SUNDAY HORNING, HAY 17, 1923 lasslfl Salem's Great ' Mafket THB OHEGON STATESMAN, SALEH, OREGON ed Section Place 63 'HOME REALTY SPECIALS V68 -Going: restaurant, centrally located ml doing icood business. Three yesr leasa on fine term. Owner leavinr city. $2,500 cash will handle. 32 7 Grocery and confectionery , fine lo cation. New bonding with living- quar ters. Good lease. 1'ries for atock and fixture 93.000. ; Tenna. 547 Good 115 acre highly improved farm, all cultivated except 10 acre tim ber. On Wallace road, only 4 miles I lenty of water. Nine roots house with basement, furnace, fireplace, bath, two toilets, fine spring water; two barns, garage, hog house, chicken bouses; 3 men cherries and 7 acres prone. In bearing. Price $175 per i acre: Terms. This is a teal farm. i - . Sj A dandy 40 acre farm, about 30 acres sub-irrigated bearer dam, will (row anything. Running stream. Good well, water piped to house and barn, six room house, barn for 10 cows and team. Garage. S chicken houses. Price I.VMU1 l.a ....V 1 -. a . Bee ua for small sninirban tracts and city homes. , H0ME REALTY CO., ;16 8. High SU ( j 63M18 j 6"K Bl'vs: i Modvn 7 room borne at 860 X. Church St. Terms. i t H. GRABKN'HORST CO i 275 State St. . I 63M20 REASONABLY PRICKD RANCHES AND ; HOt'SBS Jc, 30 acres good flax land, all cleared. aro, feneednear rood small town with high school 93.150; $150 cash, bal ance 9150 annually at 6 per centr wr would-- accept good paper for all. 40 -acres. 19 cleared, 15 in clover. 4 room house, new barn, would make fine small dairy, running water, pasture, 5,500; $3,500 cash, would exchsnge for acreage or small residence. 60 acres, all in cultivation, best How ell prsirie land, well fenced, modern 8 room house, good barn, garage, - sheds, etc. A No 1 home; mile from Pre lum, priced very reasonably. 910,000; ft- cash. ! 58 acres, 30 cleared. 28 pasture, fine trout sfresia, some timber, on pavement, 1 mile from small town; 8 room modern liungalow, dairy barn, coops for 1,000 hens, garage, cellar. 98.500; 94,500 csh, balance at 6 per cent, S room new bungalow, garage, on ,leveiuent, 93,150; 9 150 rash, balance 920 and 6 per cent interest monthly, 8 room part modern house, bars, on pavement, fruit, eod location, 92,500; - 9500 cssh. balance 925 and Interest monthly, f f 4 room new modern bungalof, wood shed, good locstion, 92250; 9500 cash, ttalsnce 925 snd interest monthly. SOCOLOFSKY. 841 SWte St. 63M17tf SPECIAL WE HAVE 2 HOUSES V A li ned st 94500 for both, will trsda for small farm, same value. ! 8 acres close in with i new buildings, f price 930OO. jl Will trsde for hcuse in town. 5 room bonne nice lot on paved street, for iuu, wnn aioo down, balance- like rent. 5 : room house close in, price 91600, with 9-0 down. 25 acres, a good little farm, will trade for 5 or 10 scresi close in. Thomsson. 331 State Street. - 63ml5-tf FOR SALE CITY PROPERTY, SUBUR bsn homes, farm lands.: Business all kinds, get on big free ! list. Home Realty Co- 169 So. High. 63m20 950O0 BCYS: ' . ! 7 room modern home with corner lot 75s I5i, located cor. .Center and 14th street. Terms. Let us show yon this REAL ESTATE i barg-in. ; I M". . H, CRABENHORST ft CO - 275 Stste Stj ? - .''.- - 63M20 i - 50 A. KAR V NEAR SALEM. 12 ARE8 prune, cherry and apple orchard. Good set buildings, horses, cowsmschinery, crop. $7,000. Take residence for pert. 160 A. LINCOLN CO. STOCK RANCH, good buildings, rows, horses, goats, machinery, crop; 96,500. Want close in, acreage. I OOOl DAKOTA FARM FOR . EX- change. .. 1 t SEE OUR LIST of farms, tracts, city property and ex changes before investing. PERRINE &, MARSTERS, 212 Gray Bldg. 63M16tf i FOR BALE TWO VERY: FINE VIEW lots. Only 91000 apiece. Yon will have to net quickly. -Fine corner lot on North Capitol street, near Psrrish school. Only 91, 250. i 20 acre farm in Haielgreen district. Excellent soil. A bargain. Easy terms. 48 acre farm near Monmouth, seat of Normal school. New buildings. Very good soil. Price is right. FOR RENT 5 room flat. Will lease lor a year or longer. RICH L. RE1MXSH i, Realtor Phone 1013 -462 State St. D'Arcy Bldg. 63-alltf Look This Oyer Loans Wanted New Homes. Satis factory security, title and insurance in amounts fsOO to 9-000. 