t THE OREGON STATESMAN. SALEM, OREGON TUESDAY MORNING, MAY 2G, 1025 . 'Classified Sectioe aienni's at Gr M Place ;2 f I XT 03 -; ! LOOK "'I'M 2 aere clou in wilk 1 fair Wilding. bargain for S17&0, tens ; 40 at-re river bottom - laaa in erop. fair boUdiogt. a good buy (or 92600; 5 room house eloaa in for $1500, wita , $100 aoa; room hou&e and 3 air lot vita frait and berries for tSloO i with $200 down ; 4 rows aoase and gn j rse eios in for rent, h THOM A.HON, 331 Sut Btrt t J' fi:isi2r,tf TOR SALE MODERN HOUR OK t room. Excellent location. Lot 65 165. Close ia. Address 1051 Caeme keta or phoa 1233 J. 63J18 NEW- MODKRN 4 ROOM BUNGALOW oa Nona ChurYsi . tt.. $2uOO. tens. : -Med era S room HpsnUfc Ktaeeo Bua ' raktw, S3500, easy term. S3 Mr farm, t aero bearing orchard, food RRAXi' ESTATES' set building, .fine loratioa, stock, tool. " , tj K0O. Wtll take residence, ft. 07 acre stock reoe close ia pay f , "&4 rood, fmit, bothting. rreek. snap a5l pvr er. Farm. suburban aomea, rnnfwti it iw urenre. I'errin It Xartor.: Com mercial Club Bide, i 3mS4tf SER KRUJEQEIt 147 f. Commercial about thai 5 room hnngal-w and garage at -UJ X. 2 1st. I'rk SUSSO. Alo about that 'A room bungalow .1903 X.- Sth street,, biuoMt, firo piece, paved street and eeaaea walk. I'rice $3250. Good terms. 63n27 NEW HOUSE; S ROOMS. UODERX Ex cept foraoo and firo place. Priced ! accordingly. Term. AUo unimproved i acre. 4 blocks school, car and pared - road. T. J. LAl'JCY. Phoa 15S8J ! 3jS LOT BARGAIN i Site HxlSQ located near N. Capi' tal Htreet facing North oa Ne braska Street. Price $700. Easy ' : -. term. .t W. H. GRABENHORST CO. 3 .275 State St. l Phoa 314 &3iZ6 HOME SPECIALS '! i : No. 281 Going tilling station with auto accessories. Dandy location on ! highway. 'Part cask, terms." ; i M-', I So. 234 Oood small grocery1 ' in north Salem, lino location and good lease. ' i t. No.. CO 3 A dandy small restaurant, good locatioa. $030 eaaa will handle. : No. 49 Down town well located r restaurant doing a good baaiaes. Price ! S370O. We here a largo list of all kinds of city , property, suburban tracts and farms. Call and get free list. V HOUR REALTY CO.. 169 S. High St. - . , V, APARTMENT I10C8E IN SMALL TOWN, v on, main street, i Will trade for Salem Hiiw country property. , - To trade A &-room moders house i r- tn San Bernardino, Calif, for ' Salem ( modern bouse. 21 acre ranch with tniendid bnlld- Ins, modern, to trade for &aUm pro perty. This farm ia lecaed in tho (las raliiag district. 1 4 room house, S. Cottage St.. $2630. 'A splendid corner lot for S2200. i Rooming hoose. close in, $7000. ! , Apartment house, eloto In, $15,000. Kaat front lot, elofce to car Una. $530. Lot eloso ia on D Street, all Pr Btnt paid. $1123. i j OKRTRCDE j. M. PAGE 492 N. Cottage St. 63m23tf FOR SALENEW BfNGALOW, FOUR rooms, built in hitches, and nook, you can't beat it for $2000. New five room bungalow with fireplace and basement, eaar rout. $2500. Pour room bunga low. with furniture, largo garage, $2700. Garage house with light and water, one lot. $500. Ten acre close la with fire room - bungalow, $4500. Will take a good ttr or bouse. New fire room bungalow and half aero, close to ear line, has lights, furnace and basemen I and the price ia way down. If yon, want a suburban homo better look this up. 97 acres timber and open tend closo to town. 42000. Take a tot. liouao or ear- - Ford car tor sale. Sis room house for rent. $20. Five room i furnished house eVose in $2750. V. L. WOOD, 34t Stato St." 63m24tf JJEW CLASSIE BCNOALOW 5 LARGE rooms, breakfast nook, beet of plumb-in-, lirhts. materiel and workmanship. lawn, flowers, shrubbery, all kinds of hearing fruit and i berries, one of the prettient homes in - tho -city for the price, azooo.. Borne term. -- Another One J . of 4 rooms, has two bed rooms, nook. V all the built-ins.-finished in white ens ' me!, best plumbing, extra large lot. fruit, a reel homo for $2250 only $40O f ' rash will handle the deaL ; . 550 Calt L Buys house, 4 large lot. $50 Down $10 Month - Buys best lot, paring, walk in price 1475. near State St. i See Our $1600 Bungalow. 