED 40 years' experience. Depot National fence, sue 26 to 58 in. hi;h. ; r-ainta. oils and varnishes, etc.. loganberry and bon hooks. Salem Fence and Stove Work. 250 Court street. Phone 124 STORAGE WE STORE YOUR HOUSEHOLD Goods or anything you have, by the week. month or year. P.- A. fctker, corner Liberty and Ferry. Phone 12 d-14tf TRANSPORTATION THE PARKER STAGE LINES , . Announces " , - " - - - f . r ' Two Schedules to Mt. Angel t ' and return daily. j Call 696 for times, fans aad; i' " ' . !- other information. t 1 Other service I to Silverton. lisllss. lalis City. Independence. Monmouth, Amity. McMinnville, and direct con nections for Forest Grove, II illsboro, Sheridan, HcbO, Tillamook, and Way Points. -..;,.-;."' : Hire one of 'our bosses for yonr picnic or beach. excursoin. - ro'J3tt Classified Ads in The Statesman bring Results 8. FaUent Office) ffjME t?LAV. LStS CO To 'SVOIFT' RCOM AMO ASK' TU& MAT con CERA1M3 Him er- SV'TUB" VUM6RrJ - TVrr COCU AS A THIS It; TUB, AMI SMUX - ' vuwat WAEAJT MOUSE - ' I 7 " r. Ji. I 1-'40LV l" 7 A rGNE HSR r TBANSTER AND HAULING TRANSFER AND HAUUNO OF ALL kinds. Fliona 19F3.- --- CAPITAL: CITY TRANSFER CO. 226 State St. Phone 933. Distributing, for warding and storage our specialty. Get onr rates. - WE MOVE. STORE AND SHIP HOUE - hold goods. -Our specially is' piano atwl furniture moving. We also make conn try tripa. We handle the best ens.1 nnd wood. Cnll on us for prices. We give good measure, good ejuslity and good service. Lsrmer Transfer Co. Phone 930. WATER 8 .U.EM WATER. LIGHT k POWER CO. Office 304 South Commercial St. Ten per cent discount on domestic flat rates' paid in advance,' No 'deduction for absence or any csnse unless water is shut off your premises. Sausage Meat Causes Death of Baby Elephant BERLIN German sausage, it is believed, was the- cause, recently of the death of Mampc, an Afri can baby elephnat, which, with his twin brother, Karl, .was given to the Berlin zoo a few months ago. The twins had become the pets of the elephant house, but since the death of, Mampe the other isrin conaolable and refuses to, eat. , " Mampe died - froml stomach trouble after; a week's illness, rausedj the veterinarians believe, by meat given to It by some child. Animal experts of the zoo have found Indian elephants more tardy and adaptable to h diet which a n'othern zoo affords than those from Africa. ROAD WILL REORGANIZE EASTKRX ItAILWAY TO BE COXTIVOL.L.KD BY NEW' FIU1 i NEW YORK, June 2 (By As sociated Press.) The complete plan,, for the reorganization of the Chicago.. Milwaukee and St. Paul railroad in receivership since March 18 last, was made public tonight by Kuhn, Loeb & Com pany, the National City, company, as reorganization managers.' It provides for an exchange of NOTICE TO P1.U3IBIXG, HKAT IXG AXI ' KXKnAL i COX- sTurcrrnix coxtiiactous Sealed proposals lor furnishing of labor and material for the lull completion of Plumbing, Keating, and General i Construction; lor a new building, and additions to pre sent buildings, to be erected on the property of the Oregon State Tuberculosis hospital, about 5 Va miles southeast of Salem, Oregon, will be opened by tbV Oregon State Board of Control,-et 2 p. m., June 17. 1925 at the Capitol building. Salem,; Oregon. 1 A certified check in the amount of ten percent of the total amount bid ia )to be filed with the propos al, and be djawn to the order ol Carle Abrams. Secretary. Oregon State Board of Control, to guaran tee that the bidder will enter intt a contract and execute the requir ed bond; same shall be forfeited t the Oregon State Board of Control if award of contract ia made to bidder and he or they shall fail to enter into a contract and furnish the required bond w'.thin ten days from the award of contract. Con tractor will be required to accept the terms of the Workmen's Com pensation . Act, unless other ar rangements are made with the board.!' !''''" ' 'j " i ., Plans and specifications may be obtained from '-Orlo R.: W. Hos- sack. : architect, 411 ..Worcester Bldg., Portland, Oregon: and Carle Abrams, 'Secretary, -Oregon State Board of Control, Salem, Oregon. Contractors' will be required to de posit $25 for the plans and sped flcatlona To iusure the return of same. "" -,j "''; Proposals j snail be f made on forms1 furnished by the architect The envelope to be marked "Pro posal lor Heating." "Proposal for Plumbing." or ."Proposal lor Gen eral Construction.', j " i i The right is reserved to accept or reject any or all bids or to waive: any informalities