The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, May 03, 1925, Page 11, Image 11

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! V vv - iii;-., V; ; 114
Center and High
I 1- iivans. Nnfnlster. Miss Vivian
Whisler. church assistant; Miss Hattle
Mitchell, missionary. The story l of
Ksther will be beautifully illustrated in
three tableaus at the evening -"service.
The sermon will emphoaize the lessons
t.f tlw story. An hour of practical,
moral values. "The Song of Triumph"
will be the sermon topic for the morn
ing. Miss Whislcr will direct ( the
music for all the rerviees. The Bible
Hxhool meets at 9 Mi. Classes and! de
portments for all ages of boys, girls,"
ami nrtiilt. The young peoples socie
lies m-et at 6:30. , .j'r-f
' . J .
International Association. Meetings
are held every Sunday in' Derby build
ing corner of Court and High streets.
Bible study 10 to 12 a. m. Ezekiel's
Temple study 3 p. m. At 8 p. m.
i here will le a pubHc lecture oni i the
mbject: tThe Kingdom of Messiah."
"L'niversrtl reign of peace said to be
comiiiK Some claim that the Mes
siah Is a man;. some claim that the
Messiah-is a body of men; others'
a-ljiim that he is the glorified Christ
nt still others claim, that Messiah
is a composite body, of which Christ1
is- the head and the glorified church
is tt.e itody. Would it not be interest
ins to know the facts; and also, by
whose, authority, Messiah is to have
dominion over -the earth, and by what,
wans slml! the change be - brought
about?"' We offer fine services of the
brethren to conduct funeral services in
Salem and vicinity. For arrangements
hone 1450W.
'SCANDINAVIAN.- Fifteenth and
, Mill streets. Patrick "Daulin, -pastor.
Sunday school I 0a. m.. Gust, Ander
ax, superintendent. Morning worship
in Swedish at 11 a. m. r Epworth
l-ertsrue 7:15 p.- m. Evening service 8
p, m. Thursday - 7 :Z0 p.. m. . prayer
ervii-e. You are all cordially Invited
to iir services. ' '
; - KinSTM,'. C. P&ing. minister.
, Keguiar services- , Sunday May .? 1.
preaching at 11 a. m. and ,8 p. m
Tlie - pastor will preach. Subject:
"Living The Victorious Lif e." ! The
'hiirt-h school wilt - convene - at ' 9:45
with J. F. t'lrich, superintendent.
Classes for all ages. Junior church at
It a. m. in their room. "Senior Chris
tian Endeavor society will meet at 7
P. in. It the young people rally and
have a full attendance this first day
of May. , Midweek services Thursday
evening at 7 p. tn. with F. A. Myers
hs leader. The interest Is growing and
. attendance increasing In this fellow
ship im-eting young and Old are in
vito!. This church has a glad hand
' for all who come. "Come thou with
t:s. and we will do thee good; for the
Lord has -spoken Good concerning
i lis church
, FREE Corner of North "Winter and
'Market streets. - Mortimer C. Clarke,
pastor. Sunday school at 9:45,--Dr,
I 'hi nk . S. Schuts, superintendent
."asses for all sixes and ages. Preach-
iris hours at 11 and 7 :45. Class meet-
ins at 12:15 led by Mrs Ida M. Gar-
lett. Young peoples meeting at 6:30,
Miss Martha Jacfuet, leader. Prayer
and praise service at 7:30. Cottage
prayer meeting each Wednesday at
o'clock at the home of Mrs. Caroline
.Jackson,--1463 North Winter ! street.
Church prayer meeting each Thursday
at 7 :30. Tlw; paster preaches Sunday
morning on '4Thr-Three Feasts of the
Lord. In the evening there -will be
an evangelistic message by the pastor.
All are invited to these services; Yon
will enjoy the splendid spiritual at
mosphere of this church. H
bacco." Toung peoples services j C:45,
and long testimony and preaching ser
vice 7:30. i Singing class Wednesday
evening 7 p.i m.. and the regular week
ly prayer service 7 :30. We cordially
Invjte the public; to attned the services.
34,3 Courti street. C. S. Johnson,
pastor. Sunday school at 2 p. m.
