The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, May 10, 1925, Page 12, Image 12

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    M U-Balkiiced Exterior and
;;. "? i
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j" . Tf; rinat rvoom ' ' ! ! ' ' "
k - ? !:.:: i. : , - - ! vii - - ,- !
THIS bouse isanexcellentcombinatioa
of the central-hall Colonial floor
plan and a dignified and interesting
exterior in the style that has come
to be known as " Westerni'! because
it was developed in the Western states. .... .
IThe desiier has added to the attractiveness
of the outside walls by an intelligent use of
soldier and rowlock courses of brick and by the
panelled effect he has given to the side eleva--tioos.
f Such effects are fortunately j becoming
more cxamnon as architects become better
versed in the use of face brick bonds and pattern
work.'? i :.m"-j : , .)'!". I 1 r i ;f-M-
The special features of the front elevation are
the doorway and the two groups of Windows,
Their charm lies in their simplicity j and their
fitness. There has been no striving for effect.
Every, element in the charming facade takes its
place naturally ssiis m integral part of the
composition ; .v'i 1m ;
EBat charmia ts fe te exterior, the chief joy
of the interior. Every thought has been
given to make it fit the present-dayj require
ments of a proegegncampTicah family.
OCThe central hall is entered through a good
Edarational Side Stressed B
Xoted American Writers i
: and Others :
National attention is being paid
the home,' as Indicated by the cur
Tent Issne of the rChUd WeKare"
magazine, which; has come from
the press. The entire May issue
Is devoted to the topic of the home
in connection with the education
al campaign of Better Homes in
America detailed considerations of
the problems of home life, are in
eluded in the issue.
Beginning today Better Homes
Week will be obserred in this city
by taribus ' organizations. Lead
ing merchants of the city are to
decorate their store ' windows to
carry but the idea of better homes
and a special invitation is extend
ed to the public to Inspect a model
dwelling here. .
If any prominent people have
contributed , articles - concerning
the merits of the home to . the
magazine. Among the writers con
tributing are Herbert Hoover, Dr.
Louis Stanley, Dr. JOhn.M. Oreis.
chief of ! the division of. building
and housing; Miss Grace Abbott,
chief of the Children's Bureau of
the department of labor; Mrs. fel
la Lyman Cabot,- author of every
day ethics, Joseph Lee and other
writers. - 7, V
Japan Enacts Drastic
f ' Anti-Bolshevist Law
TOKIO The new law for the
''maintenance of public order and
peace," popularly known as the
anU-BoIshevist &ct, probably' is
the most drastic legislation of the
kind In existence in - times of
peace. It. was fought by the rad
ical elements from the. time of Its
inception. Tremendous mass meet-
sized vestibule. On the right is had a view of the
big living room, beyond which opens the sun
parlor, thus producing a splendid effect and af
fording opportunities for excellent interior ar
rangements. v To the left, a pair of French doors lead to the
almost square dining room. In the kitchen, the
sink and stove are placed under windows, a
feature appreciated by the housewife. Cabinets
in ithe kitchen and over the, refrigerator in the
rear entry take the place of a pantry. The con
venient lavatory in the rear hall is to De noted.
An open stairway leads to the second floor,'
with its three large bedrooms and ample closets.
The dressing room adjoining one of the bed
rooms could be made into a private bath.
1 To get four bedrooms, the bath may be placed
over the vestibule, with two bedrooms on each
side of the stairs. . - -
The attic also provides space that could be
utilized for bedrooms, playroom for the children
or for a billiard room. The basement contains
furnace room, coal room, laundry and vegetable
cellar. ) ' ; ; . -:
j The ceiling heights are 8 feet 6, inches. The
content of house is 30,500; of garage, 2,100
cubic feet. ;
ings were" held j by' the laborites
under heavy police : guard . and
clashes between them were f re
quent while the debate In the' diet
was turbulent to the point of dis
orderUness. 5 1 f
j The law is admittedly a direct
result of the recent Russo-Japanese
agreement, and the govern-'
ment openly his declared it ne
cessary to combati Re& :,propa
ganda,. It is felt that existing
economic! conditions in Japan
make -the country a ripe field for
Communist efforts at this time.'
The state provides a maximum
imprisonment of ten years for any
onejwho forms or joins a group
wfth the object' of altering the
national constitution or the over
throw! of private property' rights;
seven! years for conviction of dis
cussing matters of the same char
acter the same term for'convic
iori of instigating another to per
form such acts; and the! contribu
tion ojr receipt of money for .these
purposes is punishable by -..five
yeaj-s imprisonment. . 7 7t .
In explaining the act the minis
ter for home affairs declared that
Cdmniunist movements have gain
ed In influence . in Japan; that
they are financed by Communists
abroad and .become more system
atic every yearJ - ,! ;. j , , ;
3Si ..J
SZ3 Chemcketa.
rhone 1000
for American Face Brick Attociatiom
Artists of Malmesburg
Page the King's Barber
MALMESBURG, Wiltshire, Eng.
