The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, May 14, 1925, Page 3, Image 3

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? .- ,.- . . ay ..... .,... ..."" ; .1! - ""
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f if Ywl
...". J , .
Oregon Marlon "Davies "and
Leon Errol in ?yo4ando
liberty "Trouplng With El-
Ien," etarriBg Helens, CJiad-, ,
IIUkIi M urdock. and "Drift-
wood. ",.'.
JVarac Are Confuting
Confusion of names Is causing
come embarrassment to Will Bloch
as a result of the arrest of a man
with a similar name on a charge
' of possession of a still. Will Block
is not the W.. Harry Bloch who
was arrested..
Gill Bros. Oregon Grown
Garden seed at Pearcy 'Bros.,
237 State ; street, 3 block west
of Commercial street. - -. - m!5
Martin? Announced-
The '-WonieVs Evangelistic
prayer meeting will be held today
at the ome n.f .Mrs. C. A. Clark,
63? North Church street. The
leader'is Mrs. W. C. Hawley.
Named ! varieties. .Gladiolus
bulbs Window box. plantsJ Sal
via, Zinnia, etc., Pearcy Bros..
237 State street. 4 ml5
Two Will Graduate .
Ira Cave and Arthur M. Buell,
graduates ot Salem high achool., is
'majoring in electrical engineering.
He is manager of the OAC band
and president of Kappa Kappa Psir
honorary band , fraternity. Mr.
Buell ia majoring In. civil engineer
ing and is a member of Tau Beta
Pi, honorary engineering fratern
ity.'' , . r - -
Gray Belle.
waitresses at
liar Examination) Set'.
. Ste - bar exarainations will
start "Tuesday, Jnly 14, according
to Arthur S. Benson,, clerk of the
supreme cqurt. -Representatives
of the state' board of bar examin
ers will c6nduct the tests.
, , .
Six-Iloom Modern Houwe J
For rent, corner of lfit
State streets. Phone 239.TVaM
Superintendent Visits
Senatoriand Mrs. W. J. II. Clark
of Portland were Salem visitors
yesterday. Senator dark was re
cently appointed superintendent of
the state 'blind , school and em
ployment institution . in Portland
and Mrs. Clark matron
i -
Exams, to be lfeld
; Examinations, to 'decide the win
ner of . the Steves prize in . Latin
will be held at Willamette uni
versity; this .afternoon. ' The.prlze
Is given for excellence In the study
of Latin and consists of $10 in
cash. ' Announcement of the win
ner will be made;
DrMarsliall, Osteopathic
Physician and surgeon. ml
Jjeeture'to b Given ,
Dr. .S. B, Langhlln, of Willam
ette; university will lecture on -the
Holy Land at Jason Lee. church
this erening. . ,
For. Rent, Ten gopsea "
I And flats. Becke Heridrlcks,
U. S. bank hldg. mlOtf
i t , '
. Lion Program -Announced
Pr. Thomas .E. Green, lecturer
for 'the American Red Cross, is to
- appear before the Salem Lions
Friday .noon as their principal
speaker,; who will -discuss some
of the international viewpoints of
the present .age. ; Dr.. Green . has
been foremost in the i journalistic
field, and .as a worker in the Am-
s for- ixroRsiiTiCTf ' :
. If you are looking-for sdme-
I thing that's . 'particularly
I choice in a Spring Suit,
?. you'll -find what you want
here. Our suits aire always
1 fairly pricefcl and look well
. .arid .last'long.
"Prices $18 to $45
. Jdhnson & Co.
! 469 State "St.
erlcan Bed Cross has .made a!re
forsl. - . He is; to ..appear . before
several other organisations .here.
