The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, May 26, 1925, Page 3, Image 3

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Woman's Relief Corps will
be guests of the 'Various schools
on! Friday. May 29. i '
Blind school Louise King,
Florence Shipp. i
i Cheraawa Ida' Newmeyer, Al
ma Henderson. I
r.irlsT Training school Katie
Scbott, Marie Kaup. j
Hoys Training school Emma
Thompson, Vera Glover.
West Salem Mathilda White,
Prudence 'Bouffleur, and Bernice
Rduffler. - i
fialcm High school Helen
-t-fngstrom. L ! - I
1 ; Balem Heights Rose Voris,
.iHlelle Morris, Fannie ISandle.
"Willamette University Bessie
Martin, Ida Traglio. j ;
Vew Park Jesse Crossan, Mary
MOyec, Eleanor Getchell.
I'arrish Junior High - Effie
Danlap. Ida Hancock.
Brooks Ella
ITarrls, Jennie
Blanche Davis,
Ilattle Jewett. !
'Grant Junior High Alma Mc
"Whorter and Alice Davles.
Garfield feertha t.oveland and
Elizabeth Dieffenbach,
Highland Fanniej .Tisher and
Laura McAdams.
Lincoln JultaBMdgett and
Anna Simmons.' 1
! 1
i Ten year old songBter who will
appear tonight at an anticipated
concert of the Salem Boys' Chorus
at" the First Christian church.
, Master '- Dalton is known as the
tmall boy with the big voice,
i ).
f McKinley Julia Blodgett "and
14a Long. !
Richmond fJertrude Reming
ton and Elsie "Simeral.
Sacred Heart Academy Lizzie
Smithy and Norma Terwilllger.
' Reverend and Mrs. E. H. Shanks
are entertaining as their nouse
1 gnfsts, Mr. and Mrs. O. L. Mock of
os Angeles. r ' !
if -
Mr. ani Mrs. A. A Schramm of
orvallis were guests over the
week-c-nd of Mr. nod Mrs. P. J.
Kuntz, Mr. Schramm attending the
Bankers convention ;in WoodbuTn
on Friday evening.) On Snnday
Miss Magadalenj and : Mies Irene
Kuntz of 'Albany were additional
guests at the family' tome.; vc :
; At five o'clock in f:he afternoon
tbe C, G. Schramm home was the
scene of an attractive dinner party
for the groups with covers placed
for Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Kuntz, Mr.
and Mrs. A. A. Schramm, and
Patricia,: Susanna, apd Philip, of
Corvaiiis, and Misses Magdalen
and Irene Kuntz oC
the hosts, Mr. and
Albany, and
Mrs. C. G.
- Miss Helen Corey Is entertain
ing! as her houseguest this Week
Miss Phyllis Walker of San Fran
cisco, California. Iiiss Walker,
the daughter of Mrj and Mrs. J.
H.: Walker, formerly lived ;in' Sa
lem where she has a large num
btr of friends.
cl& club, met at the ihome of Mrs.
t E. S. Coates on Thursday, May 21.
A delicious dinner at noon was
followed with sewing In the af
ternoon, the day being Mrs.
Coats' birthday" was the occasion
of a generous handkerchief .show
er. The members -fen joying the
day were: Mrs. p. Vanderbilt,
Mrs. H. Harrison. Mrs. E. Elliott.
Mrs. T. J. Clark, Mb. P, E. Fnl-
lcrton-. Mrs. L W. Potter, Mrs. C.
Ti Jones, Mrs.' M. Ws
Welch, Mrs.
F. R. Clark, Mrs. E. G. Clark, Mrs:
J. McDonald, Mrs. Rt Robins Mr3.
J. M. Rbbertson, Mrs. Olive Sha-
fee, Mrsi O. T.Sealejf, Mrs. Eller-J
nn Mrs. J. W. Yate , and Mrs. E.
