The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, May 19, 1925, Page 8, Image 8

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    1LEF.1 r.lAirWlLLnEAD
T. II,
dent at Convention
Ccrmllls Proves Good Host; .Gov
trnor ami Adjutant General
. Give Talks
V. S. A bsent From World's Fair in - Paris
The fifth annual state conren 'the Disabled American
Veterans of the world war.depart
mentj or Oregon, closed 1U moat
f-nccossru i session at CorvallU at
aiicinight, Saturday. Mar i.
'Mueh constructive work was
imure weuare or me
disabled men. The' Knionrtit a.
dreaaj of Kenneth L. Cooper, re-
wonai manager or the United
States Veterans', bureau, empha
sized' the close relationship which
now exists between the organiza
tion and the bureau,- and was re
ceived with- the . greatest enthu-
"Governor Pierce, himself the
f&thor or a Tetefan. spoke feeling
ly of the Service rendered by the
boys. - -
. Adjutant-Gen. George A. White
i spoke in a reminiscing rein of
orer-feea relations "wjiile Represen
tative Hawley spoke-of dangers of
future'wars and our patriotic. at
titude toward the same.
The following officers were el
ected, to the state department for
the ensuing year: -1
State commander, Theodore II.
Green, of Salem; state senior vice
commander, Thomas G. Rathbonc.
Corallis; state adjutant. Paul
Thoralson. Portland; state treas
urer J James S. Sharp. Corvallis;
n-J chap,aln- H"y Bower, Cor-
-fSDOS. May 1 5.-The' Paint
ed L,adr butterfly is as fond of
travel ow flCa and land as she is
of her vgorgeoas coloring -- Her
husband, loo. likes migratory
mshts, and. according to scien
tific researchers, these butterflies
in great numbers have been known
to make journeys from Turkey to
C.JB. Williams, chief entomolo
gist of, the Egyptian ministry- of
griulture. who has been study
ing he habits of the Painted Lady
for several years, gave an account
of his work in a recent Issue of
Nature. The butterfly of this spe
cies, he believes, originates some-whej-e
In the south or southeast of
the )oas line of desert' sketching
across North Africa and Asia
Miner, 2.000 or S.OOOf mfles from
England. They leave the desert
early In the spring and arrive in
the Vicinity of the southern shores
of the Mediterranean usually
aboat April. From Palestine .they
appear to fly through SyriU and
Turkey to the Balkan states, and
from '"'Ecvnt. Triooli and. Algeria
they cross to southern fcarope. All
during the flight stragglers and
weaklings are dropped. out of the .
swarms and left; behind. j
Hy the more hardy fliers Eng
land Is reacts ed.ilate in May : or
eary in June, Scotland1 a week
or so later, and here many of them
spead the summer. The Painted
Lady, those which originate In the j
desert country, have been seen In
Iceland in July, some 4,000 miles
from their starting plaice. , '
Whether - in crossing great
stretches of water they continue
flying all nfghtor rest on floating
masses In the water has not yet
been determined.-- Neither is- it
known, bo fat as Mr. Williams
waf able to ascertain, whether a
return journey is made. ,
... -
Prof. Wutz Claims New r -
Facts on Hebrew Bible
,EI rSIC. May 15 A revela
tion in Bible research ork vis
forescPn" "rt thehtnTestigationa.
published in boolt form; of Prof.
Franz AVurta of the Eichstatt
B'tuoprlc Lyceum, entitled "New
j Facts on tho Septuaglnta and He
brew Bible." ; 4
The current version Vtbat the
,Greck-Alexandrlan translation of
the Old Testament, known as the
j Septuaglnta, Is derived front the
original Hebrew text sceuu to be
shattered by the -theory of Prof.
