THE QBEGQN STATES! IAN- SALE? U OREGON WEDESBAY WORNPfG. MAy 27.4025 Phone: OUTSTANDING , a mo pg, a, sea son of ; attract! re social af fairs was the afternoon of bridge and tea at which Irs. A. U Wal lace and Mrs, Harryj J. Weidmer were, hostesses yesterday , after noon In the, reception room of the Wqman's Club house which was a veritable drawing room io, atmos phere and cbann. . Early, summer flowers. the lavender tones pre dominating, -were used variously rut the ' rooms, noftlv lighted K3t a myriad tinted candles. ,l -During' the early .afternoon Thirteen tables of brjdge .were, in play with a large, number of ad ditional guests calling at the tea : hour. .' - " " '; A lovely French bouquet in a crystal bowl centered, the tea ta ble. - Yellow, candles were .used. Mrs.. C. K." Spauldine presided at I the nrn, while Mrs. JL B-Fleming cut the ices. ', j ' .. , b Little Miss Helen Weidmer T t -Opened the door,-while the host fV esses were graciously' assisted' in " "iji ivom ,oy .urs. ,.W. , 1. Staler. Mrs. Ed 'Rostein and ' Mrs. Roy Burton arid Vin ' the dining room by.3Irs, Walter Spaolding, Mrs.; P. c: Brock, Mrs. G. . P. Forge. 4 Mrs. Bay Hartman, Mrs. V. E. Kuhn, and JUIss Marie Ros tein. I - " "- ; ; " , r The. Book and ThlmbU club members with their 'families and a few friends enjoyed an 'all-day annual picnic at Fred.W. Kobins grove on Kingwood Ileigghts road last Saturday. This .was the eleventh picnic held at that place yy the club. ca year there, are som variations in the program olhat day. A, pot luck dinner toon .was a pleasant change from the welt planned balanced menu ,of 'last year. -Afterward there were various kinds of , out door games. ' A; very Interesting feature oftne afternoqnr.was the baiwbail- game . played by the Book and Thimble club members against their husbands'. The" score being 4 to 0. The ladles claiming the four. . ;: ; , ' , . ' f .:" .'' Chapter AB of the PEO sister hood held a delightfully planned meeting on Monday evening at the home of Mrs." T." E. JUcCroskey. The program' was a comprehensive review pf the subject.' "American ization." given ; by j,; Mrs. Alice Thompson. Bouquets of marguer ites and vivid popples were' used about Ahe rooms of f the McCros key home. ' 1 ; ; An Interesting report, was given by Mrs; Thompson, the chairman of the program committee for. the new year. .Mrs.: Thompson .has as her assistants .Miss .Grace Os borne land -Miss Lena Bell Tar- H tsr. v - f i' - The chairman of the social com , Utee for the new 1 club year ; Is l'Vf s. McCroskey. Working ith I r her will be Mrs. fEJ C? Richards, i Mrs. Louise F. Brickell and Mrs. 1 !A. M.v Reeves. j .Mrs. AV.'.E. Kirk will have the chairmanship of-the educational committee. ;Mrs. Clara; Patterson and Miss Dorothea Steusloff com plete "the personnel. !;"'' On the .philanthropic: commit tee . are: , Miss , Grace Elisabeth Smith,; Dr. .Mary C. Rowland "and Mlss'AriKellne McCuJJough. " ; Mrs. Harry fcf. Styles will head the visiting t committee assisted by ,Mrs W. D." Smith and Mrs. L. N. Meyers.' ." "-' " -' " . '. . . , I The auditjng committee for the newryear wjll be composed of Mrs. T. E. McCroskey and Mrs. H. E-Barrett. 1 , At he refreshment hour , the hostess . was assisted, by. Dorothea Steusloff. ' Plahs' were made :,for the dinner - party j at which . Mrs. Ciajfa Patterson , will , entertain for the chapter .members early in June.; -: . ..t i .- j . ; . The members fn the group. Mon- I day evening were: Mrs. E. arrett. Dr. Angelina McCullqugh, 'Missi Grace ..)glnr, Mrs.' Clara -N&itterspn, .Miss May Ilauch, Mrs. ,J?ATy Reeves, Dr. Mary. C. "Row land, Miss Grace Elisabeth Smith, Mrs. W. D. Smith, Mrs.