4 rooms, plastered, pared street, won derful buy, wot terms. lee CHlLiDS BKCHTtL Realtors, 540 State St. i . $3m26 $150 DOWN ' ; Balance $20 per month buys a . good five room-plastered bungalow , in . West Salem; with' modern piumhing and cement walks. Price $100. W. ir. GRABENHORST CO. 275 Stto St. Phono 515 - 63mSC mFJAI IS THE ONE WORD that lULLt perfectly decrihes thU 7 room J story homo. Not new but every-, thing else. Cleaner, more perfect from basemen to garret simply cannot be found.. Lot Hsl60, fine corner on paved street with .east .front and open view; fine big double garage; for order, 'neetnesa and general appearance from end to end, it ia simply the last word. Basement a clean and orderly as a dini&g room with profusion of closets and storage nooks; construction the beet; conditions A-l. ' At tho price, $-1300, it ia.vory seldom equalled. The kind that n talesman ia proud to how and that buyers wait months to ( find. Will consider n smaller house in exchange. r i .... yCH CP TO "$3000 for tho heat "f ' value in Salem residence proper ty new or old. submit house number ana pne ii piwpony ns mw wmw you'll hoar from us. DDilPlT A BEAUTIFUL 5-ACRI vu ' TRACT can bo bought for the price of the house it contains : if taken at once. This ia an emer geney deal to settle an eetsle nod ; aomebodyja certain to profit from it 7-ROOM. 2-STORT, Full Base meat: bent construction: East . Salem; cloee tn; fine corner; good con dition;-nico tawn. .Rent for $30. Buy . on easy terms. Splendid value at $4000 GROWING f , growing section: new building with mo ern living apartasent; long low lease an ideal, going propoeition. Owner will disclose best of reasons for telling. Will consider exchange. . tflPM lO-ACRES 4 miles north of tAa-itA Salem: best macatlam ro4L to pavement; very best Boil; nearly -all aiivated and set to good assortment 4f fruit, mostly berries: comfortable 4 room house in good condition; good vara aad ehieken house. Near Clsitsr tatton am the Oregon Electric. Splen did taloa at $3500. Want $1200 rasf or In Salem property. Balance 4 year at 6 per cent. Personslly laspeeted and approved yet. . o disappointments. HARRIS -: '' Vatonls Temple Phones 793, 1942 J . S $32S 'i . , v ' SPECIAL ' Larse corner let on Fairmennt hill, east front, wonderful view, $650. g room beaee. corner lot, oak trees, graveled street, $2600: $300 down. room house, close In, pavement, cast- front $20O0; easy terms. 6 - acre ' tract close in with modern electricity lighted buildings, 700-hen poultry houne, water to bouse and out build inr. Will sell on easy term and accent ritv renirfrnce as part payment. t ' CTRTltCDK J. M. PAGE r 4J1 N. Cottage C 3m23lX 03 TWO LOTS $450 VIEW AND TREES. Good toil. Close schools ana ear. Lack lot 56105. Reasonable terms. Re ttrictions that witl iasaro fine home district. Five plsts left. This Is tho best lot bargain wo have handled. High and dry. aouth (Winter between Croa and Howard. Becke Hendricks. V. H. Bank BIdg. I S3m24tf T ROOM HOUSE, SOUTH RALEM, $4,. 2j0; 5 room house. Tew Park. $2,000; a room house. Yew i Park. a,OUO; C : room New liotch Colonial. South Ha Um. $6,000; 7 room Pairmount Hill. $6,500. , A. C. BOHRX8TF.DT 1 Realtor. Loans and Insurance, 147 Xo. : Coa l St.. Salem, Oregon. 6:)m24tf HOU BCT9 A rtne lot with aeveral bearing fruit trees and three room house partly furnished Terms. $250 rah, balance $20 per month with : interest at sis per cent. located on N. 20th bewen Chemeheta and Court Sta. W. 11. GRABENHORST C0 273 State St. Phone 513 63m20 THESE AREi NEW ' AND MODERN. Hardwood floor, and garage. 5 room end sun room, fine fruit, east Salem, $3250. 5 looms and attic, corner lot, fine: view, Pslrmoent Hill, $6800. Besatiful stucco home, 6 rooms aad breakfast room. $10,300. close in. 4 rooms and breakfast alcove, stucco and tilo roof, an attractive Spanish house, fine location, $5000. WINNIE PETTYJOHN. Realtor 216 Oregon BIdg. i?' . i h 63m24tf BEST BCYS AND EXCHANGES .14 aero ehichen ranch, $1600, $100 and light ear a iirt payment. 6 room part modern house, $1600. Terms. 1 5 room modern new bungalow, garage, pavement, east frontage, $3150, $75 cash, balance $30 aad six per ceat in terest monthly. -. i ( ! 5 room modern bungalow, basement, trars, builtinx, sleeping porch, garage, pavement, east frontage, some furnish : log. 3700, 500 cash, balaace $35 aad ; interest monthly. 6 room cottage, "modern, eto'so o 8. P. depot, $2400, $975 cosh, balance - $25 and six per cent interest monthly. ' 8 room modern, basement, furnace, sleeping porrhs. 4 blocks from ' state ' house north. $5230, terms. 2 lots 104x138 feet, ran cut for" 8 houses, $650, $230 rash, balance terms,. Gas filling station and accessories, la . Salem, $1250 cash. . Grocery aad market, $1100 rash. 80COLOFSKY, Keal Estate and Loans. 1 i 63m24tf A REAL SNAP ' ' i I : !M! I ', ' Lot 55x150 located on 9, Capital between E and Belmont streets ; with two room garage house and double garsge ! on alley Price $1800. $750 down, balance $30 ner month.- t H W. H. GRABENHORST CO. - 75 Stato St. Phono 515 63m26 FOR SALE TWO VERT FINE VIEW lota. Only $100O apiece. Yon wtti have to act ouickly. j - Fine, corner lot on North Capitol street, near Parriah school. Only $1, 250. 20 acre farm la Hsielgreen district. Excellent soil. A bargain. Easy terms. 