The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, April 26, 1925, Page 8, Image 8

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General Conditions Through
cut Northwest Are Brief
ly Reviewed by Broker
Robert C, Paulus,. fruit man
has sent out an exhaustive tetter
to brokers covering the fruit sit
uation, which he cornea Into con
tact with. He gives an estimate
of the zrc prune crop, which i3
given as 40,000,000 to 45,000,000
a report below the average, it is
claimed. : t
One crop will be good, he de
clares and that is the strawberry
production which will run about
75 to 80 per cent.
The following is a resume of
hfe letter:
Gooseberries Gooseberries look
like a normal crop. Growers, how
everr predicting-damp spring ,in
which cases ravages , of mildew
may cut down the crop later.
Strawberries- Strawberries had
Ideal . weather . conditions for
blooming ' and in western Oregon
have set a good crop. We. feel
saf to predict about 75 to SO per,
cent of normal crop.
Red Raspberries It was first
thought that red raspberries were
not very badly hurt, but as the
leaves are beginning to come out
it is apparent that the damage
from the freeze last winter was
veryr severe. We doubt of the
general conditions in the entire
northwest warrant more than a 30
per cent estimate.
Black Raspberries Black rasp
berries started growing nicely but
.growers are now reporting' that a
lot of the vines have Quit growing.
Loganberries In some districts
in western Oregon the crop of lo
ganberries will be better than last
year, .Washington, however, re
ports that' freeze damage will re
duce their crop , considerably.
Large acreages of loganberries
were taken out last year owing
to the fdet that' they hare not
been- paying proposition to the
growers due' to failures of crops,
etc., during ' the bast three or
four"; yearBi,; -- r
Blackberries- A- great many
districts in Oregon are not antici
pating harvesting blackberries at
all this season Most" canners in
western -Oregon are extremely
cautious abotit taking on arty
blackberry business whatever.
Cherries- Royal -Anne cherries
are in bloom right at present, and
have been in bloom about a week
or ten days. There has been noth
ing but continual rains mixed with
hail. -'since' they started to bloom.
V Growers are very pessimistic as to
the possibilities of a crop,, as the
pollen has been washed out of the
blossoms as fast as it loosened up.
Prunes -Som sections of Ore
gon have every favorable bloom
ing weather. This applies particu
larly to the Threr bottom, land,
which bloomed' quite early. The
high hills and part of the Umpqua
alley blossomed in the rain and
reports , are coming In that the
blooms are falling off the trees.
Very- pessimistic reports are com
ing in which we are discounting
at present as" they are usually in
clined to be '- m ore pessimistic at
first' than -conditions- warrant. '
Some people) are Unwilling to
Tisk an estimate at present of a
crop of around 40,000,000 to 45,
000.000 pounds of dried prunes
this coming season; but we are-unwilling'
to make any kind of a
guess at present owing to the fact
that a great portion of the crop
is not far enough along: to tell
what tfco effects of the cold rain
have been. '.'
Pears The- crop of pears In the
Rojuo driver district is estimated
- to be about twice as large as last
year, . &rt the crop in Yakima is
Vi'Al 11
is the best for Baby.
. Guaranteed to contain
fio casein, butter fat Or
caae sugar
Used is a baby food it
will not cause ferment-
ation under any condi
;. .-'"' tion. -: '-
Sol J n!y at
li3 Eowih Cc.Ji.ereIaI
Zzlczi, Oreson ,
i At
also estimated to be about the j
Apples -Apples- have - not yet
bloomed in; most districts but are
Just about ;to bloom so it is a lit- J
tie eaj-Iy" td make any prediction'
except that It generally follows -that
after -a large crop, like last
year the apples do not set a. heavy!
crop the next year.
Straiwberpiesi Barreling opera
tions in strawberries are undoubt
edly going jto be quite heavy this
season! and; most of: the strawber
ries of both western Oregon and
western Washington have already
been bought up by either the can
ners or barreled product manufac
turers!' ; j ' - i ' - .
Loganberries Owing to" the
shortage of the crop in so many
districts many growers are holding
loganberries at 6 cents against the
5 cent, pried last yean Canners in
western Oregon have not yet
bought mfeny loganberries . tout
what few have been j bought have
been bought around S cents per
pound delivered at canneries,
i Cherries-f There has been no
move i on the part of canners to
buy cherries as yet and growers I
on the other hand (do not seem
anxiotjs to sell. There is hardly
ever a surplus of cherries in the
northwest fine to the fact that so
many cherries are t barreled for
marashinoj and Glace purposes,
the northwestern cherry making
a superior -product in this line.
; Pears Packers generally are
trying to j buy pears from the
growers atjabout f 50 per ton with
the growers holding out for more
money in the anticipation of a
good fresh shipping market.