Services at j 3 and 8 p. m. Meetings
on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday
c vehings. Young peoples meeting on
Friftay evening. The Lord Is working
among us. i People are being Baved
baptized with the, ! Holy. Spirit, and
healed. Come and get a blessing. The
Lord is ' tho ' same as of old. and the
old; time' religion is what people! need.
Come, everybody invited. - - -,
"'1: h EPISCOPAL f
f ST. PAUL- Church street at Chem
eketa. , Kev, , II. Duncan Chambers,
rector, "Third Sunday after Easter."
There will be the usual services. 7:30,
and 11 a. m. ' Church school j :45.
Young people's fellowship 7 p. m: The
monthly meeting of the vestry on Mon
day evening. Come and worship with
SOUTH SALEM. Corner Waahlng-
ton and Commercial streets. Carl F.
and Minnie G. Miller, pastor. Sunday
school 10 a. na. Dr. Carl FT Milles.
superintendent. I " Preaching service 1 1
m., theme : "A New Commandment."
Clirlstian'EndeavoriJ.p. m. Evangel
istic service 8 p. m.' Midweek I Sprayer
meeting Thursday ! S " p. m. tl was
gljid when they jsaia . unti me.
into the house of the Lord."!
let us
RST.-UHolds meetings every Sun
day morning In the W.O.W. hall 7:45.
On May 3, Reverend . F. W. - Parker
will be the speaker with Mrs Anna
Sayder, the . blind medium. ;as message
bearer, i,A cordial welcome is extended
to the public - hy ; ;.:;! jj f J
FIRST Corner !r of ' Liberty " and
Cjhemeketa streets.! I Sunday;! ;Bornlng
services 11 o'clock. Sunday evening at
8J Subject of lesson sermon: "Ever-
' lasting . Punishment." Sunday school
sessions convene at , 9:30 and 11 a. m.
Wednesday evening testimonial meet-1
ins at 8 j o'clock. , Reading room 209 :
Mesonic Temple, open every j- day ex
cept holidays and Sundays from 1115
to 5:30 p. m, All are cordially" in
vited 'to our services and to our read
ing room, I . i : ! .f I Mr hi ; r -. :-'
I Ferry street. Sunday school - con
venes: 2 p m.. Mr a' J. Wilson! super-
intendent, I An Interesting study of tho
lesson Is given on full Gospel -lines; in
6ach class. ( Afternoon preaching ser
iice1 3 p.i m. Subject "One Offering.
Evening service 7 :S0. Subject !'A Troe
Love Story.T j The iweek services are
Tuesday evenin gand Friday evening.
Saturday; afternoon from three to four
Is children's hour. Saturday evening
he young people conduct their service,
penln at I 8 o'clock 1 You ! wilt find a
velcome at all meetings In the Taber
lacle. Pastors H. E. Caswell and Mrs.
Jaswell 173 South Cottage street.
"Come Ye Blessed. Delia Amsler.
Chorus: "The Fining pot is for Sil
ver, the Furnace, for .t- Gold." Solo :
These are They," Mrs. Jean Pearcy.
Duet: "They Shall Hunger No More,"
ttutn jjeoford, Hilda ; Amsler. (a)
Ladles;; Chorus: r "List the Cherubic
Host." b solo rs "And I Heard the
Voice of - Harpers." ; Mr. 'Barton.- fcl
Ladles chorus,- obllgato, Mrs. Pearcy
Mr. i;arton. Chorus: "Great and Mar
velous are Thy Works." . The person
nel of the chorus is as follows: Miss
Mlnnetta Makers' director : -accomna-
ntats, piano Mrs. W. F. Foster, organ.
Miss Beatrice Shelton. violins. Helen
Selig. Mary Talmadge Iledrlck,- Sop
ranos: Mrs. Jean Pearcy. Mrs. E. II.
Shanks. Hilda Amsler, Ruth ; Bedford.
contraltos: Delia Amsler, Mina Gile.
Ruth Swart, Grace Fowk; tenors: W.
T. Jenhs, Fred Broerf baritones, B, Vf.
Barton, -A. B. Hansen. Marc" Saucy.
Prayer-meeting on Thursday evening
at 8. 5 The church that welcomes
strangers. : , ,
CASTLE 1743 Nebraska avenue!
