" THE OTtEGOlt STAT Loll AN, SALEli, OIllIGO:! THURSDAY TtORNING, JUN 4, 1S25 1 V 4- 4 B'- iW : a It uil 1 CITY NEM& m ,1 OarWeatTWMariJ L More Rain Unsettled, probably -occasional 1 Khowm: llaiit 'south west winds. Max. 02; Min. 46; RltW 2JI fls - 4tS Rainfall .44 Inches; Atmos 1 ; phere cloudy Wind south. f L AT THE THEATERS TODAY CMresoB-"Pampcred Youth" f roin Booth ; Tarkington norel "The t Magnificent Ambersons." ' Ubcrty Richard Dix ln ; "Men and Women.' nilh "Ti T?q r.fnnt Tlnv" - ;! Pet Squirrel Killed j- Because it possessed a too trust ing disposition, one of the pet gray sanfrrels at state honse was killed fednesday. The little animal Was run over by a passing motor isjt who was a little careless in his driving. The squirrel ; are so tame that their attitude is prac tically a dare. Why Kef DHre A real good car? It wilt cost less money to own and drire the 1923 Studebaker touring which i the Certified Public Motor Car Market has for sale at 1750 than : 1t would to take the "first year's depreciation on a cheap new car. Traffic Men "Mugxed" . All of the state trarfic force. In convention here, were photo graphed at the-state house yester day. The 10 men recently added to the , force have ;been equipped with brand new motorcycles for the summer season. There, are now 24 state traffic men in addi tio nto T. A. Raffety, chief state trafr officer. Kenneth Bloom of Albany, is assistant chief. - Anotiier Good Uaace At Turner Saturday night. J 4 'judge Hant Returns J. T. Htlnt, Marion county judge has returned to Salem after making a four day trip to Pendle ton where he visited his son. He ,was accompanied on the trip by Mrs. Hunt, and Mr. and Mrs. if. E. Tait. of Stayton. Mrs. Tait is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Hunt. During the trip which was made by auto, j Hendleton, La ' Grande and other points were vis ited. The party also 'stooped at Meacham and viewed the monu ment erected In honor to the late President Harding-' in memory of hisl presence at the formal cele bration of the opening ot the Oregon Trail. . I To Slake Home Hero i ' Arthur McCIeanr former resi dent of Edmunston, Canada, Is planning to bring his family here to estblish ai home, i He is con nected with a prominent insurance company. ; - Bolt Hits Motor A stroke of lightening sent 'a heavy charge of electricity Into the line feeding the Oregon Grav el company's large 250 volt motor and burnt out the coils, render ing it useless! Tuesday afternoon. No general electrical disturbances was. felt In the city," but the bolt happened to strike close 1 enough ito the works to cause the serious 4amage. It Is U impossible . to 1 . . . . v .- . . - - The young fellow wants a smart suit a live -vire suit full of snap and go. Beautiful pencil stripe effects, smart new mixtures in snappy colorings. "x Prices $18, to $45 1 ' "" '-' : ' ' " j ' ' ' 1 " . . - J 1 . i ; ' ( . - ; Our clothes service is yours looking or buy ing just as you choose. ' G. W. Johnson & Go : 469 State Street secure 'repTacffiflt' f the parts in this city, but efforts were made to mate the, purchase in Portland. It'is 'expeetedi.4.he motor will be repalfei--"Jjlthln a few days and work, will be resumed in. scooping irayel out "the -bd of the Wil lamette river; ; : '' Tickets Now On Sale or .