The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, May 26, 1925, Page 5, Image 5

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j . i-
i ' -I.
1 - 1 "
- --
TSie Ssacossc
If you ate looking for
something that's . particu- ,
larly choice f. in a Spring
Suit you'll find what you
are after if you come here. r
Suits $18 to $45
New Spring Hate
Hose and Shirts, Too '
G. W. Johnson & Co
V 469 State St. (K
J mi-
ffl .Jrf J! i ' ,' 1 .m ft
Onrvkath?r2'lan. i
,. Fair and Mild
j ; i-'rK.I 1' '!''!': .- '!.
Low humidity la the Interior;
gentle northerly -winds. Max. 75;
MIn. ,43; RiTer 3.5, falling;. Rain
fall . none; Atmosphere clear;
Wind northwest, i' j i - ; J
Elliott Rotary Speaker ,, ,i
P. A. Elliott, state forester, will
speak at the Rotary program for
I Wednesday. Benjamin J. Klmber,
ley ecu tire secretary pf, ,tbe, .Marion
....... vmf a 1 -. a. .
i vuui tiuvA is iu BKiift ua sees
Boys'andiBuay'Men. ' Sttf Klmber
Is Tone Kthe Jontsfandmi county
tMCA 'workers on th' Pacific
coast and his work while in Mar
ion county has: attracted attention
from all parts j of the Pacific
Northwest. The musical numbers
will consist of a harp eolo by Mrs.
Charles Bowman Hutchines, while
a vocal solo number is to be ren
dered by Charles Bowman Hutch-
ins., i:U
m - -
'm m
Helene Chadwick in "The
' ' Dark Swan." ... . - " . L:.m
Xlmerty "The Eternal City?
i by Hall Caine.k At "
Grand "Sp Th!i$;li JxJtjidon
: with Lawrence4 DOrsay. !
' Bligh Douglas Fairbanks in
- 'Mark vt Zorro." - -
BamfatI Records for April" I
During April of this year, Ore
gon's rainfall was 2.71 inches, As
toria 4.37; Marshfield e.91; Haw
port 4.98, and Pendleton 1.02 in
ches. ; . i.V ..' . . ;'' ' . ,,
A Singing Boyi; i -f:'.
Is not in mischief.! m Show your
appreciation by coming to the Sa
lem Boys' concert. First Christian
church, Tuesday. May 26. . m26
Prisoners Hare Schooling
A the Oregon state penitenti
ary, according to the chamber of
commerce bulletin, of the 501 in
mates on April 1, 90 had; attended
high school, and 16 claimed to
hare attended college. The bulle
tin also carries the moral: If you
want to keep out, graduate from
a high school and then go to col
ege:i;:t , j,J :: f:-:h
An Evenlnjc of Ra
Enjoyment, both to the ear and
to the eye. Salem Boys' chorus
50c and 25c. i ?! m26
Linen Importa Increase ! ! !
Imports of woren fabrics in flax
hemp and ramie during 1924
reached the sum of 134.237,000,
according to the bulletin of the
Salem chamber of commerce. This
is an increase of -33.5 percent
over the 123 s importo into the
United States. J According to this
report chances for an outlet for
the product of. the new linen mills
of Salem are ' good.
f 10O Down Takes Home '
Balance Just like rent; priced
at S3300. See at 1120 Chemek
eta. Mots In Monday s and in a
few years you j will sit , prettier.
Both parings paid and 6 per cent
Interest included In $30 monthly
payment. ' Lowest fire rate; close
to all schools, state house and bus
iness. This is ; good " property.
Becks & Hendricks, U. S. Bk. bldg.
- f .;. m24tf
Portland Men Fined
William Cato Ralston, and Joe
Pelx, both of Portland, each paid
day for speeding. Ralston, arrest-1
ed by O. O. Nicholas, state officer,
is said to have been driving 4 5
miles an hour Pel was arrested
by Officer Flannery for going 40
miles an hour. 1
Pbcnc 727
f420O New Home, Finished
i To 'suit. - Cement ' basement!
hardwood floors. five larsre
room down ' ana "floored 1 attic.