S. Coates. ' ;
This was the closing meeting of
tbe club till the opening of the fall
season. -
t ' r :, '"
i Of interest to many Salem
friends is the announcement re-,
ceived from Mrs. A. ilulbejtjnf the
naarriage of her daughter. Gwen
dolen, to. Mr. Everett 'Lq Forest
Hill, Jr4 Pf San Franciseo, Calif
ornia. Mr Hill is t!he son of Mr.
and Mrs. Everett ! Forest HilL
Sr., at whose homef the wedding
ceremony was .performed on .May
18. -. -i
106 !
extended motor trip through the
eamtern United States.
Before leaving for; San Francis
co. Miss Hulbert was in the office
at The Oregon Statesman with Col.
Carle Abrams,
Mrs. Clifford Brown entertain
ed as her house-guest two days
last week, Mrs. Allen "Hemphill of
Portland, who has returned west
after an interval in Chicago. Mrs.
Hemphill will be remembered in
Salem as Ethelynne Harris. Mrs.
Brown entertained informally for
a few former friends of her guest
at tbe tea hour n Thursday.
The preceeding j week :., Mm.
Brown visited in Portland as a
guest at the Hemphill home in
Laurelhurst. ' j .
-s ! .
Mrs. Frank Snedecor is enter
taining as her house-guest, Mrs.
Estes Snedecor of Portand.
- -X- !
The Conover chapter of the
Presbyterian church Westminister
Guild will meet at '". o'clock this
evening at the church for a pic
nic supper and aortal pouting in
Polk county. j - . ; ' - v
: ' :,; Hu'v
. Byra Elliot, age 13 years, violin
prodigy, who is to appear as" vio
lin accompanist assisting artist to
Marie-Louise D'Arc 'Klger, who is
scheduled for a concert-in Salem
'ih jl Salem armor?.
8hhas a
ueared. The Seattle Times. Music
and Musicians, Seattle Recital,
tdntoT Mnka4J Club. Bell in gham
Herald have,many words of praise
for her work. Byrd Elliot, the
young violin prodigy j. has riven
concerts in the Pacific northwest
that have drawn , much favorable
Mrs. Leo Holland, who was
formerly Freda Meyer, has arrived
in Salem from Oklahoma to spend
the summer , Mrs. Holland will
be jit the home , of her . mother.
Mrs. Emily Meyer. : "i
f -. 1 "'''" V ': : ;
' A story hour particularly; en
Joyed by all those present was
held on Saturday afternoon at the
Atlas Book store .under the; de-j
lightful leadership of Miss Flor
ence Cartwright. Not only! did
Miss Cartwright tell a story, but
there were also tories by a ntim-ber-f
children, including Henry
Andreae, Marjorfe Knox, Robert
White and Merlin Guftnell. M ;
t iMiss ;CartWright entertainedl as
her : guests : j Shirley Huntington,
June and Junior Kennell, Glenn
Prime. Jr., Douglas and Richard
Chambers, Malcolm Burleson. Ro
nald and Aileen Blundell. Betty
Jane Simmons, GWynne 'Adams,'
Marjorie Knox; Jay Teed," Edgar
Rowland, Jr. Joan Newcomb, Carol
Potter. Jane Talmadge, Charles
and" Henry Andreae,4 Sarah Jane
Baker, Gertrude iMildred Brooks;
Margaret Brqjwning, Betty L Lou
Burdette, Stuart Bush, "Barbara
Cra in. , JS o h b y Downs, Flavia
Downs. JJilly Evans, Jr., Marylee
Fry, Raymond Farmer, Norman
Fuller, Billy Forge; Jean Gilbert
son, .Merlin Gunnell, , Claudino
Qeuffroy, Anna May Grahenhorst,4
Patsy Livesley, Edward Hugh Mc
Caffrey, Isabel and Roberta Mc
Gilchrist, Richard Nelson, Natalie
Neer, Jack Powers, Thomas Ed
Rilea, Jr.,. Coe Roberts, Sybil
Spears, Freddy .and Colin Slade,
Richard Smith, Leone Spanldlng;
Nancy . Jean StrickJIn," Kenneth
Utter," Robert Van Patton, ,if ten
Wi liams T. Robert Whit.
