The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, May 31, 1925, Page 5, Image 5

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1 -
1 W
J .
1 OtrrlSTgatherMaTc j
1 1 : -"
, i ' Unsettled
- ' Probably occasional showers;
mild tpmperature; light variable
winds. Yesterday Max. 67; mln.
l 41; river US; rainfall .15; atmos
phere clear; Hind east. ,
Oregon Rica rdo "Cortex -in
"The Spaniard."
liberty - Pauline Frederick
and Lou Tellegen in "Let
Not Man Put . Asunder."
Grand Wallace Beery and
Pauline Starke in "The
Devil's Cargo."
Bligib Hippodrome -raude-rille
BUgh Hippodorme Vaude-
Tllle, and pictures.
Improvement 8h own
Mrs. M. A. Butler is said to be
improving rapidly after undergo
ing a Berious operation at a local
' Women Wanted to Work
in strawberries. Monday, 7 a. m.
at Starr Fruit Products Co. Church
and Mill streets. Phone 439. mCO
See my special ad.
Wells. 1 -
Fred E.
IUnes Get Feed
The Beds! of the Salem boys'
chorus are to treat the Blues to
ice cream at ..." the Salem YMCA
Tuesday night. Mr. O. J. Hull was
the leader of the group selling the
most tickets to the recent v boys'
Are Yon Thrifty?
Here's twp small ' homes, for
$3850. Terms. On pretty view
lot south. 1 Fruit and flowers.
Becke & Hendricks, V. S. Bank
Bldg. ! - mSOtf
Ilev.,'Long la Speaker .
1 The memorial address at Twin
Oaks cemetery. Turner, was given
by Rev. Ward Willis Long,
pastor of I the First ; Presby
terian church, yesterday. H i s
topic was L "H ire' the"'. Sol
dier Dead Died in Vain?". He
contrasted the idea of gaining ob
jectives with the use of arms and
the idea of not fighting to gain
an objective.
Dr. Marshall, Osteopathic
Physician and Surgeon. m3I
Six Room Modern House-
Has every late novelty; east
front, beautiful street $10,000.
Gertrude J. M. Page, Realtor, 492
North Cottage. m30tf
Veterans to Meet '
The Salem camp of the Spanish
War veterans win entertain the
members of the Woodburn camp
at the Armory hall on Monday
night. , It is said that about 20
members from Woodburn will be
present. The ladies of both camps
will be present. Congressman W.
C. Hawley will address the gather
Dili a n. WHITE
Vactmte riacBetto sad
(IX. Abraa'a Mth4)
S0t U. B. Bank Zl&g.
, T 1
TheNev Stripes
tTh'e new; Spring neckwear is now
waiting for you to call; The best
time to make selections is now. The
colors are different..
.- - ; i. i . -.----.'--" : .. '.(. i .' ' V" -Vf "( 1 - : T . "
" :-U i i" ... '!; f. ' . .. .
' -, j ' : "'. . . , '"""' '
We. are showing the new; things of
the season The best that have ap
peared. j iai AjfLltZU
G. W. Johnson & Go;
lug. alter which a basket luncheon
will be serred. The meeting Is
said to be of great importance. -
Women Wanted to Work J r -1
In strawberries Monday! 7 a. m.
at Starr Fruit Product Co. ChurcB
and Mill streets. Phone 439. m30
Undergoes Operations
Miss Margaret K i r s ch : and
Mrs. J. A. Blackstoae underwent
operations at local hospitals yes
terday. I '
Large Home $3250
North near school. Fruit and
f lowers seo at 1595 N." Church
street. Immediate possession.
11400 to handle. Becke & Hend
ricks, V: S. Bank Bldg. m30tf
Takes Long Vacation 1
N. W. Clark, janitor at the su
preme court building, is taking a
month's vacation and Is to visit
California J and southern points
before returning to Salem.: He
has been janitor at the building
during the past. 25 years.