In bids. . CARLE ABltAMS, Secretary, Oregon Stale Board of Control ! m-31; J 1-9-11 By ED WHEELAN " BILL? ZCfciZ AS frCAT FLLES2 S. I I DOMTMiSS EPISODE SURE Ht CD aw- In more than $404,000,000 In .securi ties making possible the liquida tion, or funding of all the bhort term debt of the road, includluK government loans and Involves tin assessment,ot 528 a share on'ilie preferred stock and $32 a share on the common stock. The reorganization plan ... baii been approved and adopted by the several . protective . committees formed to represent the bonds and stocks of the St. Paul at the -timo the road weat into the receiver ship. ! )': - Completion of the plan within three months . after. . the appolnt fl.ent of the receivers auggests the bop. It was stated today, that tn-i receivership may be of compar atively sThprt duration. 4 Simultaneo-usly with tha an- nnunrement. 4 rail is being sent first to all security holders to de posit under the plait. As soon as rienonits of securities Justify it. application will be made to the interstate commerce cotnmiosiou for theapproval,of.the neF secur ities. - j -.v. ." ".-". . "" Vegetarianism Originates in Childhood, says uocicr LONDON. May30. The jviycli- ological origin of vegetarianism often unconsciously takes plac during childhood, it was explained recently by Dr. David Forsyth, a physician of note and former pres ident i of the Psycho-Neurological society, in a lecture on "Diet and Psychology." ! Illustrating how j certain inci dents take root ln a child's mind and showed themselves in adult H,fe witbj regard to taking food. Dr. Forsyth took aaan example a child,! who at an larly nge. had hu.n frtirhtflned bv a larEe collie dog. ! The dog ran after the child and barked and the child qum naturally thought -the animal was a-nine-i to kill and eat him. After that he had a morbid fear of kill ing anything, and refused flesh of all kind that had to be killed be fore jit could be eaten, from that time onward the child was a vneetarian. he nald.i This, addct the speaker, was the pnycbologlcal origin of vegetarianism. Most vegetarians.; he pointea out, gave as their reason for not eating meat the Tact: tnat-tnev nis--liked the thought of taking llfo. and most vegetarians had thit fear in early childhood oi ucins killed themselves. Tuneful Young Swedes Plan Tour of America STOCKHOLM. Fifly youns singing yikings who hope to rap ture the American heart throuK?i the beauty and harmony of tlirlt voices, are preparing to invade the tfnitprl Ktntrw early in June. Tfcf J are all members of the Stockholm Students' Singing Society, whict comprises the various higher in stitutions of learning located lu the Swedish: capital. . ' Einar Rair. who has cotfehed the singers for the past eight' years, wilj direct the American trir and the first concert will be. gives-ia New York June 4. The Itinerary will take the students from New England to the Pacific coast. Turn to the Classified pas. There's a bargain there awaiting you. ' ;; ' " BIDS WAXTKD Sealed bids will be receivod Jv the county court of Marlon county Oregon, up to 1 o'clork p. m., on Wednesday, June 17, 1925. for hauling 4000 cubic yards of gravel from the Silverton Crusher onto the roads in that vicinity. , Specifications nd bidding rorms can be had at the county clerk's office. ... The county reserves the rist to reject any or all bids. U. G. B0YER, County Clerk. Jne 4 and 12 KXECLTOK'S NOTICK Notice is hereby given, that the-, undersigned was dnly appointed executor of the last will and estate of Chester F. Lansing, Deceased, by order of the County Court of the! State " of Oregon for Marion County, on the 20th day of May. 1925; and that all persons havius claims against nld estate ar) hereby requested to present tlu-ir respective - claims, " with prop r vouchers, duly verified, to tho undersigned executor at Ladd 4c Bush, Bankers. Salem, Oregon, within six, months from the data of this notice. .. Dated June, 2nd, 1925. Ladd & Bush Trust L'ompanr. Executor. ; Johu Baync, Attorney for V.xt cutor. J-4-1 1-1 8-25 July-2. lima wanti;d . Sealed, bids will be reccired l y the County Court of Marion Couu ty. Oregon, up to One O'clock p. M. Wednesday, June 10, l'J'ZZ, for furnishing and drlivcrln;? 1' cords of sound second grovtU fir wood.. Delivery to be made at tlo V i lem Paving riant at tLo foot c Hood Street. H Bids to be filed with the C ty Cleric and r:ark I i.t Wood." - Tis Co'-zt7 r:::rr-i V : : to reject any as 4 all i: -. U. O. BOTEK, Co-Jiiity C ; . J-4-5-6,