-The authorities of this city have
sot themselves the task of ascer
taining the color and the cut of
the whiskers worn by Old King
Athelstan, who died in 925. They
have looked through indent
books, studied statues and pored
over archives, but np to the pres
ent time with no success. They are
not discouraged however, and: tin
3earch la 6till going on.
A fund has been subscribed for
he erection of a stained glass por
trait to King Athelstan in the lo
cal town hall. It seems Athelstan
drove out the Danes 1.000 years
r.go and the people of Malmeeburg
want to commemorate his act.
Hence they want to know what he
looked like in order that his por
trait, max. jdo -him, .houor. , ,7
For Your Home
Why Not Try An
Eastman Sibloco
It's a Marlon County pro
duct. Scientifically in
V stalled in your home by
- our own ' men, anywhere
in the" Salem district.
' Low in first cost Users
will tell you of its ex
treme economy in fuel
consumption. Easy to
control, and durable.
For information
Write or Phone 4
. Formerly Silverton Blow
:- Pipe Co.
Silverton, Ore,
Community Structure at
Auto Camp Grounds Is
Finest in Northwest
What may be considered one
of the finest community houses In
the Northwest is being erected in
the Salem , auto park here by
George Thompson, contractor.
Within a few days the work will
be., completed and turned over to
the management.
; The building is 36 feet long and
24. feet- wide Is to be used as a
gathering place. for the tourists.
Speakers are to be furnished from
the 'Salem Chamber of Commerce
to describe the merits of the Wil
lamette valley and . Salem to the
visitors here. . '
It Is located at the entrance of
the park, across the road , from
the superintendent's office. A long.
low porch faces the camp ground.
- The Interior will We finished
within a few days, andready for
the decorators,- The fireplace has
been finished, and ia located in the
center of the east side of the
building. It Is finished in a gray
stone and is attractive, j. .. ,
I The electrical;, work .has been
completed, and despite the with
draw of the workers, the build
ing will be finished, by the speci
fied tlme7 7" .'' . -' 'k
Unusual Residence
Built For Stanley
A residence .of unusual and of
pleasing design is the home of H.
I. Standley, of 1725 State, which
combines many pleasing exterior
and interior features. It is of tile
and stucco -design, . erected ;by
Adam Engle, contractor.
"I worked in many ideas of my
own of what a home should have
in its construction," ia the com
ment of, Mr. Standley. "I secured
the lot from Mr. Beckley a year
before I build,, and studied, the
problem thoroughly. ? ,
"The stucco finish is one of the
most satisfactory processes, in
house: building. While my nelgh-
7 , , r r , i'j" y ,
! Use Celotex, an Insulating lumber. In construction of
: I the outer walls costs practically same as wood, saves
fuel bills. It is just like bavins an outer wall of
"Cork" around your house. i
Let us show you how to use Celotex for profit in Dome
Oregon Gravel Go.
Hood at Front St.
-!.5 4'-r"r
Portion of American Legion
Dennis Nichols, Architect.
Lasting Memorial to
- Soldier Dead '
When planning the American. Legion Building at Vancouver,
"Washington, constructed as a war memorial, the architect
selected brick as the material, because It would stand, for
centuries; would be Impressive in appearance and would need
; little expenditure for maintenance ' ' ' ' ., ' ' j ' j(
The walls' are of thirteen Inch solid brick, select common
being used for the face. The building is both 'substantial ind
handsome in appearance, a splendid example of solid brick
construction. '. -7 v" '..:":'-'"'-;: j
For Information on advantages of using brick fend hollow
ttile in construction of public buildings, commercial buildings,
garages and homes, address. j
Pacific Northwest Bricfc
! Manufacturers9 Association - i
I ' . f?3 Ivl nnflding, Portland '
Salem Brick & TUo Co Salem ;
bors are spen&rag money on paint
I am devoting my time to caring
of the lawn. The stucco finish; is
permanent and does not reqtiire
eare as does a wooden structure.
"The dwelling has been up; long
enough to show what the stucco
will stand up under and I am
venr much pleased. !
Arbuckle Home Is
Nearly Finished
.' 7. t. f I-
The fine home under construc
tion by George Arbuckle at E and
Capitol street Is a modified Colon
ial design, which carries out some
feature in dwelling construction,
according to' the statement, made
yesterday. The two story build
ing, with the hallways and the
plan of the Colonial type make
it different, somewhat from! the
strictly designed Colonial . type ol
home. , Ij ;. j
The construction Is being car
ried on by Carl Bahlberg, contrac
tor, under the 'plans drawn up by
Clarence Smith, local architect.
Mr. Arbuckle's residence is one; of
a number of dwellings of similar
design under construction at pres
ent. 7 ; . !
'The lot. was secured from Carl
Nelson, local business man.
