FRIDAY. MORNING. MAY 22, 1925 ined Flac . . THE OREGON STATESMAN, SALEM, OREGON C Salem Market ass 1 i 63 IIOC8ES UKE REST TODAY j WK have 4 that f SO to fHO qwb I wilt ske. Bale ace Use rent. 2 to H rooms. Vacant. Mora. Beck Hendricks, , U. 8. Bank BM-. ! M 63aS0t( SOME CHOICE LOTS U I Ob pared street, walks. Extra fine lor at ion, f i7i, t75. S70O. S10OO, 2000. No rharge or trouble to sliisr property. For lots Hee CHILDH BKCHTEL Realtors, 540 S ate street n t . . j 03m22tf PPP. JPPPPP, PPPP PPPPPPPPPPPPP L SEAR CAPITAL AVE. P P P P P P . 8 Room Bungalow S100O $-.250 Cash Bala nca at $23 a month. 3 Bedroom. sleeping porch, white enamel plambine. - Peaabrook bath tab. a large, attractive bong-slow with wide porch and valuable Teraized lot. PARKER -FOB PROPERTY l 409 L 8. Bank Bldg. Telephone 2242 Officea Saica and- Portland - , 63m22 PPPPPPPPPPPPP PPPPPPiPP P P P P p P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P -- 40 ACRE DAIRY, i 23 ACRKS IRRIOAT ed. 6 room house with hot and cold i water, bath and toilet, dairy bars. site. 3 acres strawberries, 2 black wslnats, . 1 3-4 BiUs from town. 10 cows, a team. 80 r cfcicawns, aHM machinery necessarv to mo the. ranch. 6500, 3500 cash, balanc to ha asvamed. - ' : , 14 acres, 2 'acres cleared. 10 in stomps. 8 timber. 4 room house,! j-a-rre. "oop for 300 hens, en rock road lVs miles from t&wm. S1SOO, f lOO cash and a good light car as firat payment, balance 9200 annually. 5 room strictly anodera sew stuc co home. rar3, north Banner street, esay .terms. Pino '-lot Richmond- addition, on pavement, $400 cash. 2 lota, rood location, $650, $250 caah.. balance to suit buyer. . FUlin nation n Salem, 91220 cash. " SOCOLOFSKY. 341 State, Real. Batata and Loans, 63m24tf DPQODT ACRES VERY 8CEN ILrt3Uf 1 Ic on M ol Sli,B., moat popalar anmmer driven. - Big gov ernment fih hatchery is constant at fraction. Fine for ramp ground, small hotel and service station ; large barn and land tinder plow; fine fishing; on paved highway and stag rente. The oatlook, price . and term make thia moat attractive. . . . Cfi7V GARAGE H0CSE- and fine WSa I t frot I, iB I'.rrish Grove Addition, Salem's most eentral and beantifnl residence location; only half block from Pacific Highway; cor ner, newly paved, near X Parriah high school. Easy terms. Beats rent- ' ing. CPVTDAI BIO LOT 66163. VCT I K-raL Korth Rammer near Canter; 8-room house; Tine big bear ing walnut. Engliah and native; sev eral Varieties grapes and other fruit; big xarn: all for the price of the lot. Easy terms. Hurry; it won't last long. FINE L0T f1 CLOSE IX; fl-e pTPd; bet residence section ; offered at two-thirds its actual value by abundant comparison. CHPDDV TREES 3 fine, lanre. vl a-i'XiX I rlran on. $1000 adorn and have paid the tasos on thia t-Niion street home: 6 rooms; superbly bitilf: close in; 50xll': beautiful lawn; priced low and easy terms. . HIiflH FTN E 6 mT ACRE TRACT on alalia iiBMll Avenue lately graded and graveled; half mile weat, of Com mercial street carline near summit' of ' high ridge; beautiful fir trees.: wonder fnl view; best of soil: rosy garage houte 16x24: fine garden fenced in: newly dug well, fine water!: consider able' wood, a truly beautiful bomeaito in the cream of suburban locations. . Cnm22 ' - - ' MOXKT TALKS OJi THE FOLI-OWIKO PROPERTIES TUIS WEEK EX D SPECIALS f 330--Csh bys housed rooms, w ith a great big lot. 2800 Cash. eoy 4 'room boose, full . , , . i. oavemeui, oniy a piocss irom sum bank. 'J 9C(K Part cakb, -near . modern bunga low, 5 rooma, furna-e, fine loca tion, not far off State street. ; . 9S000 Half cah. rood ' 10 - room house g JOOslOO feet, close in. chr n.r. both slreeta paved, big snap. Paying apartreent houses -414.000, 97500. i(MK). $730. Alto dandy grocery at ore for 91700. f'tOICE Bf'HlKESS. PROPERTY .To Buy, Sell or. Trade Property I See CHILDR t BECHTEL i ; Realtors, 510 State street - - -i 6.1m22tf . SPECIALTY FOR THE WEEK i Basement bargains in lota for thia week. About a doxea scattered. Now I your time. Easy terms. 3?w prices. They are on the bargain, ro&ater. Take your chow-o- - '!!-, WM. rLESfTXrt. 341. State, St. - 631CXtf . - SPECIAL i To "trade n 23 acre farm with fair s-et of buildings close to town sad high aebool. Price 9SOOO. - Want small improved tract eloae in- y 4 room house, garage and 4 lota with fruit and garden, for rent, f 22.50 per month, - New 5 "room modern house with ea rs ge on north Summer for rent. 935 per month. Will lease. 