Mutual Fire Insurance--
i Is the oldest form of insurance
or - which we . have record. .The
Oregon Fir Relief Ass'n. of Mc
Mlnovjlle Is Oregon's largest mu
tual,; with over half a million dol
lars !: assets. Get , your insurance
from them at cost. Standley &
Foley, Agts. : ml 4
, jj-.j j m -7. :
District Convention Iwins
, i Salem, ; Lions tare planning to
attend the international district
convention in Longview on May
29, 30 and 31. Delegates are to
be nominated ..from the floor to
officially represent . the organiza
tion, although a number of mem
bers are to be present, for the oc
casion. " A number are , also pla,n-
ning io aiiena . me weaiora cnar
ter night Saturday. ,
jjMte 1 023 Studebakcr IJght
Touring for Bale cheap. : This
car may be found at the certified
Public Motor Car Market. It lain
perfect mechanical,, cpn.dltlonaftd
shines as lr,Igbtly, as a, new. car;
See this bargain at 1 7 50 'before
you buy. , j m!6
Fetitlval Planned ;
Gr,ant school students will give
a! program in the form of a spring
festival on the playgrounds Fri
day night,: beginning promptly at
6.: 30 o'clock. Folk dance, singing
and .the winding of the May pole
will be a part of the program. If
you "are a, friend of the children
and jithe schools, you will , find ..a
Welcome at the festival. No charge
Is to be made, r
Ijawn .and Garden Seed .
. ! Fertilizers, Sprays and .Spray
ers for the garden. Pearcy Bros.,
237 State street. xnl5
i : : - " '
ProRram Planned
j A Daniel Boone program. Is be
ing planned by the. Inglewood
sixth grade nuplls. They have
.made a model K of ..Booneville,
which is to be shown soon. ;They
Uhava also secured .a moving , pic
ture of Daniel Boone, which will
be screened at a1 local theater,
tiiFlowers, Floral Piece'
M Adams, florist, 453 Court, ml 4
.4 ;
Gradnating Class -Visits
; The graduating class :of .Turner
h!igh school was" in Salem l yester
dlay for the purpose of having class
pictures made in the Kennel-Ellis;
studios. Members of the class are
Edward . Gatn, i Kenneth Grayj
Leonard ' Farris, ! Gladys Colgan,
Charles Mote, Ethel Givens, presi
dent; Mildred Martin, Agnes . Al
lenby. Miss Lois Fuller is the
class advisor. ' '-
kill the Aphis (Lice) i
j on the roses with our dusts and
sprays. Pearcy . Bros., 237 State
street. 1 ml 5
Divorce Obtained
j Charging that her Jxusband was
a habitue of pool halls, gambled
fteauently forced .nee to. do neavy
manual labor, and failed -to pro
vide for, her. Bertha Wilson was
granted a djTprce,.from JLorenWil-
111 HII ,111 II .1 .1 .1 I.IHII
rBayi FiiniittiKi
j -TO . CALIFOIUk'LV . .
ii - ..:...'. ... " '
Bam Francisco,. one way,; 15X0.
iuiuid Trip,f30.0a (
Los Anscles,one rway, ".t27-S5
i ; Round Trip,-Jf30.0O;
.r..jeclal Ttates: to Eartiea'f t
4'- L.oht or -More - -'rpr,Xaf?rirEtl0n
.and Reerra--tlpna
tJiC3e.,9r-r all-nt r
. Calenv Ciesaa ' ' I
son 5 in . Judge 1 Jtf cMahan's
court yesterday. She -was ; also
awarded; the '.Custody i oflher:? vo-
yeara,aaughier and 125 monih"
ly for fhe support of the child.''
Haif iuok.,f, v ;i: t ,
i Attractiyely, located, dotted with
all -kinds of trees, fir, oak, ash;
all .kinds of shrubbery. Iays well
tor sunken garden $0300. Ger
trude J. M. Page, real for. m 1 4
Violator, Fined M
; J. E, McGrath, truck driver of
Portland, was fined 13,0 when he
appeared in'. Justice court yester
day answer a charge of over
loading. McGrath was arrested by
0..0. Nichols, state . of fleer.
Is declared to have had an over
load of 2300 pounds. , '
Something New Peggie' , Tea -;
Room, Hubbard, Or., EyeryJJiing
home-made, and Peggie does . it.
Good salads every day and chick
en dinner .Sundays from 5 to 8 p.
m. Stop and see Peggie, She is
a fine cook. ml4
Birth Certiticatcs .
