The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, May 22, 1925, Page 5, Image 5

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    FRIDAY MORNING, MAY 22. 1923
Tourist View Colorado Cliff Dwelling, Biggest -
of Prehistoric Apartment Houses in Southwest
MT lava Jast takea In MTarl
gooa Ovarian rut-41 '. r
conditioned aa4 xmJ vtlaas.
Toortn at t200. uiotker at
$223. wootktr t I31B, a eda
at $625, "
Taest . will g .nick Com la
7 T7 : FTTS,
New Ten-Ton
Truck ,
With four wheel tlrive will be on
display today at
Here is the most popular
Soft Hat for spring
wear. It' is different and
the. shape is stylish and
terest is understood, to be largely
in financing state settlers on Irri
gation projects. ,
" ' . " f - -
We are showing many other, style shapes that are entirely new this spring
Specializing $5.00 Hats
V Your Hat Is Here
,G. W. JoWiisoini & Co.
469 State Street .
; Oregon: Fair and warmer; Sat
urday fair; moderate north winds.
Maximum 65; minimum SO;
river 6.3, rising; rainfall .01; at
mosphere cloudy; wind southwest.
: .'...., .'
Oregon-Leatrice Jay and Er-
neat Torrence in 'The
Dressmaker From Paris."
liberty William Russell and
Mary Nellan In "The Be-
loved Brute." , :
Grand Tom Mix and Tony in
'Riders of the Purple Sage"
- by i Zane Grey.;
Bligh -5 Acts Vaudeville and
SDorting Youth."
Woman Is Freed -.
' Mrs. j Sarah Florence Johnson,
Portland woman who was sentenc-
ed to prison and fined $250 for
violation of the prohibition laws,
has been extended executive clem
nnr w nnvemor Pierce The In
strument waa forwarded to Dis
trict Judge Hears in Portland,
upon recommendation of the judge
who stated that the woman was
the victim of circumstances to a
considerable extent. It is said
she was a hard working woman
and has a, daughter d-Oyeits ojd
to support. .; .
Six Wheel Moreland Truck '
With four wheel drive on dis
play today at Vick Bros. ; m2 2
Birth Reported, i . ' '
George Ellsworth Fuller is the
name given to a son born to Mr.
and Mrs. George A. Fuller , of
Rlckreall. The birth occurred on
May 18 at the Salem hospItaL ;
Breaks Rlghtjljeg ' ' ,
Edward Buslck, son of Mrs.
JIattle Buslck of 640 Chemeketa
street fell from a tree Thursday
afternoon and received a broken
tight leg. He was playing in the
tree after school when one of his
.playmates, it is alleged,- shook
the tree and he tumbled down. '
' Opening Dance
At Turner Saturday. May 23.
3Iusltf "by the Ramblers. m22
Boys Plan rarade -'
- -The Salem boys chorus prac
tised good and long last night at
the YMCA. - The beys are getting
ready for their big concert , Tues
day evening under the direction
of Dr. H, C. Epley. To make a
good sliowing: f the chorus will
stage a'parade on the downtown
streets 4turday; afternoon. 4 ;
j- )- ii i i - '
Garden and lawn Seed
Dahlia and glad blubs; window
box plants: . Pearcy Bros., blk.
west of Commercial st. 237 State.
counter suit was' instituted by his
wife, charging desertion. . Accord
ing to. the decision. Derrick failed
to prove his allegations - in his
complaint.' Mrs. . Derrick- was
awarded custody of a five year old
son, and $25 a month for his sus
tainance and education.; They
were married in Arizona in 1919.
Six Wheel Moreland Track
With four wheel drive on dis
play today at Vick Bros. m22
Receives Injured Hand
Suffering from a crushed hand,
Mr. " Thompson, laborer with the
state highway department, receiv
ed surgical treatment yesterday af
ternoon. The first and second
finger, as well as the little finger
of. the right hand were broken
when an automobile backed ; and
caught his hand against a rock.
Flyer Alarm Clocks, Guaranteed
For one year; 85c, at Schaefers
drug store, 135 K. Commercial
Money On Display
The Capital Hardware and Fur
niture company on North Com
mercial have on display, Polish
money as well as a few Canadian
coins. The Polish money is print
ed in large amouts, one certificate
calling for 1,000,000 kronln.
Six Root
Modern house
Oregon building.
rent 303
Jersey Leaders Here
F. Gary of Tillamook county,
- R. J. Burkhart of Albany, Mrs.
W. H. Warrens of Hillsboro, rep
: resenting Washington ocunty,
Harry Fliss and G. G. Hewitt of
Polk county, all prominent work
ers in the Jersey cattle field were
visitors here for the Marion coun
ty Jersey jubilee yesterday.