5 room and garage with 3-4 acre for 920 per month. -For 91500 we can aell tob S room bonne close, and 9 100 trill hand!. TU0UASOX. 331 H State Street 63m22tf STRICTLY MODERN HOME CLOSE TO .State honse, furnace, cement baaement. garage, fireplace, breakfast nook, hard wood floors 9 300. Recke Jr. Hen dricks. V. 8. Bank Bldg. 63M19tf Home Markets Vo., 534 lYne 43 acre farm only . 3 Miles from Salem on good road.: Good honse and barn and other improve ments. Running water all year. Good ' aoil. especially for flax. Price 95000. - Terms. No, 525 A dndy: 10 acre aubur . ban home. 5 acres Montmorency rherrtes. . 3 acres tomans, other fruit. Wonderful view. In Liberty district. Price faOOO. Terms. - See us for city or small 1 anburban hoo-es. For exchange new bouse, 5 room mo dern for Portland home. See us at once, :'-..'!!' I - For Sale 3 room cottage, lot 50x130 en Summer street. Worth 92SOO for immediate sale only 91630. . Terms, i For Sa'e room ; house. I i acre rrouad best buy on state street See it st 2173 State, then see me. Pr.ce rnly 92930. Terms, i ... j ... " Home Realty Co. - 169 8, High 3m24 GROCERY 8TOCK AT INVOICE, LEA8E on building and fixtnres, good . location end opening for feed busineta la con section, owner retiring. Large lot on Capitol (treat, suitable for bualneas. 1 3,300. ConfecHonery store doing fine busi ness, books will show profits that will make thia Interest you. Owner has tber Interests- that make It advisable to sen. Living auertera la coaaecttoa, (5.000. . Grocery taslatil fat f esidanea dlitriaL t-ock, building sad rtsidesee, seruer jot esi.' en cti i ,o w. WLNN1E PETTYJOHN'. Realtor .. . ; 216 Orc2oa Bldg. . REAL ESTATE 63 FOR SALE 97 acres timber and open pskture, . feneed, close to small town. 92.000. Easy terms, i 700 acre stock ranch with stock, close ta Iowa and highway 930 per acre. . For aale gar age, noose and good lot, 9330. F. L. Wood. 341 State St. f , 63M17tf ! BEST LOT - BAROAIN CQRNER 12TH ana Mission csts.. bz ft. ty loo, 91000. Cement walks on both sides. favement paid. Becke k Hendricks, .8. Bank Bldg. 3M19tf P. P PPPPPPPPPPPPP yp PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP P P p p P P RICHMOND DISTRICT P P P P 3 Room Bungalow i P I' P P T , p p P P 92400 $250 Caah : : P P P P " 7 ' . .. r 1' P P P Balance at g'20 a month r t v P P bright cheerful rooms on . on P P P P floor finished in ivory. I's- P P P P usually fine 60x190 lot t on P P P P macadam street, familr . diffi- P P P P culties force an immediate le P P P P See i - P P P P PARKER FOR PROPERTY P P P P 409 V. S. Baak Bide. P P P P Telephone 2242 P P P P Offices Salem a ad Portland P P P P i i -63m22 P P P P P P P P.p P P P P P P P p .p p PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP TERMS 5 TtOOM MODERN ( HOUSE, xeept basement, garage, 1180 Madisoa St 9200 cash, balance monthly pay ments. Becke A Hendricks, U. S. Bank Bldg. , 63M19tf WE ARE NOW- OFPERINO SOME splendid bargains ia city and country property. . A new fully modern five-room bun galow. Large rooms, garage, east front. A good buy at 943O0. No. 362 A nearly- new five-room . bungalow, modern except furnace, ga rage, corner lot. Bargain at 93700. v No. 363 A new fear-room bungalow, garage, modem except baaement. i This la an excellent buy at 91300. ' B300 down, balance $20 per month. Interest included. - i '- i No. 100 A fine 113 acre stock and grain ranch in the Waldo bills. Eighty-five- aeres in erop. fine condition. Two large barns, aprings and running water. Close to scaooL Price 13,000. or will trade for city property or a mall acreage. No. 351 A five-room plastered bun galow, east front, modern except base ment, ftrage, paved street and cement walks. Thia ia a bargain at 92300. 9200 down, balance 920 per month. No. 856 40 acre stock ranch, run ning water. B room house, bath, hot and cold water, j Two miles from a tow a. Can, be had at 935 an acre. No. 323 Fine eighty acre farm. Seven room house, other buildings, half mil to aebool and tewn. j A bargain at 96OO0. , . - ! . , ! . No. !j65 A five-room cottage, plenty of fruit, walnuts. F-aiy terms. A good home at 91600. 1 -j , No. ! 364 A good eight-room house, very near achool, fine fruit and nut trees, two lota, all for 93750; No. 361 A good five-room bouse to trade for an acreage. J. E.i ULRICH E. E. ROBERTS . Phone 1354 j 122 N. Com'l. ' ' i i ; -K I,- i 63m23 FOR SALE TWO VERY FINE -VIEW lota. Only 91000 apiece. : fen will have to act quickly. Pine corner lot on North Capitol street, near Parriah school. Only f 1,--250. 