Drr W. L. , Mercer " '
T Will leave June 1st for a two
weeks trip ! to California. m3 1
Birth Is Reported s
. i A' baby hoy was born yesterday
to Mr. and: Mrs. Stephen A. Stone
of 373 Leslie street.: Mrs. Stone
and son are at the Salem hospital.
Mr. Stone is a newspaperman.
Fried Chicken
, And ,many other, Eood ' things
with our famous Sunday Dinner;
The Spa. j . ' , m31
Iteceives Medical Care -
G. H. Brewer of Aumsvllle is
undergoing medical care at a local
hospital of the city. He was
brought to the hospital last week.
Big Time Planned " , !
The Portland Rose Festival
committee for this year has plan
ned big doings for the folks of the
Willamette valley and the state.
One of the feature days will be
the Merrvkhana parade, which will
be composed of the Jlofpitality
clubaof Oregon and other organi
zations. From every Indication,
the parades for the 1925 Portland
Rose festival are to be the greatest
ever. - r .:'-;,;
We Advertised ' 1
"While they last." but they're
going fast, O. Sole Mio by Caru
so, Sweet Genevieve by McCormlck
Carry Me Back to Old Virginny by
Glnck, are' all gone with many
more old favorites. Get your fav
orite t Red: Seal ; Victor record at
half price when you can. Moore's
Music House 409-415 Court, phone
983. t ' : . m31
Flag Day Is Planned-
Flag Day to be held by the Sa
lem Elks has been designated for
June, 14 and arrangements have
been made to hold it in the Salem
LADD & BUSH, Bankers
ZtaUIahed 1869 j r
General Bcxiinj Btirincxa
OfSoe Coin tram 19 a, a. te t n, b.
IIOTICE-Our Summer Prices on Wood
Good Snd growth fir. 4 ft. delivered
Good old fir, 4 ft. delivered
Good oak, 4- ft. delivered .........
Crood ash and maple, 4 ft,' delivered
Good alabwood, 4 fU delivered ... . .
See us at oar office, 753
armory! A tentative program has
been arranged, calling for an ora
tor of the day, who has 'not been
selected. ' It is planned to "have
many of the school children' of the
city to take part in the exercises.
while other details are to be in
cluded. An Elks Committee com
posed by Fred Erixon, W. Davis
and B. Boyce are taking care of
the arrangements. 1 -
Fried Chicken i ! i
And many other good things
with our famous Sunday Dinner
me spa. 1 f ; m3
A Library of Music - '
Is as important as a library of
literature. Why not get that li
brary at, half! or ire t ('arniu
Schumann-Heink, .McCormlck,
Kreisler. all here at vour disnoaal
while they last. Moore's Music
uouse, 4U9-415 1 Court. m31
Kiwanians Hear Students : .
Willamette university students
will offer the program at the Kl-
wanis club Tuesday noon., .with
Karl Becke presiding at the round
table. The program will consist
of singing.:: readings and stunts.
with a little singing by the KJwan-
ls member i v t- .
03c Red Seal Victor Records. .
a Are going fast. Have you made
your selections?., , Moore's Music
house, 409-415 Court, phone 983.
:". :; : ; . . . ?! .,:r';J : m3i
Baby Baggy Needed
The Salvation Army is seeking
a baby buggy for a child In a
needy family. Anyone having such
a carriage call 1820 and the article
can be put to good use. k
Why Not Drive X' i
A real good car? It will cost
less money to own and drive the
1923 Studebaker touring which
the Certified Public Motor Car
Market has for sale at $760 than
It would to' take the first year's
depreciation on" a cheap new car.
See this car by all means. m-30tf
Student Writes Thesis
Emery' Dieffenbach of Salem,
senior in the mechanical engineer
ing department at the Oregon Ag
ricultural college Is writing a the
sis on "The Influence of the Loco
motive Upon the" Unity , of Our
Country," which will be submitted
in competitinn to student members
of the American Society of Mech-
Crystal Gardens
Wednesday Night
Saturday Night
,.. .....WJiO
, 9&JiO
Trade Street. Phone 623 m IX
He has a late model Oak
land Sedan equipped with
all -kinds of extras. This
car has been driven so care
fully and so little the origi
nal 'tires show very little?