1 . ' r -'"t
erta Mirts'of Portland
tmf the week-end .of
'.. Mrr and' Mrs.
's x. ' ,V V," . "v-1
, -aiiss f DorpthyvXivesley.ras -va
gnest on Saturday erenJBg of Jtbe
Hill Military 'Academy.' for 1 the
Junior Prom, an,:' annual 'social
event of the academy. -
Mrs. J.' Vincent Meherln. the
house-guest of Mrs. Lloyd Farmer,
has returned to her home in San
Francisco. California. During her
visit in Salem . Mrs. Meherin j was
complimented with various ' de
lightful social affairs.
7:'-" 7" 7;:r.-:4- -
Among those from Salem -attracted
to Corvaiiis on Sunday lor
the golf tournament were: , ;
Mr. and Mrs. Milton Meyers; Mr.
and Mra. George XJ. Browjn, , Mr.
and Mrs. Edwin XM 'T3aker,;Dr..and
was VV
her Irvriw,
C. K?V
''w yor
II LV It . I J , f 1 i I
-wCMtcSf I Cohan's iNTEsssATioAt L4UGH Riot
-;-Scfayni!a TtIcc $l.c5gl.O ami SOe f netwlins Tw
' - . j Seats on Sale Now
social cale:,tdar i
i . Today ' i '
Kalem Boys' Chorus. 8:15
o'clock. First Christian church.
Recital. Willamette university
school of music Waller hall, 8
o'clock.' :- - .-
Sons of Veterans' auxiliary and
Sons of Veterans ramp. , Armory,
8 o'clock. -
Formal lea. Mrs.. A. JL. Wallace
and Mrs. Harry J. Wleldraer, host
esses. Woman's club honse. N.
Cottage street. i i '
,. Wednesday -. . -
Reception honoring Mr. and
Mrs. Charles E. Ward at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. EL Cooke Patton,
8S3 Court street, 8 o'clock.
Miss Gladys Mclntyre In gradu
ation recitaU Waller ball, 8
o'clock, i l ;f ;
Salem branch of the National
League of Women Voters, i Marlon
hotel, 1 o'clock lonrbedn.
: Thursday .
Grace E. Hall presented by the
ladles of the -First Presbyterian
church at silver tea. Dr. -Hi J.
Clements home. f!ifH'"'H'
Mrs. H. H. Olinger, Mr. and Mrs.
Ercel Kay, Mrs. Edward Gjlling
hani, Mr. and Mrs. Rex San ford,
Mr. and Mrs." Dan J. Fry, Jr. 3Ir.
and Mrs. Chester Cox and Mr. and
Mrs. Gus Hixon. : 'j
The friends of Mrs. A. ii Brown
are welcoming hCT home from St.
Louis, Missouri, where "she has
been spending , the past . three
.months as the guest of Mr. and
Mrs. Ralph R. - Matthews.; Mrs.
Brown returned by way ; of Spo
kane where, she1 enjoyed .slew
days stop, and wan' among those
held-up by tbe landslide in Wash
ington. ;;'-f ' ; j . HIT" :
Mr. and Mrs., Joseph tHci Albert
wer hosts at thelr mountain
iodgW at Mehuma for an enjoyabtp
house-party over the past week
end,. In the .group which returned,
home by motor yesterday were:
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Brassfield
and Mr. aid, Mrs. Clifford Brass
field of Berkeley, California. Mrs.