Some terms. Doable construction.
anion labor job. Two lots Best
buy in Salem under $5,000: Becke
& Hendricks, U. S. Bk. bldg.m2 4 tf
Two Licenses Issued :
i i Two marriage licenses were tak
en out in the office of the county
clerk, yesterday They were issu
ed to David Crockett, Airlie. Ore-
and Annie Phelps, 645 Ferrr:
Donald F. Davidson Spokane, and
Ruth Elizabeth Page, of Salem.
Dance '
Cole McElroy's orchestra". Wed
nesday, May 27. Crystal Gardens.
'-';' ; m26
Birth Record Filed - i : 5
v Richard Stewart Madsen. Is the
name given to" a son born to Mr.
and Mrs. Alvin C. Madsen of route
1, Salem. The birth occurred May
23, according to the certificate of
birth filed with the city health
officer yesterday.
Box of Candy Given
i With every child's haircut. Mil
lers Beauty parlor, phone 1047.
' J - ' .. : , ' 027
Model Is Display
A model of Boonesborough lis
being displayed at the Cray Belle
by Elmer Wedel and 'Andre Lam
bert, students of the Englewood
school. The model is finely done
and is a reproduction in miniature
of the fert constructed by Daniel
Boons on ths .banks of the Ken
tucky . river." The two boys are
membersr4he--6A history class.
and" the work was. done outside the
school room. "t ., , -ia-'
- : :
Fairmonnt HUI Home' . .. ;
-t Compare it to any $6500 house
you have seen. We can sell , Mon
day for $5,000 cash. " Nothing the
matter; owner: wants money now;
6 rooms and everything else,: in
cluding location. Becke & Hen
dricks, U. S. Bk. bldg. m2 4tf
Returned to Trade '
; E. T. Prescott. who has for the
past 16 years managed and helped
to operate his brother's orchard in
Polk county, has turned the place
over to his brother, who has re
cently returned from the east, and
is again following his trade as a
Crystal Gardens;
Wednesday Night
Saturday Night
tonsorial artist. Fcir many years
Mr, Prescott was employed in the
Gilson shop on Etatejstreef. at that
time haviag,l chairs, and is well
knownto the public. His friends
win be' glad to learn of his return
td! the trade. He is bow employed
in' the Gfve'n shop on State strefet
between Commercial and Fronti ;
Dance I
Cole McElroy's orchestra, Wedi
nesday. May 27. Crystal Gardens'
SBA Council Entertains '
Salem council oif the! Security
Benefit association No. 2622 will
entertain members of the Eugene,
MUl City, v McMinn ville and New-
berg - chapters in McCornack hall
tonight. .Entertainment and a
lodge meeting is to be offered the
Vetarans Hear Panto
. Veterans from the GAR. Span
ish-American vets,, members of ths
Veterans of Foreign Wars, the
American Legion aid other patri
otic organizations of the ; city
packed the auditorium of the Uni
tarian church for the Sunjday mor
ning services which were held by
Rev. Martin Fereahetian. 'Ths
Price of Freedom") was the topic
of the speaker, who traced the.
development of democracy, from
the past to present. I
Talking Is Forbidden
Clara Jasper, pretty pledge to
the Beta Chi. a sorority at Wil
lamette universityj has been told
not to talk to a man during the
period of initiation. In addition,
she is to make a list of all male
members of the Willamette uni
versity student body who attempts
to talk with her, according to the
story told the reporter yesterday
by a male student! at Willamette.
Governor in Port land
Governor Piercej was In Port
land Monday to address the Worn-
ens' Research club. Sunday he
spoke upon law enforcement in
Rainier. I : ' ' . s
, soa sue soesa't mm evar ;
ani boy bis 1924 Sprt Star
l r Toarlnj Jvtt Ilk nnr sad
, equipped wttk Baflooa Trr '
Tixm and lots of . extra
Only $595 y .,... ..; - .J C
Funds Are Restored
All of the $5,000 stolen from
the state treasurer's department
by Clarence Thompson, former
teller, have been returned by the
surety companies. The; American
Surety company has "made , good
$1688.67, the Fidelity Deposit
company of Maryland $2279.97,
while Thompson himself returned
$1031.36. Thompson is now serv
ing nine years in the state prison
for; his peculations. " -
on Jefferson way, about 2 Vt miles
south of Salem. - This field of
grain is fully, five feet In heighth
and of a good thick stand, the
wheat being fully headed out. It
is quite anueual for wheat to head
out in tis valley by the middle of
May., . v v.r 5 - .