6 to 7tt interest. i t New Bnngslow 93750.00f- Cement tasemenfr.tireplsce. Third cssh. Some Renter -Have yon 9150. Wt four homes today of two to six rooms that 9150 down, balance exactly like rent will buy, all vacant, priced lair. vpportunity nnocss. Acre Edge Sslem On highway. Good ' buildings, for $3750 cash. FairmounrlUH Home Bargain In for rash. Cut to 95000, for quick sale. Modern with paving, garage, furnace, fireplace.j large rooms, etc. Tske this. Large Garage -for lease 10,000 sq. feet. Good -location. ; Business Properties Income proper ties on me fringe or retailing that will bring in n much better return than bonds and steadily increase in value. Such make splendid investments. We have four in particular to show, 97500 to 920,000. , South IHigh Cot t see- Modern east front for 930OO terms. Paving cement walks, fruit and flowers. Close school and car. Large Family Homes Two of 8 rooms for 930OO and 93750. Terms. Becke & Hendricks U.S. Bk. Bldg. C3ml5-tf A BIO HOUSE CLOSKflN AND TWO small farms, total value 916,000 and clear, for large form clear; 65 clear acres improved and near the highway for towst nesideaee; SO timber acres clear for town house; ' 320 Canadian wheat acres 'clear for valley farm and will asxumei'&O clear acres on highway for town property; 10 clear acres for a town lot; a dandy store building and residence! and stock, total value 910,--VOO. and clear, for a clear farm. MeGILCHRIST PENNINGTON 209 V. S. Bank Bldg. Phono 140. 63M16tf j EW HOME: ' i 1 Jjocateten Fairmonnt ' hill. 6 room modern' in every way. East front. I'ri'-e 9000. W. ,H. GRABENHORST CO . - 273 State St, j 63M20 ! FOR SALE OR TRADE ., 22', 4 acres, highly improved. Nice bnildings. good barn, close to Salem en good roaL j 3H miles from Salem. Close to school. One of the finest country homes in Marion county, j All stock and equipment goes with the place. Will ac cept some good trade. Good terms. 6-room hoste, modern except basement, new. gsraget Only .3 blocks from Oregon K lee trie Depot. A bargain at 2500. Terms.- .1 r ISO acres. 55 seres under cultivation, bouse, barn. otc. Trsde for city property. 940 per .acre. All clear of iacamberanre. S-room home on Liberty street, on com er, pavement in and paid, i Yon will like it if you nee it. 93350. Terms. All clear of. incumberanee. 1 acre good land, close to big mills tn Silverton. House fair, barn, paved road. 91600. Might tske big ear aa part pay. 8 fine lots in South Salem, at the right price. Easy terms. Very sightly, I make leans on city property or farms. See me for trades. , - G. W. LafUrr 410 Oregon iildf. 63ml7 S3 MAKE YOl'B HOME OI ACRE 950 sows, 10 per month. South, good rock road, four blocks to school and street car. .Fine neighborhood. Phone 156SJ. ,;-. : 63J8 5 room house, basement, garage, good street, 93330. 3 room house, basement, garage corn er lot, $3700. i . t t ! s 4 room bungalow, garage, cemeat wslks and drive 92500.) 6 room house, good corner lot $2400, easy - terms. : 3 room houso 92300, easy terms. This is close in property and fine for two working people. i , : , Gertrude J. M. Pag. Realtor, 492 N. Cottage Street. : : 83ml3-tf 97500 BUYS: One of . the best corners on Fairmonnt hill. 100x150, with 6 ' rooms modern bungalow and beautiful chrubbery. Easy terms.' W. H. GRABENnORST & CO . 273 State St. 63M20 REAL ESTATE TRADES G5 LOOK i . We have a good house In Salem to exchange for a small farm near Alsea, Oregon. THOMASON. 331fc State 8L 65M1$ PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP PPPPPPPPjPPPPPPppp PP I PP P P 1400 ! 140o ! p p PP EXCHANGES EXCHANGES PP PP pp PP EXCHANGE HEADQUARTERS PP P P Offices in Salem and Portland P P PP i PP PP The demand for exchanges has PP PP msde neeesssry our GREAT PP PP MARKET PLACE where the P P P P requirements of all can be P P P P matched. We have just whst P P PP you have in mind; just where PP P P yon want it; just the right PP PP price. Our system Is immediate PP 3 P in its action, smooth in Its op- P P PP eratien and unfailing in its RK- PP PP 8ULTS. If you would like to P P P P exchange your property TODAY; P P PP come in TODAY. See PP P P PARKER FOR PROPERTY P P P P 409 U. S. Bsnk Bldg. Coml at P P PP Stste. Telephone 2242. 65ml7tf PP P P P P P P P P P PPPPPPPP PPPPPPPPppppPPppp , SPECIAL. We have a -92,500 house and 92.500 cash to exchange for a modern home. , j '- THOMASON - ' 831' State St. 85M19 WHAT HAVE YOU I TO TRADE t You cant find most anything you want at the Home Realty Co. No. 191 For trade. 3. acres on Pacific Highway, 500 feet frontage. All set to cherries and berries. 1 miles from eity limits. Clear. Some rash. ' what have you? y ? . t. 2o. 449 -For trade, 4 room house in North Salem, price' 92200. clesr. Wsnt small - improved snbarbsn home. - - - - Jfo. . 608 For trade. 8 room modern honse in 200 block on N. 20th, lot 50x150. Price $4500, eqnity $1730. Wsnt small bouse or vacant lot or small acreage. No. 285 For trade, P room modern residence close in. price only 92500, equity 91000. Want small acreage. . Xo. 49 i For trade. 