Carl Milton Savage Is the, name
of la son born to Mr land -Mrs? Wl
E. Savage of route 8, on May B.
according to the birth certificate
filed with the city health officer
yesterday. Another certificate was
for Earl Raymond Straugbsbaugh,
(born to Mr. .and Mrs. Earl . R.
Straughsbaugh of 2065 South Cot
tage on May 11. ?
Wanted .' t ;
' 3 . experienced waitresses at
Gray Belle.. m7tf
North Summer" TTome , ,
iMnst sell, now; 6 rooms, strict
ly anodern,, furnace,, fireplace,, full
cement basemeat, sleeping porch.'
B. nook, etc., vacant at 690 North
Bummer. ,Becke ,& Hendricks,
U. S. bankjbldg. -mlOtf
"" -
Police .Court News
f. Julius Johnsqn and Harold Ship-.
.ley were released after placing $10
each for bail aftpr 'they had been
.arrested for molesting young wom
en on the streets .after darje. .They
are residents of MeMinnyglle. t H.
y:- Feney, who was arrested' far
speding,,jada vfine of ;$5 , whe
he appeared before the cky police
judge. .-- 1i '
e i x1k . :
- 1 i 1 1 i - -
Artisans ' ' . . ; ?
-Special' program and dance to
nght Jn McCornack hall. - Open
and free toifriends. Baskets will
be auctioned. i ' ml4
Gets New Coat ' r
..A new coat of chrome' colored
paint has been applied to the front
of the local telephone office build
ing, which makes. the. front qpite
distinctive. Local -workmen were
busy on the structure during the
past few days.
See the Oregon Fire Relief
Association of McMinnville, Or:?
for your next policy on (dwelling,
brick building, auto, or. other high
class risk. A saving. of from; 20
per cent to -40 per eent have been
made in past. Standley; & Foley,
Agts., Bush Bank bid g. mU
Artisans ".. .
Open house tonight.1- Good pror
gram and dance free. Baskets will
be auctioned. ;ml4
I "V . : ' ' ' '
Loses Drivers License '
Codr Evans, one? of the -most
noted motorcycle riders In the Pa
cific northwest, wns deprived of
nu drivers', license ior the, next so
daysnccording to the records of
i :LADD BUSH, Baiilcers -
'"j - 4 lisal4iaal 18C8 V-, -.;
t ' C!;:c IIasrs tiom ',19 aw m. ta-S-p. m. .
V ' fiiiiiiiiiiiin iinaianimiiiin imi j 1 -rr-T 1 TTI r-T"-
... ..... j . . - . . .-
Tbr bl a very nlfcuiUr
crowd t thr auto boar lat
. night. . enjoying t be music and
looking cr the manT new
tdfti ( am art looking , ut
nioitea. j
This rminx ht the Iat night.
! enoy the evening to
gether.. - !
the Salein pollco court. .Evans
.was arrested for driving 4 5 miles
on the city streets. j ' 1 .'
Seven-Room House '!
In con.lltlon 'throughout:
beautiful grounds, corner, paved
street $4500. Gertrude J. M.
Page, realtor. ! ml 4
Armtrenjf Arrested J
Donald Armstrong wais arrested
Wednesday by Officer .Smart for
drjvijjg a car. while under th in
fluence , of , liquor. Hi was held
in the t!ity jail;.when he was un
able to f urn Uh bail. !
BrturiM From Vncatioiv
Lou Luns ford and Dr. Chalraer
George, members,, of the Lions.
have Li returned . from a i three-day
fishing trip, in. the mountains.
. . i fl !..!.:
For, Rent i
4-room furpished house,; $40;
9 room .house, .$85; 4 room house.