Rev, B. C. Maver, pastor. Bible school
8.45 a, m. Preaching, 11 a. in. Sub
ject: "The Tone Measurement of
Ability." At 8 p. m. a fine program
wiU be rendered, by the T. P. C E.
Thls being -the anniversary service.
and will be a pleasing service In music
and a number of short talka All are
invited to all these services.
FIRST Corner Twelfth and Mission
streets. - Sunday' school 10" a. rrt. We
have classes for all ages, and efficient
teachers. .- A splendid school. Come
and heln swell the numbers. Preach
ing 11 a. to. Subject, "The High-Way.
And A Way Evening service. Chris
tian Endeavor fiSO. .Topic: "How
Can We Help to Make Home Happy TT
Leader Ted Kllngpporn. The young
people - are 1 especially invited to this
service. Preaching 7:30. Subject:
"The Conqueror." i Prayer; meeting,
Wednesday evening at 7 : 3 0, Mrs. Cal
vin Hlday. class leader. You are in
vited to attend any or all of these
services. L We cling tQ the old time
Gospel, which is i the power .of God
unto 'salvation ; you will feel at home
with us. I am sure. This is the church
that welcome strangers, we' will ' be
waiting ta welcome you. C. W. Tibbet,
pastor. . , . . ' . . ,
Senior . topic r "Stewardship My - AbilitT
for Christ,", Harold Cook, leader. Ad
nee Iaterdtediate 'topic: ' 'Prompt Ac
tion in Chris tiaa 'Sejr, "I Sm. 11:
1-11; Group I ia charge of profrram. In
termediate topic: "Following Jesus in
Service.'' Luke 10:30 35, Letter Colgan,
leader,. . '! - -1. .-.-: .
LESLIE South Commercial . - and
Myers streets. . H.-F." Pemberton; pas
tor. You are 'cordially invited! to at
tend the - following services! of this
cluirch., , Sunday school, 9:4$. -t E. A.
Rftoten, r superintendent. '''' f5ttdy - the
IfSble with us.' Help.bulldl Christian
character. The Epworth leagues -meet
at 7,' the Intermediate leaguie in Leslie
hall and the - Leslie ?" league in T the
the jeommuBlty, Including th'sse of the
Old ; People's bonie And County Farm.
The Epworth League also invltealall
the young people to a -candy party on
Tuesday evening. May E at" 7:30. AJ-Clena Manning. Linden La toe r.
good time for everyone is guaranteed.
FIRST Corner State and i Church
streets. Fre4 C. Taylor, minister.
Class meeting. :1 6 a. m. ! Geoi P.
Litchfield, leader. Sunday school. :4 5
a.' m. H. . V. Shanks,' superintendent.
Attendance has v been nearly. 600 'and.
above yfor several Sundays. 'Morning
st-rvioo of-worship at 11 o'clock with
sermon by the -pastoi-tea titled -"Called
to Service." Junior -i church in Annex
at tame hour.- Serropn . subject :L' "X
Launer, ilartha Frum, lone Olson,'
Verna MaWin, Mr3. Marjorie South
and the Messers. Forrest Hlday,
church. Not a dull minute, i All young Wonderful Day." League's will meet
people welcome. ' Morning worship . at
11 o'clock. Sermon, subject : "Fruit.
Evening meeting will be the first of
a new clan.. The young people Jwill
tit 7 - o'clock. Sacred "ormvrt 'Sunday
evening at 8 o'clock,' by Prof. ;and Mra
James E. Shearer. Next week at the
devotional service, Xrl M. -W. Marvin,
have charge for the first 30' minutes jft co-wdrker with Sherwood Eddy.i'will
beginning at 7 and the meeting -will
be continued until 8:15. The subject
f er the short sermon wHl be "Whither
Goest Thou?" These evening nntetings
will be continued on this plan for the
spring and summer months. We In
vite you to attend them, and all the
other services. Tell your friends.
Make this . your church. "The; chorus
choir will furnish excellent! mslc - at i
both services. You will ten Joy the
hearty ; greetings, the Christian cor
diality," the happy fellowship, and the
Gospel ! preaching. Strangers and
visitors especially welcome,
Corner Court and Seventeenth
speak concerning, "The' Crisis In Ber
lin. Special Mother day servies are
being planned for next. Sunday. , jTou
are welcome to all the services of the
church. , - ' ; . ' j.