'.wear and -we give a new.
car guaranteed .-
; Priced for quick sale.
anical Engineers. The purpose of
the thesis is to create a Droaaer
study and ' understanding- of the
engineering profession
Women Wanted to Work
In strawberries, Monday, 7 a. m.
at Starr Friiit Products CO. Church
and Mill streets. Phone 439a30
Leaves for Michigan
Scott Page left Friday morning
for Flint, Mich., and on his return
trip will stop at St- Paul to attend
the International ' convention of
the Kiwanis club. ' He plans to re
turn via the Northern route, touch
ing at some ot-the Canadian towns
for yisits. It Is sUted that Scott
had " his - Kiwanis button firmly
attached to his coat, to prevent
the Canadian ladies from grabbing
it off. . v. , : .
Fried Chicken - j
And many other '.good, khings
with our famous Sunday Dinner
The Spa.- - . 1 i mZl
Stolen Car Reported
The Inspector's office " of Port
land. Ore., reported the theft of a
Chevrolet touring car, bearing
Oregon " licence No. 177-395, ac
cording to the records of the Sa
lem police court. , -
Irrigation Bills Now Due
Flat rate irrigation bills are sub
ject to a discount of 10 per cent
if paid on or before June 10. Resi
dences with even numbers will Irrigate-
Monday, Wednesday, Fri
day and Sunday. Residences with
odd numbers will irrigate Tuesday
Thursday, Saturday . and Sunday.
Hours 6 to 8 a. m. and 5 to 9
p. m. .- 0-10
Horses Are Found : - - r t '
The Salem police have charge
of two horses found last night in
a barn at South Commercial street.
Both -are : dark bays, with white
stripes, in- their; foreheads. One,
a mare, has three white feet. They
are being held for the owner.
Young People Gather -j
Young "people of Salem are to
meet this afternoon at "WHlson
park : to hear John W. Beard of
Portland,, who has been; selected
as the - main speaker. " A special
band of singers will lead the song
services. In case of rain the meet
ing will be held in the First Meth
odist church under the .direction
of Lloyd Thompson.
Women Wanted to Work ' .
' In strawberries. Monday.-7 a.' m.
at 'Starr Fruit Products Co. . Church
and Mill streets. Phone 439. m30
Junior Standard Bearers '
Entertain at First Methodist
church, -Monday evening,' 7:45.
Pyari's Rescue;,' comedy, "In.the
Air." Admission 10. 15 cents.
Two Memorial Addreasea
Dr. W.C.. Kantner is to give
the address at the Memorial ser
vices of the Woodmen of the
World at the Woodman hall on
San Francisco, one way, $15.50
Round. Trip, $30.00 :
Los Angeles,, one way, $27.83
? Round Trip, $50.00 i..
Special Rates to Parties ot :
Eight, or More .
For Information and Reserva
- tlons phone 696, or call at
Salem, Oregon '
Established 1801 .
. . New P.lortuary. '
Chemeketa Street at. Cottars ;
Liberty street, Salem, at .7 o'clock
this evening; the Woodmen mak
ing a big event of this, and in
viting the public. Dr. Kantner
delivered the Memorial address at
Hubbard yesterday afternoon,
when the hail was filled and there
were many - words of praise over
the excellence of the address.