- Harrjr M. Styles Mrs. Alice Thompson.;"Mrs. W.' E; Kirk, Miss Dorothea Steus loff and Mrs. ' McCroskey. "Tho second spring recital by.pu pils of Protes'sprtE.iv.W,flIobsDni TokeL.rrofessor . W. W. Graham, violin; and Miss -Frances 'Virgih le MeltonT ; pianist, T was an nter estjng musical event of last eve ning' with. an .appreciative . crowd present to hear the "following numbers:';..'''" 1i , Piano ( a ) Ital ian Concerto, Bach Allegro .animato. t .. (b) -Etude, op-10-5, Chopin Bethel Mayes; ' ' ' j7. Voice O.' let Night; speak of me, Good !nd erowth Jflr. 4, tt, delivered 71 1'. . . . . f 3J0 Good ld; Jflr, 4 ft. dpyvercd . . , . , ...$7.30 , Good. on k . f.veMvercd . i . . ,f.-.oO ooJ ! and wiple.j ft. delivered ,7.3t GikkI feUbwootl," f U delivered ! ; . .-.-. . ; " . !. $I.OO See ns, at our. off icei-7."a Trade Street.- Pfaoae p" r 13. . . J v-S-. " M ht i Iione ifcoa r" ."' 1QS G. W.Ychatrwfck Trista Vjenger Piano -(a) Idyll, MacDoweli; (h) Lotus Land, Cyril Scott Eli zabeth Vinson. " ,V(6In a") Berpense jSlar Neruda; (b Le .Menetrier,. Wlen iaweky Marcua .Talee. , .., r, ;Piano (a) A . Japanese Sun set, Detten; b) .Minstrels, r De bussy Kenpeth, :McCormick. t iVP'ce Rpbln,. ging me a Song, Spross Fay : Sparks. Piano (a) Clal e ge une, MaepoweU; . (b) U I were a Bird, .Violin --serenade, jyjLjnbros- ,o -rennet h .vMien.i i h i j-ri PJano QnaU 4n. A. major, op. 58. C. W. Cadman. 'Risolato .con npblle Louise Flndley. ' i : Voice (a) Bequienf. Homer: b) JfnTictys, Bruno. Huhn Loyd Thompson. . . ; . ( , ; j Piano (a) -Aufschwung, Sch- umann; (b). Vraheque, JJebussy; ( c j benerzo, ,: Chopin Volena Jenks.. , . . : . . . iMra. J. L." Stocktbntand daugh ter; Miss Zoe Stockton! Jeft yes terday afternoon via the ; Great iNprmern tor AewTork city where they will Te guests' of Mrs.Anaa Cnlbertson,' the daughter of JSfrs. Stockton, and of LeOd Culbertsoh, a granason. They plan to pe abr sent for a nrmber' pf weeks, re turning via the Canadian Papifi4 route.' . . .... - -( & ! j"';.,-. ,' Mrs. Allan Bjnon .pf-Pprtjapd who is a house guest at jthe hQme of her. DarentsfCoi.'; and Mrs. .E. Hofer,' whfle Mr(;Byppn s stpp- ping, to Pendleton en rpute home from a business, trip- in( the; east, was - the honor guest at-the de lightful luncheon yesterday x at which Mr8. Paul . Hendricks- was hostess.- Sumpjer , f lowers twere used about tbe t ropms ..where bridge was the. chosen .diversion. ' Covers at, ;4he i .o'clock lunch eon were placed Jfpr; ; ,.Mrs. Bynon, the. honor guest, Jrs. Earl C.-Fle-gel, Mrs. John t-H. ; Carson, .Mrs. Cliftoa Irwn, Mrs. Hollis 'Hunt ington, Mrs.. Donald .young. Mrs. Clifford Farmer, I Mrs. Homer Egan, and the. hostess, .Mrs. Paul Hendricks.. . i . , !? T Barbara . Frietchle tent. Daugh ters "of Veterans, -will meet at .'8 o'clock this evening at " the Armory. ... - h ;; -;- ?An ; event that fstbeingantici-' pated with "unusual interest ,is the.silver tea which will be held by the ladies of the First Presby terian church on Thursday aft ernoon at thevhome of Dr. and Mrs.. H. J. - Clements, "when Grace E. ;Hall of Portland,; author" of "Patchwork" s and! "Homespun'.' will jgive the 'pro's rant. ' ' ',; Mrs.'1 Hall fs winning an, .out stapd'SS reputation not pnly,as;a poet, but also;, as "an "entertainer, these , jifternoon . tea ; programs proving most, popular. -; ; " ; : : - - . The GAR memorial services on Sunday were conducted in a most fitting manner by Rererehd ,Mar tin FereshetJan. .Mrs. Hallle Par rish iflnges mi.a.numher ol pa trjotic selections. ;;The church was beWuully decorated with spring flowers and the. American flag. Organizations who. were represent ed at the servlcewere; .The GAR, the American Legion auxiliary, the Woman's Relief Corps, the Da ugh-1 ters- of Veterans,-the-Sons of vet erans.r the .Sons of. Veterans aux iliary tnd the American 'Legion auxiliary. " '' ' :"': T ,A group of, nearly 