FIRST Liberty and Center streets.
C E. Ward, minister. Sunday school
at! 18 a. m. . with classes for all ages.
A place and a welcome for you. M. D.
McCalllster,- supt. At 11 aJ nu-rRev.
Charles E. Ward. - the . newly chosen
pastor will preach: Sermon subject :
"God's "Way With Men." -.- At' :30 n. m.
Christian Endeavor. - 8 p. tm Even
ing worship-with good music Sermon
Subject :Are , You. A Fool Ti i -Pra'er
streets." R. L. Putnam, minister. Bible meeting Thursday 8 p. nu Welconme
.nunAi - ri i - I t tr..i. I to fill v - - - ;: -
1 1 ItTl TLAND. Corner Church street
Mid Highland avenue. Edgar P. Sims,
pastor. Sunday i services . Bible school
lit 10 a. m. Walter Stan tonj! super
Intendent, classes taught by those be
lieving the Bible to be the revealed
i- ord of GotL Morning worship at 1
m.; C. E. at 7 p.m. and preaching
fit 8 p. nr.- Mid-week prayer meeting
- iit Thursday, at 8 d .m. Come and
Ivorship with us if you have no other
i-hiiri h home..
Nineteenth and Marion streets.'
C- II- Hopkins, minister. : Sunday
jk:hOf) ! :45 a, m. W. B. Hardy, sup
erintendent. Morning worship -at 11.'
tJernian by -Mrs. Hopkins. Subject:
"The Glory of the Cross." Young
peoples-meeting 6:30 p. m., MIss Hat
rie &It-rs, president. , Evening ser-!
Vioe 7 :30. Sermon by the pastor. Sub-!
ject; 'Gol'-Clioice." Wednesday eve-!
nins at 7 :3 prayer and praise service.
,EverylHKly welcome.
Seventeenth -and Church streejts. 11 :
Y,. Ijauner,"' piistor. Sermon 'at-11' a.i
OH.j, mih-ef: "The Church and .State."
Y A rnton at. 8 v. m. Sunday school at
a. m. O. R. Strausbaugh, leader.!
Kvangelictl league and Bible study at!;
" P. in. lieulah Launer ' will have
rt haree. Prayer services" Thursday
. Ji-veiing. , ' lj -r :;;.;:
REFORMED Corner of Capitol and
. Marion streets. Sunday school 10' a.
nC; and German preaching service 111
m. No evening service. M. DennyJ
r .iiiinlster. ij !:. i. : 'i
1316 North Church street.
flillespie. pastor. Sunday, school 10 ai
in. Pn-aehtng- service 1 1 ' a. m. Subi
. j.-ct: "Tlie Evil of Liquor and To-Lord Our God," j
Cottasre and Chemeketa streets. Rev.
Martin Fereshetian, minister.! Church
Bcnooii 10 a. m. 1 1 Graded instruction.
Mr. 1 Miles McKey. i suDerlntendent.
Devotional services at 11 a, mi Subject
of , the sermon,; "The Peace of God."
In this restless, age restless because
men: and women seem to have lost the
foundations of life and when the props
Of civilization seem to be tottering
it : Is well for all to consider I the per
manent basis for peace and happiness.
The minister will try to give reasons
why only faith in a Supreme Power
can give what the world seeks blind-
ly.l i Mra! M, Fereshetian,- icontralto
soloist will sing by request, ! the aria
from Gaul s Oratorio, "St.? Paul." en
titled nhe Publican. ; The i Emerson
class win discontinue for the time
being, and will resume in the! fall tak
ing for the subject of study f Compar
ative Religions." , Mra W. A. Denton
wilt preside at the organ during the
devotional servlcea ;
1 t1-! : - I !BAPTIST , :.
1 FIRST Corner Liberty and Marlon
streets, j i Rev.; E. II. Shanks, pastor.
Bible school. 9:45. Ed Schunke, , sup
erintendent, t Graded classes for all
ages. ; Morning worship 11. j prelude :
"Entree in F; m!nor"--Leybach, ; An
them ;. j "God I Is - a ; Spfrlt," Bennet.