f 30. Apartments? iend " vacant
uousea at aji, limes rfprcrent. uer
trudftiJlrC:,Page,; realtor, j mil
J. ,A,. Churchill, stat .superin
tendent ef public instruction, spent
Wednesday In Cloverdale. , ,
.William. S..Levens, state prohi
bition commissioner, is expected
back from a trip to eastern Ore
gon Friday.. , ,
, .Dan Russell, local irepresenta
tiye pf the L. C. Smith Typewriter
company.jhas Just returned -from
a several days', trip into Lane and
Benton counties in the interest of
his firm. :'. :
'Mrs. .H. Schroeder of Pratum
was in the. city yesterday. , , ;
, .:.o H. Zimmerman . of , Meharoa
transacted business in Salem .Wed
nesday. - i ;
; O.; I. Partlow of Woodburn was
jn the city from . Woodburn yes
terday. . . Mrs. W. S. Doerfler, resident, of
Sublimity, was a Salem i risito
Wednesday. j I
. J.D..O'Connel of Silverton was
in -the 'city Joa' Business Wednes.
day afternoon. . ;
Mrs. . Charles Miller of Jeffer
son was in Salem on business yes
terday. .
WJ Schmld of Wlllamina Tislted
for a short while Wednes-
I, Dri H. Walker ,of New York was
a luncheon guest at the , Rotary
club yesterday.
Paul Johnson of the G. W.
Johnson ' company, motored to
Portland yesterday and will return
today. - ji,,,r... i
l.n. Carter of Albany Tislted
hern;-yesterdajv IUU,;.. .4
ji If , jLansjng i t
? At the Aome east of Salem, fay
13. Chester Field , Lansingage 75
years. lie ..was . the ..husband . of
Margaret Lansing, and father of
J3mes Jansing of , Sa.lem, ) Mrs.
Itatherine- 'Sobertson of . Berin,
Ky..MMrs. Nellie Bauta," of .Salem,
and Irs. . Margaret Pooler of -En-grandfather
of Chester, Thomae,
Oind i Ennict 1 .Rpbertson1 Chester
and ! Kathefine Bantaand j Fred
erick Pobler. Ftmerrfl M servicei
will be held Friday May' 15, )
10:30 from, the Rigdon & Son
Mortuary, under . the auspices of
the Elks lodge. Interment will-be
int toe city yiew -cemetery, ,unae?
Masonic auspices. ""'V
- i :: - -eeley . - - - -
' -On 'Tuesday this week, at his
home near Wllsonyille, Raymond
Seeley passed away. AUhongh a
young man, he was well '. known
throughout the state as V success
ful breeder of thoroughbred, Jersey
cottle. He leaves a wife, one child
besides other relatives and a host
of friends to mourn his loss. . Fun
eral at Wilsonville today. " "
The funeral of Sister Leah Rich,
who died May 11, at the Deaconess
hospital, will be held Friday morn
ing. May 15, at 10,.a.,m.-,la.the
Mennooite church. , of Pratum- In
terment in Pratum cemetery. -Rig-
don mortuary, in charge
dil.b. n. tyuitu ; .
r Ostopatty-gazczy ,
lctronla TVItgnarf I aa TraatmasS '
(Dr. Abrmm'3 '
- " Offle Pon tS r ,3-J
.'oidi oil i unco .ic
- CMMIIMa-tM. 1)
for rae s he says be does?,
Ans.; ;There is no, reason
you should unjustly suspicion
I A. M.- Would I succeed iri any
other buslneas besides my present
one? ; . j ; . J
Ans. I'don't think that change
at this time would be advisable.
S. IL s ll.-r-What has become of
the. woman that. borrowed tei del
lars? Will I get it? j
Ana- South. "o, !
C. C. J. Will yon tell roe if my
husband cares for anyone ;else be
sides me and .will I have .any. jmore
Ans. -He is quite true tol you.
You will hav more children, i :
" C. A, -.J.--Will you ,pleas tell
me what to do to gain the affec
tions of my wife? j
Ahs. Take her out more j&ften
and endeavor to make her happy.
. jE,.P. rWUl my husbanjd re
gain his health? j j .
.Ans. Yes, but he needs careful
watching. " t"'-"-V
, - II." "J. Where should we
the well for, oil on mv nropierty?
Ans. If you were ta take about
three hundred steps dlrectlyj' east
of the old well on your projperty
and sink a well there you would
discover oil. I
i M. K. M. Will .I( ever receive
anything from my personal prop
erty In the. east? j
, Ans. Yes, but not for pome
time. - .. ' I i
H. F. Will I ever marry?)
j Ans. Yes. pnd possibly with the
young man yon are now writing-to.