20 acre farm la Harelgreen district, f Excellent aoiL A bargain. Easy terms. - 4 acre farm Bear Monmouth, aeat f Normal school. New buildings. Very good aoil. Price ia r-jhU . FOR RENT 5 room flat. Will lease for a year or longer. RICH L. REIMANJT Realtor Phone 1013 463 State 81 D'Arcy Bldg. 63 alltf 910 CA8IL BALANCE MONTHLY. BL'YS nice building lot south. Price 93O0. Becke k, Hendricks, U. S. Baak Bldg. i j 63M10tf 50 A. FARM NEAR SALEM. 12 ACRE8 prune, cherry and apple orchard, tiood set buildings, horses, rowa, machinery, ' crop. 97.00O. Take residence for part. 160 A. LINCOLN CO. STOCK RANCH, good buildings, cows, horses, goats, . machinery, crop; 96,500. Want close - in acreage. . . t . , 1 GOOD DAKOTA FARM , FOR EX ; change. - . SEE OIH LI8T f farms, tracts, city property and ex changes before investing. PERRINE A MARSTKRS, 212 Gray Bldg. .- j 63M16tf MAKE YOUR HOMJS O! ACRE 950 . down, 910 per month. South, good rock" road, four blocks to school sad street car. Fine neighborhood. Phone 1368J. 1 63 J 8 -. FOR SALE OR TRADE - 30 acres located - near Sheridan. Oregon. 1 22 acres under cultivation, right -acres timber and pasture. On , good gravel road, j Good buildings and the brat of land, j Price 94000. Good ' - terms. 11 ' ' 1 16 acres, 14 under cultivation. Three acres oak grove and pasture, tiood 5 room bouse, ood barn, bath and toilet in ho tine, double garage. All crops go with the place. On paved road. 12 miles south of Salem. 4 miles from Jefferson. Price 93250. Good terms.' - - 1 r Five acres In Hollywood, good five room bouse, barn, garage, fine land all under cultivation., a graveled street. Will trade for larger tract. . See me about this. .- j- Five room house, on Sooth 17th atreet. price $1530. C. W. LAFLAR,' 110 Oregon Bldgt - j 63m24 5 room bousa basement, garage, good atreet, 93350. i .- 5 room house, basement, garage corn er lot. 93700. ' 4 room bungalow, garage cement walka aad drive 92300. 6 room house, good corner lot 92400, eaay terms. 3 room house 92500, essy terms. This - ia close ia property and fine for two working people, 1 Gertrude J. M. Page, Realtor, -9t Coltare Street. R3ml5-tf aanwamaKaaaiamwiMa RKAL ESTATK TRADES 65 AUTOMOBILE WANTED AS PART psyment for 6 room house, modern ex cept basement. See at 1120 Chemeketa St. Becke Hendricks, U. 8. Bsnk Bids. . " -' 65M19tf 93000 EQUITY .IN 60 ACRE COAST farm for home clear of iocumberance. 33 acres bottom, cleared, large house and barn. ailo. One-half mile of Si let, value 96000. W, Cobb, Siletx. Oregon. I 65m23 MINUTE MOVIES ED UJHE-ELAN 'S QVCLOMXC SERIAL DVcu REAIi ESTATE I 1 i LL-,-,r 'f; ' 1 I REMEMBER I SEVOrl S ABCOT CHI S-lrsC J SOM AND VW n I I DOUBLE- T P ShC- .' : REAL ESTATE TRADES I 63 p p P P PP ppppppppppppp PPPPPPPPPP PP P P P P P PP P P P P P P PP PP P P PP PP PP P P PP PP PP P P PP P P P P PP P P P P P P PP P V P P P P 1400 EXCHANGES 1400 EXCHANGES PP PP PP EXCHANGE HEADQUARTERS Officea ia Salem and Portland The demand for exchanges has made neeesaary our GREAT MARKET PLACE where the requirement of all can be matched. We have Just what you have in mind; jut where you want it; juat tha rirbt price. Our system is immediate ia its action, smooth in its op eration and unfailing in its RE SULTS. If yea would like to exchange your property TODAY, come in TODAY. See PARKER FOR PROPERTY 409 U. H. Bank Bldg. Coral- at State. Telephone 2242. 63ml7tf PPPPPPPPPPPPP PPPPPPPPPPPPP pp PP p p PP PP PP PP p p p p PP PP PP PP P P pp p p p p P P P P P P TRADES A 4 ROOM HOUSE 8LIOHT ly wrinkled, worth 91800 to trade for a small improved place near Salem; A new modern 8 room home worth 9700(1 to trade for a farm: A large 10 room house only 2 blocks from the state bonne, suitable for rooming honse or fraternity bouse, worth 98500. to trade ' for farm; 23 improved sightly orchard ; acres worth 912000. ta trade for city home; 80 bare acres on Pacific high way north, worth 96000. to trade for residence or improved small tract near Salem; 10 bare acres of fruit land to trade for city lot: A nice 94000 borne in Salem to trade for home of equal value in southern California; 63 im proved acres, clear, near highway north, and worth 96300 to trade for Salem or Portland residence; 160 improved timber acres, clear.; worth 92500, "to , trade for little farm near Salem, and will aaaume; 50 acres, 3 mile of good town. 20 milea from Salem, worth ; 93000, , will trade for small : tract near Salem. -' - i t McGILCHRIST PENNINGTON f f 209 U, S, Bank Bldg. Phone 140 ' - -. '" ' ' ' 65m22tf REAL ESTATE -Farms 67 WANTED FARM FROM 200 TO 300 acres in diatrict between Cervaia and Aurora. Muat be priced i low, easy terms and nearly all ander cultivation. Gire foil description, price and terms fin first letter. Address : Box 3839 Statesman. 