The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, May 01, 1925, Page 2, Image 2

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Kalahari and Robertson Oc
cupy Mound; Tennis Stars
Also Come Back Winners
The Willamette university base
ball squad secured their fourth in-ter-colleglatejjctory
Thursday al
ternoon when they defeated the
LLnfield squad ' by the score of
9-4 at McMinnrille, The tennis
squad also defeated the Unfield
representatives by a decisive arer
age at the same ' time the game
was played.
' Kalahan - pitched the first part
of the game for Willamette and
Robertson took the mound for the
final . part. Isham, Herman, and
Ellis were the batting stars for
Willamette and contributed a
great deal to the Willamette Tic
tory. . - .
The Bearcats played good ball
daring the entire contest and gare
promise of , being a strong squad
and competent to meet the heary
.schedule that they will have be
fore the end of the season. The
men are an iteming well and have
Improred wonderfully from the
coo wing they made last year.
Coach -Rathbun has .spent a
great deal of time and fffert In
developing the ability of his men
along these lines, and the effects
of the extensive batting and bunt
ing program have begun to show
to a; good advantage.
The Bearcats will probably play
a-teturn game with the Oregon
Aggies, tneet jthe University of
Oregon, and are scheduled to take
i on the , College of Seattle some
time soon.. The C. of S. team is
rated as especially strong as they
have met and defeated a number
of professional and semi-pro
teams. --r . ; - ,.
The varsity tennis squad Is slat
ed to meet the University of Wash
ington here and that will probably
be an. Interesting contest, The
Bearcats- have always rated high
In thi activity and the U. of W.
is especially strong this year. They
are carrying-on an extensive tour
of the. Oregon and Washington
colleges and are to stop off here
for a xnvatch soon. ; -
tie,- Pajcifld Coast baseball cham
pions, annexed its third straight
game from? Oakland t to 3. The
Acrons mde four-; hits, half of
their total Ifor the game, and two
runs in a mlly in the ninth inning.
Tills was the Indians' fourth con
secutive victory, having won from
Vernon Monday.
Score- ! i R. H. E.
Oakland . . . . . . 3 8 1
Seattle J....U.., .. 7 11 1
Foster and Read; MlIJus and
E. Baldwin;, f - I.
American League
AH games postponed; rain and
cold.. .
i - National League
!irV': - Results -
Xfl am'es feostoned; rain and
- " ; - -
;iCPacifiC;Coast League
': - Results
,4 , Pbrtland 6; Vernon 4
jPORTIAND, April 30. Port
land made it two out of three from
Verno today," winning 6 to 4, de
eirfte a- home run- by Pitcher Eck
eft of Vernon, with the bases full.
This j occurred in the second in
ii in$ whenwith two out and with.
twcrTigeri on, pitcher Yarrison of
Portland Walked Hannah to get
at Eckert, who thereupon plaster
ed the first pitched ball over the
right 1 field fence.
'Score-r l - R. II. E.
" , Vernon -,,..- ......... 4 81
j Portland-; ............ 6 12 0
ji, Etkert;ajtd Hannah; . Yarrison
tandiTpbli. . . ..J,
x'Hraia 14; Salt Lake O
i SAN FRANCISCO, April 30.
' Griffin pitched shutout ball for
'Saa'Traneisco today and ' Seals
Sluggers continued their bombard
ment of Salt Lake pitchers, win
ning the third straight engage
ment of the week by a score of
14 to 0. It was the 14th straight
win for the locals.
s Scofre R. H. E.
Salt Bake .......... .'. 063
San Francisco . . . .'. . .14 . 21 0
"S'lngloton, Stewart and Cook;
Griffin' and Ritchie.
Eckert'and Hannah; Yarrison
and Tobin. ; -
iAngPH 3; Senators 2 j
LOS ANGELES, April 30. A
pitchejrs' duel between Otis Cran
dall o( the jAngels and Frank Shel
lenback of; the Solons was broken
up wnen two Sacramento errors in
the ninth inning enabled Los An
geles jto break a tie; and score a
winning run. The score waa 3 to
2. Cradali pitched hltless ball up
to the sixth inning. j
Scorej . - R. H. E.