100, persons met on .Sunday, May, 24th. ,fpr the all-day picnic ,ot Master Plumbers and ieir wives.' the'JSalem worn- J3EAUTIFY : IT VITH DIAMOND. DYES'1 : Perfect home dyeing and tintip ts gnaranteed with Diamond Dyes. Just 'dip" in:"coia water to tint soft? delicate shades, or boil dye rt?h, permanent colors. Xlach 15-ccnt pack age contains direc tions" ao.s 1 m p j e ' tnr woman can dye or - tiat lingerie, silks, ribbons, skirts, waists, dresses, coats, stock? injgs, 8wealers, drapejles, coyer ings, hangings, ererything new.' Buy "Diamond Dyes no other kind and -tell ynr druggist whe ther the material you wish to color is wool or. silk, or whether it it liaen, cotton or .mixed good.-- Adr. '. -Vx-'-.- ,-Vz:. sr Prices- on Wo.od I ii' en acting as hostesses to the group which Included! guests- from many surrounding 'towns. The" picnic1 was an unusually opportune man rier ia which those who" will at tend the National Plumbers' "$6n yenuon in Portland the latter part of June to actually become 1 ac quainted 'preceding ; that 1 date. Boating on the river, Mr. George Hurler of Albany and JMrJ ! A.f L. Godfrey, both having made the trip In their motor boats. was one of many enjoyable - sports pf the day. -' - .' ' ' ' ; ; ; ' " The following guescs, represent ing five different counties,. were in the picnic group: Albany rMrs. Mary t Ludwig, -Sir. and" Mrs. George Hnrley. iiaries nuney. , 1 , Corrallis Mr. and Mrs. r Ralph Lane, Bobby ' Lane, Mary i Wood cock, Mr. and Mrs. W.. G. Wildigi Darwin Woodcock, Mr. and Mrs CJ P.' Yundt: ; Harry W. Yundt. Paul Ypndt, Betty Yundt, Robert Yiindt, Richard Yundt. Albert Brown, Mr. and Mrs. C M. Wood- raff, Frances .Woodruff, Virginia Woodruff, i I i -.. . . - SUverton Air. and Mrs. L.;Ej Inman. Marjorie Inman. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Mann, .Charles Mann, Maxine Mann, .Mr. and: Mrs. Li Dperr. ' ., I :: . . 4 ' . L ; Stayton Mr. and 3frs. Jacob Epaniol, Miss Spaniol. i r ! Independence C. McBeth. ! :. Monmouth Mr. and ! Mrs. Wj F4 Scott. Freda Nilder, Edna. Jack son, Velma Ralmey. . ' " . KJamath Falls Mrs. A. Si Simpson. "rrtjti-'.-j. Portland Mr. .and Mrs. , Bart CpfJey, Mrandlrs. H. E. Helm, H. T. Sheriff, C. J. I Kelly, J. T. Barrett. ' . . : t ; , i Salem Mr. .and Mrs. Theodore M. . Barr, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Ber nard!, ' Mr., "and j Mrs. John b! Natbman, Mr. and Mrs A. L. God frey, Mr. and Mrs.-D- F. Doherty, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Graber Mr and Mrs. Jpbn Graber. pr, M- He-? resa Schoettle, Anna M. Barr, Mary T. Schoettle, Dorothy. God frey. Ruth Haggerty. - Margaret Nathman, Raymond Suing,; Lau rence jBarr, Hnry Barr,. Gerald Suing, Mr. and Mrs.'Ed jPratt. , n iij ' f. l : M'-'l' ' j iReverend and. Mrs.-Horace Wil Hston'of -Algona, Washington,' left .fpr their home on Monday after spending & week at the; home of their son" and daiighter-in-lawi Professor and Mrs. Horace Willis ton, Jr. . nf' !fh ' ' . ; 1 - ' -"- ;-!,'! ' 'Many are anticipation ithegrad nation recital tonight of Miss Gladys Mclntyre who will' be pre sented in Waller Hail: fat 8? 13 o'clock by Professor E. W. Hob son 1 "' j Miss - Mclntyre as fan unus ually pleasing voice which the in terested public Is Invited to hear. Miss Mclntyre is president of the Beethoven, club,, a.cpllege . rausl; cal organization. ! i j the Salem h,igh school teachers win . meet In Jeffersonfor a pic nic honoring nd.vMrs.t R. U. Moore, Mr. Moore, who Is assis tant principal at the high chool. will leave Salem, to be connected , next year .-with' the JJniyeraity high school at. Eugene. ,: ; v . . -: : .;. i. The many friends fo Mrs. H, J. Bean will be giad jto know that she Is convalescing nicely from .her recent illness. 