67m24 ! FARM SNAP ! 944 Acres in the West Stayton Anmsville District. 47 acres cultivat ed; good baildings. Easy terms 96000 A. 0. BOHRNSTEDT Realtor, Loans A Insurance 11 No. Com'l St., Salem, Oregon . 67m21tf SOME EXTRA PINE TRACTS j Close in. Best of Soil aad Location i Priced to Sell Quick 973Q.-r-Caih. choice V(r acre grove, elec i trie lighta and city wafer. $2100 Part caah. choice one acre, new bungalow, 4 rooms.: f 91750 Some rah, fine 2 ' acre, new hoese, electricity, water- syatem. i 93250 Beautiful 5 acre tract, good buildings, some fruit, i berries, all garden . tools, deep well, beat of water. Owner leaving, must aacri ' f ice. Better see this today. A rare : bargain. For Farms Large pr Small See CHILPS k BECHTEL Realtors, 510 State : atreet i ; i 67m22tf Come and See Thia 126 acres in the best part of the Willamette Valley.. 8 miles from Salem on good rad. near school and pavement, at only 980.00 per acre, . part. term. - p , ' l A paying small farm right In Salem, good building, and alltta truck, own waver system. Price 94300.00 cash, , View lot, very close in, north froat. Terms. j ; A good paying business, the ben of location, and less than 83,000 tskos it. .Oregon Incorporated, ;' V'- .Realtors : .' . Insurance Investments Phone 1018 Victor- Schneider, See'y. I Booms 4-5-6. D'Arcy Bldg. .1-- - ' ... - .::,'.:. 67m3tf A REAL BARGAIN IN SOME GOOD mining property in Arisoaa for cash or trade. 114Q Court- St. ' . A7m?4 REAL ESTATE oaburban 69 JCST OUTSIDE CITY LIMITS. ONE acre, 8 room modern house, garage and bsrn, water 'piped to irrigate whole tract. Price 94.000 clear, want city residence property, will consider larg er deal.- : f ' , .Wanted Large stack ranch for Salem property will assume, 10 acre well im proved, close to Salem, want Salem residence. . For bargains and exchangee Bee Barber. 20O Oray BHr. fl9-alf WAXTEp REAL ESTATE 71 PPPPPP-ppppppppppp PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP PP r PP P P r CALL ..!;" P P P P ; P P PP I i PARKER PP PP . . J - PP PP AND PP PP " -' PP PP START PACKING PP PP PP PP Selling service without equal. P P P P Our system never fails. Scien- P P P P tifie aelling. backed by clean, P P P P intelligent salesmanship means P P PP RESULTS for YOU. We turn P P PP "Prospects' into Buyers." P P P P We turn "FOR SALE" signs in- P P PP to "BOLD." All city property PP P P inspected, photographed and sold P P P P without aggravating delays. 8e P P P P PARKER TOR PROPERTY P P PP 409 U. S. Nafl Bank Bldg, P P P P Commercial at State P P P P Telephone 2242 PP P P Officea in Salem and Portland P P PP 71ml7-tf PP P P P P P P P P- PPPPPPPPP P P P P P P PPPP P P P P P P P AUTOMOBILES iVAXTED 77 Eiker Auto Co. We pay ah for Fords' 77mt?tf USED CARS FOll SALE 79 FOR SALE OR TRADE FORD TOUR ing car, good condition. Call 20e6 . South Cottage St. ?9cn24 (All rights protected by The George Mathews Adams Srl T4SS IS my rwiSH fcAJT w DyN)7S V l UTUJ AT LEAST WAVE SAVED H HEI? ANt THE (" , I OJ.W 1 --T-Jk gEST7 f A Vt5UM5- aKlLLED ; tf2IFTWCX)C i LEAVES THE I SCUTTlE IM i A DUEL OF i CUTLASSE? The PRA"j? FURIOUS OtJslavjsht; IS FORCED ; ,D ,, VSED CARS FOR SALE 70 A924 FORD TOURING. LIKE NEW. urivea very little, extras, good tires, would : take older touring or coupe in trade, terms on balance. 430 Marion street. r 9m23 GOOD BUYS J 1917 Ford touring . 960 1922 Ford aedan 93O0 f 1919 Chevrolet touring . 9100 : 1922 Chevrolet touring 9175 , 1923, Chevrolet touring .,-...$323 r 1919 Liberty Six A snap NEWTON CHEVROLET CO. : i ' 79m21tf FOB SALE : 1922 Dodge touring 9550 I 1920 Dodga touring 9350 - 19jI Dodge touring 9475 i l2(t Oldsmobilo touring six 9350 ! . 1923 Overland touring 9350 . 192U Mitchell touring U7J 1918 Ford tonring 25 1 Terms BON'ESTEELE MOTOR CO. Viait Our L'sed Car Lot : !.... - 79m2 ;:,;!-; BUY ; Guaranteed used- Ford cars from an authorized Ford dealer. Roadster, '.non-starter 973 Keadater. starter 160 Roadster, late model 9335 Touring, non-starter . ...8100 Touring, starter . 9165 - TERMS Valley Motor Co. 260 N. High. Phonel93 79m21tf -!- SPECIAL SALE TO CLEAR OCT ALL USED CARS Kufi Sedaa. -Franklin Roadster. . H upmobile Touring. Willys-Knight Touring. Nah ' Touring. - You cannot appreciate these cars na 1 til you come and try them. It pleases i us to please you. Coma and call en as. . R. N.