Five Room Modern Bungalow
In the Oaks, $3250. Gertrude
J. M. Page. m30tf
The Salem Chiekerles
Wish to announce the close of
their baby chick season this week.
and express their thanks to Wil
lamette valley customers for their
liberal patronage. C. N.! Needham,
Manager. .. ; j m30
Bible Class to Meet
Everyman's Bible class will
hold the; last meeting of the year
at the Bligh theatre, after which
they will move back to their quar
ters in the basement. of the, First
Christian .church; : .The . class has
been holding successful meetings,
the Cpaat , year in the downtown
theatre.and a , large attendance
has marked the results of the
meetings. ,
Fried Spring Chicken f
. Saleml " Restaurant. . Saturday
and Sunday. 1 m31
Geraninnis 15c Each
Zinnias, asters, casmos, .25c
per dozen, petunias, 15c each.
Canna llllies, 15c each. This week
only. Arthur Plant's Greenhouse,
1298 S. 1 13th street. 1 m31
Frnlt Company Moves )
The. Ryan Fruit company has
moved from its location . across
from! 'the Willamette Grocery
plant to the new concrete struc
ture at Cottage and "High. . The
Oliver Sharp died at a local hos
pital: May 29, at the age of 83
years. lie is survived by three
sons.' J.'H. Sharp, F. W, Sharp, E.
A. Sharp, all of Salem, and one
daughter.,. Mrs. C. H. Taylor ot
Aberdeen, " Wash. Funeral serv
ices will be held Monday at. 2
o'clock from Rigdon & Son's mor
tuary. ' Interment will be in the
IOOF cemetery. . Rev. Ri L. Put
nam will officiate.;
' : 1. ; lisbx ' . i '
In this cityi at the OldlPcoples
Home. F. N. Olson, age ?8 years.
He was the father of Oswald O.
Olson, Af NewY6rk. Thei remains
will be taken to, Cornelius, Wash
ington , county, Tuesday, i June 2,
where funeral, services and inter
ment will be held at 2:30 p. m..
under vtbejdireciion of Rlgdonfe
Son mortuary.' -J" , ' .v"l?1; '; J
No' two ; professions, no
two business . people or
fvworkert of any kind, have
exactly the- same r eye
nauits. . l .
We specialize in select
ing glasses that afford
the greatest possible-com
fort for particular work
of c particular people.
"."When; you decide that
your, particular eyes are
in need of this sort of
service' et us serve ypu.
Scientific examinations,
accurate lenses and frame
fitting, .all under, one
man's supervision.,...
; IJcencees for tle
' 'grinding and fit- '
. 4 ting of .
Soft-Lite Lenses
; co:iPAinr
301-2-3-4 Oregon Bldg.
Salem, Oregon-
j - ,
new building is designed for the
purposes for which It is Intended
and is doable ' air spaced with
ref rieeration naser both in the
walls and In the ceilings through
out the plant, making it a cold
atoraee as well as refrigeration
plant. The new building j has a
floor space of 70 by 85 feet, j "
Dr. Slaughter's Office-
Will be closed June 2-5 inclu
sive. -
Garage Building For Rent-
Extra large, fireproof, good lo
cation. Possession July first-Rea-
sonable lease. Becke ' & Hend
ricks, U. S. Bank Bldg. mSOtf
Cherry Men to Meet 1
A meeting "of cherry "growers
of the district has been called for
Tuesday ! night by C. A. Oar.
president of the Willamette Val
ley Cherry- Growers' association.
The meeting will result In a dis
cussion of the brown rot and plans
will be made to combat the men
ace to the. fruit. The heavy rain
late in the week did little dam
age to the fruit, it is believed, but
the wet weather is very favorable
to brown rot conditions. The sit
uation is believed to be very seri
ous in the district, or at least will
be so unless immediate action 13
taken by the growers. ' j
Lost Bunch of Keys I
. Between .Salem and Chemawa.
$5 reward for return to States
man. 1 3 m31
Old Tinier Iteviait. Salem ;
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wjllman, I
j and ;
Mark our relations j
with our customers
and make our station
. a pleasant place to ser-
vice your car or truck.
'. ; T" !
Prompt service j and
higti rrade products '
await you at
At Intersection Pacific nigh
way and Liberty Road. J ."