B. M. Where are the lost pa
pers T ; J; ' t i fi . j: : j ' i :t'5 , . ii '
Ans.-Your lawyer tas tbein.i..
E. M. Will beadvisabfo for
me. to take up the proposition of
fered me?, - t
' Ans. Yes. i
A, M. P Will my son sell his
Idaho farm? j ! ;
Answ Not ns soon as he etpect
. , N. : K. -Will my husband
back to me or not?
Ana. With a little effort
I your part, you "could bring about
an adjUBtment.t . '
F. M. S.: Will. I. get a. place In
Seattle this summer-wher,e
make-some money?. ;
I . can
; Ans. Yesr I see an openlug for
you. . i ,-. i ,
, JI. L. P. Do you think that my
sMreetheartis true to me?
Ana. No ; be i is- lust s
kidding ypu. Seems that, one of
your standing . would be ; able s to
recognize that. Jle s already, en
KSLzed to Y. T. N. anyway. Didn't
he- tell you that?
. ii. J. s. Will I be happy If I
e inarried? . , , . j
Ana -Yes, but think twie be
fore you leap. '
E. F. D. Will my husband ever
Stop drinking and living such a
rough. life, and settle down to
business? Does he care for me and
will we ever, separate?
'Ans. Your husband ia not such
a " bad sort after all. Try and
create a different condition.! Hold
the thought in your m-Ind positive
ly that he will stop drinking ana
you will find that that thought
alone will influence his future.
Yes he cares for you. j
J. C Is there anything . one
can give a person to make them
love cr fear you. I mean in case
et woman to woman?
CAns. Tear r out this foolish
thought entirely from your! mind
and treat everyone with -a kindly
feeling. I understand Justj what
you mean, but you would do . well
to forget about it entirely.
J. N. O. Will my. husband, get
the position that be has in mind?
Ans. rl -believe that. p.e will ber
lore so very.ions- . r S .v , .
L. F. Who haaimy sIIrerwaVe?
Ana. Your son-n-lawii A '
J. .F. W. JU Will I get well
and strong again?
Ahs. If.youwlll he'pallent and
watch yourself carefully, yoji .will
be on the road to yecovery Don't
worry. 5 " .
R. C. Q. A.: Can you give me
any information about my didmond
engagement "ring 'that I "Ios;t last
winter in Spokane? :
"- Ans. Better see me in private,
as I - would -.not care to ' gitieyou
this information' publicly, j -,
G. p. AA-Who will I marry?
Will I succeed in my present un
dertaking. ' I .. ! ' " -" ) :f
Ans. Better forget about mar
riage if-you wish, success in this
undertaking. You haven't met
him as yet.-
, L. T. A. Can .you locate ,my
. Apsw Your, correct- Initials ', are
"List to .
"The Lady"
"An now look at mc
workin a bar room be--hind
the trenches-,
jnotherin . brood o'.
f ightin men who never
remember 'they .'ad a
mother. Poila ' and
Tommy a mlxln 'em
over . ray bar , and .jno
-motherln m and-.
caUia . pie 'Mother : o j
AH the AVorld. " . 4i
: ' i'l
I carries . this . drama : to:
i the greatest heights- u
First Wright ' Aiipliuie, BritUh'MuuiaV Prize,
.Inventor. Langely Machine, Smithsonian 0acial
lb, M::rl dMrnSM
Orvllle Wright has confirmed the
report that the - first heavier than
air machine built-by himself and
ma brother Wilbur wm to be sent
to th Science Museum . at South
.Kensington; : London. Defending
his action, Wright said he refused
to place thj priceless relic in the
Smithsonian , , Institute . because of
the Tate of the. orlglnal'-lAngley
plane. The Langlv -machine, lie
declares., .waa, .taken from the
Bits Xor Breakfaat
White coal and white linen
' This is a combination that will
keen the Salem district forever
white on-the-commercial map
- ;
, For it will lead to white sugar,
white . starch,' white clover, white
honey, white eggs,- white sheep,
white,, mint, and .a white record of
general prosperity
: ' v .