Scout Banquet Tonight
The district committee of the
Cascade Council ot the Boy Scouts
of America will meet tonight at
the Gray Belle for a six o'clock
banquet. Election of officers and
--discussion of the general problems
of the organization will be feat-
area. a genera iutuiiui -ren
to all persons interested in the
Boy Scout movement to be pres
ent at the meeting.-
Woman Gets Divorce ;
Lena Derrick ' was granted a
divorce from Ralph H. Derrick
yesterday in Judge SL. . H. Mc-
Aiasans courc. -i ne cse na oeta
la. the courts for the past few
' tears, and waa taken under .ad
visement JbT Judge Einshaa a
short time before his death. Later
a new trial was called. Derrick
'rfrtl tt.3 rtt:n tlr-tlf, tit a
Lions to . Nominate 1
Nomination of officers will be
the business of the Lions at their
next meeting today at the Marion
hotel. In addition- several mat
ters of importance , will be dis
cussed.- Newell Williams, associ
ated rw"h the .Metropolitan ,XIfe
Insurance company here, is to en
tertain the Lions with a vocal
solo. According to the program
as outlined by Bob Hodgkinson,
chairman ot the program commit
tee, the Lions attending the dis
trict convention at Longview May
28, 29 and 30, are going to find
each day filled with many inter
esting and entertaining features.
Lot Terms- Lots a
$10 down, $10 monthly buys
good building lots south. Price
$150 to $300i Becke & Hend
ricks. U. 8. Bank Bldg. M19tf
Students Have Plrni
Preparations are now complete
for the joint sophomore-freshman
picnic to be held this evening at
Painters woods. The plcnicr marks
the end of the interclaas hostili
ties at Willamette university -and
will be held in the form of a good-
natured get-together,, meeting , for
members of the two classes. Ac
cording to school ; tradition the
corn cob pipe of peace will be
smoked and it is expected that tne
traditional hatchet will be burled.
Hunt Tirothers Cannery
Will commence on strawberries
Tuesday, May 26, 7 a. m. m26
Inquiry was made among Wil
lamette university students yester
day regarding any person who wit
nessed the accident Monday eve
ning on the Twelfth street rail
road track in which two girls were
injured, one of voom later aiea.
Innn Arch Braces ,
Relieve tired feet. Price $1.00
and un. Bishop's. m22
- J ,.
Leaves for East 'V.
W. A. DeUiel, of the state
weights and measures department,
will lea for Washington. D. C.
this morning to attend an import
ant meetinr in connection witn ms
work for the state. Before re
turning to Oregon he will attend
a national Boy Scout session in
New York city ; as official repre
sentative of the state. r
Closing; of the Auburn district
trhnni tnifav will be featured by
an all-day picnic. A special pro
gram has been arranged for the
day. . n
r!Avmn tt Rneak-
Governor Walter M." Pierce will
speak at a district convention of
International ; Lions at Longview,
txraeh iaiIhv ' A laree nnmber of
Salem members attended the ses
sion. - Frenk Neer of Salem is dis
trict, governor. : Vij'. ;
Special Price on all Plants
For Fri., Sat. Geraniums 15c
each, all colors, marigolds 25c a
dozen. Arthur Plant's s- green
houses, 129 i South 13th. . , m2 4
Kafonry Clnh Meets ;
The Kafonry Progressive Clerks
club fceli tteir tionlhly meeting
Tuesday erenlzs In the cluh rooms
located In the store. A. K. NIckols
of the state vocational department
w3 p r-rr!-l fsest, wto et'oIjo on
mercantile education. ) The club
room.,and two large dining tables
were artistically decorated in pink
and green, which are the colors.
The dinner, as is a regular i cus
tom, started off by singing "Am
erica." being interspersed with
their own club songs.
A special
table was arranged for those grad
uating from the store salesman
ship class, who were presented
with diplomas by N. C. Kafoury.
After this a very unique playlet
The Right and Wrong Way of
Selling," was presented by the
graduates, which brought forth
much laughter and jmerriment.
The meeting closed by- singing
"Auld Lang Syne." f The next
meetinr. which will be the last
one until September, will be held
early in June at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. N. C. Kafoury on North
Summer street. !
Six Wheel Moreland Track c
With four wheel drive on dis
play today at Vick Bros. ; m22
Lone Ways From Home-
Miss Harriet Jerrls or Portland.
Me., who has been visiting her sis
ttf Mrs. Mm Howell of 545
Court street, contemplates leaving
Salem for her home next weex.
Cooked Food Sale 1 -. J
West North division Ladies' Aia.