Becomes ew Member
Professor S. B. Laughlin, bead
of the sociology department of Wil
lamette university, was a guest at
the Chamber of Commerce Moo.
day. He made application ; for
membership. , -
CloMd Cars Are Most Popular
Now. ; The Certified Public
Motor Car Market has some nearly
new closed cars on display at
greatly reduced prices. You
should see these guaranteed auto
mobiles before you buy. m31
Dance. ' .
Cole McElroy's orchestra, Wed
nesday, May 27. Crystal Gardens.
Champion Visits Father-
Clayton Fry, national amateur
middleweight boxing champion, is
spending a few days in Salem
visiting his father. P. S. Fry, chap
el guard at the penitentiary. Clay-
' . . . . . . . .
ton rTy won nis uue unaer vne
colors of the Los Angeles Athletic
dbeuteJUlA-. oaMl ' pregoulan.
He Will meet uemps niajrer J"
Portland . Wednesday sight. He
plans to enter OAC In the fall.
Business Boildinjc .Bargain-
Sal?trice. $20,000. wrings in
$2 60-a. months with certain In
crease of rental and ;vlae.- Low
maintenance aad Insurance, bee
this. Becke & Hendricks, v., a.
Bk. bldg. m24ti
JUg Surprise!
Gale Dalton of Portiana. iv
year old small boy with a big
voice. Has received more money
for a single appearance than any
other boy singer. Soloist for Sa
lem boys chorus, Tuesday mgnt.
Hunt Brothers Cannery -
Will commenee on strawberries
Tuesday, May . 26, 7 a. m. ; m26
Bundle Day Packages ; f r;
. '. If any station, any church Or
pehool, has Near East bundle-day
packages-that have 'not been cajled
forL will tnoss who have them, 4r
know of them, please' phonet to
74tW,ahd they will be promptly
called for. Bundle day in Salem
was an unexpectedly great success,
but it Is desired that no packages
be left unforwarded, so as to make
the good showing still better. ,
; Ostoopatar-Sarswry f
aUsstroale DUcnscls; sad TrsatSMat I
(Vt. Abr' j Btad)
; Offlenu I5 r S-J
SOS V. S. Xaak Zldg.
- ' t - '
San Francisco, one way, $15J50
t Hound Trip, $30.00
Los Angeles, one way, $27.85
Round Trip, $50.00
' Special Rates to Parties of
Eight or! Mors
Tot Information i and : Reserva
; tions phone 696, or call at ;
,;. Salem, Oregon
LADD & BUSH, Banlicra
nuablisbed 1EC3
General Banians Buiincra
CfSesj Hours from II a, m. to f p, n.
Barber Shops Open
Until g o'clock Friday night
Closed ail day Saturday. m29
Bark From Trip
; Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Prescott
have returned from an auto trip
to Astoria and Seaside. This was
Mr: Prescott's first drive over that
nortion of the Columbia- highway
and he is enthusiastic in hl&praise
of the location and construction
of the road. Except for a few
needless curves that are being
straightened out, he hinks the
courses selected are admirable and
the grades easy. In his opinion
the road compares favorably ln
these respects with similar high
ways he has traversed in a num
ber of Eastern states. '
Ready to apply. Pearcy BJos.,
237 state si. mzs
Corporation Heads Meet
. Corporation c o m m 1 s s i o ners
from 10 states comprising the
western division will meet in Sa
lem July 20 and 21. according to
W, E. Crews, state corporation
commissioner. . Commissioners
from Washington, Montana. Ida
ho, Wyoming, California, Colorado
New Mexico. Arizona and Utah are
expected. The dates were fixed
to conform with .the date of the
national Elks'- convention in Port
Start on Strawberries
ine starr Fruit cannery will
start on strawberries this morning
at the same time they will keep
on canning: gooseberries,: accord
ing to announcement made yester
day by D. RobertSi manager. The
cannery has been going on goose
berries for the past few days, and
me new move will make for an
Increased Drodnet ntnct t..
strawberries will be put up in cans
wun some of the product barrel
ed., i ; , ;,. ,.