1 ' J?! '-t I ?The(; Finch club! wilj be -entertained this evening, a t the home of Mrs. B." C. Miles. Mrs. B- P Carrier will enterta,in . With Mrs Miles. ; 1 "' ; ss. u, ! l (The .Thursday Afternogn club will , meet " on '.Thursday of this week at the borne' of .MrsBC C Miles., Mrs. F. .A. will en tertain with Mrs. Miles, f . J l -ItCOjBVL ?XH?Air I 'Xoday - r Reception honoring Mr. and' Charles E.fWard at the home of VLrl and' Mrs. El'Cooke Patton, SfZ Court street. 8 o'clock.- ., Miss Gladys Mclntyre in gradu ation recital., Waller hall, 8 o'clock. ";T;i ;T ' I Salem branch of the National League of Women Voters. Marlon hotel,1 1 o'clock luncheon. ' : ... , ! : tThnrsday- , , Grace. E. Hall, presented by ,the ladles ; of the . First Presbyterian church at silver , tea. Dr. H. J. Clements home. , - : i Thursday Club.u Mrs. B. C. MUea and Mrs. F. A. Elliott host esses at the. Miles' home. j : News .has reached, this city" of the marriage, on Saturday of .Dor othy Ziner, formerly, of Salem, to N. C. . Pritchard, a i prominent business man of Woitsbury, Wash Mr. . and -JUrs. Pritchard ; left . im mediately- for a trip, to '.Victoria, B. C. They expect to rela .tives in, Salem at a later date, af ter which ,.they .will return : to Waitsburg where they .will make their future home. , ; - i ; ! - - ; v ;.' " i Mr. r N. Van f Horssen ol Two Falls, South ,- Dakota, willj arrive tomorrow to be " the r guest; for some time ' of his dauhter, Mrs. J. C. Nelson. While' Mr. Van Horssen has made; the coast trip before, stopping in. both ( CalJfor: nia and Washington,, this will be his first visit in Salem, i - -"I :"; 4 ; : ' Over one . hundred cards - were issued, for the formal tea yester day . afternoon at . which Miss Jenelle Vandeyort, one of the most popular; members of - the senior , class of ..Willamette : uni versity, announced September as the date ' of her ..weddtn&r -M(, Rolland F. Randall. otJ, (The. tea. charming j; pointment; took.' place ulv of the bride-elect's pare&tsTXr: and Mrs. H. H. Vandevort, with calling hours from 3 'to 5 o'clock. .Miss Dorothy . Owen . and .Miss Verna McKeehan . greeted the guests at the door while Mrs. H. H, Vandevort and" Miss Jenelle Vandevort received. " Small cards wre presented' the guests naming the nuptial day. .Lovely baskets. on low pedestals about the rooms were filled with great masses of pink . rhododen dron. In the drawing rpom'thoae assisting', were' Miss " HoiHs.YicJc. Miss Adelia White, Miss Remoh Tyor, and Miss Ann Silver, ," (Miss 4 Florence.. Young, invited the .guests Into the .dining room where ; the lea-table was. a f love ly, study in pink and silver. Pink 8f eet peas were used .daintily 4M a jcenterpiece while pink.- candles wf re V used ." in , harmonizing- silver hqlders. - Miss Beryl .: Holt and Miss Eva Randall presided, at the ultns. Assisting . In the .serving were: Miss Alma Wells, . Miss Katherine ' Rossmah, Miss Ruth Hewitt, Miss .Myrtle Jensen,, and Miss Mildred ' Herwig. Others aspisting in .the dining rpom,vcre. at fs, Area caspeu or stayton, miss Herbert , OstHsg, and , Miss Mil dred Judson. ' ' During "t me afternoon -Miss Margaret ! Arnold .sang and , Miss Delferna Kelso. and Miss Mildred Grant; played piano solos. ' , - j-- I-') .1-'. .. i'V fThe Colonial Dame Tea-Shoppe was the scene on. Monday May. 18, of: one of the ,delign.tful social, af fairs of which Mrs. J. (Vincent Mherin of San Francisco. was the inspiration during her. sojourn in SaJem when .Mrs. Daryl Proctor entertained with a beautifully ap pointed 1 o'clock luncheon. . An effective color scheme of orange was used in the candles that Salem's nearest beach bigger and better than ever before will XoYmall ,ppen its doors to the, public. DECORATION DAY. A Xree open a r concert in the afternoon, and evening by Pacific . City's 7 piece orchestra and a big dance in the evening is on the . program. j :; vr:- ;,,; ; ; : . : .