T. C. Hopkins, Mrs. E. C. Small,
Mr. and Mrs. O. E. Krause of
PortlandMrs. J. C. Griffith, Miss
Mary Jane Albert Miss Josephine
Albert. Asel Eoff and Mr. and Mrsl
Joseph Albert, -j -
- "v : ; i ; . r
Mr.i and Mrs. W. M. Smith are
entertaining as their house-guests
for the summer season Mrs. Percy
Mel is and baby daughter, Miriam
Jean, of Spokane. ;
I 'j-v. ! . .(, ; .
. The 20th wedding anniversary
of Rev. and Mrs. G. Koehler was
the occasion of Sunday evening of
a surprise gathering at the Koeh
Ter hame of more tha 60 friends.
Rev. Mr. Bertold of Portland con
veyed; greetings of the evening,
while the program was jarcanged
by the 'Ladies' Aid and' Young
People's societies. Delicious re
freshments were served at a late
hour, i ' .
-i -" !V'V - ":": ' :' "
t Joshua Smith's camp No. 6,
Sons of Veterans, will meet at S
o'clock this evening at the Armory.
Initiation of new members will
take place at this time. A large
attendance is urged. :
T- - U
Mrs. J. A. Remington is home
from a week's visit In eastern
and central Oregoii. In Redmond
Mrs. Remington was the guest of
her daughter. Miss Pauline Rem
ington. The trip, including visits
in -Bend and Mitchellas well as in
Redmond, was made by; motor in
company wittr Mrs. Percy .Willis
of Portland. ' i- -' :" '
'2ki rs. Frank ; Power entertained
at .a delightfully appointed dinner
last "evening at her home partictt-.
lariy-honoring Miss Phyllis Walk
er votSan Krancisco. A basket
of blue delphinium anjj; garden",
mignonette centered the' . taJbl
while pink candlesNwerer useo;t
tractively about the 'rboms,.
, Covers at the dinner vejenlacei .
for Miss Phyllis - Walker. Miss
Helen Corey Miss-jMary Capper,
Miss Florence Power; Hiss Dolores
S55 Chexncketa
(Phone 1000
..-i t x
- I I t I i , 1 I
Williams and "the hostess, Mrs,
Frank Power.
' The dinner last night was oriet
in a aeries of delightful affairs
planned for Miss Walker's pleas
ure. ; Last week her hostess en
tertained i for her on Friday at
tea and on Saturday at a 1:30
o'clock luncheon at the Colonial
Dame Tea Shoppe. At the lunch
eon a centerpiece of blue delphin
ium, carnations and sweet peas in
pastel shades was used, together
with harmonizing blue candles in
antique gold holders. At the tea
Karl Drnsky roses were used.'
; Erma Richards. Myrtle Smith,
Loretta Varley, Erma Meeks. Eve
lyn Hebel and. Lillian Power,
members of the Grax club, attend
ed a picnic breakfast at the home
of Miss iMyrtle Smith of South
Commercial street last Sunday.
The Graxfis an organization of for
mer members of the Girl Reserves,
organization of the Salem high
school. '
Mrs; C. F. Patton entertained as
her guest over the week-end Mr.
and Mrs. Claire; C. Simeral and
little son, Claire. Jr., of Portland
Mr. and Mrs. Simeral are on their
way to California by motor, plan
ning to go as far .south as the
Mexican i border, t '
Miss Edna Davis was the recipi
ent of many useful girts when Miss
Lorraine Fletcher and Mrs. Hobert
Headrick entertained at the lat
ter .'home Saturday evening. The
kitchen shower idea was carried
out by UBing a colander as a foun
dation.' ! Guests were given cards
bearing the names of -Miss Davis
and Mr.! Richard, .Slater of Rose
burg as ! a' pleasing, means of in
troduction. At ftli close of the
evening refreshments were served.
ME;J,effejrson jRssisjting.
; .Afhos.t-' preserife we're Miss Edna
Davis. Wilma Daviij. Erma Meeks,
Bernice Roberts. Loretta Varley,
Lucille Allen. Elizabeth Fairchild,
Alma . nurdick' Elizabeth : Hogg
iijna naivorson, Jirs. tuwicr j-
ferson." Mrs. Mary Hogg. Mrs. E.