Americans Spend Freelv
At Bqenos Aires Carnival
erlcan tovrlsts- are discovering
South America.- More, of them
have JvisiUd Buenos Aires this
season than ever .before, three
large jpartles having arrived dur
ins , carnival wees, while every
Doat fromj the United States the
last three months j has brought
smalir groups. One party num
bered nearly 400, mostly from the
middle west, and j came on the
first American tourist ship that
has erer visited this Dort.
The North American vlsi
tered j Into! the spirit of the car
nival celebration in a manner de
scribed by! the newspapers as add
ing al nef and picturesque note
to the festivities, and contributing
mucn?io tneir gaiety. Many hired
automobiles and joined the car
nival I parades, well ' armed with
multicolored serpentines to throw
at the crdwds, while others at
tended ithe numerous masked
balls and learned how . the Ar
gentine tango Is really danced.
It is estimated .that the three
parties left more than $250,000
freely: spent American dollars be
hind them;
- T , i
Rousing Reception Planned
f-or Gathering of Women
ArfangJmcnts for the sixth
quinojuennlal meeting of the In
ternatlon j Council of . Women, to
be held 14 Washington May 4 to
. 1
Come, in tomorrow and get
th e m outfitted in the new,
smart 4ind practical Buster
Brown Shoes, t
Evcrythincr Suitable for the Growing Ups
In Footwear Second Floor :
j Have
- -ii
'0.- . 'V V ivv
U 1L
ii arrisii ii;
, By DORIS OOnsfcY
The 9 A English classes are tak
ing up the study of Shakespeare's
"Merchant of Venice." .
A baseball game was played
against Independence! Friday at
Independence. Parrish won by a
score of 14 to C. J, .
Two debates were held this
week in Miss Paulsen's Occupation
classes. The questions were: "Re
solved: That the city, boy has
more opportunities for all around
success than the country boy" and
"Resolved: That unionism has
been mors beneficial than detri
mental to the country The neg
ative side won the first debate
and the affirmative the second.
A special assembly of the asso
ciated student body was called in
honor of the 160th aniversary of
the battles of Lexington and Con
cord. Rev. W. W. Lone snoke to
as on this subject. His talk was
enjoyed by all. Another assembly
was called Wednesday. - Some of
the new officers were installed
and several announcements were
made. Mr. Durham gave out
penmanship certificates to the pu
pils who had .earned them.
A program will be given-May
1, at 7:30 o'clock in the gym. It
will be given by the music depart
ment and girls' physical education
department. The admission is 10
cents and the program is as fol
lows: 1 4, havebeen practically complet
ed. - The delegates will begin ar
riving in Washington Sunday,
May 2. i.y , ,
One hundred and fifty of the
foreign women will come to the
United States by way of Niagara
Falls and the balance of the dele
gates will com;, by way of New
York City. They will be royally
entertained throughout Canada
and at Niagara Falls, where they
will be ; the guests of the Queen
A . . . .
lcioria pars commission at a
luncheon on the morning of Fri
day. May 1. , The chamber of com
merce of Niagara Falls. N. Y., in
cooperation with the 86 national
council groups of that city, is ar
ranging for a formal welcome of
the delegates as they first place
foot upon American territory.
This ceremony will take place in
the - middle of the international
bridge, 200 feet above the madly
rushing waters of Niagara' gorge.
An arch of welcome will be erect
ed by the Niagara Falls chamber
and traffic- "- bridge will be
held up for half an hour during
the ceremonies.
Federal Authorities Call ;
For Two Tobin Brothers
E. T. Tobin and Al Tobin, his
brother, were released by the sher
iff's office here yesterday and
were taken to Portland by federal
authorities where they will face
charges of forgery and conspiracy.
E. T. Tobin was arrested here
Here for Active
Bright Spring days will bring
your youngsters out of doors
and you'll want them to be
properly shod. I !
you seen the new Sport
for Ladies?
- L.
March 'A Day at the Beach"
(Johnson.) !
Gavotte-f "Violets" (Kern). !
Idyl "4 P r 1 n g 1 1 m e" i ( Haw
thorne), j i !
Overture "Jolly Bandits"
(Zamecnik). j i
: 1 School Orchestra, I ! ,
"The Music of the Forge'1 (Wil
son). -' . .J i ..... . -..
" 'Tis Morhing" ( Fearls ) . j
"Fadeth the Smiling Day" (Light-
hill), . ;..
: Glee Club ;!
Solo Dance "Firefly Danc!e.
. .... Elizabeth Waters
Saxophone Sole "Golden Sunset"
(Funders) . . . Glen Wilbur
Croup of Dances !
(a) Rufty Tufty English
, (b) Clover Leaf Schottische
(c)" Hey Boys, Up Go Wer Eng.