- , - .-- j : ; .- 4 . - During the past winter there ha3 been constructed at; Pacific ,. City a new hotel, 'alsd cottages and cnt houses." With our spacious, protected campgrounds supplied .with rjUrc fountain, f Water, pur tent- houses ajid cottages; apartments and hotels, ,? vevare; equipped to properly take care of you. We can entertain you, .with the fishing, bathing, boating, clarfis aridi cfab fishing afforded 1?y Oregon's preniier riyer tthe:Bi&KesjUicca.ilovJUiS. , through the grounds pf the. Besort and the majestic Pacific; all.wijLhin five minutes walk of the center of racif ic City. - Stage Connections With 5alem . iPor further, information .apply, to Pacific City 'Suninier Resort U3'it : :ip ific;eity,,.Pc.'r ; j. ' . Twice aWdowiXimejfDivorced, 0 rY n It, '"l know now that I have the man of my heart,", smiles; Mrs. B." Hatfield, who is honeymooning with her uinth husband at .her home in Urania, La.- It was a case of love at first sight, she avers, the marriage- following a two day whirlwind courtship.. Two of her -husbands died, six she divorced- ,' " PARACHUTE JUMP IS ... FEATURE OF TOURNEY 1AX TO LEAP FRQM . l'LAXE 3000 FEET IX .AJlt Big Military k invent at Corvallls Satitt-day Promises Plenty 1 of I TliriUs A -3000 foot parahcute jump from an airplane will be one of the thrillers of the military tourn ament at Corvallis Saturday of Captain W. J. f Chamberlain, as sistant ; professor of entomology, can make the necessary arrange ments with Lieutenant Oakley G. Kelly. Lieutenant; Kelly is bring ing a fleet of 'nine, machines to glowed n an old-gold cande labra, Jnijlhe place-cards and, dainty fa vors, and in the baskets of golden itis' used about the rooms. Clovers at the luncheon were irtSjced yorC Mrs.,.T. A. , Roberts. EVi'McJlechiin, Mrs. Lloyd Fatmer. Mrs. . Clifford Farmer, Mrs Ernest Thorn, - Mrs. Ronald Jones, Mts Wiliam Mott, the hon or guest., Mrs. J. Vincent Meher in. ;and the hostess, Mrs. Daryl ProptoT. .y . . Mrs. G. A.. Brandon of Bend will arrive the latter part of the week to be the guest of her sister, Mrs. Elmer Ross for: an extended visit. ' Mr. and Mrs. John A. Carson and Mrs. W, P. Fowle while in Albany last Thursday as guests of the .War Mothers there were en tertained at luncheon at the home of, Mrs. Richard Kriesel ( Teresa Fowle).' ";'."''." RIIICHESTERSPILW .yTv . - .1 at buun auira,' a luteal Am rwHrtttltt far r Urn M4nM MkUKVi k iv ixi Willi wtek-BtaafKJtato.VV lb 4 e y;niM fort uv rru.mrf w uiaauikB ac k a n km hi tarn m. a 80 jMiles iErom Salem Corvallis for Ithe tournament. ,'A Corvallis man has agreed to make the jump from the plane if officials of the United States army air service are willing. ; In Jump ,ing he will carry two paracbates. Neither will be opened until the man has fallen a thousand feet. Whether; or not a -.person : re mains conscious while falling at a fast rate of speed is the purpose of this experiment. Two ser geants in "'the ' regular army in Dayton. , Ohio, successfully per formed this feat not long ago. Airplanes will play a large part in the program for the tournament this year. In addition to the army planes, under the j direction of Lieutenant " Kelly, a commercial airplane concern has agreed to bring three machines to Corvallis. Persons wishing to go up. will have an opportunity. - : A smoke screen will .be put but by Lieutenant . Kelly. . ; Smoke candles for this stunt have been shipped to the director of the tour, nament. Captain T, C. McCormick, assistant professor of military science and tactics. iTItAIX CRASH KILLS 0E LOUISVILLE, Ky., May 26 (By The Associated Press) -William F. Edwards, 5 motorman, was burned to death, another mo torman was seriously Injured and almost a score of passengers hurt when two interuban cars collid ed on a 25 foot high trestle near here tonight. -jThe trolley wire set fire to the cars and the wooden trestle also caught fire, j Edwards was pinned in the wrecked car and' flames prevented his rescue. ; . The Statesman leads in the field of the season's athletic activities.' 