&acramento ....... . .27 !2
Los Angelas ......;... 3 7 !o
Shellentfack and Koehler; Cran
aaii ana andberg. j -
4- i
Three Baseball Games Sche
duled Between Clubs;
! Meeting Is! Held :
D1BE5T HOffi
Event Opened to Old and
Young; Many Prizes Of
fered for Winners .
Local Team to Make ITrip;
unemawa inaians nere
Saturday Afternoon
The Lions -and kiwanis clubs
are tp have three baseball games
msieaa or one, according to ar
rangements made by the commit
tees meeting in joint session ves-
terday atjThe Spar - j
Tvo bejst out of the three games
played w(ll determineithe winner
of the inter-club series. 1 t
The first game la scheduled bn
Mayil2, to be nlared on the Ox
ford j park diamond with strong
batteries j for ; both teams. Fred
Brewer, icaptain of the Kiwanis
team, is ito be In the box. while
Carl; Galbrielson is to don the
catcher's- mask. Dr. Alfred A.
Bates, will heave the pill for the
Lions, while Stanley Lainson will
captain the team. Ray Felker will
catch for! the Lions; j
Bates and Brewer are over six
feet In height, with the former a
shade the taller. ; V
Fred Anunsen. Carl Gabrlelson
and I Fred Brewer comprised the
committee for, the Kiwanis while
Ralph Kletzing, Stanley Lainson
and Dr. I Alfred Bates represent
the iLions. I -:
. A complete schedule is to be
arranged at future meeting; of
tne (two j committees.
, Seattle 7; Oakland 3
SEATTLE, April 30. In one
hour and 25 minutes today, Seat-
Oregon Aggies Win From
whitman; Score 4 to 3
:i " r . : , i- '
CORVALLIS, Or., April 3 0.
The Oregon Aggles'won their third
ball gaine of the' season from
Whitman college today by a sore
of 4 to -3. Whitman held a two-'
run lead until the last of the
eighth, when Loria Baker knocked
a threej-bagger, letting In anoth
er funnier and coming in for a run
on a grounder that the .catcher
missed.!; " ;: j
Even' so, the score was only tied
and when Dick Young, pitching
for;, the ' Aggies jheld Whitman
down in itspart of the ninth
Coach Borleske sent In Loaip
Beck to relieve young Joo Web
ster, thie Whitman freshman, jwho
pitched a remarkable eight; in
nings. ' The Aggies cracked out
some of Mr. Beck's offerings and
Wes ! Schulmerich came! in from
third on a sacrifice hit v with the
winning run. 1
! I i -
Undefeated Parrish Team
Plays St. Paul Here Today
The: undefeated Parrish junior
high fcaaeball team will play the
St. Paul team this jffternoon at
Oxford park. The game is called
at 4il$ o'clock tbday. L:
The Parrish sluggers have; won
twoj games and from., all indica
tions, j will take ! the victory! this
afternoon. The record of the St.
Paul players is j not . known; but
nevertheless, the local team is
planning to put the best into the
play, j j;; j- ..' i " .
Frank Brown- Is coaching, the
Salemjteam. vi:f- j; - .
St. Paul 074.051 St Louis 0 83.55
ZbZczzo C03.05 (New Yorlr 5149.45
Sale May 22 to S?pt.jl5; Return Unit Oct. 31
tovr choick or s, ;
Two of Ambries Finest Trains
Nerth Coast Limited via SP.fiS,'N.P,tD.4Q,
OrinUl LI ra ited Tia S,P.&S- C.N,CHAQ.
The good old faithful bicycle is
expected Saturday, to -occupy i
commanding place in 'Salem spot
light, when a real enthusiastic
bicycle parade will be staged, ac
cording to an announcement made
today. That It. surely will be ush
ered back Into its rightful . heri
tage with much gusto is evidenced
by the fine array of prizes gather
ed to serve as a magnet to draw
Into the event, every cyclist from
miles around. The prizes range
from a large attractive silver lov
ing cup down to the useful bicycle
bell, with a couple of gold watches
.-The parade and subsequent ral
ly of cyclists has been arranged by
the local bicycle dealers in cooper
ation with the Cycle Trades of Am
erica, of New York, and will start
at Waverley between , Court and
State streets. '
- It will be a combined sociable
bicycle ride and decorated wheel
parade and is open to all who have
bicycles and can ride them.