48 sere farm soar Monmouth, sest .: of Normal school. New buildings. Vary good soil. Price la right. FOR RENT 5 room flat. Win lease for n year or longer. ' RICH L. REIMAKN Realtor Phono 1018 463 Stato St. " . . D'Arcy BIdg. : 6S-alltf TO BUY A HOME IN OR NEAR SA ; lea now U a good and safe investment. or yon may have something you would like to trade, tell ua about it., A fully modern, fine bungalow on j : north Capitol street, 5 rooms, garage; 'sidewalk and street paring all paid. Thia is a good buy at $4500. easy . . terms. I A new fully modern 5 room bungalow oa north 16th. large rooms, gsrage. a complete home at $4200, easy term. A good a acre tract east of Salem, 8 room house, full basement, barn, .chick en house. 3 springs, 150 yonng Walnut trees; a bargain at $2500. tertnft No. 68 New store building, con fectionery, groceries, lunches. .fixtures, stock and . fixtures. , Invoiced price $5000. n good location. - A splendid grain and dairy rcneh in . Waldo hills, plenty ' of good . spring water, 2 large barns, large house. 85 ; aerea in crop, 28 acres in good timber end pasture, near eehoo! on county road. Price $18,000, or will trade for small acreage or city property. i1 ; No. 363 A four room - nearly new bungalow, bath. . range, booting atove, garage. A very good home at $1300, 300, balance $20 per month. Interest - included. t H ' We have some good property in Ore con City to trsde for Salem property. No. 370160 acre la S. Dak., near black hills to trade for email acreage in the valley. 1 - I ! No. 359 3 houses ia Sslem to trade for amall farm valued about $5,000. . nrire of 3 houses $5,000. two are rented at $30 per month. What have yon to trade for thia. ft) -54 . acre with t buildings, running water, plenty timber, mile - from town., to trade for city property, Frice $0OOO. !-i I -. :rl t i i 25 acres with buildings, 10 acres in 'good bearing prunes this year. ' Price ' $5000, or will trade for house in Sa- J.i. ULRICli, E. E, ROBERTS Realtors. 122- N.-Codt'l. phono la54i ""i ti...., ... ., i -f,-.., .-- 63m26 WpnderfurOregon FINE FARM I of 53 acres well improved, close to pavement and school, only 4 miles east from renter of Salem, good build ings, priced right, with terms. ii" L -i :'! 66 ACRES good building. M) acres in cuttivatlon, on edge of lake Labish, oa good roads, near schooL I A great buy at $ao00, with good terms. ; i -- j :i : i :f ';:'!:. I' ;- . i DAIRY BUSINESS good money maker i . ' - . ' ! ! GROCERY the best location and good money maker I LOTS on north Capital i street, reasonably priced, also fine view lot. Oregon Incorporated Realtor Insurance Investments, Phono 1013 Victor Schneider, t Secretary, Rooma 4-5-fr D'Arcy BldgJ,. 63m24tf MINUTE MOVIES FOLLY WOOD FILNUNCrS. i AlEUJS AND V.TV3S Of ED.VBMKLAM 3 ' tWND TO SCREEN S I .jT TV4E RECHJST A Or AKl MUNU"i FULLER PMUM WILL v CEASE EJF2LESQUiMJ lVe! GREAT DIRECTOR SERIAL 3 AND WEJSE - AFTER COMFiAC MIS EFFORTS SLAP STiCK COMEDIES HEAL ESTATE ItE.IL E8TATR BEAl'TIFL'L SUBURBAN HOME 10 sere, orchard. herriea. hay. Fine plastered house, barn, garage, baaoasent aad fare ace. Will take ia good house aad lot to $3500. Call 18'J N. Com mercial St. Room 4. 63ml9tf SMALL APARTMENT HOUSE FOB sale furnished, $6500 tskea. Uood home and investment in district yon like best. Becko A Hendricks, U. S. Bank Bldg. 63ni24tf RKAi, KSTATK TR.IKS 03 CASH AND LAND t For a Salem hoos or suburb re sidence. What have you f See Wm. Fleming. 341 State St. -. &3m24tf TRADES A 4 ROOM HOl'SK 8LIOI1T- ly wrinkled wurth $18oo to trade for a small improved place near Makem ; A new modern 8 room home worth $7000 to trade for n farm; A large 10 room bouse only 3 blocks from, the ktsto house, suitable for rooming house or fraternity house, worth $85uO, to trade for farm; 28 improved sightly orchard acres worth $12000, to trade for city home; 30 bare acres oa Pacific high way north, worth 80OO0, to trade for realdenre or Improved small tract near Salem; 10 hare acres of fruit land to trade for city lot; A nice $4000 home ia Kales to trade for home of equal value in southern California; 83 im proved aerea, clear, near highway north, and worth $6500 to trade fur Salem or Portland residence: 160 improved timber acre, clear, worth $2500. to trade for little farm near Salem, and will assume; 50 acres, 3 miles of good town, SO miles from Salem, worth $8000, will trade for smalt tract near Salem. HrGILCHRIST . PENNINGTON t 209 U. S. Bank Bldg, Phone 140 63m22tf A COUNTRY HOME j: Exchange for cows, a car, or smstl house, 20 acres improved at $1500, mail aad - milk route, running water, fair buildings. Catholic district. A desirable place. See for full informa tion. Wm. i laming. 341 State. 