&farle-LouUe ITarft concert. June 10, at the following places, Moores Blusie House, George C. Will Music Hous4, Pattons Book Store and the French Shop, 11 5 N-Hlgh, A Uoilar and a Dime." Inland Empire Prosperous Miss Kathryn : Gunhell," local photographer has returned from a business trip in eastern Oregon and Washington, where she states many signs of prosperity are pres- ent. The wheat fields are in fine shape and despite the huge loss suffered by the , farmers in that section of the state a big crop la expected.' Stui visited Walla Walla and expressed surprise at the ex tended truck gardening and fruit raising that has been- developed there. " ; . " ' : :' Washing Afachlnes "Popular ; One carload "of electric wash ing machines are to be shipped In the city for immediate sale, ac cording 'to information from the offices of the Portland Electric Power company. . Extensive t de mands have been made for the machines here, j ! ' - Boxing Salem Armory "Frankle Lewis vs. Speck Woods, 10 three-minute rounds. Bill Hunt ts. B. Murphy, 6 three-minute rounds. Friday night June 5, 8:30. , J5 Opinions are Jlailed " In compliance ' to an act of the 1825 legislature, Arthur S. Ben son, chief clerk of the supreme court, has had copies of the opin ions handed down Tuesday print ed and these are now being mailed to all the circuit judges of the state. 'IVI Letter 1.4 Received ' A letter 'to "Governof Pierce from Hubert Work secretary of the Interior, was received Wednes day. The; letter pertains to the license granted, i the .Washington Irrigation ihdUDevelopment com pany by the federal poWer "com mission for a project at Priest Rdpida. Data .and information re quested by the governor will be furnished. The governor protest ed the. construction of the dam be cause it was feared that it would prevent salmon from going up the Columbia river to their spawning grounds. . ' ' Six Births Reported Certificates of .birth for ,four girls and 'two boys werje reported to the tity health officer yester day. Shirley Ann Elliot is the name given to tfre baby "girl bom to Mr. and Mrs. Paul S. Elliott, residents of Oakland; 1 The birth occured in' a local hospital. Bonnie Arlene Dorman was brn to ; Mr. and Mrs. William , Dorman , of 1308 North ; Commercial street. May 19; Lucile Elma W'alker, is the name given to the baby daugh- . i , , , . , , , , j ,i i 1 FOTSlNMJKMATTOjf AEOUT RAILROAD TRIPS OREGON ELECTRIC ' ; ti- f..t ... ,. LA.DD & BUSH, Bankcra ii.'i )lr oZCabll&bed 1868 " ! V--. . ... I IfHr-li ii m-t . .. Tl :;:f : CTSti TZ&Ztt XrcrJ 1 aV fj. tJ S p, ". j.-' .-4r: X:. 1 BRIEF ter born to Mr. and Mrs. Paul R. Walker, of Route 2. May 27. Mr. and Mrs. F. Ray Felker of 1370 North Church street- have given the name of Frances Rae Felkef to the baby daughter born May 25. , Edward Newman, Jr is the name given to the baby boy born to Mr and Mra. Edward Newman at 645 Ferry. N6 name hai been selected for the baby son born to Mr. and Mrs. Paul Sam Gold, 246 Marion, June 2. Chicken Pie Supper Middle Grove.' W. M. S. indefi nitely postponed. J4 Fraternity Incorporates Articles of ' Incorporation have been filed With the tate" corpor ation' commission by Sigma Tan fraternity,"-of Willamette univer sity. ThS mount Is $706o and the Incorporators Dwight . : ... Findley, Clarence Phillips, Oscar White, James McClintock and Merle Bon ney. Ticket Kow On Sale For Marie-Louise D'arc concert, June 10, at the following places, Moore's 1 Music House, George C. Will MusicVHouse Pattons Book Store and Jthe French: Shop, 115 N. High, "A Dollar and a, Dime." New Principal Visits ' C. W Cavenner,vnewly elected assistant-principal of the Salem high school was in the city yester day, where he spent part of the day in getting acqualhed with his new position. Mr. Cavenner has been assistant principal at Cor vallls, and comes to this city highly recommended, according to George W. Hug, city , superinten dent of "scholia. School Work In the Salem public scdobls will con tinue until the Wednesday of next week, and the remaining days will be used by the teacher's and prin cipals in . getting the school rec ords in shape for the closing ex ercises Friday morning, when the