jWiitz. The author is' taken very
seriously bj biblical scholars, even
RIDICULOUS! you ay. . Y that Is
what hundreds of peopla do every
hy when they engage the nervices of
'net than a' trained RECTAL Sf E
A LIST to cure their Piles. No wend rr
try receive no benefit and continue to
i-ier,nd condemn the doctor for their
me and taoney watted t
If ver of trtinlng snd exferknee
eating RECTAL snd COLON ail
-.ent$ alone enable me to give m written
lire-tone CiUARANTE E
- V . t I T" 1
mar t wuiTure yror t no
, WrR tsday fortnyrTrS BOOK
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! ' The first world's fair aince the San Francisco Exposition, and the first in Paris since that for
which the Eiffel Tower was built, is now in prorvss in the: French capitaL Onl j the United
States, Germany and China are not represented with exhibita-f A ceneral view of the : exhibition
Krounds is shown., . .:, "' -: : -' ' ' !j
those whoso favorite theory he
confutes by his statements, as, for
instance, the well known exponent
of the Old . Testament, Rudolph
Kittel. - , j
Prof. Wutz now conies out with
the new and somewhat startling
statement that1 the Septuaglnta Is
largely a reproduction of Hebrew
words written with Greelc letters.
He claims to hare discovered that
as early as 200 B. C. Jewish schol
are ' utilized ' Greek-Hebrew texts
for their translations into Greek.
These transciptions, he ; believes,
funished not only an elucidation of
the Septuaginta a feat hitherto
considered impossible but 7 also
open up an entirely new vista 1n
old biblical literature. An author
ity like Kittel recognizes in these
discoveries of Wutz a likely means
of arriving at the much sought-for
original Hebrew text of the Old
Testament. - - ;
Airplanes Move Miners' . V
- Over s Desojate Country
VANCOUVER, B. C, May 15.
Success in the use of airplanes to
carry miners and supplies to min
ing distrlctsh near Fairbanks,
Alaska, and in the Pacific north
west, has resulted In plans being
MdnnisK Modes Threaten io Take
Possession of Female Fashiondom .-y.; J
i li 7.
1 NW J A. if !
A rJ P- i
I - V y ' Q f -i"wi;wjiji: .-0r
made here for speeding p a stam
pede into the Cassiar country of
northern British ' Columbia this
summer over air routes.
: Dog sleighs and pack mules
were pitted against freight carry
ing airplanes ! for the time when
the weather would permit prospec
tors to rush to Dease lake.
1 Reports of rich gold strikes in
the Cassiar were confirmed at the
start of. winter.' Canadian police
placed a ban on adventurers mak
ing the jourey, for fear of starva-
tion during the severe winter and
the possibility of freezing to death
if an attempt-was made to return
to civilization. ; ! '
A strange ' assortment of dogs
composed the teams arriving at
Wrangell Alaska, preparing for
the rush. ! The hnsky type, bred'in
the north, predominated. There
were also Irish setters. A German
hpolice dog led another team. '
tion." George P. Griffith, state
commander, spoke last night on
the' legion endowment campaign.
A cafeteria supper was serve by
the American Legion auxiliary, a
small charge, being made for each
variety "or food. i.
A total of 1360 was secured by
the Salem police court over the
week-end from violators of the
18th ammendment. The largest
contribution came from 7 K. Mur
ashima, a Japenese j who was
charged with the possession and
transportation of intoxicating li
quor. He was arrested early
Sunday morning by j Officers Ed
wards and Smart, as they were
going off duty. j
Reville Fritzie, a resident of
Woodburn was fined $10 for be
ing -plain " drnnk, ' it is alleged,
while Russ Crossan contributed
$20 and John Marshal $10 on the
same charges. The three men were
held in ' the city 'jail over 'the
week-end.' 1 j ; '
Former CJovernor, Charged With
' Acceptinz Rribcs, Called '
... i -....5 : - - '-:-
to Stand
How.xar is the mannish trend going in fashion?, Style author
ities are unable to answer, and some of them are getting to' be a
little alarmed. TheTnewest coats, one of thich is seen at left, look
like brother's. ' In Paris a fad for wearing man-style evening dress
like that sketched at right, is taking bold. And there U a miner
trend in hats (see below) toward bands and no decorations, just
Uke men's headgear. j ' . ' ' ";' ": V '.. :
Memorial Day Will Be Observed
by American Legion May 30
and Not May Z9
Memorial day plans are rapidly
taking shape and observance, con
trary to conflicting reports, will
be made Saturday, May 30- as us
ual. ; Some confusion has arisen
over j the statement that patriotic
talks will be given in all of the
schools of the city Friday, May 2D.