65m24tf PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP PP PP PP ' 2400 1400 P P PP EXCHANGES EXCHANGES PP P P P P P P EXCHANOE HEADQUARTERS P P P P Office in Salem aad Portland P P P P PP P P Tho demand for exchangee has P P P P made neresKsry our GREAT P P PP MARKET PLACE where the PP PP requirements of all can be P P P P matched. Wo have Just wast P P PP yon have in mind; Just where P P PP you want it; just tho right PP P P price. Our system I immediate P P J P in its action, smooth in it op- PP P P oration and unfailing in its RK- P P P P SULT8. If you would like to P P P P exchange your property TODAY, P P P P come in TODAT. See P P P P PARKER FOR PROPERTY P P PP 400 V. S. Bank Bldg. Comt' at P P P P State, Telephone 2242. 65ml7tf P P PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP REAL ESTATE Farms 67 FARM BARGAIN , . 240 acres, 120 plow land, build tags. Priced for quick sale. $15, OOO. . Term. Oweer will tske good home in Salem up to $4000. Buy a farm when you can buy it . right. W. H. GRABENHORST ft CO. 275 State St. . Phone 515. 67m28 SPECIAL i . SOO acre farm alt In fall wheat, with 7 room house and largo barn, splendid spring water. Price $110 per acre with crop. Located 8 miles from Salem. Terms. - Buy a farm when you con buy it right. -. W. II. GRABENHORST ft CO. 275 State St. : Phone 515 67m3S LAKE LAB 1ST! SPECIAL i 37l acres, two and one-half mile "f east of Brooks on "Brooks-lit. Ansel Million Dollsr Highway." It acres in cultivation, 4 acre beaverdam land, -3 acres planted to onions which should yield not lea than 8 carload thi year. 3 acres strawberries. Black loam soil of excellent quality. . Good house aad . large barn. Price, r including crop, ex cept berries, sad a tew miscellaneous farm tool, $7,5O0. ReaoabIe term. Act quick. If you want to buy or if yen want ' to sell a - farm, see me. I have all kinda, from $1500. in value up to $100, : OOO. - . v i ' . - i . A C. BOHRNSTEDT I Realtor. Loans, and Insurance, 147 No. Com'l St.. -Salem. -Oregon. 7jw34tf REAL) ESTATE o ttburbnn 9 $2100 CASH r i . Buys a good five acre tract all plow land with 5 room bungalow built about three years ago. located bout one mile east of Fairgrounds. For a small suburban homo you cannot beat this for value. W. H. GRABENHORST ft CO. 275 Stato St. Phono 515 69m26 JUST OUTSIDE CITY LIMITS. ONE acre, a-room modern house, garage and . barn, water piped to irrigate whole . tret- . Prica 45,000 clear, want city . residence property, will consider larg . i or deaL Wanted Largo stock ranch for Sal am ' property will assume, 10 acres wall im V ' proved, close to 8a1em. want Salem 1 residence. For bargaiaa and oaehangoa WANTED REAL. ESTATE 71 PPPPPPPP-PPPPPPPPP PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP PP ' PP PP ' CALL PP pp. PP" PARKER PP PP PP PP AND PP PP PP PP J START PACKING PP PP PP P P Selling ervico without : eqnal. P P P P Our eystem never fail. Scien- PP PP'tific telling, backed by clean. PP P P intelligent aaleemanship means PP PP RESULTS for YOU. We turn PP PP "Prospects" into Buyer. P P P P We turn "FOR SALE" signs in- P P PP to "SOLD." AH city property PP P P inspected, photographed and sold P P P P without aggravating delays. Sen P P PP PARKER FORi PROPERTY PP PP toj IV S. Nat'l Bank Bldg, P P P P . Commercial at State - - PP PP Telephone 2342 PP P P Offieea in Salem and Portland P P p p 7lml7-tf P P PPPPPPPP'PPPPPPPPP PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP (All rights protected print first PfciiE vuinninG LiniCWCK i iS By A SAlTIA jolfHER VeJtAlNSS TMiNK X3URE MAKlAix MISTAKE FULLER eeaces some ofTwe "5JAJ5S ARE c3ETTiA4? ART' ACTOMOBfXES WANTED 11 Eiker Auto Co. We pay cah for Fordsl 77ral?tf ISKU CAItS rOlt SAI-K ,T9 roitP TOURING CAR AND CAMPISG Outfit cheap.. Municipal Auto Camp. , 79m26" KSSETI SEDAN, 5 PASSENGER. JUST been repainted. Runs and looks like new. Great bay, 7io. A great road ster for a lady. In very best a. echo nt- : cat condition. R. N. MaeDonald. Mir mon and Cleveland Dealer, 256 State Street. 79m2 GOOD BUYS 1917 Ford touring $0 1M22 Ford sedan '.V.:. $400 1919 Chevrolet touring ....lo0 1922 Chevrolet touring $175 . 1J3 Chevrolet touring ...... $.':25 1919 Liberty Mix A snap : NKWTON CHEVROLET CO. 79m3ltt BUY Cuarsnleed used Ford car from an authorised Ford dealer. Roadster, non-tarter .................. "! Roadster, starter ................ 1 60 Koedster, lale model .....$335 -Touring, non-starter $100 Touring, atarter $163 TERMS ; Valley Motor Co. SCO N. High. Phonel93 79m21tf SPECIAL SALE TO CLEAR OUT ALL USED CARS tUaex Sedan. Franklin Roadster. Hupmobile Touring. -Willys-Knight Touring. Nsh Touring. You cannot appreciate these ear un til yon eoiuo and try them. It ploase ns to please you. Come and call oa as. R. N. MACDONALD Marmon and Cleveland Phone 793. 