children will be given their report cf :'!.;:'! ; 4'; -'y J' RaQIo Half Pricei ": Ali parts go at half price. Radi cal reductions on sets. It will pay you to buy this week: Salem Elec tric Co., Masonic Temple. ' ; 27 Picnic Ts Planned A ne angle was injected in the tri-city 'picnic-of ther Rotiry club, when the Eugene organization put, in a bid to meet with the other Wlllamete valley orgahiations. Sa lem, Corvallis, and McMinnville planned to hold a joint' picnic at the Rickreall grove, but with the new plans, another place may be selected. l'; 1 - Campus Is Decorated A brown jug, a pair .of coveralls, a number of articles of track equipment, and ' various ' other draperies ,were found, on , the '. flag pole on the "Willamette university campus at an early "hour .Wednes day morning. The concensus of " Crystal Gbtdmsv . . BlcEIroy's. Orchestra ; ; Wednesday Night ; "McElrby's" Blajestic Ofchestra Saturday NXht . ... - v .... tl Ho B icny lte. model Ilht cars almost tb mu as nw. such u: 192i--Sport model star Toarinx. 192 Ford tooriag. ' ' 1924 Overtaa OMft 84aa. 1924 Ford Gobjm. llies eitn arc. in excellent etfndi tin and can M oM at a treat sav ins U th new onyer. S them today. il n opinion among , the students was that the articles, were placed there as a prank by some of the stu dents who felt the seed ot mental relaxation from the strain of the final examinations being held this week. ' The articles were removed before many of the students had come upon the campus. Graduation Gift ; At special prices. - See our win dows. Salem Electric Co., Masonic Temple. . 27 Reunion Planned The 1924 -Willamette university men's glee club Is to meet for a reunion and ; lawn party - at the home of Hugh Bell, former man ager. during the coming week-end. Extensive preparations are -underway for the: first reunion of the organization. -: Irrigation Bills Now Due ; ' Flat rate irrigation bills are sub ject to a discount of fo per cent if paid on or before June 10. Resi dences with even numbers will ir rigate Monday, Wednesday, Fri day and Sunday. Residences with odd numbers will irrigate Tuesday Thursday, Saturday and Sunday. Hours 6 to 8 a. m. and 5 to 9 p. m. ' 0-10 Little Girl Injured ' 'Doris "Miller, two year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Chester Miller accidently ran an indelible pencil into her left nostril, break ing off the lead point and thus causing serious interference in the nasal passage She was operated on here yesterday, under a local anesthetic, and was well on , the road to recovery, except for r ill ness resulting from the operation. Dr. Marshall, Osteopath! ' . Physician and surgeon j4 Three Licenses Issued Three marriage licenses were is sued in the county clerk's office yesterday. - They were taken by William Holt and Gladys Roberts both of Route 2, Gervaisf George T. Rush" and . Magdalene Regina Siefer, both of Route 2, Gervais; Lawrence C. Van Handle and Re gina Gescher, both of Route . 1, Turner. Slashing Reductions - : On glass shades for electric fix tures. See our windows. Salem Electric Co., Masonic Temple. 27 Boys Receive Treat- Ticket sellers who were victor ious in the two divisions of the Salem Boys' Chorus were present ed" with their well earned prize yesterday at the ice cream feed held at the YMCAv Earl Mund inger and Earl Pelten won the $2 prizes while Victor Wolfe and Frank , Wlllard secured the $1 prizes. About 50 boys were pres ent at the. meeting. v Two Lots $430 Trees and view, south near schools. Good soil etc. Why pay more. Becke &' Hendricks, U. S. Bk. Bidg; j4tf Requewts Are Honored , j Telegrams hav e been received by Governor Pierce from Secre tary of the Navy Wilbur and by Col. Carle Abrams from Senator Charles - L. McNary, that