Offeritory ; "Garden Melody Robert
Schumann. ! Miss Helen Selig. Sole,
selected, Flora Fletcher Hedricfcv Ser
mon: fThe. God of Mercy." i- Benedic
tion, r i Communion, i B.Y.P.TJ. t :30.
:30. Topic: ! "What the Bible-'Teaches
About Goot" ( . All., young; people 'are
eorauury ivitea. Intermeaute B. . Y,
P. U. at Uie i same hour. All-young
people iot Junior high 'school' are are
welcome; Evening worship 7 $30. T1w
Holy City" Alfred i R. 'GauL i Part I.
"Expressipf the !i Desire for- Higher
Life." ' Introduction: "Contemplailog,"
piano, OTgani; tina 'VlolinaT Chorus:
"Tr Sh4n, Va .'.trA.A X.
rio; "At Bventlde It Shall"! Bo Ught,'
Mrs.; E-r1. Shanks. Hilda J Amsler,
Ruth Swart. ! Chorus: "They . "That
Sow lt Tears." j Solo ; ; "Eye! Hath Not
Seen," ! "Mrsi . Shanks. Chorus : For
Thee, ' O Dep.r, Dear Cooatryi"' Chorus :
"Thine lis the Kingdom." iOffertory.
Part. It. fReallzation of the Desires
and ; Promises."! i Intermerao: "Adora
tion," klolins, organ, and piano. Solo
A, New Heaven ; and ' a New Earth.'
R! D. Barton. Quartet-chorus: ' "Let
the Heavens Bejolce. Sola: -'To the
' ' '" LUTHERAN " .- ' '
Eighteenth streets. G. Koehler, pastor.
Sunday, school., 9 a. m. Preaching
service in German, 10:30 a. m. The
pastor will speak on t "Seek Ye the
Lord While He May Be Found." No
evening service. , The Brotherhood unit
will attend the annual convention of
the Lutheran brotherhood of the state
of Oregon at Silverton. Bible study
on Thursday, 7:30 p. m. 'Bible school
conducted by .the pastor on Saturday
from 9-12 a. m. i c
CENTER STREET Thirteenth and
Center streets. . A. ,F. Hilmer, paster-
parsonage 6S4 North. Winter street
The ' Sunday church service will be as
follows: Sunday school, 10 o'clock. H.
H. Graltap, superintendent. Classes in
German and English f or . old. and
young; - German preaching service at
11 clock. 7:15 song service and 7:30
the 'extension-' members X the Y. F.
M. S. will( render a program that will
do . interesting consisting or songs.
readings and a dialog. The ' evening
service is 'all in the English language.
The subject for ; the morning 'sermon
will be: "Faith and Works." A cor
dial invitation' is extended.
FULIi GOSPKL 251 Mission ' street.
none 1439W. Semcea Sunday at 2:30
p. m. Bible study 7:30 p. m. Evan
geliatie meeting. Preaching . Wednesday
evening at 7:30. . Other nights ia out
lying district. A baptismal service will
be held at the west ad of Mission street
Sunday at 1 :30 p. m. to which all are in
W T. ' Jenlcs. "
The First Baptist Chtifcli
Liberty and JMarion Streets
Rev. Ernest H. Shanks
!: i 1 il. : . ' ! 1-1- I. r - I I i I ' h "
IF YOU are not wbrshinlrig elsewhere "worship wjtbi u?
Morning Sermon: THE GOD OF MERCY . I
FIRST On Church street, betweea
Chemeketa and Center streets. Ward WU
lis Long, minister. 9:30 a. m. Sunday
school. Mr. H. E. Barrett, aaper intendent.
aeguiar worsntp nerrices at 11:00 a. m.
ana :su p. m. More1 complete announce
ment of which will be found elsewhere is
this paper. 5:00 p. ns., advance Inter
mediate social hour in the ehnrch parlors.