256 Stat St. WE CAN SAVE YOU MONEY ON USED CARS. CERTIFIED PUBLIC MOTOR CAR M-ARKET 1923 Cleveland sport roadster ..$825 1923 Studebaker light 6 touring $750 1923 Fsex touring .. $690 1923 Ford 4 door sedan ... $550, 1ft? Overland aedaa ..$490 1922 Saxon aedan ....... ....$400 1923 Chevrolet touring $335 .a Stsr touring $300 1923 ! Ford touring 2U5 1917 Buick 6 touring $265 1917iiBuick touring .$250 4 OM Ford $50 and up W Will trade and give terms . 79m26tf Dependable Used Cars 1924 Ford touring . . $375 1924 Star coupe . 8750 1924 Oldsmobile 4 pssa coupe -$1050 1934 Studebaker coupe $1100 1922 Oldsmobile touring $650 We also have Chevrolet. Fords, Max well and other standard make at $75 and up. Come ia and look them over. Wo give terms. A small deposit will hold sny car that yon may select. . "After Wo Sell Wo Servo" F. W. Pettyjohn Co, 865 N. Commercial St. Phone 1260 79M19tf Eiker's Touring Touring Coupe Scdna ..$60 73 ..250 25 Eiker Auto Co. , Our nsual guarantee behind all earn Liberty Street at Ferry A .. Phono 121 79-alStf GOOD USED PART FOB HALF OB Why pay moref -Money hack guarantee. . Seheelar Auto Wrecking Cow Look for tho orange front. Day phono 61. Night phono 503. 1085 M. Com marc la; St. "BaUt to av. money." 7-jl3U . Buy Better Used Cars From Powell THE GOLDEN RULE is the foundation of our businosa and it applies to our : method of merchandising used ears, as well a it doe to the ssles of a new f Packard. Hudson or Essex car.' ; i Wo are just as deeply concerned In the welfore of our used car patrons a : we are ia our new car customers. Before a car ia offered for sale by u it is thoroughly-overhauled. Every op eration performed rebuilding our need eara ia done with tho thought in mind, via; that when the car is sold it must be a credit to the house of POWELL. We stsnd squarely behind each and i every one of our uaed cara for ninety : (90) days from date of delivery with the f same warranty that yon get oa any new automobile. You own .it to yourself to see our care ' before you decide a purchase. Yon . i will find onr price are no higher than " yoq will elsewhere for the naual AS IS CAR, and our terras are liberal. ; - Late model -Velt. sport .touring fully ; equipped with extra tire complete, aide wings, front and rear 'bumpers', two spot light. ; fog light, aatomatie windshield 'wipe, motel-meter. oa barcsD,and rear . view mirron. Top, upholatettng and fin ish are Just like new. Tires 90 per cent of original value. . 23 Essex 4 coach 21 Buick touring. 18 Ford touring . , 21 Ford aedaa. . . . ... 24 Ford touring. : 21 Hudson touring, . , ' 23 Hudson 7 pass, aedan i 22 Hup touring, i 18 Maxwell touring. . I 19 Oakland touring. 21 Packard twin' six sedaa. 23 Packard single six touring : 28 Packard single six touring. ' 24 Packard single aia demonstrator. 1 t 24 Chevrolet oedan. 23 Maxwell touring Fred M. Powell Motor : Cars 90 Ferry Street Packard Hudson Essex 79M16tf READ THE CLASSIFIED AI6. by Thi George Mathews Adams : j RALPH VicSHZETl : OaI MS FACE WEARS' AN ETERAL LEER ' HE'S AW AlbB dF rRT? -ANJt HIS N1LLAIM0US ARPT3? N7AKE "WE ptEBOWES CRX OJT lAl FEAR IS V0URE RIGHT I UA3 GOMWA-TAKE-OFF OF i ERAZiLlAN "GIANT W1H " CIRCV35 Visrrs. TVE. , ) A "WREE RCtFST VJ4EELAM LOT., ET EV HSTwoMty INSTEAD CLASSIFIED Of CdlabU Duslaess AMZITLANCB GOLDEN AMBULANCE PHONES 609 HP3.K. lr or nieht servico. flsif AUCTIONEERS F. N. W00DRY Expert Livestock, furniture, rt-sl estate AUCTIONEER Res. 1610 N. Hummer Phone 511 for sale dates. L Q. 8ATTEKI.EE ' Auctioneer.ng 147 North High street. Phono 1243 or 2ll-. ' lee litf ACCOUNTANT O. KD, RUSH, ACCOUNTANT AMI Aud itor, 331H State. Phone 2o8ti. ' sl7-'2 BATTERY AND ELbCTRICTAW8 rTDT UABTON EXlbif HATTEK1KS tarter and generator work; 171 South Commercial. Phoa 198 ' COURT ST. JOrwil.UAMS BICTCXXS AND REPAIRING LLOYD E. RAM8DEN DAYTON BICY- cte and repairing, 3B7 Court. BRAKE RELXNING RAYBESTOS BRAKE STATION 273 South Commereial St. Phone 102. jBtf CHINESE REMEDY L. L. DICK L. M. HUM Chinese -. Medicine Company Help any known disease. 420-426 State. -30tf CHIROPRACTOR DR. a L. SCOTT. PSC CHIROPR..CTOR. Nevrocatometer service. 414-19 V. 8. Bsnh Bldg. Phone $7. Res. 828-R. H. B. SCOFIELD PALMER CHIROPRAC tor. 328 Oregon Bldg. Phone 2194. m5tf DRESSMAKING PRINTED CARDS SIZE 14" BY 7H" wording,, "Dressmaking;" price 10 rent each. Statesman Business Office, Ground floor. MRS. C. E. MILLER, HEMSTITCHIXO. stamping, buttons. Boom 10. over Mil ler' Store. Phone 117. ELECTRICIANS SALEM ELECTRIC CO. MASONIC building. Phone 1200. ELECTRIC FIXTURES AND SUPPLY Co., Phone 1924. 222 N. Liberty. PLE E X K R ELECTRIC C 0. m House wiring by hour or contract. Es timates furnished. Phone 980471 Court St. . . 