-MACIKNALD : Vsrmous and Clevelands Phone 793. - . 256 State St. 4 GET A GUARANTEED USED CAR AT I : CERTIFIED PUBLIC MOTOR CAR MARKET 1923 Buick 6, touring $800.00 1924 Buick 4, touring 750.00 1923 Eaaex 4. touring : 69O.00 1923 Ford 4-door aedan 350.00 1922 Overland sedan 490.00 1920 Chandler. 7 pasnenger. 300.00 1917 Steams-Knight. 4 cyl 250.00 1919 Ford roadater 90.00 -. : ' j - - . : - : 79m7-tf Dependable Used Cars 1924 Ford touring 9375 1924 Star coupe - 9730 1924 Oldsmobilo 4 paas coupe . 81030 1924 Htudebaker Coupe ...... ...... ft 100 1922 Oldsmobilo touring $650 We also have Chevrolet, Forda, Max wells and other t'.andard mskea at 9T3 and up. Come in and look them over. We give terms. A small deposit will bold any car that yon may select. "After We Sell We Serve" - F. W. Pettyjohn Co. -. - . 79M19tf' ( Eiker's Touring Touring , .. Coupe Sedan .. 960 75 50 ...263 iEiker Auto Co. it Our asnat guarantee behind all ear' ? Liberty Street at Ferry ty Paoao 121 70 alStf GOOD USED PARTS FOR HALF OB ! less. Why par meref Money back ; guarantee Scheelsr Auto Wrecking ' . Caw i Look for the oraage front. Day phone 819. Night phone 603. 1083 N. Commerel: St. "Built to save money." 79 jlSU : J . ! : Buy . . Better Used Cars From Powell THE GOLDEN RULE is the foundation of otv business and it applies to our method of merchandising used cars, as woll aa it doea to tha aalea of a new Packard. Hudson or Eaaex ear. We are just as deeply concerned ia the welfare of our used car patrons as we are in our new csr customers. Before a car is offered for sale by as it is thoroughly overhauled. Every op eration performed rebuilding our used cars ia done with the thowgbt in mind; vis: that when the ear is sold it must be a credit to tha bouse of POWELL. We stand squarely behind each and every one of our used cars for ninety (90 days from date-of delivery with the same warranty that you get en any new automobile. Yon owe it to yourself to see our cars -before you decide a purchase. You will find our prices are no higher than you will elsewhere for the usual AS IS CAR, and our terms are liberal. Late model Velio-sport touring fully equipped with extra tire complete, aide wiags, front and rear hampers, two spot lights, fog light, automatic windshield wipe, motormeter on barcap, and. rear--view mirror. Top. upholstering aad fin ish are just like new. Tires 90 per . : cent of original value. 23 Essex 4 coach ; ' 21 Buick tonring. 18 Ford touring 2 1 Ford aedan. 24 Ford touring. : ' I 21 Hudson touring. 23 Hudson 7 puss, sedaa 22 Hup touring. 18 Maxwell touring. 19 Oakland touring. 3 1 Packard twin sue seden. - . , 23 Packard ainglo. six touring ; ' 23 Packard aingle aix touring, f 24 Packard single six demonstrator. , : .': 21 Chevrolet sedan. 23 Maxwell touring ; Fred M. Powell Motor Cars I 690 Ferry Street Packard - Hudson 79M16tf " " READ THE CLASSIFIED ADS. LAD. roRl-Zcw V , A V SOU rtx Vv; ,Ov CL ASSpLFIED Of Sellable Bcsiacsa - r -:ij " : AMBULANCE . GOLDEN AMBULANCE PHONES i 609 d 83-H. Day or night service. f!4'f AtJCnONEXBS P. N. WOODRY Expert Livestock, fnrnitore, real estate AUCTIONEER Res. 1610 N. Summer Phone 511: for sale dates. . , . - j , - O. SATTERLEK Aoctionwering : 147 North High street. Phone 1293 or 1211-.?. I jae 12tf ACCOTJTWTANT O. ED. ROSS, ACCOUNTANT AND Aud itor, 331 State, j Phone 2098R I ': I al7 '26 BATTERY AND ELECTRICIAN! R. D. BARTON EXIDE BATTERIES atarter and generator work; 171 South Commercial." ! 1 Phone 199 COURT ST. JOE WILLIAMS BICYCLES AND REPAIRING LLOYD E. RAMSDEN DAYTON BICY cles and repairing: 387 Cour. BRASS RSUVXBa RAYBE8TOS BRAKE STATION 273 South Commercial St. Phone 1021 jBtf CHXNXSS XBMEDY ; L: L. DICK L. M. .HUM f Cbinese Medicine Company 4 Help aay known disease. 420-426 State. -80tf CHIROPRACTOR DR. O. L. SCOTT, PSC CHIROPRACTOR. Nevrocatometer service. 416-19 " U. 8. Bank Bldg. Phone 87. Re. 828-R. H. B. SCO FIELD PALMER CHIROPRAC tor. 328 Oregon Bldg. Phone 21941 mStf DRFiSWMAKTrTQ PRINTED CARDS SIZE 14" BYitH" wording, "Dressmaking;" price 10 cents each. Statesman Business Office, Ground floor. -: : : , j MRS. C. E. MILLER, HEMSTITCHING, stamping, buttons. Room 10, over Mil ler's Store. Phone 117. ELECTRICIAN! SALKM ELECTRIC CO. MASONIC building. Phone 1200. I ' ELECTRIC FIXTURES AND SUPPLY Co, Phone 1924. 