6:00 p. nj. . Pre Presbyterial Kally of all
young people in the senior room. 6:30 p
m. loung People a devotional services.
school, 9:45a, m. Chrla J. Ko witi.
superintendent. A -graded school with
classes for - all ages. The Recently or
ganized young married peoples clan
is proving worth while. Young couples
are Invited. Junior following the ob
servance of the Lord's Supper at 11
a. nu, Morning worship, 11 a. m. Ser
mon: ; "Our Part in .American Mis
sions. This is our annual home mis
sions day. Come prepared to have
part in the evangelization of 'Amer
ica, by contributing liberally to -the
work. The gospel teams Will visit the
shut-ins in the afternoon! Christian
Endeavor, 7 p. m. - Evangelistic ser
vice S p. m. Sermon: "Jesus Heals
the Infirm Man at the Pool. f- A bap
tismal . service jfollows. Monday, 7 :45
p. m., regular monthly meeting- of the
official board. . All members: of the
board urged to be present. The Wo
men's Missionary society will hold its
monthly business meeting nd program
at the church, , Thursday afternoon.
Friday evening the Intermediate and
Senior Christian -- Endeavor business
meeting and social. Next Lord's day
is "Mother's Day." -A special day. of
worship, both In -- music ' and sermon.
Let all plan' to - attend " lh" honor i of
mother. We invite you toi any and all
these servlcea A hearty! welcome to
the church with a family . spirit.
North - Winter and Jefferson ' streets.
Take the, North Commercial Street car
to Jefferson street. - Thomas Acheson,
pastor. Leroy Walker, , assistant ' in
charge of the Junior churbh. We cor
dially . invite the' public tut- attend the
services of the week. Sunday school,
9:45 a., m Harry Carpenter' super
intendent. Our school -! of f religious
education . is fully, -" departmentalized.
There is a definite place ; fort everyone
in the family. Morning -worship is at
11a.; m.,, ln the mam uditorlum, with
Rev. Miles in charge. At the , same
hour,; the Junior 'congregation will
meet in the basement under : the direc
tion of Leroy Walker. This la mem
bership Sunday for the j Juniors all
young people age eight to sixteen are
invited. At 6 :30 The young people of
the Epworth and Wesley! Leagues hold
their weekly devotional j meetings in
the basement- Jason Lee Is proud ot
Its young people. Both : Leagues will
provide an interesting and lively ser
vice.' Leroy Walker wIH conduct the
evening service at 7 :30 ; isubjectt ' "The
Courage of Faith. This Is the friend
ly family service," strangers' always
welcomed. The mid-week jervice U
on Thursday at 7:1 Si The devotional !
service will be led by Rev. Miles and
special classes ' will - be j provided fer
all ages. A week front this Sunday,
May 10, the Epworth League Is spon
soring a special Mother' day program
at 11 a. m., to which it issues a spe
cial : invitation to all the mothers of
i At late hour delicious refresh
ments were served by -the hostess.
Those Invited for, the j, evening
were the Mjssec Clara Crow, Effie
Grimes',, Susan Martin, Ueulah
The Church That 'vrelcoiaea 1 Strangers
TTnn. nr. ri-..i i-t.r : :1 r . !
- miaa iuagcr a jtieai, "Miiuir in vraiunu
Sunday eyening At 7:301 ,
i ill ' ) ' .lV' "-
4ii il eye.
vi" i
- ; -I'' "t; . it.,.-
-:" ; ;.!"-Vi:.:J;-:""r jQJt
Bdirbwing Made Easier
v.. - - , r ; ... .."-.ul"; ..;
When you borrow mqneyi; here at. Hawkins &
Roberts on ydur home, business property or
iarm, you deal directly with .those who pass
upon your application and take care of all other
details connected with the loan.
In this way, there is no unnecessary delay in
securing your loan a feature of .our Mortgacre
Loan business which is always much appreciat
ed. -'
We haveMhe i gilt-edge . invest
ments appealing to the, small as
well - as the ; large investor.
f .:' : '
. mm 31 il l r. r r h f
nq rioor. jhzcoh oldo
j Salem.
New Words! fteivWords
thousand of them spelled,
pronounced, and defined in
Everrette Hlday, Wilson Launer,
and Roy South. -if
...; ' -
; Yesterday morning at '5' o'ctock
a group of 25 young people frohi
the Baptist Young People's society
met at the church to journey to
gether to John draper's country
place for a : compfire -breakfast.
This society is an unusually active
one, cordially inviting all young
people Interested to attend their
Sunday evening meetings at 6:30
o'clock. Beginning with 3f ay 10,
the young "people's meetings will
he held at 7 o'clock.
Ah, Spring: is here! Hurrah for
Spring! f .