Red Crown and Shell
Gasolines 1
High Grade Motor Oils
Monday Marks the Beginning of a j
New and Finer 'Luggage
-Full size wardrobe trunks made of three-ply veneer and covered and bound witlt
hard vulcanized fiber. Reinforced with heavy steel hardware. Fully equipped with
nine veneer hangers, ironing board, iron holder, shoe pockets, laundry bag, hat bos,
roomy drawer space with full length locking bar- built for service and convenience.
" -;- " '
Traveling Bags and Suitcases , ;
Genuine cowhide leather traveling
bags, leather lined. 16 and 18-inch sizes
in black, browh and mahogany. Extra
values at $10.00. ' ;
Ideally Fitted to Your Individual Needs
No matter what your needs, youll find the luggage here and at a price
youll be glad to pay for such honest values. So also you will find that we
are dealers in courteous and thoughtful service. 1
Kindly accept this as a cordial invitation to come and inspect our quarters
as well as our lines. - ;
Shop Our Windows - You'll Find Your Lusccsc Vcnl3 The:
now residents in Portland, In com
pany with Mr. and t Mrs, Coffey
and Bert Jrspent Jecoration day
In Salem In tribute to those whose
permanent residence la here.
Frank remained over Sunday with
his brother, Charles, of the Ter
minal hotel, but for the time upon
the Lamport "tennis court, where
he claims to have shown ' Eyre,
Needham; Sauerman, Lynch et al
many new metropolitan wrinkles
in the game matters of technic
and method ht will Incorporate in
the 1926 edition of his text upon
this Interesting sport. In every
way pleasantly situated in a
choice section of Rose City, where
are not
The tinted lenses, soft light, Crookes or Cruxite, are
not new lenses. There are three different manufactur
ers making; such lenses : at . the present time calling
them by different names. , f i
Dr. M. P. Mendelsohn is the oldest optician in ex
perience in Salem. : He has been fitting eyes correctly
here for more than seventeen years and offers his ex
perience of over a third of a century to his patrons. He
has been fitting these tinted lenses for many years and
has thousands of satisfied, patrons in this district.
"... i ' " ' ; M! .';-!: li -
Only the very best of materials are used by Dr. Men
delsohn and his workmanship is the best. Those who de
sire and value comfort, convenience, good appearance
and really accurate optical correction are his patrons. .
Dr. Mendelsohn can save you from 25 to 40 per cent
on trifocals, bifocals or cross f ocals. He invites you
to call, at his offices any-time and let him; explain.
' : : ". ; . -- -: " l: J -- I .
DONT DELAY, CALL TODAY. Take advantage of
years of experience of correct fitting. You will find
the prices very reasonable and none but the best of
materials used. - I
Satisfaction guaranteed in every respect.;
2i0 United States National Bank Building
r Telephone 723 for Appointments
3 "Large toads "16 In. MUlWood .
5 Corde 4 ft. slab wood . . .
.1 Cord large second growth fir ...
?5 Cords large second growth fir ...
10 Cord largo second growth fir .
4 Ft. old fir . . . . ...... . . .
16 Inch iold fir . . . &
4 Ft. oak. j. ,
4 Ft. ash , Q
4 Ft. Maple .
PHONE 1543
everyone owns his home, Mr. Will
man -'.says, he Jlkes Portland," es
pecially weH.iheing now in com
plete charge of the inside and out
side finish of a $35,000 home near
his residence. . One thing alone ha
says bay be a fly In the ointment
is jthere enough money in ttiu
world to operate a gas furnace?
PORTLAND. May 30. Da'iape
of $12,000 was done toniglit by
fire which burned the sheds of tho
North! Portland Hjrse and. Mule
company. : ,
on Wood
per cord
per rord
prr nrd
pvf fvrd
per wrd
per load
per cord
per cord
per cord
11 '
. j .
. . 0
Traveling bags of 'heavy hantf"
boarded cowhide leather, hand-scwii c:i
heavy steel frames.
' - " NfIit phone lCOff r