me iunaamental idea of: the
event win -beto Interest and se
cure the participation of all bicy
clists, young and old. It will be
Hum i iie Binan
est lad, who has mastered 'the art,
01 preserving nis equilibrium on
the two-wheeled machine, up to
me oldest man and woman twho
wishes to demonstrate that he or
she has not forgotten the accom
plishment of youth. .,'
John Rodda travels all over the
country preaching the gospel of
good cycling, educating young
folks Into the proper way to ride
a bicycle for health and pleasure,
and giving demonstrations in cor
rect cycling as well as talks on
road deportment. All these will
be given at the end of the parade
The parade, will have its end
ing at Willamette Athletic field-
through the courtesy of Willam
ette university. Here the prizes
will be given to the riders in dif
ferent classes such as riders with
decorated wheels, Boy Scouts In
uniform making a neat appear
ance, and ; the schools with the
greatest number of riders in line,
will also compete for awards.
As a concluding feature to the
bicycle , rally, riding on a plank
155 feet long, 5 inches wide and
one Inch high, a novel and "excit
ing event, will take place in which
all riders may compete with per
fect safety. Three prizes will be
given for the best performances on
the plank. The first will be a gold
watch valued at $25. ; !
There will positively be no rac
ing allowed along the route of the
parade and all riders will be ex
pected to observe the rule of the
road. There is no charge what
soever to get In the parade; all
that la needed Is to have a bicycle
and an Inclination to ride it. , It
looks like a big come-back for the
bicycle and Saturday will be Bicy
cle day in Salem.
Junior Twilight League
Dates Are Misunderstood
The Central Sluggers forfeited
the first game of the Junior. Twi
light league to the Field Mice yes
terday afternoon when they failed
to show up for the game. i
thought the forfeiters failed to
appear because of some misunder
standing of the date on which
they were to play.
Salem Hi Tennis Players
Maet OAC Rooks Saturday
Salem high tennis stars are to
mix with the Aggie rooks at Cor
vallis Saturday. Enthusiasm is
keen among ; the tennis players,
and tryouts were held last night
which allowed Frank Luts and
Iran White, to represent the local
school. . ., .- , .
. The SaIemT high Betters have
secured a schedule which will
keep- them , busy for, some time.
They tplan to meet with t several
tennis teams of the Willamette
valley high schools.
Salem is the center of the Wil
lamette Talley. Do everything
you can to boost it, and make it
a better place to live in. j ;
Salem and Newberg high school
baseball teams will meet at New
berg this afternoon in the fourth
game of the season for the red
and black. It is not known how
strong a lineup the Newberg ag
gregation will present butj Fabry
will probably start the game bn
the mound, unless Coach Hunting
ton saves him for the, Chemawa
Indian game here Saturday. j
Salem high school has won all
of its games this season, having
defeated' Silverton, Albany and
StavJarhBeats AumsvifleT
TNow Section Champions
By defeating Aumsville il to -2
the Stayton high school holds the
district championship of their sec
tion of the county. ,- j ' I
Batteries for the game were
Pfund and Speer, Stayton j Brad
ley and Arnoit, Aumsvlllej j
: Score: j -R. II.
Stayton . .....11 11
2 C
Airmen to Scatter Dust
On Orchards; War on; Pests
CORVALLIS, April 30f The
first airplane dusting experiments
ever attempted for the control of
apple pests will be undertaken
Friday morning . on the Oaco t or
chard near Monroe. f; !
Oakley G. Kelley and H. C. kil
ler, lieutenants in the air service
at Vancouver, will bring t w o
planes here today and proceed to
the orchard early Friday morning.
preliminary testa made with a
new dusting attachment designed
Willamette Valley
Transfer CoL ;
Fast Through Freight to All
Valley Polnta Dally
, 8peed-Efficiicy-SeTvice
Corvllls . En3ne - Jefferson
Dallas Albany Monmouth
j Independence Monroe
Foam ?
In light and dark coated
i Saturday Only
i 36c lb.