Nine delegates to the state con
vention in Prineville were selected
from a field of' 22 nominations at
a meting of Capital Post: No. 9,
last night. . These are - Clifford
Brown.commander; C. A. Good
win, r adjutant; Victor McKenzic,
II. R. White, B. C. Small, Frank
Durbin, Jr.r W. K. McKnight,
Lloyd Rigdon iand I. W. Lewis.
The next nine high men will be
alternates, j !
The American Legion is spon
soring" a series of dances to pro
vide funds to take the drum; and
bugle corps to the state coryen-
Gives Wife Adlerika
For Stomach Trouble
' A' -'merchant'whose wife, had
Btomach trouble finally gave her
Adlerika. It helped her at once.
The pleasant and QUICK action of
Adlerika is, surprising. It . helps
any case gas on the stomach un
less due to deep-seated causes. It
is excellent as an intestinal evac
uant and a wonderful remedy for
constipation it. often works in
one hour and never gripes. J. C.
Perry, Druggist, 115 S. Commer
cial. AdT. ; . . '
4 I
llaiiks Tliat Ate . Legal
yVe carrx In etock orcr 115 legal blanks suited most any business
transactlurw. We may hare jast the form you are looking for at a biz
saving ait compared to made to order forms. . -
Some of the forma: Contract of Sale, Road Notice, Will forms, Assign
ment of Mortgage, Mortgage forms. Quit Claim Deeds, Abstracts form,
Ilin of Sale,; "Building Contract, Promissory Notes, Installment Notes,
General lAsase, t Power of Attorney, - Prune Books and Pads, Scale Re
ceipts, Etc. J These forms are carefully prepared for the courts and private
use, Price on forms ranges from 4 cents to 16 cents apiece, and on note
books from 23 to 50 cents. 1 - ' r 1
The Statesman Publishing: Co.
'-' j- "' - ( f ' . ' Z: .----'4 . i :: " : ' - I ' ":
.'! At Business Office, Grocad Floor r
(Continued from pg 1)
anxiety' that the trial be hurried
through. " I ' ?
: The name of Harry plon, chief
Justice of the municipal courts was
mentioned frequently in examin
ing veniremen. -The defense ask
ed if his activity in obtaining the
indictment of Shepherd and the
affidavit action of jthe" coroner's
jury would influence a verdict. It
was Judge Olson, who,' proclaim
ing himself "counsej for, tho dead"
first accused Shepherd of the mur
der of young McClintock.
PORTLAND. Ore,;, May 18. W,
C. Ruegnitz for the jpast four'years
executive secretary! of the Loyai
Legion of Loggers! and Lumber
men,4 was unanimously elected
president of tat organization at
the J3th semi-annual meeting of
the board of directors here today.
He succeeds Norman P. Coleman,
vho resigned to become president
of Reed college of Portland.
TOPEKA. Kansas. May IS.
(By Associated Press,') Jonathan
M. Davis, former governor, charg
ed with seeking a bribe; admitted
on the stand today that several
parts of a statement given the
press to explain why his son, Rus
sell O. Davis, had delivered a par
don, to Fred Tollman, a forger,
were not true, C. B. Griffith, at
torney general, pressed- tho de
fendant late today to admit that
a "Peterson route" really H was
mentioned before? the executive ex
pressed a willingness to parole
Walter Grundy, an embezzler.
Mr. Davis denied this, however.:
The fortnergovernor, however,;
held his ground.