4- room house in South Sslem. Fairmonnt Hill district. Price only 92500. clear. Want small suburban property, j ' No. 601 For trade, 5 room bungalow, modern, almost new. Lot 70x107. Price 93000. equity $1600. Want suburban. ; j N.o. 253 For trade, 5 room modern cottage except basement. acre, a dandy home. Price? '93750, equity 92100. Want suburban home. . i No. 140 For trade, 8 acres. elote In. 5 room modern borne. All in fruit, berries and grain. Price 9750O, equi ty 93650. Want city property. K o. 106 For trade, 5 acres close in, no bnildings. All set to prunes, cherries and berries. Price : 91850 clear. Want city, property. Sfo. 119 For trade,! 10 acres New house, barn and garage. Price $4500 clear. Want -ity property. No. 197-t-For trade. 4 acre suburbsn T home. 5 blocks from city limits. 5 room modern honse. besatiful country borne. Price $6850. equity s 93350 Wsnt eity property. No. 130 For trade, 5 arret well im proved suburban home, 5 room house, good barn and garage. Rich red soil. Set to prunes and berries. Price 93950, clear, t Want city resi dence. '- j I Ko. 138 For tradeiJS acres well im proved on psved highway. Blsck soil close in. This is something good. Price $8500. Want city property. No. 103 For trade; 10 seres on psved highway, 1 .miles from Salem, 4 room house, good' barn. Prune orch ard, black soil. Only $1950, equity 93450. Want, city property. No. 401 For trade, corner lot. 7 room honse on Msrket street. Lot 55x140. . Only 93850. equity $3150. Want small house in city. ; '- No. 230 For trade,- room house close b in on Chnrch street. Price $6000. I Wsnt smaller house.; " No. 269 For trsde. 5 room bouse on Waller street, price 91800. equity 91100. Want 7 room bouse, pay difference. . If yon have anything to trade we can match it. ' ; HOME REALTY CO.. . 169 S. High Bt. BSwlT REAL ESTATE Farm 67 10 ACRES PART ORCHARD, HAT, - berries, truck. Three miles from Salem, Sooth. Fine honse and well, one mile from car line, will consider trsde small house and lot in Salem as part pay ment. Route 3, Bon 118. Phone 34 F2. I ; 67m9tf $8000 WILL BUY A FINE 20 ACRE improved home. 12 acres mostly in fruit, prunes, cherries, Logans, straw berries, running water, 7 room house, out buildings; -4 miles out. Will con aider s good modern home np to $4500. W. H. GRABENHORST A CO., Realtors 273 Stste Street t ' 67M20. . FOR SALE 25 arret at HaH'a Ferry station, 8 acres clear, balance timber and brush. Plenty fruit, good spring water, 5 room box honse. Chicken park and barn. . Near school. At a bargain. $1,500. Also 20 acres with 6 roomed house, barn and garage. Plenty fruit, 10 acres good timber. One acre beaver dam. Near school and R. R. station. Price : 93.000. . - i - E. M. CROI8AN t 216 Masonic Temple , Phone 618 . i ' - . V7M17 MINUTE MOVIES t.PirO ELEVEN , of : XS NrJHEELfcN'S ' SMS ATONAL- SERIAL HOU1 CAN I EVER IT o R3f2 THE. NOBLE Deed vou wave To DOM2 RKAIi ESTATE HEAD ESTATE--Farnu 67 50 ACRE IRRIGATED ALFALFA RANCH in Morrow county. Government project. Plenty of water, atock and equipment. Sell or trade for small place in Wil lamette valley. E. K. Mulkey, Board ma. Oregon. i 67M19 SILETZ VALLEY. LINCOLN COUNTY STOCK RANCHES - 701 acres with atock and equip-; ment ... .....:.i. .....4 $15,000 467 acrea with stock and equip- j- ment .... , ,T J 912,500 16U acres, unimproved ... t912,000 130 acres river bottom i...97,00 - 60 acres unimproved i...97,000 A. C. BOHRXSTEDT I 147 No. Cora'L St.. Halcm. Oregon Realtor, 1 Loans and Insurance : 7Ml7tf Come and See This 129 acres in the best part of the Willamette Valley, 6 miles from Salem en good rsd, nesr achool and pavement, at only $80.00 per acre, part terms. j : , - - 1 . A navinv amall farm richt In Saleml food buildings and ail in truck, ownj waier system. 1 rice naouu.uu casn. View lot, very close In, north front. Terms. ' i A rood paying business, the best 1 of location, and less than $3,000 takes it. Oregon Incorporated, , Realtors j Insurance - Investments Phone 1013 Victor Schneider, See "jr. Rooms 4-5 6. D'Arcy Bldg. i . 67m3tf A REAL BARGAIN IN SOME GOOD mining property in Arizona for cash or trade. 