(d) Early English Minuet
(e) Chelsea ReachEnglish
f) May Pole Dance
Girls from the Physical EdtJ
. A , cation Department : ,-j
"Calm as the Night" . . . . ! Bohyn
"While Gplden Hours are Flying
... . u . ...... Bovel-CIaro
Girls' Chorus j :
"Lbve and Flowers' . . . . Aldrich
, j Violin Essemble j
Duet Dance .... .... Irish Due
Elizabeth (Waters- Cynthia 'Delano
"The Old! Canoe ....... McCosh
"A Merry Old Salt .... Raymond
; J Glee Club 1
after he is said to have accepted
9100 from a patient at the state
hospital for aiding in his escape
He is also said to have stolen a
government pension check : from
the mail at the asylum and to have
sent it to his brother In Portland,
Al Tobin will be held for forg
ery, while his brother will face
charges of conspiracy to defraud.
whn then? forged and cashed It.
Buena Crest and Perkins!
Mr Defeat Kaiser Players
.: - - -V ' - ! --. -
1 ' Annexation of another baseball
victory is;' reported by the: Buena
Crest team, which combined with
the Pekihs school players, Idefeat
cd the Keiser school aggregation
6 to 1. J, . j
The Buena Crest team has al
ready defeated Hayesville 18 to 0
and Clear Lake 36 to 0. ! I
. I
4 - V t.
GilETZIfffl II
Man With Years of Painting
Experience Secured by
By Local Firm
Business in Salem is excellent
- If there, are any doubters of
this statement they have but to
converse with 6. J. Hull for a few
moments to have It proved to
them that in his line, at least,
business is flourishing, -"
A few weeks ago Mr. Hull
moved from his location on State
street to a new building in the
rear of the fire department. So
rapidly has- his business increased
that he has just completed the
construction of another building
to house his paint shop. In the
future all cars will be painted at
the new location which has facil
ities for painting ten cars at the
same time. All top and uphols
tery work will be handled at the
Now is the Time to Get Rid of
Those I'gly Spots ; I
. "
There' i bo longer tb liglit-t need nf
feelinj shamed ol your freckle. 's Oth
ine double strength Is guaranteed 'to
remove these homely spots.
Simply pet an ounre of Othine dou
ble strength from any drug or depart
ment store and apply little of it Bight
and morning and you should soon see
that even the Worst freckles have begun
to disappear, while the Lighter ones hare
vanished entirely. It i seldom that
more than an ounce is needed to com
pletely clear the skin and gain a beau
tiful complexion. ; , j .-
Be sure to ask for the double strength
Othine as this is sold under guarantee
ef money bark if it fails to rdmoT year
freckles; -, .
We recommend Othine Complexion
Soap for use with Othine, also as- a
shampoo it's wonderful for bobbed hair
25c at cake at all drug or department
stores or by mail. Othine Laboratories,
Inc.. Buffalo. N. Y. Adv.
. i
- -
; Get Your Copies of these Publications oftho
cArncrican Child Health Association
Herbert Hoover 7resid&!tt:
present location' in the rear of
the fire station.
Mr. Harold Gretzlnger will be
In charge oi all auto painting- in
the future. Mr. Gretzinger has
had a number of years experience
in the painting of autos and - is
especially acquainted with ,' the
Consider Ike True
; Lets than 4 per cent of your life incomes goes into your home to beautify it, to
make it more convenient, comfortable, lualthful arid "pleasant for you and your fam
ily. - J . ' I-
j Adre than 38 per cent pf the amount you earn is spent for automobiles; cos
metics, amusements, cheidng gum, soft drinks, candies and other things of quickly
diminishing r values. Yet, which do you hold dearer? . v J
i v The happiness of Home is enduring. Its whole purpose is to safeguard friend
ship, loyalty and unselfish affection. It shoidd be and can be the most fascinating
spot in all the ivorld to family and friends. Think of Home as an investment, if you
will. The returns from stich investment are the finest epiotions of life all its
romance, its affection and its most enduring happiness. In the light of, it$ true
worth, isn't the small expenditure you make far, far too little to create the Home
you and your family deserve? t '
Happily, folks are beginning to realize the true value of the place in which they
live and are accordingly bettering it. j i ! . '
i Haw about your Home? Is it prettier, more charming and a greater inspira
tion tlian it was five years ago? Begin now to make it the place of heart's desire
; refuinish just one room this Spring. Tlie investment will pay far greater and
more lasting returns than any other expenditure you Will make. I
Let Us
:!-:: Ycu "
j - -
AXf ft'',.
T Wm m aTiaaiisVaasBm
" I
Be Observed April 27 to May 2
Dupoht Duco finish in which the
firm Is specialising.
Mr. Grezinger Is very enthus
iastic about the Duco process and
tbe reception whieh-has been ac
corded it by the auto owners of
Salem. . ;: ; '.' -'
Vflif Jim
MothercrsLft Series will be fjiveri iWay
during Child Health ; Week.- Please
for your copy at Infants. Section.
Cooperating With
A. A. Gueffroy visited in Port
land with hii brother, C. Guef
froy, a former resident of Salem,
who is associated with Quy
Talbot, Portland' business man.
Mrs. Flora Hliff and Mrs. A. U.
Iliff were visitors here from Cb
mawa yesterday.
Let Us
Show Yon
Real Values
in Rujs
n f i
i ;
i ;
r -
f 4