B. Fletcher), Miss Lorraine Fletch
er and Mrs. Hobart vHeadnek.
! -55-
Mrs. John A. Carson and Mrs.
W. P. Fowle were entertained at
luncheon Friday in Albany at the
home o Mrs. Richard Kriesel
(Teresa Fowle). Later Mrs.' Car
son and iMrs. Fowle joined the Sa
lem group of War Mothers who
were guests of the Albany chapter
A charming hostess of yester
day was Mrs. Allan Bynon of Port
land who entertained for a group
of fourteen friends at an. after-
noon of
bridge at the E. -; Hofer
One of the attractive affairs of
and active social season will be
the formal bridge tea this after
noon at! the Woman's club house
.when Mrs. Harry J.' Wiedmer and
Airs. A. JL. Wallace will entertain
jointly in a delightful manner for
a group of one hundred friends.
, A - i . r
One of the charming affairs of
last j weekV was : that pf Saturday
when Iloatrice Crawford-Newcomb
entertained at . her ; attractive
.Helene Chad wick
, ; JVIarie .Pr:eyost
BLUE r..
Tou know the tigly duckling. . Have
you ever, met a dark swan? Ernest Pas
cal has; -and his revelations of her-character,
are going to cause wide comment.
Every plain woman has a cross to bear.
See it pictured. v " ' ,
Thursday "A1FE OF THE CENTAUER" Thursday
home, the Colonial Dame Tea!
Shoppe, with a 7 o'clock dinner.
BlHe howls of golden iris gave on
art istie floral motif la the rooms
while flame-tinted candles ; were
used in a lovely brass candelabra.
Little rosebud nut-cups were the
favors usad.
Those invited for the dinner
party were: : Mr. ; and .Mrs. Claire
C. Simeral.- Mr. and Mrs. E. T.
Gives of Klamath Falls. Miss May
Bollier, Mrs. Leo Spitzbart, - Mr,
James Reed, and the hostess, Be
atrice Craw ford-Ntwcomb.
A Maytlme wedding carried out
with both simplicity and beauty
took place on Sunday at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Mee, 028
North, Front street, when their
daughter. Pearl Alene. became the
bride at 10 o'elock of Mr. John
Aloysius Horgan. The double
ring service was used at-the Im
pressive occasion with Rer. Mor
row as the officiating- cleryman.
The bridal t party took- their
places at the floral alter of ferns,
pink and white carnations, snap
dragons, and arti baskets of del
phinium and peonies. While Miss
Fay Wolz played the Mendelssohn
wedding march.
The bride, becomingly gowned
in pink georgette, carried a lovely
shower bouquet; of Ophelia roses
and sweet peas, i She was attended
by her sister. Miss Alice Meb, in
an attractive frock . of old rose
georgette, worn with corsage .of
lavender sweet "peas s and roses.
The groom was attended by
George D. Alder in as best man.
-?A; beaatlf ally appointed wedding
breakfast followed the ceremony,
with the bride cutting the elabor
ate caJce that was the centerpiece.
After returning from their wed
ding trip, M5,'nndrKiMrs. Horgan
will mak-their home in Salem.
Guests:!; of tye morning were:
Mr. and Mrs.Horgan, Miss Mee,
Mr. ; AldeWn, Rev. Morrow. Mr
and Mrs. C. A. Mee; Mr. and Mrs
A.. J.uch and son. Mrs. banker.
Miss Louisa Ileidecker, Charles
Wolz, Mrs. Mongomery. ; Mrs.
Burns. Mr?. Coenberg. Mr. and
Mrs. Carl Wolz. Miss Dorothy
Wolz. Carl Wolz, Jr.. Miss Ruth
RuliTson, Miss Dorothy Rulifsoh.