1140 Court St. 67m24 10 ACRES. IRRIGATED. ACRES fruit, house, barn, well, ete miles from Hermiston, Ore. Will trade for Salem district property. Whst hsve you I Address, Bex 333,' Salem. Ore. M . : ' . j 67ml7 INSTALLMENT ACREAGE AND LOTS $200 BUYS a good lot well located in the Kay addition near Knglewood school; $25 down and $10 per month. i $600 BUYS a one-half acre tract with city water located on N. 21st St. nesr Market St. $50 down and 910 per month. $1300 BUYS a five acre tract located i . , miles east of asylum on main road. Terms 910 down and 910 per month. It will pay yon to inves tigate this. I .. - $300 BUYS two fine lots located on south 12th street, one if sees on pavement and ear line; ! improve ments paid. Terms $10 down and 10 per month. . ! $900 BUYS a tract located a few blocks south of the south boundary of the city limits, consisting of SO-lOQ'-hs of an acre. Terms 980 down and 910 per month. 9650 BUYS a one-half acre tract located near Salem Heights school and car line, has bearing prune trees on part. Terms $10 snd $10 per month. WE WRITE FIRE INSURANCE W. H. GRABENHORST A CO. . Realtors, 275 State St. Phone 51. S i 67M17 REAL ESTATE- oaburban 60 JUST OUTSIDE CITY LIMITS, ONE. acre, 8-Toom modern house, gsrage and barn, water piped to irrigate whole tract. Price 85,000 clear, wsnt eity residence property, will contider larg- er deal. Wanted Large atock ranch for Salem property will assume, 10 acrea well im proved, close . to Sslem. want Salem residence. For bargains and exchangee See Barber. 200 Gray Bldg. 69-altf SNAPPY OFFERINGS In Improved Close In Acreage Tracts 4 acre, house, 4 rooms, good well not far out, only 91200. half cash. Choice one- acre tract. . New bungalow, good road. 9500 cash. Price 92100. Choice 2 aero- seaot,- new - house, lights and water system, $500 cash. Price $1750. Choice 5. acre tract, fair buildings, crop. Implements. tools. chickens. Some household -goods, all for 93250. Some terms. ..-.,..'" A fine 20 acre tract all cultivated, real snap for cash. 91600; also 130 acres in Tillamook county for $1600, and a fine 70 acre farm 14 miles north for $6300. Terms, with good bnildings. If its a farm, see Childs and Bechtel. 540 assaLLBBB3aiBBmaaaBaaaaaBa2l!ii2if WANTED REAL ESTATE 71 WANTED TO HEAR FROM' OWNER of farm or unimproved land for ssle. O. K. Hawley, Baldwin. Wis; 71ml7" P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P PP P P P P P P P P P P P P P P PP PP PP-PPPpiPPPPPPP PPPPPP. PPs?PPPP P P P P P P P P P P PP P P P P P P P P P P PP PP PP P P P P P P P P P P P P PP P P P P P P P P P P CALL PARKER AND START PACKING Selling service without eqnaL Our system never fsils. Scien tific selling, baeked by clean, intelligent salesmanship means RESULTS for YOU. Wei turn "Prospects", into "Buyers." We torn "FOR SALE" signs in to "SOLD." All eity property inspected, photographed and sold withont aggravstiag delays. See PARKER FOR PROPERTY -409 C. S. Natl Bank Bldg, J Commercial ; at State . Telephone 2242 I Offices in Salem and Portland J- 71ml7-tf PPPPPPPPPPPPp P P P P P P P P P P P p p PP PP P P P P PP PP P P P P PP P P P P P'T AUTOMOBILES WANTED 77 Eiker Auto Co. N We nay eash for Fords. 77m12f USED CARS fOR SALE 7d FORD ROADSTERS ALLS 1I0DELS Eiker Auto Co., Liberty Streett Ferry Phone 121. ( 79ml 7 FLINT 6. MODEL E 55. LtkK NEW. Never been licensed. Will sell at big discount. See Valley Motor; Co. Phone 1995. j ( I - 79M20 FORD COUPIC LATE 24. CORD TIRES, extras, perfect condition. $490. Kiker " Auto Co.. Liberty Street and Ferrv. Phone 121. 79M17 (AH rights protected S'iR CHRISTOPHER REACH SHORE A FEW MOMEMTS BUTTLE T-NtS "WAT TWE FORM ER HAS B AVEC HIS CONFIDED -a-a. WAS THE THOUGHT- EeN& or service VCU TWAT AVE KE CPUIAGE NOW . 1 1 USED CARS FOR SALE 70 EVERY CAR A BARGAIN 1919 Chevrolet touring SIOO.OO 1922 Chevrolet touring. ... 200.00 1922 Chevrolet sedan . 475.00 1929 Chevrolet touring. 325.00 275.00 325.00 1923 Ford touring 1924 Ford Touring ... .... . NEWTON CHEVROLET CO. 79ml7-tf 1 USED BUICKS 1 1924 sedan - 2 192 4 touring 4 1924 roadster 1 l2a sedan . . 2 102 1 touring 1 1919 touring f Z 1917 touring , 1 1913 touring O. J, WILSON 388 N. Commercial St. 79M20 1923 Dodge roadster , ; 96O0 1924 Dodge touring .', . 9500 1920 Ford sedan . ,..... 9225 1921 Ford sedan .... ... 9250 1920 Overlsnd touring .. . 9150 1920 Oldsiuobile touring .. $330 Fords 975 and np 1 ton Sampson track 1 ton' Ford truck BONE8TEELE MOTOR CO. Visit our used rsr lot.: 79M20 SPECIAL SALE ; TO CLEAR OUT ALL USED CARS t - Essex Sedan. Franklin Roadster. Hupmobile Touring. ,' Willys-Knight Touring. ! Nash Touring. '. -i - Yon cannot appreciate these csrs un ' til you come and try. them. It pleases ns to plesse yon. Come and call on ua. R. N. MAClJOXALD Msrmons and Clevelanda Phone 793. 25o State St. WHY WALK f GET A GUARANTEED USED CAR AT CERTIFIED PUBLIC MOTOR CAR MARKET 1923 Bnick 6, tonring ..-. 9800.00 1924 Buick 4, touring ;...,..... 