222 N. Liberty, F L E E N E R : ELECTRIC 0 0. House wiring by hour or contract. Es timates furnished. Phone 980471 Court St. . i jj EYE EAR NOSE THROAT Dr. Harold M. Brown EYE. EAR. NOSE AND THROAT, 320 U. S. Bank Bldg. Phone 2134J j-14tf FARM PAPER IF YOU WANT TO GET THE; BEST farm paper send I6 to the Pacific ., Homealead. Salem. Oregon, fur three months' trial subscription. Mention this ad. : POULTRVM EN SEND EIGHT TWO cent stamps for1 special three months' trial for the best and oldet.t journal in the west. The articles and advertise ments are of special interest to the , poultry breeders of the Northwest. Northweat Poultry Jonrnal. 211 Com- """ mercisl afreet. Salem. Oregon. ' - FINANCIAL FOR SALE FIRST AND SECOND Mort . gages. Trust Deeds, Contracts on houses WUl net 6 to 30. ij BECKE HENDRICKS J U. S. Nat'l Bank . I Ji tf i. FARM LOANS PLENTY OF MONEY to loan on good farm security. A CITY LOANS We are loaning ' Pm dential Inaurance Company money on city reaidencea and buainess property, at 5H, plus a commission. Hawkins As Roberts, I nc 2uj Oregon Building. . . ,ii d-14tf Farm Loans I ANDERSON k RUPERT OH Oregon Building rLORISTS CUT FLOWERS. WEDDING BOCQUETS funeral wreaths, oecoraiKns r. Breithaupt, florist, 123 N. Liberty. Pbov 38Q. - - ' PRUIT BTJTER WARD K, RICHARDSON. Salem, Oregon, 2383 N. Front St. Phoae .2184. Straw berries, blaekcaps, currants, ;cherries, oeberrie. etc. m- rUKSRAZi DIRECTORS SALEM MORTUARY, FUNERAL DIREC tors. 210 Center. Phone 1636. : TTJBJSTTTJRB STORES i GIESR FURNITURE CO. QUALITY furniture for less money. 873 Court. Phone 464 HEMSTITCHING SALKM W.1TE HEMSTITCHING nleatinv huttona. atampinc and needle work; 32 Oreeon Bid? Phone 379. INSURANCE Insure. Your home or ra,r now I Phone 161 BECKE A HENDRICKS f. 8. Bsnk Bldg. LOT INSTTBAHCE NEW YOR1C LIFE Ervin P, Smhtb, Hsrley 8. PugW Owen F. Ogdea. Ore- Rid., ohnne 48. ' :h ' J16 Service Trade Mark Registered V. EJkoe , eC'5 A tsALLANTlLAD, l AMD MTi "TO W5 COS STANCE, SlP. CHRIS AND "WE -l'TCW ."WE MERCIFUL HEAVEM - HE'S DOUAI r OM. SPARE - 'SPARE. BUSINESS DIRECTORY and Professional Finns Arranged in Alphabetical Order for Quick Reference :." LADIES TAILORING D. H. MOSHER TAILOR IX) R MEN and women, 47.4 Court St. , LAUNDRIES CAPITAL CITY LAUNDRY Phone 165. Service with a smile. Quality work. 1264 Broadway. J-14tf TRY THE HOME WET WASH LATN dry. Phono 171. 1356 B Street. JI7tf SALEM LAUXDKY COMPANY 316 S. Liberty street. Phone 23, oldest larg est and best. Established 1889. f MATTRESSES MATTRESSES RENOVATED BY THE Capitol City Bedding Co., 1(9,0 North Capitol. Called for aad delivered. All work guaranteed. Phone 19. . f!9tfi MEDICAL MOUNTAIN BALM COUGH REMEDY Phone 517-W. ! KTJSIC STORES SHERMAN CLAY CO.. PIANOS titeinwsys, Duo-Art and others. Moore a Music House. 413. Court street. t GEO. C. WILL PIANOSi PHONO- , graphs, sawing machines,, sheet music, and. pijno studies. Repairing phono 'graphs and sewing 'machines. 432 State street. Salem. TRADE YOCR OLD PIANO FOR A NEW Victor or -Brunswick. H. L: StiffTurm turo Co Mnaie Dept. - - HTJR8ERY STOCK: TRCIT, NUT AND SHADE TREES Pearcy Bros., 237 State. ' ' PACKING AND SHIPPING FOR EXPERT FURNITURE PACKING . and shipping, csll Stiff's Furniture Store. Phone 941. PAPERHANGINa AND PAINTING J. N. GANIARD ROY 8HOEMAKE Phone 494 Phone 1861-J G k 8 Paint Company : Painting, Paperhanginf June 8 rilONE GLENN ADAMS FOR HOUSE decorating, paper banging, tinting, etc. Reliable workman. PIANO TUNERS EDWARD WELP EXPERIENCED Pi ano tuner. Leave orders Will's Music Store. PLUMBING PLUMBING AND GENERAL REPAIR work. Graber' Bros- 141 Liberty St 'Phone 530. . f-19tf RADIO ? SPLITDORF RADIO SALES AND. . SERVICE ifi No better radio made at any price , 9sanr Caao . QUALITY CARS . High and Trade fI3tf RADIO IKKTOR8 SALKM ELECTRIC CO. Y. 8. BVKT0N, Proprietor Masonic Temple Phone 1200 Radiolas For Every Purpose Every Purse1 . A wl a va j n, - ai All Standard S'zes of Radio Tubes HALIK EOFP ELECTRIC SHOP 337 Court St. Phone 4B8' REPAIRING j ALVIN B. STEWART .' 347 Court St.--- i ' Umbrellas, Cattery and Keys Lawnmowera, rssor-blades, e on, ' knives and tools sharpened - SCAVENGERS SOOS SCAVENGER SERVICE GAR; bage and refuse of all kinds removet by the month. Reasonable rates. Ceai--. pools cleaned and dead animals re moved. Phones Office 35 or 979, lies. 2or,8. ; SECOND HAND GOODS WANTED - EVERYTHING IX CLOTH ing and shoea. Best prices psld. Cap ital Exchange. 343 North Commercial. Phone 1363-W. STOVES AND STOVE REPAIRING : STOVES REBUILT AND REPAIRED , 40 years' experience. Depot National fence, sixe 26 to 58 in. hiph. Paints, : -a, -ni,b.t.. etc.. lozanberry and vn kuk. Rslem Fence and Stove ;" Works. 