Presbyterian chnrc. LFrfdayf af
ternoon. . ;f; .-
Picnic Arranged i;
Ress Jones, teacher in scnooi
district No. 19, held an all-day
picnic for her pupils yesterday
A basket lunch, weiner ana marsn
mallow roast featured, the day.
nirth' Annonnred i
Bonnie Ariene uorman is me
noma trfv-n -tn . dawchter born
to Mr. and Mrs. William Dorman
of 1308 North Commercial street,
at the Bungalow maternity home
on May 19. sne weignea t v
pounds at birth. . ;
r, Hn. rrnren Cord Tire
And inner tube between Dallas
and the corner of High and Cen
ter. Finder return to Moore's
Music House and get reward. mz
m.. -nt. i v-anna Tl fratprtiitv Ol
" lue a ui a- v. -
Willamette university, elected the
following omcer 10 bc .
Coming semester at I the regular
house meeting held last night:
Prudent; Frank Alfred; vice
.m.hmii: Albert Ridel: secretary,
Mavitt manaxer. Earl Law-
UPl io . ' - , . '
a!fnnt manager, ueorge
wuu f I"" w ,
- - - . at
Picnic l-romiseu i; - . Q,
The business and professional
women of Salem are to hold a pic
nic at the Chestnut:! farm s next
Sunday, according h to the plans
now made. The party is to gather
at the Terminal hotel at 2 p. m.
and go ont to the farm in an auto
mobile. Dinner is" to be served
in the evening. j;
Birth Annonnced l ; J ;
An eight and one-half pound
baby boy was born to Mr. and
Mrs. D. H. Upjohn. 964 South Li
berty Wednesday.- He has been
named William Byrd Upjohn.
Secretary Work To Visit
SecreUry of the Interior Work
will be in Salem and Portland on
July 7 and 8. according to infor
mation ' received from Washing
ton, D. t?. He is on a tour of the
irrigation-' projects jot the north
west and will confer with Gover
nor Pierce and other state offi
cials while here. Mr. Work's, in-
, ! i
Pass Scout Test
Thomas Childs became 'a lire
scout last night, while Vicar Wa
gers was awarded the star scout
degree at the court of honor held
at the supreme court building.
Vicar Wagers secured merit badg
es for tests passed in an examina
tion for first aid to animals, mu
sic and carpentry. Childs also
secured merit badges for lifesav
ing, personal: health and first aid.
Frank Groves secured a merit
badge in chemistry, Robert Wag
ers one for first aid. chemistry and
personal health. Henry Clement
also passed tests In automobiling,
and life saving, while Milton Tay
lor secured a merit badge for carpentry.
Decorates Auto -
Stanford Jerome, the self-styled
farm hand with the Caruso voice.
has decorated " his auto profusely
with chalk fmajks' telling of his
freak voice. The machine is com
pletely equipped rfor camping! and
Jerome Is able to' travel from city
to city wlthdut much trouble.
Plan to Visit Eugene -
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Fennel, wno
are associated , with a local studio.
ar L nlanninir a visit to Eugene
during the coming week-end.- : :
Any Bundle Left?
If there are anv extra bunaies
left at any of the Near East re
lief stations, at the ehurches and
schools, these will he called for if
74 7 W is notified, i . . ., .
Ailment U Fatal -, t v
Alfred Bates, graduate pi Kim
ball School of Theology in 1922,
and well known in Salem, aieo ai
Sellwood hospital, Portland, after
suffering several years with a baf
fling blood disease, some zu pioou
transfusions seemed to give him
relief and good health for - some
time, but his health failed;? He
was born in England, came to- the
United States where he was a local
minister for some time and ?aeJ
regularly ordained. He married
Minnie Sellwood ; of Willamette
university, at whose home healed.
School Closes -i - ' , '
Hazel Green school closed , for
the sason yesterday by celebrat
ing with a picnic and exercises,
according to Mrs. Fulketson,
county school superintendent. -;
Meeting Called
The resignation of Ward Willis
Long, pastor of the First f resby
terian church was accepted by tbe
congregation last night. fcHf j re
cently accepted a call from,;-the
First " Presbyterian church at
Stockton, Calif. .
. : 1 : V : .
Newspaperman Visits 5 ?
Ted James. former University
ot Oregon student and newspaper
man, stopped in Salem last hight
cni his way to Eugene from Olym
pla. Wash,, to attend the Junior
week-end celebration. He Is a
member of Theta cm fratsnjity-
Crystal Gardens
Wednesday j Night . , -j
Saturday Night
;rThci:3 111
Mrs. Jean Weston, a resident of
Drain,; Or., is visiting with' friends
in Salem, r,. v-. .!,
Mr.-aqd Mrs. F. A. Elllqtt re
turned last night from a trfe to
Klamath. Falls. M r. Elliott is state
forester. , "
J. A. Churchill state superin
tendent ot echools, was . in Ver
nonia Thursday to address a meet
ing of teachers. i
S. S, Gilbert, prominent jner
chant of Albany, is visiting in
Salem with Mr. and Mrs. Ben
Vick, for a few days. I
play today at Vlvk Bros. ; m22
Mrs. H. Schroeder of Pratum
was in the. city on business yes
terday. -- -' - - i
Mrs. J. J. Staiger, a Silverton
f t - ?