750.00 1923 Essex 4, touring 690.00 1923 Ford 4 door sedan..... ... 550.00 1923 Overland sedan 49O.00 1920 Chsndler, 7 psssenger 890.00 1917 Stesrns-Knight, 4 eyl ... 250.00 1918 Ford roadster 1. .... 90.00 i , . i . 79m7-tf; We are Now in Our New Home At 383 N. Commercial St., and we have ; some wonderful values in good used csrs that we are going to sell. We have Fords, Chevroiets, Over lands ; Star.. Oldsmobiles. Gsrdnera Chandler, Elgin, Studebaker. Maxwell, Chalmers, and in fact most anything that yen would want at the price that -yon will want to pay. Oldsmobilca and Rickenbsekers. ' i "After we sell We serve." ' ' F. W. PETTYJOHN CO. 365 N. Commercial St. Phone 1260 79ml3tf Biker's Touring . ..$60 -, Touring Coupe ... '. . .. Sedan 75 ..250 ..263 I Eiker Auto Co. . Our uses! guarantee behind ail earn ' f ; Liberty Street at Ferry , i Phone 121 79 alStf GOOD USED PARTS rOR HALF OR lean. ; Why pay more f Money back guarantee. Scheelar A a to Wrecking Osw Look for tho orsoge front. Iay Shone 819. Night phone S03. 1085 '. Commereia: St. "Snilt to aave money, V 79-jl3tf -v. We, Are y ; Headquarters tx. 1. 4 Used Ford Cars ' 't Satisfaction Guaranteed ! We have 29 ears for yon to choose . from 6 eara under $100. Will gladly demonstrate. These, eara are all good buys. For example: 1920 TOURING $163 Valley Motor Co. ; Authorized Ford Dealer" Phone ,1995 4 POWELL PLAN WARRANTED USED CARS I THE GOLDEN RULE is the foundation of our business and it applies to our method of merchandising nsed cars, as well as it does to the ssles of a new Packard, Hudson or Essex car. We are just at deeply concerned in the welfare of our nsed car patrons as we are in our new esr customers. Before a car is offered for sale by us it is thoroughly overhauled. Every op eration performed rebuilding our used ' ears is done with the thought in mind, vis: that when the car is sold it mnst be a credit to the bonse of POWELL. We stand squarely behind each and every one of our nsed csrs for ninetly (90) days from dste of delivery with the same warranty that yon get on any new automobile. Yon owe it to yourself to see our cart ' . before yon decide a purchase. You .will find, oh r prices are no higher than yon will elsewhere for the usual AS IS 7CAR, and our, terms are liberal. 4- Late model' Velio sport tonring fully equipped with extra tiro complete, aide wings, front and rear bumpers, two spot . lights, fog light, antomstie windshield -swipe, motormeter on barcap. and rear view mirror. Top, upholstering and fin-. ' ish nre just like new. Tires 90 per 'rent of original value. 18 Buick tonring. 1 21 Buick touring. 18 Dodge tonring. 21 Ford sedsn. 24 Kord touring. . 21 Hudson touring. u 23 Hudson 7 pass, sedan s22 Hup tonring. i 18 Maxwell tonring. ; 19 -Oakland touring. 21 Packard twin six sedaa. t-" 23 Packard single sis tonring , 23 Parkard single six touring. . 24 Packard tingle six demonstrator.' 1 24 Chevrolet sedan. r" ; FRED M. POWELL MOTOR CASS ! 690iirry Street i- i PACKARD- HUDSON ESSEX ; - 79M16U by The George Blathews Adams QUICK, SIB, THERE IS U NO TiME Tb LOSE - MB av at. neV I l a a. a ss. TTt IK rnuor hmtsicn iu v."c-. i IS PVJRiOUS AND ORDERS csoveivjor' mouse; - , I &D THE 1 EO&TS AT ; a,CE 1 lif.N TTvi Try TUB AT once; - J Ic LASSIFIED Of Reliable Business i AMBULANCE GOLDEN AMBULANCE PHONES 649 and M3-R. Day or night service. fl4?f AUCTIONEERS . F. X. W00DRY . ! Expert Livestock, furniture, real estate AUCTIONEER 1 Res. 1610 N. Summer Phone 511 for sale dates. i G. SATTERL.EE Anctioneennj i -147 North High street. Phone J293 or 1211-J. jnw i2tf ACCOUNTANT G. ED. ROSH, ACCOUNTANT AND Aud itor, 331 H' State. Phone 2098R i al7--36 BATTERY AND ELECT B.I0IAN8 R. D. BARTON EXIDE BATTERIES starter and generator work; 171 South Coin mere isl. i Phone 199 COURT ST. JOE WILLIAMS I BICYCLES AND REPAIRING LLOYD E. RAMS DEN DAYTON BICY cles and repairing. 387 Court. BRAKE RELINTNO. RAYBESTOS BRAKE STATION 275 Month Comn-ercial St. Phonel 102. j8tf CHINESE REMEDY I L. L. DICK L. M. HU!M ' Chinese Medicine Company Help any known disease. 420-426 Stste. - - I s-80t'f CHIROPRACTOR DR. O. L. SCOTT, PSC CHIROPRACTOR, Nevrocatometer service. 418 19 U. 8. Bank Ride. Phone 97. Res. 828-R. H. B. 8COFIELD PAt.MER CHIROPRAC tor, 828 Oregon Bldg. Phone 2194. m5tf DRESSMAKINO j PRINTED CARDS SIZE 14" BY ti" wording, "Dressmaking;" j price 10 cents eacn, statesman Business Office, urounn iioor. ilRS. C. E. MILLER, HEMSTITCHING, stamping, buttons. Room lOi over Mil ler's Store. Phone 117. ELECTRICIANS SALEM ELECTRIC. CO. MASONIC ' building. Phone 1200. ELECTRIC FIXTURES AND SUPPLY Co, Phone 1924, 222 Ji. Liberty. j F L E E N E R ELECTRIC CO. ; House wiring by hour or contract. Es- -. . timstes lurnisbed. 