: A Gibraltar prosperity, based on
distant markets for the diversifi
ed and intensified products of our
'soil, reached trdjugh manufac
turing and merchandising and
packing and , jobbing and bank
ing institutions in our towns and
1 vv
Thus our natural sources of
wealth are more diversified than
those of any other section, and
they will never be exhaueted. They
will be renewed every, year, or in
V. C. This violates one of my
rules as to. answering your ques
tion. Anyway, you haven't any
brother. If you keen .having
"wild parties" much longer you
will be short of a job.
A. K. My brother II. P. A.,
age 20, disappeared about five
years ago. Is he dead ,or alive?
Ans. Yes, he is. very much
alive. When he left here, " he
worked his way to the Atlantic
coast and is now located in-business,
but traveling a great deal np
and down the coast.
i ""'ta"i"i'''X''"1""" J!W-l--l-wZiSS
$ ','
4'' ' - -
HI - I.'
i 1 -r
4 t '! :
'je i
If . - 1
Smithsonian IpatJtutlon and prac
tically made over before more re
cent flying .tests. , Dr. Charles G.
Walcoit. secretary ' of the Soith
onian Institution, denies' that the
Lancley plane was rebuilt. The
upper photo shows the plane ' the
Wright brothers first flew at Kitty
Hawk, N. C. BIow it is the or
iginal l.anplry plane. At the bot
tom at the left Is Dr. Walcott and
at the rlht.U Orvllle Wright.
creased with the years.
: The eyes of the world are being
turned towards our water power
development. In this respect Ore-
"The ,
, : '"'hi
CAPABLE WOMAN desires employment, as
saleslady, cashier or office assistant. Must
haye employment soon.
' For appointment . telephone
j " " ' ' i
The Statesman
In' my, last Millerettes I promised to tell you more about
the .inside", of the department store business as it is re
yealed to me by the 4his:her-ups.,' S - '
There seems to jexJst . nowadays. a,.hig quarrel .between "Cash"
.and Credit.!!. You've heard the CASH side of it for so long
" that you've wondered why CREDIT did not cry out something
Jn self -defense. t. : .'.Ji-jl;- t
Well, here it Is -the ifeQll side the argament. Credit as
. you gets credit for the wonderful things It has per-
formed, the most important, of which Is its power in reducing
, overhead costs. Exactly opposite of what ' cash Jias always
, claimed. '
'JBvery merchant strives to create a large volume of. sales for
it -automatically reduces the selling expense, creates a larger
buying power.. which in turn eventually reaches the ultimate
consumer in Jway of lower retail prices.
... ... "v .... - j
Credit as. it Is handled at Iiller's repreeented.a large oJiime
ef business-last year at a total loss of only one half of one
per. cent. A negligible quantity! Yet cash" store's t use "this
argument above? alL else' . as in: excuae for. bartering at low
prices."' ,t . .
Two Fifths of the AVorld'sr business is
, , done. OttiCKCUlT. .XVTij ? .
Svatch-for the next-Inning to be published very shortly.
Meantime let COMPARISON be the umpire." ...
Yours truly , ' . v .
?on is away behind Califoriiii I'lV
Washington, fend 'every; ,
state; 4that is. the . percfeatsge'
oar total available water powers
already used is the lowtat of any
fetate In the Cnion.
', The Washington Irving house,
r memorial to the author and a ,
club house forAmericans, la to be .
dedicated a Seville, Spain, on the'
L't)th. ; Some -Americans may need
to be reminded- that lrvLngwas
once United States minister to .
iSpaln; fewer -that his "Thi. Al ,,
hambra" had a large share In'
Ii'.aklng this Moorish gem known
to the EngtUh speaking world.
i?1- vi '"
.1 -?n ? ,.
SaLI EverywLara.
niKtni iT-inttMPnmr
i m
Dreamland "Rinlc
' Saturday,' May 10 '
FumHure,"TooU, etc.
1 Thursday, May 14th,J
v. r -i:30'p.'M: ;..
1304 N. Liberty Street ,
, n
. 1 1
.j .i
y'o'u l
J y u
u u