11 i r .i . - - i
tft 1 . ' . - ' ' ir
W. --4' ' " s i
It W I " - j
Discoveries of great interest and
value to archaeologists are coming
to Ugh in the Southwest with th
unearthins of ruina of an ancient
civUlzation. ; f Above are pictured
tourists examining a prehistorte
cliff dwelling that compares favor
ably In ize with the largest of the
modern apartment houses. It is
located in Mesa Verde, southwest,
era Colorado' .. m , .'
resident, visited j with ? friends in
Salem -Thursday
'Clark Moreland visited here
from Albany yesterday. 4
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Christensen
of Woodburn were In the city on
business yesterday. f i: - ;
, Mrs. Chester Davidson and her
two daughters, Dorothy and Ger
trude Davidson, were visitors here
from St. Paul yesterday. r
L. Blllyeu visited j here from
Jefferson yesterday. -!: ' j
A. McFelridge of Dallas was In
the city on business Thursday.
Mr, and Mrs. O. S. Coleman was
In the City from Forest Grove yes
terday afternoon, T It
Anna Fry, a Dallas resident, was
in the city yesterday. t
, Elisabeth lLooney of Jefferson
was In the city .yesterday.; :
" succi:ed rev. long
f 1
That business and professional
men JUiXP time , for church work
was indicated by the large gath
ering, at the men's club i of the
First Presbyterian church Wed
nesday pight. At the business ses
sion the following officers were
elected: Archie Ewing, president;
H. C- . Davis. U vice president;
Joseph Albert, treasurer and E. T.
PrescQtt,.- secretary. . ',- i: .
Rev. Ward Willis Long, retir
ing president, gave an interesting
review of the history of the club.
Rev Charles E, Ward, pastor ot
the Congregational church, was
the speaker -of the evening. He
wav Introduced" by Judge John H.
Scott." Rev. Ward spake on 'ls
Prohibition a. Failure." Ladie of
the church nerTeddinner iprior to
the : meeting. " : j - , - -
r O0iUy-aurry i
llMtrsai XMasaMU- asa TtMtasnt
(Dr. Abram'j BeUixl)
- crflee Pbm 5 4St-
BOe V. a. Baas Bldg.
San Frariclsco; oney4Jt flSXO
" r-'RowndTripV o.OO
I Lois Angeles, one way, 37.33
; -I IloniMl Trip, S5O.O0
' Special Rates to Parties of.
, . Eight or More i 'ii
For Information and Reserva
- tions phone 696, or call at
. t4lem, Oregoa f
LADD & BUSH; Bankers
Established 1868
General Banking Business
Office Howrs front ! n. to B p m. . ..
' - Now is the time they will commence to work. Look
out for, them as they will -invade" your house, eat. your
i food, eat your clothing and carpets and do untold damage
in a few days. They will ruin your garden and your
flowers and roses. As soon as you find trace of any,
put out poison bait at once. I We have all the necessary
items, that you use and-will advise you .'to mix and
apply 'it.' " ':',';.
";. , D. A. -White-Sons'..:
Phcr.2 1C3 -216 State St.' " V
LONDON, May Vr 21 Nearly a
thousand matrons and debutantes
among them numerous Americans,
were presented to the King and
Queen at Buckingham palace. to
night at the first royal; court of
the season. This is already known
as-the "gold and silver court,"
from tho prevailing colors pf the
gowns. "' 1
25,000 OTHERS
Sir Hall Caine's
1) -
Qbauty Cars '
: Trade! at High St.
Don't Fail to See This
i "- :
v :.
Drapery Cretonne 36 inches wide in Beautiful Patterns
. and Colorings
Many Patterns Suitable for
Bungalow Aprons :
c , ' ) .. i ..... . - .
' I ,
Priced for selling at
a Yard
L 7w JLknrmmTinf.
The New Summer Styles In
f 'I 4 1
i f
1 1
Every day; of; their long life you! will appreciate the?
pleasure and the. economy of wearing our Shoes. Their
good Style always pleases, their quality always satisfies.
New Arrivals in Men's
Oxfords .
$5.00 to $8.50
Ladies' Pumps, and Oxfords Main Floor
$5.00 to $9;00
' Economy Department Second floor ,
' Bobolink Silk Hose
rnable Summer Shades.-"Ev
;$1.25. Per Pair
We haye the .fashionable Sirmmer Shades. - "Every Pair Guarantcci
. , i
1 1