1'none 980 171 EYE EAR N08E THROAT Dr. Harold M. Brown i EYE, EAR, NOSE AND THROAT, 320 V. S. Bank Bldg. Phone 2134. j-lttf FARM PAPER IF YOU WANT TO GET THE BEST farm paper send 15e to the Pacific Homestead. Salem, Oregon, for a three months' trial - subscription. Mention . this ad. ' - : .(."'" - - POCLTRYM EN SEND EIGHT TWO cent stamps for special three months' trial for the best and oldest journal in the west. The articles and advertise ments are of special interest to the poultry breedera , of the-J Northwest. Northwest Poultry Journal, "21 1 Com mercisl street, Sslem. Oregon. ' rUBTAHCIAX. FOR SALE FIRST AND SECOND Mort gages, Trnst Deeds. Contracts on houses Will net 6 to 80. BECKE A HENDRICKS U. 8. Nat l ; Bank jl-tf ;...- FARM LOANS PLENTY OF MONEY to loan on good farm security. CITY LOANS We are loaning Pru dential Insurance Company money on city residences and business property at o'c, plus a commission. Hawkins & Roberts, Inc., 205 Oregon Building. 1 ' i . - d-14tf Farm Loans ANDERSON A RUPERT 408 Oregon- Building FLORISTS CUT FLOWERS. WSDDIXO BOUQUETS funeral wreaths, decorations. C. F. Breithaupt, florist, 123 N. Liberty. Pho. 3 M0. : FRUIT BUYER WARD K. RICHARDSON. Salem. Oregon; 2383 N. Front St.' Phone 2184. Straw berries, blackcaps, , currants, cherries gooseberries, etc. ' m3 FUNERAL DIRECTORS SALEM MORTUARY. FUNERAL DIREC tors. 210 Center. Phone 1656. ' FURNITURE STORES GIESE FURNITURE CO. QUALITY furniture for less money. 372 Court. Phone 464. HEMSTITCHING SALEM rXITE HEMSTITCHING pleating, buttons, stamping and needle work: 328 Oregon Bldg. Phono. 379. INSURANCE Insure Your home or csr now Phone 161 BECKE A HENDRICKS U. 8. Bank Bldg. LIFE INSURANCE NEW YORK LIFE Ervin Smith, Harley 8. Pugh, Owen F. Ogden. Ore- goa Bldg.. eity phone 185. J16 Service Trade Sfark Registered U. AFlt; 77TPT"7 APT. SCUTTLE I catcw MCOt . VJE'LL KfAVEt -A TOVJGH AT v-mw BUSINESS and Professional Firms Arranged ia Alphabetical Order for Quick Reference LADIES TAILORING D. H. MOSHER TAILOR FOR MEN and women. 474 Court St. LAUNDRIES CAPITAL CITY LAUNDRY Phone 163. Service with a smile. Quality work. 1264 Broadway. j-14tf TRY THE HOME WET WASH LAUN dry. Phone 171. 1356 B Street. J17tf SALEM LAUNDRY .COMPANY 816 S. Liberty street. Phone 25, oldest larg est and best. Established I8H9. ' MATTRESSES MATTRESSES RENOVATED BY THE Capitol City Bedding Co.. 1190 North Capitol. Called for and delivered. All work guaranteed. Phone 19. flOtf MEDICAL MOUNTAIN BALM COUGH REMEDY Phone 517-W. MUSIC STORES SHERMAN CLAY A CO.. PIANOS Steinways,'Duo-Art and others. Moore's Music House, 415 Court street. GEO. C. WILL PIANOS, PHONO grsphs, tewing machines, sheet music, and piano studies. Repairing phono graphs and sewing machines. 432 State street, Salem. TRADE YOUR OLD PIANO FOR A NEW Victor or Brunswick. H. L. Stiff Fnrni ture Co., Mosic Dept. NATUROPATHIC PHYSICIANS DR. A. SLAUGHTER ACUTE AND chronic diseases. 415 Oregon Building. Phone 110. NURSERY STOCK FRUIT. NUT AND SHADE TREES fesrey Bros., 237 Stste. , , ' PACKING AND SHIPPING FOR EXPERT FURNITURE PACKING and shipping, esll Stiff's Furniture Store, Phone 941. PAPERHANOINO AND PAINTING J. N. GANIARD UOY SHOEMAKE Phone 494 Phone 1804-J , GAS Paint Compsny -Shop 140 8. High St. June 8 PHONE GLENN ADAMS FOR HOUSE decorating, paper hanging, tinting, etc Reliable workman. PIANO TUNERS EDWARD WELP EXPERIENCED PI - ano tuner. , Leave orders Will's Music ttore. PLUMBING PLUMBING AND GENERAL REPAIR work. : Graber "Bros., 141 Liberty St. Phone 550. f-lWtf RADIO SPL1TD0RF RADIO. SALES AND SERVICE! Ko better radio made at any price Imui i Can QUALITY CARS - High and Trade - . fl3tf RADIO DOCTORS SALEM ELECTRIC CO. F. 8." BARTON, Proprietor Masonic Temple Phone 1200 Radiolas For Every Purpose Every Purse All Standard Sizes of Radio Tobea HALIK A EOFF ELECTRIC SHOP 337 Conrt St. Phone 48 REPAIRING ALVIN B. STEWART 347 Court St.: Umbrellas, Cutlery and Keys Lawnmowers, raxor-blades, scissors, knives and tools sharpened SCAVENGERS SOOS SCAVENGER SERVICE OAR bsge and refuse of all kinds removed by the month. ; Reasonable rates. Cess pools cleaned and dead animals re moved. Phones Office 85 or 979 Res. 2058. ; SECOND HAND GOODS WANTED EVERYTHING IN CLOTH in and shoes. , Best prices P"d. Csp ill Exchange. 342 North Commercial, Phone 1868-W. . STOVES AND STOVE REPAIRING STOVES REBUILT AND REPAIRED . 