the re quests made by - the commission STARTS FRIDAY 11 l w m m Oregon Pulp aRd Paper Co; C&Iexn, Oretm - , I Sulphite and ZlaniLi ' X7rzpinz also Catehen Trx . pirci AC it: 2 liichliS Paper, Greaseproof, Gl2li, Tfrpi Ccad, TIJ CetttzJ tzf?t'jLl'Jl:21 1 ;'; through tne governor for the re turn -at the $ 2 5,0 6 o silver service set and other equipment to the battleship Oregon have been granted and the equipment order ed back on the vessel prior to its start for Portland on June 8. The craft will be improved 'thremgh ont as requested. Including a thorough renovation of the inter ior. Col. Abrams as chairman ot the commission .will receipt for the vessel. . , . Homes on Terms t Three to hlne 'rooms. ' $100 to $ 50 Odown balance just like rent. Your rent . can be buying , your home in the best place we know to own real property. Three new listings today in $2000 to S3300 class. . Immediate . possession 1 on many. Phone 'ns today : and you will never pay another rent. Becke & Hendricks c Si Bfc Bidg. :t ., . ; ; . I :;.. . utt Call for Joseph B. : Rogers ' The National Identification bu reau, which is represented in Sa lem by the Webb undertaking par lors, is catling for. Joseph B. Rog er. ; He was last heard from; at Boise, Idaho, and he was supposed to be coming to Salem, Oregon. There is good news for Joseph B. Rogers, if he will respond to this can. . v . '.-"f; I Wish to Thank .j,"--..!! 1 F. N. Filsinger for returning my purse to bank. Mrs. Elva Smith, route 8, box 42". J4 Seniors. Will Picnic t J! Members of the ..senior class at the Salem high school will, hold their annual picnic at Halls Ferry today. All seniors will meet at Willson park about 9 o'clock for final arrangement. : The picnic is being staged ' under the direction of Vernor Perry, class president and Mabel Robertson, class advisor.;--; . :j Don't Missthe Best - . : And biggest dance in the val ley, at Dreamland Saturday bight; Cole McElroy's Majestic Orchestra of Portland, Ted Mullen in person, a wonderful singer and entertain er. Real music. i j4 Will Attend Sleeting " Mrs. J. A. Carson, president of the Associated Charities in Salem. and Mrs. Nona White, county juvenile officer, will ' attend the meeting called by the Maltanoraah coontv welfare wnrkom in Vnrt. 'land today. 'The meeting Is held A . Complete Treat ment for the 1 Hair F1KST: Shampoo the ialt ttereutli- ly with - - - - .j i " - ,: '. f . ' ' r ; j r- ; j i Shampoo Paste ; 5Tis should be Jonf often eneuzli to keep tfae hair and tcalp rieen. . Thm paste is a aemi-xolid aoap nen Injuritus and drlightfut te vse. SECOND: Apply 'j Hair Tonic j Tliia h6nld $e "done - treflnently to dresa the hair.and to gire it renewed Hie sad luntre. j The tonic is eay to apply not aticky or inussy. I Per ry Drug Store gat ftjhvts Sam ; -' 115 South Commercial ' Salem, Oregon JUNE FIFTH 1 rl tot the purpose of hating a thorough discussion ol means for providing for destitute families in the state and . for caring for the state's poor. Idaho r Sheriff Here M. L. Llnkous, sheriff of W'ash- OBITUARY KleUke . At the residence, 110 Center street. Woodrow E. RIelnke age 12 years, sen of Mr. and Mrs. Frank E. Kleinke, brother, of Lawrence, Elmer, Emmett and Wesley and Lila Kleinke. Funeral announcement -later from Rig don's mortuary. - . Drorbangh ' jit the residence 1040 N. Cot tage street, June 3, Mrs. A.j M. Drorbaugh age 67 years, wife of A.. M. Drorbaugh, also survived by three sons and three daughters. Funeral , services Friday at! 2 p. m. from the Rigdon mortuary, vault entombment Mt. Crest Mau soleum. ! , i McClintock ! At the home 6f his daughter Mrs. William G. Thompson, 900 north Twenty Second street, June 2. Joseph W. B, McClintock, age 75 years.; He is survived by eight daughters and three sons. He was a. veteran of the Civil war and a member of Sedwick - post GAR. The body will be forwarded from the Rigdon mortuary. Friday June i, to Rush Center, Kan., for ser vices and interment. ; .,-! Schaefer . !.".' In this city, June 3, Frank L. Schaefer. . Announcement of fun eral will be made later by the Rigdon & Son mortuary. ' -J' Perry- ,.:.