1 It M , ' "ft r V V Boys' Chorus Make Decided Hit in 3rd Annual , Concert Hsre La; tTf iht Gale Dalton, Boy Soprano of Iortlanl, Iroves Hevelation; Numbers .1 Are ExceBently Arranged i What was undoubtedly the most successful boys chorijs In the his tory of the organisation was pre sented last night at the Frist Chris tian church, in the third annual concert of the Salem Boys Chorus, under the direction of Dr. H. C Epley. ' . ' ' : ... Original and striking musical numbers were' presented by the boys in several of their selections, .in addition to the beautiful back ground that ; had been prepared. By the .use , of lattice .work : and colored, lights ope of the most pic turesque and attractive showings was- given the chorus. ' Arranged mi the . platform in their white blouses and red ties, the 100 boy member of tho chorus were well, presented, and the dec orations, flowers and mosses, in tensified the effect. . J Gale Dalton. boy soprano of Portland was the. sensation of the evening, and no less marked was the offerings-of Glen and Donald Woodry. Frederick Wolfe1 and the Instrumental members. ' , Tbe program opened with a ren dition of ''Our Salutation," a" com position specially arranged by Dr. RELIABLE -MERCHANDISE 36 Inch 32 Inch . . Amoskeag .'Dress Linen ; r .Fast Color t press tincnams Reduced Price ' " ' Fast Color's Yard 59c Yard 21c ' New Striped English Broadcloth r ; Renfrew Suitings 9-4 Sheetins: New Shades Good. Grade Sunfast and Tu6 fast Bleached or Unbleached j Yard 49c Yard SQc- Pequot Sheeting and Tubing. Lowest Prices MILLINERY DEPARTMENT -! ' - ' . ;V v . ;;.r ;4 v r: Dress Hats, Flowers, Trimmings. The Very Latest ! Styles. Best Quality. REDUCED PRICES Renfrew Devonshire : 42 Inch ! Sunfast and Tubfast Tubing Neat Patterns : . Linen Finish j Yard 34c 1 Yari39c I Table Oil Cloth, yard 34c Jap Parasols Lace Collar 95c "Itbs , 69c and -50c -j OnlylDc 240 - 246 N. COMMERCIAL STREET wmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm i I . , 11 I inn, I i ' $16:00 S19J75 -S24.75 -: : Prjnee of VVales styles with two - and ' ' four buttons iome: have v.cly.ct collars, while others are of self materials; - , For Yourr'eok-End . ; Outing Ladie3 full cut khaki ; ' ; knickers ........?... $2.48 Ladles closevweave . 1 tweed knickers :. $2.C3 Corduroy knickers .... .'.'3.48 Corduroy sleeveless jackets' to match .L... ..;.....4........51.7o By Dr.' EpIeyriWrector' . - . - ; i Epley, which was . followed ; by a chorus number. "Dancing P'er the Waves," while a reading by Stanley-King ,wa . well -received Jby the interested .audience. . Of interest was the Vkiddes epe ciair! . presented t by Irwin Potter and Robert. Brown, be , harp number by Brown was a hit of, the evening. - : ' .The comic number was interest ingly portrayed by the chorus. : ?The patriotic closing number presented by the ' boys was well wprked out and showed the care and training jlhat : theys had put on it. .V-:"v .. - . ; .The decorative effects and the beautiful .lighting . results . were made-possible. .by the .work, of J. ' V. Brown and L. V. Simpson, and others .who contributed their .as sistance in arranging the program. O. J.' Hull and Clarence Oliver are - assistant directors of . the chorus,, while. Mrs., F.; N. Woodry . and Robert Alexander, the pianists and Mrs. J. O. Brown and Mrs. II. C. Epley. secretaries. A city of beautiful streets and well-kept lawns. Salem; Oregon. :.Icrch: ,! Pcpuiir Prlc