40 years' experience. Depot National fence, siie 26 to 58 in. high. - Paints, oils aat-varnihes, ete. loganberry and hop hooks. Sslem Fence and Stove ' Works. 250 Conrt street. Phone 124. STORAGE WE STORE YOUR HOUSEHOLD Goods or anything; you have,, by the week, month or year. - P. A. Eiker, corner Liberty and Ferry. Phone 121. d-14tf TRANSFER AND HAULING TRANSFER AND HAULING OF ALL kinds. Phone 19F8. WE" MOVE, STORE AND SHIP HOUSE bold goods. Our specialty is piano and furniture moving. We also make coun try trips. We handle the best coal and wood. Call on ua for prices. We give good measure, good quality and good service. Larmer Transfer Co. Phone 930. CAPITAL CITY TRANSFER CO. 226 State Bt. fMM uninommj, for warding and storage our specialty. - Get our ratea.. - - S. Patent Office) TWEM.MEtJ. AND WHEW that ycvng df?if- ILL CUT HIM LIMB tJTSOM UtABlJ tATWEI2. . ARE sooJ Re- UNlTEO RErAPrABER.NCJSl. OjQ ElcSHT To thc owe Vw0 "1 DIRECTORY TRANSPORTATION ) PARKER STAGE LINES J. W. Parker. General Manager. Central Stage Terminal SALEM. OREGON , Principle One-Way end Round-Trip Fares on Farker Stage Lines: One Round Station i - McMinnville '- Monmouth Dallas J Falls City .... Silverton . ..... Way $1.00 - ;75 .50 1.00 ' .73 .li.l " Trip 91.70 1.25 .90 1.10 1.23 1.00 1.40 7.40 5.70 3.00 2.60 Independence Amity ..... .75 ; Tillamook Heho . .1. i 4.00 3.53 Willamina Sheridan Dayton 7 - 1.85 ' 1.60 1.23 2.00 2.40 Newberg 1.50 Psiker Stage lines makes big reduc tion in Express Rates, from, 20 to 50 cents on the: hundred pounds. Reason able rates on C.O.D. colleetiag. Send your express by Stage and get quicker service. Call 696 for Information 'WATER SALEM WATER. LIGHT A POWER CO. Office 304 South Commercial St. Ten per .-cenf. discount on domestic flat rates paid in advance. No deduction x for absence or any cause anless water i. shut off your premises. ' " STATE'S GASOLINE f BILLS VERY HEAVY (Contlnaed from paga 1) none of the departments with employes owning automobiles that use these In connection with state business are exempt. There is one eception, that of insurance commissioner, for none j of these gentlemen own-automobiles. Continuing the $urrey to show that there has been no partiality, the reports picked at random from the files, is. -found that of William A. Alrd, of the bonus commidsion, has a very accurate speedometer, for the trip to Port land shows 51 miles lor which $3.10 was collected' Mr Aird ev idently was not in a hurry for he remained overnight and returned the next day. :' Can Save $7.20; The trip from .Portland to Sa lem can be made on bus or train for $1.50 a saving of j$3.60 .-or $7.20 for the round trip. There have been no complaints filed with the public service commission that there is not adequate service on either the highway or rail roads. Earl Fisher, state tax commis sioner, has an excellent speedom eter, for the trip to; Portland and return shows 105 miles, or $10.50. Oregon City was visited,! at a cost of $7.70; Dallas, several trips at $3.10 per trip and Hillsboro, round trip 123 miles or $12.80. Carl Shoemaker, fish! commis sion, checked up - $11. 2f:on De cember 30; J. S. Cassidy, public service commissioner, n March ran up 968 miles and! received $96.80: Frank S. Ward, Portland, board of pharmacy, on March 14 came to Salem and returned home receiving $10.40 at the end of the month. On March lthe tr-ip was made, again, the same j mileage, 104 miles, but he turned, in an ac count for $7.28 (maybe be. was towed one way). - - j F. A. Elliott, state forester, went by way of McMinnville and returned, March 10 and 11. His account was $14 for f the 140 miles. On March 24 he went to Portland, returned the jnext day turned in 110 miles and received $u. .' :. . . . ..!;' Then Hires Auto ,"Jack A. Eakin, of the corpora tion commission,- spent- $14M0 covering a three-way trip between Salem and Portland on April 10. On April 18 he again visited Port land, receiving $5.20 for the .trip and then" spent $9.10 jfor auto hire . j C. P. Smith, Seaside, game com mission, 1 drove j 1238 j miles . , in March and at the end of the month received 5)J 123.80; Edward F. Bailey, state bonus commission, drove from Junction City to Port land on January -23, returning the following day. The 109 .miles each way netted him $10.90 eaeh way. : In March Delia Pearson, board of health, drove 600 miles in the vicinity of Portland and received $60; W. G. Beatiy, Monmouth normal school, 200 miles and $20; E. G. Bickmore, La Grande high way department, 116 miles and received $11.60; W. G.! McLaren, parole board, Portland ! to Salem and return. 