Natnre Study Kxplained
Charles Bowman Hutchins. who
is presenting a series of nature
studies at the First Methodist
church, appeared in his first offer
ing last night, which was well re
ceived. He told about his experi
ences in, hunting for many of, ths
rare birds of the world, and the1
success in securing them. ! He
gave several bird calls and made
several pastel drawines and Daint
ings to illustrate his lecture. Mrs,
Hutching rendered several solos.'
Story Hour Popular
Over 4 0 children attended the
children's story hour at the Atlas
Book & Stationery store, which
was held under the direction' of
Miss Florence Cartwright. The
story hour is proving more popu
lar and It ', is expected that new
ouarters will have 'to be secured
for the next meeting, to be held
some time In June.
peared before Police Judge Mar
tin Poulsen. L. L. Allstock for
feited $10, B. D. Coffey, & like
amount, and G. W. Griffin $20,
after they had been arrested lor
speeding. Albert Anderson was
arrested by Officer Edwards for
exceeding the speed limit and was
booked to appear before the police
judge. T. J. Kron put up a ball
of $10 when he was taken into
court by Officer, Edwards for
speeding. '
night and waited for another one
to take them back to their home.
When the train failed to come the
boys set about for other means to
get them to Eugene. ' They espied
a Ford Coupe,3 which belonged to
Albert Dorenbush of Salem. It
was the1 plan of the boys to ride to
Albany anc desert the car there
and beat It on foot to their home
town. Their plans went awry,
however, for the Albany 'officers
Get Building Permits
' J. W. Jones is to erect a dwel
ling at 1724 Broadway at a cost
of $2000; E. A. Ithoten. a dwel
ling at 2395 Laurel to cost $2200;
W. P. Dennis, a dwelling at 1535
Fern, costing $2000; W. F. Barn
es a dwelling at 1435 Hines . to
cost $500; and a repair permit to
W. R, Bush of 1363 South Com
mercial, which will cost $2000.
according to the building records
at the city recorder's office.- '
Pioneer Meet Postponed"
The 53rd annual reunion of the
Oregon pioneer Association has
been postponed , from June 18 to
July 1, due to conflict 'with dates
of the Rose Festival of Portland.
A program has been arranged
which will Include speeches and
songs of various kinds. Delegates
are to assemble from all parts of
the Pacific Northwest. - ;
Drunk Jailed ;
Howard Burgess .was taken .to
the police station over the week
end by Officer . Thomason in a
drunken condition. He was ar
rested in a downtown cafe.
arrested them and held theti lor
the Salem police. The names of
the boys are Stuart Foch, Chester
Wilcox, Harry Harper and Arnold
Cummings. They are held in the
Salem police court - and will toe
given a preliminary hearing in the
Justice court here.
Miss Julia Hamer spent the
week-end at her home near Hiils
boro. '
I " i. .
Awnings Are Prepared .-' ,
The sunny weather has caused
managers of the downtown stores
and office buildings to erect awn
ings and shades; to give protection
from the bright sun. Many of the
stores, ; where porticos have been
made, use a drop awning that
forms a cool avenue under which
the' pedestrian is able to travel. -
Moores to Entertain ' " '
IfoofeSf Music House enterUin-
ers will appear before the McKin
ley junior high school association
in the annual get-together and
meeting tonight. , A program of
exceptional numbers has been pre
pared which will Include vocal and
instrumental numbers.
Fines Are Collected .