A. h. Oswald, Hutchinson attor
ney who represented Grundy in a
parole application, 'had testified
that Davis was cold to appears for
executive clemency ; until Oswald
"Well I guess the only thing to
do is to take the Peterson route.
'The phrase "Peterson route,"
Oswald declared, related to reports
that' Oswald had heard pardons
were being sold through the office
of Carl J. Peterson, bank commis
sioner. Suggestion of the "Peterson
route,? according to Oswald's tes
timony, led to the solicitation of
a $2500 bribe by jboth the gover
nor and Peterson. , Davis branded
as false 1 the statement that the
words "Peterson route" ever were
used by Oswald In any conversa
tion with him.
Davis had undergone four hours
of cross examination upon the ad
journment of court tonight. The
attorney general will resume ques
tioning him In the morning.
Davis tried to make a speech to.
the jury to explain the Inaccuracy
of parts of "the statement given
the press January! 10. V
"Wait!" shouted Griffith, hold
ing up an arm, "your attorneys
will give "you a chance to talk."
"I thought you'd give me the
chance, countered Davis. , ' ,
" The large' audience ' applauded
the repartee. ; ': y
Jjudge James A. McClure rapped
fori order, threatening to remove
every spectator from the court
room; r "
Is your lawn la nice condition?
Our many visitors are attentive
to such things. "
'LONDON, ' Mayr. 15. In the" fu
ture airplane passengers who be
come bored while flying may be
able to take in a movie during the
toyage. One of; the large Paris
London air expresses was recently
equipped with a movie picture pro
jector, and, during a trial flight, a
film was Hashed on a screen in
side the cabin, with 12 passengers
as spectators. :
Courtesy of the council floor
was given to E. fcr; Kapphahn, lo
cal transfer man last night to atr
the grievances of a squabble exist
ing between him and the members
of the street department. Recently
Kapphahn was the loser .. in , a
bid to secure tho hauling of city's
cement and last J nighfa action
was In his words, "to, secure a
fair deal. ? - i
It was brought out, however, at
a previous meeting and by the dis
cussion last night, that the lowest
bidder had been given, the job, al
though Kapphahan protested. He
Is of' the opinion that his was tho
lower bid. . .
An attempt to get the council
to open the question was lost by
one vote, and as result full "ap
proval of the street commissioner
was given in awarding the hauling
to the successful bidder
s - r -a ; r
MOTHER:- Fletcher's
Castoria is especially pre
pared to relieve Infants in
arms and Children all ages; of
Constipation, i Flatulency, Wind
Colic and Diarrhea: allavinjr
Feverishness arising therefrom, and, by regulating the Stomach
and Bowels, aids the assimilation of Food; giving natural sleeri.
To avoid imitations, always look for the signature of
Absolutely Harmless - No Opiates. ' Physicians everywhere recommend it.
Any Day, from Monday Morning to Saturdays Closing Hour
Lowl; prices on staple articles of food things needed every day things that
will keep for future use also the little luxuries that add so much to any meal
makes tnis store popular wim tnousanas or people.
- . .. , t v v ( - .
- rr Lb. -
Gem Nut
3 Lbs. i
White Navy
3 Lbs.
Chinook Red
2 Large Cans
2 Lb. r
C. and H.
100 Lb. Sk.
1 Crown
49 Lb. Sk.
49 Lb. Sk.
' Alpine -
3 Cans
Bordens .
3 Cans
Per Crate
Here is the best buy we
have ever been able to
offer the people of Sa-
Extra Fancy
tender melting v
A limited quantity to
sell at V '
2 Cans
are equal any 25c grac
ofj Peas : '
r 2 Pans
1 33c
Crystal White
6' for
Old Dutch
2 Cans
15 c
Phone 455-456. Order what ever you may need. Fresh meat,! vegetables or
iruii wiui your grocery oraqr. vur aeiiverymcn are responsible men and re
trained to give you the land of service you like. ' - -
' i. If
yK s
n't I J t f""-