250 Court street. Phone 12 1 STORAGE .i-c- oTnDr vnnu itni-sr.IfOI.D Goods .-..i.:-.. Umw: h-r tha week. ' vr ks J -. , - - month or year. P. A. Eikea, corner i.iwt, Kerr-r. Phone 121. d-t4tf TRAKSTRR AND HAULING TRANSFER AND HAULING OF ALL kinds. Phone 1J. WE MOVE. STORE AND SHIP HOUSE- s 1 J , J. ln.'enaeisllV tA TjistnA SDQ furniture moving. Me also make coun try trips- We handl the best oal and - , ',.11 ... mie&. We fl-ive good measure, goo n,.,i?0"! service. Larmer Transfer CcC' Phone 930. CAPITAL CITY TRANSFER CO. . 226 Stale St. l'none woo." nu"-. . -A larax-a our saecialty. bet oar rstes. ' ' ,- ; Statesman bring Results S. latent Of flee) OUJE OUR DARIN ( vic5s-y ANS 2R TO ALU GOVERNOR 1 YOU FORCED M3JR CONFlSfCEj ANDU'E OJUE OUR LIVES 7 C7J(-IW&ve 5OTJ6Hri(A S V -TD MS DARIN 'VI" "TV in- cweMEeK in AT l-Jx : ' J y-C I Mf.K If- I a -I ZF x '- ME IS KILLED. lb- Cy YkauJ t Zt rl :7 -i ....-r - ' I -.'-i - 4 Ar 'ssU - .-Li,-'. I - V i7 r T I TRANSPORTATION PARKER STAGES LINES : J. W. Parker, General Mauagen Central Stage Terminal SALEM, OREGON ' ! Principle One-Way and Round-Trip . Farea on Parker Stage Lines: One Round Station , . Way Trio McMinnvilla .91.00 - 91.70 Monmouth l...r., .75 - 1.25 laJUs .50 Fall City .. . l.OO 90 1.80 1.25 l.OO 1.40 7.40 5.70 3.00 2.60 2.O0 2.40 Sil-verton Independence Amity .. .73 4.60 3,55 1.83 1.60 Tillamook HeK nillamina Sheridan Dayton 1.25 New berg . 1.50 Parker Stage lines snakes big redne tioa ia Express Rates, from 20 to 50 cents on the hundred pounds. Reason able rates on C.O.D. collecting. - Send your express by Stage and get quicker service. II 696 for Information 1 WATER SALEM WATER. LIGHT POWER CO. Office 304 South Commercial SU Ten per rent discount on domestic flat rates paid in advance. No deduction for absence or any cause unless water is shut off yonr promises. ' Xotlre of Intention to Improve Alley in Block US, City of Sa lem. Notice Is hereby siren that the Common Council of. the City of Salem, Oregon, deems it necessary and expedient and hereby declares its purpose and intention to im prove Alley in Block 88 of the original plat of the City ef Salem. Marion county, Oregon, from the north line of Marion street to the south line of Union atreet, at the expense of the abutting and adja cent property, by bringing said portion. of said street to the estab lished grade, constructing Port land cement concrete curbs,- and paving said portion of said street with a six-inch Portland cement concrete pavement, in accordance with the plans, specifications and estimates therefor, which were art opted by the Common Council May 18, 1925, now on file in the oln'ce of the City Recorder and which said plans, specifications and estimates are hereby referred to and made a part of this notice, ! The Common Council hereby de clares its purpose and intention to make the above described im- piovem'ent by and through- the street improvement department of the City of Salem.! , ! Written remonstrance may be llied with the City Recorder of said city against the above' pro posed improvement within ten days from the date of final publi cation hereof. i - By order of the Common Coun- cil,May 18, 1925. i M. POULSEN, City Recorder. Date of first publication hereof is May as, 19. i I Jne-3 Notice of Intention to Improve John Street front the i South Line of Lincoln Street . to the North Line of Superior Street. Notice is hereby given that the Common Council of the City of Salem. Oregon, deems it necess ry and expedient and hereby declares its purpose and intention to im prove John street from the south line of Lincoln street to the north line of Superior Btreet, at the ex pense of tiie abutting and adjacent property, excepting the street and alley intersections, the expense of which will be assumed by the City.- of Salem, by bringing said portion of said street to the established grade, constructing Portland cement ,concrete curbs, and paving said portion of iaid street with a air inch Port iand- cement concrete pavement twenty feet wide la accordance with the plans, specifications and estimates therefor, whicbwere ad opted by the Common Council, May 18, 1923, now on file in the office of the city recorder and which said plans, specifications and estimates are hereby referred to and made a part of this uotke. The Common : Council hereby declares its purpose and intention to make the above described im provements by and through the street improvement department of the city of Salem. - I Written remonstrance may be filed with the City recorder of said city against the above pro posed improvements within ten days' from date of final publica tion hereof. By order of the Common Coun cil May 18, 1924. M. POULSEN. City Recorder. Date of first publication hereof is May 22. 