1 1, i n i ' EYE EAR HOSE THROAT Dr. Harold M. Brown EYK. EAR, NOSE AND THROAT. 320 U. S. Bank BIdg. Phone 2134. j-14tf FARM PAPER IP YOU WANT TO GET THE BEST ' farm' .paper aend 1S to the Paeifie f ltomesteed, Salem, Oregon, for a three , months' trial subscription. . Mention . this nd.. . POCLTRYMEN SEND EIGHT TWO ' cent stamps for special three months' trial for the best and oldest journal in the west.. .The -articles ana advortiao ments are of apeeisl interest to the . poultry breeder of the Northwest. Northwest Poultry Journal, 211 Com mercial street. Salem. Oregon. rXHAXCXAX,- FOR SALE FIRST AND SECOND Mort , gages. Trust Deeds, Contract oa house . Will net Vfc to 80. BFfKK ft HENDRICKS U. S. Nat'l Bank. Jl-tf FARM LOANS PLENTY OF MONEY to loan on good farm security. CITY LOAN'S Wo are loaning Pro deatiat Insurance Company money on city residence and i businesa property, ' at 5'. plus a commission.; Hawkia l ft Roberts, Ine 203 Oregon Building. , d-14tf Farm Loans ANDERSON ft RUPERT 406 Oregon Building FLORISTS CUT FLOWERS. WEDDING BOUQUETS funeral . wreaths, decorations. C. F. ; Broithaspt, florist, 123 N. Liberty, Pho. 3HO. FUMERAX. DIRECTORS SALKM MORTUARY, FUNERAL D1RE& . tora. 210 Center. Phone 1656. m ,, SALEM. ELITE HEMSTITCHING pleating, button. Xafamping and needle workr 328 Oreeon Bldg. Phone 879. INSURANCE Insure Tonr homo or car now Phone 161 BECKE ft HENDRICKS U. 8. Bank Bldg. LIFE INSURANCE NEW YORK LIFE Ervin F. Smith. Harley 8. Pugh, Owen F. Ogden. Ore- ron Hide., city phone lea. i XJkTJhTDRXES CAPITAL CITY LAUNDRY Phono 165. Service with a smile. Quality work. 124 Broadway. J-14tf TRY .THE HOME WET WASH LAUN dry. Phono 171, 1356 B Street. J17tf SALEM LAUNDRY COMPANY 316 8. -Liberty street.. Phono 25, oldest larg est and' heat. , Established 1889. Service Trade BIrk Registered TJ. H0USlEAXV F-TWS WLU POBLlClT BUSINESS nd Professional Firms Arranged In Alphabetical Order for Quick Reference , LADIES TAILOEING D. If. MOSHER TAILOR FOR MEN' and women. 474 Court St. MATTRESSES MATTRESSES RENOVATED BY THE Capitol City Bedding Co.. 1190 North Capitol. Called for aad delivered. All work rueranteed. Phone !. flUf MEDICAL MOUNTAIN BALM COUGH REMEDY : Phone 51 7-W. MUSI0 STORES SHERMAN CLAY ft tH)M PIANOS Hteinways, Duo Art and others, Moore' Mukie House, 415 Court street. GEO. C. WILL PIANOS, PHONO . graphs, tewing machines, sheet mukie, ; and piano studies, Kepslring phono graphs aad sewing machines. 433 Slate street, Salem. TRADE YOUR OLD PIANO FOR A NEW Victor or Brunswick. H. L. Stiff Furni ture Co, Music Dept. NURSERY STOCK FRUIT, NUT AND SHADE TREKS Pearcy Bros.. 237 Stste. ' PACKING AMD SHIPPING FOR EXPERT FURNITURE PACKING and shipping, rail Stiff's Furniture tere. Phone 941. L PAPERHANQINO AND. PAJNTINQ . i. N. GAN'IARD ROY SHOEMAKE Phone 494 Phone 18C4-J . O ft S . i tt v Paint Company ' . J Painting, Papsrhangmg - June 8 PHONE GLENN ADAMS FOR HOUSE decoratiag, pnpm hanging, tlntiug, etc. Reliable woi-kman. -s PIANO TUNERS EDWARD WELT EXPERIENCED Pi ano tuner. Leave order Will's Music Store. PLUMBING PLUMBING AND GENERAL REPAIR work. Graber Bros., 141 Liberty St. Phone 550. f-19tf RADIO SPLITDORF RADIO, SALES AND SERVICE No better radio made at any price QUALITY CARS High aad Trad fl3tf RADIO DOCTORS SALKM ELECTRIC CO. F. S. BARTON. Proprietor Masonic Temple Phone 1200 Radlolas For Every Purpose -Every Purte j . - , j All Standard Sise !..,. , - j of Radio Tnbea HALIK ft rXJFP ELECTRIC SHOP j 337 Court St. Phone 48M REP AI KING ALVIN B. STEWART - - 347 Court St. - ' L'rabrellss, Cutlery and Key j Lawnroower, rator-blade. sc.sMin, knives and tools sharpened ' SCAVENGERS 8008 SCAVENGER SERVICE GAR bage and refuse of all kinds removed by the month. Reasonable rates. Cess pools cleaned and dead animals re moved. Phones Office 35 or 979, Res. 2058. ' SECOND HANS GOODS WANTED EVERYTHING IN CLOTH ing and shoes. Best prices paid. Cap ital Exchaage, 342 North Commercial. Phnne 136S-W. - STOVE8 AND STOVE REPAIRING WTYIVKR RKBLMLT AND REPAIRE! 40 years' experience. Depot Nstional fence, sixe 2o to 58 in. high, i'aiats, oils and varnishe. etc.. loganberry end hop hook. Salem Fence and Stove Works. 250 Court street. Phone 124. ETOSAGX WE -STORE YOUR HOUSEHOLD Good or anything yon have, by th week, month oc yesr. P. A. Eiker, corner 'Liberty end Kerry. Phc lt. d-14tf 7- TRANSPORTATION ...nk,AltKKR STAGE HNe ' J. W. Parker, General Manager. I --Central Stage Twjiat i 8AIJM. OREOON Frinclpla One-Way and Round-Trip '-. Fares on Parker Stage Line : ' ,. One Round Station - : Way Mcliinaville : -.$1.00. Monmouth ... .75 Trip Sl.70 1.25 Dallas .50 .00 1.80 1.25 1.00 1.40 7.40 5.70 3.0O 2.60 2.00 FaUa City .. Silverton Independence Amity Tillamook .... . l.OO .75 . .65 .75 ; 4.60 3.5S 1.85 1.60. . 