. Howard Burgess was fined $10,
N. E. Meyer $5, and D. J. Pybus
$2.50, for infractions of the driv
ing, laws of Salem, when they ap-
WfeUt Fally Headedll H. M
' A remarkable small tract of fall
sown wheat, and oats-may be sesn
ontheM L.Whttsell farm 'one
halt : mile from Jto bison's corner
Benefits of Massage ? f
" Without Massage
You all know the tpVndid benefit of
expert facial mawag. ' But da you 1m
know that if improperly done, or too
freqaently. it tend to looaen the kia,
weaken the : nuacular foundation, pro
during aaga and wrinkle t '
If more women only' knew it. all the
rood of massage, and more, with no harm,
ful effect, may be had by applying a aim
file mi i tare of powdered tarkroot and
einon juice, a spoonful of each. This,
instead of making the face flabby, does
the rery opposite., Its action is perfect
ly astounding. In yonr mirror; you ee
wrinkles, age line and sagglnes-literally
"ironed ont" in less than fifteen
minutest . A beautifully rounded contour
results and a TiUirul pink $low moants
the cheeks. Ton csi obtsln an original
package of powdered tarkroot from any
droETiit.- anough to bring the cos of each
treat meat down ? to' three mt4 "or less I
lt' the greatesf thing yet iaeeJTored ta
make old-looking faces young looking
mix. i s .:.". . k
When You
Are Ready
To Move
H . . ar a i x.
Call 9a us, for we have padded Vans and Fleece-lined
covers for your furniture and piano, First class piano
and furniture movers. - . . 1
We also Handle Brooder Stoves, Furnace
. Coals and Diamond Briquettes
Larmer Transfer &
Storage Co.
Face Serious fChnrf
" Lewis Ackerman. aged 22 years
and Ray Brookshire, age 20 years
were arrested by Salem police Au
thorities and booked on -charres
of contributing to the delinquency .
of: minor girls. Both lire Salem !
residents and were arrested after
12 o'clock Sunday in the company
of girls under 18 years of age.
The party had been joy-riding in
an automobile. ' .
Boys Come to Grief
Four Eugene boys came to Sa
lem on a freight train Saturday
" Ifewett .. '
Joel Hewett of Seattle died May
23, 1925, age. 75 years. 11 months
and , 22 days. Father of Edwin
P. and Bert S. Hewett of Seattle;
one sister, Mrs. Sarah Clark of
Long Beech, Cal., and a niece,
Mrs. Mabel Bowman of Salem. 'He
was born near Gettysburg, Pa. j
and came to Salem in 1892. He
left . here f rye. years ago for Se
attle;; where; he resided till Ji'is
death: Fneral will be held' at
the ' Rigdon mortnary Tuesday
morning at 10:30. Rev. Mr. Kaht
ner officiating. Interment in City
View cemetery. ' .si
Wrigley gives the penny a bicr
value In delightful, lon-ksting v
beneficial refreshment. .
Coining hocie on the train cr In tl
car It's so cool and sweet after
smoking. And then when you et home
how eager the littjc foDcf are for their
Wrigley s f
How good it Is for therif
"after every msol"
; ... 1
iiuimML mil. iiiiwijwiiiiii in lalhifaa' ft 1 " Si sui 1
IL 1
f 1' !
' - fez .
.l. st "'. I ...... - r-
marvels at
From the. vase, nte
clear, sweet notts ot
song Below, with t
Oriental spier,-.
girls dance- - .
City . and out of town
mail orders received now
This mail order system has Leen adopted so that every community!
may secure its seats on the same basis as the citizens of Portland.
" 'You tvill secure the best scats
by ordering NOW; They will be sent you immediately epea re
ceiving your check or draft or post office money order. ,
ROS ARIA the stupendous
i - - pageant of the rose
! The greatest outdoor performance ever staged, with a cast of 5,C
. -'s
2 mcm- jimmo
Juat indicate the aeats you want and the but ticket! unsold will be aent you i
'tax. It will be aafer to enclose ae!f-addresU aunped envelope for reply.
, Arena chairs (four center aections directly in ftont of atage). ..J2.00
Arena aeats (occtioca to aide of Uge). I. SO
. GrancTatand (m front of Use.r. 2 .00
Bleachers (to akie of aUge in arena, reserved).., 1 .00 .
' Bleacher (unreaerveU) .75
Miil ordeta to Rose Festivii HeaAirurters, Room 605, Orson Building rortlan.
Tteajurer of the PortUnd Rose Fettivai Inc. Mo war tax. .
fa mil A :
lMu!trcrru:7i Stadium' -