1925. . , jne-3 Boost for the linen mill. It will bring prosperity to Salem and to the entire Willamette, valley. By ED WHEELAN Hate and . LOVE ' I MERE. Tv)- FAN Z fl Kf' I GENERAL MARKETS I w Po'rtUatl Grain PORTLAND.. May 21. Wheat. hard white, bluestem, Daart, May. June l.eO; July 1,45; soft white. May $1.58; Juno $1-69; July $1.42: western wbltev May, June si.os; Juiy si.z; nam win ter May, June $1.58; July $1.42; northern sDrins. May. June $1.58; July $1.42; western red May, June $1.5; July i.3: hhh hard white May, June $1.75; Julr $1.45. - -- - - - . Oats No. 2, 36 pounds wnue feed Mav. June $"37.50: No. 2, 3i' pounds gray. May, June $37. Biirley Net, 2, 44 pound . May. June $33. Corn No. 3, eastern yeuow shipment, May, Jub& $46.75. Millrun Standard May June $36.50. "' Portland May TnrtTLANl. Mav 2. Buying nrlcen vallev timothv $20T$21; jd o. eastern Oregon $21??$24.RO; alfalfa $20.50 t?zi; ciover 50; oats and hay nominal; cueai 317.50: oats and vetch $20$21; straw $8.50 ner ton. Selling prif $2 a ton more, - tT 1 Port'sjml Ditiry Fxobfire PORTLAND. Mar 21. Butter; extras 41c; standards. 40c; prim iirwts 4vc; tiio.a ac. Eggs Extras 33c; firsts 32c; pullets 30c; current receipts 30c. Notice of Intention to Iruprov Brooks Avenue From Highland Avenue to North Citj Limits. Notice, is hereby given that the Common Council of the City of Salem, Oregon, deems it neces sary and expedient and hereby de clares its purpose and Intention to improve Brooks Avenue from the north line of Highland Avenue to north City Limits, at the expense of the abutting and adjacent pro perty, by -bringing said portion of 3ald street to the eftabr.shrd grade, constructing Portland ce ment concrete curbs,, and paving said portion of said street with a six inch Io r Hand cement concreto pavement twenty-fite feet wide iu accordance with the plans, speci fications and estimates therefor, which were adopted by the Com mon Council May 18, 1923. now on file in the office of the City Recorder and which said plans, specifications and estimates aro hereby referred to and made a part of this notice. The Common - Council hereby declares its purpose and intention to make the above described . im provement by and through ,tle Street. Improvement Department of the City of Salem. Written remonstranco may 1 iled with the City Recorder of eakl City against the above pro posed improvement within ta days from date of final publica tion hereof. By order of tr"? Common Coun cil, May 18, 1923. M. POLLS UN, City Recorder. Date of first publication hereof J May 22, 1923. - , ,. Jne-J $150.00 Given Free The above amount will I w given away as follows: , First Prize $100.00. Besides' this splendid first prize w are going to give away nine . "other cash: prizes. .1 II n Solve the above cross word pnzzle and send us your answer worked on the puzzle diagram as printed above with a ten. word slogajo for rhe- Oregon' Statesman' (the best you can think ot) neatly and legi bily written on a separate sheet f paper with your name and ad--dress In the upper right hand cor ner. If your answer to the cross word puzzle is correct we will at once mail you a splendid illustrat ed prize list describing. the prizes and giving full information and rules. , Don't send any money. You tan be a prize winner withoul spending one cent -of your owi money. ' Send your answer act quickly The Oregon Statcrmr.n 313 South Commercial How To Solve Cioss Word PurI. Each number is the, start of a word. White space represents a let ter. Look at the key printed and see the definition for the word yot seek. Select a word that has tht right number of letters for tht space allowed It horizontal or ver tical, as the case may be. Ileraera- -ber the word ends in the square Just before the first Mark tiuar-j you reach or at the border of be ! puzzle. After you have founi one or two words you. will .have clews to still others. Cross 'Vord Puxrle Kjduijki Horizontal "Words Word 1 A small moving fc?-! of water.1 Word 4 A kind vl cloth ma 2 , from flax. -AVord 5 A lady' gown. Vertical Words Word 1. A word usfi t j . crlbe.the 'it'o of r" i hay or other merchant r,;t.- it has been r reefed ar 1 L.:; 1 tthtly for rt-t-?nt. ' V-crd t It. tv. cv f- f : ' .trd'S-i-i- : : .. ; . arefcy j I aril. . w 68M17S