Outdoors again -we'll take ' our
fling - 4. ; i. j
At baseball, tennis, golf.'ciroquet;
Pick nt your game, but le't go
There is no tonic for the blood
That.equals hearing. that x ! i tt;.l
Of bat upon the swift -pitched, b&ii!
Hurrah for baseball, King of All!
' " '. t'-; ; 1. l M "
When playing. goir upon the Jinks,
Oh what a thrill as In she nks!
To drive, approach and putt, we're
. oft! . . - ... ' : . t:
Hurrah for Scotland's gift of golf!
Yes. Springes here. It's in the &if.
It's in the heart. It's everywhere!
The way it makes me feel, by Jing!
I'll shout hurrah for anything!
The "Saprcm Authority'
.Get Ihe Beet t V -1- V
If ere pie a few samples :
agrimotor v
hot parsuJt
Aii Council
mud gun '
paravane shbneen
inegabar ' Rad Star
S. P. boat 'overhead
aena f ajcaae .
soviet ,
cyper , rotogravpre
askari ' capital eup i
sippio ' mystery ship
Flag Day
Blue Cross
.. .... ..i
Serving Yoa ?
270O Page C00Q HjuatrstiofS
407.0O0 WoriaaPiiraeeaf
Gxttr and Biesvalucal Oictioury
WRITE for a sample page f the
ffew- Ward, specimen pf Regular
: and India Papers, RRfTE. , "
. - Spcwcfield, Maw, JJ.S. A. :.
1000 Pairs First Quality
Monday Last Day of
Our Special Intro
Here Are the 15 Important
! Points
Best quality pure thread Silk, reinforced heel,
toe and sole; pare silk sole interlined lisle;
perfect fitting mercerized top; non ravel stop
where ' silk joins top. . Clear perfect
weave, fashioned to fit close fitting stylish ;
ankles, $ ulL length and width, not skimped. -Extra
fine guage -gives beauty. Guaranteed '
satisfactory, fashions,, newest colors colors .
fast. Silk covered high spliced heels. Exact
ly right weight.
To introduce. to the Women of Sa
lem arid vicinity; this remarkable
Pure Silk service Stocking with
non-ravel top, a feature that guar
antees protection, from. runs.
II - B, W . . . " 7- - . I
1 "
Biscuit T ..
Blush ;
Maple Cream "
.Bloonlight.; ' .
Sunshine ..
Airdale;. . r '
Shell, ;. .:
Ceil '
Orchid ,
Phope 265
'"Quality filerchandise Only"
176 N. Liberty gt.
Marie-Lonise: D'Arc Kiger, young
Tacoma singer, who is steadily cjimb
ing to the throne, once held by the
world's sweetest ' singer, "Jenny
Lind," under the able tutorage of
Professor T. IL J. Ryan, formerly of
New York City.
y - . - , ' : .
The voice of Marie-Louise will lift you
from the rut, i and you'll never drop"
back.again. Here is not a manufact
ured voice it's clear, pure and sweet
as the tinkle of a silver bell. It's the
blessing of the living God. Like the
perfume . of wild- flowers, the spark
ling, laughing: crystalline water of a
mountain 'rill, when Marie sings the
world is still.
' ' , ! " '
The human race high and low, wor
ship purity, are fascinated thereby .in
whatever form it appears, air, water,
sunshine, gold, silver and diamonds;
the voice of Marie-Louise, is pure
music . -; I ... .
"Blessed hy a yolce so sweet and true
' A. gift bp pure and good.
She'll help . thol,1 world to understand,
, t That Qod la truly good."
f ;
Marie-Louise I ITArc Kiger, thp six
teen year old Pacific Coast Nighten-r
gale, will appear in concert in Salem
at the Armory, one night only. Wed
nesday, June' 10th, 1925. A. return
engagement could not be booked in
r side of five years at any price. say
1 and rnean at any price. Her gift shall
never be i sold to the highest bidder,
!n but. must be spread like .sunshine all
'rover? the earth. Miss Kiger. has the
highest singing voice irf the world to-
day, reaching the last F.jnthe treble
- plef , (Watch thi? space next Sunday)
; r. -i ' ' -
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f ; .
s , . - -i - ' -
(Photq by'Plummer, of Rhode? Bros.)