-.: L. E.. Perry, a veteran of the Spanish war, died "at West Salent Jnne 2nd, at the age of 55 years. He is survived by his widow Johanna C. Perry of this city and a brother, Fred D. Perry of Mor avia, N. Y. The remains are at the parlors of, the Salem mortuary. Funeral announcement later. Funerals FRAKES Funeral servces for Mara Margaret Frakes wll be held at the Terwilllger home this after noon at 2 o'clock. Rev. Kennell of West Salem will officiate with ".con cluding services at the Lee Mis sion. ' . ' ;. Painta aad Vanuahea ' GABRIEL Powder and Supply Co. 178 Sooth Coataiercial Fa one 728 V. A Mahogany color Oxide Bag 18 inches long, leather IincrJ and well made, regular priced at $13X0, specially priced $9.85i 7 : ; j Every Trunk, Suit Case, and Bag in our immediate stock is specially priced for this Luggage Sale." - . No matter what your needs, you'll find the luggage here and. at a price youTl be glad to pay for such values. , ' . I : c ington county, ' Idaho, with head quarters in Weiser,; arrived In Salem yesterday for a conference with; reference;to extradition paf pers for a man held-in southern Oregon. He expects to stay for about two days. J Canbr Mea He R. E. and Mrs. CherrielTot Bar low, Clackamas county were call' ers at The Statesman office on Wednesday, while ' 'homeward bound from a visit at the Agri cultural college. : 1 Birth Is? Reported f . At the Salem hospital, to Mr. and Mrs. JohnW. Goebel,129 D Street, Sunday, May 31, a son, to be called Richard Everett. Is Attending Camp 1 , Edwin Socolof sky, former Mar ion county YMCA executive, who is now, in New Hampshire, Js to be in attendance at the international boys conference of the YMCA at Estes park, Colorado, during the coming month, according? to a re port received here. It is hot an nounced whether he will make the trip to the Pacific coast, as af fairs In the eastern state will not permit 1 his absence. j Operation Successful Robert Blumensteln reports that Dr. George Vehrs performed an operation upon his son, I Bobbie Blumensteln, late last night by the nse of local anathesia. . Bobbie, aged 2 years, was stricken with an acute attack of appendicitis and REDUCER SUMMER RATES . TO CALIFORNIA BY PICKWICK STAGES San Francisco, one way, $13.50 ; Round Trip, f30.00 Los Angeles, one way, $27.83 Round Trip $50.00 . . Special Rates to Parties of Eight or More For Information and Reservaw tions phone 691, or call at CENTRAL STAGE TER31INAL Salem Oregon Ladies Just 3 More Days The Universal Range Demonstration Come in and ,let us show you the new mod els; Mrs. Murdock will bo on duty at our store from 9 a. m to 6 p. m. See the Electric HALIK & EOFF 337 Court '"j 1 rjSHi '::M;' xaitiioini.; il mm lip New and Finer $(gg Luggag-.e. ' c: . SHOR OUR WINDOWS S"T) f": ' ti 77 r was In a serious coiiiiti. a. II; is prcsrcciins nicely. - License Total 55 r ; Thirty five marriage licenses were Issued by the county durlngr the month; of May. with Salem couples forming about fifteen per cent of those making applications. Prospects for a record showing being made for June are promis ing, with thirteen licenses issued the first day and three on each succeeding day. What did she have fJ v ,,lilrC I I Jit i' l i Starts Friday- June 5th. r...... i , Range with Speed ELECTRIC SHOP St Phone 48 488 m c ) M i - 1 - f --. . i- .. i. : i . r ..J-.i. ') ' r :