Floyd Daugherty. Mr. and Mrs
W. E. Tripp. Junior Tripp. Mis?
Fay .Wolz. Mr. and Mrs. Guy Har
ger of Portland.
Three one act plays will be pre
sented by the Willamette univer
sity Writers' club in the auditor-
iub of the city library Tuesday,
June 2. .
1 The plays have been written by
.three ; members of the club who
are well known on the Willamette
Wmpusf or their ability along lines
of dramatics. I
The- authors are Mary Gilbert,
Lloyd Waltz, and William Albert
-The Writers" club is an organi
zation sponsored upon the campus
by-Professor Williston for the pur
pose of increasing interest in dra
matic writing, r
- . "7"
TACOMA, May 25 Dogs -run-
nlhg loose In Point Defiance park
will be shot oittslght hy the care-
II i fir
Ray 'L Farmer.
Wm; Cahlsdorf.
' "
ill 11 for a limited time only
wm '
" , nanii,, ,, - r.
I A 1 1 toSisiMsWiMLii m mmmmmmmxm 3awwc3Migfc,iE I I n n,,,
'rll-'lswlT'-r, mmmmmmmmi mm:, wsn .m, ji. 1
?W- . ' 1
Live ,;pi3oors,Tlbis
ivaaK.e y uur purta m uuiuuui . u vuig 1 win i iucjc
.taany Jitwactive porch furnishings nowaday s furniture ?
tK6lblrand?coml3rtable---and porch rugs of crass
and fibreh! special designs. : " j
In, the various colors complete , that cozincss and pro
tects against the direct sun's rays and the late afternoon's
cool breezes. . . .
r . r I
The smallest are not too small or the largest too large for us We j
measure and hang them.! You select the cover from a large assort
ment 'of patterns. ; f
Where : ' C' ft
You. Can- t C:C
: "V " '
Do Ectter
takers hereafter. Orders' for this I had "Killed a. male kactaroo la? t
drastic action were issued today week and bitten , another on tha'
by the 'metropolitan park Thurs- f leg. i A baby kangaroo.alaQ dici
day followlag- a report that a: dogfnfter an attacx-hy dogs. -
yOU old'timers who know a thing or two about
camping equipment jusif. glisten to thisL
Here's the outfit for cooking and aetving camp grubV If meda
ohard, thick, sheet aluminum. Tougfa and sturdy enough to
stand the abuse of camp life.. So compact that it takes up a
surprisingly small space. 'The handiest let of utensila you ever
used. Easy to keep clean. "And, Svithii; this Wear-Ever"
i outfit cuts down the' heft of our
nhit f fvln'V oflWed vnu
Camp Cooking Outfit now being sold by ".Wear-Ever" dealers
at the special price for a limited time only. j ; :
Get one of these outfitp TODAY 1 : 7
New) Kensington, Po.-
Camp Co bking OuJfito
25A niinn W
Doughton & Sherwin.
H. Lu Stiff Furn. Co.
1 - - 1 . ' r
Couch '
JiammccIsG - -
.. . , . . "'-, - ' - "
A good couch hammoc3c i3 ,a;i)ermanent, in
; vestment. It. will give service .season after
season on the porch, irt the sun-room, or out
in" the garden. Let' us show you the new
, styles with their beautiful coveriris..
- J
Suitable for 4 Verson$
Outfit conltj of 4
quart kettle and cover;
6-quart kettlt-anJ coven
9-cup coffee .pot: fry pan
with detachable Handle; 4 ,
one-pint -bowU; '4 cup;' 4
plate all, "Wear-Ever"
utensils. Utensil nest com
pactly Tn the trcmg canva
caxrying case with leather
handle. :
- ALUMINUM ' T - :
in this snectal "Wear-Ever
Salem lldw. Co.r:
Silverton-Starr rHdw. Co.
s VCNtaATlsiO
; Siainnimnis
Mmm im
lt .... I
Vithcut j
Intercrt :
I The brtde and groom are on an