100 miles $10 12 ByEDWHEELAN OH RATHER DCAft 1 3UST KNcw H 0ULt SAVE .VCOit PteCeS Ofl OPI0RES nTer-. VJNTL O '6?- 16 i miles less than the report made by Mr. Shoemaker, 10 milea less than that checked by Mr. Elliott and two miles less than the dis tance covered by Mr. Eakin. CROPS IN DISTRICT . IN FINE CONDITION (Continued from paja 1) 720 two years ago. Other crops win bring much higher prices than the 1923 crop, which was an aver age year. In fact, it is the grain and grass crops that bring in lae big money, notwithstanding: the fact that we are in the center of the great fruit and berry district of the north west. Hence, a short crop in prunes, or a 60 per cent crop of cherries, wilt have no special effect on busi ness, especially -when grass and grain prospects were never better. 1 Comparison .Made In order to compare the value of crops in the Salem trading area, and to form some estimate for the present year, the following is quot ed from the Salem Chamber of Commerce Bulletin of Juno 2r 1924: Crop Values Around Salem "Based on government statistics and the opinions of those who are best qualified to estimate crops, the value of the 1923 crop in the Salem trading area for the year 1923 was: Eefnlar Farming Winter whrat ... fl,ln.T2n Spring wheat . - 17 1. "on Ojils 1.104.72O Barley -..4 7i.7.'i Hym . , a-1.72S Corn . .. .... 750 liar, tamo and wild l.K4fl.3o rotators ....... B,flSf '. - . - $3,614,840 Ipaelaltlcf Flax 78.00 Ouioua and onion sets 2'.n.ioi Celery . 2o,ik0 Teral .. 2.90J,73! . Barrios, Traits and Nnti Apples 1.2.25't Cherris V.. 2.Vi.l Hoacbvs . - "2 1 2 Prsrs S,0O Prnnes to.oii I.O(rnbrri lf,7jO English walnuts H-.Odn Filberts f. 7.7UO Raspberries; both kinds f.i.MOrt Biarkberries. tame and wild .... 2.0,(0 Strawberries 24 7.00 Gooseberries - - 87.AOO Total . t2.294.-723 Total value of 192 erop with in the "Sslem trading; arra..9l0.812.r2 1 Witk higher prices than two years ago and all indication of a bumper crop, business prospects in Salem were never better than to day. Economy Tests on Oakland Made by College Worker? The senior class in automotive engineering at The Georgia School nf TprhnfilllFV . Atlanta.- i-ncfMirlv conducted a series of tests to wring the secrets of Oak?an l Six economy from this car by scien tific means and measurement?, only to discover that it averaged 25.8 miles per gallon of gasoline. , Another interesting record not ed 'vas that the Oakland accelerat ed from 5 to 25 miles per hour in eight seconds in high gear and in five seconds in second gear. At thirty miles per hour, the four wheel brake brought the car to i stop in 25 feet, 9 inches. In charting the economy curve, it was discovered that the greatest efficiency in miles per gallon was secured a a speed range betweeu 13 and 25 miles per hour which is the speed at which the major ity of city driving is done. Six road rura constituted the tests, which- were made on an Oakland touring car by seven sen ior students, under the direction fProfessor Mason. Read the classified ads tn The Statesman. Something of'everv-' thing Is either wanted or Is for sale. - Notice of Intention to Improve , .Seventeenth ; Street From Fen t Street to Bellevue street. Notice Is hereby given that thl Common Council of the City ol Salem, Oregon, deems it necessarj and expedient and hereby declarei its purpose and intention to im prove South Seventeenth street from the south line of Ferry street to the north line of Bellevue street at the, expense of the abutting and adjacent property, excepting the street and alley intersections, the expense of which will be assume, by the City of Salem. Jby bringing said portion of said street to the established grade, constructing Portland cement concrete curbs, and paving said portion of said street . with- a six-inch i Portland cement concrete pavement twenty four feet wide In accordance with the plans, specifications and esti mates therefor, which were adopt ed by the Common Council May 4, 1925, sow on file in the office of the City Recorder and which said plans, specifications and estimates are hereby referred to and maie a part of thte notice. The Common Councll bereby de clares its purpose sod intent'on to make the above described im provement by and through ths street improvement department of the City. of Balem. " Written remonstrance tnay be filed with the City Rerordcr r f said city against the abort, - -posed improvement within I i days from the date of final publi cation hereof. By order of the Common Cowr cilltay 4. 1923. tL POUU. . City Record!-. - - Date of first j -Ukat'aa tzrti: IlUay 6, 1925. r n