1.25 Hebo .... Willamina . Sheridan . I ay ton .. . . - .Vber, 1.30 2.40 Pai-ker Stage lines makea big redac tion in Express Kates, from 20 to . SO cents on the hundred pounds. Reason able rates en C.OJ. collecting. Send your exprcs by S.ag and get quicker servic. Csll 696 for T b form t ion - TRANSFER AND HAULING TRANSFER AND HAULING OF -ALL kinds. Phone 19F3. S. Office) aem nana ?Tf5AM5E AS tTMAV - SEM OWLy SIX Or EtANCME ROUGE'S FANS WERE M FAVOfe UkX ME AS I AM -;I.4ASnr KEEN AfeOOT OF WEF2 HER. HAIR - TrJEREFORE." FOLKS MEFt F2AVEM "TRESSES ARE SWE FROM "IWE SHEAR'S A-SAlTTA'- SeNOVD'.Ft DEPT.. J.C.aHiLLOTM. VSVW SUITABLE MW. THAMES TtRTl EOO&T UfSHAU. CCULtL "b CE4J3E BT TTr? A ICkUCH ascT "A FRCf1 - yes us DIRECTORY Transfer' aiwl llaulinj; CAPITAL CITY TRANSFER CO. 22ti fitaie St. Phone VU3, JLIislribuling, for warding and storage our specialty. Uet ' our rates. j WE MOVE. STORE AND SHIP HOUSE hold goods. Our specialty is piano and furuituro monns. We also make coun try tripe. We handle the beht coal aad wood. Call oa ua for prices. We give good measure, good quality nd good service, l.armer Transfer Co. Phone 130. WATER 8AI.KM WATER. LIGHT ft IHWKR CO. Otfii-e 304 South Cummenisl Ml. Ten per rent dlncouht oa domestic flat rtes paid in advance. No deduction fur abkeaoe or any cause unless water - - ? p y remlje T- GENERAL MARKETS - PORTLAND. May 23. Portland dairy exchange: Butter, extras 41c; standards 40 Vic; prime firsts 40c; firsts 38c; Eggs: extras 34c; firsts 32c; pullets 30c; current receipts 30c. PORTLAND, May 23.! Hay: buying prices, valley timothy $20 21; do eastern Oregon $21 24.50; alfalf t ; $2021; clover XoUca ' of Intention to Improve . Alley in lUook HS, City f, ga- irra. Notice is hereby given that the Common Council of the; City of Salem, Oregon, deems It necessary and expedient and hereby declares its purpose and intention to im prove Alley In Block 88 of the original plat of the City of Salem, Marlon county, Oregon, from the north line of Marion street to the south line of Union street, at the expense of he abutting and adja cent property, by bringing said portion of said street to the estab lished grade, - constructing Port land cement concrete curbs, and paving said portion of said street with a six-inch Portland I cement concrete pavement in accordance with the plans, specifications and estimates therefor, which were adopted by the Common 'Council May 18, 1925, now on file in the office of the City Recorder and which said plans, specifications and estimates are hereby referred to and made a part of this notice. The Common Council hereby de clares its purpose and intention to make the above described im provement by and through the street improvement. department of I the City of Saletn. j. I "lTooio .w swawm Anaf Hcj war a OTs 4 - Ka V ft t v U a cuivuov uvti . i utatj ow filed with the City Recorder of said city against the above pro posed improvement within ten days from the date of final publi cation hereof. I By order of the Common Coun cil May 18, 1925. M. POULSEN. City Recorder. Date of first publication hereof is May 22, 1925. ' jne-3 Notice of Intention to Improve John Street from the South lAnn of I Jacob Street to the orth Line of Superior Street. Notice is hereby given that the Common Council of the City of Salem. Oregon, deems it necess ry and expedient and hereby: declares its purpose and intention to im prove John street from the sooth tine of Lincoln street to the north line of Superior street, at the ex pense of the abutting and adjacent property, excepting' the street and alley intersections, the expense of which will be , assumed t by the City of Salem', by bringing said portion of said street to the established grade, constructing Portland cement , concrete curbs, and paving said portion of said street with a six, Inch Port land cement concrete pavement twenty feet wide in 'accordance with the plans, specifications 4 and estimates therefor, which were "ad opted by the Common Council, May 18, 1925, now on file in the office of the city recorder and which said plans, specifications and estimates are hereby referred to and made a part of this notice. The Common Council- hereby declares its purpose and intention to make the above described im provements by and through the street improvement department of the city of Salem. ' j , . ; - Written remonstrance may be filed with the city recorder of said city against the above pro posed improvements within ten days from date of final publica tion' hereof. By order of the Common Coun cil May 18, 1924. i . -M. POULSEN. City Recorder. Date of first publication hereof is May 22, 1925. , . Jne-3 By ED WHEEL AN Ar?e CXWSlEErW- FC4JCE tCXi SlAR - iM FACT US HA ONS VM -TT2A'NIJC3- RkjMTAioUJ vj.e.acel-ths TVS THi 2ART- SUCH GeMERogs AFWHCIA TiOM MELP5 A LOT 3Tw"LL LEV.: VOIR UAS iwf?V TLE:vC ill- I s4 I I T? rzrU "17.."0; oat hay .nominal; rJiat $17.50 oal and vetrh $20i21; straw $8. 