Doctor Established in
New Home on Oak Street
Dr. j and Mrs. Vehrs have
moved' to their new home at 459
Oak street, which is west of he
Dan Pry ! residence. Their j new
home is superbly located to secure
a commanding view of the city,
with its wide lawn, and location
close to an attractive park; The
location is Just a few seconds from
the downtown' district by motor,
and Is served by: paved streets
from two entrances.
May Permits for
Buildings Given
Fourteen building permits have
been issued so far this month for
new dwellings; and garages.! There
were none of Any large value,' the
largest being $3500. The 4 per
mits aggregated $21,650. "
Motor vehicles paid $46lj400,
000 in special motor vehicle taxes
last year, and a . grand totai, j in
cluding personal property taxes
of $551,400,000. i 7 ' , I i
--7 ;v
Building, Vancouver, Wash.
Peter Johnson, Contractor.
' I -1
GETS fi Hull
Nash-Smith ; Company' io
be Located at 219 North
Commercial Soon
The Xash-Smith Furniture com
pany are to move In the quarters
formerly occupied by the. Petty-
John Automobile company at 219
North Commercial'- street. Re
modeling operations are going on
at present, which will prepare the
quarters for the new business. - '
George Nash, : formerly with
Giese-Powers Furniture company
of this city, and Perry Smith, of
Newberg, are to install an up-x-date
furniture store, which is .de
signed to meei the needs of Uh
moderate priced home. A high
class quality of goods have been
secured, and ; some of the best
lines." on the' markets are to . at
the buyer's command-
An opening j date is to be an
nounced for some time during
this month, probably May 15. An
nouncements will be made later.
J. Carl and William Starkey are
the - contractors remodeling : the
Creditor: "Good afternoon. Doc-
Mret You
We handle the best Kalsomine on the Market made by Sherwin Wil
liams Co. It is called Decontint, we have it in &11 shades. .
j This week only we will make a special price of 8 cents per pound on
the: following' colors Whiter Ivory, Cream, TFrench Gray, Light Tan,
Medium Cream. p ' i " ':""' -; . -7j
It is Manufactured from select material, scientifically compounded in
dry Powder form, so that it only requires mixing, with ordinary cold water
to prepare it for immediate use. It is an ideal wall coating for decorating
of all interiors. Can be applied on plaster, wood or wall board. -
! We also handle paints, oils and varnishes, all kinds of brushes, in fact
"everything in building material." We will be pleased to have our Mr.
Perry call on you and give you an estimate of what you will need.
I NOTE: We have a few thousand feet of 1x3 T. & G. flooring which we
will close out at $16.00 per thousand. Come and see it. -
: . ; ; . 7 - 'j ; r7'rj
'. '7..-, '-'jSSSirfi "7 V-, i1
" uY': '"A VP i'rtfi P tok rrfi Wi I 1V
Str. i'K 1 f T " ' t I
N this home the central hall, a prominent feature of - V
N this home the central' hall, a prominent feature of
colonial days, has
; is used. Tne mam stair to the second floor leads
directly from this entry. To the right as one enters is a
roomy alcove leading to the living room. Artistic French
doors from the .living room give access' to the large,
comfortable porch. The living room Is well lighted
with plenty of wall space for furniture and' hangings.
special care oeing used
ior tnis purpose. 1 ? J r?? JZ7
.The opposite end of the house is used for dining room snd kitchen' tJ7
itoom la provided with two corner china closets of the colonial type "ning
; . -The kitchen Is roomy, with plenty, of light and ample working scare hetvron
the range, sink, cupboards, etc., which occupy the outside wall Between
An entrance to the basement is provided from the
kitchen.- . -- r7ir--v... : -
i. The second floor contains three bedrooms, bath,
alcove, closets, wardrobes, linen cases, etc.- 7
, In the basement, which Is the full size of the house,
are located the laundry, fuel, furnace, fruit and vegetable
and storage rooms. v v - 77, 7. ..1
7 7 Let Us
h -
tor. How about that account you
owe me?" 7. v 7.;-' '.
Doctor: "I like your nerve. You
told my Secretary that you were a
I i
Not affected by any kinJ of weather condition.
Easily applied Has an excellent "surface. Call in.
and see this and compare with any other vall board.
Powder and Supply Co,
O Phone
South i
Going to Kalsdmine?
If So, Read this
' A. B.' KELSEY, Manager 17
349 South Twelfth SU near Thos. Kay Woolen Mill t 7 :
Mills at Falls City and Valzets
been emitted and Instead an entry
in tne placing or the openings ;
Figure With You on Your New IIcs
1070 N. Twentieth.
Watch this space for new plana each
patient to see me.
Creditor: "That's very true,
Doctor. Haven't I been patient.";
Lewis Preston. .
Get '-aAampSe
L"1P . i'-ir.
-nW. V- f
7 "
wed; ' 1
i. , .
Im 11 ' i in M.; ' ii
I -1