2 lbs. for 70c
. I ! ''
Limit 2 lbs. to customer
rThe Yellow Front
- 135 North Commercial
' ''i Phone 197
.The Peniitar Store
by W. J. Chamberlain, assistant
professor of entomology at j the
experiment station, proved suc
cessful at Vancouver Saturday,
when dnst was scattered at the
rate of 100 pounds a minute, indi
cating that the 40 acre of j test
orchards will be covered in j less
than 10 minntes after the plane
la in the air.';"-'- -'.: --j--; -;
Irvine Funeral Services
Set For This Afternoon
- .. ;, ),;;
Funeral services of John
Walmsley Irvine, 62, who died in
Portland, will be held this after
noon at 2:30 at the Webb Funeral
parlors under the auspices of the
Oddfellows. Mr. Irvine's death
occurred after an Illness of several
weeks. He has been a resident of
Oregon since 1886.
; Mr. Irvine was born at Newry,
County Down, Ireland, on July 12,
1862, and graduated from Trinity
college, Dublin, in 18S1 with the
degree of bachelor of arts. . From
Ireland he came to the United
States and settled In Oregon in
October, 1886. At one time' he
wa a merchant and postmaster at
Mehama, Ore. He was a member
of the IOOF and the United Artis
ans. He Is survived by a widow,
Llla Perrlell Irvine. Mrs. F. AJ
Legge, Salem, is a cousin of the
widow. !
Mfly 22tld opening sale date
In effect until and including September IStJu
Return limit October 31st.
Now plan your summer vacation journey east. En
route you'll surely visit the wonder-playgrounda of
What joys await you therel
Happy hours on luntwept
beaches; carefree jaunts
through fascinating cities;
curious inspections of Holly
wood movie colonies.
Pcrhap a sail to Catalina
Island; an hour's browsing
missions; these and a thous
and other pleasures. -
So go via California; icturn
tame way or any other route
you wish. Full stopover privil
eges. First-class accommodations
personal scrvitc CTCcllcnf
amid the romantic lure of ol
Af It any igent for full information
O. L. Darling, Agent, Salem, or A. A. Mlckel, D. P. & P. A.
184 Liberty Street
Courtesy Police Department
A Bicycle Demonstration pro
moted to show the youth of
today how to ride a bicycle
safely and well. !; i
Every boy and girl man and
woman with a wheel is invit
Elegant prizes for riders with
.decorated bicycles- Boy
Scouts in uniform. i;
Oh, Boy! Let's Go!
Evenrthing Free
"Cycle Trades of America'
Silver Trophy cup to the
school with greatest number
of riders in the parade. (Per
centage Basis), j j
This will be the biggest bicy
cle event ever held in this sec
tion of the country.
Public Invited to Wil
lamette Athletic Field
Seats Free f
See the finish of the Bicycle
Parade. .-
Witness prize awards.
Plank riding contest.
Scooter race. !
May 2
Here Is i a
New Stiint
Riding on a plank, j 150 feet
long, 5 inches wide; 1 inch
thick. ?
! ""; - i
The plank lies on tne ground
and it can be ridden all the
Assembly 9:15 to 10:00 on Waverly
Street, between State and Court
streets. Parade West on Court to Com
mercial, South to State, East on State
tO' V
(Courtesy Willamette University) "
MK. W. A. MARSHALL, Head of State
Industrial Arckleat Commission, will give
a. talk on "Accident Prevention."
Can you ride it?
Come and
First prize for the rider cov
ering the greatest distance, a
Gold Watch. Is
Scooter Race for Kids
Under 10 Years
If you have a Scooter get it
out, come to the Cycling Car
nival Saturday morning.
50-yard Scooter Race - Three
Prizes. j
Great sport for. kids.
9:30-10:00 All riders assemble.
10:00 Bike parade.
10:3 0 Safety demonstration
and prize awards.
11:00 Scooter race.
11:30 Plank ride.
Ask These Dealers for Particulars
335 Court St.
"The Cycleman"
147 So. Commercial St.
I. ... , -
DOJfOyjpiTilY - - - Tto's l!:ra to C:3 ts .Via 'hzsi't
rreMTiot4AL Cartoon Coatir. 97 Crtra fcf fcll e:;I Cl FIf ;
i . Smoke j i-vn j sm.spoot ( JiSSe ' WHV.THErt L
, ceoeftL NftMEO r ofs RuM acm, . I .iii; - haws ppop&'i-- ' - tTr-r,,- vjr i
BILLY'S', UNCLE'' ;-V;'-0.. KLj"V-'! ; Y-l:''- ..- ' -1!-v -'.-r.-r.. . ,-:; H
t. W. F.ITCHII Arnt
rtioa. 727 or 127
IrT. Jr'au. AXV .