60 per lou. SnhiK prices $2 a ton more. PORTLAND, May 2r.. Grain futures: Wheat, hard white.-Htf. Baart, May $1.6&; Jnno $1.:.; July 1.50. 'Soft white. May, June, $1.62; July f 1.4 6. Western white,. May, June $1.6Q July $1.40. Western-red. May $1.58; June fl.SS: July $1.45. BBB hard white. May, June $1.70; July $1.60. Oats: No. 2, 36-pounda whole feed 03S; June $38. No. 2, 38 pound!) pxray. May, June $37.50. Barley; No. 2, 44-poundn. May, June $35. Corn: No. 2, EV shipment. May, June", July $49. No. 3 KY nhlp ment. May, June, Juue, July $48.50. Mllirun: standard. May, June $37. . TKAC1 1 KIW 1CX AM IN ATION H Notice Is hereby given that thn County Superintendent of Marlon County, Oregon, will hold the reg ular examinations of applicants for State Certificates at Salem, in J the First Christian church (base ment) corner Center . and High streets; as follows: Commencing Wednesday June, 10, 1925, at 9:00 o'clock a. m., and continuing until Saturday, June 13. 1925, at 4:Q0 o'clock p. m. j Wednesday Forenoon ...D, S. History, Wilting (Pen manship), Music, Drawing. ; ' Wednesday Afternoon Physiology, Reading. Manual Training, Composition, Domestic Science, Methods in Heading. Course of. Study, for Drawing, Methods in Arithmetic. ; . y Thursday Afternoon Arithmetic, History of Educa tion, Psychology, Methods in Ge ography."' Mechanical Drawing, Domestic Art, Course of Study for Domestic Art. j . 1 j TlmrKday Afternoon Crammer, Geography, Steno g r a p h y, American Literature, Physics, Typewriting, Methods in Language, Thesis for i Primary Certificate. Friday Forenoon Theory and Practice, Orthogra phy , (Spelling), Physical Geogra phy, English Literature, Chemis try. ; J . Friday, Afternoon School Law, Geology, Algebra, Civil Government. v , Saturday Forenoon Geometry, Botany. Saturday Afternoon . General History, Bookkeeping. MARY L. FULKEUS0N, Marion County School Supt. ... . M 24-26 . : , pnoposAiisroR firrrrURH r - - -. ! -The Oregon State Board nt Control will receive sealed bids m June 10, J?25, at 2 P. M.r for fur nishing to the various state insti tutions supplies consisting of dry. goods, clothing, furnishings, gro ceries, meat, shoes, hardware drugs, . stationery, crockery, plumbing, etc., for the seml-an, nual period ending December 31. 1925.- Specifications and . sched ules will be furnished upon appli cation to the secretary at Salem, Oregon, also from the trade and commercial bureau of the Port land Chamber of Commerce, or from theAasociated Industries of Oregon; both located in the Ore gon Building. Portland. Oregon. Each bid shall be accompanied by a certified check representing 10 per cent of the whole amount bid. payable to the Oregon State Board of ( Control, or where the 10 per cent amounts to $500.00 or more, a surety bond from some, company authorised, to do business In Ore goodwill be accepted in place of the , check. The same shall be held as a' guaranty of the faith ful performance of the contract. The board reserves the right, to reject any or all bids or to ac cept the bid deemed best for lb a State. CARLE ABRAMS, Secretary Oregon State Board of Control. M24-29-J2-C. Notice of Intention to Improve Brook Avenue From Highland Avenue to North City Limit. Notice is hereby given that Lhe Common Council of the City of Salem, Oregon, deems it neces sary and expedient and hereby de clares its purpose and intention to improve Brooks Avenue from the north line of Highland Avenue to. north City Limits, at the expense of the abutting and adjacent pro perty, by bringing said portion of -said street to the established grade, constructing Portland ce ment concrete curbs, and paving, said portion of said street with a six inch Portland cement concrete pavement twenty-five feet wide in accordance with the plans, speci fications and estimates therefor, which were adopted by the Com mon Council May 18, 1925, now on file in the office of the City Recorder and which said plans, specifications and estimates era hereby referred to and made a part of this notice. The Common Council hereby declares its purpose and Intention to make the above described im provement by and - through the Street Improvement Department of the City of Salem.': Written remonstrance may 1.3 filed with the City Recorder cl said City against the above pro posed Improvement .-within, tej days from date of final rut:: tion hereof. By order of the Commoa Co .: cil, Hay 18, 1923, M. ro uls ::: c: ? y - . Date of first putlicatica i. . i ' May 22, 1925. ; :